1 /********************************************************
2  Bitstream Library, a module for reading bits of data
4  Copyright (C) 2007-2014  Brian Langenberger
6  The Bitstream Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of either:
9    * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
10      Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
11      option) any later version.
13  or
15    * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
16      Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
17      later version.
19  or both in parallel, as here.
21  The Bitstream Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
22  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
23  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
24  for more details.
26  You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
27  GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library.  If not,
28  see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
29  *******************************************************/
31 #ifndef __BITSTREAMLIB_H__
32 #define __BITSTREAMLIB_H__
34 #ifdef HAS_PYTHON
35 #include <Python.h>
36 #endif
37 #include <stdio.h>
38 #include <stdint.h>
39 #include <stdlib.h>
40 #include <assert.h>
41 #include <setjmp.h>
42 #include <stdarg.h>
43 #include <limits.h>
44 #include "func_io.h"
45 #include "mini-gmp.h"
47 #ifndef MIN
48 #define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
49 #endif
50 #ifndef MAX
51 #define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
52 #endif
54 /*a jump table state value which must be at least 9 bits wide*/
55 typedef uint16_t state_t;
57 typedef enum {BS_BIG_ENDIAN, BS_LITTLE_ENDIAN} bs_endianness;
58 typedef enum {BR_FILE, BR_BUFFER, BR_QUEUE, BR_EXTERNAL} br_type;
59 typedef enum {BW_FILE, BW_EXTERNAL, BW_RECORDER} bw_type;
60 typedef enum {BS_INST_UNSIGNED,
61               BS_INST_SIGNED,
62               BS_INST_UNSIGNED64,
63               BS_INST_SIGNED64,
64               BS_INST_UNSIGNED_BIGINT,
65               BS_INST_SIGNED_BIGINT,
66               BS_INST_SKIP,
67               BS_INST_SKIP_BYTES,
68               BS_INST_BYTES,
69               BS_INST_ALIGN,
70               BS_INST_EOF} bs_instruction_t;
71 typedef enum {BS_SEEK_SET=0,
72               BS_SEEK_CUR=1,
73               BS_SEEK_END=2} bs_whence;
75 typedef void (*bs_callback_f)(uint8_t, void*);
77 /*a stackable callback function,
78   used by BitstreamReader and BitstreamWriter*/
79 struct bs_callback {
80     void (*callback)(uint8_t, void*);
81     void *data;
82     struct bs_callback *next;
83 };
85 /*a stackable exception entry,
86   used by BitstreamReader and BitstreamWriter*/
87 struct bs_exception {
88     jmp_buf env;
89     struct bs_exception *next;
90 };
92 struct BitstreamReader_s;
93 struct BitstreamQueue_s;
94 struct br_buffer;
95 struct br_queue;
97 /*a position on the BitstreamReader's stream which can be rewound to*/
98 typedef struct br_pos_s {
99     /*our source reader
100       attempting to setpos on some other reader will raise an error*/
101     struct BitstreamReader_s *reader;
103     /*the position in the stream*/
104     union {
105         fpos_t file;
106         unsigned buffer;
107         struct {
108             unsigned pos;
109             unsigned *pos_count;
110         } queue;
111         struct {
112             void* pos;
113             unsigned buffer_size;
114             uint8_t* buffer;
115             ext_free_pos_f free_pos;
116         } external;
117     } position;
119     /*partial reader state*/
120     state_t state;
122     /*a function to delete position when finished with it*/
123     void (*del)(struct br_pos_s *pos);
124 } br_pos_t;
126 /*a Huffman jump table entry
128   if continue_ == 0, state indicates the BitstreamReader's new state
129   and value indicates the value to be returned from the Huffman tree
131   if continue_ == 1, node indicates the array index of the next
132   br_huffman_table_t row of values to check against the current state*/
133 typedef struct {
134     int continue_;
135     unsigned node;
136     state_t state;
137     int value;
138 } br_huffman_entry_t;
140 /*a list of all the Huffman jump table entries for a given node
141   where the current state is the index of which to use*/
142 typedef br_huffman_entry_t br_huffman_table_t[0x200];
144 /*typedefs for BitstreamReader methods
146   One can pull them out of reader and use them like:
148   br_read_f read = bitstreamreader->read;
149   unsigned int value = read(bitstreamreader, bits);
150 */
152 /*returns "count" number of unsigned bits from the current stream
153   in the current endian format up to "count" bits wide*/
154 typedef unsigned int
155 (*br_read_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, unsigned int count);
157 /*returns "count" number of signed bits from the current stream
158   in the current endian format up to "count" bits wide*/
159 typedef int
160 (*br_read_signed_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, unsigned int count);
162 /*returns "count" number of unsigned bits from the current stream
163   in the current endian format up to 64 bits wide*/
164 typedef uint64_t
165 (*br_read_64_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, unsigned int count);
167 /*returns "count" number of signed bits from the current stream
168   in the current endian format up to 64 bits wide*/
169 typedef int64_t
170 (*br_read_signed_64_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, unsigned int count);
172 /*reads "count" number of unsigned bits from the current stream
173   to the given "value" in the current endian format
174   "value" must have been initialized previously*/
175 typedef void
176 (*br_read_bigint_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,
177                     unsigned int count,
178                     mpz_t value);
180 /*reads "count" number of signed bits from the current stream
181   to the given "value" in the current endian format
182   "value" must have been initialized previous*/
183 typedef void
184 (*br_read_signed_bigint_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,
185                            unsigned int count,
