1 /*
2  *  MrBayes 3
3  *
4  *  (c) 2002-2013
5  *
6  *  John P. Huelsenbeck
7  *  Dept. Integrative Biology
8  *  University of California, Berkeley
9  *  Berkeley, CA 94720-3140
10  *  johnh@berkeley.edu
11  *
12  *  Fredrik Ronquist
13  *  Swedish Museum of Natural History
14  *  Box 50007
15  *  SE-10405 Stockholm, SWEDEN
16  *  fredrik.ronquist@nrm.se
17  *
18  *  With important contributions by
19  *
20  *  Paul van der Mark (paulvdm@sc.fsu.edu)
21  *  Maxim Teslenko (maxkth@gmail.com)
22  *  Chi Zhang (zhangchicool@gmail.com)
23  *
24  *  and by many users (run 'acknowledgments' to see more info)
25  *
26  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
27  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
28  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
29  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
30  *
31  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
32  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
34  * GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org).
35  *
36  */
38 #include "bayes.h"
39 #include "command.h"
40 #include "model.h"
41 #include "sumpt.h"
42 #include "utils.h"
44 /* We only do proper command line parsing if we're on a system where the
45    unistd.h header is available */
46 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
48 #include <unistd.h> /* getopt() */
49 #endif
52 #  if defined(HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H)
53 #    include <readline/readline.h>
54 #  elif defined(HAVE_READLINE_H)
55 #    include <readline.h>
56 #  endif /* !defined(HAVE_READLINE_H) */
57 #endif /* HAVE_LIBREADLINE */
59 #  if defined(HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H)
60 #    include <readline/history.h>
61 #  elif defined(HAVE_HISTORY_H)
62 #    include <history.h>
63 #  endif /* defined(HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H) */
67 static char **readline_completion(const char *, int, int);
68 #endif
70 /* local prototypes */
71 int  CommandLine (int argc, char **argv);
72 void GetTimeSeed (void);
73 int  InitializeMrBayes (void);
74 void PrintHeader (void);
75 int  ReinitializeMrBayes (void);
77 /* global variables, declared in this file */
78 BitsLong    bitsLongWithAllBitsSet;      /* BitsLong with all bits set, for bit ops       */
79 ModelParams defaultModel;                /* Default model; vals set in InitializeMrBayes  */
80 int         defTaxa;                     /* flag for whether number of taxa is known      */
81 int         defChars;                    /* flag for whether number of chars is known     */
82 int         defMatrix;                   /* flag for whether matrix is successfull read   */
83 int         defPartition;                /* flag for whether character partition is read  */
84 int         defPairs;                    /* flag for whether pairs are read               */
85 Doublet     doublet[16];                 /* holds information on states for doublets      */
86 int         fileNameChanged;             /* has file name been changed ?                  */
87 RandLong    globalSeed;                  /* seed that is initialized at start up          */
88 char        **modelIndicatorParams;      /* model indicator params                        */
89 char        ***modelElementNames;        /* names for component models                    */
90 int         nBitsInALong;                /* number of bits in a BitsLong                  */
91 int         nPThreads;                   /* number of pthreads to use                     */
92 int         numUserTrees;                /* number of defined user trees                  */
93 int         readComment;                 /* should we read comment (looking for &) ?      */
94 int         readWord;                    /* should we read word next ?                    */
95 RandLong    runIDSeed;                   /* seed used only for determining run ID [stamp] */
96 RandLong    swapSeed;                    /* seed used only for determining which to swap  */
97 int         userLevel;                   /* user level                                    */
98 PolyTree    *userTree[MAX_NUM_USERTREES];/* array of user trees                           */
99 char        workingDir[100];             /* working directory                             */
101 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
102 int         proc_id;                     /* process ID (0, 1, ..., num_procs-1)                        */
103 int         num_procs;                   /* number of active processors                                */
104 MrBFlt      myStateInfo[7];              /* likelihood/prior/heat/ran/moveInfo vals of me              */
105 MrBFlt      partnerStateInfo[7];         /* likelihood/prior/heat/ran/moveInfo vals of partner         */
106 #endif
main(int argc,char * argv[])108 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
109 {
110     int i;
112 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
113     int     ierror;
114 #   endif
116 #   if defined (WIN_VERSION)
117     HANDLE scbh;
118     BOOL ok;
119     DWORD lastError;
120     COORD largestWindow;
122     int currBottom;
123     char poltmp[256];
125     scbh = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
126     GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(scbh, &csbi);
127     currBottom      = csbi.srWindow.Bottom;
128     largestWindow   = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(scbh);
130     /* Allow for screen buffer 3000 lines long and 140 characters wide */
131     csbi.dwSize.Y = 3000;
132     csbi.dwSize.X = 140;
134     SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(scbh, csbi.dwSize);
135     /* Allow for maximum possible screen height */
136     csbi.srWindow.Left      = 0; /* no change relative to current value */
137     csbi.srWindow.Top       = 0; /* no change relative to current value */
138     csbi.srWindow.Right     = 0; /* no change relative to current value */
139     csbi.srWindow.Bottom    = largestWindow.Y - currBottom -10; /**/
140     ok = SetConsoleWindowInfo(scbh, FALSE, &csbi.srWindow);
141     if (ok == FALSE)
142         {
143         lastError = GetLastError();
144         GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(scbh, &csbi);
145         sprintf(poltmp, "\nlastError = %d", lastError);
146         // printf (poltmp);
147         }
148 #   endif
150     /* calculate the size of a long - used by bit manipulation functions */
151     nBitsInALong = sizeof(BitsLong) * 8;
152     for (i=0; i<nBitsInALong; i++)
153         SetBit(i, &bitsLongWithAllBitsSet);
155 #   if defined (__MWERKS__) & defined (MAC_VERSION)
156     /* Set up interface when using the Metrowerks compiler. This
157        should work for either Macintosh or Windows. */
158     SIOUXSetTitle("\pMrBayes v3.2.7");
159     SIOUXSettings.fontface         = 0;  /* plain=0; bold=1 */
160     SIOUXSettings.setupmenus       = 0;
161     SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit  = 1;
162     SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = 0;
163     SIOUXSettings.rows             = 60;
164     SIOUXSettings.columns          = 90;
165 #   endif
167 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
168     ierror = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
169     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
170         {
171         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem initializing MPI\n", spacer);
172         exit (1);
173         }
174     ierror = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
175     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
176         {
177         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem getting the number of processors\n", spacer);
178         exit (1);
179         }
180     ierror = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &proc_id);
181     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
182         {
183         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem getting processors rank\n", spacer);
184         exit (1);
185         }
186 #   endif
188 #   ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE
189     rl_attempted_completion_function = readline_completion;
190 #   endif
191     /* Set up parameter table. */
192     SetUpParms ();
194     /* initialize seed using current time */
195     GetTimeSeed ();
197     /* Initialize the variables of the program. */
198     InitializeMrBayes ();
200     /* Go to the command line, process any arguments passed to the program
201        and then wait for input. */
