1 /*  $Id: redoalignment_unit_test.cpp 504861 2016-06-20 15:45:40Z boratyng $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
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20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * Author:  Tom Madden
27 *
28 * File Description:
29 *   Unit test module for traceback calculation
30 *
31 * ===========================================================================
32 */
33 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
34 #include <corelib/test_boost.hpp>
36 #include <corelib/ncbitime.hpp>
37 #include <objmgr/object_manager.hpp>
38 #include <objmgr/scope.hpp>
39 #include <objtools/data_loaders/genbank/gbloader.hpp>
40 #include <objmgr/util/sequence.hpp>
42 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_loc.hpp>
43 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_interval.hpp>
44 #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align.hpp>
45 #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align_set.hpp>
46 #include <serial/serial.hpp>
47 #include <serial/iterator.hpp>
48 #include <serial/objostr.hpp>
50 #include <algo/blast/api/bl2seq.hpp>
51 #include <algo/blast/api/seqsrc_multiseq.hpp>
52 #include <blast_objmgr_priv.hpp>
53 #include <blast_psi_priv.h>
55 #include <algo/blast/core/blast_setup.h>
56 #include <algo/blast/core/blast_hits.h>
57 #include <algo/blast/core/blast_kappa.h>
58 #include <algo/blast/core/blast_hspstream.h>
59 #include <algo/blast/core/hspfilter_collector.h>
61 #include <algo/blast/api/blast_options_handle.hpp>
62 #include <algo/blast/api/blast_prot_options.hpp>
64 #include <algo/blast/blastinput/blast_input.hpp>
65 #include <algo/blast/blastinput/blast_fasta_input.hpp>
67 #include <algo/blast/composition_adjustment/composition_constants.h>
68 #include <algo/blast/composition_adjustment/matrix_frequency_data.h>
70 #include "test_objmgr.hpp"
71 #include "blast_test_util.hpp"
73 using namespace std;
74 using namespace ncbi;
75 using namespace ncbi::objects;
76 using namespace ncbi::blast;
78 struct CRedoAlignmentTestFixture
79 {
CRedoAlignmentTestFixtureCRedoAlignmentTestFixture80     CRedoAlignmentTestFixture() {}
~CRedoAlignmentTestFixtureCRedoAlignmentTestFixture81     ~CRedoAlignmentTestFixture() {}
setUpHSPListCRedoAlignmentTestFixture83     static BlastHSPList* setUpHSPList(int num_hsps,
84                                       const int query_offset[],
85                                       const int query_end[],
86                                       const int subject_offset[],
87                                       const int subject_end[],
88                                       const int query_gapped_start[],
89                                       const int subject_gapped_start[],
90                                       const int score[],
91                                       const double evalue[] = NULL,
92                                       const int num_ident[] = NULL)
93     {
94         const int kQueryContext = 0;
95         const int kSubjectFrame = 0;
96         const int kQueryFrame = 0;
98         BlastHSPList* retval = Blast_HSPListNew(0);
99         if ( !retval ) {
100             return NULL;
101         }
103         for (int i = 0; i < num_hsps; i++) {
104             BlastHSP* hsp = NULL;
105             Blast_HSPInit(query_offset[i], query_end[i],
106                           subject_offset[i], subject_end[i],
107                           query_gapped_start[i],
108                           subject_gapped_start[i],
109                           kQueryContext, kQueryFrame, kSubjectFrame, score[i],
110                           NULL, &hsp);
111             if (num_ident) {
112                 hsp->num_ident = num_ident[i];
113             }
114             if (evalue) {
115                 hsp->evalue = evalue[i];
116             }
117             Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(retval, hsp);
118         }
120         return retval;
121     }
loadPssmFromFileCRedoAlignmentTestFixture123     static int** loadPssmFromFile(const string& filename,
124                                   unsigned int query_length)
125     {
126         ifstream in(filename.c_str());
127         if ( !in ) {
128             throw runtime_error(filename + " could not be found");
129         }
131         int** retval = (int**) _PSIAllocateMatrix(query_length,
132                                                   BLASTAA_SIZE,
133                                                   sizeof(int));
134         try {
135             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < query_length; i++) {
136                 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < BLASTAA_SIZE; j++) {
137                     in >> retval[i][j];
138                 }
139             }
140         } catch (...) {
141             retval = (int**) _PSIDeallocateMatrix((void**)retval, query_length);
142             throw runtime_error("Error reading from " + filename);
143         }
145         return retval;
146     }
setupPositionBasedBlastScoreBlkCRedoAlignmentTestFixture148     static void setupPositionBasedBlastScoreBlk(BlastScoreBlk* sbp,
149                                                 unsigned int qlen)
150     {
151         if ( !sbp ) {
152             throw runtime_error("NULL BlastScoreBlk*!");
153         }
155         int** pssm =
156             loadPssmFromFile("data/aa.129295.pssm.txt",
157                                                       qlen);
158         sbp->psi_matrix = SPsiBlastScoreMatrixNew(qlen);
159         _PSICopyMatrix_int(sbp->psi_matrix->pssm->data, pssm,
160                            qlen, BLASTAA_SIZE);
161         pssm = (int**)_PSIDeallocateMatrix((void**) pssm, qlen);
163         /* FIXME: Should offer a function that allows the setting of all
164          * PSI-BLAST settings in the BlastScoreBlk */
165         sbp->kbp = sbp->kbp_psi;
166         sbp->kbp_gap = sbp->kbp_gap_psi;
167     }
169     // Core function which executes the unit tests
170     static void runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(EBlastProgramType program,
171                                     CSeq_id& qid,
172                                     CSeq_id& sid,
173                                     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list,
174                                     const BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list,
175                                     Int8 effective_searchsp,
176                                     ECompoAdjustModes compositonBasedStatsMode,
177                                     bool doSmithWaterman,
178                                     double evalue_threshold =
179                                     BLAST_EXPECT_VALUE,
180                                     int hit_list_size = BLAST_HITLIST_SIZE);
182     // Core function which executes the unit tests
183     // FIXME: refactor so that blastOptions are passed in!
