1 /*  vcfcall.c -- SNP/indel variant calling from VCF/BCF.
3     Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Genome Research Ltd.
5     Author: Petr Danecek <pd3@sanger.ac.uk>
7 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
8 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
9 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
10 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
11 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
12 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
14 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
15 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
25 #include <stdarg.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <strings.h>
28 #include <assert.h>
29 #include <errno.h>
30 #include <unistd.h>
31 #include <getopt.h>
32 #include <math.h>
33 #include <htslib/vcf.h>
34 #include <time.h>
35 #include <zlib.h>
36 #include <stdarg.h>
37 #include <htslib/kfunc.h>
38 #include <htslib/synced_bcf_reader.h>
39 #include <htslib/khash_str2int.h>
40 #include <ctype.h>
41 #include "bcftools.h"
42 #include "call.h"
43 #include "prob1.h"
44 #include "ploidy.h"
45 #include "gvcf.h"
46 #include "regidx.h"
47 #include "vcfbuf.h"
49 void error(const char *format, ...);
51 #define CF_NO_GENO      1
52 #define CF_INS_MISSED   (1<<1)
53 #define CF_CCALL        (1<<2)
54 //                      (1<<3)
55 //                      (1<<4)
56 //                      (1<<5)
57 #define CF_ACGT_ONLY    (1<<6)
58 #define CF_QCALL        (1<<7)
59 #define CF_ADJLD        (1<<8)
60 #define CF_NO_INDEL     (1<<9)
61 #define CF_ANNO_MAX     (1<<10)
62 #define CF_MCALL        (1<<11)
63 #define CF_PAIRCALL     (1<<12)
64 #define CF_QCNT         (1<<13)
65 #define CF_INDEL_ONLY   (1<<14)
67 typedef struct
68 {
69     tgt_als_t *als;
70     int nmatch_als, ibuf;
71 }
72 rec_tgt_t;
74 typedef struct
75 {
76     int flag;   // combination of CF_* flags above
77     int output_type, n_threads, record_cmd_line, clevel;
78     htsFile *bcf_in, *out_fh;
79     char *bcf_fname, *output_fname;
80     char **samples;             // for subsampling and ploidy
81     int nsamples, *samples_map; // mapping from output sample names to original VCF
82     char *regions, *targets;    // regions to process
83     int regions_is_file, targets_is_file, regions_overlap;
84     regidx_t *tgt_idx;
85     regitr_t *tgt_itr, *tgt_itr_prev, *tgt_itr_tmp;
86     vcfbuf_t *vcfbuf;
88     char *samples_fname;
89     int samples_is_file;
90     int *sample2sex;    // mapping for ploidy. If negative, interpreted as -1*ploidy
91     int *sex2ploidy, *sex2ploidy_prev, nsex;
92     ploidy_t *ploidy;
93     gvcf_t *gvcf;
95     bcf1_t *missed_line;
96     call_t aux;     // parameters and temporary data
97     kstring_t str;
99     int argc;
100     char **argv;
102     //  int flag, prior_type, n1, n_sub, *sublist, n_perm;
103     //  uint32_t *trio_aux;
104     //  char *prior_file, **subsam;
105     //  uint8_t *ploidy;
106     //  double theta, pref, indel_frac, min_smpl_frac, min_lrt;
107     // Permutation tests
108     //  int n_perm, *seeds;
109     //  double min_perm_p;
110     //  void *bed;
111 }
112 args_t;
add_sample(void * name2idx,char ** lines,int * nlines,int * mlines,char * name,char sex,int * ith)114 static char **add_sample(void *name2idx, char **lines, int *nlines, int *mlines, char *name, char sex, int *ith)
115 {
116     int ret = khash_str2int_get(name2idx, name, ith);
117     if ( ret==0 ) return lines;
119     hts_expand(char*,(*nlines+1),*mlines,lines);
120     int len = strlen(name);
121     lines[*nlines] = (char*) malloc(len+3);
122     memcpy(lines[*nlines],name,len);
123     lines[*nlines][len]   = ' ';
124     lines[*nlines][len+1] = sex;
125     lines[*nlines][len+2] = 0;
126     *ith = *nlines;
127     (*nlines)++;
128     khash_str2int_set(name2idx, strdup(name), *ith);
129     return lines;
130 }
132 typedef struct
133 {
134     const char *alias, *about, *ploidy;
135 }
136 ploidy_predef_t;
138 static ploidy_predef_t ploidy_predefs[] =
139 {
140     { .alias  = "GRCh37",
141       .about  = "Human Genome reference assembly GRCh37 / hg19",
142       .ploidy =
143           "X 1 60000 M 1\n"
144           "X 2699521 154931043 M 1\n"
145           "Y 1 59373566 M 1\n"
146           "Y 1 59373566 F 0\n"
147           "MT 1 16569 M 1\n"
148           "MT 1 16569 F 1\n"
149           "chrX 1 60000 M 1\n"
150           "chrX 2699521 154931043 M 1\n"
151           "chrY 1 59373566 M 1\n"
152           "chrY 1 59373566 F 0\n"
153           "chrM 1 16569 M 1\n"
154           "chrM 1 16569 F 1\n"
155           "*  * *     M 2\n"
156           "*  * *     F 2\n"
157     },
158     { .alias  = "GRCh38",
159       .about  = "Human Genome reference assembly GRCh38 / hg38",
160       .ploidy =
161           "X 1 9999 M 1\n"
162           "X 2781480 155701381 M 1\n"
163           "Y 1 57227415 M 1\n"
164           "Y 1 57227415 F 0\n"
165           "MT 1 16569 M 1\n"
166           "MT 1 16569 F 1\n"
167           "chrX 1 9999 M 1\n"
168           "chrX 2781480 155701381 M 1\n"
169           "chrY 1 57227415 M 1\n"
170           "chrY 1 57227415 F 0\n"
171           "chrM 1 16569 M 1\n"
172           "chrM 1 16569 F 1\n"
173           "*  * *     M 2\n"
174           "*  * *     F 2\n"
175     },
176     { .alias  = "X",
177       .about  = "Treat male samples as haploid and female as diploid regardless of the chromosome name",
178       .ploidy =
179           "*  * *     M 1\n"
180           "*  * *     F 2\n"
181     },
182     { .alias  = "Y",
183       .about  = "Treat male samples as haploid and female as no-copy, regardless of the chromosome name",
184       .ploidy =
185           "*  * *     M 1\n"
186           "*  * *     F 0\n"
187     },
188     { .alias  = "1",
189       .about  = "Treat all samples as haploid",
190       .ploidy =
191           "*  * *     * 1\n"
192     },
193     { .alias  = "2",
194       .about  = "Treat all samples as diploid",
195       .ploidy =
196           "*  * *     * 2\n"
197     },
198     {
199         .alias  = NULL,
200         .about  = NULL,
201         .ploidy = NULL,
202     }
203 };
205 // only 5 columns are required and the first is ignored:
206 //  ignored,sample,father(or 0),mother(or 0),sex(1=M,2=F)
parse_ped_samples(call_t * call,char ** vals,int nvals,int * nsmpl)207 static char **parse_ped_samples(call_t *call, char **vals, int nvals, int *nsmpl)
208 {
209     int i, j, mlines = 0, nlines = 0;
210     kstring_t str = {0,0,0}, fam_str = {0,0,0};
211     void *name2idx = khash_str2int_init();
212     char **lines = NULL;
213     for (i=0; i<nvals; i++)
214     {
215         str.l = 0;
216         kputs(vals[i], &str);
217         char *col_ends[5], *tmp = str.s;
218         j = 0;
219         while ( *tmp && j<5 )
220         {