202     i = CommandLine (argc, argv);
204 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
205     MPI_Finalize();
206 #   endif
208     if (i == ERROR)
209         return (1);
210     else
211         return (0);
212 }
CommandLine(int argc,char ** argv)215 int CommandLine (int argc, char **argv)
216 {
217     int     i, message, nProcessedArgs;
218     char    cmdStr[CMD_STRING_LENGTH];
219 #   ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE
220 #       ifndef MPI_ENABLED
221     char    *cmdStrP;
222 #       endif
223 #   endif
224 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
225     int     ierror;
226 #   endif
228     for (i = 0; i < CMD_STRING_LENGTH; i++) cmdStr[i] = '\0';
231 {
232     int ch;              /* the option character */
233     int interactive = 0; /* enable/disable interactive mode */
235     /* Do command line parsing on Unix-like systems */
236     while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hiIv")) != -1) {
237         switch (ch) {
238         case 'h': /* help */
239             /* Display (very short) command synopsis and terminate
240              * succesfully */
241             puts("MrBayes, Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny\n");
242             puts("Usage:");
243             printf("\t%s [-i] [filename ...]\n", argv[0]);
244             printf("\t%s -v\n", argv[0]);
245             printf("\t%s -h\n", argv[0]);
246             putchar('\n');
247             puts("Options:");
248             puts("\t-i\tForce interactive mode");
249             puts("\t\tNon-interactive mode is the default when a "
250                  "filename is given");
251             puts("\t\tInteractive mode is the default when no filename is "
252                  "given");
253             puts("\t-v\tDisplay version information and exit");
254             puts("\t-h\tDisplay this short help text and exit");
255             return NO_ERROR;
256             break; /* NOTREACHED */
257         case 'i':  /* interactive */
258         case 'I':  /* interactive */
259             /* Force enable interactive mode */
260             interactive = 1;
261             break;
262         case 'v': /* version */
263                   /* Display the same information that is displayed by the
264                    * "Version" interactive command and terminate succesfully */
265             puts("MrBayes, Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny\n");
266             printf("Version:   %s\n", VERSION_NUMBER);
267             fputs("Features: ", stdout);
268 #ifdef SSE_ENABLED
269             fputs(" SSE", stdout);
270 #endif
271 #ifdef AVX_ENABLED
272             fputs(" AVX", stdout);
273 #endif
274 #ifdef FMA_ENABLED
275             fputs(" FMA", stdout);
276 #endif
278             fputs(" Beagle", stdout);
279 #endif
280 #ifdef MPI_ENABLED
281             fputs(" MPI", stdout);
282 #endif
284             fputs(" readline", stdout);
285 #endif
286             putchar('\n');
287 #if defined(HOST_TYPE) && defined(HOST_CPU)
288             printf("Host type: %s (CPU: %s)\n", HOST_TYPE, HOST_CPU);
289 #endif
290 #if defined(COMPILER_VENDOR) && defined(COMPILER_VERSION)
291             printf(
292                 "Compiler:  %s %s\n", COMPILER_VENDOR, COMPILER_VERSION);
293 #endif
294             return NO_ERROR;
295             break; /* NOTREACHED */
296         case '?':  /* unknown */
297         default:   /* unknown */
298             fprintf(stderr,
299                 "Error in command line parsing (see '%s -h')\n", argv[0]);
300             return ERROR;
301         }
302     }
304     if (optind == argc) {
305         /* If no further operands are available (i.e. there are no files to
306          * process), switch to interactive mode */
307         interactive = 1;
308     }
310     if (interactive) {
311         mode = INTERACTIVE;
312         autoClose = NO;
313         autoOverwrite = YES;
314         noWarn = NO;
315         quitOnError = NO;
316     } else {
317         mode = NONINTERACTIVE;
318         autoClose = YES;
319         autoOverwrite = YES;
320         noWarn = YES;
321         quitOnError = YES;
322     }
324     nProcessedArgs = optind;
325 }
327     /* wait for user-input commands */
328     nProcessedArgs = 1; /* first argument is program name and needs not be processed */
329     if (nProcessedArgs < argc)
330         {
331         mode = NONINTERACTIVE;  /* when a command is passed into the program, the default is to exit without listening to stdin */
332         autoClose = YES;
333         autoOverwrite = YES;
334         noWarn = YES;
335         quitOnError = YES;
336         }
337 #endif
339     /* Display MrBayes header *after* parsing the command line un Unix systems */
340     PrintHeader();
342     for (;;)
343         {
344         if (nProcessedArgs < argc)
345             {
347             /* we are here only if a command that has been passed
348                into the program remains to be processed */
349             if (nProcessedArgs == 1 && (strcmp(argv[1],"-i") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1],"-I") == 0))
350                 {
351                 mode = INTERACTIVE;
352                 autoClose = NO;
353                 autoOverwrite = YES;
354                 noWarn = NO;
355                 quitOnError = NO;
356                 }
357             else
358 #endif
359                 sprintf (cmdStr, "Execute %s", argv[nProcessedArgs]);
360             nProcessedArgs++;
361             }
362         else
363             {
364             /* first check if we are in noninteractive mode and quit if so */
365             if (mode == NONINTERACTIVE)
366                 {
367                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tasks completed, exiting program because mode is noninteractive\n", spacer);
368                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   To return control to the command line after completion of file processing, \n", spacer);
369                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   set mode to interactive with 'mb -i <filename>' (i is for interactive)\n", spacer);
370                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   or use 'set mode=interactive'\n\n", spacer);
371                 return (NO_ERROR);
372                 }
373             /* normally, we simply wait at the prompt for a
374                user action */
375 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
376             if (proc_id == 0)
377                 {
378                 /* do not use readline because OpenMPI does not handle it */
379                 MrBayesPrint ("MrBayes > ");
380                 fflush (stdin);
381                 if (fgets (cmdStr, CMD_STRING_LENGTH - 2, stdin) == NULL)
382                     {
383                     if (feof(stdin))
384                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   End of File encountered on stdin; quitting\n", spacer);
385                     else
386                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not read command from stdin; quitting\n", spacer);
387                     strcpy (cmdStr,"quit;\n");
388                     }
389                 }
390             ierror = MPI_Bcast (&cmdStr, CMD_STRING_LENGTH, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
391             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
392                 {
393                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem broadcasting command string\n", spacer);
394                 }
395 #   else
396 #       ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE
397             cmdStrP = readline("MrBayes > ");
398             if (cmdStrP!=NULL)
399                     {
400                     strncpy (cmdStr,cmdStrP,CMD_STRING_LENGTH - 2);
401                     if (*cmdStrP)
402                         add_history (cmdStrP);
403                     free (cmdStrP);
404                     }
405             else /* fall through to if (feof(stdin))..*/
406 #       else
407             MrBayesPrint ("MrBayes > ");
408             fflush (stdin);
409             if (fgets (cmdStr, CMD_STRING_LENGTH - 2, stdin) == NULL)
410 #       endif
411                 {
412                 if (feof(stdin))
413                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   End of File encountered on stdin; quitting\n", spacer);
414                 else
415                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not read command from stdin; quitting\n", spacer);