184     static void runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(EBlastProgramType program,
185                                     SSeqLoc& qsl,
186                                     SSeqLoc& ssl,
187                                     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list,
188                                     const BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list,
189                                     Int8 effective_searchsp,
190                                     ECompoAdjustModes compositonBasedStatsMode,
191                                     bool doSmithWaterman,
192                                     double evalue_threshold =
193                                     BLAST_EXPECT_VALUE,
194                                     int hit_list_size = BLAST_HITLIST_SIZE);
195 };
197 void CRedoAlignmentTestFixture::
runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(EBlastProgramType program,CSeq_id & qid,CSeq_id & sid,BlastHSPList * init_hsp_list,const BlastHSPList * ending_hsp_list,Int8 effective_searchsp,ECompoAdjustModes compositonBasedStatsMode,bool doSmithWaterman,double evalue_threshold,int hit_list_size)198         runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(EBlastProgramType program,
199                                     CSeq_id& qid,
200                                     CSeq_id& sid,
201                                     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list,
202                                     const BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list,
203                                     Int8 effective_searchsp,
204                                     ECompoAdjustModes compositonBasedStatsMode,
205                                     bool doSmithWaterman,
206                                     double evalue_threshold,
207                                     int hit_list_size)
208 {
210     auto_ptr<SSeqLoc> qsl(CTestObjMgr::Instance().CreateSSeqLoc(qid));
211     auto_ptr<SSeqLoc> ssl(CTestObjMgr::Instance().CreateSSeqLoc(sid));
213     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(program, *qsl, *ssl, init_hsp_list,
214             ending_hsp_list, effective_searchsp, compositonBasedStatsMode,
215             doSmithWaterman, evalue_threshold, hit_list_size);
217 }
220 void CRedoAlignmentTestFixture::
runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(EBlastProgramType program,SSeqLoc & qsl,SSeqLoc & ssl,BlastHSPList * init_hsp_list,const BlastHSPList * ending_hsp_list,Int8 effective_searchsp,ECompoAdjustModes compositonBasedStatsMode,bool doSmithWaterman,double evalue_threshold,int hit_list_size)221         runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(EBlastProgramType program,
222                                     SSeqLoc& qsl,
223                                     SSeqLoc& ssl,
224                                     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list,
225                                     const BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list,
226                                     Int8 effective_searchsp,
227                                     ECompoAdjustModes compositonBasedStatsMode,
228                                     bool doSmithWaterman,
229                                     double evalue_threshold,
230                                     int hit_list_size)
231 {
233     char* program_buffer = NULL;
234     Int2 rv = BlastNumber2Program(program, &program_buffer);
235     BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(rv == (Int2)0, "BlastNumber2Program failed");
236     blast::EProgram prog = blast::ProgramNameToEnum(string(program_buffer));
237     sfree(program_buffer);
238     CBl2Seq blaster(qsl, ssl, prog);
240     CBlastQueryInfo query_info;
241     CBLAST_SequenceBlk query_blk;
242     TSearchMessages blast_msg;
244     const CBlastOptions& kOpts = blaster.GetOptionsHandle().GetOptions();
245     EBlastProgramType core_prog = kOpts.GetProgramType();
246     ENa_strand strand_opt = kOpts.GetStrandOption();
248     SetupQueryInfo(const_cast<TSeqLocVector&>(blaster.GetQueries()),
249                     core_prog, strand_opt,&query_info);
250     SetupQueries(const_cast<TSeqLocVector&>(blaster.GetQueries()),
251                     query_info, &query_blk, core_prog, strand_opt, blast_msg);
252     ITERATE(TSearchMessages, m, blast_msg) {
253         BOOST_REQUIRE(m->empty());
254     }
256     CBlastScoringOptions scoring_opts;
257     rv = BlastScoringOptionsNew(program, &scoring_opts);
258     BOOST_REQUIRE(rv == 0);
260     CBlastExtensionOptions ext_opts;
261     BlastExtensionOptionsNew(program, &ext_opts,
262                                 scoring_opts->gapped_calculation);
264     CBlastHitSavingOptions hitsaving_opts;
265     rv = BlastHitSavingOptionsNew(program, &hitsaving_opts,
266                                     scoring_opts->gapped_calculation);
267     hitsaving_opts->expect_value = evalue_threshold;
268     hitsaving_opts->hitlist_size = hit_list_size;
269     BOOST_REQUIRE(rv == 0);
271     // FIXME: how to deal with this in case of PSI-BLAST?