221             if ( isspace(*tmp) )
222             {
223                 *tmp = 0;
224                 ++tmp;
225                 while ( isspace(*tmp) ) tmp++;  // allow multiple spaces
226                 col_ends[j] = tmp-1;
227                 j++;
228                 continue;
229             }
230             tmp++;
231         }
232         if ( j!=5 ) break;
234         char sex = col_ends[3][1]=='1' ? 'M' : 'F';
235         lines = add_sample(name2idx, lines, &nlines, &mlines, col_ends[0]+1, sex, &j);
236         if ( strcmp(col_ends[1]+1,"0") && strcmp(col_ends[2]+1,"0") )   // father and mother
237         {
238             call->nfams++;
239             hts_expand(family_t, call->nfams, call->mfams, call->fams);
240             family_t *fam = &call->fams[call->nfams-1];
241             fam_str.l = 0;
242             ksprintf(&fam_str,"father=%s, mother=%s, child=%s", col_ends[1]+1,col_ends[2]+1,col_ends[0]+1);
243             fam->name = strdup(fam_str.s);
245             if ( !khash_str2int_has_key(name2idx, col_ends[1]+1) )
246                 lines = add_sample(name2idx, lines, &nlines, &mlines, col_ends[1]+1, 'M', &fam->sample[FATHER]);
247             if ( !khash_str2int_has_key(name2idx, col_ends[2]+1) )
248                 lines = add_sample(name2idx, lines, &nlines, &mlines, col_ends[2]+1, 'F', &fam->sample[MOTHER]);
250             khash_str2int_get(name2idx, col_ends[0]+1, &fam->sample[CHILD]);
251             khash_str2int_get(name2idx, col_ends[1]+1, &fam->sample[FATHER]);
252             khash_str2int_get(name2idx, col_ends[2]+1, &fam->sample[MOTHER]);
253         }
254     }
255     free(str.s);
256     free(fam_str.s);
257     khash_str2int_destroy_free(name2idx);
259     if ( i!=nvals ) // not a ped file
260     {
261         if ( i>0 ) error("Could not parse samples, not a PED format.\n");
262         return NULL;
263     }
264     *nsmpl = nlines;
265     return lines;
266 }
269 /*
270  *  Reads sample names and their ploidy (optional) from a file.
271  *  Alternatively, if no such file exists, the file name is interpreted
272  *  as a comma-separated list of samples. When ploidy is not present,
273  *  the default ploidy 2 is assumed.
274  */
set_samples(args_t * args,const char * fn,int is_file)275 static void set_samples(args_t *args, const char *fn, int is_file)
276 {
277     int i, nlines;
278     char **lines = hts_readlist(fn, is_file, &nlines);
279     if ( !lines ) error("Could not read the file: %s\n", fn);
281     int nsmpls;
282     char **smpls = parse_ped_samples(&args->aux, lines, nlines, &nsmpls);
283     if ( smpls )
284     {
285         for (i=0; i<nlines; i++) free(lines[i]);
286         free(lines);
287         lines = smpls;
288         nlines = nsmpls;
289     }
291     args->samples_map = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr)); // for subsetting
292     args->sample2sex  = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr));
293     int dflt_sex_id = ploidy_nsex(args->ploidy) - 1;
294     for (i=0; i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr); i++) args->sample2sex[i] = dflt_sex_id;
296     int *old2new = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr));
297     for (i=0; i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr); i++) old2new[i] = -1;
299     int nsmpl = 0, map_needed = 0;
300     for (i=0; i<nlines; i++)
301     {
302         char *ss = lines[i];
303         while ( *ss && isspace(*ss) ) ss++;
304         if ( !*ss ) error("Could not parse: %s\n", lines[i]);
305         if ( *ss=='#' ) continue;
306         char *se = ss;
307         while ( *se && !isspace(*se) ) se++;
308         char x = *se, *xptr = se; *se = 0;
310         int ismpl = bcf_hdr_id2int(args->aux.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, ss);
311         if ( ismpl < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: No such sample in the VCF: %s\n",ss); continue; }
312         if ( old2new[ismpl] != -1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: The sample is listed multiple times: %s\n",ss); continue; }
314         ss = se+(x != '\0');
315         while ( *ss && isspace(*ss) ) ss++;
316         if ( !*ss ) ss = "2";   // default ploidy
317         se = ss;
318         while ( *se && !isspace(*se) ) se++;
319         if ( se==ss ) { *xptr = x; error("Could not parse: \"%s\"\n", lines[i]); }
321         if ( ss[1]==0 && (ss[0]=='0' || ss[0]=='1' || ss[0]=='2') )
322             args->sample2sex[nsmpl] = -1*(ss[0]-'0');
323         else
324             args->sample2sex[nsmpl] = ploidy_add_sex(args->ploidy, ss);
326         if ( ismpl!=nsmpl ) map_needed = 1;
327         args->samples_map[nsmpl] = ismpl;
328         old2new[ismpl] = nsmpl;
329         nsmpl++;
330     }
332     for (i=0; i<args->aux.nfams; i++)
333     {
334         int j, nmiss = 0;
335         family_t *fam = &args->aux.fams[i];
336         for (j=0; j<3; j++)
337         {
338             fam->sample[i] = old2new[fam->sample[i]];
339             if ( fam->sample[i]<0 ) nmiss++;
340         }
341         assert( nmiss==0 || nmiss==3 );
342     }
343     free(old2new);
345     if ( !map_needed ) { free(args->samples_map); args->samples_map = NULL; }
347     args->nsamples = nsmpl;
348     args->samples = lines;
349 }
init_missed_line(args_t * args)351 static void init_missed_line(args_t *args)
352 {
353     int i;
354     for (i=0; i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr); i++)
355     {
356         args->aux.gts[i*2]   = bcf_gt_missing;
357         args->aux.gts[i*2+1] = bcf_int32_vector_end;
358     }
359     args->missed_line = bcf_init1();
360     bcf_update_genotypes(args->aux.hdr, args->missed_line, args->aux.gts, 2*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr));
361     bcf_float_set_missing(args->missed_line->qual);
362 }
tgt_parse(const char * line,char ** chr_beg,char ** chr_end,uint32_t * beg,uint32_t * end,void * payload,void * usr)364 static int tgt_parse(const char *line, char **chr_beg, char **chr_end, uint32_t *beg, uint32_t *end, void *payload, void *usr)
365 {
366     char *ss = (char*) line;
367     while ( *ss && isspace(*ss) ) ss++;
368     if ( !*ss ) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not parse the line: %s\n", line); return -2; }
369     if ( *ss=='#' ) return -1;  // skip comments
371     char *se = ss;
372     while ( *se && !isspace(*se) ) se++;
374     *chr_beg = ss;
375     *chr_end = se-1;
377     if ( !*se ) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not parse the line: %s\n", line); return -2; }
379     ss = se+1;
380     *beg = strtod(ss, &se);
381     if ( ss==se ) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not parse tab line: %s\n", line); return -2; }
382     if ( *beg==0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not parse tab line, expected 1-based coordinate: %s\n", line); return -2; }
