1 unit SoundTouchDLL;
3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 //
5 // SoundTouch.dll wrapper for accessing SoundTouch routines from Delphi/Pascal
6 //
7 //  Module Author : Christian Budde
8 //
9 //  2014-01-12 fixes by Sandro Cumerlato <sandro.cumerlato 'at' gmail.com>
10 //
11 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 //
13 // License :
14 //
15 //  SoundTouch audio processing library
16 //  Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen
17 //
18 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
19 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 //  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
21 //  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
22 //
23 //  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26 //  Lesser General Public License for more details.
27 //
28 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
29 //  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
30 //  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
31 //
32 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 interface
36 uses
37   Windows;
39 type
40   TSoundTouchHandle = THandle;
42   // Create a new instance of SoundTouch processor.
43   TSoundTouchCreateInstance = function : TSoundTouchHandle; cdecl;
45   // Destroys a SoundTouch processor instance.
46   TSoundTouchDestroyInstance = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle); cdecl;
48   // Get SoundTouch library version string
49   TSoundTouchGetVersionString = function : PAnsiChar; cdecl;
51   // Get SoundTouch library version string 2
52   TSoundTouchGetVersionString2 = procedure(VersionString : PAnsiChar; BufferSize : Integer); cdecl;
54   // Get SoundTouch library version Id
55   TSoundTouchGetVersionId = function : Cardinal; cdecl;
57   // Sets new rate control value. Normal rate = 1.0, smaller values
58   // represent slower rate, larger faster rates.
59   TSoundTouchSetRate = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NewRate: Single); cdecl;
61   // Sets new tempo control value. Normal tempo = 1.0, smaller values
62   // represent slower tempo, larger faster tempo.
63   TSoundTouchSetTempo = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NewTempo: Single); cdecl;
65   // Sets new rate control value as a difference in percents compared
66   // to the original rate (-50 .. +100 %);
67   TSoundTouchSetRateChange = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NewRate: Single); cdecl;
69   // Sets new tempo control value as a difference in percents compared
70   // to the original tempo (-50 .. +100 %);
71   TSoundTouchSetTempoChange = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NewTempo: Single); cdecl;
73   // Sets new pitch control value. Original pitch = 1.0, smaller values
74   // represent lower pitches, larger values higher pitch.
75   TSoundTouchSetPitch = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NewPitch: Single); cdecl;
77   // Sets pitch change in octaves compared to the original pitch
78   // (-1.00 .. +1.00);
79   TSoundTouchSetPitchOctaves = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NewPitch: Single); cdecl;
81   // Sets pitch change in semi-tones compared to the original pitch
82   // (-12 .. +12);
83   TSoundTouchSetPitchSemiTones = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NewPitch: Single); cdecl;
85   // Sets the number of channels, 1 = mono, 2 = stereo
86   TSoundTouchSetChannels = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; NumChannels: Cardinal); cdecl;
88   // Sets sample rate.
89   TSoundTouchSetSampleRate = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle; SampleRate: Cardinal); cdecl;
91   // Flushes the last samples from the processing pipeline to the output.
92   // Clears also the internal processing buffers.
93   //
isnull94   // Note: This function is meant for extracting the last samples of a sound
95   // stream. This function may introduce additional blank samples in the end
96   // of the sound stream, and thus it
97   // in the middle of a sound stream.
98   TSoundTouchFlush = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle); cdecl;
100   // Adds 'numSamples' pcs of samples from the 'samples' memory position into
101   // the input of the object. Notice that sample rate _has_to_ be set before
otherwisenull102   // calling this function, otherwise throws a runtime_error exception.
103   TSoundTouchPutSamples = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle;
104                                      const Samples: PSingle; //< Pointer to sample buffer.
105                                      NumSamples: Cardinal    //< Number of samples in buffer. Notice
106                                                              //< that in case of stereo-sound a single sample
107                                                              //< contains data for both channels.
