2!     CalculiX - A 3-dimensional finite element program
3!              Copyright (C) 1998-2021 Guido Dhondt
5!     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7!     published by the Free Software Foundation(version 2);
10!     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11!     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13!     GNU General Public License for more details.
15!     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16!     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17!     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19! -------------------------------------------------------------
20      subroutine e_c3d_us45(co,kon,lakonl,p1,p2,omx,bodyfx,nbody,s,sm,
21     &  ff,nelem,nmethod,elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,nalcon,alzero,
22     &  ielmat,ielorien,norien,orab,ntmat_,
23     &  t0,t1,ithermal,vold,iperturb,nelemload,
24     &  sideload,xload,nload,idist,sti,stx,iexpl,plicon,
25     &  nplicon,plkcon,nplkcon,xstiff,npmat_,dtime,
26     &  matname,mi,ncmat_,mass,stiffness,buckling,rhsi,intscheme,
27     &  ttime,time,istep,iinc,coriolis,xloadold,reltime,
28     &  ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,nmpc,ikmpc,ilmpc,veold,
29     &  ne0,ipkon,thicke,
30     &  integerglob,doubleglob,tieset,istartset,iendset,ialset,ntie,
31     &  nasym,ielprop,prop)
35!     INPUT:
37!     co(1..3,i)         coordinates of node i
38!     kon(*)             contains the topology of all elements. The
39!                        topology of element i starts at kon(ipkon(i)+1)
40!                        and continues until all nodes are covered. The
41!                        number of nodes depends on the element label
42!     lakonl             label of current element nelem (character*8)
43!     p1(1..3)           coordinates of a point on the rotation axis
44!                        (if applicable)
45!     p2(1..3)           unit vector on rotation axis (if applicable)
46!     omx                rotational speed square
47!     bodyfx(1..3)       acceleration vector
48!     nbody              number of body loads
49!     nelem              element number
50!     nmethod            procedure:
51!                        1: static analysis
52!                        2: frequency analysis
53!                        3: buckling analysis
54!                        4: (linear or nonlinear) dynamic analysis
55!                        5: steady state dynamics analysis
56!                        6: Coriolis frequency calculation
57!                        7: flutter frequency calculation
58!                        8:  magnetostatics
59!                        9:  magnetodynamics
60!                        10: electromagnetic eigenvalue problems
61!                        11: superelement creation or Green function
62!                            calculation
63!                        12: sensitivity analysis
64!     elcon              elastic constants (cf. List of variables and
65!                        their meaning in the User's Manual)
66!     nelcon             integers describing the elastic constant fields
67!                        (cf. User's Manual)
68!     rhcon              density constants (cf. User's Manual)
69!     nrhcon             integers describing the density constant fields
70!                        (cf. User's Manual)
71!     alcon              thermal expansion constants (cf. User's Manual)
72!     nalcon             integers describing the thermal expansion
73!                        constants (cf. User's Manual)
74!     alzero             thermal expansion reference values (cf. User's Manual)
75!     ielmat(i)          material for element i
76!     ielorien(i)        orientation for element i
77!     norien             number of orientations
78!     orab(7,*)          description of all local coordinate systems.
79!                        (cf. List of variables and their meaning in the
80!                        User's manual)
81!     ntmat_             maximum number of material temperature points
82!     t0(i)              temperature in node i at start of calculation
83!     t1(i)              temperature in node i at the end of the current
84!                        increment
85!     ithermal           cf. ithermal(1) in the List of variables and
86!                        their meaning in the User's Manual
87!     vold(0..mi(2),i)   value of the variables in node i at the end
88!                        of the previous iteration
89!     iperturb(*)        describes the kind of nonlinearity of the
90!                        calculation, cf. User's Manual
91!     nelemload          field describing facial distributed load (cf.
92!                        User's Manual)
93!     sideload           field describing facial distributed load (cf.
94!                        User's Manual)
95!     xload              facial distributed load values (cf.
96!                        User's Manual)
97!     nload              number of facial distributed loads
98!     idist              0: no distributed forces in the model
99!                        1: distributed forces are present in the model
100!                        (body forces or thermal loads or residual
101!                        stresses or distributed facial loads)
102!     sti(i,j,k)         stress component i in integration point j
103!                        of element k at the end of the previous step
104!     stx(i,j,k)         stress component i in integration point j
105!                        of element k at the end of a static step
106!                        describing a reference buckling load
107!     iexpl              0: structure: implicit dynamics,
108!                           fluid: incompressible
109!     iexpl              1: structure: implicit dynamics,
110!                           fluid: compressible
111!     iexpl              2: structure: explicit dynamics,
112!                           fluid: incompressible
113!     iexpl              3: structure: explicit dynamics,
114!                           fluid: compressible
115!     plicon,nplicon     fields describing isotropic hardening of
116!                        a plastic material or spring constants of
117!                        a nonlinear spring (cf. User's Manual)
118!     plkcon,nplkcon     fields describing kinematic hardening of
119!                        a plastic material or gap conductance
120!                        constants (cf. User's Manual)
121!     xstiff(i,j,k)      stiffness (i=1...21) and conductivity
122!                        (i=22..27) constants in integration point j
123!                        of element k
124!     npmat_             maximum number of plastic constants
125!     dtime              length of present time increment
126!     matname(i)         name of material i
127!     mi(1)              max # of integration points per element (max
128!                        over all elements)
129!     mi(2)              max degree of freedom per node (max over all
130!                        nodes) in fields like v(0:mi(2))...
