1 /*
2  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
3  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
4  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
5  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
6  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
8  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10  * General Public License for more details.
11  *
12  * You should have recieved a copy of the GNU General Public License
13  * along with this program; if not write to the Free Software
14  * Foundation, inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307
15  * USA
16  */
18 package gui;
20 import javax.swing.*;
21 import java.awt.*;
22 import j3d.*;
23 import j3d.utilities.*;
25 import java.awt.event.*;
27 import javax.swing.event.*;
28 import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
29 import javax.swing.tree.*;
31 import java.text.ParseException;
32 import java.util.*;
34 import javax.swing.table.*;
36 import com.stevesoft.pat.*;
38 import java.io.*;
39 /**
40  * Insert the type's description here.
41  *
42  * @author: Yuriy Mikhaylovskiy & Jonas Forssell
43  */
45 public class PreProcessor extends JPanel {
46   public static final String ver = "Pre Processor";
47   private String path;
48   private String CONTROLS_RUN_FROM = "0.0";
49   private String CONTROLS_RUN_TO = "1.0";
50   private String CONTROLS_RUN_STEP = "";
51   private String CONTROLS_PRINT_STEP = "0.01";
52   private String CONTROLS_PRINT_TRACKER_STEP = "";
53   private String[] graphicsmode = {"WIREFRAME","SURFACE","SOLID"};
54   public Hashtable MatDB = new Hashtable();
55   public Hashtable ConstDB = new Hashtable();
56   public Hashtable LoadDB = new Hashtable();
57   public Properties ConfDB = new Properties();
58   private int id_color = 0;
59   private String[] MatHdr = {"Name","Color","Type","Description"};
60   private String[] LoadHdr = {"Name","Color","Description"};
61   private TableModel MatModel = new AbstractTableModel() {
62     public int getColumnCount() { return 4; }
63     public int getRowCount() { return MatDB.size(); }
64     public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){
65         int i=0;
66         for(Enumeration en = MatDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
67           String key = en.nextElement()+"";
68           Material mat = (Material)MatDB.get(key);
69           if(i==row){
70             if(col==0)return key;
71             else if(col==1) return "";
72             else if(col==2) return mat.type;
73             else if(col==3) return mat.description;
74             else return "";
75           }
76           i++;
77         }
78         return "";
79     }
80     public String getColumnName(int col) {return MatHdr[col];}
81     public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { if(col==3 || col==1)return true; else return false;}
82     public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int col) {
83       Material mat = (Material)MatDB.get(getValueAt(row,0));
84       if(col==1)mat.color=(Color)aValue;
85       if(col==3)mat.description=aValue+"";
86     }
87     public Class getColumnClass(int c) {return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();}
88   };
89   private TableModel ConstModel = new AbstractTableModel() {
90     public int getColumnCount() { return 4; }
91     public int getRowCount() { return ConstDB.size(); }
92     public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){
93         int i=0;
94         for(Enumeration en = ConstDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
95           String key = en.nextElement()+"";
96           Constraints con = (Constraints)ConstDB.get(key);
97           if(i==row){
98             if(col==0)return key;
99             else if(col==1) return "";
100             else if(col==2) return con.type;
101             else if(col==3) return con.description;
102             else return "";
103           }
104           i++;
105         }
106         return "";
107     }
108     public String getColumnName(int col) {return MatHdr[col];}
109     public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { if(col==3 || col==1)return true; else return false;}
110     public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int col) {
111       Constraints con = (Constraints)ConstDB.get(getValueAt(row,0));
112       if(col==1)con.color=(Color)aValue;
113       if(col==3)con.description=aValue+"";
114     }
115     public Class getColumnClass(int c) {return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();}
116   };
117   private TableModel LoadModel = new AbstractTableModel() {
118     public int getColumnCount() { return 3; }
119     public int getRowCount() { return LoadDB.size(); }
120     public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){
121         int i=0;
122         for(Enumeration en = LoadDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
123           String key = en.nextElement()+"";
124           Loads ld = (Loads)LoadDB.get(key);
125           if(i==row){
126             if(col==0)return key;
127             else if(col==1) return "";
128             else if(col==2) return ld.description;
129             else return "";
130           }
131           i++;
132         }
133         return "";
134     }
135     public String getColumnName(int col) {return LoadHdr[col];}
136     public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { if(col==2 || col==1)return true; else return false;}
137     public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int col) {
138       Loads ld = (Loads)LoadDB.get(getValueAt(row,0));
139       if(col==1)ld.color=(Color)aValue;
140       if(col==2)ld.description=aValue+"";
141     }
142     public Class getColumnClass(int c) {return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();}
143   };
145   private JTable MatTable = new JTable(MatModel){
146     public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column) {
147       if(column == 1) {
148         DefaultTableCellRenderer render = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
149         render.setBackground(((Material)MatDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
150         render.setForeground(((Material)MatDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
151         return render;
152         }else  return super.getCellRenderer(row, column);
153     }
154     public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) {
155       if(column == 1) {
156         Color cl = JColorChooser.showDialog(this,"Pick a Color",((Material)MatDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
157         if(cl!=null)((Material)MatDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color=cl;
158       }
159       return super.getCellEditor(row, column);
160     }
161   };
162   private JTable ConstTable = new JTable(ConstModel){
163     public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column) {
164       if(column == 1) {
165         DefaultTableCellRenderer render = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
166         render.setBackground(((Constraints)ConstDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
167         render.setForeground(((Constraints)ConstDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
168         return render;
169         }else  return super.getCellRenderer(row, column);
170     }
171     public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) {
172       if(column == 1) {
173         Color cl = JColorChooser.showDialog(this,"Pick a Color",((Constraints)ConstDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
174         if(cl!=null)((Constraints)ConstDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color=cl;
175       }
176       return super.getCellEditor(row, column);
177     }
178   };
179   private JTable LoadTable = new JTable(LoadModel){
180     public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column) {
181       if(column == 1) {
182         DefaultTableCellRenderer render = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
183         render.setBackground(((Loads)LoadDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
184         render.setForeground(((Loads)LoadDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
185         return render;
186         }else  return super.getCellRenderer(row, column);
187     }
188     public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) {
189       if(column == 1) {
190         Color cl = JColorChooser.showDialog(this,"Pick a Color",((Loads)LoadDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color);
191         if(cl!=null)((Loads)LoadDB.get(getValueAt(row,0))).color=cl;
192       }
193       return super.getCellEditor(row, column);
194     }
195   };
197   ImageIcon img_new = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("new.gif"));
198   ImageIcon img_open = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("open.gif"));
199   ImageIcon img_save = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("save.gif"));
200   ImageIcon img_list = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("list.gif"));
201   ImageIcon img_add = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("add.gif"));
202   ImageIcon img_groupadd = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("groupadd.png"));
204   ImageIcon img_zoomin = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("zoomin.gif"));
205   ImageIcon img_zoomout = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("zoomout.gif"));
206   ImageIcon img_zoomall = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("zooma.gif"));
207   ImageIcon img_center = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("center.png"));
208   ImageIcon img_show = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("show.png"));
209   ImageIcon img_hide = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("hide.png"));
210   ImageIcon img_view_top = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_top.gif"));
211   ImageIcon img_view_bottom = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_bottom.gif"));
212   ImageIcon img_view_left = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_left.gif"));
213   ImageIcon img_view_right = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_right.gif"));
214   ImageIcon img_view_front = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_front.gif"));
215   ImageIcon img_view_back = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_back.gif"));
216   ImageIcon img_view_sw = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_sw.gif"));
217   ImageIcon img_view_se = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_se.gif"));
218   ImageIcon img_view_ne = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_ne.gif"));
219   ImageIcon img_view_nw = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("view_nw.gif"));
220   ImageIcon img_config = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("config.gif"));
221   ImageIcon img_build = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("build.png"));
223   ImageIcon img_point = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("node.png"));
224   ImageIcon img_arc = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("arc.png"));
225   ImageIcon img_nurbcurve = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("nurbcurve.gif"));
227   ImageIcon img_surf_dir = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("surf_dir.gif"));
228   ImageIcon img_surf_rev = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("surf_rev.gif"));
229   ImageIcon img_surf_rule = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("surf_rule.gif"));
230   ImageIcon img_surf_nurb = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("surf_nurb.gif"));
231   ImageIcon img_surf_bil = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("surf_bil.png"));
233   ImageIcon img_border = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("border.png"));
234   ImageIcon img_intersect = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("intersect.png"));
235   ImageIcon img_project = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("project.png"));
236   ImageIcon img_break = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("break.png"));
238   ImageIcon img_node = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("node.png"));
239   ImageIcon img_beam = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("beam.png"));
240   ImageIcon img_spring = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("spring.gif"));
241   ImageIcon img_triangle = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("triangle.png"));
242   ImageIcon img_quad = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("quad.png"));
243   ImageIcon img_solid_iso_4 = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("solid_iso_4.gif"));
244   ImageIcon img_solid_iso_6 = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("solid_iso_6.gif"));
245   ImageIcon img_material = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("material.gif"));
246   ImageIcon img_thickness = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("thickness.png"));
248   ImageIcon img_erase = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("erase.gif"));
249   ImageIcon img_move = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("move.gif"));
250   ImageIcon img_rotate = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("rotate.gif"));
251   ImageIcon img_scale = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("scale.gif"));
252   ImageIcon img_transform = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("transform.gif"));
253   ImageIcon img_properties = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("properties.gif"));
254   ImageIcon img_duplicate = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("duplicate.png"));
256   ImageIcon img_constraints = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("constraints.gif"));
257   ImageIcon img_loads = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("loads.gif"));
259   ImageIcon img_grid = new ImageIcon(PreProcessor.class.getResource("grid.gif"));
261   BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout();
262   JSplitPane jSplitPane1 = new JSplitPane();
263   JPanel PanelInspector = new JPanel();
264   private Canvas3D J3D;
265   JToolBar jToolBar1 = new JToolBar();
266   JButton b_new = new JButton();
267   JButton b_open = new JButton();
268   JButton b_save = new JButton();
269   JButton b_groupadd = new JButton();
271   JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel();
272   GridLayout gridLayout1 = new GridLayout();
273   JLabel coordinates = new JLabel();
274   JToolBar jToolBar2 = new JToolBar();
275   JToolBar jToolBar3 = new JToolBar();
276   BorderLayout borderLayout2 = new BorderLayout();
277   ButtonGroup CommandGroup = new ButtonGroup();
278   JPanel jPanel5 = new JPanel();
279   JPanel jPanel6 = new JPanel();
280   JButton b_zoomin = new JButton();
281   JButton b_zoomout = new JButton();
282   JButton b_zoomall = new JButton();
283   JButton b_center = new JButton();
284   JButton b_showhide = new JButton();
285   JButton b_viewtop = new JButton();
286   JButton b_viewleft = new JButton();
287   JButton b_viewsw = new JButton();
288   JButton b_viewne = new JButton();
289   JButton b_viewse = new JButton();
290   JButton b_viewbottom = new JButton();
291   JButton b_viewright = new JButton();
292   JButton b_viewnw = new JButton();
293   JButton b_viewfront = new JButton();
294   JButton b_viewback = new JButton();
295   JButton b_build = new JButton();
297   BorderLayout borderLayout4 = new BorderLayout();
298   JTabbedPane jTabbedPane2 = new JTabbedPane();
299   JToolBar jToolBar6 = new JToolBar();
300   JToolBar jToolBar5 = new JToolBar();
301   JButton b_point = new JButton();
302   JButton b_erase = new JButton();
303   JButton b_duplicate = new JButton();
304   JButton b_move = new JButton();
305   JButton b_rotate = new JButton();
306   JComboBox cb_graphicsmode = new JComboBox(graphicsmode);
307   JButton b_del = new JButton();
308   JToolBar jToolBar4 = new JToolBar();
309   JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
310   JTree Tree = new JTree();
311   JButton b_scale = new JButton();
312   JButton b_node = new JButton();
313   JButton b_element2 = new JButton();
314   JButton b_element3 = new JButton();
315   JButton b_element4 = new JButton();
316   private JButton b_config = new JButton();
317   private JPanel p_cmd = new JPanel();
318   private JButton b_element8 = new JButton();
319   private JButton b_surf_dir = new JButton();
320   private JButton b_surf_rev = new JButton();
321   private JButton b_surf_rule = new JButton();
322   private JButton b_nurbcurve = new JButton();
323   private JButton b_surf_bil = new JButton();
325   private JButton b_border = new JButton();
326   private JButton b_intersect = new JButton();
327   private JButton b_project = new JButton();
328   private JButton b_break = new JButton();
330   private JButton b_arc = new JButton();
331   private JButton b_material = new JButton();
332   private JButton b_constraints = new JButton();
333   private JButton b_loads = new JButton();
334   JCheckBox cb_node_0 = new JCheckBox("Nodes",true);
335   JCheckBox cb_node = new JCheckBox("Nodes label",false);
336   JCheckBox cb_element = new JCheckBox("Elements label",false);
337   JCheckBox cb_constraints = new JCheckBox("Constraints",true);
338   JCheckBox cb_loads = new JCheckBox("Loads",true);
339   JCheckBox cb_trackers = new JCheckBox("Trackers",true);
340   JCheckBox cb_materials = new JCheckBox("Materials",true);
341   private JButton b_setmaterial = new JButton();
342   private JButton b_setthickness = new JButton();
343   private JButton c_setconstraints = new JButton();
344   private JButton b_setloads = new JButton();
345   private JButton b_transform = new JButton();
346   private JButton b_surf_nurb = new JButton();
347   private JButton b_grid = new JButton();
348   private JButton b_properties = new JButton();
349   private JButton b_element3s = new JButton();
351   public _Object edit_panel;
352   private boolean block = false;
353   private boolean show = true;
354   private JButton b_element4s = new JButton();
PreProcessor(boolean ogl)356   public PreProcessor(boolean ogl) {
357     try { jbInit(ogl); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();  }
358   }
exit()359   public void exit(){
360     save_loads();
361     save_materials();
362     save_constraints();
363     System.out.println("PreProcessor finalize.");
364   }
jbInit(boolean openGL)365   private void jbInit(boolean openGL) throws Exception {
366     J3D = CanvasFactory.getCanvas(this,openGL);
367     load_materials();
368     load_constraints();
369     load_loads();
370     load_configuration();
371     MatTable.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);
372     MatTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).setPreferredWidth(500);
373     ConstTable.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);
374     ConstTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).setPreferredWidth(500);
375     LoadTable.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);
376     LoadTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setPreferredWidth(500);
377     this.setLayout(borderLayout1);
378     jSplitPane1.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
379     jSplitPane1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