186                            mpz_t value);
188 /*skips "count" number of bits from the current stream as if read
189   callbacks are called on each skipped byte*/
190 typedef void
191 (*br_skip_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, unsigned int count);
193 /*pushes a single 0 or 1 bit back onto the stream
194   in the current endian format
196   unread bits are stored in the local bit buffer but
197   *not* pushed back into the stream itself
198   so a different unread bit will be lost
199   upon calls to seek or setpos, though getpos will preserve it
201   only a single bit is guaranteed to be unreadable
202   attempting to unread more than will fit in the buffer
203   will trigger a br_abort()*/
204 typedef void
205 (*br_unread_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, int unread_bit);
207 /*returns the number of non-stop bits before the 0 or 1 stop bit
208   from the current stream in the current endian format*/
209 typedef unsigned int
210 (*br_read_unary_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, int stop_bit);
212 /*skips the number of non-stop bits before the next 0 or 1 stop bit
213   from the current stream in the current endian format*/
214 typedef void
215 (*br_skip_unary_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, int stop_bit);
217 /*reads the next Huffman code from the stream
218   where the code tree is defined from the given compiled table*/
219 typedef int
220 (*br_read_huffman_code_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,
221                           br_huffman_table_t table[]);
223 /*reads "byte_count" number of 8-bit bytes and places them in "bytes"
225   the stream is not required to be byte-aligned,
226   but reading will often be optimized if it is
228   if insufficient bytes can be read, br_abort is called
229   and the contents of "bytes" are undefined*/
230 typedef void
231 (*br_read_bytes_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,
232                    uint8_t* bytes,
233                    unsigned int byte_count);
235 /*skips "count" number of bytes from the current stream as if read
236   callbacks are called on each skipped byte*/
237 typedef void
238 (*br_skip_bytes_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,
239                    unsigned int byte_count);
241 /*returns a new pos instance which can be rewound to
242   may call br_abort() if the position cannot be gotten
243   or the stream is closed*/
244 typedef br_pos_t*
245 (*br_getpos_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self);
247 /*sets the stream's position from a pos instance
248   may call br_abort() if the position cannot be set
249   the stream is closed, or the position is from another stream*/
250 typedef void
251 (*br_setpos_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, br_pos_t* pos);
253 /*moves the stream directly to the given location, in bytes,
254   relative to the beginning, current or end of the stream
256   no callbacks are called on the intervening bytes*/
257 typedef void
258 (*br_seek_f)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,
259              long position,
260              bs_whence whence);
262 /*******************************************************************
263  *                          BitstreamReader                        *
264  *******************************************************************/
266 #define BITSTREAMREADER_TYPE                                             \
267     bs_endianness endianness;                                            \
268     br_type type;                                                        \
269                                                                          \
270     union {                                                              \
271         FILE* file;                                                      \
272         struct br_buffer* buffer;                                        \
273         struct br_queue* queue;                                          \
274         struct br_external_input* external;                              \
275     } input;                                                             \
276                                                                          \
277     state_t state;                                                       \
278     struct bs_callback* callbacks;                                       \
279     struct bs_exception* exceptions;                                     \
280     struct bs_exception* exceptions_used;                                \
281                                                                          \
282     br_read_f read;                                                      \
283     br_read_signed_f read_signed;                                        \
284     br_read_64_f read_64;                                                \
285     br_read_signed_64_f read_signed_64;                                  \
286     br_read_bigint_f read_bigint;                                        \
287     br_read_signed_bigint_f read_signed_bigint;                          \
288     br_skip_f skip;                                                      \
289     br_unread_f unread;                                                  \
290     br_read_unary_f read_unary;                                          \
291     br_skip_unary_f skip_unary;                                          \
292                                                                          \
293     /*sets the stream's format to big endian or little endian*/          \
294     /*which automatically byte aligns it*/                               \
295     void                                                                 \
296     (*set_endianness)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,                    \
297                       bs_endianness endianness);                         \
298                                                                          \
299     br_read_huffman_code_f read_huffman_code;                            \
300     br_read_bytes_f read_bytes;                                          \
