1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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4 // This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
5 // Version 4.0.2
6 //
7 // Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
8 // the SWIG interface file instead.
9 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 namespace libsbml {
13  using System;
14  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
16 /**
17  * @sbmlpackage{core}
18  *
19 @htmlinclude pkg-marker-core.html Base class for extending SBMLDocument in packages.
20  *
21  * @htmlinclude not-sbml-warning.html
22  *
23  * The SBMLDocumentPlugin class is a specialization of SBasePlugin
24  * designed specifically for extending SBMLDocument.  All package
25  * extensions must extend SBMLDocument to implement support for SBML
26  * Level&nbsp;3 packages; these extensions can be subclasses of this
27  * class or from a derived class of this class.
28  *
29  * All packages must additionally define a
30  * required flag named <code>required</code>, which indicates whether
31  * that package's constructs can be used to change the core mathematics of the
32  * <code>&lt;model&gt;</code> child of the <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code> element.
33  * If they can, this attribute must be set @c true, and if they cannot, this
34  * attribute must be set @c false.
35  *
36  * @if clike
37  * @section sbmldocumentplugin-howto How to extend SBMLDocumentPlugin for a package implementation
38  *
39  *
40  * The following subsections detail the basic steps necessary to use
41  * SBMLDocumentPlugin to extend SBMLDocument for a given package extension.
42  *
43  *
44  * @subsection sdp-identify 1. Identify the changes necessary to SBMLDocument
45  *
46  * The specification for a SBML Level&nbsp;3 package will define the
47  * changes to the SBML <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code> element.  Packages
48  * typically do not make any changes beyond adding an attribute named
49  * 'required' (discussed below), so in most cases, the extension of
50  * SBMLDocument is very simple.  However, some packages do more.  For
51  * instance, the Hierarchical %Model Composition package adds subobjects
52  * for lists of model definitions.  SBMLDocumentPlugin supports all these
53  * cases.
54  *
55  *
56  * @subsection sdp-implement 2. Create the SBMLDocumentPlugin subclass
57  *
58  * A package extension will only define one subclass of SBMLDocumentPlugin.
59  * Below, we describe in detail the different parts of a subclass
60  * definition.
61  *
62  *
63  * @subsubsection sdp-class  2.1 Override SBasePlugin class-related methods
64  *
65  * The derived class must override the constructor, copy constructor, assignment
66  * operator (<code>operator=</code>) and <code>clone()</code> methods from
67  * SBasePlugin.
68  *
69  *
70  * @subsubsection sdp-required 2.2 Determine the necessary value of the 'required' attribute
71  *
72  * At minimum, it is necessary for a package implementation to add the
73  * 'required' attribute to the SBML <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code> element
74  * mandated by SBML for all Level&nbsp;3 packages, and this is done using
75  * this class as a base.  If the 'required' attribute is the @em only
76  * addition necessary for a particular SBML Level&nbsp;3 package, then the
77  * subclass of SBMLDocumentPlugin for the package can have a very simple
78  * implementation.  Some Level&nbsp;3 packages add additional attributes or
79  * elements to <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code>, and their implementations would
80  * go into the subclassed SBMLDocumentPlugin.
81  *
82  * SBMLDocumentPlugin provides methods with default implementations that
83  * support managing the 'required' attribute, so package extension code
84  * does not need to provide implementations&mdash;they only need to set the
85  * correct value for the SBML Level&nbsp;3 package based on its
86  * specification.  The following are the virtual methods for working with
87  * the 'required' attribute.  Package extensions would only need to
88  * override them in special circumstances:
89  *
90  * @li <code>setRequired(bool value)</code>: This method sets the value
91  * of the flag.
92  *
93  * @li <code>getRequired()</code>: This method gets the value of the
94  * 'required' flag.
95  *
96  * @li <code>isSetRequired()</code>: This method tests if the value has
97  * been set.
98  *
99  * @li <code>unsetRequired()</code>: This method unsets the value of the
100  * 'required' flag.