272     // FIXME: GetQueryEncoding/GetSubjectEncoding for PSI-BLAST
273     // FIXME: Figure out what is needed to set up a PSI-BLAST search. Is
274     // lookup table different than eAaLookupTable? See
275     // PsiBlastOptionsHandle class also
276     CBlastSeqSrc seq_src
277         (MultiSeqBlastSeqSrcInit(
278                     const_cast<TSeqLocVector&>(blaster.GetSubjects()),
279                     blaster.GetOptionsHandle().GetOptions().GetProgramType()));
280     TestUtil::CheckForBlastSeqSrcErrors(seq_src);
282     BlastExtensionOptions* ext_options=NULL;
283     BlastExtensionOptionsNew(program, &ext_options, true);
284     ext_options->compositionBasedStats = compositonBasedStatsMode;
285     if (doSmithWaterman)
286         ext_options->eTbackExt = eSmithWatermanTbck;
288     BlastHSPWriterInfo * writer_info = BlastHSPCollectorInfoNew(
289 	        BlastHSPCollectorParamsNew(
290 		hitsaving_opts, ext_options->compositionBasedStats,
291         scoring_opts->gapped_calculation));
293     BlastHSPWriter* writer = BlastHSPWriterNew(&writer_info, NULL, NULL);
294     BOOST_REQUIRE(writer_info == NULL);
296     BlastHSPStream* hsp_stream = BlastHSPStreamNew(
297 		program, ext_options, FALSE, query_info->num_queries, writer);
299     Blast_HSPListSortByScore(init_hsp_list);
300     BlastHSPStreamWrite(hsp_stream, &init_hsp_list);
302     Blast_Message* blast_message=NULL;
303     BlastScoreBlk* sbp;
304     Int2 status;
305     /* FIXME: modularize this code */
306     const double k_rps_scale_factor = 1.0;
307     status =
308         BlastSetup_ScoreBlkInit(query_blk, query_info, scoring_opts,
309                                 program, &sbp, k_rps_scale_factor,
310                                 &blast_message, &BlastFindMatrixPath);
311     if (status > 0) {
312         return;
313     }
315     if (program == eBlastTypePsiBlast) {
316         setupPositionBasedBlastScoreBlk(sbp,
317                 sequence::GetLength(*(qsl.seqloc->GetId()), qsl.scope));
318     }
321     BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* eff_len_opts = NULL;
322     BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsNew(&eff_len_opts);
323     BLAST_FillEffectiveLengthsOptions(eff_len_opts, 0, 0,
324                                         &effective_searchsp, 1);
325     BlastEffectiveLengthsParameters* eff_len_params = NULL;
326     BlastEffectiveLengthsParametersNew(eff_len_opts, 0, 0, &eff_len_params);
328     status = BLAST_CalcEffLengths(program, scoring_opts,
329                     eff_len_params, sbp, query_info, NULL);
330     if (status > 0) {
331         return;
332     }
334     BOOST_REQUIRE(query_info->contexts[0].eff_searchsp == effective_searchsp);
336     eff_len_opts = BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsFree(eff_len_opts);
337     BOOST_REQUIRE(eff_len_opts == NULL);
338     eff_len_params = BlastEffectiveLengthsParametersFree(eff_len_params);
339     BOOST_REQUIRE(eff_len_params == NULL);
341     BlastExtensionParameters* ext_params=NULL;
342     BlastExtensionParametersNew(program, ext_options, sbp, query_info,
343                                 &ext_params);
345     const int kAvgSubjLen = 0;
346     BlastHitSavingParameters* hit_params=NULL;
347     BlastHitSavingParametersNew(program, hitsaving_opts,
348                                 sbp, query_info, kAvgSubjLen,
349                                 2, &hit_params);
351     BlastScoringParameters* scoring_params=NULL;
352     BlastScoringParametersNew(scoring_opts, sbp, &scoring_params);
354     PSIBlastOptions* psi_options=NULL;
355     PSIBlastOptionsNew(&psi_options);
357     BlastHSPResults* results =
358         Blast_HSPResultsNew(query_info->num_queries);
359     BOOST_REQUIRE(results);
361     rv = Blast_RedoAlignmentCore(program, query_blk,
362                                         query_info, sbp, NULL, seq_src,
363                                         BLAST_GENETIC_CODE, NULL, hsp_stream,
364                                         scoring_params,
365                                         ext_params, hit_params, psi_options,
366                                         results);
367     BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(rv == (Int2)0, "Blast_RedoAlignmentCore failed!");
369     hsp_stream = BlastHSPStreamFree(hsp_stream);
370     BOOST_REQUIRE(hsp_stream == NULL);
371     ext_params = BlastExtensionParametersFree(ext_params);
372     BOOST_REQUIRE(ext_params == NULL);
373     ext_options = BlastExtensionOptionsFree(ext_options);
374     BOOST_REQUIRE(ext_options == NULL);
375     hit_params = BlastHitSavingParametersFree(hit_params);
376     BOOST_REQUIRE(hit_params == NULL);
377     scoring_params = BlastScoringParametersFree(scoring_params);
378     BOOST_REQUIRE(scoring_params == NULL);
379     psi_options = PSIBlastOptionsFree(psi_options);
380     BOOST_REQUIRE(psi_options == NULL);
381     sbp = BlastScoreBlkFree(sbp);
382     BOOST_REQUIRE(sbp == NULL);
384     BOOST_REQUIRE(results && results->num_queries == 1);
385     BOOST_REQUIRE(*results->hitlist_array != NULL);
386     BOOST_REQUIRE(results->hitlist_array[0]->hsplist_count > 0);
387     BlastHSPList* hsp_list = results->hitlist_array[0]->hsplist_array[0];
389     BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ending_hsp_list->hspcnt, hsp_list->hspcnt);
390 #if 0
392     if ( ending_hsp_list->hspcnt !=  hsp_list->hspcnt) {
393         cout << "Expected num hsps=" << ending_hsp_list->hspcnt;
394         cout << " Actual num hsps=" << hsp_list->hspcnt << endl;
395     }
396 #endif
397     for (int index=0; index<hsp_list->hspcnt; index++)
398     {
399         BlastHSP* expected_hsp = ending_hsp_list->hsp_array[index];
400         BlastHSP* actual_hsp = hsp_list->hsp_array[index];
402 #if 0
403         cout << index << ": query_offset="
404                 << actual_hsp->query.offset << endl;
405         cout << index << ": query_end="
406                 << actual_hsp->query.end << endl;
407         cout << index << ": subject_offset="
408                 << actual_hsp->subject.offset << endl;
409         cout << index << ": subject_end="
410                 << actual_hsp->subject.end << endl;
411         cout << index << ": score="
412                 << actual_hsp->score << endl;
413         cout << index << ": bit_score="
414                 << actual_hsp->bit_score << endl;
415         cout << index << ": evalue="
416                 << actual_hsp->evalue << endl;
417         cout << index << ": num_ident="
418                 << actual_hsp->num_ident << endl;
419 #endif
420         BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected_hsp->query.offset,
421                                 actual_hsp->query.offset);
422         BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected_hsp->query.end,
423                                 actual_hsp->query.end);
424         BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected_hsp->subject.offset,
425                                 actual_hsp->subject.offset);
426         BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected_hsp->subject.end,
427                                 actual_hsp->subject.end);
428         BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected_hsp->score,
429                                 actual_hsp->score);
430         BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected_hsp->num_ident,
431                                 actual_hsp->num_ident);
432 #if 0
433         double diff = fabs((expected_hsp->evalue-actual_hsp->evalue));
434         cerr << "Diff in evalues for " << index << "=" << diff << endl;
435 #endif
436         BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(expected_hsp->evalue, actual_hsp->evalue, 10.0);
437         //    cout << "HSP " << index << " OK" << endl;
438     }
440     results = Blast_HSPResultsFree(results);
441     BOOST_REQUIRE(results == NULL);
442 }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(RedoAlignment,CRedoAlignmentTestFixture)444 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(RedoAlignment, CRedoAlignmentTestFixture)
446 // Start modularized code
447 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStats) {
448     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypeBlastp;
449     const int k_num_hsps_start = 3;
450     const int k_num_hsps_end = 2;
451     CSeq_id query_id("gi|3091");
452     CSeq_id subj_id("gi|402871");
454     // It seems that the last hsp in this set was manually constructed and
455     // expected to be dropped (please note that the first 2 hsps we