301     br_skip_bytes_f skip_bytes;                                          \
302                                                                          \
303     /*takes a format string,*/                                           \
304     /*performs the indicated read operations with prefixed numeric lengths*/ \
305     /*and places the results in the given argument pointers*/            \
306     /*where the format actions are:*/                                    \
307                                                                          \
308     /* | format | action             | argument      | */                \
309     /* |--------+--------------------+---------------| */                \
310     /* | u      | read               | unsigned int* | */                \
311     /* | s      | read_signed        | int*          | */                \
312     /* | U      | read_64            | uint64_t*     | */                \
313     /* | S      | read_signed_64     | int64_t*      | */                \
314     /* | K      | read_bigint        | mpz_t*        | */                \
315     /* | L      | read_signed_bigint | mpz_t*        | */                \
316     /* | p      | skip               | N/A           | */                \
317     /* | P      | skip_bytes         | N/A           | */                \
318     /* | b      | read_bytes         | uint8_t*      | */                \
319     /* | a      | byte_align         | N/A           | */                \
320                                                                          \
321     /*For example, one could read a 32 bit header as follows:*/          \
322                                                                          \
323     /*unsigned int arg1; //  2 unsigned bits */                          \
324     /*unsigned int arg2; //  3 unsigned bits */                          \
325     /*int arg3;          //  5 signed bits   */                          \
326     /*unsigned int arg4; //  3 unsigned bits */                          \
327     /*uint64_t arg5;     // 19 unsigned bits */                          \
328                                                                          \
329     /*reader->parse(reader, "2u3u5s3u19U",              */               \
330     /*              &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5); */               \
331                                                                          \
332     /*the "*" format multiplies the next format by the given amount*/    \
333     /*For example, to read 4, signed 8 bit values:*/                     \
334                                                                          \
335     /*reader->parse(reader, "4* 8s", &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4);*/      \
336                                                                          \
337     /*an I/O error during reading will trigger a call to br_abort*/      \
338                                                                          \
339     void                                                                 \
340     (*parse)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, const char* format, ...);   \
341                                                                          \
342     /*returns 1 if the stream is byte-aligned, 0 if not*/                \
343     int                                                                  \
344     (*byte_aligned)(const struct BitstreamReader_s* self);               \
345                                                                          \
346     /*aligns the stream to a byte boundary*/                             \
347     void                                                                 \
348     (*byte_align)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self);                       \
349                                                                          \
350     /*pushes a callback function into the stream*/                       \
351     /*which is called on every byte read*/                               \
352     void                                                                 \
353     (*add_callback)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,                      \
354                     bs_callback_f callback,                              \
355                     void* data);                                         \
356                                                                          \
357     /*pushes the given callback onto the callback stack*/                \
358     /*data from "callback" is copied onto a new internal struct*/        \
359     /*it does not need to be allocated from the heap*/                   \
360     void                                                                 \
361     (*push_callback)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,                     \
362                      struct bs_callback* callback);                      \
363                                                                          \
364     /*pops the most recently added callback from the stack*/             \
365     /*if "callback" is not NULL, data from the popped callback*/         \
366     /*is copied to that struct*/                                         \
367     void                                                                 \
368     (*pop_callback)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,                      \
369                     struct bs_callback* callback);                       \
370                                                                          \
371     /*explicitly call all set callbacks as if "byte" had been read*/     \
372     /*from the input stream*/                                            \
373     void                                                                 \
374     (*call_callbacks)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,                    \
375                       uint8_t byte);                                     \
376                                                                          \
377     br_getpos_f getpos;                                                  \