380     jSplitPane1.setLastDividerLocation(220);
381     jSplitPane1.setOneTouchExpandable(true);
382     PanelInspector.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
383     PanelInspector.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
384     PanelInspector.setLayout(borderLayout2);
386     b_new.setToolTipText("New");
387     b_new.setIcon(img_new);
388     b_new.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
389       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
390         J3D.remove_all();
391         p_cmd.removeAll();
392         p_cmd.validate();
393         PanelInspector.validate();
394       }
395     });
396     b_open.setToolTipText("Open .impact models or add .stl, .in models to current model");
397     b_open.setIcon(img_open);
398     b_open.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
399       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
400           try {
401         b_open_actionPerformed(e);
402           } catch(Exception e1) {error(e1);}
403       }
404     });
405     b_save.setToolTipText("Save complete model (.impact) or model for solver (.in)");
406     b_save.setIcon(img_save);
407     b_save.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
408       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
409         b_save_actionPerformed(e);
410       }
411     });
412     b_groupadd.setToolTipText("Add a new group");
413     b_groupadd.setActionCommand("Groupadd");
414     b_groupadd.setIcon(img_groupadd);
415     b_groupadd.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
416       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
417         command(e);
418       }
419     });
420     b_build.setToolTipText("Rebuild model");
421     b_build.setIcon(img_build);
422     b_build.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
423       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
424         J3D.rebuild();
425       }
426     });
427     jPanel1.setLayout(gridLayout1);
428     gridLayout1.setColumns(3);
429     jToolBar1.setFloatable(false);
430     b_zoomin.setToolTipText("Zoom in");
431     b_zoomin.setIcon(img_zoomin);
432     b_zoomin.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
433       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
434         b_zoomin_actionPerformed(e);
435       }
436     });
437     b_zoomout.setToolTipText("Zoom out");
438     b_zoomout.setIcon(img_zoomout);
439     b_zoomout.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
440       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
441         b_zoomout_actionPerformed(e);
442       }
443     });
444     b_zoomall.setToolTipText("Zoom all");
445     b_zoomall.setIcon(img_zoomall);
446     b_zoomall.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
447       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
448         b_zoomall_actionPerformed(e);
449       }
450     });
451     b_center.setToolTipText("Set the selected object to center of rotation");
452     b_center.setIcon(img_center);
453     b_center.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
454       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
455         J3D.setCenterOfRotation();
456       }
457     });
458     b_showhide.setToolTipText("Hides or shows the selected objects. Press this without anything selected to switch view");
459     b_showhide.setIcon(img_hide);
460     b_showhide.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
461       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
462         show = J3D.showhide();
464         if (show) b_showhide.setIcon(img_hide);
465             else b_showhide.setIcon(img_show);
467       }
468     });
469     b_viewtop.setToolTipText("Top View");
470     b_viewtop.setIcon(img_view_top);
471     b_viewtop.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
472       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
473         b_viewtop_actionPerformed(e);
474       }
475     });
476     b_viewbottom.setToolTipText("Bottom View");
477     b_viewbottom.setIcon(img_view_bottom);
478     b_viewbottom.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
479       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
480         b_viewbottom_actionPerformed(e);
481       }
482     });
483     b_viewleft.setToolTipText("Left View");
484     b_viewleft.setIcon(img_view_left);
485     b_viewleft.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
486       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
487         b_viewleft_actionPerformed(e);
488       }
489     });
490     b_viewright.setToolTipText("Right View");
491     b_viewright.setIcon(img_view_right);
492     b_viewright.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
493       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
494         b_viewright_actionPerformed(e);
495       }
496     });
497     b_viewsw.setToolTipText("SW Isometric View");
498     b_viewsw.setIcon(img_view_sw);
499     b_viewsw.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
500       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
501         b_viewsw_actionPerformed(e);
502       }
503     });
504     b_viewse.setToolTipText("SE Isometric View");
505     b_viewse.setIcon(img_view_se);
506     b_viewse.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
507       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
508         b_viewse_actionPerformed(e);
509       }
510     });
511     b_viewne.setToolTipText("NE Isometric View");
512     b_viewne.setIcon(img_view_ne);
513     b_viewne.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
514       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
515         b_viewne_actionPerformed(e);
516       }
517     });
518     b_viewnw.setToolTipText("NW Isometric View");
519     b_viewnw.setIcon(img_view_nw);
520     b_viewnw.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
521       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
522         b_viewnw_actionPerformed(e);
523       }
524     });
525     b_viewfront.setToolTipText("Front View");
526     b_viewfront.setIcon(img_view_front);
527     b_viewfront.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
528       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
529         b_viewfront_actionPerformed(e);
530       }
531     });
532     b_viewback.setToolTipText("Back View");
533     b_viewback.setIcon(img_view_back);
534     b_viewback.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
535       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
536         b_viewback_actionPerformed(e);
537       }
538     });
539     jPanel5.setLayout(borderLayout4);
540     coordinates.setText(" ");
541     jToolBar6.setFloatable(false);
542     jToolBar5.setFloatable(false);
543     b_point.setToolTipText("Point");
544     b_point.setActionCommand("Point");
545     b_point.setIcon(img_point);
546     b_point.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
547       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
548         command(e);
549       }
550     });
551     b_erase.setToolTipText("Erase");
552     b_erase.setActionCommand("Erase");
553     b_erase.setIcon(img_erase);
554     b_erase.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
555       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
556         resetselect();
557         J3D.removeSelectedObjects3D();
558       }
559     });
560     b_move.setToolTipText("Move");
561     b_move.setActionCommand("Move");
562     b_move.setIcon(img_move);
563     b_move.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
564       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
565         command(e);
566       }
567     });
568     b_rotate.setToolTipText("Rotate");
569     b_rotate.setActionCommand("Rotate");
570     b_rotate.setIcon(img_rotate);
571     b_rotate.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
572       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
573         command(e);
574       }
575     });
576     cb_graphicsmode.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(25, 21));
577     cb_graphicsmode.setToolTipText("Graphics mode");
578     cb_graphicsmode.setSelectedIndex(1);
580     cb_graphicsmode.addItemListener(new java.awt.event.ItemListener() {
581       public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
582         cb_graphicsmode_itemStateChanged(e);
583       }
584     });
585     b_del.setToolTipText("Erase");
586     b_del.setActionCommand("Erase");
587     b_del.setIcon(img_erase);
588     b_del.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
589       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
590         resetselect();
591         J3D.removeSelectedObjects3D();
592       }
593     });
594     jToolBar4.setFloatable(false);
596     Tree.setModel(J3D.getTree3d());
597     Tree.setRootVisible(false);
598     Tree.setShowsRootHandles(true);
599     Tree.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
600       public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
601         showEditPanel(e);
602       }
603     });
604     Tree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
605         public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
606             if (!block)
607                 treeSelectionChanged();
608         }
609     });
610     Tree.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
611         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
612             int c = e.getKeyCode();
613             if (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE) {
614                 resetselect();
615                 J3D.removeSelectedObjects3D();
616             }
617         }
618     });
620     b_scale.setToolTipText("Scale");
621     b_scale.setActionCommand("Scale");
622     b_scale.setIcon(img_scale);
623     b_scale.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
624       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
625         command(e);
626       }
627     });
628     b_node.setToolTipText("Node");
629     b_node.setActionCommand("Node");
630     b_node.setIcon(img_node);
631     b_node.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
632       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
633         command(e);
634       }
635     });
636     b_element2.setToolTipText("Elements with 2 nodes");
637     b_element2.setActionCommand("Element2");
638     b_element2.setIcon(img_beam);
639     b_element2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
640       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
641         command(e);
642       }
643     });
644     b_element3.setToolTipText("Elements with 3 nodes");
645     b_element3.setActionCommand("Element3");
646     b_element3.setIcon(img_triangle);
647     b_element3.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
648       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
649         command(e);
650       }
651     });
652     b_element4.setToolTipText("Elements with 4 nodes");
653     b_element4.setActionCommand("Element4");
654     b_element4.setIcon(img_quad);
655     b_element4.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
656       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
657         command(e);
658       }
659     });
660     b_config.setToolTipText("Properties");
661     b_config.setIcon(img_config);
662     b_config.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
663       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
664         b_config_actionPerformed(e);
665       }
666     });
667     b_element8.setToolTipText("Elements with 8 nodes");
668     b_element8.setActionCommand("Element8");
669     b_element8.setIcon(img_solid_iso_6);
670     b_element8.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
671       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
672         command(e);
673       }
674     });
675     b_surf_dir.setToolTipText("Tabulated surface from a path curve and a direction");
676     b_surf_dir.setActionCommand("SurfDir");
677     b_surf_dir.setIcon(img_surf_dir);
678     b_surf_dir.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
679         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
680           command(e);
681         }
682       });
683     b_surf_rev.setToolTipText("Revolved surface about a selected axis");
684     b_surf_rev.setActionCommand("SurfRev");
685     b_surf_rev.setIcon(img_surf_rev);
686     b_surf_rev.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
687       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
688         command(e);
689       }
690     });
691     b_surf_rule.setToolTipText("Ruled surface between curves");
692     b_surf_rule.setActionCommand("SurfRul");
693     b_surf_rule.setIcon(img_surf_rule);
694     b_surf_rule.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
695       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
696        command(e);
697       }
698     });
699     b_surf_bil.setToolTipText("Bilinear surface between edge points");
700     b_surf_bil.setActionCommand("SurfBil");
701     b_surf_bil.setIcon(img_surf_bil);
702     b_surf_bil.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
703       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
704        command(e);
705       }
706     });
708     b_border.setToolTipText("Extract border curves from surfaces or end points from curves. Select object and then press this button");
709     b_border.setActionCommand("Border");
710     b_border.setIcon(img_border);
711     b_border.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
712       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
713        command(e);
714       }
715     });
717     b_intersect.setToolTipText("Intersect two objects and generate resulting point or curve. Just select two objects and then press this button");
718     b_intersect.setActionCommand("Intersect");
719     b_intersect.setIcon(img_intersect);
720     b_intersect.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
721       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
722        command(e);
723       }
724     });
726     b_project.setToolTipText("Project one object onto another object generating a resulting point or curve. Just select two objects and then press this button");
727     b_project.setActionCommand("Project");
728     b_project.setIcon(img_project);
729     b_project.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
730       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
731        command(e);
732       }
733     });
735     b_break.setToolTipText("Break a curve using another object. Just select the curve and object and then press this button");
736     b_break.setActionCommand("Break");
737     b_break.setIcon(img_break);
738     b_break.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
739       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
740        command(e);
741       }
742     });
744     b_arc.setToolTipText("Arc");
745     b_arc.setActionCommand("Arc");
746     b_arc.setIcon(img_arc);
747     b_arc.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
748       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
749         command(e);
750       }
751     });
752     b_nurbcurve.setToolTipText("Spline");
753     b_nurbcurve.setActionCommand("Spline");
754     b_nurbcurve.setIcon(img_nurbcurve);
755     b_nurbcurve.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
756       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
757         command(e);
758       }
759     });
760     b_material.setToolTipText("Materials");
761     b_material.setActionCommand("Material");
762     b_material.setIcon(img_material);
763     b_material.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
764       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
765         b_material_actionPerformed(e);
766       }
767     });
768     b_constraints.setToolTipText("Constraints");
769     b_constraints.setActionCommand("Constraints");
770     b_constraints.setIcon(img_constraints);
771     b_constraints.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
772       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
773         b_constraints_actionPerformed(e);
774       }
775     });
776     b_loads.setToolTipText("Loads");
777     b_loads.setActionCommand("Loads");
778     b_loads.setIcon(img_loads);
779     b_loads.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
780       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
781         b_loads_actionPerformed(e);
782       }
783     });
784     b_setmaterial.setToolTipText("Material for ...");
785     b_setmaterial.setActionCommand("SetMaterial");
786     b_setmaterial.setIcon(img_material);
787     b_setmaterial.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
788       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
789         command(e);
790       }
791     });
792     b_setthickness.setToolTipText("Set thickness for ...");
793     b_setthickness.setActionCommand("SetThickness");
794     b_setthickness.setIcon(img_thickness);
795     b_setthickness.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
796       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
797         command(e);
798       }
799     });
800     c_setconstraints.setToolTipText("Constraints for ...");
801     c_setconstraints.setActionCommand("SetConstraints");
802     c_setconstraints.setIcon(img_constraints);
803     c_setconstraints.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
804       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
805         command(e);
806       }
807     });
808     b_setloads.setToolTipText("Loads for ...");
809     b_setloads.setActionCommand("SetLoads");
810     b_setloads.setIcon(img_loads);
811     b_setloads.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
812       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
813         command(e);
814       }
815     });
816     b_transform.setToolTipText("Transform 4X4");
817     b_transform.setActionCommand("Transform");
818     b_transform.setIcon(img_transform);
819     b_transform.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
820       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
821         command(e);
822       }
823     });
824     b_surf_nurb.setIcon(img_surf_nurb);
825     b_surf_nurb.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
826       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
827         command(e);
828       }
829     });
830     b_surf_nurb.setToolTipText("Surface from edge curves");
831     b_surf_nurb.setActionCommand("SurfNurb");
832     b_grid.setToolTipText("Grid");
833     b_grid.setActionCommand("Grid");
834     b_grid.setIcon(img_grid);
835     b_grid.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
836       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
837         command(e);
838       }
839     });
840     b_properties.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
841       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
842         command(e);
843       }
844     });
845     b_properties.setIcon(img_properties);
846     b_properties.setActionCommand("Properties");
847     b_properties.setToolTipText("Properties");
848     b_duplicate.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
849         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
850             J3D.duplicate();