456     // constructed using blastall (thus filtering on), but the sequence
457     // passed to RedoAlignmentCore was unfiltered (default for blastpgp)
458     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 28, 46, 463};
459     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 485, 331, 488};
460     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 36, 327, 320};
461     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 512, 604, 345};
462     const int score[k_num_hsps_start] = { 554, 280, 28};
463     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 431, 186, 480};
464     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 458, 458, 337};
466     // This is freed by the HSPStream interface
467     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
468         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
469                                                 query_offset, query_end,
470                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
471                                                 query_gapped_start,
472                                                 subject_gapped_start,
473                                                 score);
475     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 2, 46};
476     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 485, 331};
477     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 9, 327};
478     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 512, 604};
479     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 510, 282};
480     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end] = {7.0065e-61, 1.6958e-30};
481     const int num_idents_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 171, 94 };
483     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
484         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
485                                                 query_offset_final,
486                                                 query_end_final,
487                                                 subject_offset_final,
488                                                 subject_end_final,
489                                                 query_offset_final,
490                                                 subject_offset_final,
491                                                 score_final,
492                                                 evalue_final,
493                                                 num_idents_final);
495     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 500000;
496     const bool kSmithWaterman = false;
498     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_id, subj_id,
499                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
500                                     kEffSearchSp, eCompositionBasedStats,
501                                     kSmithWaterman);
503     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
504     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
505 }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithConditionalAdjust)507 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithConditionalAdjust) {
508     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypeBlastp;
509     const int k_num_hsps_start = 3;
510     const int k_num_hsps_end = 2;
511     CSeq_id query_id("gi|3091");
512     CSeq_id subj_id("gi|402871");
514     // It seems that the last hsp in this set was manually constructed and
515     // expected to be dropped (please note that the first 2 hsps we
516     // constructed using blastall (thus filtering on), but the sequence
517     // passed to RedoAlignmentCore was unfiltered (default for blastpgp)
518     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 28, 46, 463};
519     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 485, 331, 488};
520     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 36, 327, 320};
521     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 512, 604, 345};
522     const int score[k_num_hsps_start] = { 554, 280, 28};
523     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 431, 186, 480};
524     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 458, 458, 337};
526     // This is freed by the HSPStream interface
527     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
528         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
529                                                 query_offset, query_end,
530                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
531                                                 query_gapped_start,
532                                                 subject_gapped_start,
533                                                 score);
535     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 2, 46};
536     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 517, 331};
537     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 9, 327};
538     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 546, 604};
539     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 537, 298};
540     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end] = {1.1954e-64, 1.5494e-32};
541     const int num_idents_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 177, 95 };
543     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
544         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
545                                                 query_offset_final,
546                                                 query_end_final,
547                                                 subject_offset_final,
548                                                 subject_end_final,
549                                                 query_offset_final,
550                                                 subject_offset_final,
551                                                 score_final,
552                                                 evalue_final,
553                                                 num_idents_final);
555     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 500000;
556     const bool kSmithWaterman = false;
558     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_id, subj_id,
559                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
560                                     kEffSearchSp, eCompositionMatrixAdjust,
561                                     kSmithWaterman);
563     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
564     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
565 }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testPSIRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStats)567 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testPSIRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStats) {
568     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypePsiBlast;
569     const int k_num_hsps_start = 6;
570     const int k_num_hsps_end = 2;
571     CSeq_id query_id("gi|129295");
572     CSeq_id subj_id("gi|7450545");
574     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 24, 99, 16, 84, 6, 223 };
575     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 62, 128, 24, 114, 25, 231 };
576     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start] =
577     { 245, 0, 198, 86, 334, 151 };
578     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start] =
579     { 287, 29, 206, 119, 353, 159 };
580     const int score[k_num_hsps_start] = { 37, 26, 25, 25, 24, 24 };
581     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] =
582     { 29, 104, 20, 91, 19, 227 };
583     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] =
584     { 250, 5, 202, 93, 347, 155 };
586     // No gaps were found in these alignments. This is freed by the
587     // HSPStream interface
588     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
589         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
590                                                 query_offset, query_end,
591                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
592                                                 query_gapped_start,
593                                                 subject_gapped_start,
594                                                 score);
596     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 24, 18 };
597     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 30, 31 };
598     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 245, 200 };
599     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 251, 210 };