378     br_setpos_f setpos;                                                  \
379     br_seek_f seek;                                                      \
380                                                                          \
381     /*creates a substream from the current stream*/                      \
382     /*containing the given number of bytes*/                             \
383     /*and with the input stream's endianness*/                           \
384                                                                          \
385     /*the substream must be freed when finished*/                        \
386                                                                          \
387     /*br_abort() is called if insufficient bytes*/                       \
388     /*are available on the input stream*/                                \
389     struct BitstreamReader_s*                                            \
390     (*substream)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self, unsigned bytes);        \
391                                                                          \
392     /*reads the next given number of bytes from the current stream*/     \
393     /*to the end of the given queue*/                                    \
394                                                                          \
395     /*br_abort() is called if insufficient bytes*/                       \
396     /*are available on the input stream*/                                \
397     void                                                                 \
398     (*enqueue)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self,                           \
399                unsigned bytes,                                           \
400                struct BitstreamQueue_s* queue);
402 typedef struct BitstreamReader_s {
405     /*returns the remaining size of the stream in bytes
406       this is only applicable for substreams and queues
407       otherwise it always returns 0*/
408     unsigned
409     (*size)(const struct BitstreamReader_s* self);
411     /*closes the BistreamReader's internal stream
413      * for FILE objects, performs fclose
414      * for substreams, does nothing
415      * for external input, calls its .close() method
417      once the substream is closed,
418      the reader's methods are updated to generate errors if called again*/
419     void
420     (*close_internal_stream)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self);
422     /*frees the BitstreamReader's allocated data
424       for FILE objects, does nothing
425       for substreams, deallocates buffer
426       for external input, calls its .free() method
428       deallocates any callbacks
429       deallocates any exceptions/used exceptions
431       deallocates the bitstream struct*/
432     void
433     (*free)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self);
435     /*calls close_internal_stream(), followed by free()*/
436     void
437     (*close)(struct BitstreamReader_s* self);
438 } BitstreamReader;
441 /*BitstreamQueue is a subclass of BitstreamReader
442   and can be used any place its parent is used
443   but contains additional methods for pushing more data
444   onto the end of the queue to be processed
445   or getting a count of the bits remaining in the queue*/
446 typedef struct BitstreamQueue_s {
449     /*returns the remaining size of the stream in bytes
450       this is only applicable for substreams and queues
451       otherwise it always returns 0*/
452     unsigned
453     (*size)(const struct BitstreamQueue_s* self);
455     /*closes the BistreamQueue's internal stream
457      once the substream is closed,
458      the reader's methods are updated to generate errors if called again*/
459     void
460     (*close_internal_stream)(struct BitstreamQueue_s* self);
462     /*frees the BitstreamReader's allocated data
464       for queues, deallocates buffer
466       deallocates any callbacks
467       deallocates any exceptions/used exceptions
469       deallocates the bitstream struct*/
470     void
471     (*free)(struct BitstreamQueue_s* self);
473     /*calls close_internal_stream(), followed by free()*/
474     void
475     (*close)(struct BitstreamQueue_s* self);
477     /*extends the queue with the given amount of data*/
478     void
479     (*push)(struct BitstreamQueue_s* self,
480             unsigned byte_count,
481             const uint8_t* data);
483     /*removes all data in the queue*/
484     void
485     (*reset)(struct BitstreamQueue_s* self);
486 } BitstreamQueue;
489 /*************************************************************
490    Bitstream Reader Function Matrix
491    The read functions come in three input variants
492    and two endianness variants named in the format:
494    br_function_x_yy
496    where "x" is "f" for raw file, "s" for substream
497    or "e" for external functions
498    and "yy" is "be" for big endian or "le" for little endian.
499    For example:
501    | Function          | Input     | Endianness    |
502    |-------------------+-----------+---------------|
503    | br_read_bits_f_be | raw file  | big endian    |
504    | br_read_bits_f_le | raw file  | little endian |
505    | br_read_bits_b_be | substream | big endian    |
506    | br_read_bits_b_le | substream | little endian |
507    | br_read_bits_e_be | function  | big endian    |
508    | br_read_bits_e_le | function  | little endian |
510  *************************************************************/
513 /*BistreamReader open functions*/
514 BitstreamReader*
515 br_open(FILE *f, bs_endianness endianness);
517 /*creates a BitstreamReader from the given raw data
518   with the given endianness*/
519 BitstreamReader*
520 br_open_buffer(const uint8_t *buffer,
521                unsigned buffer_size,
522                bs_endianness endianness);
524 /*creates a BitstreamQueue which data can be appended to*/
525 BitstreamQueue*
526 br_open_queue(bs_endianness endianness);
528 /*int read(void* user_data, struct bs_buffer* buffer)
529   where "buffer" is where read output will be placed
530   using buf_putc, buf_append, etc.
