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DockerfileH A D19-Feb-20211.7 KiB6353

README.mdH A D19-Feb-20211 KiB1713

build_docker_base.shH A D19-Feb-20211.1 KiB5434


1# How to update the GATK base docker image:
31. choose a new version number for the base image and manually update the version in `scripts/docker/gatkbase/build_docker_base.sh`
42. build the gatkbase image using that script and upload it to the [gatk-dev docker repo](https://hub.docker.com/r/broadinstitute/gatk-dev/) or [gcr-gatk-snapshots](us.gcr.io/broad-dsde-methods/broad-gatk-snapshots)
5   * cd to scripts/docker/gatkbase
6   * run `./build_docker_base.sh`
7   * `docker tag broadinstitute/gatk-dev:your-version-rc1` or whatever the correct tag is for where you want it uploaded
8   * `docker push tagname`
93. update the Dockerfile in the main gatk to use the image you pushed
104. commit the changes to the two docker files and to a new pull request
115. wait for the tests to pass and show it to a reviewer
126. push the base image to the official [gatk repo](https://hub.docker.com/r/broadinstitute/gatk) with the right name
137. update the main docker to point to the official version you just released
148. wait for tests to pass in travis and merge