383     (*beg)--;
384     *end = *beg;
386     if ( !usr ) return 0; // allele information not required
388     ss = se+1;
389     tgt_als_t *als = (tgt_als_t*)payload;
390     als->used   = 0;
391     als->n      = 0;
392     als->allele = NULL;
393     while ( *ss )
394     {
395         se = ss;
396         while ( *se && *se!=',' ) se++;
397         als->n++;
398         als->allele = (char**)realloc(als->allele,als->n*sizeof(*als->allele));
399         als->allele[als->n-1] = (char*)malloc(se-ss+1);
400         memcpy(als->allele[als->n-1],ss,se-ss);
401         als->allele[als->n-1][se-ss] = 0;
402         ss = se+1;
403         if ( !*se ) break;
404     }
405     return 0;
406 }
tgt_free(void * payload)407 static void tgt_free(void *payload)
408 {
409     tgt_als_t *als = (tgt_als_t*)payload;
410     int i;
411     for (i=0; i<als->n; i++) free(als->allele[i]);
412     free(als->allele);
413 }
tgt_flush_region(args_t * args,char * chr,uint32_t beg,uint32_t end)414 static void tgt_flush_region(args_t *args, char *chr, uint32_t beg, uint32_t end)
415 {
416     if ( !regidx_overlap(args->tgt_idx, chr,beg,end,args->tgt_itr_tmp) ) return;
417     while ( regitr_overlap(args->tgt_itr_tmp) )
418     {
419         if ( args->tgt_itr_tmp->beg < beg ) continue;
421         tgt_als_t *tgt_als = &regitr_payload(args->tgt_itr_tmp,tgt_als_t);
422         if ( tgt_als->used ) continue;
424         args->missed_line->rid  = bcf_hdr_name2id(args->aux.hdr,chr);
425         args->missed_line->pos  = args->tgt_itr_tmp->beg;
426         bcf_unpack(args->missed_line,BCF_UN_ALL);
427         bcf_update_alleles(args->aux.hdr, args->missed_line, (const char**)tgt_als->allele, tgt_als->n);
428         tgt_als->used = 1;
429         if ( bcf_write1(args->out_fh, args->aux.hdr, args->missed_line)!=0 ) error("[%s] Error: failed to write to %s\n", __func__,args->output_fname);
430     }
431 }
tgt_flush(args_t * args,bcf1_t * rec)432 static void tgt_flush(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec)
433 {
434     if ( rec )
435     {
436         char *chr = (char*)bcf_seqname(args->aux.hdr,rec);
438         if ( !args->tgt_itr_prev )                  // first record
439             tgt_flush_region(args,chr,0,rec->pos-1);
441         else if ( strcmp(chr,args->tgt_itr_prev->seq) )  // first record on a new chromosome
442         {
443             tgt_flush_region(args,args->tgt_itr_prev->seq,args->tgt_itr_prev->beg+1,REGIDX_MAX);
444             tgt_flush_region(args,chr,0,rec->pos-1);
445         }
446         else                                        // another record on the same chromosome
447             tgt_flush_region(args,args->tgt_itr_prev->seq,args->tgt_itr_prev->beg,rec->pos-1);
448     }
449     else
450     {
451         // flush everything
452         if ( args->tgt_itr_prev )
453             tgt_flush_region(args,args->tgt_itr_prev->seq,args->tgt_itr_prev->beg,REGIDX_MAX);
455         int i, nchr = 0;
456         char **chr = regidx_seq_names(args->tgt_idx, &nchr);
457         for (i=0; i<nchr; i++)
458             tgt_flush_region(args,chr[i],0,REGIDX_MAX);
459     }
460 }
is_indel(int nals,char ** als)461 inline static int is_indel(int nals, char **als)
462 {
463     // This is mpileup output, we can make some assumption:
464     //  - no MNPs
465     //  - "<*>" is not present at indels sites and there are no other symbolic alleles than <*>
466     if ( als[1][0]=='<' ) return 0;
468     int i;
469     for (i=0; i<nals; i++)
470     {
471         if ( als[i][0]=='<' ) continue;
472         if ( als[i][1] ) return 1;
473     }
474     return 0;
475 }
next_line(args_t * args)476 bcf1_t *next_line(args_t *args)
477 {
478     bcf1_t *rec = NULL;
479     if ( !args->vcfbuf )
480     {
481         while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->aux.srs) )
482         {
483             rec = args->aux.srs->readers[0].buffer[0];
484             if ( args->aux.srs->errnum || rec->errcode ) error("Error: could not parse the input VCF\n");
485             if ( args->tgt_idx )
486             {
487                 if ( !regidx_overlap(args->tgt_idx, bcf_seqname(args->aux.hdr,rec),rec->pos,rec->pos,args->tgt_itr) ) continue;
489                 // For backward compatibility: require the exact position, not an interval overlap
490                 int pos_match = 0;
491                 while ( regitr_overlap(args->tgt_itr) )
492                 {
493                     if ( args->tgt_itr->beg != rec->pos ) continue;
494                     pos_match = 1;
495                     break;
496                 }
497                 if ( !pos_match ) continue;
498             }
499             if ( args->samples_map ) bcf_subset(args->aux.hdr, rec, args->nsamples, args->samples_map);
500             bcf_unpack(rec, BCF_UN_STR);
501             return rec;
502         }
503         return NULL;
504     }
506     // If we are here,-C alleles was given and vcfbuf and tgt_idx are set
508     // Fill the buffer with duplicate lines
509     int vcfbuf_full = 1;
510     int nbuf = vcfbuf_nsites(args->vcfbuf);
511     bcf1_t *rec0 = NULL, *recN = NULL;
512     if ( nbuf==0 ) vcfbuf_full = 0;
513     else if ( nbuf==1 )
514     {
515         vcfbuf_full = 0;
516         rec0 = vcfbuf_peek(args->vcfbuf, 0);
517     }
518     else
519     {
520         rec0 = vcfbuf_peek(args->vcfbuf, 0);
521         recN = vcfbuf_peek(args->vcfbuf, nbuf-1);
522         if ( rec0->rid == recN->rid && rec0->pos == recN->pos ) vcfbuf_full = 0;
523     }
524     if ( !vcfbuf_full )
525     {
526         while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->aux.srs) )
527         {
528             rec = args->aux.srs->readers[0].buffer[0];
529             if ( args->aux.srs->errnum || rec->errcode ) error("Error: could not parse the input VCF\n");
530             if ( !regidx_overlap(args->tgt_idx, bcf_seqname(args->aux.hdr,rec),rec->pos,rec->pos,args->tgt_itr) ) continue;
531             // as above: require the exact position, not an interval overlap
532             int exact_match = 0;
533             while ( regitr_overlap(args->tgt_itr) )
534             {
535                 if ( args->tgt_itr->beg != rec->pos ) continue;
536                 exact_match = 1;
537                 break;
538             }
539             if ( !exact_match ) continue;
541             if ( args->samples_map ) bcf_subset(args->aux.hdr, rec, args->nsamples, args->samples_map);
542             bcf_unpack(rec, BCF_UN_STR);
543             if ( !rec0 ) rec0 = rec;
544             recN = rec;
545             args->aux.srs->readers[0].buffer[0] = vcfbuf_push(args->vcfbuf, rec);
546             if ( rec0->rid!=recN->rid || rec0->pos!=recN->pos ) break;
547         }
548     }
550     nbuf = vcfbuf_nsites(args->vcfbuf);
551     int n, i,j;
