1 /* Routines for the P7_PROFILE structure - Plan 7's search profile
2  *
3  *    1. The P7_PROFILE object: allocation, initialization, destruction.
4  *    2. Access methods.
5  *    3. Debugging and development code.
6  *    4. Unit tests.
7  *    5. Test driver.
8  *
9  * See also:
10  *   modelconfig.c : routines that configure a profile given an HMM
11  */
13 #include "p7_config.h"
15 #include <string.h>
16 #ifdef HMMER_MPI
17 #include <mpi.h>
18 #endif
20 #include "easel.h"
21 #include "esl_vectorops.h"
23 #include "hmmer.h"
26 /*****************************************************************
27  * 1. The P7_PROFILE object: allocation, initialization, destruction.
28  *****************************************************************/
30 /* Function:  p7_profile_Create()
31  * Synopsis:  Allocates a profile.
32  *
33  * Purpose:   Allocates for a profile of up to <M> nodes, for digital
34  *            alphabet <abc>.
35  *
36  *            Because this function might be in the critical path (in
37  *            hmmscan, for example), we leave much of the model
38  *            unintialized, including scores and length model
39  *            probabilities. The <p7_ProfileConfig()> call is what
40  *            sets these.
41  *
42  *            The alignment mode is set to <p7_NO_MODE>.  The
43  *            reference pointer <gm->abc> is set to <abc>.
44  *
45  * Returns:   a pointer to the new profile.
46  *
47  * Throws:    <NULL> on allocation error.
48  *
49  * Xref:      STL11/125.
50  */
p7_profile_Create(int allocM,const ESL_ALPHABET * abc)52 p7_profile_Create(int allocM, const ESL_ALPHABET *abc)
53 {
54   P7_PROFILE *gm = NULL;
55   int         x;
56   int         status;
58   /* level 0 */
59   ESL_ALLOC(gm, sizeof(P7_PROFILE));
60   gm->tsc       = NULL;
61   gm->rsc       = NULL;
62   gm->rf        = NULL;
63   gm->mm        = NULL;
64   gm->cs        = NULL;
65   gm->consensus = NULL;
67   /* level 1 */
68   ESL_ALLOC(gm->tsc,       sizeof(float)   * allocM * p7P_NTRANS);
69   ESL_ALLOC(gm->rsc,       sizeof(float *) * abc->Kp);
70   ESL_ALLOC(gm->rf,        sizeof(char)    * (allocM+2)); /* yes, +2: each is (0)1..M, +trailing \0  */
71   ESL_ALLOC(gm->mm,        sizeof(char)    * (allocM+2));
72   ESL_ALLOC(gm->cs,        sizeof(char)    * (allocM+2));
73   ESL_ALLOC(gm->consensus, sizeof(char)    * (allocM+2));
74   gm->rsc[0] = NULL;
76   /* level 2 */
77   ESL_ALLOC(gm->rsc[0], sizeof(float) * abc->Kp * (allocM+1) * p7P_NR);
78   for (x = 1; x < abc->Kp; x++)
79     gm->rsc[x] = gm->rsc[0] + x * (allocM+1) * p7P_NR;
81   /* Initialize some edge pieces of memory that are never used,
82    * and are only present for indexing convenience.
