1 /*   corematx.c
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  corematx.c
27 *
28 * Author: Hogue
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date:   25 JULY 95
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.0 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *   	Numerical Recipies in C toolkit-ized
36 *	matrix and vector allocators and free-ers
37 *	see corematx.c for implementation docs.
38 *
39 * Modifications:
40 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 * Date     Name        Description of modification
42 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
43 * 16 Aug   Hogue       Added a vector of pointers.
44 *
45 * $Log: corematx.c,v $
46 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:10:30  madden
47 * Revision changed to 6.0
48 *
49 * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28 14:02:09  ostell
50 * Set to revision 5.0
51 *
52  * Revision 1.3  1995/08/28  19:31:53  kans
53  * version 4.1
54  *
55  * Revision 1.2  1995/08/03  21:44:33  kans
56  * changes
57  *
58  * Revision 1.1  1995/08/02  17:07:15  kans
59  * Initial revision
60  *
61 *
62 * ==========================================================================
63 */
64 /*****************************************************************************
65 *
66 *   corematx.c
67 *
68 *   vector and matrix allocation and free-ing.
69 *   address a vector like a Fortran [1:n] or like C [0:n-1]
70 *
71 *   CoreLib -ized  matrix routines from NUMERICAL RECIPIES IN C
72 *   1st Edition,  Appendix D.
73 *   with the 2nd Edition, the NR_END value is used to ANSI-ize this...
74 *
75 *   Use this to replace the files "nrutil.h" and "nrutil.c" if you want
76 *   NCBI-TOOLKIT compatible Numerical Recipies code.
77 *   You still have to replace NR code calls to C function with
78 *   TOOLKIT macros, however,  but these are not too critical for
79 *   most compilers supported by toolkit.
80 *
81 *   There is STILL no check for out-of bounds with these routines.
82 *   as with any C matrix.  The advantage of these routines is that
83 *   you can allocate 2-D matricies with -any size- and with
84 *   - any indices,  e.g  I2Vector(1, 5) gives a
85 *   pointer to an array starting with index 1 ending with index 5, 5 elements
86 *   mymatrix = FHMatrix(1, 10, 1, 3) gets a matrix of double
87 *   you can address from
88 *    [1:10][1:3] with 30 elements.
89 *   to free,  call FHMatrixFree(mymatrix, 1, 1); args are the starting
90 *   indicies of each dimension.
91 *
92 *
93 *   a Matrix is allocated as a CONTIGUOUS BLOCK OF MEMORY!
94 *  Vector allocators and free-ers for:
95 *  xx =I2 Int2
96 *     =I4 Int4
97 *     =FL FloatLo  -
98 *     =FH FloatHi
99 *     =UC Uchar
100 *     =UI4 Uint4
101 *
102 *   Matrix allocators and free-ers for:
103 *   xx = I2,  I4,  FL,  FH,
104 *   FL3Matrix()
105 *   allocates a 3-way matrix with range with FloatLo data.
106 *   t[nrl:nrh][ncl:nch][ndl:ndh]
107 *
108 *   The  following are untested:
109 *
110 * xxConvtMatrix()
111 * Allocates a matrix m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] that points to the standard C matrix
112 * a[nrow][ncol],  where nrow=nrh-nrl+1 and ncol=nch-ncl+1.  The routine
113 * should be called with the address &a[0][0] as the first argument
114 * There are I2,  I4,  FL and FH ConvtMatrix() routines.
115 *
116 *   FLSubmatrix() - returns a FL submatrix with range
117 * [newrl..newrl+(oldrh-oldrl][newcl..newcl+(oldch-oldcl)] which
118 * points to the EXISTING matrix range [oldrl..oldrh][oldcl..oldch]
119 * free with FLSubmatrixFree()
120 * no other submatrix calls presently other than for FL
121 *
122 *  Note at the bottom are "wrappers" declared for using unmodified
123 *  Numerical Recipies
124 *  code calls,  just define NRTONCBI and compile.
125 *
126 *  Standard NCBI disclaimer for US Government Software applies.
127 *  programmer C.W.V. Hogue
128 *  created: 14 Mar 95
129 *  last mod: 20 Mar 95
130 *  TESTED: 20 Mar 95 - all but xxConvtMatrix() FLSubmatrix() tested.
