2!     CalculiX - A 3-dimensional finite element program
3!     Copyright (C) 1998-2021 Guido Dhondt
5!     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7!     published by the Free Software Foundation(version 2);
10!     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11!     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13!     GNU General Public License for more details.
15!     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16!     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17!     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19      subroutine rigidbodys(inpc,textpart,set,istartset,iendset,
20     &     ialset,nset,nset_,nalset,nalset_,ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,
21     &     labmpc,nmpc,nmpc_,mpcfree,ikmpc,ilmpc,lakon,ipkon,kon,nk,nk_,
22     &     nodeboun,ndirboun,ikboun,ilboun,nboun,nboun_,iperturb,ne_,
23     &     ctrl,typeboun,istep,istat,n,iline,ipol,inl,ipoinp,inp,co,
24     &     ipoinpc,ier)
26!     reading the input deck: *RIGID BODY
28      implicit none
30      character*1 typeboun(*),inpc(*)
31      character*8 lakon(*)
32      character*20 labmpc(*)
33      character*81 set(*),elset,noset
34      character*132 textpart(16)
36      integer istartset(*),iendset(*),ialset(*),ipompc(*),
37     &     nodempc(3,*),
38     &     nset,nset_,nalset,nalset_,nmpc,nmpc_,mpcfree,nk,nk_,ikmpc(*),
39     &     ilmpc(*),ipkon(*),kon(*),inoset,ielset,i,node,ielement,id,
40     &     indexe,nope,istep,istat,n,irefnode,irotnode,ne_,
41     &     j,idof,k,nodeboun(*),ndirboun(*),ikboun(*),ilboun(*),
42     &     nboun,nboun_,key,iperturb(*),ipos,iline,ipol,inl,ipoinp(2,*),
43     &     inp(3,*),ipoinpc(0:*),jmin,jmax,ier
45      real*8 coefmpc(3,*),ctrl(*),co(3,*)
47      jmin=1
48      jmax=3
50      if(istep.gt.0) then
51        write(*,*)
52     &       '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: *RIGID BODY should be placed'
53        write(*,*) '  before all step definitions'
54        ier=1
55        return
56      endif
58!     the *RIGID BODY option implies a nonlinear geometric
59!     calculation
61      if(iperturb(1).eq.1) then
62        write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: the *RIGID BODY option'
63        write(*,*) '       cannot be used in a perturbation step'
64        ier=1
65        return
66      endif
68      elset='
69     &'
70      noset='
71     &'
72      irefnode=0
73      irotnode=0
75      do i=2,n
76        if(textpart(i)(1:6).eq.'ELSET=') then
77          if(noset(1:1).eq.' ') then
78            elset(1:80)=textpart(i)(7:86)
79            ipos=index(elset,' ')
80            elset(ipos:ipos)='E'
81          else
82            write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: either NSET or'
83            write(*,*) '       ELSET can be specified, not both'
84            ier=1
85            return
86          endif
87        elseif(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'PINNSET=') then
88          if(elset(1:1).eq.' ') then
89            noset(1:80)=textpart(i)(9:88)
90            ipos=index(noset,' ')
91            noset(ipos:ipos)='N'
92          else
93            write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: either NSET or'
94            write(*,*) '       ELSET can be specified, not both'
95            ier=1
96            return
97          endif
98        elseif(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'NSET=') then
99          if(elset(1:1).eq.' ') then
100            noset(1:80)=textpart(i)(6:85)
101            ipos=index(noset,' ')
102            noset(ipos:ipos)='N'
103          else
104            write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: either NSET or'
105            write(*,*) '       ELSET can be specified, not both'
106            ier=1
107            return
108          endif
109        elseif(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'REFNODE=') then
110          read(textpart(i)(9:18),'(i10)',iostat=istat) irefnode
111          if(istat.gt.0) then
112            call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline,
113     &           "*RIGID BODY%",ier)
114            return
115          endif
116          if(irefnode.gt.nk) then
117            write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: ref node',
118     &           irefnode
119            write(*,*) '       has not been defined'
120            ier=1
121            return
122          endif
123        elseif(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'ROTNODE=') then
124          read(textpart(i)(9:18),'(i10)',iostat=istat) irotnode
125          if(istat.gt.0) then
126            call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline,
127     &           "*RIGID BODY%",ier)
128            return
129          endif
130          if(irotnode.gt.nk) then
131            write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: rot node',
132     &           irotnode
133            write(*,*) '       has not been defined'
134            ier=1
135            return
136          endif
137        else
138          write(*,*)
139     &         '*WARNING reading *RIGID BODY: parameter not recognized:'
140          write(*,*) '         ',
141     &         textpart(i)(1:index(textpart(i),' ')-1)
142          call inputwarning(inpc,ipoinpc,iline,
143     &         "*RIGID BODY%")
144        endif
145      enddo
147!     check whether a set was defined
149      if((elset(1:1).eq.' ').and.
