1;;; envelope editor based on xm module (cf enved.scm)
3;;; (xe-create-enved name parent args axis-bounds) -> new envelope editor (returned value is list)
4;;; (xe-envelope editor) -> current envelope (settable)
6(provide 'snd-xm-enved.scm)
8(if (and (provided? 'snd-motif)
9	 (not (provided? 'snd-snd-motif.scm)))
10    (load "snd-motif.scm"))
12(define xe-envelope
13  (dilambda
14   (lambda (editor)
15     (or (car editor)
16	 (map (editor 3) '(0 1 2 3)))) ; bounds
17   (lambda (editor new-env)
18     (set! (editor 0) new-env)
19     (xe-redraw editor))))
21(define xe-create-enved
22  (let ((xe-ungrfy (lambda (editor y)
23		     (let ((bounds (editor 3))
24			   (locs (editor 2)))
25		       (let ((ay0 (bounds 1))
26			     (ay1 (bounds 3))
27			     (py0 (locs 1))
28			     (py1 (locs 3)))
29			 (if (= py0 py1)
30			     ay1
31			     (min ay1
32				  (max ay0
33				       (+ ay0 (* (- ay1 ay0)
34						 (/ (- py0 y)
35						    (- py0 py1)))))))))))
36	(xe-ungrfx (lambda (editor x)
37		     (let ((bounds (editor 3))
38			   (locs (editor 2)))
39		       (let ((ax0 (bounds 0))
40			     (ax1 (bounds 2))
41			     (px0 (locs 0))
42			     (px1 (locs 2)))
43			 (if (= px0 px1)
44			     ax0
45			     (min ax1
46				  (max ax0
47				       (+ ax0 (* (- ax1 ax0)
48						 (/ (- x px0)
49						    (- px1 px0))))))))))))
50    (lambda (name parent args axis-bounds)
51      (let ((xe-mouse-down 0)
52	    (xe-mouse-pos 0)
53	    (xe-mouse-new #f))
55	(define xe-mouse-press
56	  (letrec ((xe-envelope-position
57		    (lambda (x cur-env)
58		      (do ((e cur-env (cddr e))
59			   (pos 0 (+ pos 2)))
60			  ((= (car e) x) pos))))
62		   (xe-on-dot?
63		    (let ((xe-mouse-radius .03))
64		      (lambda (x y cur-env pos)
65			(and (pair? cur-env)
66			     (pair? (cdr cur-env))
67			     (or (and (< (abs (- (car cur-env) x)) xe-mouse-radius)
68				      (< (abs (- (cadr cur-env) y)) xe-mouse-radius)
69				      pos)
70				 (xe-on-dot? x y (cddr cur-env) (+ pos 2)))))))
72		   (xe-add-envelope-point
73		    (lambda (x y cur-env)
74		      (let ((new-env ()))
75			(let search-point ((e cur-env))
76			  (cond ((null? e) (append new-env (list x y)))
77				((= (car e) x) (append new-env (list x y) (cddr e)))
78				((> (car e) x) (append new-env (list x y) e))
79				(else
80				 (set! new-env (append new-env (list (car e) (cadr e))))
81				 (search-point (cddr e)))))))))
82	    (lambda (editor xx yy)
83	      (let* ((cur-env (xe-envelope editor))
84		     (x (xe-ungrfx editor xx))
85		     (y (xe-ungrfy editor yy))
86		     (pos (xe-on-dot? x y cur-env 0)))
87		(set! xe-mouse-new (not pos))
88		(set! xe-mouse-down (get-internal-real-time))
89		(if pos
90		    (set! xe-mouse-pos pos)
91		    (begin
92		      (set! (xe-envelope editor) (xe-add-envelope-point x y cur-env))
93		      (set! xe-mouse-pos (xe-envelope-position x (xe-envelope editor)))))))))
96	(define xe-mouse-drag
97	  (let ((xe-edit-envelope-point
98		 (lambda (pos x y cur-env)
99		   (do ((new-env ())
100			(e cur-env (cddr e))
101			(npos 0 (+ npos 2)))
102		       ((= npos pos)
103			(append new-env (list x y) (cddr e)))
104		     (set! new-env (append new-env (list (car e) (cadr e))))))))
105	    (lambda (editor xx yy)
106	      ;; point exists, needs to be edited with check for various bounds
107	      (let* ((cur-env (xe-envelope editor))
108		     (x (xe-ungrfx editor xx))
109		     (y (xe-ungrfy editor yy))
110		     (lx (if (= xe-mouse-pos 0)
111			     (car cur-env)
112			     (if (>= xe-mouse-pos (- (length cur-env) 2))
113				 (cur-env (- (length cur-env) 2))
114				 (max (cur-env (- xe-mouse-pos 2))
115				      (min x (cur-env (+ xe-mouse-pos 2))))))))
116		(set! (xe-envelope editor)
117		      (xe-edit-envelope-point xe-mouse-pos lx y cur-env))
118		(xe-redraw editor)))))
121	(define xe-mouse-release
122	  (let ((xe-click-time .1)
123		(xe-mouse-up 0)
124		(xe-remove-envelope-point
125		 (lambda (pos cur-env)
126		   (let ((new-env ()))
127		     (let search-point ((e cur-env)
128					(npos 0))
129		       (if (null? e)
130			   new-env
131			   (if (= pos npos)
132			       (append new-env (cddr e))
133			       (begin
134				 (set! new-env (append new-env (list (car e) (cadr e))))
135				 (search-point (cddr e) (+ npos 2))))))))))
136	    (lambda (editor)
