1 /** Copyright (C) 2016 Ultimaker - Released under terms of the AGPLv3 License */
2 #include "wallOverlap.h"
4 #include <cmath> // isfinite
5 #include <sstream>
7 #include "utils/AABB.h" // for debug output svg html
8 #include "utils/SVG.h"
10 namespace cura
11 {
WallOverlapComputation(Polygons & polygons,const coord_t line_width)13 WallOverlapComputation::WallOverlapComputation(Polygons& polygons, const coord_t line_width)
14 : overlap_linker(polygons, line_width)
15 , line_width(line_width)
16 {
18 }
getFlow(const Point & from,const Point & to)21 Ratio WallOverlapComputation::getFlow(const Point& from, const Point& to)
22 {
23     using Point2LinkIt = PolygonProximityLinker::Point2Link::iterator;
25     if (!overlap_linker.isLinked(from))
26     { // [from] is not linked
27         return 1;
28     }
29     const std::pair<Point2LinkIt, Point2LinkIt> to_links = overlap_linker.getLinks(to);
30     if (to_links.first == to_links.second)
31     { // [to] is not linked
32         return 1;
33     }
35     coord_t overlap_area = 0;
36     // note that we don't need to loop over all from_links, because they are handled in the previous getFlow(.) call (or in the very last)
37     for (Point2LinkIt to_link_it = to_links.first; to_link_it != to_links.second; ++to_link_it)
38     {
39         const ProximityPointLink& to_link = to_link_it->second;
40         ListPolyIt to_it = to_link.a;
41         ListPolyIt to_other_it = to_link.b;
42         if (to_link.a.p() != to)
43         {
44             assert(to_link.b.p() == to && "Either part of the link should be the point in the link!");
45             std::swap(to_it, to_other_it);
46         }
47         ListPolyIt from_it = to_it.prev();
49         ListPolyIt to_other_next_it = to_other_it.next(); // move towards [from]; the lines on the other side move in the other direction
50         //           to  from
51         //   o<--o<--T<--F
52         //   |       :   :
53         //   v       :   :
54         //   o-->o-->o-->o
55         //           ,   ,
56         //           ;   to_other_next
57         //           to other
59         bool are_in_same_general_direction = dot(from - to, to_other_it.p() - to_other_next_it.p()) > 0;
60         // handle multiple points  linked to [to]
61         //   o<<<T<<<F
62         //     / |
63         //    /  |
64         //   o>>>o>>>o
65         //   ,   ,
66         //   ;   to other next
67         //   to other
68         if (!are_in_same_general_direction)
69         {
70             overlap_area = std::max(overlap_area, handlePotentialOverlap(to_it, to_it, to_link, to_other_next_it, to_other_it));
71         }
73         // handle multiple points  linked to [to_other]
74         //   o<<<T<<<F
75         //       |  /
76         //       | /
77         //   o>>>o>>>o
78         bool all_are_in_same_general_direction = are_in_same_general_direction && dot(from - to, to_other_it.prev().p() - to_other_it.p()) > 0;
79         if (!all_are_in_same_general_direction)
80         {
81             overlap_area = std::max(overlap_area, handlePotentialOverlap(from_it, to_it, to_link, to_other_it, to_other_it));
82         }
84         // handle normal case where the segment from-to overlaps with another segment
85         //   o<<<T<<<F
86         //       |   |
87         //       |   |
88         //   o>>>o>>>o
89         //       ,   ,
90         //       ;   to other next
91         //       to other
92         if (!are_in_same_general_direction)
93         {
94             overlap_area = std::max(overlap_area, handlePotentialOverlap(from_it, to_it, to_link, to_other_next_it, to_other_it));
95         }
96     }
98     coord_t normal_area = vSize(from - to) * line_width;
99     Ratio ratio = Ratio(normal_area - overlap_area) / normal_area;
100     // clamp the ratio because overlap compensation might be faulty because
101     // WallOverlapComputation::getApproxOverlapArea only gives roughly accurate results
102     return std::min(1.0_r, std::max(0.0_r, ratio));
103 }
handlePotentialOverlap(const ListPolyIt from_it,const ListPolyIt to_it,const ProximityPointLink & to_link,const ListPolyIt from_other_it,const ListPolyIt to_other_it)105 coord_t WallOverlapComputation::handlePotentialOverlap(const ListPolyIt from_it, const ListPolyIt to_it, const ProximityPointLink& to_link, const ListPolyIt from_other_it, const ListPolyIt to_other_it)
106 {
107     if (from_it == to_other_it && from_it == from_other_it)
108     { // don't compute overlap with a line and itself
109         return 0;
110     }
111     const ProximityPointLink* from_link = overlap_linker.getLink(from_it, from_other_it);
112     if (!from_link)
113     {
114         return 0;
115     }
116     if (!getIsPassed(to_link, *from_link))
117     { // check whether the segment is already passed
118         setIsPassed(to_link, *from_link);
119         return 0;
120     }
121     return getApproxOverlapArea(from_it.p(), to_it.p(), to_link.dist, to_other_it.p(), from_other_it.p(), from_link->dist);
122 }
getApproxOverlapArea(const Point from,const Point to,const coord_t to_dist,const Point other_from,const Point other_to,const coord_t from_dist)124 coord_t WallOverlapComputation::getApproxOverlapArea(const Point from, const Point to, const coord_t to_dist, const Point other_from, const Point other_to, const coord_t from_dist)
125 {
126     const coord_t overlap_width_2 = line_width * 2 - from_dist - to_dist; //Twice the width of the overlap area, perpendicular to the lines.
