1 /************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                      */
4 /*                                                                      */
5 /*  Written by:  A. Rohe                                                */
6 /*  Date:  November 7, 1995  (rohe)                                     */
7 /*         November 12, 1995 (rohe)                                     */
8 /*         February 7, 1996  (rohe - short look at program)             */
9 /*         July, 1996        (rohe - change from tree to forest)        */
10 /*         October, 1996     (bico - change to concorde format)         */
11 /*                                                                      */
12 /************************************************************************/
14 #include "concorde.h"
15 #include "match.h"
19 static void
20     usage (char *name);
21 static int
22     parseargs (int ac, char **av);
24 #else
26 static void
27     usage ();
28 static int
29     parseargs ();
31 #endif
33 static int seed = 0;
34 static char *blossom_file = (char *) NULL;
35 static char *match_file = (char *) NULL;
36 static char *datfilename = (char *) NULL;
37 static char *edgefilename = (char *) NULL;
38 static char *edgegenfname = (char *) NULL;
39 static int no_frac = 0;
40 static int just_frac = 0;
41 static int use_all_trees = 0;
42 static int binary_in = 0;
43 static int tsplib_in = 0;
44 static int nnodes_want = 0;
45 static int partialprice = 0;
46 static int norm = CC_EUCLIDEAN;
47 static int no_price = 0;
main(int ac,char ** av)50 int  main (int ac, char **av)
51 #else
52 int  main (ac, av)
53 int ac;
54 char **av;
55 #endif
56 {
57     double zero_zeit = CCutil_zeit ();
58     double matzeit = 0.0;
59     double genzeit = 0.0;
60     int ncount, ecount;
61     int *elist = (int *) NULL;
62     int *elen = (int *) NULL;
63     long l;
64     CCdatagroup dat, *mydat = (CCdatagroup *) NULL;
66     seed = time (&l);
67     if (parseargs (ac, av))
68         return 0;
69     CCutil_sprand (seed);
71     if (edgefilename == (char *) NULL && datfilename == (char *) NULL &&
72                                          nnodes_want == 0) {
73         usage (av[0]);
74         return 0;
75     }
76     ncount = nnodes_want;
78     if (tsplib_in && datfilename != (char *) NULL) {
79         if (CCutil_gettsplib (datfilename, &ncount, &dat)) {
80             fprintf (stderr, "could not read the TSPLIB file\n");
81             goto CLEANUP;
82         }
83         mydat = &dat;
84         norm = dat.norm;
85     } else if (datfilename != (char *) NULL || nnodes_want != 0) {
86         if (CCutil_getdata (datfilename, binary_in, norm, &ncount, &dat)) {
87             fprintf (stderr, "Could not create data set\n");
88             goto CLEANUP;
89         }
90         mydat = &dat;
91     } else {
92         mydat = (CCdatagroup *) NULL;
93     }
95     if (mydat) {
96         if (CCutil_init_dat_edgelen (mydat)) {
97             fprintf (stderr, "init_dat_edgelen failed\n");
98             goto CLEANUP;
99         }
100     }
102     if (edgefilename) {
103         if (CCutil_getedgelist_n (&ncount, edgefilename, &ecount, &elist, &elen)) {
104             fprintf (stderr, "getedgelist_n failed\n");
105             goto CLEANUP;
106          }
107     } else {
108         CCedgegengroup plan;
109         int i;
111         if (edgegenfname) {
112             if (CCedgegen_read (edgegenfname, &plan)) {
113                 fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_read failed\n");
114                 goto CLEANUP;
115             }
116         } else {
117             CCedgegen_init_edgegengroup (&plan);
118             if ((norm & CC_NORM_BITS) != CC_KD_NORM_TYPE) {
119                 plan.nearest = 5;
120             } else {
121                 plan.quadnearest = 2;
122                 plan.tour.nearest_count = 1;
123             }
124         }
125         genzeit = CCutil_zeit ();
126         if (CCedgegen_edges (&plan, ncount, mydat, (double *) NULL, &ecount,
127                      &elist)) {
128             fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_edges failed\n");
129             goto CLEANUP;
130         }
131         elen = CC_SAFE_MALLOC (ecount, int);
132         if (!elen) {
133             fprintf (stderr, "out of memory in main\n");
134             CC_FREE (elist, int);
135             goto CLEANUP;
136         }
137         for (i = 0; i < ecount; i++) {
138             elen[i] = CCutil_dat_edgelen (elist[2*i], elist[2*i+1], mydat);
139         }
140         genzeit = CCutil_zeit () - genzeit;
141     }
143     if (mydat != (CCdatagroup *) NULL && no_price) {
144         CCutil_freedatagroup (ncount, mydat);
145         mydat = (CCdatagroup *) NULL;
146     }
148     printf ("ZZ nnodes: %d  seed: %d\n", ncount, seed); fflush (stdout);
150     if (perfect_match (ncount, mydat, ecount, &elist, &elen,