552     for (n=nbuf; n>1; n--)
553     {
554         recN = vcfbuf_peek(args->vcfbuf, n-1);
555         if ( rec0->rid==recN->rid && rec0->pos==recN->pos ) break;
556     }
557     if ( n==0 )
558     {
559         assert( !nbuf );
560         return NULL;
561     }
563     // Find the VCF and tab record with the best matching combination of alleles, prioritize
564     // records of the same type (snp vs indel)
565     rec_tgt_t rec_tgt;
566     memset(&rec_tgt,0,sizeof(rec_tgt));
567     regidx_overlap(args->tgt_idx, bcf_seqname(args->aux.hdr,rec0),rec0->pos,rec0->pos,args->tgt_itr);
568     regitr_t *tmp_itr = regitr_init(args->tgt_idx);
569     regitr_copy(tmp_itr, args->tgt_itr);
570     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
571     {
572         rec = vcfbuf_peek(args->vcfbuf, i);
573         int rec_indel = is_indel(rec->n_allele, rec->d.allele) ? 1 : -1;
574         while ( regitr_overlap(tmp_itr) )
575         {
576             if ( tmp_itr->beg != rec->pos ) continue;
577             tgt_als_t *als = &regitr_payload(tmp_itr,tgt_als_t);
578             if ( als->used ) continue;
579             int nmatch_als = 0;
580             vcmp_t *vcmp = vcmp_init();
581             int ret = vcmp_set_ref(vcmp, rec->d.allele[0], als->allele[0]);
582             if ( ret==0 )
583             {
584                 nmatch_als++;
585                 if ( rec->n_allele > 1 && als->n > 1 )
586                 {
587                     for (j=1; j<als->n; j++)
588                     {
589                         if ( vcmp_find_allele(vcmp, rec->d.allele+1, rec->n_allele-1, als->allele[j])>=0 ) nmatch_als++;
590                     }
591                 }
592             }
593             int als_indel = is_indel(als->n, als->allele) ? 1 : -1;
594             nmatch_als *= rec_indel*als_indel;
595             if ( nmatch_als > rec_tgt.nmatch_als || !rec_tgt.als )
596             {
597                 rec_tgt.nmatch_als = nmatch_als;
598                 rec_tgt.als  = als;
599                 rec_tgt.ibuf = i;
600             }
601             vcmp_destroy(vcmp);
602         }
603     }
604     regitr_destroy(tmp_itr);
606     args->aux.tgt_als = rec_tgt.als;
607     if ( rec_tgt.als ) rec_tgt.als->used = 1;
609     rec = vcfbuf_remove(args->vcfbuf, rec_tgt.ibuf);
610     return rec;
611 }
init_data(args_t * args)613 static void init_data(args_t *args)
614 {
615     args->aux.srs = bcf_sr_init();
617     // Open files for input and output, initialize structures
618     if ( args->targets )
619     {
620         args->tgt_idx = regidx_init(args->targets, tgt_parse, args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES ? tgt_free : (regidx_free_f) NULL, sizeof(tgt_als_t), args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES ? args : NULL);
621         args->tgt_itr = regitr_init(args->tgt_idx);
622         args->tgt_itr_tmp = regitr_init(args->tgt_idx);
623     }
625     if ( args->regions )
626     {
627         bcf_sr_set_opt(args->aux.srs,BCF_SR_REGIONS_OVERLAP,args->regions_overlap);
628         if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->aux.srs, args->regions, args->regions_is_file)<0 )
629             error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions);
630     }
632     if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->aux.srs, args->bcf_fname) )
633         error("Failed to read from %s: %s\n", !strcmp("-",args->bcf_fname)?"standard input":args->bcf_fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->aux.srs->errnum));
634     args->aux.hdr = bcf_sr_get_header(args->aux.srs,0);
636     int i;
637     if ( args->samples_fname )
638     {
639         set_samples(args, args->samples_fname, args->samples_is_file);
640         if ( args->aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_TRIO )
641         {
642             if ( 3*args->aux.nfams!=args->nsamples ) error("Expected only trios in %s, sorry!\n", args->samples_fname);
643             fprintf(stderr,"Detected %d samples in %d trio families\n", args->nsamples,args->aux.nfams);
644         }
645     }
646     if ( args->ploidy  )
647     {
648         args->nsex = ploidy_nsex(args->ploidy);
649         args->sex2ploidy = (int*) calloc(args->nsex,sizeof(int));
650         args->sex2ploidy_prev = (int*) calloc(args->nsex,sizeof(int));
651         if ( !args->nsamples )
652         {
653             args->nsamples = bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr);
654             args->sample2sex = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*args->nsamples);
655             for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++) args->sample2sex[i] = args->nsex - 1;
656         }
657     }
658     if ( args->nsamples )
659     {
660         args->aux.ploidy = (uint8_t*) malloc(args->nsamples);
661         for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++) args->aux.ploidy[i] = ploidy_max(args->ploidy);
662         for (i=0; i<args->nsex; i++) args->sex2ploidy_prev[i] = ploidy_max(args->ploidy);
663         for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
664             if ( args->sample2sex[i] >= args->nsex ) args->sample2sex[i] = args->nsex - 1;
665     }
667     if ( args->gvcf )
668     {
669         int id = bcf_hdr_id2int(args->aux.hdr,BCF_DT_ID,"DP");
670         if ( id<0 || !bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists(args->aux.hdr,BCF_HL_FMT,id) ) error("--gvcf output mode requires FORMAT/DP tag, which is not present in the input header\n");
671         gvcf_update_header(args->gvcf, args->aux.hdr);
672     }
674     if ( args->samples_map )
675     {
676         args->aux.hdr = bcf_hdr_subset(bcf_sr_get_header(args->aux.srs,0), args->nsamples, args->samples, args->samples_map);
677         if ( !args->aux.hdr ) error("Error occurred while subsetting samples\n");
678         for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
679             if ( args->samples_map[i]<0 ) error("No such sample: %s\n", args->samples[i]);
680         if ( !bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->aux.hdr) ) error("No matching sample found\n");
681     }
682     else
683     {
684         args->aux.hdr = bcf_hdr_dup(bcf_sr_get_header(args->aux.srs,0));
685         if ( args->samples )
686         {
687             for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
688                 if ( bcf_hdr_id2int(args->aux.hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->samples[i])<0 )
689                     error("No such sample: %s\n", args->samples[i]);
690         }
691     }
693     if ( args->aux.flag & CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES )
694         args->vcfbuf = vcfbuf_init(args->aux.hdr, 0);
696     char wmode[8];
697     set_wmode(wmode,args->output_type,args->output_fname,args->clevel);
