1<project name="CLDR Web Apps" default="all" basedir=".">
2    <target name="init">
3    	<!-- copied from cldr/tools/java's build.xml -->
4        <tstamp/>
6        <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
8        <!-- libs.dir remains the same, for Ant compatibility. TODO: delete when we drop ant.-->
9        <property name="libs.dir" value="WebContent/WEB-INF/lib"/>
11        <property name="build.dir" value="build/classes"/>
12        <property name="jar.file" value="cldr-apps.jar"/>
13        <property name="jarSrc.file" value="cldr-apps-src.jar"/>
14        <property name="jarDocs.file" value="cldr-apps-docs.jar"/>
15        <property name="doc.dir" value="doc"/>
16        <property name="doc.params" value=""/>
17        <!--  Load local definitions from an optional build.properties file, if available.
18              build.properties is NOT checked into CVS. -->
19        <!-- Load environment variables -->
20        <!--
21            <property environment="env"/>
22        -->
23        <property file="build.properties" />
25        <!-- CLDR_TOOLS defaults to ../java, override if not correct. -->
26        <property name="CLDR_TOOLS" value="../java"/>
27        <property name="CLDR_DIR" value="../../common/.."/>
28        <property name="CLDR_JAR" value="${CLDR_TOOLS}/cldr.jar"/>
30        <path id="build.classpath">
31            <pathelement path="${build.dir}"/>
32        </path>
34        <property name="ICU4J_JAR" value="${CLDR_TOOLS}/libs/icu4j.jar"/>
35        <property name="UTILITIES_JAR" value="${CLDR_TOOLS}/libs/utilities.jar"/>
36        <property name="GUAVA_JAR" value="${CLDR_TOOLS}/libs/guava.jar" />
37        <property name="FAILUREACCESS_JAR" value="${CLDR_TOOLS}/libs/failureaccess.jar" />
38        <property name="MYANMAR_TOOLS_JAR" value="${CLDR_TOOLS}/libs/myanmar-tools-1.1.1.jar" />
40        <property name="env.JVM_OPTIONS" value="-DCLDR_DIR=${CLDR_DIR} -Dorg.unicode.cldr.unittest.web.dir=cldr_db_test -DDEBUG=true"/>
41        <property name="jvm_options" value="${env.JVM_OPTIONS}"/>
42        <property name="env.JVM_EXTRA_OPTIONS" value=""/>
43        <property name="jvm_extra_options" value="${env.JVM_EXTRA_OPTIONS}"/>
45        <!-- from webinit: -->
46        <property name="tomcat.home"        value="${CATALINA_HOME}"/>
47        <condition property="is.tomcat.home.set" >
48                <isset property="CATALINA_HOME" />
49        </condition>
50        <fail unless="is.tomcat.home.set" message="Please set the CATALINA_HOME property in build.properties to point at your Tomcat installation."/>
51        <property name="SERVLET_JAR"        value="${CATALINA_HOME}/lib/servlet-api.jar"/>
52        <property name="JSP_JAR"        value="${CATALINA_HOME}/lib/jsp-api.jar"/>
54        <!-- Configure the context path for this application -->
55        <property name="path"     value="/cldr-apps"/>
56        <property name="hostport" value="http://localhost:8080"/>
57        <!-- Configure properties to access the Manager application -->
58        <property name="managerpath" value="/manager/text" />
59        <property name="url"      value="${hostport}${managerpath}"/>  <!-- TODO: support multiple, overrides -->
60        <property name="appurl"   value="${hostport}${path}"/>
61        <property name="username" value="admin"/> <!-- TODO: support overrides -->
62        <property name="webcheck.delay" value="15"/> <!-- delay time -->
63        <!-- call ant with:  -Dpassword=adminpass to use the updating stuff -->
65        <property name="warfile" location="cldr-apps.war"/>
67        <property name="WebContent" location="src/main/webapp"/>
68        <property name="WEB-INF" location="${WebContent}/WEB-INF"/>
69        <property name="webxml" location="${WEB-INF}/web.xml"/>
71        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
73        <path id="project.class.path">
74            <pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/>
75            <pathelement path="${build.dir}"/>
76            <pathelement path="${CLDR_CLASSES}"/>
77            <fileset dir="${libs.dir}">
78              <include name="**/*.jar"/>
79            </fileset>
80            <fileset erroronmissingdir="false" dir="${CLDR_TOOLS}/dist/for-build">
81              <include name="cldr.jar"/>
82              <include name="cldr-apps.war"/>
83            </fileset>
84            <!-- <pathelement location="${CLDR_JAR}"/> -->
85            <pathelement path="${CLDR_TOOLS}/classes"/>
86            <pathelement location="${CATALINA_HOME}/lib/tomcat-dbcp.jar"/>
87            <pathelement location="${ICU4J_JAR}"/>
88            <pathelement location="${UTILITIES_JAR}"/>
89            <pathelement location="${GUAVA_JAR}"/>
90            <pathelement location="${FAILUREACCESS_JAR}"/>
91            <pathelement location="${XML_APIS_JAR}"/>
92            <pathelement location="${DERBY_LIB}"/>
93            <pathelement location="${JDOM_LIB}"/>
94            <pathelement location="${SERVLET_JAR}"/>
95            <pathelement location="${JSP_JAR}"/>
96            <pathelement location="${MAIL_LIB}"/>
97            <pathelement location="${ROME_LIB}"/>
98            <pathelement location="${MYANMAR_TOOLS_JAR}"/>
99        </path>
101 <!--       <property name="icu.home"           value="${env.ICU4J_HOME}"/> -->