600     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 29, 24 };
601     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
602     { 1.361074 , 6.425098 };
603     const int ident_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 3, 6};
606     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
607         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
608                                                 query_offset_final,
609                                                 query_end_final,
610                                                 subject_offset_final,
611                                                 subject_end_final,
612                                                 query_offset_final,
613                                                 subject_offset_final,
614                                                 score_final,
615                                                 evalue_final,
616                                                 ident_final);
619     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 84660;
620     const bool kSmithWaterman = false;
622     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_id, subj_id,
623                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
624                                     kEffSearchSp, eCompositionBasedStats,
625                                     kSmithWaterman);
626     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
627     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
628 }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStatsBadlyBiasedSequence)630 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStatsBadlyBiasedSequence) {
631     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypeBlastp;
632     const int k_num_hsps_start = 6;
633     const int k_num_hsps_end = 5;
634     // CSeq_id query_id("gi|129295");
635     CSeq_id subj_id("gb|AAA22059|");
636     auto_ptr<SSeqLoc> ssl(CTestObjMgr::Instance().CreateSSeqLoc(subj_id));
638     CNcbiIfstream infile("data/biased.fsa");
639     const bool is_protein(true);
640     CBlastInputSourceConfig iconfig(is_protein);
641     CRef<CBlastFastaInputSource> fasta_src
642         (new CBlastFastaInputSource(infile, iconfig));
643     CRef<CBlastInput> input(new CBlastInput(&*fasta_src));
644     CRef<CScope> scope = CBlastScopeSource(is_protein).NewScope();
646     blast::TSeqLocVector query_seqs = input->GetAllSeqLocs(*scope);
648     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 3, 1, 4, 3, 0, 1 };
649     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 236, 232, 236, 235, 226, 233 };
650     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start] =
651     { 1, 1, 6, 6, 12, 22 };
652     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start] =
653     { 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 254 };
654     const int score[k_num_hsps_start] = { 345, 344, 343, 339, 332, 320 };
655     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] =
656     { 32, 194, 9, 8, 104, 9 };
657     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] =
658     { 30, 200, 11, 11, 116, 30 };
660     // No gaps were found in these alignments. This is freed by the
661     // HSPStream interface
662     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
663         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
664                                                 query_offset, query_end,
665                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
666                                                 query_gapped_start,
667                                                 subject_gapped_start,
668                                                 score);
670     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 4, 3, 3, 0, 0};
671     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 236, 235, 220, 226, 232};
672     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 6, 6, 1, 12, 6};
673     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 238, 238, 218, 238, 238};
674     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 73, 72, 69, 68, 66};
675     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
676     { 1.26e-05 , 1.7e-5 , 4.0e-5, 5.1e-5, 0.0000775};
677     const int num_idents_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 87, 85, 81, 84, 85 };
680     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
681         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
682                                                 query_offset_final,
683                                                 query_end_final,
684                                                 subject_offset_final,
685                                                 subject_end_final,
686                                                 query_offset_final,
687                                                 subject_offset_final,
688                                                 score_final,
689                                                 evalue_final,
690                                                 num_idents_final);
693     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 84660;
694     const bool kSmithWaterman = false;
696     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_seqs[0], *ssl,
697                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
698                                     kEffSearchSp, eCompositionMatrixAdjust,
699                                     kSmithWaterman);
700     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
701     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
702 }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithSW)704 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithSW) {
705     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypeBlastp;
706     const int k_num_hsps_start = 3;
707     const int k_num_hsps_end = 5;
708     CSeq_id query_id("gi|3091");
709     CSeq_id subj_id("gi|402871");
711     // It seems that the last hsp in this set was manually constructed and
712     // expected to be dropped (please note that the first 2 hsps we
713     // constructed using blastall (thus filtering on), but the sequence
714     // passed to RedoAlignmentCore was unfiltered (default for blastpgp)
715     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start]         = { 28, 46, 463 };
716     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start]            = { 485, 331, 488 };
717     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start]       = { 36, 327, 320 };
718     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start]          = { 512, 604, 345 };
719     const int score[k_num_hsps_start]                = { 554, 280, 28 };
720     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start]   = { 431, 186, 480 };
721     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 458, 458, 337 };
723     // This is freed by the HSPStream interface
724     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
725         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
726                                                 query_offset, query_end,
727                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
728                                                 query_gapped_start,
729                                                 subject_gapped_start,
730                                                 score);
732     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end]   = { 2, 250, 494, 67, 2 };
733     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end]      = { 485, 331, 530, 86, 24 };
734     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 9, 523, 261, 585, 570 };
735     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end]    = { 512, 604, 297, 604, 592 };
736     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end]          = { 591, 39, 37, 33, 32 };
737     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end]      = { 2.3451e-72, 0.387,
738                                                        0.6692, 1.9988, 2.6256 };
739     const int num_idents_final[k_num_hsps_end]     = { 172, 22, 9, 8, 7 };
741     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
742         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
743                                                 query_offset_final,
744                                                 query_end_final,
745                                                 subject_offset_final,
