1 /**
2  * @file    ElementFilter.h
3  * @brief   Base class of element filters.
4  * @author  Frank T. Bergmann
5  *
6  * <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  * This file is part of libSBML.  Please visit http://sbml.org for more
8  * information about SBML, and the latest version of libSBML.
9  *
10  * Copyright (C) 2020 jointly by the following organizations:
11  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
12  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
13  *     3. University College London, London, UK
14  *
15  * Copyright (C) 2019 jointly by the following organizations:
16  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
17  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
18  *
19  * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 jointly by the following organizations:
20  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
21  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
22  *     3. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
23  *
24  * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 jointly by the following organizations:
25  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
26  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
27  *
28  * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by the California Institute of Technology,
29  *     Pasadena, CA, USA
30  *
31  * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 jointly by the following organizations:
32  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
33  *     2. Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
34  *
35  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
36  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
37  * the Free Software Foundation.  A copy of the license agreement is provided
38  * in the file named "LICENSE.txt" included with this software distribution
39  * and also available online as http://sbml.org/software/libsbml/license.html
40  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
41  *
42  * @class ElementFilter
43  * @sbmlbrief{core} Base class for filter functions.
44  *
45  * @htmlinclude libsbml-facility-only-warning.html
46  *
47  * Some libSBML objects provide the ability to return lists of components.
48  * To provide callers with greater control over exactly what is
49  * returned, these methods take optional arguments in the form of filters.
50  * The ElementFilter class is the parent class for these filters.
51  */
53 /**
54  * <!-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Start of common documentation strings ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
55  * The following text is used as common documentation blocks copied multiple
56  * times elsewhere in this file.  The use of @class is a hack needed because
57  * Doxygen's @copydetails command has limited functionality.  Symbols
58  * beginning with "doc_" are marked as ignored in our Doxygen configuration.
59  * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  -->
60  *
61  * @class doc_what_is_user_data
62  *
63  * @par
64  * The user data associated with an SBML object can be used by an application
65  * developer to attach custom information to that object in the model.  In case
66  * of a deep copy, this data will passed as-is.  The data attribute will never
67  * be interpreted by libSBML.
68  */
70 #ifndef ElementFilter_h
71 #define ElementFilter_h
74 #ifdef __cplusplus
76 #include <sbml/common/extern.h>
77 #include <sbml/common/libsbml-namespace.h>
81 #define ADD_FILTERED_LIST(pResult,pSublist,list,pFilter)\
82 {\
83   if (list.size() > 0) {\
84     if (pFilter == NULL || pFilter->filter(&list))\
85     pResult->add(&list);\
86     pSublist = list.getAllElements(pFilter);\
87     pResult->transferFrom(pSublist);\
88     delete pSublist;\
89   }\
90 }
92 #define ADD_FILTERED_PLIST(pResult,pSublist,pList,pFilter)\
93 {\
94   if (pList != NULL && pList->size() > 0) {\
95     if (pFilter == NULL || pFilter->filter(pList))\
96     pResult->add(pList);\
97     pSublist = pList->getAllElements(pFilter);\
98     pResult->transferFrom(pSublist);\
99     delete pSublist;\
100   }\
101 }
103 #define ADD_FILTERED_POINTER(pResult,pSublist,pElement,pFilter)\
104 {\
105   if (pElement != NULL) {\
106     if (pFilter == NULL || pFilter->filter(pElement))\
107     pResult->add(pElement);\
108     pSublist = pElement->getAllElements(pFilter);\
109     pResult->transferFrom(pSublist);\
110     delete pSublist;\
111   }\
112 }
114 #define ADD_FILTERED_ELEMENT(pResult,pSublist,element,pFilter)\
115 {\
116   {\
117     if (pFilter == NULL || pFilter->filter(&element))\
118     pResult->add(&element);\
119     pSublist = element.getAllElements(pFilter);\
120     pResult->transferFrom(pSublist);\
121     delete pSublist;\
122   }\
123 }
125 #define ADD_FILTERED_FROM_PLUGIN(pResult,pSublist,pFilter)\
126 {\
127     pSublist = getAllElementsFromPlugins(pFilter);\
128     pResult->transferFrom(pSublist);\
129     delete pSublist;\
130 }
132 class SBase;
134 class LIBSBML_EXTERN ElementFilter
135 {
136 public:
138   /**
139    * Creates a new ElementFilter object.
140    */
141   ElementFilter();
144   /**
145    * Destroys this ElementFilter.
146    */
147   virtual ~ElementFilter();
150   /**
151    * Predicate to test elements.
152    *
153    * This is the central predicate of the ElementFilter class.  In subclasses
154    * of ElementFilter, callers should implement this method such that it
155    * returns @c true for @p element arguments that are "desirable" and
156    * @c false for those that are "undesirable" in whatever filtering context the
157    * ElementFilter subclass is designed to be used.
158    *
159    * @param element the element to be tested.
160    *
161    * @return @c true if the @p element is desirable or should be kept,
162    * @c false otherwise.
163    */
164   virtual bool filter(const SBase* element);
167   /**
168    * Returns the user data that has been previously set via setUserData().
169    *
170    * Callers can attach private data to ElementFilter objects using
171    * setUserData().  This user data can be used by an application to store
172    * custom information to be accessed by the ElementFilter in its work.  In
173    * case of a deep copy, the data will passed as it is.  The attribute will
174    * never be interpreted by libSBML.
175    *
176    * @return the user data of this node, or @c NULL if no user data has been
177    * set.
178    *
179    * @warning This <em>user data</em> is specific to an ElementFilter object
180    * instance, and is not the same as the user data that may be attached to
181    * an SBML object using SBase::setUserData().
182    *
183    * @see setUserData()
184    */
185   void* getUserData();
188   /**
189    * Sets the user data of this element.
190    *
191    * Callers can attach private data to ElementFilter objects using this
192    * method, and retrieve them using getUserData().  Such user data can be
193    * used by an application to store information to be accessed by the
194    * ElementFilter in its work.  In case of a deep copy, this data will
195    * passed as it is.  The attribute will never be interpreted by libSBML.
196    *
197    * @param userData specifies the new user data.
198    *
199    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
200    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
201    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
202    *
203    * @warning This <em>user data</em> is specific to an ElementFilter object
204    * instance, and is not the same as the user data that may be attached to
205    * an SBML object using SBase::setUserData().
206    *
207    * @see getUserData()
208    */
209   void setUserData(void* userData);
212 private:
213   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
214   void* mUserData;
216   /** @endcond */
217 };
221 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
222 #endif  /* ElementFilter_h */