1 /*     CalculiX - A 3-dimensional finite element program                 */
2 /*              Copyright (C) 1998-2021 Guido Dhondt                          */
4 /*     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     */
5 /*     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    */
6 /*     published by the Free Software Foundation(version 2);    */
7 /*                    */
9 /*     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   */
10 /*     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    */
12 /*     GNU General Public License for more details.                      */
14 /*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
15 /*     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software       */
16 /*     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.         */
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <math.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <time.h>
22 #include "CalculiX.h"
23 #include "mortar.h"
25 /**
26  * function called before solver transforming the SPCs/MPCs, the matrix and the right hand side for quadratic elements
27  (see Phd-thesis Sitzmann,Chapter 4)
29  * * Author: Saskia Sitzmann
30  *
31  *  [out] iflagact	flag indicating, whether the coupling matrices have to
32  be recalculated
33  *  [out] nzsc2		number of nonzero,nondiagonal entries of intermediate
34  system matrix
35  *  [out] auc2p		intermediate system matrix
36  *  [out] adc2p         intermediate system matrix, diagonal terms
37  *  [out] irowc2p       rows for intermediate system matrix
38  *  [out] icolc2p	columns for intermediate system matrix
39  *  [out] jqc2p		pointer to irowc
40  *  [out] aubdp		coupling matrix \f$ B_d[nactdof(i,p),nactdof(j,q)]\f$
41  for all active degrees od freedoms
42  *  [out] irowbdp	field containing row numbers of aubd
43  *  [out] jqbdp		pointer into field irowbd
44  *  [out] aubdtilp	matrix \f$ \tilde{D}^{-1}\tilde{B}_d[nactdof(i,p),
45  nactdof(j,q)]\f$ for all active degrees od freedoms
46  *  [out] irowbdtilp	field containing row numbers of aubd
47  *  [out] jqbdtilp	pointer into field irowbdtil
48  *  [out] aubdtil2p	coupling matrix \f$ \tilde{D}$ and
49  $\tilde{B}^2_d[nactdof(i,p),nactdof(j,q)]\f$ for all
50  active degrees od freedoms
51  *  [out] irowbdtil2p	field containing row numbers of aubdtil2
52  *  [out] jqbdtil2p	pointer into field irowbdtil2
53  *  [out] auddp		coupling matrix \f$ D_d[nactdof(i,p),nactdof(j,q)]\f$
54  for all active degrees od freedoms
55  *  [out] irowddp	field containing row numbers of audd
56  *  [out] jqddp		pointer into field irowdd
57  *  [out] auddtilp	coupling matrix \f$ \tilde{D}_d[nactdof(i,p),nactdof(j,
58  q)]\f$ for all active degrees od freedoms
59  *  [out] irowddtilp	field containing row numbers of audd
60  *  [out] jqddtilp	pointer into field irowdd
61  *  [out] auddtil2p	matrix \f$ Id_d[nactdof(i,p),nactdof(j,q)]\f$ for all
62  active degrees od freedoms
63  *  [out] irowddtil2p	field containing row numbers of audd
64  *  [out] jqddtil2p	pointer into field irowdd
65  *  [out] auddinvp	coupling matrix \f$ \tilde{D}^{-1}_d[nactdof(i,p),
66  nactdof(j,q)]\f$ for all active degrees od freedoms
67  *  [out] irowddinvp	field containing row numbers of auddinv
68  *  [out] jqddinvp	pointer into field irowddinv
69  *  [out] jqtempp	field storing the untransformed stiffness matrix
70  representation
71  *  [out] irowtempp	field storing the untransformed stiffness matrix
72  representation
73  *  [out] icoltempp	field storing the untransformed stiffness matrix
74  representation
75  *  [out] nzstemp	field storing the untransformed stiffness matrix size
76  *  [out] slavnor	slave normal
77  *  [out] slavtan	slave tangent
78  *  [out] nboun2        number of transformed SPCs
79  *  [out] ndirboun2p	(i) direction of transformed SPC i
80  *  [out] nodeboun2p    (i) node of transformed SPC i
81  *  [out] xboun2p       (i) value of transformed SPC i
82  *  [out] nmpc2		number of transformed mpcs
83  *  [out] ipompc2p      (i) pointer to nodempc and coeffmpc for transformed
84  MPC i
85  *  [out] nodempc2p     i and directions of transformed MPCs
86  *  [out] coefmpc2p     coefficients of transformed MPCs
87  *  [out] labmpc2p 	transformed mpc labels
88  *  [out] ikboun2p      sorted dofs idof=8*(node-1)+dir for transformed SPCs
89  *  [out] ilboun2p      transformed SPC numbers for sorted dofs
90  *  [out] ikmpc2p 	sorted dofs idof=8*(node-1)+dir for transformed MPCs
91  *  [out] ilmpc2p	transformed SPC numbers for sorted dofs
92  *  [out] nslavspcp	(2*i) pointer to islavspc...
93  *  [out] islavspcp     ... which stores SPCs for slave node i
94  *  [out] nsspc         number of SPC for slave i
95  *  [out] nslavmpcp	(2*i) pointer to islavmpc...
96  *  [out] islavmpcp	... which stores MPCs for slave node i
97  *  [out] nsmpc		number of MPC for slave i
98  *  [out] nslavspc2p	(2*i) pointer to islavspc2...
99  *  [out] islavspc2p    ... which stores transformed SPCs for slave node i
100  *  [out] nsspc2        number of transformed SPC for slave i
101  *  [out] nslavmpc2p	(2*i) pointer to islavmpc2...
102  *  [out] islavmpc2p	... which stores transformed MPCs for slave node i
103  *  [out] nsmpc2	number of transformed MPC for slave i
104  *  [in] imastnode	field storing the i of the master surfaces
105  *  [in] nmastnode	(i)pointer into field imastnode for contact tie i
106  *  [out] nmastspcp	(2*i) pointer to imastspc...