532   note that "buffer" may already be holding data
533   (especially if a mark is in place)
534   so new data read to the buffer should be appended
535   rather than replacing what's already there
537   returns 0 on a successful read, 1 on a read error
538   "size" will be set to 0 once EOF is reached
541   void close(void* user_data)
542   called when the stream is closed
545   void free(void* user_data)
546   called when the stream is deallocated
547 */
548 BitstreamReader*
549 br_open_external(void* user_data,
550                  bs_endianness endianness,
551                  unsigned buffer_size,
552                  ext_read_f read,
553                  ext_setpos_f setpos,
554                  ext_getpos_f getpos,
555                  ext_free_pos_f free_pos,
556                  ext_seek_f seek,
557                  ext_close_f close,
558                  ext_free_f free);
560 /*Called by the read functions if one attempts to read past
561   the end of the stream.
562   If an exception stack is available (with br_try),
563   this jumps to that location via longjmp(3).
564   If not, this prints an error message and performs an unconditional exit.
565 */
566 #ifdef DEBUG
567 #define br_abort(bs) __br_abort__((bs), __LINE__)
568 void
569 __br_abort__(BitstreamReader* bs, int lineno);
570 #else
571 void
572 br_abort(BitstreamReader* bs);
573 #endif
575 /*Sets up an exception stack for use by setjmp(3).
576   The basic call procudure is as follows:
578   if (!setjmp(*br_try(bs))) {
579     - perform reads here -
580   } else {
581     - catch read exception here -
582   }
583   br_etry(bs);  - either way, pop handler off exception stack -
585   The idea being to avoid cluttering our read code with lots
586   and lots of error checking tests, but rather assign a spot
587   for errors to go if/when they do occur.
588  */
589 jmp_buf*
590 br_try(BitstreamReader* bs);
592 /*Pops an entry off the current exception stack.
593  (ends a try, essentially)*/
594 #define br_etry(bs) __br_etry((bs), __FILE__, __LINE__)
596 void
597 __br_etry(BitstreamReader* bs, const char *file, int lineno);
599 /*******************************************************************
600  *                          BitstreamWriter                        *
601  *******************************************************************/
603 /*this is a basic binary tree in which the most common values
604   (those with the smallest amount of bits to write)
605   occur at the top of the tree
607   "smaller" and "larger" are array indexes where -1 means value not found*/
608 typedef struct {
609     int value;
611     unsigned int write_count;
612     unsigned int write_value;
614     int smaller;
615     int larger;
616 } bw_huffman_table_t;
618 struct BitstreamWriter_s;
619 struct recorder_buffer;
621 /*a mark on the BitstreamWriter's stream which can be rewound to*/
622 typedef struct bw_pos_s {
623     /*our source writer
624       attempting to setpos on some other writer will raise an error*/
625     struct BitstreamWriter_s *writer;
627     /*the position in the stream*/
628     union {
629         fpos_t file;
630         unsigned recorder;
631         struct {
632             void* pos;
633             ext_free_pos_f free_pos;
634         } external;
635     } position;
637     /*a function to delete position when finished with it*/
638     void (*del)(struct bw_pos_s *pos);
639 } bw_pos_t;
642 struct bw_pos_stack {
643     bw_pos_t* pos;
644     struct bw_pos_stack* next;
645 };
647 /*writes the given value as "count" number of unsigned bits*/
648 typedef void
649 (*bw_write_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
650               unsigned int count,
651               unsigned int value);
653 /*writes the given value as "count" number of signed bits*/
654 typedef void
655 (*bw_write_signed_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
656                      unsigned int count,
657                      int value);
659 /*writes the given value as "count" number of unsigned bits*/
660 typedef void
661 (*bw_write_64_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
662                  unsigned int count,
663                  uint64_t value);
665 /*writes the given value as "count" number of signed bits*/
666 typedef void
667 (*bw_write_signed_64_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
668                         unsigned int count,
669                         int64_t value);
671 /*writes the given value as "count" number of unsigned bits*/
672 typedef void
673 (*bw_write_bigint_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
674                      unsigned int count,
675                      const mpz_t value);
677 typedef void
678 (*bw_write_signed_bigint_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
679                             unsigned int count,
680                             const mpz_t value);
682 /*writes "value" number of non stop bits to the current stream
683   followed by a single stop bit*/
684 typedef void
685 (*bw_write_unary_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
686                     int stop_bit,
687                     unsigned int value);
689 /*writes "value" is a Huffman code to the stream
690   where the code tree is defined from the given compiled table
691   returns 0 on success, or 1 if the code is not found in the table*/
692 typedef int
693 (*bw_write_huffman_code_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
694                            bw_huffman_table_t table[],
695                            int value);
697 /*writes "byte_count" number of bytes to the output stream*/
698 typedef void
699 (*bw_write_bytes_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
700                     const uint8_t* bytes,
701                     unsigned int byte_count);
703 /*returns a new pos instance which can be rewound to
704   may call bw_abort() if the position cannot be
705   gotten or the stream in closed*/
706 typedef bw_pos_t*