851           }
852         });
853     b_duplicate.setIcon(img_duplicate);
854     b_duplicate.setActionCommand("Duplicate");
855     b_duplicate.setToolTipText("Duplicate");
856     b_element3s.setToolTipText("Element Spring");
857     b_element3s.setActionCommand("Element3s");
858     b_element3s.setIcon(img_spring);
859     b_element4s.setToolTipText("Solid elements with 4 nodes");
860     b_element4s.setActionCommand("Element4s");
861     b_element4s.setIcon(img_solid_iso_4);
862     b_element4s.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
863       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
864         command(e);
865       }
866     });
868     this.add(jSplitPane1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
869     jSplitPane1.add(PanelInspector, JSplitPane.TOP);
870     PanelInspector.add(jToolBar4, BorderLayout.NORTH);
871     jToolBar4.add(cb_graphicsmode);
872     PanelInspector.add(jScrollPane1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
873     PanelInspector.add(p_cmd,  BorderLayout.SOUTH);
874     jScrollPane1.getViewport().add(Tree);
876     jPanel6.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
877     if (J3D instanceof Canvas3DGL)
878         jPanel6.add((Canvas3DGL)J3D, BorderLayout.CENTER);
879     else
880         jPanel6.add((JPanel)J3D, BorderLayout.CENTER);
882     jPanel5.add(jPanel6, BorderLayout.CENTER);
884     jPanel5.add(jTabbedPane2, BorderLayout.NORTH);
886     jTabbedPane2.add(jToolBar5, "Draw");
887     jToolBar5.add(b_point, null);
888     jToolBar5.add(b_nurbcurve, null);
889     jToolBar5.add(b_arc, null);
890     jToolBar5.addSeparator();
891     jToolBar5.add(b_surf_dir, null);
892     jToolBar5.add(b_surf_rev, null);
893     jToolBar5.add(b_surf_rule, null);
894     jToolBar5.add(b_surf_nurb, null);
895     jToolBar5.add(b_surf_bil, null);
896     jToolBar5.addSeparator();
897     jToolBar5.add(b_border, null);
898     jToolBar5.add(b_intersect, null);
899     jToolBar5.add(b_project, null);
900     jToolBar5.add(b_break, null);
901     jToolBar5.addSeparator();
902     jToolBar5.add(b_node, null);
903     jToolBar5.add(b_element2, null);
904     jToolBar5.add(b_element3s, null);
905     jToolBar5.add(b_element3, null);
906     jToolBar5.add(b_element4, null);
907     jToolBar5.add(b_element4s, null);
908     jToolBar5.add(b_element8, null);
910     jTabbedPane2.add(jToolBar6, "Modify");
911     jToolBar6.add(b_duplicate,null);
912     jToolBar6.add(b_erase, null);
913     jToolBar6.add(b_move, null);
914     jToolBar6.add(b_rotate, null);
915     jToolBar6.add(b_scale, null);
916     jToolBar6.add(b_transform, null);
917     jToolBar6.addSeparator();
918     jToolBar6.add(b_setmaterial, null);
919     jToolBar6.add(b_setthickness, null);
920     jToolBar6.add(c_setconstraints, null);
921     jToolBar6.add(b_setloads, null);
922     jToolBar6.addSeparator();
923     jToolBar6.add(b_grid, null);
924     jSplitPane1.add(jPanel5, JSplitPane.BOTTOM);
926     this.add(jToolBar1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
927     jToolBar1.add(b_new, null);
928     jToolBar1.add(b_open, null);
929     jToolBar1.add(b_save, null);
930     jToolBar1.addSeparator();
931     jToolBar1.add(b_groupadd, null);
932     jToolBar1.add(b_build, null);
933     jToolBar1.addSeparator();
934     jToolBar1.add(b_showhide, null);
935     jToolBar1.add(b_zoomin, null);
936     jToolBar1.add(b_zoomout, null);
937     jToolBar1.add(b_zoomall, null);
938     jToolBar1.add(b_center,null);
939     jToolBar1.addSeparator();
940     jToolBar1.add(b_viewtop, null);
941     jToolBar1.add(b_viewbottom, null);
942     jToolBar1.add(b_viewleft, null);
943     jToolBar1.add(b_viewright, null);
944     jToolBar1.add(b_viewfront, null);
945     jToolBar1.add(b_viewback, null);
946     jToolBar1.add(b_viewsw, null);
947     jToolBar1.add(b_viewse, null);
948     jToolBar1.add(b_viewne, null);
949     jToolBar1.add(b_viewnw, null);
950     jToolBar1.addSeparator();
951     jToolBar1.add(b_config, null);
952     jToolBar1.addSeparator();
953     jToolBar1.add(b_material, null);
954     jToolBar1.add(b_constraints, null);
955     jToolBar1.add(b_loads, null);
957     this.add(jPanel1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
958     jPanel1.add(coordinates, null);
959     jPanel1.add(jToolBar3, null);
960     jPanel1.add(jToolBar2, null);
961     jSplitPane1.setDividerLocation(220);
962     //J3D.coodinates=coordinates;
963   }
getFrame(Component component)966   public static Frame getFrame(Component component){
967     for(; component != null && !(component instanceof Frame); component = component.getParent());
968     return (Frame)component;
969   }
setVisible(boolean v)971   public void setVisible(boolean v){
972       super.setVisible(v);
974       if (J3D instanceof Canvas3DGL)
975           J3D.setVisible(v);
976   }
error(Object st)979   public void error(Object st){
980     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error: "+st,"Error!",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
981     if(st instanceof Exception) ((Exception)st).printStackTrace(); else System.out.println("Error: "+st);
982   }
cb_graphicsmode_itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)984   void cb_graphicsmode_itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
985     J3D.setGRAPHICSMODE((byte)cb_graphicsmode.getSelectedIndex());
986     if(cb_graphicsmode.getSelectedIndex()==0)cb_materials.setSelected(false); else cb_materials.setSelected(true);
987     J3D.repaint();
988   }
b_zoomin_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)990   void b_zoomin_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
991     J3D.view_scale(1.2f);
992   }
b_zoomout_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)994   void b_zoomout_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
995     J3D.view_scale(0.8f);
996   }
b_zoomall_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)998   void b_zoomall_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
999       J3D.view_all();
1000     }
b_viewtop_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1002   void b_viewtop_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1003     J3D.view_top();
1004   }
b_viewsw_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1006   void b_viewsw_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1007     J3D.view_sw();
1008   }
b_viewse_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1010   void b_viewse_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1011     J3D.view_se();
1012   }
b_viewne_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1014   void b_viewne_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1015     J3D.view_ne();
1016   }
b_viewnw_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1018   void b_viewnw_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1019     J3D.view_nw();
1020   }
b_viewbottom_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1022   void b_viewbottom_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1023     J3D.view_bottom();
1024   }
b_viewleft_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1026   void b_viewleft_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1027     J3D.view_left();
1028   }
b_viewright_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1030   void b_viewright_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1031     J3D.view_right();
1032   }
b_viewfront_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1034   void b_viewfront_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1035     J3D.view_front();
1036   }
b_viewback_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1038   void b_viewback_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1039     J3D.view_back();
1040   }
command(ActionEvent e)1042   void command(ActionEvent e) {
1043     p_cmd.removeAll();
1044     int w = p_cmd.getWidth();
1045     String st_cmd = ""+e.getActionCommand();
1046     if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("GROUPADD")) {
1047         _Group g = new _GroupUserDefined(true, true);
1048         p_cmd.add(g.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1049         g.requestFocus();
1050     }
1051     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("POINT")) {
1052         _Point t = new _Point(true);
1053         p_cmd.add(t.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1054         t.requestFocus();
1055     }
1056     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("NODE")) {
1057         edit_panel = new _Node(true);
1058         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1059         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1060     }
1061     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ELEMENT8")) {
1062         edit_panel = new _Element8(true);
1063         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1064         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1065     }
1067     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ELEMENT4S")) {
1068         edit_panel = new _Element4(true,Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4);
1069         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1070         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1071     }
1072     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ELEMENT4")) {
1073         edit_panel = new _Element4(true,Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
1074         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1075         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1076     }
1078     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ELEMENT3")) {
1079         edit_panel = new _Element3(true);
1080         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1081         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1082     }
1083     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ELEMENT2")) {
1084         edit_panel = new _Element2(true);
1085         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1086         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1087     }
1088     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("MOVE"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_Move(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1089     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ROTATE"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_Rotate(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1090     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SCALE"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_Scale(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1091     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("TRANSFORM"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_Transform(J3D),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1092     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ARC")) {
1093         edit_panel = new _Arc(true, J3D);
1094         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1095         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1096     }
1097     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SPLINE")) {
1098         edit_panel = new _Spline(true, J3D);
1099         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1100         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1101     }
1102     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SURFDIR")) {
1103         edit_panel = new _SurfDir(true, J3D);
1104         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1105         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1106     }
1107     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SURFREV")) {
1108         edit_panel = new _SurfRev(true, J3D);
1109         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1110         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1111     }
1112     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SURFRUL")){
1113         edit_panel = new _SurfRul(true, J3D);
1114         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1115         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1116     }
1117     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SURFNURB")){
1118         edit_panel = new _SurfFill(true, J3D);
1119         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1120         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1121     }
1122     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SURFBIL")){
1123         edit_panel = new _SurfBil(true, J3D);
1124         p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1125         edit_panel.requestFocus();
1126     }
1127     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("BORDER")){
1128         J3D.addBorderObjects();
1129     }
1130     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("INTERSECT")){
1131         try {
1132         J3D.intersectObjects();
1133         } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
1134             error(ise);
1135         }
1136     }
1137     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("PROJECT")){
1138         try {
1139         J3D.projectObjects();
1140         } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
1141             error(ise);
1142         }
1143     }
1144     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("BREAK")){
1145         try {
1146         J3D.breakObjects();
1147         } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
1148             error(ise);
1149         }
1150     }
1151     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("PROPERTIES"))showEditPanel();
1152     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SETCONSTRAINTS"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_SetConstraints(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1153     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SETLOADS"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_SetLoads(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1154     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SETMATERIAL"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_SetMaterial(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1155     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("SETTHICKNESS"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_SetThickness(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1156     else if(st_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("GRID"))p_cmd.add(new PreProcessor_Grid(J3D),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1157     p_cmd.validate();
1158     PanelInspector.validate();
1159   }
b_save_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1162   void b_save_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1164       FileFilter f1 =  new FileFilter() {
1165           public boolean accept(File f) {
1166               if (f.isDirectory()) return true;
1167               return f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".impact");
1168           }
1170           public String getDescription() {
1171               return "Complete preprocessor model (.impact)";
1172           }
1173       };
1175       FileFilter f2 = new FileFilter() {
1176           public boolean accept(File f) {
1177               if (f.isDirectory()) return true;
1178               return f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".in");
1179           }
1181           public String getDescription() {
1182               return "Indata model for solver (.in)";
1183           }
1184       };
1186       try {
1187           JFileChooser fd = new JFileChooser(ConfDB.getProperty("Filepath"));
1188           fd.setSize(350,200);
1189           fd.addChoosableFileFilter(f1);
1190           fd.addChoosableFileFilter(f2);
1192           int choise = fd.showSaveDialog(this);
1194           if(choise == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION && fd.getSelectedFile()!=null){
1195               String st = fd.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
1197               if (fd.getFileFilter().equals(f1)) {
1198                   if(!st.toLowerCase().endsWith(".impact"))st+=".impact";
1200                   File f = new File(st);
1201                   f.delete();
1202                   try {
1203                       FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(st);
1204                       ObjectOutputStream p = new ObjectOutputStream(ostream);
1205                       p.writeObject(MatDB);
1206                       p.writeObject(ConstDB);
1207                       p.writeObject(LoadDB);
1208                       p.writeObject(J3D.getVMatrix3D());
1209                       _Object[] arr_obj = J3D.getAllObjects3D();
1210                       for(int i=0; i<arr_obj.length; i++){
1211                           p.writeObject(arr_obj[i]);
1212                       }
1213                       p.flush();
1214                       ostream.flush();
1215                       ostream.close();
1216                   }catch(Exception ie) { error(ie); }
1217                   path=st;
1218               }
1220               else
1221                   if (fd.getFileFilter().equals(f2)) {
1222                       saveSolverModel(st);
1223                   }
1224           }
1226           // Update configuration file with path
1227           if (fd.getSelectedFile() != null) {
1228               ConfDB.setProperty("Filepath", fd.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
1229               save_configuration();
1230               header(fd.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
1231           }
1233       } catch(Exception e1) {error(e1);}
1234   }
b_open_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1236   void b_open_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) throws IOException {
1237       FileFilter f1 =  new FileFilter() {
1238           public boolean accept(File f) {
1239               if (f.isDirectory()) return true;
1240               return f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".stl");
1241           }
1243           public String getDescription() {
1244               return "Add STL surface (.stl)";
1245           }
1246       };
1248       FileFilter f2 = new FileFilter() {
1249           public boolean accept(File f) {
1250               if (f.isDirectory()) return true;
1251               if (f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".in")) return true;
1252               return false;
1253           }
1255           public String getDescription() {
1256               return "Add impact model (.in) to current model";
1257           }
1258       };
1260       FileFilter f3 = new FileFilter() {
1261           public boolean accept(File f) {
1262               if (f.isDirectory()) return true;
1263               if (f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".nas") || f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".nastran") || f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".bdf")) return true;
1264               return false;
1265           }
1267           public String getDescription() {
1268               return "Add nastran model (.nas, .nastran, .bdf) to current model";
1269           }
1270       };
1272       FileFilter f4 = new FileFilter() {
1273           public boolean accept(File f) {
1274               if (f.isDirectory()) return true;