107  *  [out] imastspcp     ... which stores SPCs for master node i
108  *  [out] nmspc         number of SPC for master i
109  *  [out] nmastmpcp	(2*i) pointer to imastmpc...
110  *  [out] imastmpcp	... which stores MPCs for master node i
111  *  [out] nmmpc		number of MPC for master i
112  *  [in] islavelinv       (i)==0 if there is no slave node in the element,
113  >0 otherwise
114  *  [in] islavsurf	islavsurf(1,i) slaveface i islavsurf(2,i) # integration
115  points generated before looking at face i
116  *  [in] autloc		transformation matrix \f$ T[p,q]\f$ for slave i \f$ p,q
117  \f$
118  *  [in] irowtloc		field containing row numbers of autloc
119  *  [in] jqtloc	        pointer into field irowtloc
120  *  [in] autlocinv	transformation matrix \f$ T^{-1}[p,q]\f$ for slave i
121  \f$ p,q \f$
122  *  [in] irowtlocinv	field containing row numbers of autlocinv
123  *  [in] jqtlocinv	pointer into field irowtlocinv
124  *  [in] nk2		number or generated points needed for transformed SPCs
125  *  [in]  iflagdualquad   flag indicating what mortar contact is used
126  (=1 quad-lin, =2 quad-quad, =3 PG quad-lin, =4 PG
127  quad-quad)
128  *  [out] f_cmp		not used any more
129  *  [out] f_csp		contact force for active degrees of freedom
130  *  [in]	auxtil2		auxilary field
131  *  [in] pslavsurf	field storing  position xil, etal and weight for
132  integration point on slave side
133  *  [in] pmastsurf 	field storing position and etal for integration points
134  on master side
135  *  [in] islavact	(i) indicates, if slave node i is active
136  (=-3 no-slave-node, =-2 no-LM-node, =-1 no-gap-node,
137  =0 inactive node, =1 sticky node, =2 slipping/active
138  node)
139  *  [in] cdn		?
140  *  [in] cvtilini		C*v at start of the increment
141  *  [in] cvtil		C*v
142  *  [in] idamping		flag indicating whether damping is used
143  *  [in] ilin		flag indicating wheter fist iteration is calculated
144  linear geometrically
145  *  [in] iperturb_sav	saved iperturb values
146  *  [out] nodeforc2p	transformed point force, node
147  *  [out] ndirforc2p	transformed point force, dir
148  *  [out] xforc2p		transformed point force, value
149  *  [out] nforc2		number of transformed point forces
150  **/
premortar(ITG * iflagact,ITG * ismallsliding,ITG * nzs,ITG * nzsc2,double ** auc2p,double ** adc2p,ITG ** irowc2p,ITG ** icolc2p,ITG ** jqc2p,double ** aubdp,ITG ** irowbdp,ITG ** jqbdp,double ** aubdtilp,ITG ** irowbdtilp,ITG ** jqbdtilp,double ** aubdtil2p,ITG ** irowbdtil2p,ITG ** jqbdtil2p,double ** auddp,ITG ** irowddp,ITG ** jqddp,double ** auddtilp,ITG ** irowddtilp,ITG ** jqddtilp,double ** auddtil2p,ITG ** irowddtil2p,ITG ** jqddtil2p,double ** auddinvp,ITG ** irowddinvp,ITG ** jqddinvp,ITG ** jqtempp,ITG ** irowtempp,ITG ** icoltempp,ITG * nzstemp,ITG * iit,double * slavnor,double * slavtan,ITG * icol,ITG * irow,ITG * jq,ITG * ikboun,ITG * ilboun,ITG * ikmpc,ITG * ilmpc,ITG * nboun2,ITG ** ndirboun2p,ITG ** nodeboun2p,double ** xboun2p,ITG * nmpc2,ITG ** ipompc2p,ITG ** nodempc2p,double ** coefmpc2p,char ** labmpc2p,ITG ** ikboun2p,ITG ** ilboun2p,ITG ** ikmpc2p,ITG ** ilmpc2p,ITG ** nslavspcp,ITG ** islavspcp,ITG ** nslavmpcp,ITG ** islavmpcp,ITG ** nslavspc2p,ITG ** islavspc2p,ITG ** nslavmpc2p,ITG ** islavmpc2p,ITG ** nmastspcp,ITG ** imastspcp,ITG ** nmastmpcp,ITG ** imastmpcp,ITG ** nmastmpc2p,ITG ** imastmpc2p,ITG * nmmpc2,ITG * nsspc,ITG * nsspc2,ITG * nsmpc,ITG * nsmpc2,ITG * imastnode,ITG * nmastnode,ITG * nmspc,ITG * nmmpc,double * co,ITG * nk,ITG * kon,ITG * ipkon,char * lakon,ITG * ne,double * stn,double * elcon,ITG * nelcon,double * rhcon,ITG * nrhcon,double * alcon,ITG * nalcon,double * alzero,ITG * ielmat,ITG * ielorien,ITG * norien,double * orab,ITG * ntmat_,double * t0,double * t1,ITG * ithermal,double * prestr,ITG * iprestr,char * filab,double * eme,double * emn,double * een,ITG * iperturb,double * f,ITG * nactdof,ITG * iout,double * qa,double * vold,double * b,ITG * nodeboun,ITG * ndirboun,double * xbounact,double * xboun,ITG * nboun,ITG * ipompc,ITG * nodempc,double * coefmpc,char * labmpc,ITG * nmpc,ITG * nmethod,ITG * neq,double * veold,double * accold,double * dtime,double * time,double * ttime,double * plicon,ITG * nplicon,double * plkcon,ITG * nplkcon,double * xstateini,double * xstiff,double * xstate,ITG * npmat_,char * matname,ITG * mi,ITG * ielas,ITG * icmd,ITG * ncmat_,ITG * nstate_,double * stiini,double * vini,double * ener,double * enern,double * emeini,double * xstaten,double * eei,double * enerini,double * cocon,ITG * ncocon,char * set,ITG * nset,ITG * istartset,ITG * iendset,ITG * ialset,ITG * nprint,char * prlab,char * prset,double * qfx,double * qfn,double * trab,ITG * inotr,ITG * ntrans,ITG * nelemload,ITG * nload,ITG * istep,ITG * iinc,double * springarea,double * reltime,ITG * ne0,double * xforc,ITG * nforc,double * thicke,double * shcon,ITG * nshcon,char * sideload,double * xload,double * xloadold,ITG * icfd,ITG * inomat,ITG * islavelinv,ITG * islavsurf,ITG * iponoels,ITG * inoels,ITG * mortar,ITG * nslavnode,ITG * islavnode,ITG * nslavs,ITG * ntie,double * autloc,ITG * irowtloc,ITG * jqtloc,double * autlocinv,ITG * irowtlocinv,ITG * jqtlocinv,ITG * nk2,ITG * iflagdualquad,char * tieset,ITG * itiefac,ITG * rhsi,double * au,double * ad,double ** f_cmp,double ** f_csp,double * t1act,double * cam,double * bet,double * gam,double * epn,double * xloadact,ITG * nodeforc,ITG * ndirforc,double * xforcact,double * xbodyact,ITG * ipobody,ITG * nbody,double * cgr,ITG * nzl,double * sti,ITG * iexpl,ITG * mass,ITG * buckling,ITG * stiffness,ITG * intscheme,double * physcon,ITG * coriolis,ITG * ibody,ITG * integerglob,double * doubleglob,ITG * nasym,double * alpham,double * betam,double * auxtil2,double * pslavsurf,double * pmastsurf,double * clearini,ITG * ielprop,double * prop,ITG * islavact,double * cdn,ITG * memmpc_,double * cvinitil,double * cvtil,ITG * idamping,ITG * ilin,ITG * iperturb_sav,double * adb,double * aub,ITG ** nodeforc2p,ITG ** ndirforc2p,double ** xforc2p,ITG * nforc2,ITG * itietri,double * cg,double * straight,ITG * koncont,double * energyini,double * energy,ITG * kscale,ITG * iponoel,ITG * inoel,ITG * nener,char * orname,ITG * network,char * typeboun,ITG * num_cpus,double * t0g,double * t1g,double * smscale,ITG * mscalmethod)152 void premortar(ITG *iflagact,ITG *ismallsliding,ITG *nzs,ITG *nzsc2,
153 	       double **auc2p,double **adc2p,ITG **irowc2p,ITG **icolc2p,
154 	       ITG **jqc2p,
155 	       double **aubdp,ITG **irowbdp,ITG **jqbdp,
156 	       double **aubdtilp,ITG **irowbdtilp,ITG **jqbdtilp,
157 	       double **aubdtil2p,ITG **irowbdtil2p,ITG **jqbdtil2p,
158 	       double **auddp,ITG **irowddp,ITG **jqddp,
159 	       double **auddtilp,ITG **irowddtilp,ITG **jqddtilp,
160 	       double **auddtil2p,ITG **irowddtil2p,ITG **jqddtil2p,
161 	       double **auddinvp,ITG **irowddinvp,ITG **jqddinvp,
162 	       ITG **jqtempp,ITG **irowtempp,ITG **icoltempp,ITG *nzstemp,
163 	       ITG *iit,double *slavnor,double *slavtan,
164 	       ITG *icol,ITG *irow,ITG *jq,
165 	       ITG *ikboun,ITG *ilboun,ITG *ikmpc,ITG *ilmpc,
166 	       ITG *nboun2,ITG **ndirboun2p,ITG **nodeboun2p,
167 	       double **xboun2p,
168 	       ITG *nmpc2,ITG **ipompc2p,ITG **nodempc2p,double **coefmpc2p,
169 	       char **labmpc2p,
170 	       ITG **ikboun2p,ITG **ilboun2p,ITG **ikmpc2p,ITG **ilmpc2p,
171 	       ITG **nslavspcp,ITG **islavspcp,ITG **nslavmpcp,
172 	       ITG **islavmpcp,
173 	       ITG **nslavspc2p,ITG **islavspc2p,ITG **nslavmpc2p,
174 	       ITG **islavmpc2p,
175 	       ITG **nmastspcp,ITG **imastspcp,ITG **nmastmpcp,
176 	       ITG **imastmpcp,
177 	       ITG **nmastmpc2p,ITG **imastmpc2p,ITG *nmmpc2,
178 	       ITG *nsspc,ITG *nsspc2,ITG *nsmpc,ITG *nsmpc2,
179 	       ITG *imastnode,ITG *nmastnode,ITG *nmspc,ITG *nmmpc,
180 	       double *co,ITG *nk,ITG *kon,ITG *ipkon,char *lakon,
181 	       ITG *ne,double *stn,
182 	       double *elcon,ITG *nelcon,double *rhcon,ITG *nrhcon,
183 	       double *alcon,ITG *nalcon,double *alzero,ITG *ielmat,
184 	       ITG *ielorien,ITG *norien,double *orab,ITG *ntmat_,
185 	       double *t0,double *t1,ITG *ithermal,double *prestr,
186 	       ITG *iprestr,char *filab,double *eme,double *emn,