131 *
132 **********/
135 #include <ncbi.h>
136 #include <corematx.h>
137 #define NR_END 1
FLVector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)142 FloatLoPtr LIBCALL FLVector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
143 {
144   FloatLoPtr v = NULL;
145   v=(FloatLoPtr)MemNew((size_t)((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLo)));
146   if (!v)
147   {
148     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in FLVector");
149     ErrShow();
150     return NULL;
151   }
152    return (FloatLoPtr)(v-nl+NR_END);
153 }
I2Vector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)156 Int2Ptr LIBCALL I2Vector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
157 {
158   Int2Ptr v = NULL;
159   v=(Int2Ptr)MemNew((size_t)((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(Int2)));
160   if (!v)
161   {
162     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in I2Vector");
163     ErrShow();
164     return NULL;
165   }
166    return (Int2Ptr)(v-nl+NR_END);
167 }
I4Vector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)170 Int4Ptr LIBCALL I4Vector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
171 {
172   Int4Ptr v = NULL;
173   v=(Int4Ptr)MemNew((size_t)((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(Int4)));
174   if (!v)
175   {
176     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in I4Vector");
177     ErrShow();
178     return NULL;
179   }
180    return (Int4Ptr)(v-nl+NR_END);
181 }
FHVector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)183 FloatHiPtr LIBCALL FHVector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
184 {
185   FloatHiPtr v = NULL;
186   v=(FloatHiPtr)MemNew((size_t)((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatHi)));
187   if (!v)
188   {
189     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in FHVector");
190     ErrShow();
191     return NULL;
192   }
193    return (FloatHiPtr)(v-nl+NR_END);
194 }
UCVector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)196 UcharPtr LIBCALL UCVector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
197 {
198   UcharPtr v = NULL;
199   v=(UcharPtr)MemNew((size_t)((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(Uchar)));
200   if (!v)
201   {
202     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in UCVector");
203     ErrShow();
204     return NULL;
205   }
206    return (UcharPtr)(v-nl+NR_END);
207 }
UI4Vector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)210 Uint4Ptr LIBCALL UI4Vector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
211 {
212   Uint4Ptr v = NULL;
213   v=(Uint4Ptr)MemNew((size_t)((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(Uint4)));
214   if (!v)
215   {
216     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in UI4Vector");
217     ErrShow();
218     return NULL;
219   }
220    return (Uint4Ptr)(v-nl+NR_END);
221 }
PTRVector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)224 PointerPtr LIBCALL PTRVector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
225 {
226   PointerPtr v = NULL;
227   v=(PointerPtr)MemNew((size_t)((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(Pointer)));
228   if (!v)
229   {
230     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in PTRVector");
231     ErrShow();
232     return NULL;
233   }
234    return (PointerPtr)(v-nl+NR_END);
235 }
FLMatrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)240 FloatLoPtrPtr LIBCALL FLMatrix(Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
241 {
242     Int4 i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1, ncol=nch-ncl+1;
243     FloatLoPtr *m = NULL;
245     m=(FloatLoPtr *)MemNew((size_t)(nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLoPtr));
246     if (!m)