150     &     (noset(1:1).eq.' ')) then
151        write(*,*) '*WARNING reading *RIGID BODY: no set defined'
152        call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl,
153     &       ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
154        return
155      endif
157      inoset=0
158      ielset=0
160!     checking whether the set exists
162      if(noset(1:1).ne.' ') then
163c     do i=1,nset
164c     if(set(i).eq.noset) then
165c     inoset=i
166c     exit
167c     endif
168c     enddo
169        call cident81(set,noset,nset,id)
170        if(id.gt.0) then
171          if(noset.eq.set(id)) then
172            inoset=id
173          endif
174        endif
175        if(inoset.eq.0) then
176          write(*,*) '*WARNING reading *RIGID BODY: node set ',noset
177          write(*,*) '         does not exist'
178          call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl,
179     &         ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
180          return
181        endif
182      endif
184      if(elset(1:1).ne.' ') then
185c     do i=1,nset
186c     if(set(i).eq.elset) then
187c     ielset=i
188c     exit
189c     endif
190c     enddo
191        call cident81(set,elset,nset,id)
192        if(id.gt.0) then
193          if(elset.eq.set(id)) then
194            ielset=id
195          endif
196        endif
197        if(ielset.eq.0) then
198          write(*,*) '*WARNING reading *RIGID BODY: element set ',
199     &         elset
200          write(*,*) '         does not exist'
201          call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl,
202     &         ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
203          return
204        endif
205      endif
207!     check for the existence of irefnode and irotnode; if none were
208!     defined, new nodes are generated
210      if(irefnode.eq.0) then
211        nk=nk+1
212        if(nk.gt.nk_) then
213          write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: increase nk_'
214          ier=1
215          return
216        endif
217        irefnode=nk
219!     default position of the reference node is the origin
221        co(1,nk)=0.d0
222        co(2,nk)=0.d0
223        co(3,nk)=0.d0
224      endif
226      if(irotnode.eq.0) then
227        nk=nk+1
228        if(nk.gt.nk_) then
229          write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: increase nk_'
230          ier=1
231          return
232        endif
233        irotnode=nk
234      endif
236!     check whether other equations apply to the dependent nodes
238      if(inoset.ne.0) then
239        do i=istartset(inoset),iendset(inoset)
240          node=ialset(i)
241          if(node.gt.nk_) then
242            write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: node ',node
243            write(*,*) '       belonging to set ',noset
244            write(*,*) '       has not been defined'
245            ier=1
246            return
247          endif
248          if((node.eq.irefnode).or.(node.eq.irotnode)) cycle
249          do j=1,3
250            idof=8*(node-1)+j
251            call nident(ikmpc,idof,nmpc,id)
252            if(id.gt.0) then
253              if(ikmpc(id).eq.idof) then
254                write(*,*) '*WARNING reading *RIGID BODY: dof ',j
255                write(*,*) '         of node ',node,' belonging'
256                write(*,*) '         to a rigid body is detected'
257                write(*,*) '         on the dependent side of '
258                write(*,*) '         another equation; no rigid'
259                write(*,*) '         body constrained applied'
260              endif
261            endif
262          enddo
263        enddo
264      endif
266      if(ielset.ne.0) then
267        do i=istartset(ielset),iendset(ielset)
268          ielement=ialset(i)
269          if(ielement.gt.ne_) then
270            write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *RIGID BODY: element ',
271     &           ielement
272            write(*,*) '       belonging to set ',elset
273            write(*,*) '       has not been defined'
274            ier=1
275            return
276          endif
277          if(ipkon(ielement).lt.0) cycle
278          indexe=ipkon(ielement)
279          if(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'2') then
280            nope=20
281          elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'8') then
282            nope=8
283          elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:5).eq.'10') then
284            nope=10
285          elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'4') then
286            nope=4
287          elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:5).eq.'15') then
288            nope=15
289          else