746                                                 subject_end_final,
747                                                 query_offset_final,
748                                                 subject_offset_final,
749                                                 score_final,
750                                                 evalue_final,
751                                                 num_idents_final);
753     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 500000;
754     const bool kSmithWaterman = true;
756     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_id, subj_id,
757                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
758                                     kEffSearchSp, eNoCompositionBasedStats,
759                                     kSmithWaterman);
760     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
761     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
762 }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStatsAndSW)764 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStatsAndSW) {
765     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypeBlastp;
766     const int k_num_hsps_start = 3;
767     const int k_num_hsps_end = 3;
768     CSeq_id query_id("gi|3091");
769     CSeq_id subj_id("gi|402871");
771     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 28, 46, 463};
772     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 485, 331, 488};
773     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 36, 327, 320};
774     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 512, 604, 345};
775     const int score[k_num_hsps_start] = { 554, 280, 28};
776     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 431, 186, 480};
777     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 458, 458, 337};
779     // This is freed by the HSPStream interface
780     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
781         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
782                                                 query_offset, query_end,
783                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
784                                                 query_gapped_start,
785                                                 subject_gapped_start,
786                                                 score);
788     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 2, 250, 67 };
789     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 485, 331, 86};
790     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 9, 523, 585};
791     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 512, 604, 604};
792     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 510, 34, 31};
793     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end] = {7.0065e-61, 1.349, 3.7944};
794     const int num_idents_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 171, 22, 8 };
796     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
797         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
798                                                 query_offset_final,
799                                                 query_end_final,
800                                                 subject_offset_final,
801                                                 subject_end_final,
802                                                 query_offset_final,
803                                                 subject_offset_final,
804                                                 score_final,
805                                                 evalue_final,
806                                                 num_idents_final);
808     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 500000;
809     const bool kSmithWaterman = true;
811     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_id, subj_id,
812                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
813                                     kEffSearchSp, eCompositionBasedStats,
814                                     kSmithWaterman);
816     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
817     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
818 }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testPSIRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStatsAndSW)820 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testPSIRedoAlignmentWithCompBasedStatsAndSW) {
821     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypePsiBlast;
822     const int k_num_hsps_start = 6;
823     const int k_num_hsps_end = 8;
824     CSeq_id query_id("gi|129295");
825     CSeq_id subj_id("gi|7450545");
827     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start] =
828         { 24, 99, 16, 84, 6, 223 };
829     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start] =
830         { 62, 128, 24, 114, 25, 231 };
831     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start] =
832         { 245, 0, 198, 86, 334, 151 };
833     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start] =
834         { 287, 29, 206, 119, 353, 159 };
835     const int score[k_num_hsps_start] =
836         { 37, 26, 25, 25, 24, 24 };
837     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] =
838         { 29, 104, 20, 91, 19, 227 };
839     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] =
840         { 250, 5, 202, 93, 347, 155 };
843     // No gaps were found in these alignments. This is freed by the
844     // HSPStream interface
845     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
846         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
847                                                 query_offset, query_end,
848                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
849                                                 query_gapped_start,
850                                                 subject_gapped_start,
851                                                 score);
853     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
854         { 24, 140, 126, 10, 137, 198, 18, 137 };
855     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
856         { 30, 171, 205, 35, 157, 208, 31, 152 };
857     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
858         { 245, 408, 212, 130, 339, 388, 200, 186 };
859     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
860         { 251, 439, 287, 155, 359, 398, 210, 201 };
861     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
862         { 29, 28, 28, 28, 25, 24, 24, 22 };
863     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
864         { 1.361074, 1.837947, 2.118044, 2.153685, 4.198304, 5.529096,
865             6.425098, 8.532644 };
866     const int ident_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
867         { 3, 8, 23, 10, 6, 5, 6, 5};
869     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
870         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
871                                                 query_offset_final,
872                                                 query_end_final,
873                                                 subject_offset_final,
874                                                 subject_end_final,
875                                                 query_offset_final,
876                                                 subject_offset_final,
877                                                 score_final,
878                                                 evalue_final,
879                                                 ident_final);
882     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 84660;
883     const bool kSmithWaterman = true;
885     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_id, subj_id,
886                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
887                                     kEffSearchSp, eCompositionBasedStats,
888                                     kSmithWaterman);
890     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
891     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
892 }
894 // Tests following changes from Mike Gertz and Alejandro Schaffer (rev 1.14
895 // of blast_kappa.c):
896 //
897 // For secondary alignments with Smith-Waterman on, use the E-value from
898 // the X-drop alignment computed by ALIGN that has more flexibility in
899 // which positions are allowed in the dynamic program.
900 //
901 // Add a sort of alignments for the same query-subject pair because the
902 // use of X-drop alignments occasionally reorders such alignments.
