1 /*
2  * grouteMain.c --
3  *
4  * Top level code for the global signal router.
5  *
6  * The global router's job is to find the sequence of channel pins
7  * through which each signal must pass, and mark these pins so the
8  * channel router can connect them within each channel.
9  *
10  * Our overall approach is greedy: we compute the area of the bounding
11  * box of all terminals in a net for each net, and perform global routing
12  * of each net in order of increasing area of this bounding box.  This
13  * has the effect of routing more constrained nets first, and less
14  * constrained ones later.
15  *
16  *     *********************************************************************
17  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
18  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
19  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
20  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
21  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
22  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
23  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
24  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
25  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
26  *     *********************************************************************
27  */
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #include <sys/types.h>
31 #include <sys/times.h>
32 #include "utils/magic.h"
33 #include "utils/geometry.h"
34 #include "utils/styles.h"
35 #include "utils/hash.h"
36 #include "utils/heap.h"
37 #include "utils/utils.h"
38 #include "tiles/tile.h"
39 #include "database/database.h"
40 #include "debug/debug.h"
41 #include "gcr/gcr.h"
42 #include "windows/windows.h"
43 #include "utils/main.h"
44 #include "dbwind/dbwind.h"
45 #include "utils/signals.h"
46 #include "router/router.h"
47 #include "grouter/grouter.h"
48 #include "utils/netlist.h"
49 #include "utils/styles.h"
50 #include "textio/textio.h"
51 #include "utils/malloc.h"
53 /* Global data */
54 Heap glMazeHeap;	/* Heap of search points for global routing */
55 FILE *glLogFile;	/* Used for debugging to remember crossings processed */
56 int glNumTries;		/* Debugging too -- # calls to glProcessLoc() */
58 /* Forward declarations */
59 void glClientInit();
60 void glClientFree();
63 /*
64  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65  *
66  * GlGlobalRoute --
67  *
68  * Build a heap of nets, ordered with smallest area first.
69  * Globally route nets on the heap, decomposing multi-pin nets using
70  * Steiner-like trees.  Leave routing problems in channel structures.
71  *
72  * Results:
73  *	None.
74  *
75  * Side effects:
76  *	On completion crossing points for nets have been set.  Channel
77  *	structures are ready to be routed by the channel structure.
78  *
79  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80  */
82 void
GlGlobalRoute(chanList,netList)83 GlGlobalRoute(chanList, netList)
84     GCRChannel *chanList;	/* List of all channels in routing problem */
85     NLNetList *netList;		/* Netlist built by caller */
86 {
87     HeapEntry entry;
88     Heap netHeap;
89     bool doFast;
90     int numTerms;
91     NLNet *net;
93     GlInit();
94     glStatsInit();
95     doFast = DebugIsSet(glDebugID, glDebFast);
97     /*
98      * Initialize the client-specific portion of each channel and
99      * of each net.  These fields point to structures holding
100      * (respectively) density information and blocked regions
101      * during global routing.
102      */
103     glClientInit(chanList, netList);
105     /*
106      * Build a tile plane that represents all the channels in the
107      * routing problem.  This tile plane will be used to search
108      * for nearby channels during global routing.
109      */
110     glChanBuildMap(chanList);
111     if (DebugIsSet(glDebugID, glDebChan))
112     {
113 	SigInterruptPending = TRUE;
114 	return;
115     }
117     /* Compute penalties for passing through congested zones */
118     if (DebugIsSet(glDebugID, glDebPen))
119 	glPenCompute(chanList, netList);
121     /*
122      * Build a heap of nets sorted in order of increasing size, then
123      * successively remove the topmost entry of the heap and route its
124      * net.  Make almost-Steiner tree global routes for multi-pin nets.
125      */
126     numTerms = 0;
127     NLSort(netList, &netHeap);
128     while (HeapRemoveTop(&netHeap, &entry) && !SigInterruptPending)
129     {
130 	net = (NLNet *) entry.he_id;
131 	if (DebugIsSet(glDebugID, glDebPen))
132 	{
133 	    glCrossUnreserve(net);
134 	    glPenSetPerChan(net);
135 	}
136 	numTerms += glMultiSteiner(EditCellUse, net, glProcessLoc,
137 			glCrossMark, (ClientData) doFast, (ClientData) 0);
138 	if (DebugIsSet(glDebugID, glDebPen))
139 	    glPenClearPerChan(net);
140 	RtrMilestonePrint();
141     }
142     HeapKill(&netHeap, (void (*)()) NULL);
144     glClientFree(chanList, netList);
145     glChanFreeMap();
146     glStatsDone(netList->nnl_numNets, numTerms);
147 }
149 /*
150  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151  *
152  * glClientInit --
153  *
154  * Allocate and initialize the structures that go in the gcr_client and
155  * nnet_cdata fields of all the channels and nets respectively in chanList
156  * and netList, and leave these fields pointing to the newly allocated and
157  * initialized structures.