103        <!--
104          Does not exist.  Ignoring this.
105          <property name="wardata" value="${src.dir}/org/unicode/cldr/web/data"/>
106          -->
108        <path id="catalina-ant.classpath">
109          <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/lib">
110	    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
111	  </fileset>
112	  <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/bin">
113	    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
114	  </fileset>
115        </path>
117        <!-- Configure the custom Ant tasks for the Manager application -->
118        <taskdef name="deploy"    classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef>
119        <taskdef name="list"      classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ListTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef>
120        <taskdef name="reload"    classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef>
121        <taskdef name="resources" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ResourcesTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef>
122        <!-- <taskdef name="roles"     classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RolesTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef> -->
123        <taskdef name="start"     classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StartTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef>
124        <taskdef name="stop"      classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StopTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef>
125        <taskdef name="undeploy"  classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask"><classpath refid="catalina-ant.classpath" /></taskdef>
127        <!--
128        TODO: do the following for the other env variables above..
129        <condition property="is.icu4j.classes.set" >
130            <isset property="env.ICU4J_CLASSES" />
131        </condition >
132        <fail unless="is.icu4j.classes.set" message="Please set the ICU4J_CLASSES environment variable."/>
133        -->
135        <echo message="Java: ${java.version}. [For verbose list of properties, use the 'properties' target.]"/>
136    </target>
138    <target name="properties" description="dump out properties" depends="init">
139        <echo message="java home: ${java.home}"/>
140        <echo message="java version: ${java.version} ant java version: ${ant.java.version}"/>
141        <echo message="java.class.path: ${java.class.path}/"/>
142        <echo message="project.class.path: ${project.class.path}"/>
143        <echo message="build.dir: ${build.dir}"/>
144        <echo message="${ant.version}"/>
145        <echo message="CATALINA_HOME ${CATALINA_HOME}"/>
146        <echo message="tomcat.home ${tomcat.home}"/>
147        <echo/>
148        <echo message="ICU properties:"/>
149        <echo message="env.ICU4J_CLASSES: ${env.ICU4J_CLASSES}"/>
150        <echo message="env.CLDR_CLASSES: ${env.CLDR_CLASSES}"/>
151        <echo message="env.ICU4J_JAR: ${env.ICU4J_JAR}"/>
152        <echo/>
153        <echo message="Properties from build.properties (see build-sample.properties)"/>
154        <echo message="CLDR_TOOLS: ${CLDR_TOOLS} ( usually just ../java )"/>
155        <echo message="JDOM_LIB: ${JDOM_LIB}"/>
156        <echo message="DERBY_LIB: ${DERBY_LIB}"/>
157        <echo message="DERBYTOOLS_LIB: ${DERBYTOOLS_LIB}"/>
158        <echo message="ROME_LIB: ${ROME_LIB}"/>
159        <echo message="MAIL_LIB: ${MAIL_LIB}"/>
160        <echo message="SERVLET_JAR: ${SERVLET_JAR}"/>
161        <echo message="JSP_JAR: ${JSP_JAR}"/>
162        <echo/>
163        <echo message="Derived properties"/>
164        <echo message="CLDR_JAR: ${CLDR_JAR}"/>
165        <echo message="CLDR_CLASSES: ${CLDR_CLASSES}"/>
166        <echo message="env.UTILITIES_JAR: ${env.UTILITIES_JAR}"/>
167        <echo message="env.XML_APIS_JAR: ${env.XML_APIS_JAR}"/>
168        <echo/>
169        <echo message="Servlet properties"/>
170        <echo message="appurl: ${appurl}"/>
171        <echo message="url: ${url}"/>
172    </target>
175    <target name="clean" depends="init" description="remove all build targets">
176        <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
177        <delete file="${jar.file}"/>
178        <delete file="${warfile}"/>
179        <delete file="${jarSrc.file}"/>
180        <delete file="${jarDocs.file}"/>
181        <delete dir="${doc.dir}"/>
182    </target>
184    <target name="jar" depends="web" description="build full 'cldr-apps.jar' jar file (Not normally used.)">
185        <jar jarfile="${jar.file}"
186            compress="true"
187            includes="org/unicode/cldr/util/**/*,org/unicode/cldr/tool/**/*,org/unicode/cldr/test/**/*,org/unicode/cldr/posix/**/*,org/unicode/cldr/ooo/**/*,org/unicode/cldr/ant/**/*,org/unicode/cldr/icu/**/*"
188            basedir="${build.dir}"/>
189        <!-- does not include git hash. -->
190    </target>
191  <!-- Docs stuff -->
192    <!-- use excludefiles below when we move to ant 1.5 -->