707 (*bw_getpos_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self);
709 /*sets the streams position from a pos instance
710   may call bw_abort() if the position cannot be set
711   the stream is closed, or the position
712   is from another stream*/
713 typedef void
714 (*bw_setpos_f)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,
715                const bw_pos_t* pos);
717 #define BITSTREAMWRITER_TYPE                                \
718     bs_endianness endianness;                               \
719     bw_type type;                                           \
720                                                             \
721     union {                                                 \
722         FILE* file;                                         \
723         struct bw_buffer* recorder;                         \
724         struct bw_external_output* external;                \
725     } output;                                               \
726                                                             \
727     unsigned int buffer_size;                               \
728     unsigned int buffer;                                    \
729                                                             \
730     struct bs_callback* callbacks;                          \
731     struct bs_exception* exceptions;                        \
732     struct bs_exception* exceptions_used;                   \
733                                                             \
734     bw_write_f write;                                       \
735                                                             \
736     bw_write_signed_f write_signed;                         \
737                                                             \
738     bw_write_64_f write_64;                                 \
739                                                             \
740     bw_write_signed_64_f write_signed_64;                   \
741                                                             \
742     bw_write_bigint_f write_bigint;                         \
743                                                             \
744     bw_write_signed_bigint_f write_signed_bigint;           \
745                                                             \
746     bw_write_unary_f write_unary;                           \
747                                                             \
748     /*byte aligns the stream and sets its format*/          \
749     /*to big endian or little endian*/                      \
750     void                                                    \
751     (*set_endianness)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,       \
752                       bs_endianness endianness);            \
753                                                             \
754     bw_write_huffman_code_f write_huffman_code;             \
755                                                             \
756     bw_write_bytes_f write_bytes;                           \
757                                                             \
758     /*takes a format string,*/                              \
759     /*peforms the indicated write operations with prefixed numeric lengths*/ \
760     /*using the values from the given arguments*/           \
761     /*where the format actions are*/                        \
762                                                             \
763     /*| format | action              | argument     |*/     \
764     /*|--------+---------------------+--------------|*/     \
765     /*| u      | write               | unsigned int |*/     \
766     /*| s      | write_signed        | int          |*/     \
767     /*| U      | write_64            | uint64_t     |*/     \
768     /*| S      | write_signed_64     | int64_t      |*/     \
769     /*| K      | write_bigint        | mpz_t*       |*/     \
770     /*| L      | write_signed_bigint | mpz_t*       |*/     \
771     /*| p      | skip                | N/A          |*/     \
772     /*| P      | skip_bytes          | N/A          |*/     \
773     /*| b      | write_bytes         | uint8_t*     |*/     \
774     /*| a      | byte_align          | N/A          |*/     \
775                                                             \
776     /*For example, one could write a 32 bit header as follows:*/ \
777                                                             \
778     /*unsigned int arg1; //  2 unsigned bits*/              \
779     /*unsigned int arg2; //  3 unsigned bits*/              \
780     /*int arg3;          //  5 signed bits */               \
781     /*unsigned int arg4; //  3 unsigned bits*/              \
782     /*uint64_t arg5;     // 19 unsigned bits*/              \
783                                                             \
784     /*writer->build(writer, "2u3u5s3u19U", arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);*/  \
785                                                             \
786     /*the "*" format multiplies the next format by the given amount*/ \
787     /*For example, to write 4, signed 8 bit values:*/       \
788                                                             \
789     /*reader->parse(reader, "4* 8s", arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);*/ \
790                                                             \
791     /*this is designed to perform the inverse of BitstreamReader->parse()*/ \
792     void                                                    \
793     (*build)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,                \
794              const char* format, ...);                      \
795                                                             \
796     /*returns 1 if the stream is byte-aligned, 0 if not*/   \
797     int                                                     \
798     (*byte_aligned)(const struct BitstreamWriter_s* self);  \
799                                                             \
