1 //![solution]
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <seqan/align.h>
5 using namespace seqan;
main()7 int main()
8 {
9     // Defining all types that are needed.
10     typedef String<char> TSequence;
11     typedef Align<TSequence, ArrayGaps> TAlign;
12     typedef Row<TAlign>::Type TRow;
13     typedef Iterator<TRow>::Type TRowIterator;
15     TSequence seq1 = "ACGTCACCTC";
16     TSequence seq2 = "ACGGGCCTATC";
18     // Initializing the align object.
19     TAlign align;
20     resize(rows(align), 2);
21     assignSource(row(align, 0), seq1);
22     assignSource(row(align, 1), seq2);
24     // Use references to the rows of align.
25     TRow & row1 = row(align, 0);
26     TRow & row2 = row(align, 1);
28     // Insert gaps.
29     insertGaps(row1, 2, 2);
30     insertGap(row1, 7);  // We need to pass the view position which is changed due to the previous insertion.
31     insertGaps(row2, 9, 2);
33     // Initialize the row iterators.
34     TRowIterator itRow1 = begin(row1);
35     TRowIterator itEndRow1 = end(row1);
36     TRowIterator itRow2 = begin(row2);
38     // Iterate over both rows simultaneously.
39     int gapCount = 0;
40     for (; itRow1 != itEndRow1; ++itRow1, ++itRow2)
41     {
42         if (isGap(itRow1))
43         {
44             gapCount += countGaps(itRow1);  // Count the number of consecutive gaps from the current position in row1.
45             itRow1 += countGaps(itRow1);    // Jump to next position to check for gaps.
46             itRow2 += countGaps(itRow1);    // Jump to next position to check for gaps.
47         }
48         if (isGap(itRow2))
49         {
50             gapCount += countGaps(itRow2);  // Count the number of consecutive gaps from the current position in row2.
51             itRow1 += countGaps(itRow2);    // Jump to next position to check for gaps.
52             itRow2 += countGaps(itRow2);    // Jump to next position to check for gaps.
53         }
54     }
55     // Print the result.
56     std::cout << "Number of gaps: " << gapCount << std::endl;
57 }
58 //![solution]