128     // check whether the line segment overlaps with the point if one of the line segments is just a point
129     if (from == to)
130     {
131         if (LinearAlg2D::pointIsProjectedBeyondLine(from, other_from, other_to) != 0)
132         {
133             return 0;
134         }
135         const coord_t overlap_length_2 = vSize(other_to - other_from); //Twice the length of the overlap area, alongside the lines.
136         return overlap_length_2 * overlap_width_2 / 4; //Area = width * height.
137     }
138     if (other_from == other_to)
139     {
140         if (LinearAlg2D::pointIsProjectedBeyondLine(other_from, from, to) != 0)
141         {
142             return 0;
143         }
144         const coord_t overlap_length_2 = vSize(from - to); //Twice the length of the overlap area, alongside the lines.
145         return overlap_length_2 * overlap_width_2 / 4; //Area = width * height.
146     }
148     short from_rel = LinearAlg2D::pointIsProjectedBeyondLine(from, other_from, other_to);
149     short to_rel = LinearAlg2D::pointIsProjectedBeyondLine(to, other_from, other_to);
150     short other_from_rel = LinearAlg2D::pointIsProjectedBeyondLine(other_from, from, to);
151     short other_to_rel = LinearAlg2D::pointIsProjectedBeyondLine(other_to, from, to);
152     if (from_rel != 0 && to_rel == from_rel && other_from_rel != 0 && other_to_rel == other_from_rel)
153     {
154         // both segments project fully beyond or before each other
155         // for example:             or:
156         // O<------O   .            O------>O
157         //         :   :                     \_
158         //         '   O------->O             O------>O
159         return 0;
160     }
162     if (from_rel != 0 && from_rel == other_from_rel && to_rel == 0 && other_to_rel == 0)
163     {
164         // only ends of line segments overlap
165         //
166         //       to_proj
167         //         ^^^^^
168         //         O<--+----O
169         //         :   :
170         //   O-----+-->O
171         //         ,,,,,
172         //         other_to_proj
173         const Point other_vec = other_from - other_to;
174         const coord_t to_proj = dot(to - other_to, other_vec) / vSize(other_vec);
176         const Point vec = from - to;
177         const coord_t other_to_proj = dot(other_to - to, vec) / vSize(vec);
179         const coord_t overlap_length_2 = to_proj + other_to_proj; //Twice the length of the overlap area, alongside the lines.
180         return overlap_length_2 * overlap_width_2 / 4; //Area = width * height.
181     }
182     if (to_rel != 0 && to_rel == other_to_rel && from_rel == 0 && other_from_rel == 0)
183     {
184         // only beginnings of line segments overlap
185         //
186         //           from_proj
187         //           ^^^^^
188         //      O<---+---O
189         //           :   :
190         //           O---+---->O
191         //           ,,,,,
192         // other_from_proj
193         const Point other_vec = other_to - other_from;
194         const coord_t from_proj = dot(from - other_from, other_vec) / vSize(other_vec);
196         const Point vec = to - from;
197         const coord_t other_from_proj = dot(other_from - from, vec) / vSize(vec);
199         const coord_t overlap_length_2 = from_proj + other_from_proj; //Twice the length of the overlap area, alongside the lines.
200         return overlap_length_2 * overlap_width_2 / 4; //Area = width * height.
201     }
203     //More complex case.
204     const Point from_middle = other_to + from; // don't divide by two just yet
205     const Point to_middle = other_from + to; // don't divide by two just yet
207     const coord_t overlap_length_2 = vSize(from_middle - to_middle); //(An approximation of) twice the length of the overlap area, alongside the lines.
208     return overlap_length_2 * overlap_width_2 / 4; //Area = width * height.
209 }
getIsPassed(const ProximityPointLink & link_a,const ProximityPointLink & link_b)211 bool WallOverlapComputation::getIsPassed(const ProximityPointLink& link_a, const ProximityPointLink& link_b)
212 {
213     return passed_links.find(SymmetricPair<ProximityPointLink>(link_a, link_b)) != passed_links.end();
214 }
setIsPassed(const ProximityPointLink & link_a,const ProximityPointLink & link_b)216 void WallOverlapComputation::setIsPassed(const ProximityPointLink& link_a, const ProximityPointLink& link_b)
217 {
218     passed_links.emplace(link_a, link_b);
219 }
222 }//namespace cura