1275               if (f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".msh")) return true;
1276               return false;
1277           }
1279           public String getDescription() {
1280               return "Add Gmsh model (.msh) to current model";
1281           }
1282       };
1284       FileFilter f5 = new FileFilter() {
1285           public boolean accept(File f) {
1286               if (f.isDirectory()) return true;
1287               if (f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".unv")) return true;
1288               return false;
1289           }
1291           public String getDescription() {
1292               return "Add UNV model (.unv) to current model";
1293           }
1294       };
1297       JFileChooser fd = new JFileChooser(ConfDB.getProperty("Filepath"));
1298       fd.setSize(350,200);
1299       fd.addChoosableFileFilter(f1);
1300       fd.addChoosableFileFilter(f2);
1301       fd.addChoosableFileFilter(f3);
1302       fd.addChoosableFileFilter(f4);
1303       fd.addChoosableFileFilter(f5);
1305       fd.setFileFilter(f2);
1307       try {
1309           int choise = fd.showOpenDialog(this);
1311           if(choise == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION && fd.getSelectedFile()!=null){
1312               String st = fd.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
1314               if (fd.getFileFilter().equals(f1)){
1315                   edit_panel = new _Stl(st);
1316                   J3D.add3D(edit_panel);
1317                   p_cmd.removeAll();
1318                   p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1319                   edit_panel.requestFocus();
1320                   PanelInspector.validate();
1321                   J3D.tree_reset();
1322                   J3D.view_reset();
1323                   J3D.view_all();
1324               }
1325               else if (fd.getFileFilter().equals(f2)) {
1326                   this.readIN(st);
1327                   J3D.tree_reset();
1328                   J3D.view_reset();
1329                   J3D.view_all();
1330               }
1331               else if (fd.getFileFilter().equals(f3)) {
1332                   this.readNastran(st);
1333                   J3D.tree_reset();
1334                   J3D.view_reset();
1335                   J3D.view_all();
1336               }
1337               else if (fd.getFileFilter().equals(f4)) {
1338                   this.readGmsh(st);
1339                   J3D.tree_reset();
1340                   J3D.view_reset();
1341                   J3D.view_all();
1342               }
1343               else if (fd.getFileFilter().equals(f5)) {
1344                   this.readUNV(st);
1345                   J3D.tree_reset();
1346                   J3D.view_reset();
1347                   J3D.view_all();
1348               }
1349           }
1351           if (fd.getSelectedFile() != null) {
1352               ConfDB.setProperty("Filepath", fd.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
1353               save_configuration();
1354               header(fd.getSelectedFile().getName());
1355           }
1357       } catch(Exception e1) {error(e1);}
1358   }
getColorLine(int cl)1360   public Color getColorLine(int cl){
1361       int i = (int)(cl-Math.round(cl/10)*10);
1362       if(i==0)return Color.black;
1363       else if(i==1)return Color.gray;
1364       else if(i==2)return Color.cyan;
1365       else if(i==3)return Color.blue;
1366       else if(i==4)return Color.green;
1367       else if(i==5)return Color.magenta;
1368       else if(i==6)return Color.orange;
1369       else if(i==7)return Color.pink;
1370       else if(i==8)return Color.red;
1371       else return Color.yellow;
1372   }
b_material_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1374   void b_material_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1375     JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1376     JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
1377     JButton m_new = new JButton("New");
1378     m_new.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1379       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1380         JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new VerticalFlowLayout());
1381         JPanel p3 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1382         JPanel p4 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1383         JPanel p5 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1384         JPanel p6 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1385         String[] st = {"Elastic","Elastoplastic","ThermoElastoplastic","Spring"};
1386         JComboBox cb_type = new JComboBox(st);
1387         JTextField tf_name = new JTextField("mat"+id_color);
1388         JTextField tf_disc = new JTextField();
1389         JButton b_col = new JButton();
1390         b_col.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
1391           public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1392             Color cl = JColorChooser.showDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector),"Pick a Color",getColorLine(id_color));
1393             if(cl!=null)((JButton)e.getSource()).setBackground(cl);
1394           }
1395         });
1396         b_col.setBackground(getColorLine(id_color));
1397         p2.add(p3);
1398         p3.add(new JLabel("Type of material"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1399         p3.add(cb_type, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1400         p2.add(p4);
1401         p4.add(new JLabel("Name"),  BorderLayout.WEST);
1402         p4.add(tf_name,  BorderLayout.CENTER);
1403         p2.add(p5, null);
1404         p5.add(new JLabel("Description"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1405         p5.add(tf_disc, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1406         p2.add(p6);
1407         p6.add(new JLabel("Color"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1408         p6.add(b_col, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1409         int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector),p2,"New Material",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,null,null,null);
1410         if(result!=0) return;
1411         id_color++;
1412         Material mat = new Material();
1413         mat.name=tf_name.getText();
1414         mat.type=cb_type.getSelectedItem()+"";
1415         mat.color=b_col.getBackground();
1416         mat.description=tf_disc.getText();
1417         MatDB.put(tf_name.getText(),mat);
1418         MatTable.revalidate();
1419       }
1420     });
1421     JButton m_del = new JButton("Delete");
1422     m_del.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1423       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1424         int[] sel = MatTable.getSelectedRows();
1425         String[] sel_st = new String[sel.length];
1426         for(int i=0; i<sel.length; i++){
1427           sel_st[i]=MatTable.getValueAt(sel[i],0)+"";
1428         }
1429         for(int i=0; i<sel.length; i++){
1430           MatDB.remove(sel_st[i]);
1431         }
1432         MatTable.revalidate();
1433       }
1434     });
1435     JScrollPane spl = new JScrollPane();
1436     p.add(spl, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1437     p.add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
1438     p1.add(m_new);
1439     p1.add(m_del);
1440     spl.getViewport().add(MatTable);
1441     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector), p, "Material", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
1442     //if(result!=0) load_materials(); else save_materials();
1443   }
load_configuration()1445   private void load_configuration() {
1446 	  FileInputStream fin = null;
1447 	  try {
1448 		  ConfDB.clear();
1449 		  fin = new FileInputStream("Pre.conf");
1450 		  ConfDB.load(fin);
1451 		  fin.close();
1452 	  } catch (IOException e) {
1453 		  error(e); }
1454   }
load_materials()1456   public void load_materials(){
1457     try{
1458       MatDB.clear();
1459       RandomAccessFile fin = new RandomAccessFile("Material.properties","r");
1460       String st;
1461       while((st=fin.readLine())!=null){
1462         Material mat = new Material();
1463         mat.type = st;
1464         mat.name = fin.readLine();
1465         mat.description = fin.readLine();
1466         StringTokenizer stt = new StringTokenizer(fin.readLine());
1467         mat.color = new Color(Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()),Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()),Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()));
1468         MatDB.put(mat.name,mat);
1469       }
1470       fin.close();
1471     }catch(Exception ex){error(ex);}
1472   }
load_constraints()1474   public void load_constraints(){
1475     try{
1476       ConstDB.clear();
1477       RandomAccessFile fin = new RandomAccessFile("Constraints.properties","r");
1478       String st;
1479       while((st=fin.readLine())!=null){
1480         Constraints con = new Constraints();
1481         con.type = st;
1482         con.name = fin.readLine();
1483         con.description = fin.readLine();
1484         StringTokenizer stt = new StringTokenizer(fin.readLine());
1485         con.color = new Color(Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()),Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()),Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()));
1486         ConstDB.put(con.name,con);
1487       }
1488       fin.close();
1489     }catch(Exception ex){error(ex);}
1490   }
load_loads()1492   public void load_loads(){
1493     try{
1494       LoadDB.clear();
1495       RandomAccessFile fin = new RandomAccessFile("Loads.properties","r");
1496       String st;
1497       while((st=fin.readLine())!=null){
1498         Loads ld = new Loads();
1499         ld.name = st;
1500         ld.description = fin.readLine();
1501         StringTokenizer stt = new StringTokenizer(fin.readLine());
1502         ld.color = new Color(Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()),Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()),Integer.parseInt(stt.nextToken()));
1503         LoadDB.put(ld.name,ld);
1504       }
1505       fin.close();
1506     }catch(Exception ex){error(ex);}
1507   }
save_configuration()1509   private void save_configuration() {
1510 	  FileOutputStream fout;
1511 	  try {
1512 		  fout = new FileOutputStream("Pre.conf");
1513 		  ConfDB.store(fout, "Configuration file for Impact Preprocessor");
1514 		  fout.close();
1515 	  } catch (IOException e) {
1516 		  error(e); }
1517   }
save_materials()1519   public void save_materials(){
1520     try{
1521       File f = new File("Material.properties");
1522       f.delete();
1523       RandomAccessFile fout = new RandomAccessFile(f,"rw");
1524       for(Enumeration en = MatDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
1525         String key = en.nextElement()+"";
1526         Material mat = (Material)MatDB.get(key);
1527         fout.writeBytes(mat.type+"\n");
1528         fout.writeBytes(mat.name+"\n");
1529         fout.writeBytes(mat.description+"\n");
1530         fout.writeBytes(mat.color.getRed()+" "+mat.color.getGreen()+" "+mat.color.getBlue()+"\n");
1531       }
1532       fout.close();
1533       J3D.tree_reset();
1534       J3D.view_reset();
1535     }catch(Exception ex){error(ex);}
1536   }
save_constraints()1538   public void save_constraints(){
1539     try{
1540       File f = new File("Constraints.properties");
1541       f.delete();
1542       RandomAccessFile fout = new RandomAccessFile(f,"rw");
1543       for(Enumeration en = ConstDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
1544         String key = en.nextElement()+"";
1545         Constraints con = (Constraints)ConstDB.get(key);
1546         fout.writeBytes(con.type+"\n");
1547         fout.writeBytes(con.name+"\n");
1548         fout.writeBytes(con.description+"\n");
1549         fout.writeBytes(con.color.getRed()+" "+con.color.getGreen()+" "+con.color.getBlue()+"\n");
1550       }
1551       fout.close();
1552       J3D.tree_reset();
1553       J3D.view_reset();
1554     }catch(Exception ex){error(ex);}
1555   }
save_loads()1557   public void save_loads(){
1558     try{
1559       File f = new File("Loads.properties");
1560       f.delete();
1561       RandomAccessFile fout = new RandomAccessFile(f,"rw");
1562       for(Enumeration en = LoadDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
1563         String key = en.nextElement()+"";
1564         Loads ld = (Loads)LoadDB.get(key);
1565         fout.writeBytes(ld.name+"\n");
1566         fout.writeBytes(ld.description+"\n");
1567         fout.writeBytes(ld.color.getRed()+" "+ld.color.getGreen()+" "+ld.color.getBlue()+"\n");
1568       }
1569       fout.close();
1570       J3D.tree_reset();
1571       J3D.view_reset();
1572     }catch(Exception ex){error(ex);}
1573   }
b_config_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1576   void b_config_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1577     JTabbedPane p = new JTabbedPane();
1578     JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new VerticalFlowLayout());
1579     JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new VerticalFlowLayout());
1580     JPanel p3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1581     JPanel p4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1582     JPanel p5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1583     p1.add(cb_node_0);
1584     p1.add(cb_node);
1585     p1.add(cb_element);
1586     p1.add(cb_constraints);
1587     p1.add(cb_loads);
1588     p1.add(cb_trackers);
1589     p1.add(cb_materials);
1590     p2.add(p3);
1591     p2.add(p4);
1592     p2.add(p5);
1593     p.add("Controls",p2);
1594     p.add("Show",p1);
1595     JTextField tf_CONTROLS_RUN_FROM = new JTextField(CONTROLS_RUN_FROM,5);
1596     JTextField tf_CONTROLS_RUN_TO = new JTextField(CONTROLS_RUN_TO,5);
1597     JTextField tf_CONTROLS_RUN_STEP = new JTextField(CONTROLS_RUN_STEP,5);
1598     JTextField tf_CONTROLS_PRINT_STEP = new JTextField(CONTROLS_PRINT_STEP,5);
1600     p3.add(new JLabel("Run from"));
1601     p3.add(tf_CONTROLS_RUN_FROM);
1602     p3.add(new JLabel("to"));
1603     p3.add(tf_CONTROLS_RUN_TO);
1604     p3.add(new JLabel("step"));
1605     p3.add(tf_CONTROLS_RUN_STEP);
1606     p4.add(new JLabel("Print every"));
1607     p4.add(tf_CONTROLS_PRINT_STEP);
1608     p4.add(new JLabel("step"));
1609     p5.add(new JLabel("Print tracker every"));
1610     p5.add(tf_CONTROLS_PRINT_TRACKER_STEP);
1611     p5.add(new JLabel("step"));
1612     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,p,"Properties",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,null);
1613     if(cb_node_0.isSelected())J3D.setPOINTSIZE(4); else J3D.setPOINTSIZE(0);
1614     J3D.setSHOW_ID_NODE(cb_node.isSelected());
1615     J3D.setSHOW_ID_ELEMENT(cb_element.isSelected());
1616     J3D.setSHOW_ID_CONSTRAINTS(cb_constraints.isSelected());
1617     J3D.setSHOW_ID_LOADS(cb_loads.isSelected());
1618     J3D.setSHOW_ID_TRACKERS(cb_trackers.isSelected());
1619     if(!cb_materials.isSelected()){
1620       cb_graphicsmode.setSelectedIndex(0);
1621     }else cb_graphicsmode.setSelectedIndex(1);
1623     CONTROLS_RUN_TO=tf_CONTROLS_RUN_TO.getText();
1627     J3D.view_reset();
1628     J3D.tree_reset();
1629   }
b_constraints_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1631   void b_constraints_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1632     JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1633     JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
1634     JButton m_new = new JButton("New");
1635     m_new.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1636       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1637         JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new VerticalFlowLayout());
1638         JPanel p3 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1639         JPanel p4 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1640         JPanel p5 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1641         JPanel p6 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1642         String[] st = {"Boundary_Condition","Rigid_Body"};
1643         JComboBox cb_type = new JComboBox(st);
1644         JTextField tf_name = new JTextField("Fixed"+id_color);
1645         JTextField tf_disc = new JTextField();
1646         JButton b_col = new JButton();
1647         b_col.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
1648           public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1649             Color cl = JColorChooser.showDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector),"Pick a Color",getColorLine(id_color));
1650             if(cl!=null)((JButton)e.getSource()).setBackground(cl);
1651           }
1652         });
1653         b_col.setBackground(getColorLine(id_color));
1654         p2.add(p3);
1655         p3.add(new JLabel("Type of constraint"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1656         p3.add(cb_type, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1657         p2.add(p4);
1658         p4.add(new JLabel("Name"),  BorderLayout.WEST);
1659         p4.add(tf_name,  BorderLayout.CENTER);
1660         p2.add(p5, null);
1661         p5.add(new JLabel("Description"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1662         p5.add(tf_disc, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1663         p2.add(p6);
1664         p6.add(new JLabel("Color"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1665         p6.add(b_col, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1666         int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector),p2,"New Constraints",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,null,null,null);
1667         if(result!=0) return;
1668         id_color++;
1669         Constraints con = new Constraints();
1670         con.name=tf_name.getText();
1671         con.type=cb_type.getSelectedItem()+"";
1672         con.color=b_col.getBackground();
1673         con.description=tf_disc.getText();
1674         ConstDB.put(tf_name.getText(),con);
1675         ConstTable.revalidate();
1676       }
1677     });
1678     JButton m_del = new JButton("Delete");
1679     m_del.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1680       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1681         int[] sel = ConstTable.getSelectedRows();
1682         String[] sel_st = new String[sel.length];
1683         for(int i=0; i<sel.length; i++){
1684           sel_st[i]=ConstTable.getValueAt(sel[i],0)+"";
1685         }
1686         for(int i=0; i<sel.length; i++){
1687           ConstDB.remove(sel_st[i]);
1688         }
1689         ConstTable.revalidate();
1690       }
1691     });
1692     JScrollPane spl = new JScrollPane();
1693     p.add(spl, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1694     p.add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
1695     p1.add(m_new);
1696     p1.add(m_del);
1697     spl.getViewport().add(ConstTable);
1698     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector), p, "Constraints",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
1699     //if(result!=0) load_constraints(); else save_constraints();
1700   }
b_loads_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)1702   void b_loads_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1703     JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1704     JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
