2!     CalculiX - A 3-dimensional finite element program
3!              Copyright (C) 1998-2021 Guido Dhondt
5!     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7!     published by the Free Software Foundation(version 2);
10!     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11!     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13!     GNU General Public License for more details.
15!     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16!     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17!     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19      subroutine nodeprints(inpc,textpart,set,istartset,iendset,ialset,
20     &  nset,nset_,nalset,nprint,nprint_,jout,prlab,prset,
21     &  nodeprint_flag,ithermal,istep,istat,n,iline,ipol,inl,ipoinp,
22     &  inp,amname,nam,itpamp,idrct,ipoinpc,nef,ier)
24!     reading the *NODE PRINT cards in the input deck
26      implicit none
28      logical nodeprint_flag
30      character*1 total,nodesys,inpc(*)
31      character*6 prlab(*)
32      character*80 amname(*),timepointsname
33      character*81 set(*),prset(*),noset
34      character*132 textpart(16)
36      integer istartset(*),iendset(*),ialset(*),ii,i,nam,itpamp,id,
37     &  jout(2),joutl,ithermal(*),nset,nset_,nalset,nprint,nprint_,
38     &  istat,n,key,ipos,iline,ipol,inl,ipoinp(2,*),inp(3,*),idrct,
39     &  ipoinpc(0:*),nef,ier,istep
41      if(istep.lt.1) then
42         write(*,*)
43     &        '*ERROR reading *NODE PRINT: *NODE PRINT should only be'
44         write(*,*) '  used within a *STEP definition'
45         ier=1
46         return
47      endif
49      nodesys='L'
51!     reset the nodal print requests (element print requests, if any,
52!     are kept)
54      if(.not.nodeprint_flag) then
55         ii=0
56         do i=1,nprint
57            if((prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'U   ').or.
58     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'NT  ').or.
59     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'TS  ').or.
60     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'RF  ').or.
61     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'RFL ').or.
62     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'PS  ').or.
63     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'PN  ').or.
64     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'MF  ').or.
65     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'VF  ').or.
66     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'PSF ').or.
67     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'TSF ').or.
68     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'MACH').or.
69     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'DEPF').or.
70     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'TTF ').or.
71     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'PTF ').or.
72     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'CP  ').or.
73     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'TURB').or.
74     &         (prlab(i)(1:4).eq.'V   ')) cycle
75            ii=ii+1
76            prlab(ii)=prlab(i)
77            prset(ii)=prset(i)
78         enddo
79         nprint=ii
80      endif
82c      jout=max(jout,1)
83      do ii=1,81
84         noset(ii:ii)=' '
85      enddo
86      total=' '
88      do ii=2,n
89        if(textpart(ii)(1:5).eq.'NSET=') then
90          noset(1:80)=textpart(ii)(6:85)
91          ipos=index(noset,' ')
92          noset(ipos:ipos)='N'
93c          do i=1,nset
94c            if(set(i).eq.noset) exit
95c          enddo
96          call cident81(set,noset,nset,id)
97          i=nset+1
98          if(id.gt.0) then
99            if(noset.eq.set(id)) then
100              i=id
101            endif
102          endif
103          if(i.gt.nset) then
104             write(*,*) '*WARNING reading *NODE PRINT: node set ',
105     &            noset(1:ipos-1),' does not exist'
106             call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl,
107     &            ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
108             return
109          endif
110        elseif(textpart(ii)(1:10).eq.'FREQUENCY=') then
111           read(textpart(ii)(11:20),'(i10)',iostat=istat) joutl
112           if(istat.gt.0) then
113              call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline,
114     &             "*NODE PRINT%",ier)
115              return
116           endif
117           if(joutl.eq.0) then
118              do
119                 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,
120     &                inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
121                 if((key.eq.1).or.(istat.lt.0)) return
122              enddo
123           endif
124           if(joutl.gt.0) then
125              jout(1)=joutl
126              itpamp=0
127           endif
128        elseif(textpart(ii)(1:11).eq.'FREQUENCYF=') then
129           read(textpart(ii)(12:21),'(i10)',iostat=istat) joutl
130           if(istat.gt.0) then
131              call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline,
132     &             "*NODE PRINT%",ier)
133              return
134           endif
135           if(joutl.eq.0) then
136              do
137                 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,
138     &                inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
139                 if((key.eq.1).or.(istat.lt.0)) return
140              enddo
141           endif
142           if(joutl.gt.0) then
143              jout(2)=joutl
144              itpamp=0
145           endif
146        elseif(textpart(ii)(1:10).eq.'TOTALS=YES') then