800     /*if the stream is not already byte-aligned*/           \
801     /*pad it with 0 bits until it is*/                      \
802     void                                                    \
803     (*byte_align)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self);          \
804                                                             \
805     /*flushes the current output stream's pending data*/    \
806     void                                                    \
807     (*flush)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self);               \
808                                                             \
809     /*pushes a callback function into the stream*/          \
810     /*which is called on every byte written*/               \
811     void                                                    \
812     (*add_callback)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,         \
813                     bs_callback_f callback,                 \
814                     void* data);                            \
815                                                             \
816     /*pushes the given callback onto the callback stack*/         \
817     /*data from "callback" is copied onto a new internal struct*/ \
818     /*it does not need to be allocated from the heap*/            \
819     void                                                    \
820     (*push_callback)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,        \
821                      struct bs_callback* callback);         \
822                                                             \
823     /*pops the most recently added callback from the stack*/     \
824     /*if "callback" is not NULL, data from the popped callback*/ \
825     /*is copied to that struct*/                                 \
826     void                                                    \
827     (*pop_callback)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,         \
828                     struct bs_callback* callback);          \
829                                                             \
830     /*explicitly call all set callbacks as if "byte" had been written*/ \
831     /*to the input stream*/                                             \
832     void                                                    \
833     (*call_callbacks)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self,       \
834                       uint8_t byte);                        \
835                                                             \
836     bw_getpos_f getpos;                                     \
837     bw_setpos_f setpos;
839 typedef struct BitstreamWriter_s {
842     /*flushes and closes the BitstreamWriter's internal stream  */
843     /*for FILE objects, performs fclose                         */
844     /*for external functions, calls the defined close() function*/
845     /*once the internal stream is closed,                       */
846     /*the writer's I/O methods are updated                      */
847     /*to generate errors if called again                        */
848     void
849     (*close_internal_stream)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self);
851     /*for external functions, call free function on user data*/
852     /*deallocates any callbacks, exceptions and marks        */
853     /*frees BitstreamWriter struct                           */
854     void
855     (*free)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self);
857     /*calls close_internal_stream(), followed by free()*/
858     void
859     (*close)(struct BitstreamWriter_s* self);
860 } BitstreamWriter;
863 /*BitstreamRecorder is a subclass of BitstreamWriter
864   and can be used any place its parent is used
865   but contains additional methods for getting a count of bits written
866   and dumping recorded data to another BitstreamWriter*/
867 typedef struct BitstreamRecorder_s {
870     /*returns the total bits written to the stream thus far*/
871     unsigned int
872     (*bits_written)(const struct BitstreamRecorder_s* self);
874     /*returns the total bytes written to the stream thus far*/
875     unsigned int
876     (*bytes_written)(const struct BitstreamRecorder_s* self);
878     /*resets the stream for new values*/
879     void
880     (*reset)(struct BitstreamRecorder_s* self);
882     /*copies all the recorded data in a recorder to the target writer*/
883     void
884     (*copy)(const struct BitstreamRecorder_s* self,
885             struct BitstreamWriter_s* target);
887     /*returns our internal buffer of data written so far
888       not including any partial bytes
889       use bytes_written() to determine this buffer's total size*/
890     const uint8_t*
891     (*data)(const struct BitstreamRecorder_s* self);
893     /*flushes and closes the internal stream*/
894     /*for recorders, does nothing           */
895     /*once the internal stream is closed,   */
896     /*the writer's I/O methods are updated  */
897     /*to generate errors if called again    */
898     void
899     (*close_internal_stream)(struct BitstreamRecorder_s* bs);
901     /*for recorders, deallocates buffer              */
902     /*deallocates any callbacks, exceptions and marks*/
903     /*frees BitstreamRecorder struct                 */
904     void
905     (*free)(struct BitstreamRecorder_s* bs);
907     /*calls close_internal_stream(), followed by free()*/
908     void
909     (*close)(struct BitstreamRecorder_s* bs);
910 } BitstreamRecorder;
913 /*************************************************************
914  Bitstream Writer Function Matrix
915  The write functions come in three output variants
916  and two endianness variants for file and recorder output:
918  bw_function_x or bw_function_x_yy
920  where "x" is "f" for raw file, "e" for external function,
921  "r" for recorder or "a" for accumulator
922  and "yy" is "be" for big endian or "le" for little endian.