187 	       double *een,ITG *iperturb,double *f,ITG *nactdof,
188 	       ITG *iout,double *qa,
189 	       double *vold,double *b,ITG *nodeboun,ITG *ndirboun,
190 	       double *xbounact,double *xboun,ITG *nboun,ITG *ipompc,
191 	       ITG *nodempc,
192 	       double *coefmpc,char *labmpc,ITG *nmpc,ITG *nmethod,
193 	       ITG *neq,double *veold,double *accold,
194 	       double *dtime,double *time,
195 	       double *ttime,double *plicon,
196 	       ITG *nplicon,double *plkcon,ITG *nplkcon,
197 	       double *xstateini,double *xstiff,double *xstate,ITG *npmat_,
198 	       char *matname,ITG *mi,ITG *ielas,
199 	       ITG *icmd,ITG *ncmat_,ITG *nstate_,double *stiini,
200 	       double *vini,double *ener,
201 	       double *enern,double *emeini,double *xstaten,double *eei,
202 	       double *enerini,double *cocon,ITG *ncocon,char *set,
203 	       ITG *nset,ITG *istartset,
204 	       ITG *iendset,ITG *ialset,ITG *nprint,char *prlab,
205 	       char *prset,double *qfx,double *qfn,double *trab,
206 	       ITG *inotr,ITG *ntrans,ITG *nelemload,
207 	       ITG *nload,ITG *istep,ITG *iinc,
208 	       double *springarea,double *reltime,ITG *ne0,double *xforc,
209 	       ITG *nforc,double *thicke,
210 	       double *shcon,ITG *nshcon,char *sideload,double *xload,
211 	       double *xloadold,ITG *icfd,ITG *inomat,
212 	       ITG *islavelinv,ITG *islavsurf,
213 	       ITG *iponoels,ITG *inoels,
214 	       ITG *mortar,ITG *nslavnode,ITG *islavnode,ITG *nslavs,
215 	       ITG *ntie,
216 	       double *autloc,ITG *irowtloc,ITG *jqtloc,
217 	       double *autlocinv,ITG *irowtlocinv,ITG *jqtlocinv,
218 	       ITG *nk2,ITG *iflagdualquad,
219 	       char *tieset,ITG *itiefac  ,ITG *rhsi,
220 	       double *au,double *ad,double **f_cmp,double **f_csp,
221 	       double *t1act,double *cam,double *bet,double *gam,
222 	       double *epn,
223 	       double *xloadact,ITG *nodeforc,ITG *ndirforc,double *xforcact,
224 	       double *xbodyact,ITG *ipobody,ITG *nbody,double *cgr,
225 	       ITG *nzl,double *sti,ITG *iexpl,ITG *mass,ITG *buckling,
226 	       ITG *stiffness,
227 	       ITG *intscheme,double *physcon,ITG *coriolis,ITG *ibody,
228 	       ITG *integerglob,double *doubleglob,ITG *nasym,
229 	       double *alpham,double *betam,double *auxtil2,
230 	       double *pslavsurf,double *pmastsurf,
231 	       double *clearini,ITG *ielprop,double *prop,
232 	       ITG *islavact,double *cdn,ITG *memmpc_,
233 	       double *cvinitil,double *cvtil,ITG *idamping,
234 	       ITG *ilin,ITG *iperturb_sav,double *adb,double *aub,
235 	       ITG **nodeforc2p,ITG **ndirforc2p,double **xforc2p,
236 	       ITG *nforc2,
237 	       ITG *itietri,double *cg,double *straight,ITG *koncont,
238 	       double *energyini,
239 	       double *energy,ITG *kscale,ITG *iponoel,ITG *inoel,ITG *nener,
240 	       char *orname,ITG *network,
241 	       char *typeboun,ITG *num_cpus,double *t0g,double *t1g,
242 	       double *smscale,ITG *mscalmethod){
244   ITG im,i,ii,j,jj,k,l,mt=mi[1]+1,node,jfaces,nelems,ifaces,nope,nopes,idummy,
245     *ndirboun2=NULL,*nodeboun2=NULL,*ipompc2=NULL,*nodempc2=NULL,nodes[8],
246     konl[20],jj2,ifac,debug,
247     *ikboun2=NULL,*ilboun2=NULL,*ikmpc2=NULL,*ilmpc2=NULL,
248     *nslavspc=NULL,*islavspc=NULL,*nslavmpc=NULL,*islavmpc=NULL,
249     *nslavspc2=NULL,*islavspc2=NULL,*nslavmpc2=NULL,*islavmpc2=NULL,
250     *nmastspc=NULL,*imastspc=NULL,*nmastmpc=NULL,*imastmpc2=NULL,
251     *nmastmpc2=NULL,*imastmpc=NULL,
252     *irowc2=NULL,*icolc2=NULL,*jqc2=NULL,*irowbd=NULL,*jqbd=NULL,
253     *irowbdtil=NULL,*jqbdtil=NULL,
254     *irowbdtil2=NULL,*jqbdtil2=NULL,*irowdd=NULL,*jqdd=NULL,*irowddtil=NULL,
255     *jqddtil=NULL,
256     *irowddinv=NULL,*jqddinv=NULL,*irowddtil2=NULL,*jqddtil2=NULL,
257     *irowtemp=NULL,*icoltemp=NULL,*jqtemp=NULL,*inum=NULL,*icoltil=NULL,
258     *irowtil=NULL,*jqtil=NULL,
259     *nodeforc2=NULL,*ndirforc2=NULL,mortartrafoflag=1;
261   double alpha,*xboun2=NULL,*coefmpc2=NULL,*auc2=NULL,*adc2=NULL,*aubd=NULL,
262     *aubdtil=NULL,*aubdtil2=NULL,*ftil=NULL,*fexttil=NULL,