1705     JButton m_new = new JButton("New");
1706     m_new.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1707       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1708         JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new VerticalFlowLayout());
1709         JPanel p3 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1710         JPanel p4 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1711         JPanel p5 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1712         JPanel p6 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1713         //String[] st = {"Boundary_Condition","Rigid_Body"};
1714         //JComboBox cb_type = new JComboBox(st);
1715         JTextField tf_name = new JTextField("Force"+id_color);
1716         JTextField tf_disc = new JTextField();
1717         JButton b_col = new JButton();
1718         b_col.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
1719           public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1720             Color cl = JColorChooser.showDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector),"Pick a Color",getColorLine(id_color));
1721             if(cl!=null)((JButton)e.getSource()).setBackground(cl);
1722           }
1723         });
1724         b_col.setBackground(getColorLine(id_color));
1725         p2.add(p3);
1726         //p3.add(new JLabel("Type of constraint"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1727         //p3.add(cb_type, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1728         p2.add(p4);
1729         p4.add(new JLabel("Name"),  BorderLayout.WEST);
1730         p4.add(tf_name,  BorderLayout.CENTER);
1731         p2.add(p5, null);
1732         p5.add(new JLabel("Description"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1733         p5.add(tf_disc, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1734         p2.add(p6);
1735         p6.add(new JLabel("Color"), BorderLayout.WEST);
1736         p6.add(b_col, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1737         int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector),p2,"New Loads",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,null,null,null);
1738         if(result!=0) return;
1739         id_color++;
1740         Loads ld = new Loads();
1741         ld.name=tf_name.getText();
1742         ld.color=b_col.getBackground();
1743         ld.description=tf_disc.getText();
1744         LoadDB.put(tf_name.getText(),ld);
1745         LoadTable.revalidate();
1746       }
1747     });
1748     JButton m_del = new JButton("Delete");
1749     m_del.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1750       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1751         int[] sel = LoadTable.getSelectedRows();
1752         String[] sel_st = new String[sel.length];
1753         for(int i=0; i<sel.length; i++){
1754           sel_st[i]=LoadTable.getValueAt(sel[i],0)+"";
1755         }
1756         for(int i=0; i<sel.length; i++){
1757           LoadDB.remove(sel_st[i]);
1758         }
1759         LoadTable.revalidate();
1760       }
1761     });
1762     JScrollPane spl = new JScrollPane();
1763     p.add(spl, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1764     p.add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
1765     p1.add(m_new);
1766     p1.add(m_del);
1767     spl.getViewport().add(LoadTable);
1768     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getFrame(PanelInspector), p, "Loads", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
1769     //if(result!=0) load_loads(); else save_loads();
1770   }
showEditPanel(MouseEvent e)1772   public void showEditPanel(MouseEvent e) {
1773     if(e.getClickCount()==2){
1774       TreePath tp = Tree.getSelectionPath();
1775       if(tp==null)return;
1776       Object[] obj = tp.getPath();
1777       for(int j=0; j<obj.length; j++){
1778         Object uobj = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)obj[j]).getUserObject();
1779         if(uobj instanceof _Object){
1780           p_cmd.removeAll();
1781           edit_panel = (_Object)uobj;
1782           p_cmd.add(edit_panel.getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1783           p_cmd.validate();
1784           PanelInspector.validate();
1785         }
1786       }
1787     }
1788   }
showEditPanel()1790   public void showEditPanel() {
1791     TreePath tp = Tree.getSelectionPath();
1792     if(tp==null)return;
1793     Object[] obj = tp.getPath();
1794     for(int j=0; j<obj.length; j++){
1795       Object uobj = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)obj[j]).getUserObject();
1796       if(uobj instanceof _Object){
1797         p_cmd.removeAll();
1798         p_cmd.add(((_Object)uobj).getEditPanel(J3D,this),BorderLayout.CENTER);
1799         p_cmd.validate();
1800         PanelInspector.validate();
1801       }
1802     }
1803   }
clearEditPanel()1805 public void clearEditPanel() {
1806         p_cmd.removeAll();
1807         p_cmd.validate();
1808         PanelInspector.validate();
1809         Tree.requestFocus();
1810   }
resetselect()1812   public void resetselect() {
1813     TreePath[] tp = Tree.getSelectionPaths();
1814     if(tp==null)return;
1815     J3D.clearSelectOnAllObjects3D();
1816     for(int i=0; i<tp.length; i++){
1817       DefaultMutableTreeNode tn = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tp[i].getLastPathComponent();
1818       Object obj = tn.getUserObject();
1819       if(obj instanceof _Object)  ((_Object)obj).setSelected(true);
1820     }
1821   }
mergeNodes(float merge_distance)1824   private void mergeNodes(float merge_distance) {
1825       float dist;
1826       _Node[] narr = J3D.getAllNodes3D();
1828       // Set up references and Id:s
1829       for (int i=0; i < narr.length; i++) {
1830           narr[i].setMergedReference(narr[i]);
1831       }
1833       // Merge nodes to common node with lowerst master type
1834       merge_distance = merge_distance * merge_distance;
1835       for (int i = 0; i < narr.length; i++)
1836           for (int j=i+1; j < narr.length; j++) {
1838               dist = (narr[i].x - narr[j].x)*(narr[i].x - narr[j].x) + (narr[i].y - narr[j].y)*(narr[i].y - narr[j].y) + (narr[i].z - narr[j].z)*(narr[i].z - narr[j].z);
1840               if (dist <= merge_distance)
1841                   if (narr[j].getMergedReference().getMaster_type() < narr[i].getMergedReference().getMaster_type())
1842                       narr[i].setMergedReference(narr[j].getMergedReference());
1843                   else
1844                       narr[j].setMergedReference(narr[i].getMergedReference());
1845           }
1847       // Replace all instances in the database
1848       for (int i=0; i < narr.length; i++)
1849           if (narr[i].getMergedReference() != narr[i])
1850               J3D.replaceAllInstancesOf(narr[i],narr[i].getMergedReference());
1852   }
saveSolverModel(String file_in)1856   private void saveSolverModel(String file_in) {
1857     _Node[] narr;
1858     _Object[] earr;
1859     _Group[] garr;
1860     _Geometry[] geoarr;
1861     String st;
1863     if(!file_in.endsWith(".in"))file_in+=".in";
1865     StringBuffer st_model = new StringBuffer("# Created Impact "+ver+"\n# "+new Date()+"\n\nCONTROLS\nrun from "+CONTROLS_RUN_FROM+" to "+CONTROLS_RUN_TO+(CONTROLS_RUN_STEP.trim().length()!=0?" step "+CONTROLS_RUN_STEP:"")+"\nprint every "+CONTROLS_PRINT_STEP+" step\n"+(CONTROLS_PRINT_TRACKER_STEP.trim().length()!=0?"Print TRACKER every "+CONTROLS_PRINT_TRACKER_STEP+" step":"")+"\n\n");
1866     StringBuffer st_nodes = new StringBuffer("");
1868     StringBuffer st_elements = new StringBuffer("");
1869     StringBuffer st_elements_Rod_2=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Rod_2\n");
1870     StringBuffer st_elements_Beam_2=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Beam_2\n");
1871     StringBuffer st_elements_Beam_Spring_2=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Beam_Spring_2\n");
1872     StringBuffer st_elements_Contact_Line=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Contact_Line\n");
1873     StringBuffer st_elements_Contact_Triangle=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Contact_Triangle\n");
1874     StringBuffer st_elements_Shell_C0_3=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Shell_C0_3\n");
1875     StringBuffer st_elements_Shell_BT_4=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Shell_BT_4\n");
1876     StringBuffer st_elements_Solid_Iso_4=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Solid_Iso_4\n");
1877     StringBuffer st_elements_Solid_Iso_6=new StringBuffer("ELEMENTS OF TYPE Solid_Iso_6\n");
1879     StringBuffer st_geometry = new StringBuffer("");
1880     StringBuffer geo_Point = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE Point\n");
1881     StringBuffer geo_Spline = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE Spline\n");
1882     StringBuffer geo_Arc = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE Arc\n");
1883     StringBuffer geo_SurfBil = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE SurfBil\n");
1884     StringBuffer geo_SurfDir = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE SurfDir\n");
1885     StringBuffer geo_SurfFill = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE SurfFill\n");
1886     StringBuffer geo_SurfRev = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE SurfRev\n");
1887     StringBuffer geo_SurfRul = new StringBuffer("GEOMETRY OF TYPE SurfRul\n");
1890     String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter node merge distance\nor select Cancel to prevent merging",new Float(J3D.getNODE_MERGE_TOLERANCE()));
1892     // Merge the nodes
1893     if(s != null)
1894     	this.mergeNodes(Float.parseFloat(s));
1896     // Initialize
1897     narr = J3D.getAllNodes3D();
1898     earr = J3D.getAllElements3D();
1899     garr = J3D.getAllGroups3D();
1900     geoarr = J3D.getAllGeometry3D();
1902     // Create printout of nodes
1903     headerMessage("Printing Nodes");
1904     if (narr.length > 0)
1905         st_nodes.append("NODES\n");
1906     for(int i=0; i<narr.length; i++)
1907     		st_nodes.append(narr[i].writeObject()+"\n");
1909     // Create printout of elements
1910     headerMessage("Printing elements");
1911     for(int j=0; j<earr.length; j++){
1912     	if(earr[j] instanceof _Element2 && ((_Element2)earr[j]).msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Beam_2) st_elements_Beam_2.append(((_Element2)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1913     	else
1914     		if(earr[j] instanceof _Element2 && ((_Element2)earr[j]).msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Line) st_elements_Contact_Line.append(((_Element2)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1915     		else
1916     			if(earr[j] instanceof _Element2 && ((_Element2)earr[j]).msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Rod_2) st_elements_Rod_2.append(((_Element2)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1917     			else
1918     				if(earr[j] instanceof _Element3 && ((_Element3)earr[j]).msh_type==Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Triangle) st_elements_Contact_Triangle.append(((_Element3)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1919     				else
1920     					if(earr[j] instanceof _Element3 && ((_Element3)earr[j]).msh_type==Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_C0_3) st_elements_Shell_C0_3.append(((_Element3)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1921     					else
1922     						if(earr[j] instanceof _Element4 && ((_Element4)earr[j]).msh_type==Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4) st_elements_Shell_BT_4.append(((_Element4)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1923     						else
1924     							if(earr[j] instanceof _Element4 && ((_Element4)earr[j]).msh_type==Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4) st_elements_Solid_Iso_4.append(((_Element4)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1925     							else
1926     								if(earr[j] instanceof _Element8) st_elements_Solid_Iso_6.append(((_Element8)earr[j]).writeObject()+"\n");
1927     }
1929     st_elements.append((st_elements_Rod_2.length()>23?st_elements_Rod_2.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1930                +(st_elements_Beam_2.length()>24?st_elements_Beam_2.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1931                +(st_elements_Beam_Spring_2.length()>31?st_elements_Beam_Spring_2.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1932                +(st_elements_Contact_Line.length()>30?st_elements_Contact_Line.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1933                +(st_elements_Contact_Triangle.length()>34?st_elements_Contact_Triangle.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1934                +(st_elements_Shell_C0_3.length()>28?st_elements_Shell_C0_3.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1935                +(st_elements_Shell_BT_4.length()>28?st_elements_Shell_BT_4.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1936                +(st_elements_Solid_Iso_4.length()>29?st_elements_Solid_Iso_4.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1937                +(st_elements_Solid_Iso_6.length()>29?st_elements_Solid_Iso_6.toString():""));
1939     // Create printout of geometry
1940     headerMessage("Printing geometry");
1941     for(int j=0; j<geoarr.length; j++){
1942         if(geoarr[j] instanceof _Point) geo_Point.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1943         else
1944             if(geoarr[j] instanceof _Arc) geo_Arc.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1945             else
1946                 if(geoarr[j] instanceof _Spline) geo_Spline.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1947                 else
1948                     if(geoarr[j] instanceof _SurfBil) geo_SurfBil.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1949                     else
1950                         if(geoarr[j] instanceof _SurfDir) geo_SurfDir.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1951                         else
1952                             if(geoarr[j] instanceof _SurfFill) geo_SurfFill.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1953                             else
1954                                 if(geoarr[j] instanceof _SurfRev) geo_SurfRev.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1955                                 else
1956                                     if(geoarr[j] instanceof _SurfRul) geo_SurfRul.append(geoarr[j].writeObject()+"\n");
1958     }
1960     st_geometry.append((geo_Point.length()>25?geo_Point.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1961                +(geo_Arc.length()>25?geo_Arc.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1962                +(geo_Spline.length()>25?geo_Spline.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1963                +(geo_SurfBil.length()>25?geo_SurfBil.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1964                +(geo_SurfDir.length()>25?geo_SurfDir.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1965                +(geo_SurfFill.length()>26?geo_SurfFill.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1966                +(geo_SurfRev.length()>25?geo_SurfRev.toString()+"\n\n":"")
1967                +(geo_SurfRul.length()>25?geo_SurfRul.toString()+"\n\n":""));
1971     headerMessage("Printing materials");
1972     for(Enumeration en = MatDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
1973       String key = en.nextElement()+"";
1974       Material mat = (Material)MatDB.get(key);
1975       st = "MATERIALS OF TYPE "+mat.type+"\n"+mat.name+" "+mat.description+"\n\n";
1976       if(st_elements.indexOf("Material = "+mat.name)!=-1) st_model.append(st);
1977     }
1979     headerMessage("Printing constraints");
1980     for(Enumeration en = ConstDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
1981       String key = en.nextElement()+"";
1982       Constraints con = (Constraints)ConstDB.get(key);
1983       st = "CONSTRAINTS OF TYPE "+con.type+"\n"+con.name+" "+con.description+"\n\n";
1984       if(st_nodes.indexOf("Constraint = "+con.name)!=-1)st_model.append(st);
1985     }
1987     headerMessage("Printing loads");
1988     for(Enumeration en = LoadDB.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();){
1989       String key = en.nextElement()+"";
1990       Loads ld = (Loads)LoadDB.get(key);
1991       st = "LOADS "+"\n"+ld.name+" "+ld.description+"\n\n";
1992       if(st_nodes.indexOf("Load = "+ld.name)!=-1 || st_elements.indexOf("Load = "+ld.name)!=-1)st_model.append(st);
1993     }
1995     headerMessage("Printing Groups");
1996     boolean firsttime = true;
1998     for(int i=3; i<garr.length; i++){
1999         // Only print groups that are user defined
2000         if (garr[i] instanceof _GroupUserDefined) {
2001         	if (firsttime) {
2002         		st_model.append("GROUPS");
2003         		firsttime = false;
2004         	}
2005         st_model.append(garr[i].writeObject());
2006         }
2007     }
2009     st_model.append("\n\n");
2011     st_model.append(st_geometry.toString() + "\n\n" + st_nodes.toString()+"\n\n" + st_elements.toString());
2013     headerMessage("Writing file");
2014     try{
2015       File f = new File(file_in);
2016       f.delete();
2017       RandomAccessFile fout = new RandomAccessFile(f,"rw");
2018       fout.writeBytes(st_model.toString());
2019       fout.close();
2020     }catch(Exception ex){error(ex);}
2022     headerMessage(null);
2023   }
2026   /**
2027    * This method goes through the Canvas 3D view and checks with _Objects that
2028    * are selected. If an object is found, all occurances of this object in the
2029    * tree is selected.
2030    *
2031    * A block variable is set during this update to avoid triggering of the
2032    * SelectionChanged event for each change.
2033    *
2034    */
rescanTree()2036   public void rescanTree() {
2037       Object obj;
2038       TreePath tp = Tree.getPathForRow(0);
2039       Vector tps = new Vector();
2040       TreePath[] ftps;
2042       if (tp == null) return;
2044       DefaultMutableTreeNode tn = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tp.getPathComponent(0);
2045       Enumeration en = tn.depthFirstEnumeration();
2047       block = true;
2049       while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
2050           tn = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)en.nextElement();
2051           obj = tn.getUserObject();
2052           if(obj instanceof _Object)
2053               if (((_Object)obj).isSelected()) {
2054                   tps.add(new TreePath(tn.getPath()));
2055               }
2056       }
2058       ftps = new TreePath[tps.size()];
2061       for (int i=0; i < ftps.length; i++) {
2062           ftps[i] = (TreePath)tps.elementAt(i);
2063       }
2065       Tree.setExpandsSelectedPaths(false);
2067       Tree.addSelectionPaths(ftps);
2069       block = false;
2071       Tree.repaint();
2072   }
2074   /**
2075    *
2076    * This method goes through the tree and checks which nodes that have
2077    * been selected. If a node is selected, the corresponding _Object is
2078    * set as selected in the canvas3D view.
2079    * Finally, the view is redrawn.