193    <target name="docs-jar" depends="docs">
194      <jar jarfile="${jarDocs.file}"
195           compress="true"
196           includes="**/*"
197           basedir="${doc.dir}"/>
198    </target>
199    <target name="docs" depends="init" description="build user javadoc">
200	<tstamp>
201		<format property="current.year" pattern="yyyy"/>
202	</tstamp>
203        <echo message="doc params: ${doc.params}"/>
204        <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}"/>
205        <javadoc
206            packagenames="org.unicode.cldr.*"
207            sourcepath="${src.dir}/main/java"
208            destdir="${doc.dir}"
209            classpathref="project.class.path"
210            nodeprecatedlist="true"
211            windowtitle="CLDR | Java Tools"
212            doctitle="CLDR | Java Tools"
213            encoding="utf-8"
214            docencoding="utf-8"
215            additionalparam="${doc.params}"
216            link="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api"
217            bottom="&lt;font size=-1>&lt;a  target='_top' href='http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html'>Copyright &amp;copy; 2004-${current.year} Unicode, Inc. All Rights Reserved.&lt;/a>&lt;/font>"
218            source="1.8" />
219    </target>
220    <!-- bottom="&lt;font size=-1>Copyright (c) ${current.year} IBM Corporation and others.&lt;/font>" -->
222    <!-- SurveyTool (web) stuff follows ................. -->
224    <!-- build all web related things -->
225    <!--
226    	// includes="${src.dir}/**/*.java"
227    	    excludes="**/.svn/**/*"
228    -->
229    <target name="web" depends="all" description="alias for old 'web' target"/>
231    <target name="all" depends="init" description="build web classes">
232        <javac
233            srcdir="${src.dir}/main/java"
234        	includes="org/unicode/cldr/util/*.java,org/unicode/cldr/web/*.java,org/json/*.java"
235            destdir="${build.dir}"
236            classpathref="project.class.path"
237            source="1.8"
238            target="1.8"
239            debug="on" deprecation="off"
240            includeantruntime="false"
241            encoding="UTF-8"/>
242    </target>
244    <target name="init-githash" depends="init" description="calculate build.githash">
245      <exec executable="git" outputproperty="build.githash" failifexecutionfails="false">
246        <arg value="rev-parse" />
247        <arg value="HEAD" />
248      </exec>
249      <condition property="build.githash" value="(unknown)">
250        <not>
251          <isset property="build.githash" />
252        </not>
253      </condition>
254    </target>
256    <!-- build as a WAR file -->
257    <!-- TODO: include CLDR as a jar? Only include certain classes? -->
258    <target name="war" depends="web,init-githash" description="Build war">
259        <war destfile="${warfile}" webxml="${webxml}">
260            <!-- classes (for now, may want to take cldr utils as a jar later) -->
261            <classes dir="${build.dir}" />
263            <!-- all other files in /root -->
264            <zipfileset dir="${WebContent}" excludes="**/.svn/**/*"/>
266            <!-- TODO: include OLD jars. These will be deleted when we drop ant. -->
267            <zipfileset dir="./WebContent" excludes="**/.svn/**/*"/>
269            <!-- certain jars that we want -->
270            <!-- I suppose these were here in case they were in a different location? -->
271            <lib file="${UTILITIES_JAR}"/>  <!-- CLDR utilities -->
272            <lib file="${ICU4J_JAR}"/>  <!-- CLDR jar -->
273            <lib file="${CLDR_JAR}"/>  <!-- CLDR jar -->
274            <lib file="${GUAVA_JAR}" /> <!-- GUAVA jar -->
275            <lib file="${FAILUREACCESS_JAR}" /> <!-- FAILUREACCESS jar -->
276            <lib file="${MYANMAR_TOOLS_JAR}" /> <!-- MYANMAR_TOOLS_JAR jar -->
277            <!-- May want this later. -->
278            <!--  <pathelement path="${jsp.jar}"/> -->
279	    <manifest>
280	      <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
281              <attribute name="CLDR-Apps-Git-Commit" value="${build.githash}" />
282	    </manifest>
283        </war>
284    </target>
286    <!-- deploy to the server -->
287    <target name="deploy" depends="init,war">
288        <deploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
289            path="${path}" war="${warfile}"/>
290    </target>
292    <!-- reload on the server - doesn't require building -->
293    <target name="reload" description="Reload SurveyTool application"
294          depends="init">
295        <reload  url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
296            path="${path}"/>
297    </target>
299    <!-- un-deploy from the server -->
300    <target name="undeploy" description="Remove SurveyTool application" depends="init">
301        <undeploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
302            path="${path}"/>
303    </target>
305    <!-- redeploy to the server.  Builds first so we catch trouble early.