263     *audd=NULL,*auddtil=NULL,*auddinv=NULL,*auddtil2=NULL,*v=NULL,
264     *stx=NULL,*fn=NULL,*autil=NULL,*finitil=NULL,*fextinitil=NULL,
265     *adtil=NULL,*fmpc2=NULL,*voldtil=NULL,*vinitil=NULL,*accoldtil=NULL,
266     *btil=NULL,*aubtil=NULL,*adbtil=NULL,
267     *adctil=NULL,*auctil=NULL,*veoldtil=NULL,*volddummy=NULL,
268     *vectornull=NULL,*f_cs=NULL,*f_cm=NULL,
269     *xforc2=NULL,*fnext=NULL,*veolddummy=NULL,*accolddummy=NULL;
271   char *labmpc2=NULL;
273   debug=0;
275   alpha=1-2*sqrt(*bet);
277   ndirboun2=*ndirboun2p;nodeboun2=*nodeboun2p;xboun2=*xboun2p;
278   ipompc2=*ipompc2p;nodempc2=*nodempc2p;coefmpc2=*coefmpc2p;
279   labmpc2=*labmpc2p;ikboun2=*ikboun2p;ilboun2=*ilboun2p;ikmpc2=*ikmpc2p;
280   ilmpc2=*ilmpc2p;
281   nslavspc=*nslavspcp;islavspc=*islavspcp;nslavmpc=*nslavmpcp;
282   islavmpc=*islavmpcp;
283   nslavspc2=*nslavspc2p;islavspc2=*islavspc2p;nslavmpc2=*nslavmpc2p;
284   islavmpc2=*islavmpc2p;
285   nmastspc=*nmastspcp;imastspc=*imastspcp;nmastmpc=*nmastmpcp;
286   imastmpc=*imastmpcp;nmastmpc2=*nmastmpc2p;imastmpc2=*imastmpc2p;
287   auc2=*auc2p;adc2=*adc2p;irowc2=*irowc2p;icolc2=*icolc2p;jqc2=*jqc2p;
288   aubd=*aubdp;irowbd=*irowbdp;jqbd=*jqbdp;
289   aubdtil=*aubdtilp;irowbdtil=*irowbdtilp;jqbdtil=*jqbdtilp;
290   aubdtil2=*aubdtil2p;irowbdtil2=*irowbdtil2p;jqbdtil2=*jqbdtil2p;
291   audd=*auddp;irowdd=*irowddp;jqdd=*jqddp;
292   auddtil=*auddtilp;irowddtil=*irowddtilp;jqddtil=*jqddtilp;
293   auddtil2=*auddtil2p;irowddtil2=*irowddtil2p;jqddtil2=*jqddtil2p;
294   auddinv=*auddinvp;irowddinv=*irowddinvp;jqddinv=*jqddinvp;
295   irowtemp=*irowtempp;icoltemp=*icoltempp;jqtemp=*jqtempp;
296   f_cs=*f_csp;f_cm=*f_cmp;
297   ndirforc2=*ndirforc2p;nodeforc2=*nodeforc2p;xforc2=*xforc2p;
299   fflush(stdout);
301   NNEW(f_cs,double,neq[1]);
302   NNEW(f_cm,double,neq[1]);
304   // check for coupled thermo-mechanical calculation
306   if(ithermal[0]>1){
307     printf("\tprecontactmortar: coupled thermo-mechanical calculations NOT");
308     printf("supported yet!\n \tPlease use surface-to-surface penalty contact");
309     printf("instead.\n\n STOP!\n");
310     fflush(stdout);
311     FORTRAN(stop,());
312   }
314   // fix for linear calculation in first iteration of first increment
316   if((*ilin==1)&&(*iit==1)&&(*iinc==1)){
317     *ielas=1;
318     iperturb[0]=-1;
319     iperturb[1]=0;
320   }
322   /* small sliding is autometically set active due to combined fix-point
323      Newton approach
324      do NOT change this unless the additional derivates neglected here
325      have been implemented */
327   *iflagact=0;
328   *ismallsliding=1;
329   *nzsc2=nzs[1];
330   NNEW(auc2,double,*nzsc2);
331   NNEW(adc2,double,neq[1]);
332   NNEW(irowc2,ITG,*nzsc2);
333   NNEW(icolc2,ITG,neq[1]);
334   NNEW(jqc2,ITG,neq[1]+1);
335   if(*iit==1 || *ismallsliding==0){
336     NNEW(aubd,double,6*nslavnode[*ntie]);
337     NNEW(irowbd,ITG,6*nslavnode[*ntie]);
338     NNEW(jqbd,ITG,neq[1]+1);
339     NNEW(aubdtil,double,6*nslavnode[*ntie]);
340     NNEW(irowbdtil,ITG,6*nslavnode[*ntie]);
341     NNEW(jqbdtil,ITG,neq[1]+1);
342     NNEW(aubdtil2,double,6*nslavnode[*ntie]);
343     NNEW(irowbdtil2,ITG,6*nslavnode[*ntie]);
344     NNEW(jqbdtil2,ITG,neq[1]+1);
345     NNEW(audd,double,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
346     NNEW(irowdd,ITG,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
347     NNEW(jqdd,ITG,neq[1]+1);
348     NNEW(auddtil,double,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
349     NNEW(irowddtil,ITG,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
350     NNEW(jqddtil,ITG,neq[1]+1);
351     NNEW(auddtil2,double,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
352     NNEW(irowddtil2,ITG,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
353     NNEW(jqddtil2,ITG,neq[1]+1);
354     NNEW(auddinv,double,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
355     NNEW(irowddinv,ITG,3*nslavnode[*ntie]);
356     NNEW(jqddinv,ITG,neq[1]+1);
357   }
359   /* storing the original stiffness matrix */
361   NNEW(jqtemp,ITG,neq[1]+1);
362   NNEW(irowtemp,ITG,nzs[1]);