247     {
248 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 1 in FLMatrix");
249 	ErrShow();
250 	return NULL;
251     }
252     m += NR_END;
253     m -= nrl;
254     m[nrl] = (FloatLoPtr)MemNew((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLo)));
255     if (!m[nrl])
256     {
257 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 2 in FLMatrix");
258 	ErrShow();
259 	return NULL;
260     }
261     m[nrl] += NR_END;
262     m[nrl] -= ncl;
263     for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
264     return (FloatLoPtrPtr) m;
265 }
FHMatrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)269 FloatHiPtrPtr LIBCALL FHMatrix(Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
270 {
271     Int4 i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1, ncol=nch-ncl+1;
272     FloatHiPtr *m = NULL;
274     m=(FloatHiPtr *)MemNew((size_t)(nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatHiPtr));
275     if (!m)
276     {
277 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 1 in FHMatrix");
278 	ErrShow();
279 	return NULL;
280     }
281     m += NR_END;
282     m -= nrl;
283     m[nrl] = (FloatHiPtr)MemNew((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatHi)));
284     if (!m[nrl])
285     {
286 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 2 in FHMatrix");
287 	ErrShow();
288 	return NULL;
289     }
290     m[nrl] += NR_END;
291     m[nrl] -= ncl;
292     for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
293     return (FloatHiPtrPtr) m;
294 }
I2Matrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)298 Int2PtrPtr LIBCALL I2Matrix(Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
299 {
300     Int2 i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1, ncol=nch-ncl+1;
301     Int2Ptr *m = NULL;
303     m=(Int2Ptr *)MemNew((size_t)(nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(Int2Ptr));
304     if (!m)
305     {
306 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 1 in I2Matrix");
307 	ErrShow();
308 	return NULL;
309     }
310     m += NR_END;
311     m -= nrl;
312     m[nrl] = (Int2Ptr)MemNew((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(Int2)));
313     if (!m[nrl])
314     {
315 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 2 in I2Matrix");
316 	ErrShow();
317 	return NULL;
318     }
319     m[nrl] += NR_END;
320     m[nrl] -= ncl;
321     for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
322     return (Int2PtrPtr) m;
323 }
I4Matrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)326 Int4PtrPtr LIBCALL I4Matrix(Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
327 {
328     Int4 i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1, ncol=nch-ncl+1;
329     Int4Ptr *m = NULL;
331     m=(Int4Ptr *)MemNew((size_t)(nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(Int4Ptr));
332     if (!m)
333     {
334 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 1 in I4Matrix");
335 	ErrShow();
336 	return NULL;
337     }
338     m += NR_END;
339     m -= nrl;
340     m[nrl] = (Int4Ptr)MemNew((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(Int4)));
341     if (!m[nrl])
342     {
343 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 2 in I4Matrix");
344 	ErrShow();
345 	return NULL;
346     }
347     m[nrl] += NR_END;
348     m[nrl] -= ncl;
349     for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
350     return (Int4PtrPtr) m;
351 }
FLSubmatrix(FloatLoPtr * a,Int4 oldrl,Int4 oldrh,Int4 oldcl,Int4 oldch,Int4 newrl,Int4 newcl)353 FloatLoPtrPtr LIBCALL FLSubmatrix(FloatLoPtr *a,  Int4 oldrl,  Int4 oldrh,
354 		Int4 oldcl,  Int4 oldch,  Int4 newrl,  Int4 newcl)
355 {
356     Int4 i,  j,  nrow=oldrh-oldrl+1, ncol=oldcl-newcl;
357     FloatLoPtr *m = NULL;