698     args->out_fh = hts_open(args->output_fname ? args->output_fname : "-", wmode);
699     if ( args->out_fh == NULL ) error("Error: cannot write to \"%s\": %s\n", args->output_fname, strerror(errno));
700     if ( args->n_threads ) hts_set_threads(args->out_fh, args->n_threads);
702     if ( args->flag & CF_QCALL )
703         return;
705     if ( args->flag & CF_MCALL )
706         mcall_init(&args->aux);
708     if ( args->flag & CF_CCALL )
709         ccall_init(&args->aux);
711     bcf_hdr_remove(args->aux.hdr, BCF_HL_INFO, "QS");
712     bcf_hdr_remove(args->aux.hdr, BCF_HL_INFO, "I16");
714     if (args->record_cmd_line) bcf_hdr_append_version(args->aux.hdr, args->argc, args->argv, "bcftools_call");
715     if ( bcf_hdr_write(args->out_fh, args->aux.hdr)!=0 ) error("[%s] Error: cannot write the header to %s\n", __func__,args->output_fname);
717     if ( args->flag&CF_INS_MISSED ) init_missed_line(args);
718 }
destroy_data(args_t * args)720 static void destroy_data(args_t *args)
721 {
722     if ( args->vcfbuf ) vcfbuf_destroy(args->vcfbuf);
723     if ( args->tgt_idx )
724     {
725         regidx_destroy(args->tgt_idx);
726         regitr_destroy(args->tgt_itr);
727         regitr_destroy(args->tgt_itr_tmp);
728         if ( args->tgt_itr_prev ) regitr_destroy(args->tgt_itr_prev);
729     }
730     if ( args->flag & CF_CCALL ) ccall_destroy(&args->aux);
731     else if ( args->flag & CF_MCALL ) mcall_destroy(&args->aux);
732     else if ( args->flag & CF_QCALL ) qcall_destroy(&args->aux);
733     int i;
734     if ( args->samples )
735     {
736         for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++) free(args->samples[i]);
737     }
738     if ( args->aux.fams )
739     {
740         for (i=0; i<args->aux.nfams; i++) free(args->aux.fams[i].name);
741         free(args->aux.fams);
742     }
743     if ( args->missed_line ) bcf_destroy(args->missed_line);
744     ploidy_destroy(args->ploidy);
745     free(args->sex2ploidy);
746     free(args->sex2ploidy_prev);
747     free(args->samples);
748     free(args->samples_map);
749     free(args->sample2sex);
750     free(args->aux.ploidy);
751     free(args->str.s);
752     if ( args->gvcf ) gvcf_destroy(args->gvcf);
753     bcf_hdr_destroy(args->aux.hdr);
754     if ( hts_close(args->out_fh)!=0 ) error("[%s] Error: close failed .. %s\n", __func__,args->output_fname);
755     bcf_sr_destroy(args->aux.srs);
756 }
parse_novel_rate(args_t * args,const char * str)758 void parse_novel_rate(args_t *args, const char *str)
759 {
760     if ( sscanf(str,"%le,%le,%le",&args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs,&args->aux.trio_Pm_del,&args->aux.trio_Pm_ins)==3 )  // explicit for all
761     {
762         args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs = 1 - args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs;
763         args->aux.trio_Pm_del  = 1 - args->aux.trio_Pm_del;
764         args->aux.trio_Pm_ins  = 1 - args->aux.trio_Pm_ins;
765     }
766     else if ( sscanf(str,"%le,%le",&args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs,&args->aux.trio_Pm_del)==2 )   // dynamic for indels
767     {
768         args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs = 1 - args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs;
769         args->aux.trio_Pm_ins  = -1;    // negative value for dynamic calculation
770     }
771     else if ( sscanf(str,"%le",&args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs)==1 )  // same for all
772     {
773         args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs = 1 - args->aux.trio_Pm_SNPs;
774         args->aux.trio_Pm_del  = -1;
775         args->aux.trio_Pm_ins  = -1;
776     }
777     else error("Could not parse --novel-rate %s\n", str);
778 }
list_annotations(FILE * fp)780 static void list_annotations(FILE *fp)
781 {
782     fprintf(fp,
783         "\n"
784         "Optional INFO annotations available with -m (\"INFO/\" prefix is optional):\n"
785         "  INFO/PV4   .. P-values for strand bias, baseQ bias, mapQ bias and tail distance bias (Number=4,Type=Float)\n"
786         "\n"
787         "Optional FORMAT annotations available with -m (\"FORMAT/\" prefix is optional):\n"
788         "  FORMAT/GQ  .. Phred-scaled genotype quality (Number=1,Type=Integer)\n"
789         "  FORMAT/GP  .. Phred-scaled genotype posterior probabilities (Number=G,Type=Float)\n"
790         "\n");
791 }
parse_output_tags(const char * str)793 static int parse_output_tags(const char *str)
794 {
795     int flag = 0;
796     const char *ss = str;
797     while ( *ss )
798     {
799         const char *se = ss;
800         while ( *se && *se!=',' ) se++;
801         if ( !strncasecmp(ss,"GQ",se-ss) || !strncasecmp(ss,"FORMAT/GQ",se-ss) || !strncasecmp(ss,"FMT/GQ",se-ss)  ) flag |= CALL_FMT_GQ;
802         else if ( !strncasecmp(ss,"GP",se-ss) || !strncasecmp(ss,"FORMAT/GP",se-ss) || !strncasecmp(ss,"FMT/GP",se-ss) ) flag |= CALL_FMT_GP;
803         else if ( !strncasecmp(ss,"PV4",se-ss) || !strncasecmp(ss,"INFO/PV4",se-ss) ) flag |= CALL_FMT_PV4;
804         else
805         {
806             fprintf(stderr,"Could not parse \"%s\"\n", str);
807             exit(1);
808         }
809         if ( !*se ) break;
810         ss = se + 1;
811     }
812     return flag;
813 }
set_ploidy(args_t * args,bcf1_t * rec)815 static void set_ploidy(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec)
816 {
817     ploidy_query(args->ploidy,(char*)bcf_seqname(args->aux.hdr,rec),rec->pos,args->sex2ploidy,NULL,NULL);
819     int i;
820     for (i=0; i<args->nsex; i++)
821         if ( args->sex2ploidy[i]!=args->sex2ploidy_prev[i] ) break;
823     if ( i==args->nsex ) return;    // ploidy same as previously
825     for (i=0; i<args->nsamples; i++)
826     {
827         if ( args->sample2sex[i]<0 )
828             args->aux.ploidy[i] = -1*args->sample2sex[i];
829         else
830             args->aux.ploidy[i] = args->sex2ploidy[args->sample2sex[i]];
831     }
832     int *tmp = args->sex2ploidy; args->sex2ploidy = args->sex2ploidy_prev; args->sex2ploidy_prev = tmp;
833 }
init_ploidy(char * alias)835 ploidy_t *init_ploidy(char *alias)
836 {
837     const ploidy_predef_t *pld = ploidy_predefs;
839     int detailed = 0, len = strlen(alias);
840     if ( alias[len-1]=='?' ) { detailed = 1; alias[len-1] = 0; }
842     while ( pld->alias && strcasecmp(alias,pld->alias) ) pld++;
844     if ( !pld->alias )
845     {
846         fprintf(stderr,"\nPRE-DEFINED PLOIDY FILES\n\n");
847         fprintf(stderr," * Columns are: CHROM,FROM,TO,SEX,PLOIDY\n");
848         fprintf(stderr," * Coordinates are 1-based inclusive.\n");
849         fprintf(stderr," * A '*' means any value not otherwise defined.\n\n");
850         pld = ploidy_predefs;
851         while ( pld->alias )
852         {
853             fprintf(stderr,"%s\n   .. %s\n\n", pld->alias,pld->about);