363   NNEW(icoltemp,ITG,neq[1]);
364   for(i=0;i<3;i++){
365     nzstemp[i]=nzs[i];}
366   for (i=0;i<neq[1];i++){jqtemp[i]=jq[i];icoltemp[i]=icol[i];}
367   jqtemp[neq[1]]=jq[neq[1]];
368   for (i=0;i<nzs[1];i++){irowtemp[i]=irow[i];}
370   if(*iit==1 || *ismallsliding==0){
371     DMEMSET(slavnor,0,3*nslavnode[*ntie],0.);
372     DMEMSET(slavtan,0,6*nslavnode[*ntie],0.);
373   }
375   /* setting iflagact=1 before calling contactmortar invokes
376      combined fix-point Newton approach */
378   if(*iit>1 && *ismallsliding==1){*iflagact=1;}
380   /* transform SPCs/MPCs in case of quadratic finite elements
381      Caution: there is still a problem with MPCs on slave mid nodes,
382      avoid this!!! */
384   //wird immer aufgerufen,da sich xbounact geaendert haben kann
386   transformspcsmpcs_quad(nboun,ndirboun,nodeboun,xbounact,
387 			 nmpc,ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,labmpc,
388 			 ikboun,ilboun,ikmpc,ilmpc,
389 			 nboun2,&ndirboun2,&nodeboun2,&xboun2,
390 			 nmpc2,&ipompc2,&nodempc2,&coefmpc2,&labmpc2,
391 			 &ikboun2,&ilboun2,&ikmpc2,&ilmpc2,
392 			 irowtlocinv,jqtlocinv,autlocinv,
393 			 nk,nk2,iflagdualquad,
394 			 ntie,tieset,itiefac,islavsurf,
395 			 lakon,ipkon,kon,&mt,memmpc_,
396 			 nodeforc,ndirforc,xforcact,nforc,
397 			 &nodeforc2,&ndirforc2,&xforc2,nforc2);
399   RENEW(islavspc,ITG,2**nboun);
400   RENEW(islavmpc,ITG,2**nmpc);
401   RENEW(islavspc2,ITG,2**nboun2);
402   RENEW(islavmpc2,ITG,2**nmpc2);
403   RENEW(imastspc,ITG,2**nboun);
404   RENEW(imastmpc,ITG,2**nmpc);
405   RENEW(imastmpc2,ITG,2**nmpc);
407   /* cataloque SPCs/MPCs */
409   FORTRAN(catsmpcslavno,(ntie,islavnode,imastnode,nslavnode,
410 			 nmastnode,nboun,ndirboun,nodeboun,nmpc,
411 			 ipompc,nodempc,ikboun,ilboun,ikmpc,ilmpc,
412 			 nboun2,nmpc2,ipompc2,nodempc2,ikboun2,
413 			 ilboun2,ikmpc2,ilmpc2,nslavspc,islavspc,
414 			 nsspc,nslavmpc,islavmpc,nsmpc,nslavspc2,
415 			 islavspc2,nsspc2,nslavmpc2,islavmpc2,
416 			 nsmpc2,nmastspc,imastspc,nmspc,nmastmpc,
417 			 imastmpc,nmmpc,nmastmpc2,imastmpc2,
418 			 nmmpc2));
420   RENEW(islavspc,ITG,2**nsspc+1);
421   RENEW(islavmpc,ITG,2**nsmpc+1);
422   RENEW(islavspc2,ITG,2**nsspc2+1);
423   RENEW(islavmpc2,ITG,2**nsmpc2+1);
424   RENEW(imastspc,ITG,2**nmspc+1);
425   RENEW(imastmpc,ITG,2**nmmpc+1);
426   RENEW(imastmpc2,ITG,2**nmmpc2+1);
428   /* Check for additional MPCs on slave mid nodes */
430   if(*iit==1 && *iinc==1){
432     FORTRAN(nortanslav,(tieset,ntie,ipkon,kon,lakon,set,co,vold,nset,
433 			islavsurf,itiefac,islavnode,nslavnode,slavnor,slavtan,
434 			mi));
436     // call checkspsmpc
438     FORTRAN(checkspcmpc,(ntie,tieset,islavnode,imastnode,nslavnode,nmastnode,
439 			 slavnor,islavact,nboun,ndirboun,xboun,
440 			 nodempc,coefmpc,ikboun,ilboun,nmpc2,ipompc2,nodempc2,
441 			 nslavspc,islavspc,nsspc,nslavmpc,islavmpc,nsmpc,
442 			 nmspc,nmastmpc,imastmpc,nmmpc));
444     for (i=0;i<*ntie;i++){
445       if(tieset[i*(81*3)+80]=='C'){
446 	for(j=nslavnode[i];j<nslavnode[i+1];j++){
447 	  node=islavnode[j];
448 	  int checkformidnode=0;
449 	  for(jj=nslavmpc[2*(j)];jj<nslavmpc[2*(j)+1];jj++){
450 	    if(islavmpc[2*jj+1]==-2){
452 	      // MPC cannot be identified
454 	      checkformidnode=1;
455 	      if(debug==1)printf(" check for mid node %"ITGFORMAT"\n",node);
456 	    }
457 	  }
459 	  if(checkformidnode==1){
461 	    //check for mid node
463 	    do{
465 	      for(l=itiefac[2*i];l<=itiefac[2*i+1];l++){
466 		ifaces = islavsurf[2*(l-1)+0];
467 		nelems = (ITG)(ifaces/10);
468 		jfaces = ifaces - nelems*10;
469 		FORTRAN(getnumberofnodes,(&nelems,&jfaces,lakon,&nope,&nopes,
470 					  &idummy));
471 		for(jj=0;jj<nope;jj++){
472 		  konl[jj]=kon[ipkon[nelems-1]+jj];
473 		}
474 		for(jj=0;jj<nopes;jj++){
475 		  jj2=jj+1;
476 		  ifac=FORTRAN(getlocno,(&jj2,&jfaces,&nope));
477 		  nodes[jj]=konl[ifac-1];
478 		}
479 		ii=-1;
480 		for(jj=0;jj<nopes;jj++){
481 		  if(nodes[jj]==node){ii=jj;}
482 		}
483 		if(ii>-1){
484 		  break;
485 		}
486 	      }
488 	      break;
489 	    }while(1);
491 	    if((ii>2 && nopes==6)||(ii>3 && nopes==8)){