416                 strcpy (cmdStr,"quit;\n");
417                 }
418 #   endif
419             }
420         i = 0;
421         while (cmdStr[i] != '\0' && cmdStr[i] != '\n')
422             i++;
423         cmdStr[i++] = ';';
424         cmdStr[i] = '\0';
425         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
426         if (cmdStr[0] != ';')
427             {
428             /* check that all characters in the string are valid */
429             if (CheckStringValidity (cmdStr) == ERROR)
430                 {
431                 MrBayesPrint ("   Unknown character in command string\n\n");
432                 }
433             else
434                 {
435                 expecting = Expecting(COMMAND);
436                 message = ParseCommand (cmdStr);
438                 if (message == NO_ERROR_QUIT)
439                     return (NO_ERROR);
441                 if (message == ERROR && quitOnError == YES)
442                     {
443                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Will exit with signal 1 (error) because quitonerror is set to yes\n", spacer);
444                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   If you want control to be returned to the command line on error,\n", spacer);
445                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   use 'mb -i <filename>' (i is for interactive) or use 'set quitonerror=no'\n\n", spacer);
446                     return (ERROR);
447                     }
449 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
450                 ierror = MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
451                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
452                     {
453                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem at command barrier\n", spacer);
454                     }
455 #   endif
457                 MrBayesPrint ("\n");
458                 }
459             }
460         }
461 }
465 extern char *command_generator(const char *text, int state);
readline_completion(const char * text,int start,int stop)467 char **readline_completion (const char *text, int start, int stop)
468 {
469     char **matches = (char **) NULL;
472     if (start == 0)
473             matches = rl_completion_matches (text, command_generator);
474 #   endif
476     return (matches);
477 }
478 #endif
GetTimeSeed(void)481 void GetTimeSeed (void)
482 {
483     time_t      curTime;
485 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
486     int         ierror;
488     if (proc_id == 0)
489         {
490         curTime = time(NULL);
491         globalSeed  = (RandLong)curTime;
492         if (globalSeed < 0)
493             globalSeed = -globalSeed;
494         }
495     ierror = MPI_Bcast(&globalSeed, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
496     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
497         {
498         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem broadcasting seed\n", spacer);
499         }
501     if (proc_id == 0)
502         {
503         /* Note: swapSeed will often be same as globalSeed */
504         curTime = time(NULL);
505         swapSeed  = (RandLong)curTime;
506         if (swapSeed < 0)
507             swapSeed = -swapSeed;
508         }
509     ierror = MPI_Bcast(&swapSeed, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
510     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
511         {
512         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem broadcasting swap seed\n", spacer);
513         }
515     if (proc_id == 0)
516         {
517         /* Note: runIDSeed will often be same as globalSeed */
518         curTime = time(NULL);
519         runIDSeed  = (RandLong)curTime;
520         if (runIDSeed < 0)
521             runIDSeed = -runIDSeed;
522         }
523     ierror = MPI_Bcast(&runIDSeed, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
524     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
525         {
526         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem broadcasting run ID seed\n", spacer);
527         }
529 #   else
530     curTime = time(NULL);
531     globalSeed  = (RandLong)curTime;
532     if (globalSeed < 0)
533         globalSeed = -globalSeed;
535     /* Note: swapSeed will often be the same as globalSeed */
536     curTime = time(NULL);
537     swapSeed  = (RandLong)curTime;
538     if (swapSeed < 0)
539         swapSeed = -swapSeed;
541     /* Note: runIDSeed will often be the same as globalSeed */
542     curTime = time(NULL);
543     runIDSeed  = (RandLong)curTime;
544     if (runIDSeed < 0)
545         runIDSeed = -runIDSeed;
547 #   endif
548 }
InitializeMrBayes(void)551 int InitializeMrBayes (void)
552 {
553     /* this function initializes the program; only call it at the start of execution */
555     int     i, j, growthFxn[6];
557     nBitsInALong         = sizeof(BitsLong) * 8;     /* global variable: number of bits in a BitsLong */
558     userLevel            = STANDARD_USER;            /* default user level                            */
560     readWord             = NO;                       /* should we read a word next ?                  */
561     readComment          = NO;                       /* should we read comments? (used by tree cmd)   */
562     fileNameChanged      = NO;                       /* file name changed ? (used by a few commands)  */
563     echoMB               = YES;                      /* flag used by Manual to control printing       */
565 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
566     sprintf (manFileName, "commref_mb%sp.txt", VERSION_NUMBER);  /* name of command reference file    */
567 #   else
568     sprintf (manFileName, "commref_mb%s.txt", VERSION_NUMBER);   /* name of command reference file    */
569 #   endif
571     for (i=0; i<NUM_ALLOCS; i++)                     /* set allocated memory to NO                    */
572         memAllocs[i] = NO;
573     logToFile = NO;                                  /* should screen output be logged to a file      */
574     strcpy(logFileName, "log.out");                  /* name of the log file                          */
575     logFileFp = NULL;                                /* file pointer to log file                      */
576     replaceLogFile = YES;                            /* should logfile be replace/appended to         */
577     autoClose = NO;                                  /* set default autoclose                         */
578     autoOverwrite = YES;                             /* set default autoOverwrite                     */
579     noWarn = NO;                                     /* set default                                   */
580     quitOnError = NO;                                /* set default quitOnError                       */
581     inferAncStates = NO;                             /* set default inferAncStates                    */
582     inferSiteOmegas = NO;                            /* set default inferSiteOmegas                   */
583     inferSiteRates = NO;                             /* set default inferSiteRates                    */
584     inferPosSel = NO;                                /* set default inferPosSel                       */
585     inComment = NO;                                  /* not in comment                                */
586     numComments = 0;                                 /* no comments encountered yet                   */
587     mode = INTERACTIVE;                              /* set default mode                              */
588     numOpenExeFiles = 0;                             /* no execute files open yet                     */
589     scientific = YES;                                /* print to file using scientific format?        */
590     precision = 6;                                   /* set default precision                         */
591     showmovesParams.allavailable = NO;               /* do not show all available moves               */
592     strcpy(workingDir,"");                           /* working directory                             */
593 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
594 #       if defined (WIN_VERSION)
595     tryToUseBEAGLE = NO;                             /* try to use the BEAGLE library (NO until SSE code works in Win) */
596 #       else
598 /* Try using Beagle */
599 /*
600  * Note: The old (2015) comment from Chi says that there is some issue with
601  * single precision SSE code.  This issue is unknown to us at this point
602  * in time (2019, four years later).