108                                     ); cdecl;
110   // Clears all the samples in the object's output and internal processing
111   // buffers.
112   TSoundTouchClear = procedure (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle); cdecl;
114   // Changes a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
115   // 'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.
116   //
117   // \return 'TRUE' if the setting was successfully changed
118   TSoundTouchSetSetting = function (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle;
119                                  SettingId: Integer;   //< Setting ID number. see SETTING_... defines.
120                                  Value: Integer        //< New setting value.
121                                 ): Boolean; cdecl;
123   // Reads a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
124   // 'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.
125   //
126   // \return the setting value.
127   TSoundTouchGetSetting = function (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle;
128                                  SettingId: Integer     //< Setting ID number, see SETTING_... defines.
129                                 ): Integer; cdecl;
131   // Returns number of samples currently unprocessed.
132   TSoundTouchNumUnprocessedSamples = function (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle): Cardinal; cdecl;
134   // Adjusts book-keeping so that given number of samples are removed from beginning of the
135   // sample buffer without copying them anywhere.
136   //
137   // Used to reduce the number of samples in the buffer when accessing the sample buffer directly
138   // with 'ptrBegin' function.
139   TSoundTouchReceiveSamples = function (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle;
140                                      OutBuffer: PSingle;           //< Buffer where to copy output samples.
141                                      MaxSamples: Integer      //< How many samples to receive at max.
142                                     ): Cardinal; cdecl;
144   // Returns number of samples currently available.
145   TSoundTouchNumSamples = function (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle): Cardinal; cdecl;
147   // Returns nonzero if there aren't any samples available for outputting.
148   TSoundTouchIsEmpty = function (Handle: TSoundTouchHandle): Integer; cdecl;
150 var
151   SoundTouchCreateInstance        : TSoundTouchCreateInstance;
152   SoundTouchDestroyInstance       : TSoundTouchDestroyInstance;
153   SoundTouchGetVersionString      : TSoundTouchGetVersionString;
154   SoundTouchGetVersionString2     : TSoundTouchGetVersionString2;
155   SoundTouchGetVersionId          : TSoundTouchGetVersionId;
156   SoundTouchSetRate               : TSoundTouchSetRate;
157   SoundTouchSetTempo              : TSoundTouchSetTempo;
158   SoundTouchSetRateChange         : TSoundTouchSetRateChange;
159   SoundTouchSetTempoChange        : TSoundTouchSetTempoChange;
160   SoundTouchSetPitch              : TSoundTouchSetPitch;
161   SoundTouchSetPitchOctaves       : TSoundTouchSetPitchOctaves;
162   SoundTouchSetPitchSemiTones     : TSoundTouchSetPitchSemiTones;
163   SoundTouchSetChannels           : TSoundTouchSetChannels;
164   SoundTouchSetSampleRate         : TSoundTouchSetSampleRate;
165   SoundTouchFlush                 : TSoundTouchFlush;
166   SoundTouchPutSamples            : TSoundTouchPutSamples;
167   SoundTouchPutSamplesI16         : TSoundTouchPutSamplesI16;
168   SoundTouchClear                 : TSoundTouchClear;
169   SoundTouchSetSetting            : TSoundTouchSetSetting;
170   SoundTouchGetSetting            : TSoundTouchGetSetting;
171   SoundTouchNumUnprocessedSamples : TSoundTouchNumUnprocessedSamples;
172   SoundTouchReceiveSamples        : TSoundTouchReceiveSamples;
