1-- ### -------------------------------------------------------------- ###
2-- #									#
3-- # file	: mips_cpu.vst						#
4-- # date	: september 25 1996						#
5-- # version	: v0.2							#
6-- # author	: fahim RAHIM					#
7-- # descr.	: mips cpu board with on board ram (512 bytes), rom	#
8-- #		  (512 bytes = 128 instructions) and, timer		#
9-- #									#
10-- ### -------------------------------------------------------------- ###
12entity mips_cpu is
13  port (
14       CK       : in    bit                         ;
15       TEST     : in    bit                         ;
16       SCIN     : in    bit                         ;
17       SCOUT    : out   bit                         ;
18       RESET    : in    bit                         ;
19       FRZ      : in    bit                         ;
20       RW       : inout bit                         ;
21       W        : inout bit_vector ( 0     to 1)    ;
22       DATA     : inout mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;
23       DATA_ADR : inout mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;
24       VDD      : in    bit                         ;
25       VSS      : in    bit
26       );
28end mips_cpu;
30architecture structral of mips_cpu is
32  signal E_RAMU_N : bit_vector ( 0     to 3)    ;
33  signal E_RAMS_N : bit_vector ( 0     to 3)    ;
34  signal E_ROMU_N : bit                         ;
35  signal E_ROMS_N : bit                         ;
36  signal E_TIME_N : bit                         ;
37  signal E_ROMR_N : bit				;
38  signal E_ROME_N : bit				;
40  signal rst      : bit				;
41  signal berr     : bit				;
42  signal IRQ_N    : bit_vector( 5 downto 0)	;
44  component mips_chip
45    port (
46         CK      : in    bit                          ;
47         RESET   : in    bit                          ;
48         FRZ     : in    bit                          ;
49         INT     : in    bit_vector ( 5 downto 0)     ;
50         DATA    : inout mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus ;
51         W       : out   bit_vector ( 0     to 1)     ;
52         RW      : out   bit                          ;
53         ADR     : out   mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus ;
54         SCIN    : in    bit                          ;
55	 BERR    : in    bit			      ;
56         TEST    : in    bit                          ;
57         SCOUT   : out   bit                          ;
58         VDD     : in    bit                          ;
59         VSS     : in    bit                          ;
60         VDDP    : in    bit                          ;
61         VSSP    : in    bit
62         ) ;
63  end component;
65  component mips_dec
66    port (
67         CK          : in    bit                         ;
68         mips_DADR   : in    bit_vector (31 downto 0)    ;
69         RW          : in    bit                         ;
70         W           : in    bit_vector ( 0     to 1)    ;
71	 berr	     : out   bit			 ;
72         SEL_ROMU_N  : out   bit                         ;
73         SEL_RAMU_N  : out   bit_vector ( 0     to 3)    ;
74         SEL_ROMS_N  : out   bit                         ;
75         SEL_RAMS_N  : out   bit_vector ( 0     to 3)    ;
76         SEL_TIMER_N : out   bit                         ;
77         SEL_ROMR_N  : OUT   BIT                         ;
78         SEL_ROME_N  : OUT   BIT			 ;
79         VDD         : in    bit                         ;
80         VSS         : in    bit
81         );
82  end component;
84  component sr64_32a
85    port (
86         E_N         : in    bit_vector ( 0     to 3)    ;
87         W_N         : in    bit                         ;
88         DAT         : inout mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;
89         ADR         : in    bit_vector ( 5 downto 0)    ;
90         VDD         : in    bit                         ;
91         VSS         : in    bit
92         );
93  end component;
95  component romu
96    port (
97         ADDRESS : in  bit_vector (5  downto 0)    ;
98         E_N     : in  bit                         ;
99         DATA    : out mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;
100         VDD     : in  bit                         ;
101         VSS     : in  bit
102         );
103  end component;
105  component roms
106    port (
107         ADDRESS : in  bit_vector (5  downto 0)    ;
108         E_N     : in  bit                         ;
109         DATA    : out mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;
110         VDD     : in  bit                         ;
111         VSS     : in  bit
112         );
113  end component;
115 component romr
116    port (
117         ADDRESS : in  bit_vector (5  downto 0)    ;
118         E_N     : in  bit                         ;