158  *
159  * Results:
160  *	None.
161  *
162  * Side effects:
163  *	Allocates memory; see above.
164  *
165  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
166  */
168 void
glClientInit(chanList,netList)169 glClientInit(chanList, netList)
170     GCRChannel *chanList;
171     NLNetList *netList;
172 {
173     GCRChannel *ch;
174     GlobChan *gc;
175     NLNet *net;
176     int nrow, ncol;
178     for (ch = chanList; ch; ch = ch->gcr_next)
179     {
180 	gc = (GlobChan *) mallocMagic((unsigned) (sizeof (GlobChan)));
181 	gc->gc_penList = (CZone *) NULL;
182 	nrow = ch->gcr_width;
183 	ncol = ch->gcr_length;
184 	glDMAlloc(&gc->gc_prevDens[CZ_COL], ncol, nrow);
185 	glDMAlloc(&gc->gc_prevDens[CZ_ROW], nrow, ncol);
186 	glDMAlloc(&gc->gc_postDens[CZ_COL], ncol, nrow);
187 	glDMAlloc(&gc->gc_postDens[CZ_ROW], nrow, ncol);
188 	glDensInit(gc->gc_prevDens, ch);
189 	glDMCopy(&gc->gc_prevDens[CZ_COL], &gc->gc_postDens[CZ_COL]);
190 	glDMCopy(&gc->gc_prevDens[CZ_ROW], &gc->gc_postDens[CZ_ROW]);
191 	ch->gcr_client = (ClientData) gc;
192     }
194     for (net = netList->nnl_nets; net; net = net->nnet_next)
195 	net->nnet_cdata = (ClientData) callocMagic((unsigned) (sizeof (NetClient)));
196 }
198 /*
199  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
200  *
201  * glClientFree --
202  *
203  * Free the memory allocated by glClientInit() above (as well as any
204  * memory allocated to CZone lists pointed to by the NetClient structs
205  * in the NLNetList netList).
206  *
207  * Results:
208  *	None.
209  *
210  * Side effects:
211  *	Frees memory.
212  *
213  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
214  */
216 void
glClientFree(chanList,netList)217 glClientFree(chanList, netList)
218     GCRChannel *chanList;
219     NLNetList *netList;
220 {
221     GlobChan *gc;
222     CZone *cz;
223     NetClient *nclient;
224     GCRChannel *ch;
225     NLNet *net;
227     for (ch = chanList; ch; ch = ch->gcr_next)
228     {
229 	gc = (GlobChan *) ch->gcr_client;
230 	glDMFree(&gc->gc_prevDens[CZ_COL]);
231 	glDMFree(&gc->gc_prevDens[CZ_ROW]);
232 	glDMFree(&gc->gc_postDens[CZ_COL]);
233 	glDMFree(&gc->gc_postDens[CZ_ROW]);
234 	freeMagic((char *) gc);
235 	ch->gcr_client = (ClientData) NULL;
236     }
238     for (net = netList->nnl_nets; net; net = net->nnet_next)
239     {
240 	nclient = (NetClient *) net->nnet_cdata;
241 	for (cz = nclient->nc_pens; cz; cz = cz->cz_next)
242 	    freeMagic((char *) cz);
243 	net->nnet_cdata = (ClientData) NULL;
244     }
245 }
247 /*
248  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
249  *
250  * glProcessLoc --
251  *
252  * Function called for all but the first NLTermLoc in a net: finds and
253  * returns the best-cost path from any of the points in the starting
254  * point list to loc->nloc_stem.
255  *
256  * Algorithm:
257  *	We use two passes.  The first attempts to find the shortest
258  *	distance path between the source and the destination, if
259  *	such a path exists.  It uses a mechanism for storing the
260  *	best cost so far to each crossing point considered, so
261  *	we avoid looping.  If no path can be found, we simply
262  *	give up; otherwise, we perform a second pass where we
263  *	try to generate not only the shortest path, but the
264  *	next shortest, etc, until we find one whose distance
265  *	plus crossing penalty is minimized.
266  *
267  * Results:
268  *	Returns the best path.  The first element on the list
269  *	(linked by gl_path pointers) is the destination point.
270  *	If no path could be found with cost less than bestCost,
271  *	returns NULL.
272  *
273  * Side effects:
274  *	Allocates memory from the temporary GlPoint arena.