854             if ( detailed )
855                 fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", pld->ploidy);
856             pld++;
857         }
858         fprintf(stderr,"Run as --ploidy <alias> (e.g. --ploidy GRCh37).\n");
859         fprintf(stderr,"To see the detailed ploidy definition, append a question mark (e.g. --ploidy GRCh37?).\n");
860         fprintf(stderr,"\n");
861         exit(-1);
862     }
863     else if ( detailed )
864     {
865         fprintf(stderr,"%s", pld->ploidy);
866         exit(-1);
867     }
868     return ploidy_init_string(pld->ploidy,2);
869 }
usage(args_t * args)871 static void usage(args_t *args)
872 {
873     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
874     fprintf(stderr, "About:   SNP/indel variant calling from VCF/BCF. To be used in conjunction with bcftools mpileup.\n");
875     fprintf(stderr, "         This command replaces the former \"bcftools view\" caller. Some of the original\n");
876     fprintf(stderr, "         functionality has been temporarily lost in the process of transition to htslib,\n");
877     fprintf(stderr, "         but will be added back on popular demand. The original calling model can be\n");
878     fprintf(stderr, "         invoked with the -c option.\n");
879     fprintf(stderr, "Usage:   bcftools call [options] <in.vcf.gz>\n");
880     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
881     fprintf(stderr, "File format options:\n");
882     fprintf(stderr, "       --no-version                Do not append version and command line to the header\n");
883     fprintf(stderr, "   -o, --output FILE               Write output to a file [standard output]\n");
884     fprintf(stderr, "   -O, --output-type b|u|z|v       Output type: 'b' compressed BCF; 'u' uncompressed BCF; 'z' compressed VCF; 'v' uncompressed VCF [v]\n");
885     fprintf(stderr, "   -O, --output-type u|b|v|z[0-9]  u/b: un/compressed BCF, v/z: un/compressed VCF, 0-9: compression level [v]\n");
886     fprintf(stderr, "       --ploidy ASSEMBLY[?]        Predefined ploidy, 'list' to print available settings, append '?' for details [2]\n");
887     fprintf(stderr, "       --ploidy-file FILE          Space/tab-delimited list of CHROM,FROM,TO,SEX,PLOIDY\n");
888     fprintf(stderr, "   -r, --regions REGION            Restrict to comma-separated list of regions\n");
889     fprintf(stderr, "   -R, --regions-file FILE         Restrict to regions listed in a file\n");
890     fprintf(stderr, "       --regions-overlap 0|1|2     Include if POS in the region (0), record overlaps (1), variant overlaps (2) [1]\n");
891     fprintf(stderr, "   -s, --samples LIST              List of samples to include [all samples]\n");
892     fprintf(stderr, "   -S, --samples-file FILE         PED file or a file with an optional column with sex (see man page for details) [all samples]\n");
893     fprintf(stderr, "   -t, --targets REGION            Similar to -r but streams rather than index-jumps\n");
894     fprintf(stderr, "   -T, --targets-file FILE         Similar to -R but streams rather than index-jumps\n");
895     fprintf(stderr, "       --threads INT               Use multithreading with INT worker threads [0]\n");
896     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
897     fprintf(stderr, "Input/output options:\n");
898     fprintf(stderr, "   -A, --keep-alts                 Keep all possible alternate alleles at variant sites\n");
899     fprintf(stderr, "   -a, --annotate LIST             Optional tags to output (lowercase allowed); '?' to list available tags\n");
900     fprintf(stderr, "   -F, --prior-freqs AN,AC         Use prior allele frequencies, determined from these pre-filled tags\n");
901     fprintf(stderr, "   -G, --group-samples FILE|-      Group samples by population (file with \"sample\\tgroup\") or \"-\" for single-sample calling.\n");
902     fprintf(stderr, "                                   This requires FORMAT/QS or other Number=R,Type=Integer tag such as FORMAT/AD\n");
903     fprintf(stderr, "       --group-samples-tag TAG     The tag to use with -G, by default FORMAT/QS and FORMAT/AD are checked automatically\n");
904     fprintf(stderr, "   -g, --gvcf INT,[...]            Group non-variant sites into gVCF blocks by minimum per-sample DP\n");
905     fprintf(stderr, "   -i, --insert-missed             Output also sites missed by mpileup but present in -T\n");
906     fprintf(stderr, "   -M, --keep-masked-ref           Keep sites with masked reference allele (REF=N)\n");
907     fprintf(stderr, "   -V, --skip-variants TYPE        Skip indels/snps\n");
908     fprintf(stderr, "   -v, --variants-only             Output variant sites only\n");
909     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
910     fprintf(stderr, "Consensus/variant calling options:\n");
911     fprintf(stderr, "   -c, --consensus-caller          The original calling method (conflicts with -m)\n");
912     fprintf(stderr, "   -C, --constrain STR             One of: alleles, trio (see manual)\n");
913     fprintf(stderr, "   -m, --multiallelic-caller       Alternative model for multiallelic and rare-variant calling (conflicts with -c)\n");
914     fprintf(stderr, "   -n, --novel-rate FLOAT,[...]    Likelihood of novel mutation for constrained trio calling, see man page for details [1e-8,1e-9,1e-9]\n");
915     fprintf(stderr, "   -p, --pval-threshold FLOAT      Variant if P(ref|D)<FLOAT with -c [0.5]\n");
916     fprintf(stderr, "   -P, --prior FLOAT               Mutation rate (use bigger for greater sensitivity), use with -m [1.1e-3]\n");
917     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
918     fprintf(stderr, "Example:\n");
919     fprintf(stderr, "   # See also http://samtools.github.io/bcftools/howtos/variant-calling.html\n");
920     fprintf(stderr, "   bcftools mpileup -Ou -f reference.fa alignments.bam | bcftools call -mv -Ob -o calls.bcf\n");
922     // todo (and more)
923     // fprintf(stderr, "\nContrast calling and association test options:\n");
924     // fprintf(stderr, "       -1 INT    number of group-1 samples [0]\n");
925     // fprintf(stderr, "       -C FLOAT  posterior constrast for LRT<FLOAT and P(ref|D)<0.5 [%g]\n", args->aux.min_lrt);
926     // fprintf(stderr, "       -U INT    number of permutations for association testing (effective with -1) [0]\n");
927     // fprintf(stderr, "       -X FLOAT  only perform permutations for P(chi^2)<FLOAT [%g]\n", args->aux.min_perm_p);
928     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
929     exit(-1);
930 }
main_vcfcall(int argc,char * argv[])932 int main_vcfcall(int argc, char *argv[])
933 {
934     char *ploidy_fname = NULL, *ploidy = NULL;
935     args_t args;
936     memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args_t));
937     args.argc = argc; args.argv = argv;