83    */
84   esl_vec_FSet(gm->tsc, p7P_NTRANS, -eslINFINITY);     /* node 0 nonexistent, has no transitions  */
85   if (allocM > 1) {
86     p7P_TSC(gm, 1, p7P_DM) = -eslINFINITY;             /* delete state D_1 is wing-retracted      */
87     p7P_TSC(gm, 1, p7P_DD) = -eslINFINITY;
88   }
89   for (x = 0; x < abc->Kp; x++) {
90     p7P_MSC(gm, 0,      x) = -eslINFINITY;             /* no emissions from nonexistent M_0... */
91     p7P_ISC(gm, 0,      x) = -eslINFINITY;             /* or I_0... */
92     /* I_M is initialized in profile config, when we know actual M, not just allocated max M   */
93   }
94   x = esl_abc_XGetGap(abc);	                       /* no emission can emit/score gap characters */
95   esl_vec_FSet(gm->rsc[x], (allocM+1)*p7P_NR, -eslINFINITY);
96   x = esl_abc_XGetMissing(abc);	                      /* no emission can emit/score missing data characters */
97   esl_vec_FSet(gm->rsc[x], (allocM+1)*p7P_NR, -eslINFINITY);
99   /* Set remaining info  */
100   gm->mode             = p7_NO_MODE;
101   gm->L                = 0;
102   gm->allocM           = allocM;
103   gm->M                = 0;
104   gm->max_length       = -1;
105   gm->nj               = 0.0f;
107   gm->roff             = -1;
108   gm->eoff             = -1;
109   gm->offs[p7_MOFFSET] = -1;
110   gm->offs[p7_FOFFSET] = -1;
111   gm->offs[p7_POFFSET] = -1;
113   gm->name             = NULL;
114   gm->acc              = NULL;
115   gm->desc             = NULL;
116   gm->rf[0]            = 0;     /* RF line is optional annotation; this flags that it's not set yet */
117   gm->mm[0]            = 0;     /* likewise for MM annotation line */
118   gm->cs[0]            = 0;     /* likewise for CS annotation line */
119   gm->consensus[0]     = 0;
121   for (x = 0; x < p7_NEVPARAM; x++) gm->evparam[x] = p7_EVPARAM_UNSET;
122   for (x = 0; x < p7_NCUTOFFS; x++) gm->cutoff[x]  = p7_CUTOFF_UNSET;
123   for (x = 0; x < p7_MAXABET;  x++) gm->compo[x]   = p7_COMPO_UNSET;
125   gm->abc         = abc;
126   return gm;
128  ERROR:
129   p7_profile_Destroy(gm);
130   return NULL;
131 }
134 /* Function:  p7_profile_Copy()
135  * Synopsis:  Copy a profile.
136  *
137  * Purpose:   Copies profile <src> to profile <dst>, where <dst>
138  *            has already been allocated to be of sufficient size.
139  *
140  * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
141  *
142  * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation error; <eslEINVAL> if <dst> is too small
143  *            to fit <src>.
144  */
145 int
p7_profile_Copy(const P7_PROFILE * src,P7_PROFILE * dst)146 p7_profile_Copy(const P7_PROFILE *src, P7_PROFILE *dst)
147 {
148   int x,z;
149   int status;
151   if (src->M > dst->allocM) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "destination profile is too small to hold a copy of source profile");
153   esl_vec_FCopy(src->tsc, src->M*p7P_NTRANS, dst->tsc);
154   for (x = 0; x < src->abc->Kp;   x++) esl_vec_FCopy(src->rsc[x], (src->M+1)*p7P_NR, dst->rsc[x]);
155   for (x = 0; x < p7P_NXSTATES;   x++) esl_vec_FCopy(src->xsc[x], p7P_NXTRANS,       dst->xsc[x]);
157   dst->mode        = src->mode;
158   dst->L           = src->L;
159   dst->allocM      = src->allocM;
160   dst->M           = src->M;
161   dst->max_length  = src->max_length;
162   dst->nj          = src->nj;
164   dst->roff        = src->roff;
165   dst->eoff        = src->eoff;
166   for (x = 0; x < p7_NOFFSETS; ++x) dst->offs[x] = src->offs[x];
168   if (dst->name != NULL) free(dst->name);
169   if (dst->acc  != NULL) free(dst->acc);
170   if (dst->desc != NULL) free(dst->desc);
172   if ((status = esl_strdup(src->name,      -1, &(dst->name)))      != eslOK) return status;
173   if ((status = esl_strdup(src->acc,       -1, &(dst->acc)))       != eslOK) return status;
174   if ((status = esl_strdup(src->desc,      -1, &(dst->desc)))      != eslOK) return status;
176   strcpy(dst->rf,        src->rf);         /* RF is optional: if it's not set, *rf=0, and strcpy still works fine */
177   strcpy(dst->mm,        src->mm);         /* MM is also optional annotation */
178   strcpy(dst->cs,        src->cs);         /* CS is also optional annotation */
179   strcpy(dst->consensus, src->consensus);  /* consensus though is always present on a valid profile */
181   for (z = 0; z < p7_NEVPARAM; z++) dst->evparam[z] = src->evparam[z];
182   for (z = 0; z < p7_NCUTOFFS; z++) dst->cutoff[z]  = src->cutoff[z];
183   for (z = 0; z < p7_MAXABET;  z++) dst->compo[z]   = src->compo[z];
184   return eslOK;
185 }
188 /* Function:  p7_profile_Clone()
189  * Synopsis:  Duplicates a profile.
190  *
191  * Purpose:   Duplicate profile <gm>; return a pointer
192  *            to the newly allocated copy.