101  *
102  *
103  * @subsubsection sdp-protected 2.3 Define protected data members
104  *
105  * An extended SBMLDocument object may need more than just the 'required'
106  * attribute, depending on what is defined in the specification for the
107  * package being implemented.  Data attributes on the extended
108  * <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code> object in an SBML package will have one of the
109  * data types <code>string</code>, <code>double</code>,
110  * <code>int</code>, or <code>bool</code>.  Subelements/subobjects will
111  * normally be derived from the ListOf class or from SBase.
112  *
113  * The additional data members must be properly initialized in the class
114  * constructor, and must be properly copied in the copy constructor and
115  * assignment operator.
116  *
117  *
118  * @subsubsection sdp-methods-attribs 2.4 Override virtual methods for attributes
119  *
120  * If the extended component is defined by the SBML Level&nbsp;3 package to
121  * have attributes, then the extended SBMLDocumentPlugin class definition
122  * needs to override the following internal methods that come from
123  * SBasePlugin (the base class of SBMLDocumentPlugin) and provide
124  * appropriate implementations:
125  *
126  * @li <code>addExpectedAttributes(ExpectedAttributes& attributes)</code>: This
127  * method should add the attributes that are expected to be found on this kind
128  * of extended component in an SBML file or data stream.
129  *
130  * @li <code>readAttributes(XMLAttributes attributes, ExpectedAttributes&
131  * expectedAttributes)</code>: This method should read the attributes
132  * expected to be found on this kind of extended component in an SBML file or
133  * data stream.
134  *
135  * @li <code>hasRequiredAttributes()</code>: This method should return @c true
136  * if all of the required attribute for this extended component are present on
137  * instance of the object.
138  *
139  * @li <code>writeAttributes(XMLOutputStream stream)</code>: This method should
140  * write out the attributes of an extended component.  The implementation should
141  * use the different kinds of <code>writeAttribute</code> methods defined by
142  * XMLOutputStream to achieve this.
143  *
144  *
145  * @subsubsection sdp-methods-elem 2.5 Override virtual methods for subcomponents
146  *
147  * If the extended component is defined by the Level&nbsp;3 package to have
148  * subcomponents (i.e., full XML elements rather than mere attributes),
149  * then the extended class definition needs to override the following
150  * internal methods on SBasePlugin (the base class of SBMLDocumentPlugin)
151  * and provide appropriate implementations:
152  *
153  * @li <code>createObject(XMLInputStream stream)</code>: Subclasses must
154  * override this method to create, store, and then return an SBML object
155  * corresponding to the next XMLToken in the XMLInputStream.  To do this,
156  * implementations can use methods like <code>peek()</code> on XMLInputStream to
157  * test if the next object in the stream is something expected for the package.
158  * For example, LayoutModelPlugin uses <code>peek()</code> to examine the next
159  * element in the input stream, then tests that element against the Layout
160  * namespace and the element name <code>'listOfLayouts'</code> to see if it's
161  * the single subcomponent (ListOfLayouts) permitted on a Model object using the
162  * Layout package.  If it is, it returns the appropriate object.
163  *
164  * @li <code>connectToParent(SBase sbase)</code>: This creates a parent-child
165  * relationship between a given extended component and its subcomponent(s).
166  *
167  * @li <code>setSBMLDocument(SBMLDocument d)</code>: This method should set the
168  * parent SBMLDocument object on the subcomponent object instances, so that the
169  * subcomponent instances know which SBMLDocument contains them.
170  *
171  * @li <code>enablePackageInternal(string& pkgURI, string& pkgPrefix,
172  * bool flag)</code>: This method should enable or disable the subcomponent
173  * based on whether a given XML namespace is active.
174  *
175  * @li <code>writeElements(XMLOutputStream stream)</code>: This method must be
176  * overridden to provide an implementation that will write out the expected
177  * subcomponents/subelements to the XML output stream.
178  *
179  * @li <code>readOtherXML(SBase parentObject, XMLInputStream stream)</code>:
180  * This function should be overridden if elements of annotation, notes, MathML
181  * content, etc., need to be directly parsed from the given XMLInputStream
182  * object.
183  *
184  * @li <code>hasRequiredElements()</code>: This method should return @c true if
185  * a given object contains all the required subcomponents defined by the
186  * specification for that SBML Level&nbsp;3 package.