603  *
604  * */
606     tryToUseBEAGLE = YES;                             /* try to use the BEAGLE library if not Win (NO untill SSE single prec. works) */
608 #       endif
609     beagleScalingScheme = MB_BEAGLE_SCALE_DYNAMIC;   /* use BEAGLE dynamic scaling                     */
610     beagleFlags = BEAGLE_FLAG_PROCESSOR_CPU;         /* default to generic CPU                        */
611     beagleResourceNumber = 99;                       /* default to auto-resource selection            */
612     // SSE instructions do not work in Windows environment
613     // beagleFlags |= BEAGLE_FLAG_VECTOR_SSE;        /* default to SSE code                           */
614     beagleResource = NULL;
615     beagleResourceCount = 0;                         /* default has no list */
616     beagleInstanceCount = 0;                         /* no BEAGLE instances */
617     beagleScalingFrequency = 1000;
619     beagleFlags &= ~BEAGLE_FLAG_PRECISION_DOUBLE;   /* Use Beagle in single precision mode */
620     beagleFlags |= BEAGLE_FLAG_PRECISION_SINGLE;
622 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
623     beagleFlags |= BEAGLE_FLAG_THREADING_CPP;         /* default to use threads on CPU */
624     beagleThreadCount = 99;                           /* default to auto threading */
625     beagleAllFloatTips = NO;                          /* default to using compact tips */
626 #   endif
627 #   endif
629     /* set the proposal information */
630     SetUpMoveTypes ();
632     /* Set up rates for standard amino acid models, in case we need them. */
633     if (SetAARates () == ERROR)
634         return (ERROR);
636     /* set up doublet information */
637     doublet[ 0].first  = 1;   doublet[ 0].second = 1;
638     doublet[ 1].first  = 1;   doublet[ 1].second = 2;
639     doublet[ 2].first  = 1;   doublet[ 2].second = 4;
640     doublet[ 3].first  = 1;   doublet[ 3].second = 8;
641     doublet[ 4].first  = 2;   doublet[ 4].second = 1;
642     doublet[ 5].first  = 2;   doublet[ 5].second = 2;
643     doublet[ 6].first  = 2;   doublet[ 6].second = 4;
644     doublet[ 7].first  = 2;   doublet[ 7].second = 8;
645     doublet[ 8].first  = 4;   doublet[ 8].second = 1;
646     doublet[ 9].first  = 4;   doublet[ 9].second = 2;
647     doublet[10].first  = 4;   doublet[10].second = 4;
648     doublet[11].first  = 4;   doublet[11].second = 8;
649     doublet[12].first  = 8;   doublet[12].second = 1;
650     doublet[13].first  = 8;   doublet[13].second = 2;
651     doublet[14].first  = 8;   doublet[14].second = 4;
652     doublet[15].first  = 8;   doublet[15].second = 8;
654     /* user trees */
655     for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_USERTREES; i++)
656         userTree[i] = NULL;
658     /* parameter values */
659     paramValues = NULL;
660     intValues = NULL;
662     /* Prior model settings */
663     defaultModel.dataType = DNA;                        /* datatype                                     */
664     defaultModel.coding = 0;                            /* ascertainment bias                           */
665     strcpy(defaultModel.codingString, "All");           /* ascertainment bias string                    */
666     strcpy(defaultModel.nucModel, "4by4");              /* nucleotide model                             */
667     strcpy(defaultModel.nst, "1");                      /* number of substitution types                 */
668     strcpy(defaultModel.aaModelPr, "Fixed");            /* amino acid model prior                       */
669     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
670         defaultModel.aaModelPrProbs[i] = 0.0;
671     strcpy(defaultModel.aaModel, "Poisson");            /* amino acid model                             */
672     strcpy(defaultModel.parsModel, "No");               /* do not use parsimony model                   */
673     strcpy(defaultModel.geneticCode, "Universal");      /* genetic code                                 */
674     strcpy(defaultModel.ploidy, "Diploid");             /* ploidy level                                 */
675     strcpy(defaultModel.omegaVar, "Equal");             /* omega variation                              */
676     strcpy(defaultModel.ratesModel, "Equal");           /* rates across sites model                     */
677     defaultModel.numGammaCats = 4;                      /* number of categories for gamma approximation */
678     defaultModel.numLnormCats = 4;                      /* number of categories for lnorm approximation */
679     defaultModel.numMixtCats = 4;                       /* number of components in rate mixture         */
680     strcpy(defaultModel.useGibbs,"No");                 /* do not use Gibbs sampling of rate cats by default */
681     defaultModel.gibbsFreq = 100;                       /* default Gibbs sampling frequency of rate cats*/
682     defaultModel.numBetaCats = 5;                       /* number of categories for beta approximation  */
683     strcpy(defaultModel.covarionModel, "No");           /* use covarion model? (yes/no)                 */
684     strcpy(defaultModel.augmentData, "No");             /* should data be augmented                     */
685     strcpy(defaultModel.tRatioPr, "Beta");              /* prior for ti/tv rate ratio                   */
686     defaultModel.tRatioFix = 1.0;
687     defaultModel.tRatioDir[0] = 1.0;
688     defaultModel.tRatioDir[1] = 1.0;
689     strcpy(defaultModel.revMatPr, "Dirichlet");         /* prior for GTR model (nucleotides)            */
690     for (i=0; i<6; i++)
691         {
692         defaultModel.revMatFix[i] = 1.0;
693         defaultModel.revMatDir[i] = 1.0;
694         }
695     defaultModel.revMatSymDir = 1.0;                    /* default prior for GTR mixed model            */
696     strcpy (defaultModel.aaRevMatPr, "Dirichlet");      /* prior for GTR model (proteins)               */
697     for (i=0; i<190; i++)
698         {
699         defaultModel.aaRevMatFix[i] = 1.0;
700         defaultModel.aaRevMatDir[i] = 1.0;
701         }
702     strcpy(defaultModel.omegaPr, "Dirichlet");          /* prior for omega                              */
703     defaultModel.omegaFix = 1.0;
704     defaultModel.omegaDir[0] = 1.0;
705     defaultModel.omegaDir[1] = 1.0;