493 	      // mid node found with extra not supported mpc ->error
495 	      printf(" precontactmortar: Problem with slave mid node  \n\n");
496 	      printf(" *ERROR: Slave mid node %"ITGFORMAT" has",node);
497 	      printf(" additional MPC which is not a directional blocking ");
498 	      printf("MPC or a 1-to-1 cyclic symmetry MPC.  \n");
499 	      printf("\t\t This is not supported yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
500 	      fflush(stdout);
501 	      FORTRAN(stop,());
502 	    }
503 	  }
504 	}
505       }
506     }
508     if(*iit==1 || *ismallsliding==0){
509       DMEMSET(slavnor,0,3*nslavnode[*ntie],0.);
510       DMEMSET(slavtan,0,6*nslavnode[*ntie],0.);
511     }
512     if(debug==1)printf(" precontactmortar: MPC-check OK\n\n");
513   }
515   /* fix for quadratic FE */
517   NNEW(v,double,mt**nk);
518   NNEW(stx,double,6*mi[0]**ne);
519   NNEW(fn,double,mt*(*nk+*nk2));
520   NNEW(fmpc2,double,*nmpc2);
521   memcpy(&v[0],&vold[0],sizeof(double)*mt**nk);
522   *iout=-1;
523   NNEW(ftil,double,neq[1]);
524   NNEW(fexttil,double,neq[1]);
525   NNEW(inum,ITG,*nk);
527   /* calculating the internal forces and tangent stiffness using
528      modified shape functions for quadratic elements */
530   if(debug==1)printf(" precontactmortar: call results\n");
531   results(co,nk,kon,ipkon,lakon,ne,v,stn,inum,stx,
532         elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,nalcon,alzero,ielmat,
533         ielorien,norien,orab,ntmat_,t0,t1act,ithermal,
534         prestr,iprestr,filab,eme,emn,een,iperturb,
535         ftil,fn,nactdof,iout,qa,vold,b,nodeboun,
536         ndirboun,xbounact,nboun,ipompc,
537         nodempc,coefmpc,labmpc,nmpc,nmethod,cam,&neq[1],veold,accold,
538         bet,gam,dtime,time,ttime,plicon,nplicon,plkcon,nplkcon,
539         xstateini,xstiff,xstate,npmat_,epn,matname,mi,ielas,icmd,
540         ncmat_,nstate_,stiini,vini,ikboun,ilboun,ener,enern,emeini,
541         xstaten,eei,enerini,cocon,ncocon,set,nset,istartset,iendset,
542         ialset,nprint,prlab,prset,qfx,qfn,trab,inotr,ntrans,fmpc2,
543         nelemload,nload,ikmpc,ilmpc,istep,iinc,springarea,
544         reltime,ne0,thicke,shcon,nshcon,
545         sideload,xloadact,xloadold,icfd,inomat,pslavsurf,pmastsurf,
546         mortar,islavact,cdn,islavnode,nslavnode,ntie,clearini,
547         islavsurf,ielprop,prop,energyini,energy,kscale,iponoel,
548         inoel,nener,orname,network,ipobody,xbodyact,ibody,typeboun,
549 	itiefac,tieset,smscale,mscalmethod,nbody,t0g,t1g,
550         islavelinv,autloc,irowtloc,jqtloc,nboun2,
551         ndirboun2,nodeboun2,xboun2,nmpc2,ipompc2,nodempc2,coefmpc2,
552         labmpc2,ikboun2,ilboun2,ikmpc2,ilmpc2,&mortartrafoflag,
553 	intscheme);
555   if(debug==1)printf(" precontactmortar: results_dstil finished\n");
556   fflush(stdout);
558   SFREE(v);SFREE(stx);SFREE(fn);SFREE(inum);SFREE(fmpc2);
559   *iout=0;
561   *rhsi=1;
562   NNEW(adtil,double,neq[1]);
563   NNEW(autil,double,nzs[1]);
564   NNEW(irowtil,ITG,nzs[1]);
565   NNEW(jqtil,ITG,neq[1]+1);
566   NNEW(icoltil,ITG,neq[1]);
567   for(i=0;i<neq[1]+1;i++){
568     jqtil[i]=jq[i];}
569   for(i=0;i<neq[1];i++){
570     icoltil[i]=icol[i];}
571   for(i=0;i<nzs[1];i++){
572     irowtil[i]=irow[i];}
574   if(debug==1)printf(" precontactmortar: call mafillsmmain\n");
575   fflush(stdout);
577   /* calculating the external forces fext and stiffness matrix au/ad using
578      modified shape functions for quadratic elements */
580   mafillsmmain(co,nk,kon,ipkon,lakon,ne,nodeboun2,ndirboun2,xboun2,nboun2,
581 	       ipompc2,nodempc2,coefmpc2,nmpc2,nodeforc2,ndirforc2,xforc2,
582 	       nforc2,nelemload,sideload,xloadact,nload,xbodyact,ipobody,
583 	       nbody,cgr,adtil,autil,fexttil,nactdof,icol,jqtil,irowtil,
584 	       neq,nzl,
585 	       nmethod,ikmpc2,ilmpc2,ikboun2,ilboun2,
586 	       elcon,nelcon,rhcon,nrhcon,alcon,nalcon,alzero,
587 	       ielmat,ielorien,norien,orab,ntmat_,
588 	       t0,t1act,ithermal,prestr,iprestr,vold,iperturb,sti,
589 	       nzs,stx,adb,aub,iexpl,plicon,nplicon,plkcon,nplkcon,
590 	       xstiff,npmat_,dtime,matname,mi,
