1 /**
2  * @file    SBMLConverter.h
3  * @brief   Definition of SBMLConverter, the base class for SBML conversion.
4  * @author  Sarah Keating
5  *
6  * <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  * This file is part of libSBML.  Please visit http://sbml.org for more
8  * information about SBML, and the latest version of libSBML.
9  *
10  * Copyright (C) 2020 jointly by the following organizations:
11  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
12  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
13  *     3. University College London, London, UK
14  *
15  * Copyright (C) 2019 jointly by the following organizations:
16  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
17  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
18  *
19  * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 jointly by the following organizations:
20  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
21  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
22  *     3. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
23  *
24  * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 jointly by the following organizations:
25  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
26  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
27  *
28  * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by the California Institute of Technology,
29  *     Pasadena, CA, USA
30  *
31  * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 jointly by the following organizations:
32  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
33  *     2. Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
34  *
35  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
36  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
37  * the Free Software Foundation.  A copy of the license agreement is provided
38  * in the file named "LICENSE.txt" included with this software distribution
39  * and also available online as http://sbml.org/software/libsbml/license.html
40  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
41  *
42  * @class SBMLConverter
43  * @sbmlbrief{core} Base class for SBML converters.
44  *
45  * @htmlinclude libsbml-facility-only-warning.html
46  *
47  * The SBMLConverter class is the base class for the various SBML @em
48  * converters: classes of objects that transform or convert SBML documents.
49  * These transformations can involve essentially anything that can be written
50  * algorithmically; examples include converting the units of measurement in a
51  * model, or converting from one Level+Version combination of SBML to
52  * another.  Applications can also create their own converters by subclassing
53  * SBMLConverter and following the examples of the existing converters.
54  *
55  * @copydetails doc_section_using_sbml_converters
56  */
58 #ifndef SBMLConverter_h
59 #define SBMLConverter_h
61 #include <string>
63 #include <sbml/SBMLNamespaces.h>
64 #include <sbml/conversion/ConversionProperties.h>
67 #include <sbml/SBMLTypes.h>
68 #endif
70 #ifdef __cplusplus
76 class LIBSBML_EXTERN SBMLConverter
77 {
78 public:
80   /**
81    * Creates a new SBMLConverter object.
82    */
83   SBMLConverter ();
86   /**
87    * Creates a new SBMLConverter object with a given name.
88    *
89    * @param name the name for the converter to create.
90    */
91   SBMLConverter (const std::string& name);
94   /**
95    * Copy constructor.
96    *
97    * This creates a copy of an SBMLConverter object.
98    *
99    * @param orig the SBMLConverter object to copy.
100    */
101   SBMLConverter(const SBMLConverter& orig);
104   /**
105    * Destroy this SBMLConverter object.
106    */
107   virtual ~SBMLConverter ();
110   /**
111    * Assignment operator for SBMLConverter.
112    *
113    * @param rhs the object whose values are used as the basis of the
114    * assignment.
115    */
116   SBMLConverter& operator=(const SBMLConverter& rhs);
119   /**
120    * Creates and returns a deep copy of this SBMLConverter object.
121    *
122    * @return the (deep) copy of this SBMLConverter object.
123    */
124   virtual SBMLConverter* clone() const;
127   /**
128    * Returns the SBML document that is the subject of the conversions.
129    *
130    * @return the current SBMLDocument object.
131    */
132   virtual SBMLDocument* getDocument();
135   /**
136    * Returns the SBML document that is the subject of the conversions.
137    *
138    * @return the current SBMLDocument object.
139    */
140   virtual const SBMLDocument* getDocument() const;
143   /**
144    * Returns the default properties of this converter.
145    *
146    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
147    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method
148    * returns the @em default property settings for this converter.  It is
149    * meant to be called in order to discover all the settings for the
150    * converter object.  The run-time properties of the converter object can
151    * be adjusted by using the method
152    * SBMLConverter::setProperties(const ConversionProperties *props).
153    *
154    * @return the default properties for the converter.
155    *
156    * @see setProperties(@if java ConversionProperties@endif)
157    * @see matchesProperties(@if java ConversionProperties@endif)
158    */
159   virtual ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties() const;
162   /**
163    * Returns the target SBML namespaces of the currently set properties.
164    *
165    * SBML namespaces are used by libSBML to express the Level+Version of the
166    * SBML document (and, possibly, any SBML Level&nbsp;3 packages in
167    * use). Some converters' behavior is affected by the SBML namespace
168    * configured in the converter.  For example, in SBMLLevelVersionConverter
169    * (the converter for converting SBML documents from one Level+Version
170    * combination to another), the actions are fundamentally dependent on the
171    * SBML namespaces targeted.