706     strcpy(defaultModel.ny98omega1pr, "Beta");          /* prior for class 1 omega (Ny98 model)         */
707     defaultModel.ny98omega1Fixed = 0.1;
708     defaultModel.ny98omega1Beta[0] = 1.0;
709     defaultModel.ny98omega1Beta[1] = 1.0;
710     strcpy(defaultModel.ny98omega3pr, "Exponential");   /* prior for class 3 omega (Ny98 model)        */
711     defaultModel.ny98omega3Fixed = 2.0;
712     defaultModel.ny98omega3Uni[0] = 1.0;
713     defaultModel.ny98omega3Uni[1] = 50.0;
714     defaultModel.ny98omega3Exp = 1.0;
715     strcpy(defaultModel.m3omegapr, "Exponential");      /* prior for all three omegas (M3 model)        */
716     defaultModel.m3omegaFixed[0] = 0.1;
717     defaultModel.m3omegaFixed[1] = 1.0;
718     defaultModel.m3omegaFixed[2] = 2.0;
719     strcpy(defaultModel.m10betapr, "Uniform");          /* prior for omega variation (M10 model)        */
720     strcpy(defaultModel.m10gammapr, "Uniform");
721     defaultModel.m10betaUni[0] = 0.0;
722     defaultModel.m10betaUni[1] = 20.0;
723     defaultModel.m10betaExp = 1.0;
724     defaultModel.m10betaFix[0] = 1.0;
725     defaultModel.m10betaFix[1] = 1.0;
726     defaultModel.m10gammaUni[0] = 0.0;
727     defaultModel.m10gammaUni[1] = 20.0;
728     defaultModel.m10gammaExp = 1.0;
729     defaultModel.m10gammaFix[0] = 1.0;
730     defaultModel.m10gammaFix[1] = 1.0;
731     defaultModel.numM10GammaCats = 4;
732     defaultModel.numM10BetaCats = 4;
733     strcpy(defaultModel.codonCatFreqPr, "Dirichlet");   /* prior for selection cat frequencies         */
734     defaultModel.codonCatFreqFix[0] = 1.0/3.0;
735     defaultModel.codonCatFreqFix[1] = 1.0/3.0;
736     defaultModel.codonCatFreqFix[2] = 1.0/3.0;
737     defaultModel.codonCatDir[0] = 1.0;
738     defaultModel.codonCatDir[1] = 1.0;
739     defaultModel.codonCatDir[2] = 1.0;
740     strcpy(defaultModel.stateFreqPr, "Dirichlet");      /* prior for character state frequencies        */
741     strcpy(defaultModel.stateFreqsFixType, "Equal");
742     for (i=0; i<200; i++)
743         {
744         defaultModel.stateFreqsFix[i] = 0.0;
745         defaultModel.stateFreqsDir[i] = 1.0;
746         }
747     defaultModel.numDirParams = 0;
748     strcpy(defaultModel.shapePr, "Exponential");        /* prior for gamma/lnorm shape parameter        */
749     defaultModel.shapeFix = 0.5;
750     defaultModel.shapeUni[0] = MIN_SHAPE_PARAM;
751     defaultModel.shapeUni[1] = MAX_SHAPE_PARAM;
752     defaultModel.shapeExp = 1.0;
753     strcpy(defaultModel.pInvarPr, "Uniform");           /* prior for proportion of invariable sites     */
754     defaultModel.pInvarFix = 0.1;
755     defaultModel.pInvarUni[0] = 0.0;
756     defaultModel.pInvarUni[1] = 1.0;
757     strcpy(defaultModel.adGammaCorPr, "Uniform");       /* prior for correlation param of adGamma model */
758     defaultModel.corrFix = 0.0;
759     defaultModel.corrUni[0] = -1.0;
760     defaultModel.corrUni[1] = 1.0;
761     strcpy(defaultModel.covSwitchPr, "Uniform");        /* prior for switching rates of covarion model  */
762     defaultModel.covswitchFix[0] = 1.0;
763     defaultModel.covswitchFix[1] = 1.0;
764     defaultModel.covswitchUni[0] = 0.0;
765     defaultModel.covswitchUni[1] = 100.0;
766     defaultModel.covswitchExp = 1.0;
767     strcpy(defaultModel.symPiPr, "Fixed");              /* prior for pi when unidentifiable states used */
768     defaultModel.symBetaFix = -1.0;
769     defaultModel.symBetaUni[0] = 0.0;
770     defaultModel.symBetaUni[1] = 20.0;
771     defaultModel.symBetaExp = 2;
772     strcpy(defaultModel.brownCorPr, "Fixed");           /* prior on correlation of brownian model       */
773     defaultModel.brownCorrFix = 0.0;
774     defaultModel.brownCorrUni[0] = -1.0;
775     defaultModel.brownCorrUni[1] = 1.0;
776     strcpy(defaultModel.brownScalesPr, "Gammamean");    /* prior on scales of brownian model            */
777     defaultModel.brownScalesFix = 10.0;
778     defaultModel.brownScalesUni[0] = 0.0;
779     defaultModel.brownScalesUni[1] = 100.0;
780     defaultModel.brownScalesGamma[0] = 1.0;
781     defaultModel.brownScalesGamma[1] = 10.0;
782     defaultModel.brownScalesGammaMean = 10.0;
783     strcpy(defaultModel.topologyPr, "Uniform");         /* prior for tree topology                      */
784     defaultModel.topologyFix = -1;                      /* user tree index to use for fixed topology    */
785     defaultModel.activeConstraints = NULL;              /* which constraints are active                 */
786     strcpy(defaultModel.brlensPr, "Unconstrained");     /* prior on branch lengths                      */
787     defaultModel.brlensFix = -1;                        /* user tree index to use for fixed brlens      */
788     defaultModel.brlensUni[0] = BRLENS_MIN;
789     defaultModel.brlensUni[1] = 10.0;
790     defaultModel.brlensExp    = 10.0;
791     defaultModel.brlens2Exp[0]= 100.0;                  /* 1st param of twoExp prior (for internal branches) */
792     defaultModel.brlens2Exp[1]= 10.0;                   /* 2nd param of twoExp prior (for external branches) */
793     defaultModel.brlensDir[0] = 1.0;                    /* 1st param of GammaDir prior   */
794 //  defaultModel.brlensDir[0] = 3.0;                    /* 1st param of invGamDir prior  */
795     defaultModel.brlensDir[1] = 0.1;                    /* 2nd param of GammaDir prior   */
796 //  defaultModel.brlensDir[1] = 20.0;                   /* 2nd param of invGamDir prior  */
797     defaultModel.brlensDir[2] = 1.0;                    /* 3rd param of Dirichlet priors */
798     defaultModel.brlensDir[3] = 1.0;                    /* 4th param of Dirichlet priors */
800     strcpy(defaultModel.unconstrainedPr, "GammaDir");   /* prior on branches if unconstrained           */
801     strcpy(defaultModel.clockPr, "Uniform");            /* prior on branch lengths if clock enforced    */
802     defaultModel.treeAgePr.prior = standardGamma;       /* calibration prior on tree age */
803     strcpy(defaultModel.treeAgePr.name, "Gamma(1.00,1.00)");
804     defaultModel.treeAgePr.priorParams[0] = 1.0;
805     defaultModel.treeAgePr.priorParams[1] = 1.0;
806     defaultModel.treeAgePr.priorParams[2] = -1.0;
807     defaultModel.treeAgePr.LnPriorProb = &LnPriorProbGamma_Param_Mean_Sd;
808     defaultModel.treeAgePr.LnPriorRatio = &LnProbRatioGamma_Param_Mean_Sd;
809     defaultModel.treeAgePr.min = 0.0;