173   SoundTouchNumSamples            : TSoundTouchNumSamples;
174   SoundTouchIsEmpty               : TSoundTouchIsEmpty;
176 type
177   TSoundTouch = class
178   private
179     FHandle     : TSoundTouchHandle;
180     FRate       : Single;
181     FPitch      : Single;
182     FTempo      : Single;
183     FSampleRate : Single;
184     FChannels   : Cardinal;
GetNumSamplesnull185     function GetNumSamples: Cardinal;
GetNumUnprocessedSamplesnull186     function GetNumUnprocessedSamples: Cardinal;
GetIsEmptynull187     function GetIsEmpty: Integer;
GetPitchChangenull188     function GetPitchChange: Single;
GetRateChangenull189     function GetRateChange: Single;
GetTempoChangenull190     function GetTempoChange: Single;
191     procedure SetRate(const Value: Single);
192     procedure SetPitch(const Value: Single);
193     procedure SetTempo(const Value: Single);
194     procedure SetPitchChange(const Value: Single);
195     procedure SetRateChange(const Value: Single);
196     procedure SetTempoChange(const Value: Single);
197     procedure SetChannels(const Value: Cardinal);
198     procedure SetSampleRate(const Value: Single);
199   protected
200     procedure SamplerateChanged; virtual;
201     procedure ChannelsChanged; virtual;
202     procedure PitchChanged; virtual;
203     procedure TempoChanged; virtual;
204     procedure RateChanged; virtual;
205   public
GetVersionStringnull206     class function GetVersionString: string;
GetVersionIdnull207     class function GetVersionId: Cardinal;
208     constructor Create; virtual;
209     destructor Destroy; override;
210     procedure Flush; virtual;
211     procedure Clear; virtual;
213     procedure PutSamples(const Samples: PSingle; const NumSamples: Cardinal);
ReceiveSamplesnull214     function ReceiveSamples(const OutBuffer: PSingle; const MaxSamples: Integer): Cardinal;
SetSettingnull216     function SetSetting(const SettingId: Integer; const Value: Integer): Boolean;
GetSettingnull217     function GetSetting(const SettingId: Integer): Integer;
219     property VersionString: string read GetVersionString;
220     property VersionID: Cardinal read GetVersionId;
221     property Channels: Cardinal read FChannels write SetChannels;
222     property Rate: Single read FRate write SetRate;
223     property RateChange: Single read GetRateChange write SetRateChange;
224     property Tempo: Single read FTempo write SetTempo;
225     property TempoChange: Single read GetTempoChange write SetTempoChange;
226     property Pitch: Single read FPitch write SetPitch;
227     property PitchChange: Single read GetPitchChange write SetPitchChange;
228     property SampleRate: Single read FSampleRate write SetSampleRate;
230     property NumSamples: Cardinal read GetNumSamples;
231     property NumUnprocessedSamples: Cardinal read GetNumUnprocessedSamples;
232     property IsEmpty: Integer read GetIsEmpty;
233   end;
235 implementation
237 { TSoundTouch }
239 constructor TSoundTouch.Create;
240 begin
241   inherited;
242   FHandle := SoundTouchCreateInstance();
243   FRate := 1;
244   FTempo := 1;
245   FPitch := 1;
246   FChannels := 1;
247   FSampleRate := 44100;
248   SamplerateChanged;
249   ChannelsChanged;
250 end;
252 destructor TSoundTouch.Destroy;
253 begin
254   SoundTouchDestroyInstance(FHandle);
255   inherited;
256 end;
258 procedure TSoundTouch.Flush;
259 begin
260   SoundTouchFlush(FHandle);
261 end;
263 procedure TSoundTouch.Clear;
264 begin
265   SoundTouchClear(FHandle);
266 end;
TSoundTouch.GetIsEmptynull268 function TSoundTouch.GetIsEmpty: Integer;
269 begin
270   result := SoundTouchIsEmpty(FHandle);
271 end;
GetNumSamplesnull273 function TSoundTouch.GetNumSamples: Cardinal;
274 begin
275   result := SoundTouchNumSamples(FHandle);
276 end;
GetNumUnprocessedSamplesnull278 function TSoundTouch.GetNumUnprocessedSamples: Cardinal;
279 begin
280   result := SoundTouchNumUnprocessedSamples(FHandle);