193  */
194 P7_PROFILE *
p7_profile_Clone(const P7_PROFILE * gm)195 p7_profile_Clone(const P7_PROFILE *gm)
196 {
197   P7_PROFILE *g2 = NULL;
198   int         status;
200   if ((g2 = p7_profile_Create(gm->allocM, gm->abc)) == NULL) return NULL;
201   if ((status = p7_profile_Copy(gm, g2)) != eslOK) goto ERROR;
202   return g2;
204  ERROR:
205   p7_profile_Destroy(g2);
206   return NULL;
207 }
211 /* Function:  p7_profile_SetNullEmissions()
212  * Synopsis:  Set all emission scores to zero (experimental).
213  *
214  * Purpose:   Set all emission scores in profile <gm> to zero.
215  *            This makes the profile a null model, with all the same
216  *            length distributions as the original model, but
217  *            the emission probabilities of the background.
218  *
219  *            Written to test the idea that score statistics will be
220  *            even better behaved when using a null model with the
221  *            same length distribution as the search model.
222  *
223  * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
224  */
225 int
p7_profile_SetNullEmissions(P7_PROFILE * gm)226 p7_profile_SetNullEmissions(P7_PROFILE *gm)
227 {
228   int x;
229   for (x = 0; x <= gm->abc->K; x++)                esl_vec_FSet(gm->rsc[x], (gm->M+1)*p7P_NR, 0.0);   /* canonicals    */
230   for (x = gm->abc->K+1; x <= gm->abc->Kp-3; x++)  esl_vec_FSet(gm->rsc[x], (gm->M+1)*p7P_NR, 0.0);   /* noncanonicals */
231   return eslOK;
232 }
235 /* Function:  p7_profile_Reuse()
236  * Synopsis:  Prepare profile to be re-used for a new HMM.
237  *
238  * Purpose:   Prepare profile <gm>'s memory to be re-used
239  *            for a new HMM.
240  */
241 int
p7_profile_Reuse(P7_PROFILE * gm)242 p7_profile_Reuse(P7_PROFILE *gm)
243 {
244   /* name, acc, desc annotation is dynamically allocated for each HMM */
245   if (gm->name != NULL) { free(gm->name); gm->name = NULL; }
246   if (gm->acc  != NULL) { free(gm->acc);  gm->acc  = NULL; }
247   if (gm->desc != NULL) { free(gm->desc); gm->desc = NULL; }
249   /* set annotations to empty strings */
250   gm->rf[0]        = 0;
251   gm->mm[0]        = 0;
252   gm->cs[0]        = 0;
253   gm->consensus[0] = 0;
255   /* reset some other things, but leave the rest alone. */
256   gm->mode = p7_NO_MODE;
257   gm->L    = 0;
258   gm->M    = 0;
259   gm->nj   = 0.0f;
261   gm->roff             = -1;
262   gm->eoff             = -1;
263   gm->offs[p7_MOFFSET] = -1;
264   gm->offs[p7_FOFFSET] = -1;
265   gm->offs[p7_POFFSET] = -1;
267   return eslOK;
268 }
271 /* Function:  p7_profile_Sizeof()
272  * Synopsis:  Return the allocated size of a P7_PROFILE.
273  *
274  * Purpose:   Return the allocated size of a <P7_PROFILE>, in bytes.
275  */
276 size_t
p7_profile_Sizeof(P7_PROFILE * gm)277 p7_profile_Sizeof(P7_PROFILE *gm)
278 {
279   size_t n = 0;
281   /* these mirror malloc()'s in p7_profile_Create(); maintain one:one correspondence for maintainability */
282   n += sizeof(P7_PROFILE);
283   n += sizeof(float)   * gm->allocM * p7P_NTRANS;             /* gm->tsc       */
284   n += sizeof(float *) * gm->abc->Kp;	                      /* gm->rsc       */
285   n += sizeof(char)    * (gm->allocM+2);	              /* gm->rf        */
286   n += sizeof(char)    * (gm->allocM+2);                /* gm->mm        */
287   n += sizeof(char)    * (gm->allocM+2);	              /* gm->cs        */
288   n += sizeof(char)    * (gm->allocM+2);	              /* gm->consensus */
290   n += sizeof(float) * gm->abc->Kp * (gm->allocM+1) * p7P_NR; /* gm->rsc[0]    */
292   return n;
293 }
296 /* Function:  p7_profile_Destroy()
297  * Synopsis:  Frees a profile.