358     m=(FloatLoPtr *)MemNew((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLoPtr)));
359     if (!m)
360     {
361 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory in FLSubmatrix");
362 	ErrShow();
363 	return NULL;
364     }
365     m += NR_END;
366     m -= newrl;
367     for(i=oldrl,  j=newrl; i<=oldrh; i++, j++) m[j]=a[i]+ncol;
368     return (FloatLoPtrPtr) m;
369 }
FLSubmatrixFree(FloatLoPtr * b,Int4 nrl)372 void LIBCALL FLSubmatrixFree(FloatLoPtr *b,  Int4 nrl)
373 {
374     MemFree((CharPtr)(b+nrl-NR_END));
375 }
FHVectorFree(FloatHiPtr v,Int4 nl)377 void LIBCALL FHVectorFree(FloatHiPtr v, Int4 nl)
378 {
379     MemFree((CharPtr) (v+nl-NR_END));
380 }
FLVectorFree(FloatLoPtr v,Int4 nl)382 void LIBCALL FLVectorFree(FloatLoPtr v,  Int4 nl)
383 {
384     MemFree((CharPtr)(v+nl-NR_END));
385 }
I4VectorFree(Int4Ptr v,Int4 nl)387 void LIBCALL I4VectorFree(Int4Ptr v,  Int4 nl)
388 {
389     MemFree((CharPtr)(v+nl-NR_END));
390 }
I2VectorFree(Int2Ptr v,Int4 nl)392 void LIBCALL I2VectorFree(Int2Ptr v,  Int4 nl)
393 {
394     MemFree((Int2Ptr)(v+nl-NR_END));
395 }
UCVectorFree(UcharPtr v,Int4 nl)397 void LIBCALL UCVectorFree(UcharPtr v,  Int4 nl)
398 {
399     MemFree((CharPtr)(v+nl-NR_END));
400 }
UI4VectorFree(Uint4Ptr v,Int4 nl)402 void LIBCALL UI4VectorFree(Uint4Ptr v,  Int4 nl)
403 {
404     MemFree((CharPtr)(v+nl-NR_END));
405 }
PTRVectorFree(PointerPtr v,Int4 nl)407 void LIBCALL PTRVectorFree(PointerPtr v,  Int4 nl)
408 {
409     MemFree((CharPtr)(v+nl-NR_END));
410 }
I2MatrixFree(Int2Ptr * m,Int4 nrl,Int4 ncl)412 void LIBCALL I2MatrixFree(Int2Ptr *m,  Int4 nrl, Int4 ncl)
413 {
414  MemFree((CharPtr)(m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
415  MemFree((CharPtr)(m+nrl-NR_END));
416 }
I4MatrixFree(Int4Ptr * m,Int4 nrl,Int4 ncl)419 void LIBCALL I4MatrixFree(Int4Ptr *m,  Int4 nrl, Int4 ncl)
420 {
421  MemFree((CharPtr)(m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
422  MemFree((CharPtr)(m+nrl-NR_END));
423 }
FLMatrixFree(FloatLoPtr * m,Int4 nrl,Int4 ncl)427 void LIBCALL FLMatrixFree(FloatLoPtr *m,  Int4 nrl, Int4 ncl)
428 {
429  MemFree((CharPtr)(m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
430  MemFree((CharPtr)(m+nrl-NR_END));
431 }
FHMatrixFree(FloatHiPtr * m,Int4 nrl,Int4 ncl)434 void LIBCALL FHMatrixFree(FloatHiPtr *m,  Int4 nrl, Int4 ncl)
435 {
436  MemFree((CharPtr)(m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
437  MemFree((CharPtr)(m+nrl-NR_END));
438 }
FHConvtMatrix(FloatHiPtr a,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)441 FloatHiPtrPtr LIBCALL FHConvtMatrix(FloatHiPtr a, Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,
442 			    Int4 nch)
443 {
444     Int4 i,  j,  nrow=nrh-nrl+1,  ncol=nch-ncl+1;
445     FloatHiPtr *m = NULL;
446     m=(FloatHiPtr *)MemNew((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatHiPtr)));
447     if (!m)
448     {
449 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of memory in FHConvtMatrix");
450 	ErrShow();
451 	return NULL;
452     }
453     m += NR_END;
454     m -= nrl;
455     m[nrl]=a-ncl;
456     for(i=1, j=nrl+1;i<nrow;i++,j++)
457 	m[j] = m[j-1]+ncol;
458     return (FloatHiPtrPtr) m;
459 }
FLConvtMatrix(FloatLoPtr a,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)462 FloatLoPtrPtr LIBCALL FLConvtMatrix(FloatLoPtr a, Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,
463 			    Int4 nch)
464 {
465     Int4 i,  j,  nrow=nrh-nrl+1,  ncol=nch-ncl+1;
466     FloatLoPtr *m = NULL;
467     m=(FloatLoPtr *)MemNew((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLoPtr)));
468     if (!m)
469     {
470 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of memory in FLConvtMatrix");
471 	ErrShow();
472 	return NULL;
473     }
474     m += NR_END;