591 	       ncmat_,mass,stiffness,buckling,rhsi,intscheme,
592 	       physcon,shcon,nshcon,cocon,ncocon,ttime,time,istep,iinc,
593 	       coriolis,ibody,xloadold,reltime,veold,springarea,nstate_,
594 	       xstateini,xstate,thicke,integerglob,doubleglob,
595 	       tieset,istartset,iendset,ialset,ntie,nasym,pslavsurf,
596 	       pmastsurf,mortar,clearini,ielprop,prop,ne0,fnext,kscale,
597 	       iponoel,inoel,network,ntrans,inotr,trab,smscale,
598 	       mscalmethod,set,nset,islavelinv,autloc,irowtloc,jqtloc,
599 	       &mortartrafoflag);
601   if(debug==1)printf(" precontactmortar: mafillsmmain_dstil finished\n");
602   fflush(stdout);
604   for(i=0;i<neq[1];i++){
605     ad[i]=adtil[i];
606   }
607   for(i=0;i<nzs[1];i++){
608     au[i]=autil[i];
609   }
611   /* transform vold,vini,accold for dynamic calculations */
613   NNEW(voldtil,double,mt**nk);
614   NNEW(veoldtil,double,mt**nk);
615   NNEW(vinitil,double,mt**nk);
616   NNEW(accoldtil,double,mt**nk);
617   NNEW(btil,double,neq[1]);
619   if(debug==1)printf(" precontactmortar: call calcresidual\n");
621   /* calculating the residual b */
623   calcresidual(nmethod,neq,btil,fexttil,ftil,iexpl,nactdof,auxtil2,voldtil,
624 	       vinitil,dtime,accoldtil,nk,adbtil,aubtil,jqtil,irowtil,nzl,
625 	       &alpha,fextinitil,finitil,islavnode,nslavnode,mortar,ntie,f_cm,
626 	       f_cs,mi,nzs,nasym,idamping,veoldtil,adctil,auctil,cvinitil,cvtil,
627 	       alpham,num_cpus);
629   if(debug==1)printf(" precontactmortar: calcresidual finished\n");
630   fflush(stdout);
632   for(k=0;k<neq[1];k++){
633     b[k]=btil[k];}
635   SFREE(btil);SFREE(ftil);SFREE(fexttil);
637   SFREE(voldtil);SFREE(vinitil);SFREE(accoldtil);SFREE(veoldtil);
639   SFREE(adtil);SFREE(autil);SFREE(irowtil);SFREE(jqtil);SFREE(icoltil);
641   /* update vold due to spcs to get gap right for rigid body movements */
643   if(*iinc==1 && *iit==1 &&*nmethod!=4){
644     NNEW(v,double,mt**nk);
645     NNEW(volddummy,double,mt**nk);
646     NNEW(veolddummy,double,mt**nk);
647     NNEW(accolddummy,double,mt**nk);
648     for(k=0;k<mt**nk;k++){
649       volddummy[k]=0.0;
650       veolddummy[k]=0.0;
651       accolddummy[k]=0.0;}
652     memcpy(&v[0],&vold[0],sizeof(double)*mt**nk);
653     NNEW(vectornull,double,neq[1]);
654     *iout=-1;
656     FORTRAN(resultsini_mortar,(nk,v,ithermal,iperturb,
657 			       nactdof,iout,volddummy,vectornull,nodeboun,ndirboun,
658 			       xbounact,nboun,ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,labmpc,nmpc,nmethod,cam,
659 			       bet,gam,dtime,mi));
661     memcpy(&vold[0],&v[0],sizeof(double)*mt**nk);
662     SFREE(v);SFREE(vectornull);SFREE(volddummy);SFREE(veolddummy);
663     SFREE(accolddummy);
664   }
666   *ielas=0;
667   *iout=0;
668   iperturb[0]=iperturb_sav[0];
669   iperturb[1]=iperturb_sav[1];
670   mortartrafoflag=0;
672   *ndirboun2p=ndirboun2;*nodeboun2p=nodeboun2;*xboun2p=xboun2;
673   *ipompc2p=ipompc2;*nodempc2p=nodempc2;*coefmpc2p=coefmpc2;
674   *labmpc2p=labmpc2;*ikboun2p=ikboun2;*ilboun2p=ilboun2;*ikmpc2p=ikmpc2;
675   *ilmpc2p=ilmpc2;
676   *nslavspcp=nslavspc;*islavspcp=islavspc;*nslavmpcp=nslavmpc;
677   *islavmpcp=islavmpc;
678   *nslavspc2p=nslavspc2;*islavspc2p=islavspc2;*nslavmpc2p=nslavmpc2;
679   *islavmpc2p=islavmpc2;
680   *nmastspcp=nmastspc;*imastspcp=imastspc;*nmastmpcp=nmastmpc;
681   *nmastmpc2p=nmastmpc2;*imastmpcp=imastmpc;*imastmpc2p=imastmpc2;
682   *auc2p=auc2;*adc2p=adc2;*irowc2p=irowc2;*icolc2p=icolc2;*jqc2p=jqc2;
683   *aubdp=aubd;*irowbdp=irowbd;*jqbdp=jqbd;
684   *aubdtilp=aubdtil;*irowbdtilp=irowbdtil;*jqbdtilp=jqbdtil;
685   *aubdtil2p=aubdtil2;*irowbdtil2p=irowbdtil2;*jqbdtil2p=jqbdtil2;
686   *auddp=audd;*irowddp=irowdd;*jqddp=jqdd;
687   *auddtilp=auddtil;*irowddtilp=irowddtil;*jqddtilp=jqddtil;
688   *auddtil2p=auddtil2;*irowddtil2p=irowddtil2;*jqddtil2p=jqddtil2;
689   *auddinvp=auddinv;*irowddinvp=irowddinv;*jqddinvp=jqddinv;
690   *irowtempp=irowtemp;*icoltempp=icoltemp;*jqtempp=jqtemp;
691   *f_csp=f_cs;*f_cmp=f_cm;
692   *nodeforc2p=nodeforc2;*ndirforc2p=ndirforc2;
693   *xforc2p=xforc2;
695   return;
696 }