810     defaultModel.treeAgePr.max = POS_INFINITY;
811     strcpy(defaultModel.clockRatePr, "Fixed");          /* prior on base subst. rate for clock trees    */
812     defaultModel.clockRateNormal[0] = 1.0;
813     defaultModel.clockRateNormal[1] = 1.0;
814     defaultModel.clockRateLognormal[0] = 0.0;           /* mean 0.0 on log scale corresponds to mean rate 1.0 */
815     defaultModel.clockRateLognormal[1] = 0.7;           /* double or half the rate in one standard deviation  */
816     defaultModel.clockRateGamma[0] = 1.0;
817     defaultModel.clockRateGamma[1] = 1.0;
818     defaultModel.clockRateExp = 1.0;
819     defaultModel.clockRateFix = 1.0;
820     strcpy(defaultModel.speciationPr, "Exponential");   /* prior on speciation rate (net diversification) */
821     defaultModel.speciationFix = 0.1;
822     defaultModel.speciationUni[0] = 0.0;
823     defaultModel.speciationUni[1] = 1000.0;
824     defaultModel.speciationExp = 10.0;
825     strcpy(defaultModel.extinctionPr, "Beta");          /* prior on extinction rate (turnover)          */
826     defaultModel.extinctionFix = 0.9;
827     defaultModel.extinctionBeta[0] = 1;
828     defaultModel.extinctionBeta[1] = 1;
829     strcpy(defaultModel.fossilizationPr, "Beta");       /* prior on fossilization rate (sampling proportion) */
830     defaultModel.fossilizationFix = 0.1;
831     defaultModel.fossilizationBeta[0] = 1;
832     defaultModel.fossilizationBeta[1] = 1;
833     strcpy(defaultModel.sampleStrat, "Random");         /* taxon sampling strategy                      */
834     defaultModel.sampleProb = 1.0;                      /* extant taxon sampling fraction               */
835     defaultModel.birthRateShiftNum = 0;                 /* number of birth rate shifts                  */
836     defaultModel.deathRateShiftNum = 0;                 /* number of death rate shifts                  */
837     defaultModel.fossilSamplingNum = 0;                 /* number of fossil sampling rate shifts / slice sampling events */
839     strcpy(defaultModel.popSizePr, "Gamma");            /* prior on coalescence population size         */
840     defaultModel.popSizeFix = 100.0;                    /* N_e = 100 */
841     defaultModel.popSizeUni[0] = 0.0;
842     defaultModel.popSizeUni[1] = 1000.0;
843     defaultModel.popSizeNormal[0] = 100.0;
844     defaultModel.popSizeNormal[1] = 30.0;
845     defaultModel.popSizeLognormal[0] = 4.6;             /* mean on log scale corresponds to N_e = 100.0 */
846     defaultModel.popSizeLognormal[1] = 0.4;             /* factor 10 in one standard deviation          */
847     defaultModel.popSizeGamma[0] = 1.0;                 /* exponential with mean 1/10 = 0.1 */
848     defaultModel.popSizeGamma[1] = 10.0;
849     strcpy(defaultModel.popVarPr, "Equal");             /* prior on pop. size variation across tree     */
850     strcpy(defaultModel.growthPr, "Fixed");             /* prior on coalescence growth rate prior       */
851     defaultModel.growthFix = 0.0;
852     defaultModel.growthUni[0] = 0.0;
853     defaultModel.growthUni[1] = 100.0;
854     defaultModel.growthExp = 1.0;
855     defaultModel.growthNorm[0] = 0.0;
856     defaultModel.growthNorm[1] = 1.0;
857     strcpy(defaultModel.nodeAgePr, "Unconstrained");    /* prior on node depths                       */
858     strcpy(defaultModel.clockVarPr, "Strict");          /* prior on clock rate variation              */
859     strcpy(defaultModel.cppRatePr, "Exponential") ;     /* prior on rate of CPP for relaxed clock     */
860     defaultModel.cppRateExp = 0.1;
861     defaultModel.cppRateFix = 1.0;
862     strcpy(defaultModel.cppMultDevPr, "Fixed");         /* prior on standard dev. of lognormal of rate multipliers of CPP rel clock */
863     defaultModel.cppMultDevFix = 0.4;
864     strcpy(defaultModel.tk02varPr, "Exponential");      /* prior on nu parameter for BM rel clock     */
865     defaultModel.tk02varExp = 1.0;
866     defaultModel.tk02varFix = 1.0;
867     defaultModel.tk02varUni[0] = 0.0;
868     defaultModel.tk02varUni[1] = 5.0;
869     strcpy(defaultModel.igrvarPr, "Exponential");       /* prior on variance increase parameter for IGR rel clock */
870     defaultModel.igrvarExp = 10.0;
871     defaultModel.igrvarFix = 0.1;
872     defaultModel.igrvarUni[0] = 0.0;
873     defaultModel.igrvarUni[1] = 0.5;
874     strcpy(defaultModel.mixedvarPr, "Exponential");     /* prior on var parameter for mixed rel clock */
875     defaultModel.mixedvarExp = 10.0;
876     defaultModel.mixedvarFix = 0.1;
877     defaultModel.mixedvarUni[0] = 0.0;
878     defaultModel.mixedvarUni[1] = 5.0;
879     strcpy(defaultModel.ratePr, "Fixed");               /* prior on rate for a partition              */
880     defaultModel.ratePrDir = 1.0;
881     strcpy(defaultModel.generatePr, "Fixed");           /* prior on rate for a gene (multispecies coalescent) */
882     defaultModel.generatePrDir = 1.0;
884     defaultModel.nStates = 4;                           /* number of states for partition             */
886     /* Report format settings */
887     strcpy(defaultModel.tratioFormat, "Ratio");         /* default format for tratio                  */
888     strcpy(defaultModel.revmatFormat, "Dirichlet");     /* default format for revmat                  */
889     strcpy(defaultModel.ratemultFormat, "Scaled");      /* default format for ratemult                */
890     strcpy(defaultModel.treeFormat, "Brlens");          /* default format for trees                   */
891     strcpy(defaultModel.inferAncStates, "No");          /* do not infer ancestral states              */
892     strcpy(defaultModel.inferPosSel, "No");             /* do not infer positive selection            */
893     strcpy(defaultModel.inferSiteOmegas, "No");         /* do not infer site omega vals               */
894     strcpy(defaultModel.inferSiteRates, "No");          /* do not infer site rates                    */
896     /* Allocate and initialize model indicator parameter names */
897     modelIndicatorParams = (char **) SafeCalloc (3, sizeof (char *));
898     modelIndicatorParams[0] = "aamodel";
899     modelIndicatorParams[1] = "gtrsubmodel";
900     modelIndicatorParams[2] = "";
902     /* Aamodel */
903     modelElementNames = (char ***) SafeCalloc (3, sizeof (char **));