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentUseXdropEvalue)903 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRedoAlignmentUseXdropEvalue) {
904     const EBlastProgramType kProgram = eBlastTypeBlastp;
905     const int k_num_hsps_start = 4;
906     const int k_num_hsps_end = 4;
907     CSeq_id query_id("gi|48100936");
908     CSeq_id subj_id("gi|7301132");
910     const int query_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 995, 1004, 995, 973};
911     const int query_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 1314, 1314, 1403, 1316};
912     const int subject_offset[k_num_hsps_start] = { 61, 36, 61, 106};
913     const int subject_end[k_num_hsps_start] = { 384, 384, 455, 420};
914     const int score[k_num_hsps_start] = { 341, 327, 314, 301};
915     const int query_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 1233, 1017, 1310,
916                                                         1228};
917     const int subject_gapped_start[k_num_hsps_start] = { 303, 49, 347, 331};
919     // This is freed by the HSPStream interface
920     BlastHSPList* init_hsp_list =
921         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_start,
922                                                 query_offset, query_end,
923                                                 subject_offset, subject_end,
924                                                 query_gapped_start,
925                                                 subject_gapped_start,
926                                                 score);
927     const int query_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
928         {  995, 1261, 1025, 1210};
929     const int query_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
930         { 1314, 1341, 1125, 1243};
931     const int subject_offset_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
932         {   61,    1,  387,  17};
933     const int subject_end_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
934         {  384,  115,  482, 50};
935     const int score_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
936         {  323,   78,   69, 60};
937     const double evalue_final[k_num_hsps_end] =
938         { 2.712e-34, 3.6003e-05, 0.00048334, 0.00441};
939     const int num_idents_final[k_num_hsps_end] = { 108, 31, 30, 12 };
941     BlastHSPList* ending_hsp_list =
942         setUpHSPList(k_num_hsps_end,
943                                                 query_offset_final,
944                                                 query_end_final,
945                                                 subject_offset_final,
946                                                 subject_end_final,
947                                                 query_offset_final,
948                                                 subject_offset_final,
949                                                 score_final,
950                                                 evalue_final,
951                                                 num_idents_final);
953     const Int8 kEffSearchSp = 1000*1000;
954     const bool kSmithWaterman = true;
956     const int kHitListSize = 1;
957     const double kEvalueThreshold = 0.005;
959     runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(kProgram, query_id, subj_id,
960                                     init_hsp_list, ending_hsp_list,
961                                     kEffSearchSp, eCompositionBasedStats,
962                                     kSmithWaterman, kEvalueThreshold,
963                                     kHitListSize);
965     ending_hsp_list = Blast_HSPListFree(ending_hsp_list);
966     BOOST_REQUIRE(ending_hsp_list == NULL);
967 }
969 // N.B.: the absence of a testPSIRedoAlignmentWithSW is due to the fact
970 // that blastpgp reads frequency rations from a checkpoint file and scales
971 // the PSSM and K parameter, which we cannot do unless we support reading
972 // checkpoint files. QA should be added later
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckLowerCaseMatrix)975 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckLowerCaseMatrix)
976 {
977       BOOST_REQUIRE(Blast_FrequencyDataIsAvailable("blosum62") == 1);
978 }
982 /*
983 * ===========================================================================
984 *
985 * $Log: redoalignment-cppunit.cpp,v $
986 * Revision 1.59  2009/04/27 15:15:41  camacho
987 * Bring up to date with latest filtering strategy changes JIRA SB-170
988 *
989 * Revision 1.55  2009/03/13 18:15:23  maning
990 * Use the writer/pipe framework to construct hsp_stream.  Removed queue test.
991 *
992 * Revision 1.58  2009/03/13 19:25:56  maning
993 * Previous commit messed up.  Roll back again.
994 *
995 * Revision 1.56  2009/03/13 18:45:15  maning
996 * Roll back to previous version.
997 *
998 * Revision 1.54  2008/11/21 21:13:27  madden
999 * tests for num_ident fix
1000 *
1001 * Revision 1.53  2008/10/27 17:00:12  camacho
1002 * Fix include paths to deprecated headers
1003 *
1004 * Revision 1.52  2008/02/13 21:39:12  camacho
1005 * Re-enable choice to sort by score to meet pre-condition of composition-based
1006 * statistics code.
1007 *
1008 * Revision 1.51  2007/11/19 18:48:34  camacho
1009 *  Bring up to date with changes in SVN revision 114090
1010 *
1011 * Revision 1.50  2007/11/08 17:09:08  camacho
1012 * Bring up to date with changes in SVN revision 113729
1013 *
1014 * Revision 1.49  2007/10/22 19:16:10  madden
1015 * BlastExtensionOptionsNew has Boolean gapped arg
1016 *
1017 * Revision 1.48  2007/07/27 18:04:34  papadopo
1018 * change signature of HSPListCollector_Init
1019 *
1020 * Revision 1.47  2007/05/08 22:41:31  papadopo
1021 * change signature of RedoAlignmentCore
1022 *
1023 * Revision 1.46  2007/03/22 14:34:44  camacho
1024 * + support for auto-detection of genetic codes
1025 *
1026 * Revision 1.45  2007/03/20 14:54:02  camacho
1027 * changes related to addition of multiple genetic code specification
1028 *
1029 * Revision 1.44  2006/11/21 17:47:50  papadopo
1030 * use enum for lookup table type
1031 *
1032 * Revision 1.43  2006/09/25 19:34:31  madden
1033 *   Changed values to reflect the results of computations done with
1034 *   more precise frequencies and frequency ratios.