924  For example:
926  | Function           | Output      | Endianness    |
927  |--------------------+-------------+---------------|
928  | bw_write_bits_f_be | raw file    | big endian    |
929  | bw_write_bits_f_le | raw file    | little endian |
930  | bw_write_bits_e_be | function    | big endian    |
931  | bw_write_bits_e_le | function    | little endian |
932  | bw_write_bits_r_be | recorder    | big endian    |
933  | bw_write_bits_r_le | recorder    | little endian |
935  *************************************************************/
937 /*BistreamWriter open functions*/
938 BitstreamWriter*
939 bw_open(FILE *f, bs_endianness endianness);
941 /*int write(const uint8_t *data, unsigned data_size, void *user_data)
942   where "data" is the bytes to be written,
943   "data_size" is the amount of bytes to write
944   and "user_data" is some function-specific pointer
945   returns 0 on a successful write, 1 on a write error
947   void flush(void* user_data)
948   flushes any pending data
950   note that high-level flushing will
951   perform ext_write() followed by ext_flush()
952   so the latter can be a no-op if necessary
955   void close(void* user_data)
956   closes the stream for further writing
959   void free(void* user_data)
960   deallocates anything in user_data, if necessary
961 */
962 BitstreamWriter*
963 bw_open_external(void* user_data,
964                  bs_endianness endianness,
965                  unsigned buffer_size,
966                  ext_write_f write,
967                  ext_setpos_f setpos,
968                  ext_getpos_f getpos,
969                  ext_free_pos_f free_pos,
970                  ext_flush_f flush,
971                  ext_close_f close,
972                  ext_free_f free);
974 BitstreamRecorder*
975 bw_open_recorder(bs_endianness endianness);
978 /*unattached, BitstreamWriter functions*/
980 /*Called by the write functions if a write failure is indicated.
981   If an exception is available (with bw_try),
982   this jumps to that location via longjmp(3).
983   If not, this prints an error message and performs an unconditional exit.*/
984 void
985 bw_abort(BitstreamWriter* bs);
987 /*Sets up an exception stack for use by setjmp(3).
988   The basic call procudure is as follows:
990   if (!setjmp(*bw_try(bs))) {
991     - perform writes here -
992   } else {
993     - catch write exception here -
994   }
995   bw_etry(bs);  - either way, pop handler off exception stack -
997   The idea being to avoid cluttering our write code with lots
998   and lots of error checking tests, but rather assign a spot
999   for errors to go if/when they do occur.
1000  */
1001 jmp_buf*
1002 bw_try(BitstreamWriter *bs);
1004 /*Pops an entry off the current exception stack.
1005  (ends a try, essentially)*/
1006 #define bw_etry(bs) __bw_etry((bs), __FILE__, __LINE__)
1008 void
1009 __bw_etry(BitstreamWriter *bs, const char *file, int lineno);
1012 void
1013 recorder_swap(BitstreamRecorder **a, BitstreamRecorder **b);
1016 /*******************************************************************
1017  *                          format handlers                        *
1018  *******************************************************************/
1020 /*parses (or continues parsing) the given format string
1021   and places the results in the "times", "size" and "inst" variables*/
1022 const char*
1023 bs_parse_format(const char *format,
1024                 unsigned *times, unsigned *size, bs_instruction_t *inst);
1026 /*returns the size of the given format string in bits*/
1027 unsigned
1028 bs_format_size(const char* format);
1030 /*returns the size of the given format string in bytes*/
1031 unsigned
1032 bs_format_byte_size(const char* format);
1035 /*******************************************************************
1036  *                       bw_pos_stack handlers                     *
1037  *******************************************************************/
1039 void
1040 bw_pos_stack_push(struct bw_pos_stack** stack, bw_pos_t* pos);
1042 bw_pos_t*
1043 bw_pos_stack_pop(struct bw_pos_stack** stack);
1046 #ifdef HAS_PYTHON
1047 /*******************************************************************
1048  *                          Python-specific                        *
1049  *******************************************************************/
1051 unsigned
1052 br_read_python(PyObject *reader,
1053                uint8_t *buffer,
1054                unsigned buffer_size);
1056 int
1057 bw_write_python(PyObject* writer,
1058                 const uint8_t *buffer,
1059                 unsigned buffer_size);
1061 int
1062 bw_flush_python(PyObject* writer);
1064 int
1065 bs_setpos_python(PyObject* stream, PyObject* pos);
1067 PyObject*
1068 bs_getpos_python(PyObject* stream);
1070 void
1071 bs_free_pos_python(PyObject* pos);
1073 int
1074 bs_fseek_python(PyObject* stream, long position, int whence);
1076 int
1077 bs_close_python(PyObject* obj);
1079 void
1080 bs_free_python_decref(PyObject* obj);
1082 void
1083 bs_free_python_nodecref(PyObject* obj);
1085 int
1086 python_obj_seekable(PyObject* obj);
1088 #endif
1090 /*******************************************************************
1091  *                           miscellaneous                         *
1092  *******************************************************************/
1094 /*a trivial callback which increments "total_bytes" as an unsigned int*/
1095 void
1096 byte_counter(uint8_t byte, unsigned* total_bytes);
1098 #endif