475     m -= nrl;
476     m[nrl]=a-ncl;
477     for(i=1, j=nrl+1;i<nrow;i++,j++)
478 	m[j] = m[j-1]+ncol;
479     return (FloatLoPtrPtr) m;
480 }
I2ConvtMatrix(Int2Ptr a,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)482 Int2PtrPtr LIBCALL I2ConvtMatrix(Int2Ptr a, Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,
483 			    Int4 nch)
484 {
485     Int4 i,  j,  nrow=nrh-nrl+1,  ncol=nch-ncl+1;
486     Int2Ptr *m = NULL;
487     m=(Int2Ptr *)MemNew((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(Int2Ptr)));
488     if (!m)
489     {
490 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of memory in I2ConvtMatrix");
491 	ErrShow();
492 	return NULL;
493     }
494     m += NR_END;
495     m -= nrl;
496     m[nrl]=a-ncl;
497     for(i=1, j=nrl+1;i<nrow;i++,j++)
498 	m[j] = m[j-1]+ncol;
499     return (Int2PtrPtr) m;
500 }
I4ConvtMatrix(Int4Ptr a,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)503 Int4PtrPtr LIBCALL I4ConvtMatrix(Int4Ptr a, Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,
504 			    Int4 nch)
505 {
506     Int4 i,  j,  nrow=nrh-nrl+1,  ncol=nch-ncl+1;
507     Int4Ptr *m = NULL;
508     m=(Int4Ptr *)MemNew((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(Int4Ptr)));
509     if (!m)
510     {
511 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of memory in I4ConvtMatrix");
512 	ErrShow();
513 	return NULL;
514     }
515     m += NR_END;
516     m -= nrl;
517     m[nrl]=a-ncl;
518     for(i=1, j=nrl+1;i<nrow;i++,j++)
519 	m[j] = m[j-1]+ncol;
520     return (Int4PtrPtr) m;
521 }
I2ConvtFree(Int2Ptr * b,Int4 nrl)523 void LIBCALL I2ConvtFree(Int2Ptr *b, Int4 nrl)
524 {
525     /* frees a matrix allocated by  xxConvtMatrix */
526    MemFree((CharPtr)(b+nrl-NR_END));
527 }
I4ConvtFree(Int4Ptr * b,Int4 nrl)530 void LIBCALL I4ConvtFree(Int4Ptr *b, Int4 nrl)
531 {
532     /* frees a matrix allocated by  xxConvtMatrix */
533    MemFree((CharPtr)(b+nrl-NR_END));
534 }
FLConvtFree(FloatLoPtr * b,Int4 nrl)538 void LIBCALL FLConvtFree(FloatLoPtr *b, Int4 nrl)
539 {
540     /* frees a matrix allocated by  xxConvtMatrix */
541    MemFree((CharPtr)(b+nrl-NR_END));
542 }
FHConvtFree(FloatHiPtr * b,Int4 nrl)546 void LIBCALL FHConvtFree(FloatHiPtr *b, Int4 nrl)
547 {
548     /* frees a matrix allocated by  xxConvtMatrix */
549    MemFree((CharPtr)(b+nrl-NR_END));
550 }
FL3Matrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch,Int4 ndl,Int4 ndh)553 FloatLoPtrPtrPtr LIBCALL FL3Matrix(Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch,  Int4 ndl,
554 Int4 ndh)
555 {
556     Int4 i, j, nrow=nrh-nrl+1, ncol=nch-ncl+1, ndep=ndh-ndl+1;
557     FloatLoPtr **t = NULL;
559     t=(FloatLoPtr **)MemNew((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLoPtr *)));
560     if (!t)
561     {
562 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 1 in FL3Matrix");
563 	ErrShow();
564 	return NULL;
565     }
566     t += NR_END;
567     t -= nrl;
569     t[nrl]=(FloatLoPtr *)MemNew((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLoPtr)));
570     if (!t[nrl])
571     {
572 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 3 in FL3Matrix");
573 	ErrShow();
574 	return NULL;
575     }
576     t[nrl] += NR_END;
577     t[nrl] -= ncl;
579     t[nrl][ncl]=(FloatLoPtr)MemNew((size_t)((nrow*ncol*ndep+NR_END)*sizeof(FloatLo)));
580     if (!t[nrl][ncl])
581     {
582 	ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, "Out of Memory 3 in FL3Matrix");
583 	ErrShow();
584 	return NULL;
585     }
586     t[nrl][ncl] += NR_END;
587     t[nrl][ncl] -= ncl;
589     for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[nrl][j] = t[nrl][j-1]+ndep;
590     for (i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++)
591     {
592 	t[i]=t[i-1]+ncol;