290            nope=6
291          endif
292          do k=indexe+1,indexe+nope
293            node=kon(k)
294            if((node.eq.irefnode).or.(node.eq.irotnode)) cycle
295            do j=1,3
296              idof=8*(node-1)+j
297              call nident(ikmpc,idof,nmpc,id)
298              if(id.gt.0) then
299                if(ikmpc(id).eq.idof) then
300                  write(*,*)'*WARNING reading *RIGID BODY: dof ',
301     &                 j,'of node ',node,' belonging to a'
302                  write(*,*)'         rigid body is detected on th
303     &e dependent side of another'
304                  write(*,*)'         equation; no rigid body cons
305     &trained applied'
306                endif
307              endif
308            enddo
309          enddo
310        enddo
311      endif
313!     generating the equations in basis form
315!     node set
317      if(inoset.ne.0) then
318        do i=istartset(inoset),iendset(inoset)
319          node=ialset(i)
320          if(node.gt.0) then
321            if((node.eq.irefnode).or.(node.eq.irotnode)) cycle
322            call rigidmpc(ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,irefnode,irotnode,
323     &           labmpc,nmpc,nmpc_,mpcfree,ikmpc,ilmpc,nk,nk_,
324     &           nodeboun,ndirboun,ikboun,ilboun,nboun,nboun_,node,
325     &           typeboun,co,jmin,jmax)
326          else
327            node=ialset(i-2)
328            do
329              node=node-ialset(i)
330              if(node.ge.ialset(i-1)) exit
331              if((node.eq.irefnode).or.(node.eq.irotnode)) cycle
332              call rigidmpc(ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,irefnode,
333     &             irotnode,labmpc,nmpc,nmpc_,mpcfree,ikmpc,ilmpc,
334     &             nk,nk_,nodeboun,ndirboun,ikboun,ilboun,nboun,
335     &             nboun_,node,typeboun,co,jmin,jmax)
336            enddo
337          endif
338        enddo
339      endif
341!     element set
343      if(ielset.ne.0) then
344        do i=istartset(ielset),iendset(ielset)
345          ielement=ialset(i)
346          if(ielement.gt.0) then
347            if(ipkon(ielement).lt.0) cycle
348            indexe=ipkon(ielement)
349            if(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'2') then
350              nope=20
351            elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'8') then
352              nope=8
353            elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:5).eq.'10') then
354              nope=10
355            elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'4') then
356              nope=4
357            elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:5).eq.'15') then
358              nope=15
359            else
360              nope=6
361            endif
362            do k=indexe+1,indexe+nope
363              node=kon(k)
364              if((node.eq.irefnode).or.(node.eq.irotnode)) cycle
365              call rigidmpc(ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,irefnode,
366     &             irotnode,labmpc,nmpc,nmpc_,mpcfree,ikmpc,ilmpc,
367     &             nk,nk_,nodeboun,ndirboun,ikboun,ilboun,nboun,
368     &             nboun_,node,typeboun,co,jmin,jmax)
369            enddo
370          else
371            ielement=ialset(i-2)
372            do
373              ielement=ielement-ialset(i)
374              if(ielement.ge.ialset(i-1)) exit
375              if(ipkon(ielement).lt.0) cycle
376              indexe=ipkon(ielement)
377              if(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'2') then
378                nope=20
379              elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'8') then
380                nope=8
381              elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:5).eq.'10') then
382                nope=10
383              elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:4).eq.'4') then
384                nope=4
385              elseif(lakon(ielement)(4:5).eq.'15') then
386                nope=15
387              else
388                nope=6
389              endif
390              do k=indexe+1,indexe+nope
391                node=kon(k)
392                if((node.eq.irefnode).or.(node.eq.irotnode)) cycle
393                call rigidmpc(ipompc,nodempc,coefmpc,irefnode,
394     &               irotnode,labmpc,nmpc,nmpc_,mpcfree,ikmpc,
395     &               ilmpc,nk,nk_,nodeboun,ndirboun,ikboun,ilboun,
396     &               nboun,nboun_,node,typeboun,co,jmin,jmax)
397              enddo
398            enddo
399          endif
400        enddo
401      endif
403      call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl,
404     &     ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc)
406      return
407      end