275  *
276  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
277  */
279 GlPoint *
glProcessLoc(startList,loc,bestCost,doFast)280 glProcessLoc(startList, loc, bestCost, doFast)
281     GlPoint *startList;	/* List of starting points */
282     NLTermLoc *loc;	/* Location of terminal being routed to */
283     int bestCost;	/* Best cost so far; if we can't find a path in
284 			 * less than this cost, give up.
285 			 */
286     bool doFast;	/* If TRUE, only wiggle crossings around within the
287 			 * channels on the shortest path; don't bother
288 			 * considering other sequences of channels.  If FALSE,
289 			 * we keep generating longer and longer paths until
290 			 * the sheer length of a path exceeds our best
291 			 * adjusted cost to date.
292 			 */
293 {
294     extern bool glMazeShortest;
295     extern Tile *glMazeDestTile;
296     extern Point glMazeDestPoint;
297     extern GlPoint *glMazeFindPath();
298     extern GlPoint *glCrossAdjust();
299     int headFree, shortLength, bestLength;
300     GlPoint *lastPt, *bestPt, *adjustedPt;
301     GlPage *headPage;
303     glNumTries++;
304     glCrossScalePenalties();
306     /* Sanity checks */
307     ASSERT(GEO_SAMEPOINT(loc->nloc_pin->gcr_point, loc->nloc_stem),
308 		"glProcessLoc");
310     /*
311      * Passed to glMazeFindPath() for use in estimating the remaining
312      * distance to the destination point.  Also figure out which
313      * channel tile contains the destination, so we can handle
314      * points in it specially.  If the destination point is inside
315      * a blocked area, give up immediately.
316      */
317     glMazeDestPoint = loc->nloc_stem;
318     glMazeDestTile = glChanPinToTile((Tile *) NULL, loc->nloc_pin);
320     /* Abort immediately if destination is obviously unreachable */
321     if (glMazeDestTile == NULL)
322 	return (GlPoint *) NULL;
324     /*
325      * First try finding the shortest path.
326      * This goes very quickly, because we are able to chop
327      * off unpromising paths at an early stage.
328      */
329     glMazeShortest = TRUE;
330     HeapInit(&glMazeHeap, 128, FALSE, FALSE);
331     glListToHeap(startList, &loc->nloc_stem);
332     headPage = glPathCurPage;
333     headFree = glPathCurPage->glp_free;
334     bestPt = glMazeFindPath(loc, bestCost);
335     glMazeResetCost(headPage, headFree);
336     HeapKill(&glMazeHeap, (void (*)()) NULL);
337     if (bestPt == (GlPoint *) NULL)
338     {
339 	glBadRoutes++;
340 	return bestPt;
341     }
342     shortLength = bestPt->gl_cost;
344     /*
345      * Now try finding a path that minimizes the crossing penalty.
346      * We do this by continuing to generate paths in order of
347      * increasing length, then adjusting the crossing points
348      * along the path to minimize (locally) the penalty for
349      * the path, until we find a path whose unadjusted length
350      * exceeds the best cost we've been able to achieve so far.
351      * The gl_cost fields in the paths generated by glCrossAdjust
352      * incorporate the penalties as well as distance.
353      */
354     HeapInit(&glMazeHeap, 128, FALSE, FALSE);
355     glListToHeap(startList, &loc->nloc_stem);
356     if (doFast)
357     {
358 	headPage = glPathCurPage;
359 	headFree = glPathCurPage->glp_free;
360     }
361     else glMazeShortest = FALSE;
362     bestPt = (GlPoint *) NULL;
363     while (lastPt = glMazeFindPath(loc, bestCost))
364     {
365 	adjustedPt = glCrossAdjust((GlPoint *) NULL, lastPt);
366 	if (adjustedPt->gl_cost < bestCost)
367 	{
368 	    bestCost = adjustedPt->gl_cost;
369 	    bestLength = lastPt->gl_cost;
370 	    bestPt = adjustedPt;
371 	}
372     }
373     if (doFast)
374 	glMazeResetCost(headPage, headFree);
375     HeapKill(&glMazeHeap, (void (*)()) NULL);
376     if (bestPt)
377     {
378 	if (glLogFile)
379 	{
380 	    fprintf(glLogFile, "%d\t%d (%.2f)\t%d (%.2f)\n",
381 		shortLength, bestLength,
382 		(float) bestLength / (float) shortLength * 100.0,
383 		bestPt->gl_cost,
384 		(float) bestPt->gl_cost / (float) shortLength * 100.0);
385 	}
386 	glGoodRoutes++;
387 	return bestPt;
388     }
390     glBadRoutes++;
391     glNoRoutes++;
392     return (GlPoint *) NULL;
393 }