137	      (let ((cur-env (xe-envelope editor)))
138		(set! xe-mouse-up (get-internal-real-time))
139		(if (not (or xe-mouse-new
140			     (> (- xe-mouse-up xe-mouse-down) xe-click-time)
141			     (= xe-mouse-pos 0)
142			     (>= xe-mouse-pos (- (length cur-env) 2))))
143		    (set! (xe-envelope editor)
144			  (xe-remove-envelope-point xe-mouse-pos cur-env))))
145	      (xe-redraw editor)
146	      (set! xe-mouse-new #f))))
148	(with-let (sublet *motif*
149		    'args args 'parent parent 'axis-bounds axis-bounds 'name name
150		    'xe-redraw xe-redraw 'xe-mouse-press xe-mouse-press 'xe-mouse-drag xe-mouse-drag 'xe-mouse-release xe-mouse-release)
151	  (if (not (member XmNbackground args))
152	      (set! args (append args (list XmNbackground *graph-color*))))
153	  (if (not (member XmNforeground args))
154	      (set! args (append args (list XmNforeground *data-color*))))
155	  (let* ((drawer (XtCreateManagedWidget name xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass parent args))
156		 (gc (car (snd-gcs)))
157		 (arrow-cursor (XCreateFontCursor (XtDisplay (cadr (main-widgets))) XC_crosshair))
158		 (editor (let ((x0 (car axis-bounds))
159			       (x1 (cadr axis-bounds)) ; too confusing! -- change internally below
160			       (y0 (caddr axis-bounds))
161			       (y1 (cadddr axis-bounds)))
162			   (list (list x0 y0 x1 y0) ; needs to be in user-coordinates (graph size can change)
163				 drawer
164				 #f  ; axis pixel locs filled in when drawn
165				 (list x0 y0 x1 y1)
166				 (list gc #f)
167				 name))))
168	    (XtAddCallback drawer XmNresizeCallback
169			   (lambda (w context info)
170			     (set! (editor 2) (apply draw-axes drawer gc name axis-bounds))
171			     (xe-redraw editor)))
172	    (XtAddCallback drawer XmNexposeCallback
173			   (lambda (w context info)
174			     (set! (editor 2) (apply draw-axes drawer gc name axis-bounds))
175			     (xe-redraw editor)))
176	    (XtAddEventHandler drawer ButtonPressMask #f
177			       (lambda (w context ev flag)
178				 (xe-mouse-press editor (.x ev) (.y ev))))
179	    (XtAddEventHandler drawer ButtonMotionMask #f
180			       (lambda (w context ev flag)
181				 (xe-mouse-drag editor (.x ev) (.y ev))))
182	    (XtAddEventHandler drawer ButtonReleaseMask #f
183			       (lambda (w context ev flag)
184				 (xe-mouse-release editor)))
185	    (XtAddEventHandler drawer EnterWindowMask #f
186			       (lambda (w context ev flag)
187				 (XDefineCursor (XtDisplay w) (XtWindow w) arrow-cursor)))
188	    (XtAddEventHandler drawer LeaveWindowMask #f
189			       (lambda (w context ev flag)
190				 (XUndefineCursor (XtDisplay w) (XtWindow w))))
191	    editor))))))
194(define (xe-redraw editor)
195  (let* ((cur-env (xe-envelope editor))
196	 (widget (editor 1))
197	 (dpy ((*motif* 'XtDisplay) widget))
198	 (wn ((*motif* 'XtWindow) widget))
199	 (ax-pix (editor 2))
200	 (ax-inf (editor 3))
201	 (gc (car (editor 4)))
202	 (name (editor 5))
203	 (cr (and (>= (length editor) 7) (editor 6))))
204    (when (and (list? ax-pix)
205	       (list? cur-env)
206	       ((*motif* 'XtIsManaged) widget))
207      (let ((py0 (ax-pix 1))
208	    (py1 (ax-pix 3))
209	    (ix0 (ax-inf 0))
210	    (ix1 (ax-inf 2))
211	    (iy0 (ax-inf 1))
212	    (iy1 (ax-inf 3))
213	    (mouse-d 10)
214	    (mouse-r 5))
216	(define xe-grfx
217	  (let ((px0 (ax-pix 0))
218		(px1 (ax-pix 2)))
219	    (lambda (x)
220	      (if (= px0 px1)
221		  px0
222		  (min px1
223		       (max px0
224			    (floor (+ px0 (* (- px1 px0)
225					     (/ (- x ix0)
226						(- ix1 ix0)))))))))))
228	(define (xe-grfy y)
229	  (if (= py0 py1)
230	      py0
231	      (min py0 ; grows downward so y1 < y0
232		   (max py1
233			(floor (+ py1 (* (- py0 py1)
234					 (/ (- y iy1)
235					    (- iy0 iy1)))))))))
237	(when (> py0 py1)
238	  ((*motif* 'XClearWindow) dpy wn)
239	  (draw-axes widget gc name ix0 ix1 iy0 iy1)
240	  (do ((lx #f)
241	       (ly #f)
242	       (len (length cur-env))
243	       (i 0 (+ i 2)))
244	      ((= i len))
245	    (let ((cx (xe-grfx (cur-env i)))
246		  (cy (xe-grfy (cur-env (+ i 1)))))
247	      ((*motif* 'XFillArc) dpy wn gc (- cx mouse-r) (- cy mouse-r) mouse-d mouse-d 0 23040) ; (* 360 64))
248	      (if lx
249		  ((*motif* 'XDrawLine) dpy wn gc lx ly cx cy))
250	      (set! lx cx)
251	      (set! ly cy))))))))