2080    *
2081    * @param e TreeSelectionEvent
2082    */
treeSelectionChanged()2084   public void treeSelectionChanged() {
2085           J3D.clearSelectOnAllObjects3D();
2086           TreePath[] tp = Tree.getSelectionPaths();
2087           if(tp==null)return;
2088           for(int i=0; i<tp.length; i++){
2089               DefaultMutableTreeNode tn = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tp[i].getLastPathComponent();
2090               Object obj = tn.getUserObject();
2091               int count = 0;
2092               if(obj instanceof _Object){ ((_Object)obj).setSelected(true); count++; }
2093               /*
2094                int lev = tn.getLevel();
2095                while((tn=tn.getNextNode())!=null && lev<tn.getLevel()){
2096                obj = tn.getUserObject();
2097                if(obj instanceof _Object){ ((_Object)obj).Select(tp[i]+""); count++; }
2098                }
2099                */
2100               if(count==0){
2101                   obj = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)tp[i].getParentPath().getLastPathComponent()).getUserObject();
2102                   if(obj instanceof _Object) ((_Object)obj).setSelected(true);
2103               }
2104           }
2105           J3D.view_reset();
2106   }
clearTree()2108  public void clearTree() {
2109      Tree.clearSelection();
2110  }
headerMessage(String m)2112  public void headerMessage(String m) {
2113      Frame f = getFrame(this);
2114      String s = f.getTitle();
2115      if(m==null)m = ImpactGUI.ver;
2116      String s1 = s.substring(0,s.lastIndexOf("]")+1);
2117      f.setTitle(s1+" " + m);
2119  }
headerMessage(String m, float progress)2121  public void headerMessage(String m, float progress) {
2122      Frame f = getFrame(this);
2123      String s = f.getTitle();
2124      String p = ">>>>>>>>>>";
2125      String e = "----------|";
2126      progress *= 10.0;
2127      String s1 = s.substring(0,s.lastIndexOf("]")+1);
2128      f.setTitle(s1+" " + m + "|" + p.substring(0,(int)progress) + e.substring((int)progress,11));
2130  }
header(String m)2134  public void header(String m) {
2135      Frame f = getFrame(this);
2136      String s = f.getTitle();
2138      String s1 = s.substring(0,s.indexOf("[PRE:")+6);
2139      String s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf("[PRO:"), s.length());
2140      f.setTitle(s1+m+"] "+s2);
2141  }
requestAction()2143  public void requestAction() {
2144      if (edit_panel != null)
2145          edit_panel.requestAction();
2146  }
2148  /**
2149   * Reads a Gmsh version 2 mesh file and generates elements and nodes in the preprocessor
2150   *
2151   * @param filename
2152   */
readGmsh(String filename)2153  public void readGmsh(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException {
2155      // Define regexp patterns for the data to import
2156      Regex Element = new Regex("^([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*([0-9]+)?\\s*$");
2158      Regex Node = new Regex("^([0-9]+)\\s+([-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)\\s+([-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)\\s+([-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)\\s*$");
2159      Regex NrOf = new Regex("^\\s*([0-9]+)\\s*$");
2161      Regex RNodes = new Regex("^\\s*\\$Nodes\\s*$");
2162      Regex RElem = new Regex("^\\s*\\$Elements\\s*$");
2164      String str;
2165      _Node n;;
2166      Hashtable nodes = new Hashtable();
2167      int nr_of_nodes, i;
2168      int linenr = 0;
2169      int nr_of_elements = 0;
2170      String[] nn = new String[30];
2171      _Element el;
2173      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
2175      // Speed up the parsing
2176      Node.optimize();
2177      Element.optimize();
2179      // Define group
2180      _Group g = new _Group(false, true);
2181      g.setName(filename);
2182      J3D.add3D(g);
2184      _Group g_n = new _Group(false, false);
2185      g_n.setName("Node");
2186      J3D.add3D(g_n);
2188      _Group g_e = new _Group(false, false);
2189      g_e.setName("Elem");
2190      J3D.add3D(g_e);
2192      g.addToGroup(g_n);
2193      g.addToGroup(g_e);
2196      // Start parsing
2197      while (!RNodes.search(str = br.readLine())) linenr++;
2199      // Start reading nodes
2200      str = br.readLine();
2201      linenr++;
2203      if (NrOf.search(str)) nr_of_nodes = Integer.parseInt(NrOf.stringMatched(1));
2204          else throw new ParseException("No number of nodes found in Gmsh file:" + filename,linenr);
2206      i = 0;
2207      while (Node.search(str = br.readLine())) {
2209          linenr++;
2210          n = new _Node(Float.parseFloat(Node.stringMatched(2)),Float.parseFloat(Node.stringMatched(4)),Float.parseFloat(Node.stringMatched(6)));
2211          nodes.put(Node.stringMatched(1),n);  //Nodenr, nodeobject
2212          g_n.addToGroup(n);
2213          J3D.add3D(n);
2214          headerMessage("Reading Nodes ",(float)i++/(float)nr_of_nodes);
2216      }
2218      // Read elements
2219      while (!RElem.search(str = br.readLine())) linenr++;
2221      str = br.readLine();
2222      linenr++;
2224      if (NrOf.search(str)) nr_of_elements = Integer.parseInt(NrOf.stringMatched(1));
2225          else throw new ParseException("No number of elements found in Gmsh file:" + filename,linenr);
2227      i = 0;
2228      while (Element.search(str = br.readLine())) {
2230          linenr++;
2231          headerMessage("Reading Elements ",(float)i++/(float)nr_of_elements);
2233          switch(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(2))) {
2235          case 1:
2236              nn[0] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+4);
2237              nn[1] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+5);
2238              if (nn[0] == null || nn[1] == null)
2239                  throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + Element.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2240              // Generate element
2241              el = new _Element2((_Node)nodes.get(nn[0]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[1]));
2242              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2243              J3D.add3D(el);
2244          break;
2246          case 2:
2247              nn[0] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+4);
2248              nn[1] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+5);
2249              nn[2] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+6);
2250              if (nn[0] == null || nn[1] == null || nn[2] == null)
2251                  throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + Element.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2252              // Generate element
2253              el = new _Element3((_Node)nodes.get(nn[0]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[1]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[2]));
2254              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2255              J3D.add3D(el);
2256          break;
2258          case 3:
2259              nn[0] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+4);
2260              nn[1] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+5);
2261              nn[2] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+6);
2262              nn[3] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+7);
2263              if (nn[0] == null || nn[1] == null || nn[2] == null || nn[3] == null)
2264                  throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + Element.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2265              // Generate element
2266              el = new _Element4((_Node)nodes.get(nn[0]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[1]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[2]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[3]),Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
2267              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2268              J3D.add3D(el);
2269          break;
2271          case 4:
2272              nn[0] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+4);
2273              nn[1] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+5);
2274              nn[2] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+6);
2275              nn[3] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+7);
2276              if (nn[0] == null || nn[1] == null || nn[2] == null || nn[3] == null)
2277                  throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + Element.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2278              // Generate element
2279              el = new _Element4((_Node)nodes.get(nn[0]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[1]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[2]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[3]),Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4);
2280              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2281              J3D.add3D(el);
2282          break;
2284          case 5:
2285              for (int j=0; j<7; j++) {
2286                  nn[j] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+j+4);
2287                  if (nn[j] == null)
2288                      throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + Element.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2289              }
2290              // Generate element
2291              el = new _Element8((_Node)nodes.get(nn[0]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[1]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[2]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[3]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[4]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[5]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[6]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[7]));
2292              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2293              J3D.add3D(el);
2294          break;
2296          case 6:   // 6-node prism
2297              for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
2298                  nn[j] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+j+4);
2299                  if (nn[j] == null)
2300                      throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + Element.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2301              }
2302              // Generate element
2303              el = new _Element8((_Node)nodes.get(nn[0]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[1]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[2]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[2]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[3]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[4]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[5]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[5]));
2304              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2305              J3D.add3D(el);
2306          break;
2308          case 7:   // 5-node pyramid
2309              for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
2310                  nn[j] = Element.stringMatched(Integer.parseInt(Element.stringMatched(3))+j+4);
2311                  if (nn[j] == null)
2312                      throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + Element.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2313              }
2314              // Generate element
2315              el = new _Element8((_Node)nodes.get(nn[0]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[1]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[2]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[3]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[4]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[4]),(_Node)nodes.get(nn[4]), (_Node)nodes.get(nn[4]));
2316              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2317              J3D.add3D(el);
2318          break;
2320          case 8:   // 3-node second order line
2321              break;
2323          case 9:   // 6-node second order triangle
2324              break;
2326          case 10:   // 9-node second order quadrangle
2327              break;
2329          case 11:   // 10-node second order tetrahedron
2330              break;
2332          case 12:   // 27-node second order hedahedron
2333              break;
2335          case 13:   // 18-node second order prism
2336              break;
2338          case 14:   // 14-node second order pyramid
2339              break;
2341          case 15:   // 1-node Point
2342              break;
2344          case 16:   // 8-node second order quadrangle
2345              break;
2347          case 17:   // 20-node second order hexahedron
2348              break;
2350          case 18:   // 15-node second order
2351              break;
2353          case 19:   // 13-node second order pyramid
2354              break;
2356          default:
2357              throw new ParseException("Unsupported element type in Gmsh file:" + filename, linenr);
2359          }
2361      }
2363      // Finished, now close
2365      headerMessage("File Read Successfully");
2366      br.close();
2368  }
2369 /**
2370   * Reads a Gmsh version 2 mesh file and generates elements and nodes in the preprocessor
2371   *
2372   * @param filename
2373   */
readNastran(String filename)2374  public void readNastran(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException {
2376      // Define regexp patterns for the data to import
2377      Regex GRID = new Regex("^GRID    ([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([+\\-0-9.eE ]{8})([+\\-0-9.eE ]{8})([+\\-0-9.eE ]{1,8})([0-9 ]{1,8})?([0-9eE ]{1,8})? *$");
2378      Regex GRIDS1 = new Regex("^GRID\\*   ([0-9 ]{16})([0-9 ]{16})([+\\-0-9.eE ]{16})([+\\-0-9.eE ]{1,16}) *$");
2379      Regex GRIDS2 = new Regex("^\\*       ([+\\-0-9.eE ]{1,16})([0-9 ]{1,16})?([0-9eE ]{1,16})? *$");
2380      Regex FGRID = new Regex("^GRID\\*,([0-9 ]+),([0-9 ]+),([-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?),([-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?),([-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?),([0-9 ]+)?,?([0-9 ]{8})? *");
2382      Regex CBAR = new Regex("^CBAR    ([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{1,8})([+\\-0-9. eE]{1,8})?([+\\-0-9. eE]{1,8})?([+\\-0-9. eE]{1,8})? *$");
2383      Regex CTRIA3 = new Regex("^CTRIA3  ([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{1,8})([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})?([0-9 ]{8})?([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})? *$");
2384      Regex CQUAD4 = new Regex("^CQUAD4  ([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{1,8})([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})?([0-9 ]{8})?([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})? *$");
2385      Regex CTETRA = new Regex("^CTETRA  ([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{1,8})([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})?([0-9 ]{8})?([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})? *$");
2386      Regex CHEXA1 = new Regex("^CHEXA   ([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{1,8}).*$");
2387      Regex CHEXA2 = new Regex("^........([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{1,8})([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})?([0-9 ]{8})?([+\\-0-9. eE]{8})? *$");
2388      Regex CPENTA = new Regex("^CPENTA  ([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{8})([0-9 ]{1,8})[ +]*$");
2390      Regex TO_ENG = new Regex("( *[-+][0-9.]*)([-+])","${1}E${2}");
2392      String str;
2393      _Node n;
2394      Hashtable nodes = new Hashtable();
2395      int i;
2396      int linenr = 0;
2397      String[] nn = new String[30];
2398      _Node[] nod = new _Node[16];
2399      _Element el;
2401      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
2403      // Speed up the parsing
2404      GRID.optimize();
2405      GRIDS1.optimize();
2406      GRIDS2.optimize();
2407      FGRID.optimize();
2408      CBAR.optimize();
2409      CTRIA3.optimize();
2410      CQUAD4.optimize();
2411      CTETRA.optimize();
2412      CHEXA1.optimize();
2413      CHEXA2.optimize();
2414      CPENTA.optimize();
2416      // Define group
2417      _Group g = new _Group(false, true);
2418      g.setName(filename);
2419      J3D.add3D(g);
2421      _Group g_n = new _Group(false, false);
2422      g_n.setName("Node");
2423      J3D.add3D(g_n);
2425      _Group g_e = new _Group(false, false);
2426      g_e.setName("Elem");
2427      J3D.add3D(g_e);
2429      g.addToGroup(g_n);
2430      g.addToGroup(g_e);
2433      // Start reading nodes
2434      i = 0;
2435      while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {
2437          if (GRID.search(str)) {
2438              linenr++;
2439              n = new _Node(Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAllFrom(GRID.stringMatched(3),2)),Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAllFrom(GRID.stringMatched(4),2)),Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAllFrom(GRID.stringMatched(5),2)));
2440              nodes.put(GRID.stringMatched(1).trim(),n);  //Nodenr, nodeobject
2441              g_n.addToGroup(n);
2442              J3D.add3D(n);
2443              headerMessage("Reading Node: " + i++);
2444          }
2445          else
2446          if (GRIDS1.search(str)) {
2447              linenr++;
2448              float x,y,z;
2449              x = Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(GRIDS1.stringMatched(3)));
2450              y = Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(GRIDS1.stringMatched(4)));
2451              if (!GRIDS2.search(str = br.readLine()))
2452                  throw new ParseException("No second line found for GRID*:" + CHEXA1.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2453              z = Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(GRIDS2.stringMatched(1)));
2454              n = new _Node(x,y,z);
2455              nodes.put(GRIDS1.stringMatched(1).trim(),n);  //Nodenr, nodeobject
2456              g_n.addToGroup(n);
2457              J3D.add3D(n);
2458              headerMessage("Reading Node: " + i++);
2459          }
2460          else
2461          if (FGRID.search(str)) {
2462              linenr++;
2463              n = new _Node(Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(FGRID.stringMatched(3))),Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(FGRID.stringMatched(4))),Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(FGRID.stringMatched(5))));
2464              nodes.put(FGRID.stringMatched(1).trim(),n);  //Nodenr, nodeobject
2465              g_n.addToGroup(n);
2466              J3D.add3D(n);
2467              headerMessage("Reading Node: " + i++);
2468          }
2470      }
2472      br.close();
2475      // Now, read the elements
2476      br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
2477      linenr = 0;
2478      i=0;
2480      while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {
2481      linenr++;
2483      if (CBAR.search(str)) {
2484          for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
2485          nn[j] = CBAR.stringMatched(j+3).trim();
2486          if (nn[j] == null)
2487              throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + CBAR.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2488          nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2489          if (nod[j] == null)
2490              throw new ParseException("No matching node found for element:" + CBAR.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2491          }
2493          // Generate element
2494          el = new _Element2(nod[0], nod[1]);
2495          g_e.addToGroup(el);
2496          J3D.add3D(el);
2497          headerMessage("Reading CBAR: " + i++);
2498      }
2499      else
2500      if (CTRIA3.search(str)) {
2501          for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
2502          nn[j] = CTRIA3.stringMatched(j+3).trim();
2503          if (nn[j] == null)
2504              throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + CTRIA3.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2505          nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2506          if (nod[j] == null)
2507              throw new ParseException("No matching node found for element:" + CTRIA3.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2508          }
2510          // Generate element
2511          el = new _Element3(nod[0], nod[1],  nod[2]);
2512          g_e.addToGroup(el);
2513          J3D.add3D(el);