131!     mi(3)              max number of layers in the structure
132!     ncmat_             max number of elastic constants
133!     mass(1)            if 1: mass matrix needed, else not
134!     mass(2)            if 1: heat capacity matrix needed, else not
135!     stiffness          if 1: stiffness matrix needed, else not
136!     buckling           if 1: linear buckling calculation, else not
137!     rhsi               if 1: right hand side needed, else not
138!     intscheme          1: integration point scheme for the calculation
139!                           of the initial acceleration in a dynamic
140!                           step
141!                        0: any other case
142!     ttime              total time at the start of the present increment
143!     time               step time at the end of the present increment
144!     istep              current step number
145!     iinc               current increment number within the actual step
146!     coriolis           if 1: Coriolis forces are taken into account,
147!                              else not
148!     xloadold           load at the end of the previous increment
149!                        (cf. User's Manual)
150!     reltime            relative step time (between 0 and 1)
151!     ipompc(i)          pointer into field nodempc and coefmpc for
152!                        MPC i
153!     nodempc            field containing the nodes and dof's of all
154!                        MPC's (cf. User's Manual)
155!     coefmpc            field containing the coefficients of all
156!                        MPC's  (cf. User's Manual)
157!     nmpc               number of MPC's in the model
158!     ikmpc(i)           field containing an integer code number
159!                        describing the dependent dof of some MPC:
160!                        ikmpc(i)=8*(node-1)+dir, where the dependent
161!                        dof is applied in direction dir of node "node"
162!                        ikmpc is sorted in ascending order
163!     ilmpc(i)           MPC number corresponding to ikmpc(i) (cf.
164!                        User's manual)
165!     veold(j,i)         time rate of variable j in node i at the end
166!                        of the previous iteration
167!     ne0                element number before the first contact element;
168!                        contact elements are appended after ne0
169!     ipkon(i)           points to the location in field kon preceding
170!                        the topology of element i
171!     thicke(j,i)        thickness of layer j in node i
172!     integerglob        integer field needed for determining the
173!                        interface loading of a submodel
174!     doubleglob         real field needed for determining the
175!                        interface loading of a submodel
176!     tieset(1..3,*)     tie character information for tie i (cf.
177!                        User's Manual)
178!     istartset          integer describing set information (cf.
179!                        User's Manual)
180!     iendset            integer describing set information (cf.
181!                        User's Manual)
182!     ialset             integer describing set information (cf.
183!                        User's Manual)
184!     ntie               number of ties in the model
185!     nasym              1: asymmetric contributions, else purely
186!                        symmetric
187!     ielprop(i)         points to the location in field prop preceding
188!                        the properties of element i
189!     prop(*)            contains the properties and some beam
190!                        elements (cf. User's Manual)
193!     OUTPUT:
195!     s                  element stiffness matrix
196!     sm                 element mass matrix
197!     ff                 element load vector
198!     xload              facial distributed load values (cf.