151                        blossom_file, match_file, just_frac, no_frac,
152                        use_all_trees, partialprice, &matzeit)) {
153         fprintf (stderr, "perfect_match failed\n");
154         goto CLEANUP;
155     }
159     if (mydat != (CCdatagroup *) NULL) {
160         CCutil_freedatagroup (ncount, mydat);
161     }
163     printf ("\nZZ Running Time: %.2f seconds (Edgegen %.2f, Matching %.2f)\n",
164                     genzeit + matzeit, genzeit, matzeit);
165     printf ("ZZ Total Time: %.2f Seconds (includes IO and checking)\n",
166                     CCutil_zeit () - zero_zeit);
167     fflush (stdout);
169    return 0;
170 }
parseargs(int ac,char ** av)173 static int parseargs (int ac, char **av)
174 #else
175 static int parseargs (ac, av)
176 int ac;
177 char **av;
178 #endif
179 {
180     int c;
182     while ((c = CCutil_bix_getopt (ac, av, "bB:dD:e:fjk:lp:Ps:tTx:w:0123456789")) != EOF)
183         switch (c) {
184         case 'b':
185             binary_in = 1;
186             break;
187         case 'B':
188             blossom_file = CCutil_bix_optarg;
189             break;
190         case 'd':
191             use_all_trees = 2;
192             break;
193         case 'D':
194             edgegenfname = CCutil_bix_optarg;
195             break;
196         case 'e':
197             edgefilename = CCutil_bix_optarg;
198             break;
199         case 'f':
200             just_frac = 1;
201             break;
202         case 'j':
203             no_frac = 1;
204             break;
205         case 'k':
206             nnodes_want = atoi (CCutil_bix_optarg);
207             break;
208         case 'p':
209             partialprice = atoi (CCutil_bix_optarg);
210             break;
211         case 'P':
212             no_price = 1;
213             break;
214         case 's':
215             seed = atoi (CCutil_bix_optarg);
216             break;
217         case 't':
218             use_all_trees = 1;
219             break;
220         case 'T':
221             tsplib_in = 1;
222             break;
223         case 'w':
224             match_file = CCutil_bix_optarg;
225             break;
226         case 'x':
227             datfilename = CCutil_bix_optarg;
228             break;
229         case '0':
230             norm = CC_MAXNORM;
231             break;
232         case '1':
233             norm = CC_EUCLIDEAN_CEIL;
234             break;
235         case '2':
236             norm = CC_EUCLIDEAN;
237             break;
238         case '3':
239             norm = CC_EUCLIDEAN_3D;
240             break;
241         case '4':
242             norm = CC_IBM;
243             break;
244         case '5':
245             norm = CC_ATT;
246             break;
247         case '6':
248             norm = CC_GEOGRAPHIC;
249             break;
250         case '7':
251             norm = CC_MATRIXNORM;
252             break;
253         case '8':
254             norm = CC_DSJRANDNORM;
255             break;
256         case '9':
257             norm = CC_CRYSTAL;
258             break;
259         case CC_BIX_GETOPT_UNKNOWN:
260         case '?':
261         default:
262             usage (av[0]);
263             return 1;
264         }
266     if (CCutil_bix_optind != ac) {
267         usage (av[0]);
268         return 1;
269     }
270     return 0;
271 }
usage(char * name)274 static void usage (char *name)
275 #else
276 static void usage (name)
277 char *name;
278 #endif
279 {
280     fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [-see below-]\n", name);
281     fprintf (stderr, "   -b    datfile in integer binary format\n");
282     fprintf (stderr, "   -B f  blossom-tree-file (for writing)\n");
283     fprintf (stderr, "   -d    grow a single tree\n");
284     fprintf (stderr, "   -D f  edgegen description file (initial edges)\n");
285     fprintf (stderr, "   -e f  edge_file\n");
286     fprintf (stderr, "   -f    just fractional\n");
287     fprintf (stderr, "   -j    no fractional jumpstart\n");
288     fprintf (stderr, "   -k #  number of nodes for random problem\n");
289     fprintf (stderr, "   -p #  number of neighbors in partial pricing\n");
290     fprintf (stderr, "   -P    do not do pricing (just solve initial set)\n");
291     fprintf (stderr, "   -s #  random seed\n");
292     fprintf (stderr, "   -t    make same dual change to all trees\n");
293     fprintf (stderr, "   -T    the dat file is a TSPLIB file\n");
294     fprintf (stderr, "   -w f  match_file (for writing)\n");
295     fprintf (stderr, "   -x f  datfile for pricing\n");
296     fprintf (stderr, "   -0    Max norm for edge lengths\n");
297     fprintf (stderr, "   -1    Ceiling Euclidean norm - from DSJ\n");
298     fprintf (stderr, "   -2    Rounded Euclidean norm (default)\n");
299     fprintf (stderr, "   -3    Rounded Euclidean 3D norm\n");
300     fprintf (stderr, "   -(4 5 6 7 8 9) IBM ATT GEO MATRIX DSJRAND CRYSTAL norm\n");
301 }