147           total='T'
148        elseif(textpart(ii)(1:11).eq.'TOTALS=ONLY') then
149           total='O'
150        elseif(textpart(ii)(1:10).eq.'GLOBAL=YES') then
151           nodesys='G'
152        elseif(textpart(ii)(1:9).eq.'GLOBAL=NO') then
153           nodesys='L'
154        elseif(textpart(ii)(1:11).eq.'TIMEPOINTS=') then
155           timepointsname=textpart(ii)(12:91)
156           do i=1,nam
157              if(amname(i).eq.timepointsname) then
158                 itpamp=i
159                 exit
160              endif
161           enddo
162           if(i.gt.nam) then
163              ipos=index(timepointsname,' ')
164              write(*,*)
165     &          '*ERROR reading *NODE PRINT: time points definition '
166     &               ,timepointsname(1:ipos-1),' is unknown or empty'
167              ier=1
168              return
169           endif
170           if(idrct.eq.1) then
171              write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *NODE PRINT: the DIRECT option'
172              write(*,*) '       collides with a TIME POINTS '
173              write(*,*) '       specification'
174              ier=1
175              return
176           endif
177           jout(1)=1
178           jout(2)=1
179         else
180            write(*,*)
181     &        '*WARNING in modaldynamics: parameter not recognized:'
182            write(*,*) '         ',
183     &                 textpart(ii)(1:index(textpart(ii),' ')-1)
184            call inputwarning(inpc,ipoinpc,iline,
185     &"*NODE PRINT%")
186        endif
187      enddo
189!     check whether a set was defined
191      if(noset(1:1).eq.' ') then
192         write(*,*) '*WARNING reading *NODE PRINT: no set was defined'
193         call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl,
194     &        ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
195         return
196      endif
198      do
199         call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl,
200     &        ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
201         if(key.eq.1) exit
202         do ii=1,n
203            if((textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'U   ').and.
204     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'NT  ').and.
205     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'TS  ').and.
206     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'RF  ').and.
207     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'RFL ').and.
208     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'PS  ').and.
209     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'PN  ').and.
210     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'MF  ').and.
211     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'V   ').and.
212     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'VF  ').and.
213     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'PSF ').and.
214     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'TSF ').and.
215     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'MACH').and.
216     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'DEPF').and.
217     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'TTF ').and.
218     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'PTF ').and.
219     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'CP  ').and.
220     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).ne.'TURB')) then
221               write(*,*)
222     &            '*WARNING reading *NODE PRINT: label not applicable'
223               write(*,*) '         or unknown; '
224               call inputwarning(inpc,ipoinpc,iline,
225     &"*NODE PRINT%")
226               cycle
227            endif
228            if(textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'RFL ') then
229               if(ithermal(1).lt.2) then
230                  write(*,*)
231     &              '*WARNING reading *NODE PRINT: RFL only makes '
232                  write(*,*) '         sense for heat transfer '
233                  write(*,*) '          calculations'
234                  cycle
235               endif
236            elseif((textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'VF  ').or.
237     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'PSF ').or.
238     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'TSF ').or.
239     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'MACH').or.
240     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'DEPF').or.
241     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'TTF ').or.
242     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'PTF ').or.
243     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'CP  ').or.
244     &         (textpart(ii)(1:4).eq.'TURB')) then
245               if(nef.eq.0) then
246                  write(*,*)
247     &               '*WARNING reading *NODE PRINT: VF, PSF, TSF,'
248                  write(*,*) '         MACH, DEPF, TTF, PTF, CP or '
249                  write(*,*) '         TURB only make sense for '
250                  write(*,*) '         3D-fluid calculations'
251                  cycle
252               endif
253            endif
254            nprint=nprint+1
255            if(nprint.gt.nprint_) then
256               write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *NODE PRINT: increase nprint_'
257               ier=1
258               return
259            endif
260            prset(nprint)=noset
261            prlab(nprint)(1:4)=textpart(ii)(1:4)
262            prlab(nprint)(5:5)=total
263            prlab(nprint)(6:6)=nodesys
264         enddo
265      enddo
267      return
268      end