187  *
188  *
189  * @subsubsection sdp-methods-xmlns 2.6 Override virtual methods for XML namespaces
190  *
191  * If the package needs to add additional <code>xmlns</code> attributes to
192  * declare additional XML namespace URIs, the extended class should
193  * override the following method coming from SBasePlugin (the parent class
194  * of SBMLDocumentPlugin):
195  *
196  * @li <code>writeXMLNS(XMLOutputStream stream)</code>: This method should
197  * write out any additional XML namespaces that might be needed by a package
198  * implementation.
199  *
200  *
201  * @subsubsection sdp-methods-hooks 2.7 Implement additional methods as needed
202  *
203  * Extended SBMLDocumentPlugin implementations can add whatever additional
204  * utility methods are useful for their implementation.
205  *
206  *
207  * @else
208  *
209  * @section ext-basics Basic principles of SBML package extensions in libSBML
210  *
211  *
212  * SBML Level&nbsp;3's package structure permits modular extensions to the
213  * core SBML format.  In libSBML, support for SBML Level&nbsp;3 packages is
214  * provided through optional <em>package extensions</em> that can be plugged
215  * into libSBML at the time it is built/compiled.  Users of libSBML can thus
216  * choose which extensions are enabled in their software applications.
217  *
218  * LibSBML defines a number of classes that developers of package extensions
219  * can use to implement support for an SBML Level&nbsp;3 package.  These
220  * classes make it easier to extend libSBML objects with new attributes
221  * and/or subobjects as needed by a particular Level&nbsp;3 package.
222  * Three overall categories of classes make up libSBML's facilities for
223  * implementing package extensions.  There are (1) classes that serve as base
224  * classes meant to be subclassed, (2) template classes meant to be
225  * instantiated rather than subclassed, and (3) support classes that provide
226  * utility features. A given package implementation for libSBML will take
227  * the form of code using these and other libSBML classes, placed in a
228  * subdirectory of <code>src/sbml/packages/</code>.
229  *
230  * The basic libSBML distribution includes a number of package extensions
231  * implementing support for officially-endorsed SBML Level&nbsp;3 packages;
232  * among these are <em>Flux Balance Constraints</em> ('fbc'),
233  * <em>Hierarchical %Model Composition</em> ('comp'), <em>%Layout</em>
234  * ('layout'), and <em>Qualitative Models</em> ('qual').  They can serve as
235  * working examples for developers working to implement other packages.
236  *
237  * Extensions in libSBML can currently only be implemented in C++ or C;
238  * there is no mechanism to implement them first in languages such as
239  * Java or Python.  However, once implemented in C++ or C, language
240  * interfaces can be generated semi-automatically using the framework in
241  * place in libSBML.  (The approach is based on using <a target='_blank'
242  * href='http://www.swig.org'>SWIG</a> and facilities in libSBML's build
243  * system.)
244  *
245  *
246  * @endif
247  */
249 public class SBMLDocumentPlugin : SBasePlugin {
250 	private HandleRef swigCPtr;
SBMLDocumentPlugin(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn)252 	internal SBMLDocumentPlugin(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn)
253 	{
254 		//super(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPluginUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn);
255 		swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
256 	}
getCPtr(SBMLDocumentPlugin obj)258 	internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SBMLDocumentPlugin obj)
259 	{
260 		return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
261 	}
getCPtrAndDisown(SBMLDocumentPlugin obj)263 	internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown (SBMLDocumentPlugin obj)
264 	{
265 		HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
267 		if (obj != null)
268 		{
269 			ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
270 			obj.swigCMemOwn = false;
271 		}
273 		return ptr;
274 	}
Dispose(bool disposing)276   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
277     lock(this) {
278       if (swigCPtr.Handle != global::System.IntPtr.Zero) {
279         if (swigCMemOwn) {
280           swigCMemOwn = false;
281           libsbmlPINVOKE.delete_SBMLDocumentPlugin(swigCPtr);
282         }
283         swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero);
284       }
285       base.Dispose(disposing);
286     }
287   }
290 /**
291    * Creates a new SBMLDocumentPlugin object using the given parameters.