904     modelElementNames[0] = (char **) SafeCalloc (12, sizeof (char *));
905     modelElementNames[0][0]  = "Poisson";
906     modelElementNames[0][1]  = "Jones";
907     modelElementNames[0][2]  = "Dayhoff";
908     modelElementNames[0][3]  = "Mtrev";
909     modelElementNames[0][4]  = "Mtmam";
910     modelElementNames[0][5]  = "Wag";
911     modelElementNames[0][6]  = "Rtrev";
912     modelElementNames[0][7]  = "Cprev";
913     modelElementNames[0][8]  = "Vt";
914     modelElementNames[0][9]  = "Blosum";
915     modelElementNames[0][10] = "LG";
916     modelElementNames[0][11] = "";
918     /* Gtrsubmodel */
919     modelElementNames[1] = (char **) SafeCalloc (204, sizeof (char *));
920     for (i=0; i<203; i++)
921         {
922         modelElementNames[1][i]  = (char *) SafeCalloc (7, sizeof (char));
923         FromIndexToGrowthFxn(i, growthFxn);
924         for (j=0; j<6; j++)
925             modelElementNames[1][i][j] = '1' + growthFxn[j];
926         modelElementNames[1][i][j] = '\0';
927         }
928     modelElementNames[1][203]  = "";
930     /* Termination */
931     modelElementNames[2]    = (char **) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof(char *));
932     modelElementNames[2][0] = "";
934     /* initialize user trees */
935     for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_USERTREES; i++)
936         userTree[i] = NULL;
937     numUserTrees = 0;
939     /* Reset translate table */
940     ResetTranslateTable();
942     /* finally reset everything dependent on a matrix being defined */
943     return (ReinitializeMrBayes ());
945 }
PrintHeader(void)948 void PrintHeader (void)
949 {
950     MrBayesPrint ("\n\n");
951     MrBayesPrint ("                            MrBayes %s %s\n\n", VERSION_NUMBER, HOST_CPU);
952     MrBayesPrint ("                      (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny)\n\n");
953 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
954     MrBayesPrint ("                             (Parallel version)\n");
955     MrBayesPrint ("                         (%d processors available)\n\n", num_procs);
956 #   endif
957     MrBayesPrint ("              Distributed under the GNU General Public License\n\n\n");
958     MrBayesPrint ("               Type \"help\" or \"help <command>\" for information\n");
959     MrBayesPrint ("                     on the commands that are available.\n\n");
960     MrBayesPrint ("                   Type \"about\" for authorship and general\n");
961     MrBayesPrint ("                       information about the program.\n\n\n");
962 }
ReinitializeMrBayes(void)965 int ReinitializeMrBayes (void)
966 {
967     /* this function resets everything dependent on a matrix */
969     int             i;
971     /* reinitialize indentation */
972     strcpy (spacer, "");                             /* holds blanks for indentation                  */
974     /* reset all taxa flags */
975     ResetTaxaFlags();
977     /* reset all characters flags */
978     ResetCharacterFlags();
980     /* chain parameters */
981     chainParams.numGen = 1000000;                    /* number of MCMC cycles                         */
982     chainParams.sampleFreq = 500;                    /* frequency to sample chain                     */
983     chainParams.printFreq = 1000;                    /* frequency to print chain                      */
984     chainParams.swapFreq = 1;                        /* frequency of attempting swap of states        */
985     chainParams.numSwaps = 1;                        /* number of swaps to try each time              */
986     chainParams.isSS = NO;
987     chainParams.startFromPriorSS = NO;
988     chainParams.numStepsSS = 50;
989     chainParams.burninSS = -1;
990     chainParams.alphaSS = 0.4;
991     chainParams.backupCheckSS = 0;
992     chainParams.mcmcDiagn = YES;                     /* write MCMC diagnostics to file ?              */
993     chainParams.diagnFreq = 5000;                    /* diagnostics frequency                         */
994     chainParams.minPartFreq = 0.10;                  /* min partition frequency for diagnostics       */
995     chainParams.allChains = NO;                      /* calculate diagnostics for all chains ?        */
996     chainParams.allComps = NO;                       /* do not calc diagn for all run comparisons     */
997     chainParams.relativeBurnin = YES;                /* use relative burnin?                          */
998     chainParams.burninFraction = 0.25;               /* default burnin fraction                       */
999     chainParams.stopRule = NO;                       /* should stopping rule be used?                 */
1000     chainParams.stopVal = 0.05;                      /* convergence diagnostic value to reach         */
1001     chainParams.numRuns = 2;                         /* number of runs                                */
1002     chainParams.numChains = 4;                       /* number of chains                              */
1003     chainParams.chainTemp = 0.1;                     /* chain temperature                             */
1004     chainParams.redirect = NO;                       /* should printf be to stdout                    */
1005     strcpy(chainParams.chainFileName, "temp");       /* chain file name for output                    */
1006     chainParams.chainBurnIn = 0;                     /* chain burn in length                          */
1007     chainParams.numStartPerts = 0;                   /* number of perturbations to starting tree      */
1008     strcpy(chainParams.startTree, "Current");        /* starting tree for chain (random/current)      */
1009     strcpy(chainParams.startParams, "Current");      /* starting params for chain (reset/current)     */
1010     chainParams.saveBrlens = YES;                    /* should branch lengths be saved                */
1011     chainParams.weightScheme[0] = 0.0;               /* percent chars to decrease in weight           */
1012     chainParams.weightScheme[1] = 0.0;               /* percent chars to increase in weight           */
1013     chainParams.weightScheme[2] = 1.0;               /* weight increment                              */
1014     chainParams.calcPbf = NO;                        /* should we calculate the pseudo-BF?            */