306        Note, this will fail if you haven't deployed the first time. -->
307    <target name="redeploy" description="Redeploy SurveyTool application"
308        depends="init,war,undeploy,deploy">
309    </target>
311	<!-- must use this to initialize the derby DB. -->
312    <target name="create-derby-db" description="Create empty Derby DB"
313	depends="init">
314	<java classname="org.apache.derby.tools.ij" inputstring="exit;">
315         <sysproperty key="derby.system.home" value="${tomcat.home}"/>
316         <sysproperty key="ij.database" value="jdbc:derby:cldr/cldrdb;create=true"/>
317	 <classpath>
318		<pathelement location="${DERBY_LIB}"/>
319		<pathelement location="${DERBYTOOLS_LIB}"/>
320	 </classpath>
321	</java>
322    </target>
325   <target name="tests" depends="all" description="Rebuild just tests">
326        <javac
327            srcdir="${src.dir}/test/java"
328        	includes="org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/*.java"
329          excludes="org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestShim.java"
330            destdir="${build.dir}"
331            classpathref="project.class.path"
332            source="1.8"
333            target="1.8"
334            debug="on" deprecation="off"
335            includeantruntime="false"
336            encoding="UTF-8"/>
337        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data"/>
338        <copy todir="${build.dir}/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data">
339            <fileset dir="${src.dir}/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data"
340                excludes="**/CVS/**/*"/>
341        </copy>
343    </target>
345    <target name="check" description="Run the standard ICU4J test suite" depends="init">
346        <antcall target="_runCheck">
347            <param name="runcheck.arg" value="-n"/>
348            <param name="runcheck.jvmarg" value="${jvm_options} ${jvm_extra_options}"/>
349        </antcall>
350    </target>
352   <target name="_runCheck" depends="init,tests">
353        <echo message="JVM argument:   ${runcheck.jvmarg} -DCLDR_ENVIRONMENT=UNITTEST  -Djava.awt.headless=true"/>
354        <echo message="Test argument:   ${runcheck.arg}"/>
355        <java classname="org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web.TestAll" fork="yes" failonerror="true" classpathref="project.class.path">
356            <arg line="${runcheck.arg}"/>
357            <jvmarg line="${runcheck.jvmarg} -DCLDR_ENVIRONMENT=UNITTEST -Djava.awt.headless=true"/>
358        </java>
359   </target>
361   <target name="webcheck" description="Test that the server is semi working" depends="init">
362     <delete file="tmp.survey.html"/>
363     <get src="${appurl}/survey" dest="tmp.survey.html" verbose="false" httpusecaches="false" />
364     <echo message="... waiting ${webcheck.delay}s for server to settle ..."/>
365     <sleep seconds="${webcheck.delay}" />
366     <delete file="tmp.survey2.html"/>
367     <get src="${appurl}/survey" dest="tmp.survey2.html" verbose="false" httpusecaches="false" />
368     <delete file="tmp.mt.xml"/>
369     <get src="${appurl}/survey/vxml/main/mt.xml" dest="tmp.mt.xml" verbose="false" httpusecaches="false" />
370     <delete file="tmp.status.json"/>
371     <get src="${appurl}/SurveyAjax?what=status" dest="tmp.status.json" verbose="false" httpusecaches="false" />
372     <loadfile property="st.status" srcfile="tmp.status.json" />
373     <loadfile property="st.ok" srcfile="tmp.status.json">
374       <filterchain>
375         <linecontainsregexp>
376           <regexp pattern="isSetup.:true" />
377         </linecontainsregexp>
378       </filterchain>
379     </loadfile>
380     <fail unless="st.ok" message="${appurl} SurveyTool not running: ${st.status}"/>
381     <echo message="${appurl} SurveyTool OK: ${st.status}"/>
382   </target>