1 /****************************************************
2 *Part of SPC2IT, read readme.md for more information*
3 ****************************************************/
5 #ifndef SPC2ITTYPES_H
6 #define SPC2ITTYPES_H
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 typedef uint8_t u8;
11 typedef uint16_t u16;
12 typedef uint32_t u32;
13 typedef uint64_t u64;
15 typedef int8_t s8;
16 typedef int16_t s16;
17 typedef int32_t s32;
18 typedef int64_t s64;
20 typedef double f64;
22 typedef s16 pcm_t;
24 #define OneKB (1024)
26 #define Mem64k (OneKB * 64)
28 typedef struct
29 {
30 	char magic[4]; // IMPM
31 	char songName[26];
32 	u16 PHiligt; // Pattern row hilight stuff
33 	u16 OrderNumber; // Number of orders in song
34 	u16 InstrumentNumber; // Number of instruments
35 	u16 SampleNumber; // Number of samples
36 	u16 PatternNumber; // Number of patterns
37 	u16 TrackerCreatorVersion; // The version of the tracker that created the IT file
38 	u16 TrackerFormatVersion; // Format version
39 	u16 Flags; // Information flags
40 	u16 Special; // Special st0ff
41 	u8 GlobalVolume; // Global volume
42 	u8 MixVolume; // Mix volume
43 	u8 InitialSpeed; // Initial speed
44 	u8 InitialTempo; // Initial tempo
45 	u8 PanningSeperation; // Panning separation between channels
46 	u8 PitchWheelDepth; // Pitch wheel depth for MIDI controllers
47 	u16 MessageLength; // Length of message if Bit 0 of Special is 1
48 	u32 MessageOffset; // Offset of message if Bit 0 of Special is 1
49 	u32 Reserved; // Reserved stuff
50 	u8 ChannelPan[64]; // Channel pan
51 	u8 ChannelVolume[64]; // Channel volume
52 } ITFileHeader;
54 typedef struct
55 {
56 	char magic[4]; // IMPS
57 	char fileName[13]; // 8.3 DOS filename (including null termating)
58 	u8 GlobalVolume; // Global volume for sample
59 	u8 Flags;
60 	u8 Volume; // Default volume
61 	char SampleName[26];
62 	u8 Convert;
63 	u8 DefaultPan;
64 	u32 NumberOfSamples; // not bytes! in samples!
65 	u32 LoopBeginning; // not bytes! in samples!
66 	u32 LoopEnd; // not bytes! in samples!
67 	u32 C5Speed; // Num of bytes a second for C-5
68 	u32 SustainLoopBeginning;
69 	u32 SustainLoopEnd;
70 	u32 SampleOffset; // the offset of the sample in file
71 	u8 VibratoSpeed;
72 	u8 VibratoDepth;
73 	u8 VibratoRate;
74 	u8 VibratoType;
75 } ITFileSample;
77 typedef struct
78 {
79 	u16 Length;
80 	u16 Rows;
81 	u8 Padding[4];
82 } ITFilePattern;
84 typedef struct
85 {
86 	u8 PC[2]; // Don't change this to u16, because of the way structs work, that will misalign the struct with the file!
87 	u8 A;
88 	u8 X;
89 	u8 Y;
90 	u8 PSW;
91 	u8 SP;
92 	u8 Reserved[2];
93 } SPCFileRegisters;
95 typedef struct
96 {
97 	char SongTitle[32];
98 	char GameTitle[32];
99 	char DumperName[16];
100 	char Comment[32];
101 	char Date[11];
102 	char SongLength[3];
103 	char FadeLength[5];
104 	char Artist[32];
105 	u8 ChannelDisabled;
106 	u8 EmulatorDumpedWith; //0 unknown, 1 ZSNES, 2 Snes9x
107 	u8 Reserved[45];
108 } SPCFileInformation;
110 typedef struct
111 {
112 	char FileTag[33]; // SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data v0.30
113 	u8 FileTagTerminator[2]; // 0x1A, 0x1A
114 	u8 ContainsID666; // 0x1A for contains ID666, 0x1B for no ID666
115 	u8 Version; //Version minor (30)
116 	SPCFileRegisters Registers; // 9bytes
117 	SPCFileInformation Information; // 163bytes
118 	u8 RAM[65536];
119 	u8 DSPBuffer[128];
120 } SPCFile;
122 typedef struct
123 {
124 	u8 Channel;
125 	u8 Mask;
126 	u8 Note;
127 	u8 Sample;
128 	u8 Volume;
129 	u8 Command;
130 	u8 CommandValue;
131 } ITPatternInfo;
133 typedef struct
134 {
135 	s32 mask, pitch, lvol, rvol;
136 	u8 note;
137 } itdata;
139 typedef struct
140 {
141 	s32 length;
142 	s32 loopto;
143 	s16 *buf;
144 	s32 freq;
145 } sndsamp;
147 typedef struct
148 {
149 	s32 ave;
150 	u32 envx, envcyc;
151 	s32 envstate;
152 	u32 ar, dr, sl, sr, gn;
153 } sndvoice;
155 #endif