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3#                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
4#               National Center for Biotechnology Information
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7#  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
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27from ctypes import c_int
29from . import NGS
30from .String import getNGSValue
31from .PileupEvent import PileupEvent
33#Iterates across a list of PileupEvents
35class PileupEventIterator(PileupEvent):
36    def nextPileupEvent(self):
37        """Advance to first PileupEvent on initial invocation
38        advance to next PileupEvent subsequently
39        :returns: false if no more PileupEvents are available.
40        :throws: ErrorMsg if more PileupEvents should be available, but could not be accessed.
41        """
42        return bool(getNGSValue(self, NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_PileupEventIteratorNext, c_int))
44    def resetPileupEvent(self):
45        """resets to initial iterator state
46        the next call to "nextPileupEvent" will advance to first event
47        :returns: false if no more PileupEvents are available.
48        :throws: ErrorMsg if more PileupEvents should be available, but could not be accessed.
49        """
50        return bool(getNGSValue(self, NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_PileupEventIteratorReset, c_int))