1015     chainParams.pbfInitBurnin = 100000;              /* initial burnin for pseudo BF                  */
1016     chainParams.pbfSampleFreq = 10;                  /* sample frequency for pseudo BF                */
1017     chainParams.pbfSampleTime = 2000;                /* how many cycles to calcualate site prob.      */
1018     chainParams.pbfSampleBurnin = 2000;              /* burnin period for each site for pseudo BF     */
1019     chainParams.userDefinedTemps = NO;               /* should we use the users temperatures?         */
1020     for (i=0; i<MAX_CHAINS; i++)
1021         chainParams.userTemps[i] = 1.0;              /* user-defined chain temperatures               */
1022     chainParams.swapAdjacentOnly = NO;               /* swap only adjacent temperatures               */
1023     chainParams.printMax = 8;                        /* maximum number of chains to print to screen   */
1024     chainParams.printAll = YES;                      /* whether to print heated chains                */
1025     chainParams.treeList = NULL;                     /* vector of tree lists for saving trees         */
1026     chainParams.saveTrees = NO;                      /* save tree samples for later removal?          */
1027     chainParams.tFilePos = NULL;                     /* position for reading trees for removal        */
1028     chainParams.runWithData = YES;                   /* whether to run with data                      */
1029     chainParams.orderTaxa = NO;                      /* should taxa be ordered in output trees?       */
1030     chainParams.append = NO;                         /* append to previous analysis?                  */
1031     chainParams.autotune = YES;                      /* autotune?                                     */
1032     chainParams.tuneFreq = 100;                      /* autotuning frequency                          */
1033     chainParams.checkPoint = YES;                    /* should we checkpoint the run?                 */
1034     chainParams.checkFreq = 2000;                    /* check-pointing frequency                      */
1035     chainParams.diagnStat = AVGSTDDEV;               /* mcmc diagnostic to use                        */
1037     /* sumt parameters */
1038     strcpy(sumtParams.sumtFileName, "temp");         /* input name for sumt command                   */
1039     strcpy(sumtParams.sumtConType, "Halfcompat");    /* type of consensus tree output                 */
1040     sumtParams.calcTreeprobs = YES;                  /* should individual tree probs be calculated    */
1041     sumtParams.showSumtTrees = NO;                   /* should the individual tree probs be shown     */
1042     sumtParams.numTrees = 1;                         /* number of trees to summarize                  */
1043     sumtParams.numRuns = 2;                          /* number of analyses to summarize               */
1044     sumtParams.orderTaxa = YES;                      /* order taxa in trees ?                         */
1045     sumtParams.minPartFreq = 0.10;                   /* minimum part. freq. for overall diagnostics   */
1046     sumtParams.table = YES;                          /* display table of part. freq.?                 */
1047     sumtParams.summary = YES;                        /* display overall diagnostics?                  */
1048     sumtParams.showConsensus = YES;                  /* display consensus tree(s)?                    */
1049     sumtParams.consensusFormat = FIGTREE;            /* format of consensus tree                      */
1050     strcpy (sumtParams.sumtOutfile, "temp");         /* output name for sumt command                  */
1051     sumtParams.HPD = YES;                            /* use Highest Posterior Density?                */
1052     sumtParams.saveBrParams = NO;                    /* save branch/node params?                      */
1053     sumtParams.minBrParamFreq = 0.50;                /* threshold for printing branch params to file  */
1055     /* sump parameters */
1056     strcpy(sumpParams.sumpFileName, "temp");         /* input name for sump command                   */
1057     strcpy (sumpParams.sumpOutfile, "temp");         /* output name for sump command                  */
1058     sumpParams.numRuns = 2;                          /* number of analyses to summarize               */
1059     sumpParams.HPD = YES;                            /* use Highest Posterior Density?                */
1060     sumpParams.minProb = 0.05;                       /* min. prob. of models to include in summary    */
1062     /* sumss parameters */
1063     sumssParams.numRuns= 2;                          /* number of independent analyses to summarize   */
1064     sumssParams.allRuns = YES;                       /* should data for all runs be printed (yes/no)? */
1065     sumssParams.stepToPlot = 0;                      /* Which step to plot in the step plot, 0 means burnin */
1066     sumssParams.askForMorePlots = YES;               /* Should user be asked to plot for different discardfraction (y/n)?  */
1067     sumssParams.discardFraction = 0.8;               /* Proportion of samples discarded when ploting step plot.*/
1068     sumssParams.smoothing = 0;                       /* An integer indicating number of neighbors to average over
1069                                                         when dooing smoothing of curvs on plots */
1070     /* comparetree parameters */
1071     strcpy(comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "temp.t"); /* input name for comparetree command            */
1072     strcpy(comptreeParams.comptFileName2, "temp.t"); /* input name for comparetree command            */
1073     strcpy(comptreeParams.comptOutfile, "temp.comp");/* output name for comparetree command           */
1074     comptreeParams.minPartFreq = 0.0;                /* minimum frequency of partitions to include    */
1076     /* plot parameters */
1077     strcpy(plotParams.plotFileName, "temp.p");       /* input name for plot command                   */
1078     strcpy(plotParams.parameter, "lnL");             /* plotted parameter plot command                */
1079     strcpy(plotParams.match, "Perfect");             /* matching for plot command                     */
1081     return (NO_ERROR);
1082 }