593 	t[i][ncl]=t[i-1][ncl]+ncol*ndep;
594 	for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[i][j]=t[i][j-1]+ndep;
595     }
596     return (FloatLoPtrPtrPtr) t;
597 }
FL3MatrixFree(FloatLoPtr ** b,Int4 nrl,Int4 ncl,Int4 ndl)599 void LIBCALL FL3MatrixFree(FloatLoPtr **b, Int4 nrl, Int4 ncl, Int4 ndl)
600 {
601     MemFree((CharPtr)(b[nrl][ncl]+ndl-NR_END));
602     MemFree((CharPtr)(b[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
603     MemFree((CharPtr)(b+nrl-NR_END));
604 }
609 /* define NRTONCBI and include this instead of nrutil.h nrutil.c */
610 /*  These are not tested but are here anyhow if they are ever needed... */
611 #ifdef NRTONCBI
nrerror(char error_text[])612 void  nrerror(char error_text[])
613 {
614     Char buf[200];
615     StrCpy(buf, "Numerical Recipies run-time error...\n");
616     StrCat(buf,  error_text);
617     StrCat(buf,  "Fatal, must exit to system\n");
618     ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 0, 0, buf);
619     ErrShow();
620     exit(1);
621 }
vector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)623 FloatLoPtr vector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
624 {
625     return FLVector(nl, nh);
626 }
ivector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)629 Int4Ptr ivector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
630 {
631     return I4Vector(nl, nh);
632 }  /* Note this removes the "int" platform dependence of the NR call */
dvector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)634 FloatHiPtr dvector(Int4 nl, Int4 nh)
635 {
636     return FHVector(nl, nh);
637 }
cvector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)639 UcharPtr cvector(Int4 nl,  Int4 nh)
640 {
641     return UCVector(nl, nh);
642 }
lvector(Int4 nl,Int4 nh)644 Uint4Ptr lvector(Int4 nl,  Int4 nh)
645 {
646     return UI4Vector(nl,  nh);
647 }
matrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)649 FloatLoPtr *matrix(Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
650 {
651     return FLMatrix(nrl,  nrh,  ncl,  nch);
653 }
dmatrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)654 FloatHiPtr *dmatrix(Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
655 {
656     return FHMatrix(nrl,  nrh,  ncl,  nch);
657 }
imatrix(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)659 Int4Ptr *imatrix(Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
660 {
661     return I4Matrix(nrl,  nrh,  ncl,  nch);
662 }
free_dvector(FloaHiPtr v,Int4 nl,Int4 nh)664 void free_dvector(FloaHiPtr v, Int4 nl,  Int4 nh)
665 {
666     FHVectorFree(v, nl);
667 }
free_vector(FloatLoPtr v,Int4 nl,Int4 nh)669 void free_vector(FloatLoPtr v,  Int4 nl,  Int4 nh)
670 {
671     FLVectorFree(v, nl);
672 }
free_cvector(UcharPtr v,Int4 nl,Int4 nh)674 void free_cvector(UcharPtr v,  Int4 nl,  Int4 nh)
675 {
676     UCVectorFree(v, nl);
677 }
free_lvector(Uint4Ptr v,Int4 nl,Int4 nh)679 void free_lvector(Uint4Ptr v,  Int4 nl,  Int4 nh)
680 {
681     UI4VectorFree(v, nl);
682 }
free_ivector(Int4Ptr v,Int4 nl,Int4 nh)684 void free_ivector(Int4Ptr v,  Int4 nl,  Int4 nh)
685 {
686     I4VectorFree(v,  nl);
687 }
free_imatrix(Int4Ptr * m,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)689 void free_imatrix(Int4Ptr *m,  Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
690 {
691     I4MatrixFree(m,  nrl,  ncl);
692 }
free_matrix(FloatLoPtr * m,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)694 void free_matrix(FloatLoPtr *m,  Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
695 {
696     FLMatrixFree(m, nrl,  ncl);
697 }
free_dmatrix(FloatHiPtr * m,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)699 void free_dmatrix(FloatHiPtr *m,  Int4 nrl, Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
700 {