292    *
293    *
294  *
295  * In the XML representation of an SBML document, XML namespaces are used to
296  * identify the origin of each XML construct used.  XML namespaces are
297  * identified by their unique resource identifiers (URIs).  The core SBML
298  * specifications stipulate the namespaces that must be used for core SBML
299  * constructs; for example, all XML elements that belong to SBML Level&nbsp;3
300  * Version&nbsp;1 Core must be placed in the XML namespace identified by the URI
301  * <code>'http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core'</code>.  Individual
302  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 packages define their own XML namespaces; for example,
303  * all elements belonging to the SBML Level&nbsp;3 %Layout Version&nbsp;1
304  * package must be placed in the XML namespace
305  * <code>'http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/layout/version1/'</code>.
306  *
307  *
308    *
309    *
310  *
311  * The SBMLNamespaces object encapsulates SBML Level/Version/namespaces
312  * information.  It is used to communicate the SBML Level, Version, and (in
313  * Level&nbsp;3) packages used in addition to SBML Level&nbsp;3 Core.  A
314  * common approach to using libSBML's SBMLNamespaces facilities is to create an
315  * SBMLNamespaces object somewhere in a program once, then hand that object
316  * as needed to object constructors that accept SBMLNamespaces as arguments.
317  *
318  *
319    *
320    * @param uri the URI of the SBML Level&nbsp;3 package implemented by
321    * this libSBML package extension.
322    *
323    * @param prefix the XML namespace prefix being used for the package.
324    *
325    * @param sbmlns the SBMLNamespaces object for the package.
326    */ public
SBMLDocumentPlugin(string uri, string prefix, SBMLNamespaces sbmlns)327  SBMLDocumentPlugin(string uri, string prefix, SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_SBMLDocumentPlugin__SWIG_0(uri, prefix, SBMLNamespaces.getCPtr(sbmlns)), true) {
328   }
331 /**
332    * Copy constructor.
333    *
334    * This creates a copy of this object.
335    *
336    * @param orig the SBMLDocumentPlugin instance to copy.
337    */ public
SBMLDocumentPlugin(SBMLDocumentPlugin orig)338  SBMLDocumentPlugin(SBMLDocumentPlugin orig) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_SBMLDocumentPlugin__SWIG_1(SBMLDocumentPlugin.getCPtr(orig)), true) {
339     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
340   }
343 /**
344    * Creates and returns a deep copy of this SBMLDocumentPlugin object.
345    *
346    * @return the (deep) copy of this SBMLDocumentPlugin object.
347    */ public new
clone()348  SBasePlugin clone() {
349     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_clone(swigCPtr);
350     SBMLDocumentPlugin ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SBMLDocumentPlugin(cPtr, true);
351     return ret;
352   }
355 /**
356    * Sets the SBML 'required' attribute value.
357    *
358    *
359  *
360  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 requires that every package defines an attribute named
361  * 'required' on the root <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code> element in an SBML file
362  * or data stream.  The attribute, being in the namespace of the Level&nbsp;3
363  * package in question, must be prefixed by the XML namespace prefix
364  * associated with the package.  The value of the 'required' attribute
365  * indicates whether constructs in that package may change the mathematical
366  * interpretation of constructs defined in SBML Level&nbsp;3 Core.  A
367  * 'required' value of @c true indicates that the package may do so.  The
368  * value of the attribute is set by the Level&nbsp;3 package specification,
369  * and does @em not depend on the actual presence or absence of particular
370  * package constructs in a given SBML document: in other words, if the
371  * package specification defines any construct that can change the model's
372  * meaning, the value of the 'required' attribute must always be set to
373  * @c true in any SBML document that uses the package.
374  *
375  * The XML namespace declaration for an SBML Level&nbsp;3 package is an
376  * indication that a model makes use of features defined by that package,
377  * while the 'required' attribute indicates whether the features may be
378  * ignored without compromising the mathematical meaning of the model.  Both
379  * are necessary for a complete reference to an SBML Level&nbsp;3 package.
380  *
381  *
382    *
383    * @param value the value to be assigned to the 'required' attribute.
384    * The 'required' attribute takes a Boolean value, either @c true or
385    * @c false.