938     args.aux.prior_type = -1;
939     args.aux.indel_frac = -1;
940     args.aux.theta      = 1.1e-3;
941     args.aux.pref       = 0.5;
942     args.aux.min_perm_p = 0.01;
943     args.aux.min_lrt    = 1;
944     args.flag           = CF_ACGT_ONLY;
945     args.output_fname   = "-";
946     args.output_type    = FT_VCF;
947     args.n_threads = 0;
948     args.record_cmd_line = 1;
949     args.aux.trio_Pm_SNPs = 1 - 1e-8;
950     args.aux.trio_Pm_ins  = args.aux.trio_Pm_del  = 1 - 1e-9;
951     args.regions_overlap = 1;
952     args.clevel = -1;
954     int c;
955     static struct option loptions[] =
956     {
957         {"help",no_argument,NULL,'h'},
958         {"format-fields",required_argument,NULL,'f'},
959         {"annotate",required_argument,NULL,'a'},
960         {"prior-freqs",required_argument,NULL,'F'},
961         {"gvcf",required_argument,NULL,'g'},
962         {"group-samples",required_argument,NULL,'G'},
963         {"group-samples-tag",required_argument,NULL,3},
964         {"output",required_argument,NULL,'o'},
965         {"output-type",required_argument,NULL,'O'},
966         {"regions",required_argument,NULL,'r'},
967         {"regions-file",required_argument,NULL,'R'},
968         {"regions-overlap",required_argument,NULL,4},
969         {"samples",required_argument,NULL,'s'},
970         {"samples-file",required_argument,NULL,'S'},
971         {"targets",required_argument,NULL,'t'},
972         {"targets-file",required_argument,NULL,'T'},
973         {"threads",required_argument,NULL,9},
974         {"keep-alts",no_argument,NULL,'A'},
975         {"insert-missed",no_argument,NULL,'i'},
976         {"skip-Ns",no_argument,NULL,'N'},            // now the new default
977         {"keep-masked-refs",no_argument,NULL,'M'},
978         {"skip-variants",required_argument,NULL,'V'},
979         {"variants-only",no_argument,NULL,'v'},
980         {"consensus-caller",no_argument,NULL,'c'},
981         {"constrain",required_argument,NULL,'C'},
982         {"multiallelic-caller",no_argument,NULL,'m'},
983         {"pval-threshold",required_argument,NULL,'p'},
984         {"prior",required_argument,NULL,'P'},
985         {"novel-rate",required_argument,NULL,'n'},
986         {"ploidy",required_argument,NULL,1},
987         {"ploidy-file",required_argument,NULL,2},
988         {"chromosome-X",no_argument,NULL,'X'},
989         {"chromosome-Y",no_argument,NULL,'Y'},
990         {"no-version",no_argument,NULL,8},
991         {NULL,0,NULL,0}
992     };
994     char *tmp = NULL;
995     while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h?o:O:r:R:s:S:t:T:ANMV:vcmp:C:n:P:f:a:ig:XYF:G:", loptions, NULL)) >= 0)
996     {
997         switch (c)
998         {
999             case  2 : ploidy_fname = optarg; break;
1000             case  1 : ploidy = optarg; break;
1001             case 'X': ploidy = "X"; fprintf(stderr,"Warning: -X will be deprecated, please use --ploidy instead.\n"); break;
1002             case 'Y': ploidy = "Y"; fprintf(stderr,"Warning: -Y will be deprecated, please use --ploidy instead.\n"); break;
1003             case 'G': args.aux.sample_groups = optarg; break;
1004             case  3 : args.aux.sample_groups_tag = optarg; break;
1005             case 'f': fprintf(stderr,"Warning: -f, --format-fields will be deprecated, please use -a, --annotate instead.\n");
1006             case 'a':
1007                       if (optarg[0]=='?') { list_annotations(stderr); return 1; }
1008                       args.aux.output_tags |= parse_output_tags(optarg);
1009                       break;
1010             case 'M': args.flag &= ~CF_ACGT_ONLY; break;     // keep sites where REF is N
1011             case 'N': args.flag |= CF_ACGT_ONLY; break;      // omit sites where first base in REF is N (the new default)
1012             case 'A': args.aux.flag |= CALL_KEEPALT; break;
1013             case 'c': args.flag |= CF_CCALL; break;          // the original EM based calling method
1014             case 'i': args.flag |= CF_INS_MISSED; break;
1015             case 'v': args.aux.flag |= CALL_VARONLY; break;
1016             case 'F':
1017                 args.aux.prior_AN = optarg;
1018                 args.aux.prior_AC = strchr(optarg,',');
1019                 if ( !args.aux.prior_AC ) error("Expected two tags with -F (e.g. AN,AC), got \"%s\"\n",optarg);
1020                 *args.aux.prior_AC = 0;
1021                 args.aux.prior_AC++;
1022                 break;
1023             case 'g':
1024                 args.gvcf = gvcf_init(optarg);
1025                 if ( !args.gvcf ) error("Could not parse: --gvcf %s\n", optarg);
1026                 break;
1027             case 'o': args.output_fname = optarg; break;
1028             case 'O':
1029                       switch (optarg[0]) {
1030                           case 'b': args.output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
1031                           case 'u': args.output_type = FT_BCF; break;
1032                           case 'z': args.output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
1033                           case 'v': args.output_type = FT_VCF; break;
1034                           default:
1035                           {
1036                               args.clevel = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
1037                               if ( *tmp || args.clevel<0 || args.clevel>9 ) error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
1038                           }
1039                       }
1040                       if ( optarg[1] )
1041                       {
1042                           args.clevel = strtol(optarg+1,&tmp,10);
1043                           if ( *tmp || args.clevel<0 || args.clevel>9 ) error("Could not parse argument: --compression-level %s\n", optarg+1);
1044                       }
1045                       break;
1046             case 'C':
1047                       if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"alleles") ) args.aux.flag |= CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES;
1048                       else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"trio") ) args.aux.flag |= CALL_CONSTR_TRIO;
1049                       else error("Unknown argument to -C: \"%s\"\n", optarg);
1050                       break;
1051             case 'V':
1052                       if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"snps") ) args.flag |= CF_INDEL_ONLY;
1053                       else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"indels") ) args.flag |= CF_NO_INDEL;
1054                       else error("Unknown skip category \"%s\" (-S argument must be \"snps\" or \"indels\")\n", optarg);
1055                       break;
1056             case 'm': args.flag |= CF_MCALL; break;         // multiallelic calling method