199!                        User's Manual)
200!     nmethod            may be changed by the user, e.g. a
201!                        change to 0 for negative Jacobians leads
202!                        to a program exit in the calling program
203!                        for the other value: cf. above
207      integer mass,stiffness,buckling,rhsi,coriolis
209      character*8 lakonl
210      character*20 sideload(*)
211      character*80 matname(*),amat
212      character*81 tieset(3,*)
214      integer konl(26),nelemload(2,*),nbody,nelem,mi(*),kon(*),
215     &  ielprop(*),index,mattyp,ithermal,iperturb(*),nload,idist,
216     &  i,j,k,i1,nmethod,kk,nelcon(2,*),nrhcon(*),nalcon(2,*),
217     &  ielmat(mi(3),*),ielorien(mi(3),*),ipkon(*),indexe,
218     &  ntmat_,nope,norien,ihyper,iexpl,kode,imat,iorien,istiff,
219     &  ncmat_,intscheme,istep,iinc,ipompc(*),nodempc(3,*),
220     &  nmpc,ikmpc(*),ilmpc(*),ne0,ndof,istartset(*),iendset(*),
221     &  ialset(*),ntie,integerglob(*),nasym,nplicon(0:ntmat_,*),
222     &  nplkcon(0:ntmat_,*),npmat_,jjj
224      real*8 co(3,*),xl(3,26),veold(0:mi(2),*),rho,s(60,60),bodyfx(3),
225     &  ff(60),elconloc(21),coords(3),p1(3),elcon(0:ncmat_,ntmat_,*),
226     &  p2(3),eth(6),rhcon(0:1,ntmat_,*),reltime,prop(*),tm(3,3),
227     &  alcon(0:6,ntmat_,*),alzero(*),orab(7,*),t0(*),t1(*),
228     &  xloadold(2,*),vold(0:mi(2),*),xload(2,*),omx,e,un,um,tt,
229     &  sm(60,60),sti(6,mi(1),*),stx(6,mi(1),*),t0l,t1l,coefmpc(*),
230     &  elas(21),thicke(mi(3),*),doubleglob(*),dl,e2(3),e3(3),
231     &  plicon(0:2*npmat_,ntmat_,*),plkcon(0:2*npmat_,ntmat_,*),
232     &  xstiff(27,mi(1),*),plconloc(802),dtime,ttime,time,tmg(24,24),
233     &  a,xi11,xi12,xi22,xk,e1(3),offset1,offset2,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3,
234     &  sg(24,24), h, Dm(3,3),q1,Nrs(4), dNr(4), dNs(4),x(4,3), xc(3),
235     &  Jm(2,2), xg(4,3), invJm(2,2), detinvJm, detJm, dNx(4), dNy(4),
236     &  bm(3,24), g_p(4,3), Kmem(24,24),ri,si,Kb(24,24), bb(3,24),
237     &  bs(2,24), Ks(24,24), Ds(2,2), Db(3,3), Gt,Kshell(24,24),kdmax,
238     &  m_3t(6,6), N_u(6,24),Mshell(24,24),gpthick(3,2),dett,dettt,
239     &  Qin(3,3),Qs(2,2)
241      intent(in) co,kon,lakonl,p1,p2,omx,bodyfx,nbody,
242     &  nelem,elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,nalcon,alzero,
243     &  ielmat,ielorien,norien,orab,ntmat_,
244     &  t0,t1,ithermal,vold,iperturb,nelemload,
245     &  sideload,nload,idist,sti,stx,iexpl,plicon,
246     &  nplicon,plkcon,nplkcon,xstiff,npmat_,dtime,
247     &  matname,mi,ncmat_,mass,stiffness,buckling,rhsi,intscheme,
248     &  ttime,time,istep,iinc,coriolis,xloadold,reltime,
249     &  ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,nmpc,ikmpc,ilmpc,veold,
250     &  ne0,ipkon,thicke,
251     &  integerglob,doubleglob,tieset,istartset,iendset,ialset,ntie,
252     &  nasym,ielprop,prop
254      intent(inout) s,sm,ff,xload,nmethod
255      indexe=ipkon(nelem)
256      !
257      ! Gauß points(4):
258      g_p(1,1) = -0.577350269189626
259      g_p(2,1) = +0.577350269189626
260      g_p(3,1) = +0.577350269189626
261      g_p(4,1) = -0.577350269189626
262      !
263      g_p(1,2) = -0.577350269189626
264      g_p(2,2) = -0.577350269189626
265      g_p(3,2) = +0.577350269189626
266      g_p(4,2) = +0.577350269189626
267      !
268      g_p(1,3) = +1.000000000000000
269      g_p(2,3) = +1.000000000000000
270      g_p(3,3) = +1.000000000000000
271      g_p(4,3) = +1.000000000000000
272      !
273      gpthick(1,1) = +1.d0
274      gpthick(2,1) =  0.d0
275      gpthick(3,1) = -1.d0
276      gpthick(1,2) = 2.d0/6.d0
277      gpthick(2,2) = 8.d0/6.d0
278      gpthick(3,2) = 2.d0/6.d0
281!     material and orientation
283      imat=ielmat(1,nelem)
284      amat=matname(imat)
285      if(norien.gt.0) then
286         iorien=ielorien(1,nelem)
287      else
288         iorien=0
289      endif
291      if(nelcon(1,imat).lt.0) then
292         ihyper=1
293      else
294         ihyper=0
295      endif
297!     properties of the cross section
299      index=ielprop(nelem)
300      h = prop(index+1)	! general beam section  shell section?!
301      dett  = h/2.d0
302      dettt = h**3/8.d0
303      ! **********************************************************
304      nope = 4 ! number of element nodes
305      ndof = 6 ! u,v,w,rx,ry,rz
306      ! **********************************************************
307      !