701     FHMatrixFree(m,  nrl,  ncl);
702 }
convert_matrix(FloatLoPtr a,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int2 nch)704 FloatLoPtr convert_matrix(FloatLoPtr a, Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,
705 			    Int2 nch)
706 {
707     return FLConvtMatrix(a,  nrl,  nrh,  ncl,  nch);
708 }
free_convert_matrix(FloatLoPtr * b,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)710 void free_convert_matrix(FloatLoPtr *b,  Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
711 {
712     FLConvtFree(b,  nrl)
713 }
submatrix(FloatLoPtr * a,Int4 oldrl,Int4 oldrh,Int4 oldcl,Int4 oldch,Int4 newrl,Int4 newcl)715 FloatLoPtr *submatrix(FloatLoPtr *a,  Int4 oldrl,  Int4 oldrh,
716 		Int4 oldcl,  Int4 oldch,  Int4 newrl,  Int4 newcl)
717 {
718     return FLSubmatrix(a,  oldrl,  oldrh, oldcl,  oldch,  newrl,  newcl);
719 }
free_submatrix(FloatLoPtr * b,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch)721 void free_submatrix(FloatLoPtr *b,  Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,
722 		Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch)
723 {
724     FLSubmatrixFree(b,  nrl);
725 }
f3tensor(Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch,Int4 ndl,Int4 ndh)727 FloatLoPtr **f3tensor(Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch,  Int4 ndl,  Int4 ndh)
728 {
729     return FL3Matrix(nrl,  nrh,  ncl,  nch,  ndl, ndh);
730 }
free_f3tensor(FloatLoPtr ** t,Int4 nrl,Int4 nrh,Int4 ncl,Int4 nch,Int4 ndl,Int4 ndh)732 void free_f3tensor(FloatLoPtr **t,  Int4 nrl,  Int4 nrh,  Int4 ncl,  Int4 nch,
733 		    Int4 ndl,  Int4 ndh)
734 {
735     FL3MatrixFree(t, nrl,  ncl, ndl);
736 }
738 #endif
741 /* test code follows */
742 /*
743 #define NUMARGS 1
744 Args myargs[NUMARGS] = {
745      {"Dummy Arg","stdout", NULL,NULL, TRUE,'f',ARG_FILE_OUT,0.0,0,NULL}
746       };
749 Int2 Main(void)
750 {
751     Int2Ptr iv;
752     Int2Ptr *im;
753     Int4Ptr i4v;
754     Int4Ptr *i4m;
755     FloatLoPtr flv;
756     FloatLoPtr *flm;
757     FloatLoPtr *flmsub;
758     FloatLoPtr **fltd;
759     FloatHiPtr fhv;
760     FloatHiPtr *fhm;
761     UcharPtr ucv;
762     Uint4Ptr uiv;
763     Int4 i,  j,  k;
764     FloatLo I, J, K;
765     CharPtr mys;
768     if (! GetArgs("CoreMatx 1.0",NUMARGS, myargs))
769 	 	return 1;
771     printf("starting\n");
772     printf("Allocating integers\n");
773     iv = I2Vector(1, 100);
776     im = I2Matrix(1, 100,  1,  100);
777     i4v = I4Vector(1, 100);
778     i4m = I4Matrix(1, 100, 1, 100);
779     printf("Allocating reals \n");
780     flv = FLVector(1, 100);
781     flm = FLMatrix(1, 100, 1, 100);
782     fhv = FHVector(1, 100);
783     fhm = FHMatrix(1, 100, 1, 100);
784     printf("Allocating others\n");
785     ucv = UCVector(1, 100);
786     uiv = UI4Vector(1, 100);
787     printf("Allocating 3D float matrix\n");
788     fltd = FL3Matrix(1, 100, 1, 10, 1, 10);
789     printf("Assigning\n");
790     for (i = 1; i<= 100; i++)
791     {
792 	I = (FloatHi) i;
793 	iv[i] = (Int2)i;
794 	i4v[i] = i * (-1000);
795 	flv[i] = (FloatLo)((I+1)/I);
796 	fhv[i] = (FloatHi) ((I+1/I) + I*10000000000000);
797 	ucv[i] = (Uchar)(i+64);
798 	uiv[i] = (Uint4)(i * 100000);
799 	for (j = 1;  j<=100; j++)
800 	{
801 	    J = (FloatLo) j;
802 	    im[i][j] = (Int2)i+j;
803 	    i4m[i][j] = (Int4) i+j * 100000;
804 	    flm[i][j] = (FloatLo)((J+1)/(I+J));
805 	    fhm[i][j] = (FloatHi)(I/(I+J) + I*J*1000000000000);
806 	}
807     }
808     for (i =1;i<=100;i++)
809     for (j=1;j<=10;j++)
810     for (k=1;k<=10;k++)
811       {
812        I = (FloatLo) i;
813        J = (FloatLo) j;
814        K = (FloatLo) k;
815        fltd[i][j][k] = I+J+K + 1/(I*J*K);
816       }
817     printf("Vectors  \n");
818     printf("Int2\n");