298  *
299  * Purpose:   Frees a profile <gm>.
300  *
301  * Returns:   (void).
302  *
303  * Xref:      STL11/125.
304  */
305 void
p7_profile_Destroy(P7_PROFILE * gm)306 p7_profile_Destroy(P7_PROFILE *gm)
307 {
308   if (gm != NULL) {
309     if (gm->rsc   != NULL && gm->rsc[0] != NULL) free(gm->rsc[0]);
310     if (gm->tsc       != NULL) free(gm->tsc);
311     if (gm->rsc       != NULL) free(gm->rsc);
312     if (gm->name      != NULL) free(gm->name);
313     if (gm->acc       != NULL) free(gm->acc);
314     if (gm->desc      != NULL) free(gm->desc);
315     if (gm->rf        != NULL) free(gm->rf);
316     if (gm->mm        != NULL) free(gm->mm);
317     if (gm->cs        != NULL) free(gm->cs);
318     if (gm->consensus != NULL) free(gm->consensus);
319     free(gm);
320   }
321   return;
322 }
325 /*****************************************************************
326  * 2. Access methods.
327  *****************************************************************/
329 /* Function:  p7_profile_IsLocal()
330  * Synopsis:  Return TRUE if profile is in a local alignment mode.
331  *
332  * Purpose:   Return <TRUE> if profile is in a local alignment mode.
333  */
334 int
p7_profile_IsLocal(const P7_PROFILE * gm)335 p7_profile_IsLocal(const P7_PROFILE *gm)
336 {
337   if (gm->mode == p7_UNILOCAL || gm->mode == p7_LOCAL) return TRUE;
338   return FALSE;
339 }
341 /* Function:  p7_profile_IsMultihit()
342  * Synopsis:  Return TRUE if profile is in a multihit alignment mode.
343  *
344  * Purpose:   Return <TRUE> if profile is in a multihit alignment mode.
345  */
346 int
p7_profile_IsMultihit(const P7_PROFILE * gm)347 p7_profile_IsMultihit(const P7_PROFILE *gm)
348 {
349   if (gm->mode == p7_LOCAL || gm->mode == p7_GLOCAL) return TRUE;
350   return FALSE;
351 }
356 /* Function:  p7_profile_GetT()
357  *
358  * Purpose:   Convenience function that looks up a transition score in
359  *            profile <gm> for a transition from state type <st1> in
360  *            node <k1> to state type <st2> in node <k2>. For unique
361  *            state types that aren't in nodes (<p7T_S>, for example), the
362  *            <k> value is ignored, though it would be customarily passed as 0.
363  *            Return the transition score in <ret_tsc>.
364  *
365  *            This function would almost always be called on profile
366  *            traces, of course, but it's possible to call it
367  *            on core traces (for example, if you were to try to
368  *            trace_Dump() during HMM construction, and you wanted
369  *            to see detailed profile scores for that trace). Core traces
370  *            can contain <p7T_X> "states" used solely to signal
371  *            a sequence fragment, treated as missing data. Transitions
372  *            involving <p7T_X> states are assigned zero score here.
373  *            Other transitions that occur only in core traces
374  *            (B->I0, B->D1, I_M->E) also silently get a zero score.
375  *            This is safe, because we would only ever use this number
376  *            for display, not as a log probability somewhere.
377  *
378  * Returns:   <eslOK> on success, and <*ret_tsc> contains the requested
379  *            transition score.
380  *
381  * Throws:    <eslEINVAL> if a nonexistent transition is requested. Now
382  *            <*ret_tsc> is set to $-\infty$.
383  *
384  */
385 int
p7_profile_GetT(const P7_PROFILE * gm,char st1,int k1,char st2,int k2,float * ret_tsc)386 p7_profile_GetT(const P7_PROFILE *gm, char st1, int k1, char st2, int k2, float *ret_tsc)
387 {
388   float tsc = 0.0f;
389   int   status;
391   /* Detect transitions that can only come from core traces;
392    * return 0.0 as a special case (this is only done for displaying
393    * "scores" in trace dumps, during debugging.)