2514          headerMessage("Reading CTRIA3: " + i++);
2515      }
2516      else
2517          if (CQUAD4.search(str)) {
2518              for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
2519              nn[j] = CQUAD4.stringMatched(j+3).trim();
2520              if (nn[j] == null)
2521                  throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + CQUAD4.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2522              nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2523              if (nod[j] == null)
2524                  throw new ParseException("No matching node found for element:" + CQUAD4.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2525              }
2527              // Generate element
2528              el = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1],  nod[2],  nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
2529              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2530              J3D.add3D(el);
2531              headerMessage("Reading CQUAD4: " + i++);
2532          }
2533      else
2534          if (CTETRA.search(str)) {
2535              for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
2536              nn[j] = CTETRA.stringMatched(j+3).trim();
2537              if (nn[j] == null)
2538                  throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + CTETRA.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2539              nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2540              if (nod[j] == null)
2541                  throw new ParseException("No matching node found for element:" + CTETRA.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2542              }
2544              // Generate element
2545              el = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1],  nod[2],  nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4);
2546              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2547              J3D.add3D(el);
2548              headerMessage("Reading CTETRA: " + i++);
2549          }
2550      else
2551          if (CHEXA1.search(str)) {
2552              for (int j=0; j<6; j++) {
2553              nn[j] = CHEXA1.stringMatched(j+3).trim();
2554              if (nn[j] == null)
2555                  throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + CHEXA1.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2556              nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2557              if (nod[j] == null)
2558                  throw new ParseException("No matching node "+nn[j]+" found for element:" + CHEXA1.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2559              }
2561              if (!CHEXA2.search(str = br.readLine()))
2562                  throw new ParseException("No last two nodes found for element:" + CHEXA1.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2563              for (int j=6; j<8; j++) {
2564                  nn[j] = CHEXA2.stringMatched(j-5).trim();
2565                  if (nn[j] == null)
2566                      throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + CHEXA1.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2567                  nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2568                  if (nod[j] == null)
2569                      throw new ParseException("No matching node "+nn[j]+" found for element:" + CHEXA1.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2570                  }
2572              // Generate element
2573              el = new _Element8(nod[0], nod[1],  nod[2],  nod[3], nod[4], nod[5],  nod[6],  nod[7]);
2574              g_e.addToGroup(el);
2575              J3D.add3D(el);
2576              headerMessage("Reading CHEXA: " + i++);
2577          }
2578          else
2579              if (CPENTA.search(str)) {
2580                  for (int j=0; j<6; j++) {
2581                  nn[j] = CPENTA.stringMatched(j+3).trim();
2582                  if (nn[j] == null)
2583                      throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + CPENTA.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2584                  nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2585                  if (nod[j] == null)
2586                      throw new ParseException("No matching node "+nn[j]+" found for element:" + CPENTA.stringMatched(1),linenr);
2587                  }
2589                  // Generate element
2590                  el = new _Element8(nod[0], nod[1],  nod[2],  nod[2], nod[3], nod[4],  nod[5],  nod[5]);
2591                  g_e.addToGroup(el);
2592                  J3D.add3D(el);
2593                  headerMessage("Reading CPENTA: " + i++);
2594              }
2595      }
2597      headerMessage("File Read Successfully");
2598      br.close();
2600  }
2601 /**
2602   * Reads a Gmsh version 2 mesh file and generates elements and nodes in the preprocessor
2603   *
2604   * @param filename
2605   */
readUNV(String filename)2606  public void readUNV(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException {
2608      // Define regexp patterns for the data to import
2610      Regex SETNODES = new Regex("^\\s*2411\\s*$");
2611      Regex SETELEMENTS = new Regex("^\\s*2412\\s*$");
2612      Regex END = new Regex("^\\s*-1\\s*$");
2614      Regex NODE1 = new Regex("^([+\\-0-9 ]{10})([+\\-0-9 ]{10})([+\\-0-9 ]{10})([+\\-0-9 ]{1,10})\\s*$");
2615      Regex NODE2 = new Regex("^([+\\-0-9.eED ]{25})([+\\-0-9.eED ]{25})([+\\-0-9.eED ]{1,25})\\s*$");
2617      Regex ELEMENT1 = new Regex("^([0-9 ]{10})([0-9 ]{10})([0-9 ]{10})([0-9 ]{10})([0-9 ]{10})([0-9 ]{10})\\s*$");
2618      Regex ELEMENT2 = new Regex("^([0-9 ]{10})([0-9 ]{10})([0-9 ]{10})?([0-9 ]{10})?([0-9 ]{10})?([0-9 ]{10})?([0-9 ]{10})?([0-9 ]{10})?\\s*$");
2620      Regex TO_ENG = new Regex("D","E");
2622      String str;
2623      _Node n;
2624      Hashtable nodes = new Hashtable();
2625      int i, eltype, nnodes;
2626      boolean inblock = false;
2627      int linenr = 0;
2628      String[] nn = new String[30];
2629      _Node[] nod = new _Node[16];
2630      String elname;
2631      _Object o;
2633      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
2635      // Speed up the parsing
2636      SETNODES.optimize();
2637      SETELEMENTS.optimize();
2638      END.optimize();
2639      NODE1.optimize();
2640      NODE2.optimize();
2641      ELEMENT1.optimize();
2642      ELEMENT2.optimize();
2644      // Define group
2645      _Group g = new _Group(false, true);
2646      g.setName(filename);
2647      J3D.add3D(g);
2649      _Group g_n = new _Group(false, false);
2650      g_n.setName("Node");
2651      J3D.add3D(g_n);
2653      _Group g_e = new _Group(false, false);
2654      g_e.setName("Elem");
2655      J3D.add3D(g_e);
2657      g.addToGroup(g_n);
2658      g.addToGroup(g_e);
2660      // Start reading nodes
2661      i = 0;
2662      inblock = false;
2664      while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {
2665          linenr++;
2667          if (SETNODES.search(str)) inblock = true;
2668          if (END.search(str)) inblock = false;
2670          if (inblock) {
2672              if (NODE1.search(str))
2673                  nn[0] = NODE1.stringMatched(1).trim();
2675              if (NODE2.search(str)) {
2676                  n = new _Node(Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(NODE2.stringMatched(1))),Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(NODE2.stringMatched(2))),Float.parseFloat(TO_ENG.replaceAll(NODE2.stringMatched(3))));
2677                  nodes.put(nn[0],n);  //Nodenr, nodeobject
2678                  g_n.addToGroup(n);
2679                  J3D.add3D(n);
2680                  headerMessage("Reading Node: " + i++);
2681              }
2683          }
2684      }
2685      br.close();
2687      // Now, read the elements
2688      br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
2689      linenr = 0;
2690      i=0;
2691      nnodes = 0;
2692      elname = "";
2693      eltype = 0;
2695      while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {
2696          linenr++;
2698          if (SETELEMENTS.search(str)) inblock = true;
2699          if (END.search(str)) inblock = false;
2701          if (inblock) {
2703              if (ELEMENT1.search(str)) {
2704                  elname = ELEMENT1.stringMatched(1).trim();
2705                  eltype = Integer.parseInt(ELEMENT1.stringMatched(2).trim());
2706                  nnodes = Integer.parseInt(ELEMENT1.stringMatched(6).trim());
2707                  str = br.readLine();
2708              }
2710              if (ELEMENT2.search(str) && eltype < 41)   // Skip one line for beam and rod elements
2711                  str = br.readLine();
2713              if (nnodes > 8)
2714                  throw new ParseException("Impact does not support higher order elements. Error at element:" + elname, linenr);
2716              if (ELEMENT2.search(str) && nnodes <= 8) {
2717                  for (int j=0; j<nnodes; j++) {
2718                      nn[j] = ELEMENT2.stringMatched(j+1).trim();
2719                      if (nn[j] == null)
2720                          throw new ParseException("No node number for element:" + elname, linenr);
2721                      nod[j] = (_Node)nodes.get(nn[j]);
2722                      if (nod[j] == null)
2723                          throw new ParseException("No matching node found for element:" + elname, linenr);
2724                  }
2726                  // Generate element
2728                  switch(eltype) {
2730                  case 11:
2731                      o = new _Element2(nod[0], nod[1]);
2732                      J3D.add3D(o);
2733                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2734                      headerMessage("Reading BAR: " + i++);
2735                      break;
2737                  case 31:
2738                      o = new _Element2(nod[0], nod[1]);
2739                      J3D.add3D(o);
2740                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2741                      headerMessage("Reading PIPE: " + i++);
2742                      break;
2744                  case 41:
2745                      o = new _Element3(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2]);
2746                      J3D.add3D(o);
2747                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2748                      headerMessage("Reading TRIA: " + i++);
2749                      break;
2751                  case 51:
2752                      o = new _Element3(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2]);
2753                      J3D.add3D(o);
2754                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2755                      headerMessage("Reading TRIA: " + i++);
2756                      break;
2758                  case 61:
2759                      o = new _Element3(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2]);
2760                      J3D.add3D(o);
2761                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2762                      headerMessage("Reading TRIA: " + i++);
2763                      break;
2765                  case 74:
2766                      o = new _Element3(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2]);
2767                      J3D.add3D(o);
2768                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2769                      headerMessage("Reading TRIA: " + i++);
2770                      break;
2772                  case 91:
2773                      o = new _Element3(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2]);
2774                      J3D.add3D(o);
2775                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2776                      headerMessage("Reading TRIA: " + i++);
2777                      break;
2779                  case 44:
2780                      o = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
2781                      J3D.add3D(o);
2782                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2783                      headerMessage("Reading QUAD: " + i++);
2784                      break;
2786                  case 54:
2787                      o = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
2788                      J3D.add3D(o);
2789                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2790                      headerMessage("Reading QUAD: " + i++);
2791                      break;
2793                  case 64:
2794                      o = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
2795                      J3D.add3D(o);
2796                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2797                      headerMessage("Reading QUAD: " + i++);
2798                      break;
2800                  case 84:
2801                      o = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
2802                      J3D.add3D(o);
2803                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2804                      headerMessage("Reading QUAD: " + i++);
2805                      break;
2807                  case 94:
2808                      o = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4);
2809                      J3D.add3D(o);
2810                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2811                      headerMessage("Reading QUAD: " + i++);
2812                      break;
2814                  case 111:
2815                      o = new _Element4(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[3], Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4);
2816                      J3D.add3D(o);
2817                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2818                      headerMessage("Reading TETRA: " + i++);
2819                      break;
2821                  case 112:
2822                      o = new _Element8(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[2], nod[3], nod[4], nod[5], nod[5]);
2823                      J3D.add3D(o);
2824                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2825                      headerMessage("Reading WEDGE: " + i++);
2826                      break;
2828                  case 115:
2829                      o = new _Element8(nod[0], nod[1], nod[2], nod[3], nod[4], nod[5], nod[6], nod[7]);
2830                      J3D.add3D(o);
2831                      g_e.addToGroup(o);
2832                      headerMessage("Reading BRICK: " + i++);
2833                      break;
2835                  }
2837              }
2838          }
2839      }
2841      headerMessage("File Read Successfully");
2842      br.close();
2843  }
readIN(String filename)2845  public void readIN(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException {
2846      Hashtable NDB = new Hashtable();
2847      Hashtable EDB = new Hashtable();
2848      Hashtable GDB = new Hashtable();
2849      Hashtable GRDB = new Hashtable();
2850      Hashtable MatDB = new Hashtable();
2851      Hashtable ConstDB = new Hashtable();
2852      Hashtable LoadDB = new Hashtable();
2853      String file_src;
2854      String ContpolsDB="",TrackersDB="";
2855      String st;
2856      boolean inblock = false;
2858      // Define group
2859      _Group g = new _Group(false, true);
2860      g.setName(filename);
2861      J3D.add3D(g);
2863      _Group g_n = new _Group(false, false);
2864      g_n.setName("Node");
2865      J3D.add3D(g_n);
2867      _Group g_e = new _Group(false, false);
2868      g_e.setName("Elem");
2869      J3D.add3D(g_e);
2871      _Group g_g = new _Group(false, false);
2872      g_g.setName("Geo");
2873      J3D.add3D(g_g);
2875      g.addToGroup(g_n);
2876      g.addToGroup(g_e);
2877      g.addToGroup(g_g);
2879      // Start parsing
2880      RandomAccessFile in = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r");
2881      byte[] b = new byte[(int)in.length()];
2882      in.read(b,0,(int)in.length());
2883      file_src = new String(b);
2885      file_src = file_src.replaceAll("\t"," ");
2887      // CONTROLS
2888      StringTokenizer stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
2889      while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2890          st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2891          if(st.startsWith("CONTROLS")){
2892              ContpolsDB = st+"\n";
2893                  while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2894                      st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2895                      if(st.startsWith("#") || st.length()==0)continue;
2896                      if(st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1 || st.indexOf("LOADS")!=-1)break;
2897                      ContpolsDB += st+"\n";
2898                  }
2899          }
2900      }
2902      // TRACKERS
2903      stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
2904      while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2905          st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2906          if(st.startsWith("TRACKERS")){
2907              TrackersDB = st+"\n";
2908                  while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2909                      st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2910                      if(st.startsWith("#") || st.length()==0)continue;
2911                      if(st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS") || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1 || st.indexOf("LOADS")!=-1)break;
2912                      TrackersDB += st+"\n";
2913                  }
2914          }
2916          // Material
2917          stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
2918          while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2919              st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2920              if(st.startsWith("MATERIALS")){
2921                  String mat_type=null;
2922                  if(st.indexOf("ELASTIC")!=-1){
2923                      mat_type = "ELASTIC";
2924                  }else if(st.indexOf("ELASTOPLASTIC")!=-1){
2925                      mat_type = "ELASTOPLASTIC";
2926                  }else if(st.indexOf("THERMOELASTOPLASTIC")!=-1){
2927                      mat_type = "THERMOELASTOPLASTIC";
2928                  }else if(st.indexOf("SPRING")!=-1){
2929                      mat_type = "SPRING";
2930                  }
2931                  while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2932                      st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2933                      if(st.startsWith("#") || st.length()==0 || st.startsWith("MATERIALS"))continue;
2934                      if(st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1 || st.indexOf("LOADS")!=-1)break;
2935                      StringTokenizer stt1 = new StringTokenizer(st," =\t");
2936                      String mat_name = stt1.nextToken();
2937                      String mat_discription = st.substring(mat_name.length());
2938                      Material mat = new Material();
2939                      mat.color=Color.gray;
2940                      mat.description=mat_discription;
2941                      mat.name=mat_name;
2942                      mat.type=mat_type;
2943                      if(!MatDB.containsKey(mat.name))  MatDB.put(mat.name,mat);
2944                  }
2945              }
2946          }
2948          // Constraints
2949          stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
2950          while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2951              st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2952              if(st.startsWith("CONSTRAINTS")){
2953                  String constr_type=null;
2954                  if(st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1){
2955                      constr_type = "BOUNDARY_CONDITION";
2956                  }else if(st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1){
2957                      constr_type = "RIGID_BODY";
2958                  }
2959                  while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2960                      st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2961                      if(st.startsWith("#") || st.length()==0 || st.startsWith("CONSTRAINTS"))continue;
2962                      if(st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("LOADS")!=-1)break;
2963                      StringTokenizer stt1 = new StringTokenizer(st," =\t");
2964                      String constr_name = stt1.nextToken();
2965                      String constr_discription = st.substring(constr_name.length());