308      !     initialisation for distributed forces
309      !
310      if(rhsi.eq.1) then
311        if(idist.ne.0) then
312          ff(:) = 0.d0
313        endif
314      endif
315      !
316      !     displacements for 2nd order static and modal theory
317      !
318      if(((iperturb(1).eq.1).or.(iperturb(2).eq.1)).and.
319     &          (stiffness.eq.1).and.(buckling.eq.0)) then
320         write(*,*) '*ERROR in e_c3d_US3: no second order'
321         write(*,*) '       calculation for this type of element'
322         call exit(201)
323      endif
324      !
325      if((buckling.eq.1).or.(coriolis.eq.1)) then
326         write(*,*) '*ERROR in e_c3d_US3: no buckling'
327         write(*,*) '       calculation for this type of element'
328         call exit(201)
329      endif
330      !
331      !     initialization for the body forces
332      !
333      if(rhsi.eq.1) then
334         if(nbody.ne.0) then
335            write(*,*) '*ERROR in e_c3d_u45: no body forces'
336            write(*,*) '       for this type of element'
337            call exit(201)
338         endif
339      endif
340      !
341      if(buckling.eq.1) then
342         write(*,*) '*ERROR in e_c3d_u45: no buckling '
343         write(*,*) '       calculation for this type of element'
344         call exit(201)
345      endif
346      !
347      !     computation of the coordinates of the local nodes
348      !
349      do i=1,nope
350         konl(i)=kon(indexe+i)
351         do j=1,3
352            xl(i,j) = co(j,konl(i))
353            xg(i,j) = co(j,konl(i))
354         enddo
355      enddo
356      !
357      ! element frame & tranformation matrix tm (e1,e2,e3)T
358      call us4_csys(xg,tm,tmg)
359      ! nodal coordinates in element frame:
360      x(1,:) = matmul(tm,xg(1,:))
361      x(2,:) = matmul(tm,xg(2,:))
362      x(3,:) = matmul(tm,xg(3,:))
363      x(4,:) = matmul(tm,xg(4,:))
364      !
365      Dm(:,:) = 0.d0
366      Db(:,:) = 0.d0
367      Ds(:,:) = 0.d0
368      !
369      kode=nelcon(1,imat)
370      !
371      if(kode.eq.2) then
372         mattyp=1
373      else
374         mattyp=0
375      endif
376      !
377      !     material data and local stiffness matrix
378      !
379      istiff=0
380      do jjj = 1,3  ! workaround for thermals
381        call materialdata_me(elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,nalcon,
382     &     imat,amat,iorien,coords,orab,ntmat_,elas,rho,
383     &     nelem,ithermal,alzero,mattyp,t0l,t1l,
384     &     ihyper,istiff,elconloc,eth,kode,plicon,
385     &     nplicon,plkcon,nplkcon,npmat_,
386     &     plconloc,mi(1),dtime,kk,
387     &     xstiff,ncmat_)
388        !
389        e   = xstiff(1,jjj,1)
390        un  = xstiff(2,jjj,1)
391        rho = rhcon(1,1,imat)
392        !
393        call us3_linel_Qi(e,un,Qin,Qs)
394        !
395        Dm = Dm+Qin*gpthick(jjj,2)*dett
396        Db = Db+Qin*((gpthick(jjj,1))**2)*gpthick(jjj,2)*dettt
397        Ds = Ds+Qs*gpthick(jjj,2)*dett
398      enddo
399      !
400      ! stiffness and mass matrix
401      !
402      call us4_Kb(x,Db,Kb)
403      call us4_Ks(x,Ds,Ks)
404      call us4_Km(x,Dm,Kmem)
405      call us4_M(x,h,rho,Mshell)
406      !
407      Kshell = Kmem + Kb + Ks
408      ! artifical drilling stiffness (Krotz) in orede to avoid singularities
409      kdmax = 0.d0
410      do k = 1,24
411        if(kdmax.LT.abs(Kshell(k,k))) then
412          kdmax = abs(Kshell(k,k))
413        endif
414      enddo
415      Kshell(6,6)   = kdmax/10000.d0
416      Kshell(12,12) = kdmax/10000.d0
417      Kshell(18,18) = kdmax/10000.d0
418      Kshell(24,24) = kdmax/10000.d0
419      !
420      Kshell = matmul(matmul(transpose(tmg),Kshell),(tmg))
421      Mshell = matmul(matmul(transpose(tmg),Mshell),(tmg))
422      !
423      do i=1,ndof*nope
424        do j=1,ndof*nope
425          s(i,j)  = Kshell(i,j)
426          sm(i,j) = Mshell(i,j)
427        enddo
428      enddo
429      !
430      return
431      end