386    *
387    *
388  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
389  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
390  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
391  * returned by this function are:
394    *
395    * @see getRequired()
396    * @see isSetRequired()
397    * @see unsetRequired()
398    */ public new
setRequired(bool value)399  int setRequired(bool value) {
400     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_setRequired(swigCPtr, value);
401     return ret;
402   }
405 /**
406    * Returns the value of the 'required' attribute.
407    *
408    *
409  *
410  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 requires that every package defines an attribute named
411  * 'required' on the root <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code> element in an SBML file
412  * or data stream.  The attribute, being in the namespace of the Level&nbsp;3
413  * package in question, must be prefixed by the XML namespace prefix
414  * associated with the package.  The value of the 'required' attribute
415  * indicates whether constructs in that package may change the mathematical
416  * interpretation of constructs defined in SBML Level&nbsp;3 Core.  A
417  * 'required' value of @c true indicates that the package may do so.  The
418  * value of the attribute is set by the Level&nbsp;3 package specification,
419  * and does @em not depend on the actual presence or absence of particular
420  * package constructs in a given SBML document: in other words, if the
421  * package specification defines any construct that can change the model's
422  * meaning, the value of the 'required' attribute must always be set to
423  * @c true in any SBML document that uses the package.
424  *
425  * The XML namespace declaration for an SBML Level&nbsp;3 package is an
426  * indication that a model makes use of features defined by that package,
427  * while the 'required' attribute indicates whether the features may be
428  * ignored without compromising the mathematical meaning of the model.  Both
429  * are necessary for a complete reference to an SBML Level&nbsp;3 package.
430  *
431  *
432    *
433    * @return the bool value of 'required' attribute for the SBML package.
434    *
435    * @see setRequired(bool value)
436    * @see isSetRequired()
437    * @see unsetRequired()
438    */ public new
getRequired()439  bool getRequired() {
440     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_getRequired(swigCPtr);
441     return ret;
442   }
445 /**
446    * Returns the value of the 'required' attribute.
447    *
448    *
449  *
450  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 requires that every package defines an attribute named
451  * 'required' on the root <code>&lt;sbml&gt;</code> element in an SBML file
452  * or data stream.  The attribute, being in the namespace of the Level&nbsp;3
453  * package in question, must be prefixed by the XML namespace prefix
454  * associated with the package.  The value of the 'required' attribute
455  * indicates whether constructs in that package may change the mathematical
456  * interpretation of constructs defined in SBML Level&nbsp;3 Core.  A
457  * 'required' value of @c true indicates that the package may do so.  The
458  * value of the attribute is set by the Level&nbsp;3 package specification,
459  * and does @em not depend on the actual presence or absence of particular
460  * package constructs in a given SBML document: in other words, if the
461  * package specification defines any construct that can change the model's
462  * meaning, the value of the 'required' attribute must always be set to
463  * @c true in any SBML document that uses the package.
464  *
465  * The XML namespace declaration for an SBML Level&nbsp;3 package is an
466  * indication that a model makes use of features defined by that package,
467  * while the 'required' attribute indicates whether the features may be
468  * ignored without compromising the mathematical meaning of the model.  Both
469  * are necessary for a complete reference to an SBML Level&nbsp;3 package.
470  *
471  *
472    *
473    * @return @c true if the 'required' attribute of this SBMLDocument
474    * has been set to @c true, @c false otherwise.
475    */ public new
isSetRequired()476  bool isSetRequired() {
477     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_isSetRequired(swigCPtr);
478     return ret;
479   }
482 /**
483    * Unsets the value of the 'required' attribute of this SBMLDocumentPlugin.
484    *
485    *
486  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
487  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
488  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
489  * returned by this function are:
491    */ public new
unsetRequired()492  int unsetRequired() {
493     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_unsetRequired(swigCPtr);
494     return ret;
495   }
498 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public new
isCompFlatteningImplemented()499  bool isCompFlatteningImplemented() {
500     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_isCompFlatteningImplemented(swigCPtr);
501     return ret;
502   }
505 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public new
checkConsistency()506  long checkConsistency() { return (long)libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocumentPlugin_checkConsistency(swigCPtr); }
508 }
510 }