281 end;
TSoundTouch.GetPitchChangenull283 function TSoundTouch.GetPitchChange: Single;
284 begin
285   result := 100 * (FPitch - 1.0);
286 end;
TSoundTouch.GetRateChangenull288 function TSoundTouch.GetRateChange: Single;
289 begin
290   result := 100 * (FRate - 1.0);
291 end;
TSoundTouch.GetTempoChangenull293 function TSoundTouch.GetTempoChange: Single;
294 begin
295   result := 100 * (FTempo - 1.0);
296 end;
TSoundTouch.GetVersionIdnull298 class function TSoundTouch.GetVersionId: Cardinal;
299 begin
300   result := SoundTouchGetVersionId();
301 end;
TSoundTouch.GetVersionStringnull303 class function TSoundTouch.GetVersionString: string;
304 begin
305   result := StrPas(SoundTouchGetVersionString());
306 end;
308 procedure TSoundTouch.SetChannels(const Value: Cardinal);
309 begin
310   if FChannels <> Value then
311   begin
312     FChannels := Value;
313     ChannelsChanged;
314   end;
315 end;
317 procedure TSoundTouch.ChannelsChanged;
318 begin
319   assert(FChannels in [1, 2]);
320   SoundTouchSetChannels(FHandle, FChannels);
321 end;
323 procedure TSoundTouch.SetPitch(const Value: Single);
324 begin
325   if FPitch <> Value then
326   begin
327     FPitch := Value;
328     PitchChanged;
329   end;
330 end;
332 procedure TSoundTouch.PitchChanged;
333 begin
334   SoundTouchSetPitch(FHandle, FPitch);
335 end;
337 procedure TSoundTouch.putSamples(const Samples: PSingle;
338   const NumSamples: Cardinal);
339 begin
340   SoundTouchPutSamples(FHandle, Samples, NumSamples);
341 end;
343 procedure TSoundTouch.RateChanged;
344 begin
345   SoundTouchSetRate(FHandle, FRate);
346 end;
TSoundTouch.ReceiveSamplesnull348 function TSoundTouch.ReceiveSamples(const OutBuffer: PSingle;
349   const MaxSamples: Integer): Cardinal;
350 begin
351   result := SoundTouchReceiveSamples(FHandle, OutBuffer, MaxSamples);
352 end;
354 procedure TSoundTouch.SetPitchChange(const Value: Single);
355 begin
356   Pitch := 1.0 + 0.01 * Value;
357 end;
359 procedure TSoundTouch.SetRate(const Value: Single);
360 begin
361   if FRate <> Value then
362   begin
363     FRate := Value;
364     RateChanged;
365   end;
366 end;
368 procedure TSoundTouch.SetRateChange(const Value: Single);
369 begin
370   Rate := 1.0 + 0.01 * Value;
371 end;
373 procedure TSoundTouch.SetSampleRate(const Value: Single);
374 begin
375   if FSampleRate <> Value then
376   begin
377     FSampleRate := Value;
378     SamplerateChanged;
379   end;
380 end;
382 procedure TSoundTouch.SamplerateChanged;
383 begin
384   assert(FSampleRate > 0);
385   SoundTouchsetSampleRate(FHandle, round(FSampleRate));
386 end;
388 procedure TSoundTouch.SetTempo(const Value: Single);
389 begin
390  if FTempo <> Value then
391   begin
392     FTempo := Value;
393     TempoChanged;
394   end;
395 end;
397 procedure TSoundTouch.SetTempoChange(const Value: Single);
398 begin
399   Tempo := 1.0 + 0.01 * Value;
400 end;
TSoundTouch.GetSettingnull402 function TSoundTouch.GetSetting(const SettingId: Integer): Integer;
403 begin
404   result := SoundTouchGetSetting(FHandle, SettingId);
405 end;
TSoundTouch.SetSettingnull407 function TSoundTouch.SetSetting(const SettingId: Integer;
408   const Value: Integer): Boolean;
409 begin
410   result := SoundTouchSetSetting(FHandle, SettingId, Value);
411 end;
413 procedure TSoundTouch.TempoChanged;
414 begin
415   SoundTouchsetTempo(FHandle, FTempo);
416 end;
418 var
419   SoundTouchLibHandle: HINST;
420   SoundTouchDLLFile: PAnsiChar = 'SoundTouch.dll';
422   // bpm detect functions. untested -- if these don't work then remove:
423   bpm_createInstance: function(chan: CInt32; sampleRate : CInt32): THandle; cdecl;
424   bpm_destroyInstance: procedure(h: THandle); cdecl;
425   bpm_getBpm: function(h: THandle): cfloat; cdecl;
426   bpm_putSamples: procedure(h: THandle; const samples: pcfloat;
427   numSamples: cardinal); cdecl;
429 procedure InitDLL;
430 begin