1057             case 'p':
1058                 args.aux.pref = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
1059                 if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse: --pval-threshold %s\n", optarg);
1060                 break;
1061             case 'P': args.aux.theta = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
1062                       if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse, expected float argument: -P %s\n", optarg);
1063                       break;
1064             case 'n': parse_novel_rate(&args,optarg); break;
1065             case 'r': args.regions = optarg; break;
1066             case 'R': args.regions = optarg; args.regions_is_file = 1; break;
1067             case 't': args.targets = optarg; break;
1068             case 'T': args.targets = optarg; args.targets_is_file = 1; break;
1069             case 's': args.samples_fname = optarg; break;
1070             case 'S': args.samples_fname = optarg; args.samples_is_file = 1; break;
1071             case  9 : args.n_threads = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break;
1072             case  8 : args.record_cmd_line = 0; break;
1073             case  4 :
1074                 if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"0") ) args.regions_overlap = 0;
1075                 else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"1") ) args.regions_overlap = 1;
1076                 else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"2") ) args.regions_overlap = 2;
1077                 else error("Could not parse: --regions-overlap %s\n",optarg);
1078                 break;
1079             default: usage(&args);
1080         }
1081     }
1082     // Sanity check options and initialize
1083     if ( ploidy_fname ) args.ploidy = ploidy_init(ploidy_fname, 2);
1084     else if ( ploidy ) args.ploidy = init_ploidy(ploidy);
1086     if ( optind>=argc )
1087     {
1088         if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) args.bcf_fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
1089         else usage(&args);
1090     }
1091     else args.bcf_fname = argv[optind++];
1093     if ( !ploidy_fname && !ploidy )
1094     {
1095         if ( !args.samples_is_file ) fprintf(stderr,"Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid\n");
1096         args.ploidy = ploidy_init_string("* * * 0 0\n* * * 1 1\n* * * 2 2\n",2);
1097     }
1099     if ( !args.ploidy ) error("Could not initialize ploidy\n");
1100     if ( (args.flag & CF_CCALL ? 1 : 0) + (args.flag & CF_MCALL ? 1 : 0) + (args.flag & CF_QCALL ? 1 : 0) > 1 ) error("Only one of -c or -m options can be given\n");
1101     if ( !(args.flag & CF_CCALL) && !(args.flag & CF_MCALL) && !(args.flag & CF_QCALL) ) error("Expected -c or -m option\n");
1102     if ( (args.flag & CF_CCALL ? 1: 0) && args.gvcf ) error("gvcf -g option not functional with -c calling mode yet\n");
1103     if ( args.aux.n_perm && args.aux.ngrp1_samples<=0 ) error("Expected -1 with -U\n");    // not sure about this, please fix
1104     if ( args.aux.flag & CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES )
1105     {
1106         if ( !args.targets ) error("Expected -t or -T with \"-C alleles\"\n");
1107         if ( !(args.flag & CF_MCALL) ) error("The \"-C alleles\" mode requires -m\n");
1108     }
1109     if ( args.flag & CF_INS_MISSED && !(args.aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES) ) error("The -i option requires -C alleles\n");
1110     if ( args.aux.flag&CALL_VARONLY && args.gvcf ) error("The two options cannot be combined: --variants-only and --gvcf\n");
1111     if ( args.aux.sample_groups && !(args.flag & CF_MCALL) ) error("The -G feature is supported only with the -m calling mode\n");
1112     init_data(&args);
1114     bcf1_t *bcf_rec;
1115     while ( (bcf_rec = next_line(&args)) )
1116     {
1117         // Skip duplicate positions with all matching `-C alleles -T` used up
1118         if ( args.aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES && !args.aux.tgt_als ) continue;
1120         // Skip unwanted sites
1121         int i, is_indel = bcf_is_snp(bcf_rec) ? 0 : 1;
1122         if ( (args.flag & CF_INDEL_ONLY) && !is_indel ) continue;
1123         if ( (args.flag & CF_NO_INDEL) && is_indel ) continue;
1124         if ( (args.flag & CF_ACGT_ONLY) && (bcf_rec->d.allele[0][0]=='N' || bcf_rec->d.allele[0][0]=='n') ) continue;   // REF[0] is 'N'
1126         // Which allele is symbolic? All SNPs should have it, but not indels
1127         args.aux.unseen = 0;
1128         for (i=1; i<bcf_rec->n_allele; i++)
1129         {
1130             if ( bcf_rec->d.allele[i][0]=='X' ) { args.aux.unseen = i; break; }  // old X
1131             if ( bcf_rec->d.allele[i][0]=='<' )
1132             {
1133                 if ( bcf_rec->d.allele[i][1]=='X' && bcf_rec->d.allele[i][2]=='>' ) { args.aux.unseen = i; break; } // old <X>
1134                 if ( bcf_rec->d.allele[i][1]=='*' && bcf_rec->d.allele[i][2]=='>' ) { args.aux.unseen = i; break; } // new <*>
1135             }
1136         }
1137         int is_ref = (bcf_rec->n_allele==1 || (bcf_rec->n_allele==2 && args.aux.unseen>0)) ? 1 : 0;
1139         if ( is_ref && args.aux.flag&CALL_VARONLY )
1140             continue;
1142         bcf_unpack(bcf_rec, BCF_UN_ALL);
1143         if ( args.nsex ) set_ploidy(&args, bcf_rec);
1145         // Various output modes: QCall output (todo)
1146         if ( args.flag & CF_QCALL )
1147         {
1148             qcall(&args.aux, bcf_rec);
1149             continue;
1150         }
1152         if ( args.flag & CF_INS_MISSED )
1153         {
1154             tgt_flush(&args,bcf_rec);
1155             if ( !args.tgt_itr_prev ) args.tgt_itr_prev = regitr_init(args.tgt_idx);
1156             regitr_copy(args.tgt_itr_prev, args.tgt_itr);
1157         }
1159         // Calling modes which output VCFs
1160         int ret;
1161         if ( args.flag & CF_MCALL )
1162             ret = mcall(&args.aux, bcf_rec);
1163         else
1164             ret = ccall(&args.aux, bcf_rec);
1165         if ( ret==-1 ) error("Something is wrong\n");
1166         else if ( ret==-2 ) continue;   // skip the site
1168         // Normal output
1169         if ( (args.aux.flag & CALL_VARONLY) && ret==0 && !args.gvcf ) continue;     // not a variant
1170         if ( args.gvcf )
1171             bcf_rec = gvcf_write(args.gvcf, args.out_fh, args.aux.hdr, bcf_rec, ret==1?1:0);
1172         if ( bcf_rec && bcf_write1(args.out_fh, args.aux.hdr, bcf_rec)!=0 ) error("[%s] Error: failed to write to %s\n", __func__,args.output_fname);
1173     }
1174     if ( args.gvcf ) gvcf_write(args.gvcf, args.out_fh, args.aux.hdr, NULL, 0);
1175     if ( args.flag & CF_INS_MISSED ) tgt_flush(&args,NULL);
1176     destroy_data(&args);
1177     return 0;
1178 }