2966                      Constraints constr = new Constraints();
2967                      constr.color=Color.red;
2968                      constr.description=constr_discription;
2969                      constr.name=constr_name;
2970                      constr.type=constr_type;
2971                      if(!ConstDB.containsKey(constr.name))  ConstDB.put(constr.name,constr);
2972                  }
2973              }
2974          }
2976          // Loads
2977          stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
2978          while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2979              st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2980              if(st.startsWith("LOADS")){
2981                  while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
2982                      st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
2983                      if(st.startsWith("#") || st.length()==0 || st.startsWith("LOADS"))continue;
2984                      if(st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1)break;
2985                      StringTokenizer stt1 = new StringTokenizer(st," =\t");
2986                      String load_name = stt1.nextToken();
2987                      String load_discription = st.substring(load_name.length());
2988                      Loads load = new Loads();
2989                      load.color=Color.blue;
2990                      load.description=load_discription;
2991                      load.name=load_name;
2992                      if(!LoadDB.containsKey(load.name))  LoadDB.put(load.name,load);
2993                  }
2994              }
2995          }
2997          // NODES
2998          stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
2999          while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3000              st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
3001              if(st.equals("NODES")){
3002                  while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3003                      st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
3004                      if(st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("LOADS") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1)break;
3005                      if(st.startsWith("#") || st.length()==0)continue;
3006                      StringTokenizer stt1 = new StringTokenizer(st," =XYZ\t");
3007                      String key = stt1.nextToken();
3008                      _Node nd = new _Node(Float.parseFloat(stt1.nextToken()),Float.parseFloat(stt1.nextToken()),Float.parseFloat(stt1.nextToken()));
3009                      nd.set_Id(key);
3011                      if(st.indexOf("CONSTRAINT")!=-1){
3012                          String st1 = st.substring(st.indexOf("CONSTRAINT")+10);
3013                          stt1 = new StringTokenizer(st1," \t");
3014                          stt1.nextToken();
3015                          nd.constraint = (Constraints)ConstDB.get(stt1.nextToken());
3016                      }
3017                      if(st.indexOf("LOAD")!=-1){
3018                          String st1 = st.substring(st.indexOf("LOAD")+4);
3019                          stt1 = new StringTokenizer(st1," \t");
3020                          stt1.nextToken();
3021                          nd.load = (Loads)LoadDB.get(stt1.nextToken());
3022                      }
3023                      NDB.put(key,nd);
3024                  }
3025              }
3026          }
3028          // ELEMENTS
3029          stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
3030          while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3031              st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
3032              if(st.startsWith("ELEMENTS")){
3033                  String el_msh_name=null;
3034                  int el_msh_type=-1;
3035                  if(st.indexOf("BEAM_2")!=-1){
3036                      el_msh_name = "Beam_2";
3037                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Beam_2;
3038                  }else if(st.indexOf("CONTACT_TRIANGLE")!=-1){
3039                      el_msh_name = "Contact_Triangle";
3040                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Triangle;
3041                  }else if(st.indexOf("CONTACT_LINE")!=-1){
3042                      el_msh_name = "Contact_Line";
3043                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Line;
3044                  }else if(st.indexOf("ROD_2")!=-1){
3045                      el_msh_name = "Rod_2";
3046                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Rod_2;
3047                  }else if(st.indexOf("BEAM_SPRING_2")!=-1){
3048                      el_msh_name = "Beam_Spring_2";
3049                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Beam_Spring_2;
3050                  }else if(st.indexOf("SHELL_BT_4")!=-1){
3051                      el_msh_name = "Shell_BT_4";
3052                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4;
3053                  }else if(st.indexOf("SHELL_C0_3")!=-1){
3054                      el_msh_name = "Shell_C0_3";
3055                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_C0_3;
3056                  }else if(st.indexOf("SOLID_ISO_4")!=-1){
3057                      el_msh_name = "Solid_Iso_4";
3058                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4;
3059                  }else if(st.indexOf("SOLID_ISO_6")!=-1){
3060                      el_msh_name = "Solid_Iso_6";
3061                      el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_6;
3062                  }
3064                  while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3065                      st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
3066                      if(st.startsWith("#") || st.length()==0)continue;
3067                      if(st.startsWith("ELEMENTS")){
3068                          el_msh_name=null;
3069                          el_msh_type=-1;
3070                          if(st.indexOf("BEAM_2")!=-1){
3071                              el_msh_name = "Beam_2";
3072                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Beam_2;
3073                          }else if(st.indexOf("CONTACT_TRIANGLE")!=-1){
3074                              el_msh_name = "Contact_Triangle";
3075                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Triangle;
3076                          }else if(st.indexOf("CONTACT_LINE")!=-1){
3077                              el_msh_name = "Contact_Line";
3078                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Line;
3079                          }else if(st.indexOf("ROD_2")!=-1){
3080                              el_msh_name = "Rod_2";
3081                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Rod_2;
3082                          }else if(st.indexOf("BEAM_SPRING_2")!=-1){
3083                              el_msh_name = "Beam_Spring_2";
3084                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Beam_Spring_2;
3085                          }else if(st.indexOf("SHELL_BT_4")!=-1){
3086                              el_msh_name = "Shell_BT_4";
3087                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4;
3088                          }else if(st.indexOf("SHELL_C0_3")!=-1){
3089                              el_msh_name = "Shell_C0_3";
3090                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_C0_3;
3091                          }else if(st.indexOf("SOLID_ISO_4")!=-1){
3092                              el_msh_name = "Solid_Iso_4";
3093                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4;
3094                          }else if(st.indexOf("SOLID_ISO_6")!=-1){
3095                              el_msh_name = "Solid_Iso_6";
3096                              el_msh_type = Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_6;
3097                          }
3098                          continue;
3099                      }
3101                      if(st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1 || st.indexOf("LOADS")!=-1)break;
3102                      StringTokenizer stt1 = new StringTokenizer(st,"[]");
3103                      String key = stt1.nextToken();
3104                      key = new StringTokenizer(key," \t").nextToken();
3105                      String st_nd = stt1.nextToken();
3106                      String st_load = stt1.nextToken();
3107                      StringTokenizer stt2 = new StringTokenizer(st_nd,", \t");
3108                      int[] arr = new int[stt2.countTokens()];
3109                      int i=0;
3110                      while (stt2.hasMoreTokens()){
3111                          arr[i]=Integer.parseInt(stt2.nextToken());
3112                          i++;
3113                      }
3114                      _Object el=null;
3115                      if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Rod_2){
3116                          el = new _Element2((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),el_msh_type,(Material)MatDB.get(getValue(st_load,"MATERIAL")),java.lang.Float.parseFloat(getValue(st_load,"D")));
3117                          ((_Element2)el).readObject(st_load);
3118                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Triangle){
3119                          Material mat = new Material();
3120                          mat.color = Color.gray;
3121                          mat.name = "null";
3122                          MatDB.put(mat.name,mat);
3123                          el = new _Element3((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[2]+""),el_msh_type,mat,java.lang.Float.parseFloat(getValue(st_load,"T")));
3124                          ((_Element3)el).readObject(st_load, LoadDB);
3125                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Contact_Line){
3126                          Material mat = new Material();
3127                          mat.color = Color.gray;
3128                          mat.name = "null";
3129                          MatDB.put(mat.name,mat);
3130                          el = new _Element2((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),el_msh_type,mat,java.lang.Float.parseFloat(getValue(st_load,"D")));
3131                          ((_Element2)el).readObject(st_load);
3132                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Beam_2){
3133                          el = new _Element2((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),el_msh_type,(Material)MatDB.get(getValue(st_load,"MATERIAL")),java.lang.Float.parseFloat(getValue(st_load,"D")));
3134                          ((_Element2)el).readObject(st_load);
3135                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Beam_Spring_2){
3136                          //---------------------------------
3137                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_BT_4){
3138                          el = new _Element4((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[2]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[3]+""),el_msh_type,(Material)MatDB.get(getValue(st_load,"MATERIAL")),java.lang.Float.parseFloat(getValue(st_load,"T")));
3139                          ((_Element4)el).readObject(st_load, LoadDB);
3140                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_4){
3141                          el = new _Element4((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[2]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[3]+""),el_msh_type,(Material)MatDB.get(getValue(st_load,"MATERIAL")),0);
3142                          try{ ((_Element4)el).NIP = new Integer(getValue(st_load,"NIP")); }catch(Exception e1){}
3143                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Shell_C0_3){
3144                          el = new _Element3((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[2]+""),el_msh_type,(Material)MatDB.get(getValue(st_load,"MATERIAL")),java.lang.Float.parseFloat(getValue(st_load,"T")));
3145                          ((_Element3)el).readObject(st_load, LoadDB);
3146                      }else if(el_msh_type == Canvas3D.MESH_Solid_Iso_6){
3147                          el = new _Element8((_Node)NDB.get(arr[0]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[1]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[2]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[3]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[4]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[5]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[6]+""),(_Node)NDB.get(arr[7]+""),(Material)MatDB.get(getValue(st_load,"MATERIAL")));
3148                          ((_Element8)el).readObject(st_load);
3149                      }
3151                      if(el!=null){
3152                          el.set_Id(key);
3153                          EDB.put(key,el);
3154                      }
3155                  }
3156              }
3157          }
3158      }
3160      // GEOMETRY
3162      // POINTS
3163      inblock = false;
3164      String geom = new String();
3165      Regex gtype = new Regex("^(?i) *GEOMETRY *OF *TYPE *POINT *$");
3166      Regex token = new Regex("^(?i) *[0-9]+");
3167      _Geometry geo;
3169      gtype.optimize();
3171      stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
3172      while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3173     	 st = stt.nextToken();
3175      block_one:
3176     	 if (inblock) {
3178              if (st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("GEOMETRY") || st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("LOADS") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1) {
3179                  inblock = false;
3180                  break block_one;
3181     		 }
3183              if (!token.search(st))
3184                  continue;
3186   		     geo = new _Point(false);
3187              ((_Point)geo).readObject(st);
3188              GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3189              J3D.add3D(geo);
3191     	 }	 // end inblock
3193     	 if (gtype.search(st)) {
3194     		 inblock = true;
3195     	 }
3196      } // End while geometry block
3200      // CURVES
3201      inblock = false;
3202      geom = new String();
3203      gtype = new Regex("^(?i) *GEOMETRY *OF *TYPE *(ARC|SPLINE) *$");
3205      gtype.optimize();
3207      stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
3208      while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3209          st = stt.nextToken();
3211      block_two:
3212          if (inblock) {
3214              if (st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("GEOMETRY") || st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("LOADS") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1) {
3215                  inblock = false;
3216                  break block_two;
3217              }
3219              if (!token.search(st))
3220                  continue;
3222              if (geom.equals("SPLINE")) {
3223                  geo = new _Spline(false, J3D);
3224                  ((_Spline)geo).readObject(st,GDB);
3225                  GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3226                  J3D.add3D(geo);
3227              }
3229              if (geom.equals("ARC")) {
3230                  geo = new _Arc(false, J3D);
3231                  ((_Arc)geo).readObject(st,GDB);
3232                  GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3233                  J3D.add3D(geo);
3234              }
3236          }   // end inblock
3238          if (gtype.search(st)) {
3239              inblock = true;
3240              geom = gtype.stringMatched(1).toUpperCase();
3241          }
3242      } // End while geometry block
3245      // SURFACES
3246      inblock = false;
3247      geom = new String();
3248      gtype = new Regex("^(?i) *GEOMETRY *OF *TYPE *(SURFBIL|SURFDIR|SURFFILL|SURFREV|SURFRUL) *$");
3250      gtype.optimize();
3252      stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
3253      while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3254          st = stt.nextToken();
3256      block_three:
3257          if (inblock) {
3259              if (st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("GEOMETRY") || st.startsWith("GROUPS") || st.startsWith("LOADS") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1) {
3260                  inblock = false;
3261                  break block_three;
3262              }
3264              if (!token.search(st))
3265                  continue;
3267              if (geom.equals("SURFBIL")) {
3268                  geo = new _SurfBil(false, J3D);
3269                  ((_SurfBil)geo).readObject(st, GDB);
3270                  GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3271                  J3D.add3D(geo);
3272              }
3274              if (geom.equals("SURFDIR")) {
3275                  geo = new _SurfDir(false, J3D);
3276                  ((_SurfDir)geo).readObject(st, GDB);
3277                  GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3278                  J3D.add3D(geo);
3279              }
3281              if (geom.equals("SURFFILL")) {
3282                  geo = new _SurfFill(false, J3D);
3283                  ((_SurfFill)geo).readObject(st, GDB);
3284                  GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3285                  J3D.add3D(geo);
3286              }
3288              if (geom.equals("SURFREV")) {
3289                  geo = new _SurfRev(false, J3D);
3290                  ((_SurfRev)geo).readObject(st, GDB);
3291                  GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3292                  J3D.add3D(geo);
3293              }
3295              if (geom.equals("SURFRUL")) {
3296                  geo = new _SurfRul(false, J3D);
3297                  ((_SurfRul)geo).readObject(st, GDB);
3298                  GDB.put(geo.get_Id(), geo);
3299                  J3D.add3D(geo);
3300              }
3303          }   // end inblock
3305          if (gtype.search(st)) {
3306              inblock = true;
3307              geom = gtype.stringMatched(1).toUpperCase();
3308          }
3309      } // End while geometry block
3312      // GROUPS
3313      Regex Group1 = new Regex("^(?i) *([0-9]+) *NAME *= *([a-zA-Z\\/.0-9_]*)");
3314      _Group ng;
3316      // Groups defined in two passes
3317      for (int i=0; i<2 ; i++) {
3318          inblock = false;
3319          stt = new StringTokenizer(file_src,"\n");
3321          while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
3322              st = stt.nextToken().trim().toUpperCase();
3324              if(st.startsWith("GROUPS")) inblock = true;
3325              if(st.startsWith("NODES") || st.startsWith("LOADS") || st.startsWith("ELEMENTS") || st.startsWith("CONTROLS") || st.startsWith("TRACKERS") || st.startsWith("MATERIALS")  || st.indexOf("BOUNDARY_CONDITION")!=-1 || st.indexOf("RIGID_BODY")!=-1) inblock=false;
3327              if(inblock)
3328                  if (Group1.search(st)) {
3329                      // Make a new group
3330                      if (i==0)
3331                          ng = new _GroupUserDefined(false, true);
3332                      else
3333                          ng = (_Group)GRDB.get(Group1.stringMatched(1)); // Get group defined in first pass
3335                      ng.readObject((i==0),st,NDB,EDB,GDB,GRDB);
3337                      if (i==0) {
3338                          GRDB.put(ng.get_Id(), ng); // Key is Id defined in file
3339                          J3D.add3D(ng); // This will set a new Id
3340                      }
3341                  }
3342          }
3343      }
3345      // Finally, feed the database
3347      Object q;
3348      Iterator it = NDB.keySet().iterator();
3349      while (it.hasNext()) {
3350          J3D.add3D((_Node)NDB.get(q = it.next()));
3351          g_n.addToGroup((_Node)NDB.get(q));
3352      }
3354      it = EDB.keySet().iterator();
3355      while (it.hasNext()) {
3356          J3D.add3D((_Element)EDB.get(q = it.next()));
3357          g_e.addToGroup((_Element)EDB.get(q));
3358      }
3360      it = GDB.keySet().iterator();
3361      while (it.hasNext()) {
3362          g_g.addToGroup((_Geometry)GDB.get(it.next()));
3363      }
3365  }
getValue(String src, String key)3367 private String getValue(String src, String key){
3368     key = " "+key+" ";
3369     if(src.indexOf(key)==-1)return null;
3370     src=src.substring(src.indexOf(key)+key.length());
3371     StringTokenizer stt = new StringTokenizer(src," =\t\n");
3372     return stt.nextToken();
3373   }
3376 }