394    */
395   if (st1 == p7T_X || st2 == p7T_X) return eslOK;
396   if (st1 == p7T_B && st2 == p7T_I) return eslOK;
397   if (st1 == p7T_B && st2 == p7T_D) return eslOK;
398   if (st1 == p7T_I && st2 == p7T_E) return eslOK;
400   /* Now we're sure this is a profile trace, as it should usually be. */
401   switch (st1) {
402   case p7T_S:  break;
403   case p7T_T:  break;
404   case p7T_N:
405     switch (st2) {
406     case p7T_B: tsc =  gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_MOVE]; break;
407     case p7T_N: tsc =  gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_LOOP]; break;
408     default:    ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
409     }
410     break;
412   case p7T_B:
413     switch (st2) {
414     case p7T_M: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k2-1, p7P_BM); break; /* remember, B->Mk is stored in [k-1][p7P_BM] */
415     default:    ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
416     }
417     break;
419   case p7T_M:
420     switch (st2) {
421     case p7T_M: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k1, p7P_MM); break;
422     case p7T_I: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k1, p7P_MI); break;
423     case p7T_D: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k1, p7P_MD); break;
424     case p7T_E:
425       if (k1 != gm->M && ! p7_profile_IsLocal(gm)) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "local end transition (M%d of %d) in non-local model", k1, gm->M);
426       tsc = 0.0f;		/* by def'n in H3 local alignment */
427       break;
428     default:    ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s_%d->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), k1, p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
429     }
430     break;
432   case p7T_D:
433     switch (st2) {
434     case p7T_M: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k1, p7P_DM); break;
435     case p7T_D: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k1, p7P_DD); break;
436     case p7T_E:
437       if (k1 != gm->M && ! p7_profile_IsLocal(gm)) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "local end transition (D%d of %d) in non-local model", k1, gm->M);
438       tsc = 0.0f;		/* by def'n in H3 local alignment */
439       break;
440     default:    ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s_%d->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), k1, p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
441     }
442     break;
444   case p7T_I:
445     switch (st2) {
446     case p7T_M: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k1, p7P_IM); break;
447     case p7T_I: tsc = p7P_TSC(gm, k1, p7P_II); break;
448     default:    ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s_%d->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), k1, p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
449     }
450     break;
452   case p7T_E:
453     switch (st2) {
454     case p7T_C: tsc = gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_MOVE]; break;
455     case p7T_J: tsc = gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_LOOP]; break;
456     default:     ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
457     }
458     break;
460   case p7T_J:
461     switch (st2) {
462     case p7T_B: tsc = gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_MOVE]; break;
463     case p7T_J: tsc = gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_LOOP]; break;
464     default:     ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
465     }
466     break;
468   case p7T_C:
469     switch (st2) {
470     case p7T_T:  tsc = gm->xsc[p7P_C][p7P_MOVE]; break;
471     case p7T_C:  tsc = gm->xsc[p7P_C][p7P_LOOP]; break;
472     default:     ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad transition %s->%s", p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st1), p7_hmm_DecodeStatetype(st2));
473     }
474     break;
476   default: ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bad state type %d in traceback", st1);
477   }
479   *ret_tsc = tsc;
480   return eslOK;
482  ERROR:
483   *ret_tsc = -eslINFINITY;
484   return status;
485 }
488 /*****************************************************************
489  * 3. Debugging and development code.
490  *****************************************************************/
492 /* Function:  p7_profile_Validate()
493  *
494  * Purpose:   Validates the internals of the generic profile structure
495  *            <gm>.
496  *
497  *            TODO: currently this function is incomplete, and only
498  *            validates the entry distribution.
499  *
500  * Returns:   <eslOK> if <gm> internals look fine. Returns <eslFAIL>
501  *            if something is wrong, and leaves an error message in
502  *            <errbuf> if caller passed it non-<NULL>.
503  */
504 int
p7_profile_Validate(const P7_PROFILE * gm,char * errbuf,float tol)505 p7_profile_Validate(const P7_PROFILE *gm, char *errbuf, float tol)
506 {
507   int     status;
508   int     k;
509   double *pstart = NULL;
511   ESL_ALLOC(pstart, sizeof(double) * (gm->M+1));
512   pstart[0] = 0.0;
514   /* Validate the entry distribution.
515    * In a glocal model, this is an explicit probability distribution,
516    * corresponding to left wing retraction.
517    * In a local model, this is an implicit probability distribution,
518    * corresponding to the implicit local alignment model, and we have
519    * to calculate the M(M+1)/2 fragment probabilities accordingly.