431   SoundTouchLibHandle := LoadLibrary(SoundTouchDLLFile);
432   if SoundTouchLibHandle <> 0 then
433   try
434     Pointer(SoundTouchCreateInstance)        := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_createInstance');
435     Pointer(SoundTouchDestroyInstance)       := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_destroyInstance');
436     Pointer(SoundTouchGetVersionString)      := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_getVersionString');
437     Pointer(SoundTouchGetVersionString2)     := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_getVersionString2');
438     Pointer(SoundTouchGetVersionId)          := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_getVersionId');
439     Pointer(SoundTouchSetRate)               := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setRate');
440     Pointer(SoundTouchSetTempo)              := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setTempo');
441     Pointer(SoundTouchSetRateChange)         := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setRateChange');
442     Pointer(SoundTouchSetTempoChange)        := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setTempoChange');
443     Pointer(SoundTouchSetPitch)              := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setPitch');
444     Pointer(SoundTouchSetPitchOctaves)       := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setPitchOctaves');
445     Pointer(SoundTouchSetPitchSemiTones)     := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setPitchSemiTones');
446     Pointer(SoundTouchSetChannels)           := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setChannels');
447     Pointer(SoundTouchSetSampleRate)         := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setSampleRate');
448     Pointer(SoundTouchFlush)                 := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_flush');
449     Pointer(SoundTouchPutSamples)            := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_putSamples');
450     Pointer(SoundTouchPutSamplesI16)         := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_putSamples_i16');
451     Pointer(SoundTouchClear)                 := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_clear');
452     Pointer(SoundTouchSetSetting)            := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_SetSetting');
453     Pointer(SoundTouchGetSetting)            := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_setSetting');
454     Pointer(SoundTouchNumUnprocessedSamples) := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_numUnprocessedSamples');
455     Pointer(SoundTouchReceiveSamples)        := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_receiveSamples');
456     Pointer(SoundTouchReceiveSamplesI16)     := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_receiveSamples_i16');
457     Pointer(SoundTouchNumSamples)            := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_numSamples');
458     Pointer(SoundTouchIsEmpty)               := GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'soundtouch_isEmpty');
460     Pointer(bpm_createInstance)             :=GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'bpm_createInstance');
461     Pointer(bpm_destroyInstance)            :=GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'bpm_destroyInstance');
462     Pointer(bpm_getBpm)                     :=GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'bpm_getBpm');
463     Pointer(bpm_putSamples)                 :=GetProcAddress(SoundTouchLibHandle, 'bpm_putSamples');
465   except
466     FreeLibrary(SoundTouchLibHandle);
467     SoundTouchLibHandle := 0;
468   end;
469 end;
471 procedure FreeDLL;
472 begin
473   if SoundTouchLibHandle <> 0 then FreeLibrary(SoundTouchLibHandle);
474 end;
476 initialization
477   InitDLL;
479 finalization
480   FreeDLL;
482 end.