172    *
173    * @return the SBMLNamespaces object that describes the SBML namespaces
174    * in effect, or @c NULL if none are set.
175    */
176   virtual SBMLNamespaces* getTargetNamespaces();
179   /**
180    * Returns @c true if this converter matches the given properties.
181    *
182    * Given a ConversionProperties object @p props, this method checks that @p
183    * props possesses an option value to enable this converter.  If it does,
184    * this method returns @c true.
185    *
186    * @param props the properties to match.
187    *
188    * @return @c true if the properties @p props would match the necessary
189    * properties for this type of converter, @c false otherwise.
190    */
191   virtual bool matchesProperties(const ConversionProperties &props) const;
194   /**
195    * Sets the SBML document to be converted.
196    *
197    * @param doc the document to use for this conversion.
198    *
199    * @return integer value indicating the success/failure of the operation.
200    * @if clike The value is drawn from the enumeration
201    * #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif@~ The set of possible values that may
202    * be returned ultimately depends on the specific subclass of
203    * SBMLConverter being used, but the default method can return the
204    * following:
205    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
206    *
207    * @if cpp
208    * @warning Even though the argument @p doc is 'const', it is immediately
209    * cast to a non-const version, which is then usually changed by the
210    * converter upon a successful conversion.  This variant of the
211    * setDocument() method is here solely to preserve backwards compatibility.
212    * @endif
213    */
214   virtual int setDocument(const SBMLDocument* doc);
217   /**
218    * Sets the SBML document to be converted.
219    *
220    * @param doc the document to use for this conversion.
221    *
222    * @return integer value indicating the success/failure of the operation.
223    * @if clike The value is drawn from the enumeration
224    * #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif@~ The set of possible values that may
225    * be returned ultimately depends on the specific subclass of
226    * SBMLConverter being used, but the default method can return the
227    * following:
228    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
229    */
230   virtual int setDocument(SBMLDocument* doc);
233   /**
234    * Sets the configuration properties to be used by this converter.
235    *
236    * @param props the ConversionProperties object defining the properties
237    * to set.
238    *
239    * @return integer value indicating the success/failure of the operation.
240    * @if clike The value is drawn from the enumeration
241    * #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif@~ The set of possible values that may
242    * be returned ultimately depends on the specific subclass of
243    * SBMLConverter being used, but the default method can return the
244    * following values:
245    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
246    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
247    *
248    * @see getProperties()
249    * @see matchesProperties(@if java ConversionProperties@endif)
250    */
251   virtual int setProperties(const ConversionProperties *props);
254   /**
255    * Returns the current properties in effect for this converter.
256    *
257    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
258    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method
259    * returns the current properties for this converter; in other words, the
260    * settings in effect at this moment.  To change the property values, you
261    * can use SBMLConverter::setProperties(const ConversionProperties *props).
262    *
263    * @return the currently set configuration properties.
264    *
265    * @see setProperties(@if java ConversionProperties@endif)
266    * @see matchesProperties(@if java ConversionProperties@endif)
267    */
268   virtual ConversionProperties* getProperties() const;
271   /**
272    * Perform the conversion.
273    *
274    * This method causes the converter to do the actual conversion work,
275    * that is, to convert the SBMLDocument object set by
276    * SBMLConverter::setDocument(@if java const SBMLDocument@endif) and
277    * with the configuration options set by
278    * SBMLConverter::setProperties(@if java const ConversionProperties@endif).
279    *
280    * @return  integer value indicating the success/failure of the operation.
281    * @if clike The value is drawn from the enumeration
282    * #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif@~ The set of possible values that may
283    * be returned depends on the converter subclass; please consult
284    * the documentation for the relevant class to find out what the
285    * possibilities are.
286    */
287   virtual int convert();
290   /**
291    * Returns the name of this converter.
292    *
293    * @return a string, the name of this converter.
294    */
295   const std::string& getName() const;
298 protected:
299   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
300   SBMLDocument *   mDocument;
301   ConversionProperties *mProps;
302   std::string mName;
304   friend class SBMLDocument;
305   /** @endcond */
307 private:
308   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
309   /** @endcond */
310 };
314 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
317 #ifndef SWIG
326 #endif  /* !SWIG */
327 #endif  /* SBMLConverter_h */