520    */
521   if (p7_profile_IsLocal(gm))
522     {				/* the code block below is also in emit.c:sample_endpoints */
523       for (k = 1; k <= gm->M; k++)
524 	pstart[k] = exp(p7P_TSC(gm, k-1, p7P_BM)) * (gm->M - k + 1); /* multiply p_ij by the number of exits j */
525     }
526   else
527     {
528       for (k = 1; k <= gm->M; k++)
529 	pstart[k] = exp(p7P_TSC(gm, k-1, p7P_BM));
530     }
532   if (esl_vec_DValidate(pstart, gm->M+1, tol, NULL) != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(eslFAIL, errbuf, "profile entry distribution is not normalized properly");
533   free(pstart);
534   return eslOK;
536  ERROR:
537   if (pstart != NULL) free(pstart);
538   return eslFAIL;
539 }
541 /* Function:  p7_profile_Compare()
542  * Synopsis:  Compare two profiles for equality.
543  *
544  * Purpose:   Compare two profiles <gm1> and <gm2> to each other.
545  *            Return <eslOK> if they're identical, and <eslFAIL> if
546  *            they differ. Floating-point probabilities are
547  *            compared for equality within a fractional tolerance
548  *            <tol>.  Only compares the scores, not any annotation
549  *            on the profiles.
550  */
551 int
p7_profile_Compare(P7_PROFILE * gm1,P7_PROFILE * gm2,float tol)552 p7_profile_Compare(P7_PROFILE *gm1, P7_PROFILE *gm2, float tol)
553 {
554   int x;
556   if (gm1->mode != gm2->mode) return eslFAIL;
557   if (gm1->M    != gm2->M)    return eslFAIL;
559   if (esl_vec_FCompare(gm1->tsc, gm2->tsc, gm1->M*p7P_NTRANS, tol)         != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
560   for (x = 0; x < gm1->abc->Kp; x++)
561     if (esl_vec_FCompare(gm1->rsc[x], gm2->rsc[x], (gm1->M+1)*p7P_NR, tol) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
563   for (x = 0; x < p7P_NXSTATES; x++)
564     if (esl_vec_FCompare(gm1->xsc[x], gm2->xsc[x], p7P_NXTRANS, tol)       != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
566   return eslOK;
567 }
571 /*****************************************************************
572  * 4. Unit tests
573  *****************************************************************/
575 #include "esl_alphabet.h"
576 #include "esl_random.h"
578 static void
utest_Compare(void)579 utest_Compare(void)
580 {
581   ESL_RANDOMNESS *r    = esl_randomness_CreateFast(42);
582   ESL_ALPHABET   *abc  = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
583   P7_HMM         *hmm  = NULL;
584   P7_BG          *bg   = NULL;
585   P7_PROFILE     *gm   = NULL;
586   P7_PROFILE     *gm2  = NULL;
587   int             M    = 200;
588   int             L    = 400;
590   p7_hmm_Sample(r, M, abc, &hmm); /* master and worker's sampled profiles are identical */
591   bg  = p7_bg_Create(abc);
592   gm  = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
593   gm2 = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
594   p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm,  400, p7_LOCAL);
595   p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm2, 400, p7_LOCAL);
596   p7_ReconfigLength(gm,  L);
597   p7_ReconfigLength(gm2, L);
599   if (p7_profile_Compare(gm, gm2, 0.001) != eslOK) p7_Die("identical profile comparison failed");
601   p7_profile_Destroy(gm);
602   p7_profile_Destroy(gm2);
603   p7_bg_Destroy(bg);
604   p7_hmm_Destroy(hmm);
605   esl_alphabet_Destroy(abc);
606   esl_randomness_Destroy(r);
607   return;
608 }
611 #endif /*p7PROFILE_TESTDRIVE*/
613 /*****************************************************************
614  * 5. Test driver
615  *****************************************************************/
618 /* gcc -o profile_utest -g -Wall -I../easel -L../easel -I. -L. -Dp7PROFILE_TESTDRIVE p7_profile.c -lhmmer -leasel -lm
619  * ./profile_utest
620  */
621 #include "esl_getopts.h"
623 static ESL_OPTIONS options[] = {
624   /* name           type      default  env  range toggles reqs incomp  help                                       docgroup*/
625   { "-h",        eslARG_NONE,   FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "show brief help on version and usage",              0 },
626   {  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
627 };
628 static char usage[]  = "[-options]";
629 static char banner[] = "test driver for p7_profile.c";
631 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)632 main(int argc, char **argv)
633 {
634   ESL_GETOPTS *go = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 0, argc, argv, banner, usage);
636   utest_Compare();
638   esl_getopts_Destroy(go);
639   return 0;
640 }
641 #endif /*p7PROFILE_TESTDRIVE*/