119         DATA    : out mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;
120         VDD     : in  bit                         ;
121         VSS     : in  bit
122         );
123  end component;
125 component rome
126    port (
127         ADDRESS : in  bit_vector (5  downto 0)    ;
128         E_N     : in  bit                         ;
129         DATA    : out mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;
130         VDD     : in  bit                         ;
131         VSS     : in  bit
132         );
133  end component;
135  component timer
136  port (
137    CK      : in    bit                         ;	-- external clock
138    FRZ     : in    bit                         ;	-- freeze
139    RESET_I : in    bit                         ;	-- reset input
140    SEL     : in    bit_vector ( 2 downto 0)    ;	-- register selection
141    DATA    : inout mux_vector (31 downto 0) bus;	-- data
142    RW      : in    bit                         ;	-- access mode
143    E_N     : in    bit                         ;	-- chip enable
144    RESET_O : out   bit                         ;	-- reset output (= TIMER_RESET OR RESET_I)
145    IRQ_N   : out   bit_vector(5 downto 0)	;       -- interrupt request
146    VDD     : in    bit                         ;	--
147    VSS     : in    bit                         	--
148    );
149  end component;
153  mips1 : mips_chip
154    port map (
155             INT   => IRQ_N    ,
156             TEST  => TEST     ,
157             SCIN  => SCIN     ,
158             SCOUT => SCOUT    ,
159             FRZ   => FRZ      ,
160             RESET => RST      ,
161             ADR   => DATA_ADR ,
162             W     => W        ,
163             RW    => RW       ,
164             CK    => CK       ,
165	     BERR  => BERR     ,
166             DATA  => DATA     ,
167             VDDP  => VDD      ,
168             VSSP  => VSS      ,
169             VDD   => VDD      ,
170             VSS   => VSS
171             );
173  mips_dec : mips_dec
174    port map (
175             CK          => CK       ,
176             MIPS_DADR   => DATA_ADR ,
177             RW          => RW       ,
178             W        	 => W        ,
179	     berr	 => berr     ,
180             SEL_ROMU_N  => E_ROMU_N ,
181             SEL_RAMU_N  => E_RAMU_N ,
182             SEL_ROMS_N  => E_ROMS_N ,
183             SEL_RAMS_N  => E_RAMS_N ,
184             SEL_TIMER_N => E_TIME_N ,
185             SEL_ROMR_N  => E_ROMR_N ,
186             SEL_ROME_N  => E_ROME_N ,
187             VDD         => VDD      ,
188             VSS         => VSS
189             );
191  timer : timer
192  port map (
193    CK      => CK,
194    FRZ     => VSS,
195    RESET_I => RESET,
196    SEL     => DATA_ADR(4 downto 2),
197    DATA    => DATA,
198    RW      => RW,
199    E_N     => E_TIME_N,
200    RESET_O => RST,
201    IRQ_N   => IRQ_N,
202    VDD     => VDD,
203    VSS     => VSS
204    );
206  ramu : sr64_32a
207    port map (
208             E_N => E_RAMU_N               ,
209             W_N => RW                     ,
210             DAT => DATA                   ,
211             ADR => DATA_ADR ( 7 downto 2) ,
212             VDD => VDD                    ,
213             VSS => VSS
214             );
216  romu : romu
217    port map (
218             ADDRESS => DATA_ADR (7 downto 2) ,
219             E_N     => E_ROMU_N              ,
220             DATA    => DATA                  ,
221             VDD     => VDD                   ,
222             VSS     => VSS
223             );
225  rams : sr64_32a
226    port map (
227             E_N => E_RAMS_N               ,
228             W_N => RW                     ,
229             DAT => DATA                   ,
230             ADR => DATA_ADR ( 7 downto 2) ,
231             VDD => VDD                    ,
232             VSS => VSS
233             );
235  roms : roms
236    port map (
237             ADDRESS => DATA_ADR (7 downto 2) ,
238             E_N     => E_ROMS_N              ,
239             DATA    => DATA                  ,
240             VDD     => VDD                   ,
241             VSS     => VSS
242             );
244 romr : romr
245    port map (
246             ADDRESS => DATA_ADR (7 downto 2) ,
247             E_N     => E_ROMR_N              ,
248             DATA    => DATA                  ,
249             VDD     => VDD                   ,
250             VSS     => VSS
251             );
252rome : rome
253    port map (
254             ADDRESS => DATA_ADR (7 downto 2) ,
255             E_N     => E_ROME_N              ,
256             DATA    => DATA                  ,
257             VDD     => VDD                   ,
258             VSS     => VSS
259             );