819     for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
820     {
821       for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
822         {
823          printf("%d ", iv[i+j]);
824 	}
825 	printf("\n");
826     }
827     printf("Int4\n");
828     for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
829     {
830       for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
831         {
832          printf("%ld ", i4v[i+j]);
833 	}
834 	printf("\n");
835     }
836     printf("FloatLo\n");
837     for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
838     {
839       for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
840         {
841          printf("%f ", flv[i+j]);
842 	}
843 	printf("\n");
844     }
845     printf("FloatHi\n");
846     for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
847     {
848       for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
849         {
850          printf("%ef ", fhv[i+j]);
851 	}
852 	printf("\n");
853     }
854     printf("UChar\n");
855     for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
856     {
857       for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
858         {
859          printf("%d ", ucv[i+j]);
860 	}
861 	printf("\n");
862     }
863     printf("UInt4\n");
864     for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
865     {
866       for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
867         {
868          printf("%ld ", uiv[i+j]);
869 	}
870 	printf("\n");
871     }
872     printf("Matricies\n");
873     printf("FloatHi\n");
874     for (k=1;k<=100;k++)
875     {
876        printf("Row [%d]\n", k);
877 	for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
878 	{
879 	    for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
880 	    {
881 		printf("%ef ", fhm[k][i+j]);
882 	    }
883 	printf("\n");
884 	}
885     }
886     printf("FloatLo\n");
887     for (k=1;k<=100;k++)
888     {
889        printf("Row [%d]\n", k);
890 	for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
891 	{
892 	    for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
893 	    {
894 		printf("%f ", flm[k][i+j]);
895 	    }
896 	printf("\n");
897 	}
898     }
899     printf("Int2\n");
900     for (k=1;k<=100;k++)
901     {
902        printf("Row [%d]\n", k);
903 	for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
904 	{
905 	    for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
906 	    {
907 		printf("%d ", im[k][i+j]);
908 	    }
909 	printf("\n");
910 	}
911     }
912     printf("Int4\n");
913     for (k=1;k<=100;k++)
914     {
915        printf("Row [%d]\n", k);
916 	for (i = 1;i<=91;i+=10)
917 	{
918 	    for (j = 0; j<=9; j++)
919 	    {
920 		printf("%ld ", i4m[k][i+j]);
921 	    }
922 	printf("\n");
923 	}
924     }
925     printf("3DFloat");
926     for (k=1;k<=100;k++)
927     {
928        printf("Row [%d]\n", k);
929 	for (i = 1;i<=10;i++)
930 	{
931 	    printf("Col [%d]\n", i);
932 	    for (j = 1; j<=10; j++)
933 	    {
934 		printf("%ef ", fltd[k][i][j]);
935 	    }
936 	printf("\n");
937 	}
938     }
939     printf("freeing floats\n");
940     FL3MatrixFree(fltd, 1,  1, 1);
941     FLMatrixFree(flm, 1,  1);
942     FLVectorFree(flv,  1);
943     FHMatrixFree(fhm,  1, 1);
944     FHVectorFree(fhv, 1);
945     printf("freeing ints\n");
946     I4MatrixFree(i4m, 1, 1);
947     I4VectorFree(i4v, 1);
948     I2MatrixFree(im, 1, 1);
949     I2VectorFree(iv, 1);
950     UCVectorFree(ucv, 1);
951     UI4VectorFree(uiv,  1);
952     printf("done\n");
953     mys = (CharPtr) MemNew((size_t)(100*sizeof(Char)));
954     strcpy(mys, "adios amiogs, MemNew still functions..\n");
955     printf(mys);
956     MemFree(mys);
957     printf("and MemFree is OK\n");
958     return 0;
959 }
961 */