1035 *   [from Mike Gertz]
1036 *
1037 * Revision 1.42  2006/06/29 16:25:24  camacho
1038 * Changed BlastHitSavingOptionsNew signature
1039 *
1040 * Revision 1.41  2006/06/05 13:34:05  madden
1041 * Changes to remove [GS]etMatrixPath and use callback instead
1042 *
1043 * Revision 1.40  2006/05/18 16:32:03  papadopo
1044 * change signature of BLAST_CalcEffLengths
1045 *
1046 * Revision 1.39  2006/01/23 19:57:52  camacho
1047 * Allow new varieties of composition based statistics
1048 *
1049 * Revision 1.38  2005/12/16 20:51:50  camacho
1050 * Diffuse the use of CSearchMessage, TQueryMessages, and TSearchMessages
1051 *
1052 * Revision 1.37  2005/12/01 15:13:52  madden
1053 * replaced Kappa_RedoAlignmentCore with Blast_RedoAlignmentCore
1054 *
1055 * Revision 1.36  2005/10/14 13:47:32  camacho
1056 * Fixes to pacify icc compiler
1057 *
1058 * Revision 1.35  2005/06/09 20:37:06  camacho
1059 * Use new private header blast_objmgr_priv.hpp
1060 *
1061 * Revision 1.34  2005/05/24 20:05:17  camacho
1062 * Changed signature of SetupQueries and SetupQueryInfo
1063 *
1064 * Revision 1.33  2005/05/23 15:53:19  dondosha
1065 * Special case for preliminary hitlist size in RPS BLAST - hence no need for 2 extra parameters in SBlastHitsParametersNew
1066 *
1067 * Revision 1.32  2005/05/19 17:10:04  madden
1068 * Adjust an expect value, use BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE when appropriate
1069 *
1070 * Revision 1.31  2005/05/16 12:29:15  madden
1071 * use SBlastHitsParameters in Blast_HSPListCollectorInit and Blast_HSPListCollectorInit[MT]
1072 *
1073 * Revision 1.30  2005/04/27 20:08:40  dondosha
1074 * PHI-blast boolean argument has been removed from BlastSetup_ScoreBlkInit
1075 *
1076 * Revision 1.29  2005/04/06 21:27:18  dondosha
1077 * Use EBlastProgramType instead of EProgram in internal functions
1078 *
1079 * Revision 1.28  2005/04/06 16:27:46  camacho
1080 * Fix to previous commit
1081 *
1082 * Revision 1.27  2005/03/31 20:46:44  camacho
1083 * Changes to avoid making CBlastRedoAlignmentTest a friend of CBlastOptions
1084 *
1085 * Revision 1.26  2005/03/31 13:45:58  camacho
1086 * BLAST options API clean-up
1087 *
1088 * Revision 1.25  2005/03/04 17:20:45  bealer
1089 * - Command line option support.
1090 *
1091 * Revision 1.24  2005/02/16 14:52:41  camacho
1092 * Fix memory leak
1093 *
1094 * Revision 1.23  2005/02/14 14:17:17  camacho
1095 * Changes to use SBlastScoreMatrix
1096 *
1097 * Revision 1.22  2005/01/06 15:43:25  camacho
1098 * Make use of modified signature to blast::SetupQueries
1099 *
1100 * Revision 1.21  2004/12/14 21:16:31  dondosha
1101 * Query frame argument added to Blast_HSPInit; renamed all constants according to toolkit convention
1102 *
1103 * Revision 1.20  2004/12/09 15:24:10  dondosha
1104 * BlastSetup_GetScoreBlock renamed to BlastSetup_ScoreBlkInit
1105 *
1106 * Revision 1.19  2004/12/02 16:12:49  bealer
1107 * - Change multiple-arrays to array-of-struct in BlastQueryInfo
1108 *
1109 * Revision 1.18  2004/11/23 21:51:34  camacho
1110 * Update call to Kappa_RedoAlignmentCore as its signature has changed.
1111 * num_ident field of HSP structure is no longer populated in
1112 * Kappa_RedoAlignmentCore.
1113 *
1114 * Revision 1.17  2004/11/17 21:02:01  camacho
1115 * Add error checking to BlastSeqSrc initialization
1116 *
1117 * Revision 1.16  2004/11/09 15:16:26  camacho
1118 * Minor change in auxiliary function
1119 *
1120 * Revision 1.15  2004/11/02 22:08:30  camacho
1121 * Refactored main body of unit test to be reused by multiple tests
1122 *
1123 * Revision 1.14  2004/11/02 18:28:52  madden
1124 * BlastHitSavingParametersNew no longer requires BlastExtensionParameters
1125 *
1126 * Revision 1.13  2004/11/01 18:38:30  madden
1127 * Change call to BLAST_FillHitSavingOptions
1128 *
1129 * Revision 1.12  2004/10/29 14:19:20  camacho
1130 * Make BlastHSPResults allocation function follow naming conventions
1131 *
1132 * Revision 1.11  2004/10/14 17:14:28  madden
1133 * New parameter in BlastHitSavingParametersNew
1134 *
1135 * Revision 1.10  2004/07/19 15:04:22  dondosha
1136 * Renamed multiseq_src to seqsrc_multiseq, seqdb_src to seqsrc_seqdb
1137 *
1138 * Revision 1.9  2004/07/06 15:58:45  dondosha
1139 * Use EBlastProgramType enumeration type for program when calling C functions
1140 *
1141 * Revision 1.8  2004/06/22 16:46:19  camacho
1142 * Changed the blast_type_* definitions for the EBlastProgramType enumeration.
1143 *
1144 * Revision 1.7  2004/06/21 20:29:07  camacho
1145 * Fix memory leaks, others remain
1146 *
1147 * Revision 1.6  2004/06/21 14:23:32  madden
1148 * Add test testRedoAlignmentUseXdropEvalue that tests recent changes by Mike Gertz to kappa.c ported to blast_kappa.c
1149 *
1150 * Revision 1.5  2004/06/21 13:06:51  madden
1151 * Add check for expect value
1152 *
1153 * Revision 1.4  2004/06/21 12:54:49  camacho
1154 * CVS Id tag fix
1155 *
1156 * Revision 1.3  2004/06/08 15:24:34  dondosha
1157 * Use BlastHSPStream interface
1158 *
1159 * Revision 1.2  2004/05/19 17:10:35  madden
1160 * Fix memory leaks
1161 *
1162 * Revision 1.1  2004/05/18 17:17:45  madden
1163 * Tests for composition-based stats and smith-waterman
1164 *
1165 *
1166 *
1167 * ===========================================================================
1168 */