1 /*
2  *  project.h
3  *
4  *  Timing Simulator (ESWEC)
5  *
6  *  Date: October 5, 1990
7  *
8  *  Author: Shen Lin
9  *
10  *  Copyright (C) University of California, Berkeley
11  *
12  */
13 #ifndef ngspice_SWEC_H
14 #define ngspice_SWEC_H
16 /************************************************************
17  *
18  *	Defines
19  *
20  ************************************************************/
22 #define MainTitle "     Timing  Simulator\n"
23 #define MAXDEVICE       4
24 #define MAXMOS        31500         /* suggested value  */
25 #define MAXDD          256         /* suggested value  */
26 #define MAXVCCS        128         /* suggested value  */
27 #define MAXTIME 1000000
28 #define MAXNODE       136
30 #define TAB_SIZE            8192  /* originally 2048 */
31 #define NUM_STEPS_PER_MICRON  10  /* 0.1 micron is the smallest step */
32 #define MAX_FET_SIZE          80  /* largest fet in microns */
33 #define Vol_Step          1.0e-3  /* voltage resolution */
34 #define SCL               1000.0  /* voltage scaler (1V/3mv) */
35 #define MAX_CP_TX_LINES        8  /* max number of coupled lines in
36 				     a multiconductor line system  */
38 /************************************************************
39  *
40  *	Macro
41  *
42  ************************************************************/
43 #ifndef MAX
44 #define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
45 #endif
46 #ifndef MIN
47 #define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
48 #endif
49 #ifndef ABS
50 #define ABS(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : (-(x)))
51 #endif
53 /************************************************************
54  *
55  *	Data Structure Definitions
56  *
57  ************************************************************/
59 typedef struct reglist           REGLIST;
60 typedef struct node              NODE;
61 typedef struct mosfet            MOSFET;
62 typedef struct emosfet           EMOSFET;
63 typedef struct diode             DIODE;
64 typedef struct ediode            EDIODE;
65 typedef struct vccs              VCCS;
66 typedef struct evccs             EVCCS;
67 typedef struct i_cap             I_CAP;
68 typedef struct ei_cap            EI_CAP;
69 typedef struct resistor          RESISTOR;
70 typedef struct eresistor         ERESISTOR;
71 typedef struct rline             RLINE;
72 typedef struct erline            ERLINE;
73 typedef struct txline            TXLine;
74 typedef struct etxline           ETXLine;
75 typedef struct cpline            CPLine;
76 typedef struct ecpline           ECPLine;
77 typedef struct bqueue            BQUEUE;
78 typedef struct pqueue            PQUEUE;
79 typedef struct ms_device         MS_DEVICE;
80 typedef struct bp_device         BP_DEVICE;
81 typedef struct dd_device         DD_DEVICE;
83 struct mosfet{
84    int          type;     /* 1 : NMOS, 2 : PMOS */
85    MS_DEVICE    *device;  /* NULL if the nominal device model */
86    NODE         *out_node;
87    NODE         *in_node;
88    float        Cs, Cd;
89    MOSFET       *nx;
90    int          time;          /*  instantaneous information  */
91    float        voltage, dvg;  /*  instantaneous information  */
92    float        vgN_1;      /*  gate voltage at previous event point  */
93    float        G;          /*  effective conductance at t(n)  */
94    float        effective;  /*  W over effective L  */
95    int          tabW;       /*  width in ns/um  */
96    REGLIST      *region;  /*  region associated with this mos  */
97 			  /*  NULL if driven by the node of the same region  */
98 };
100 struct diode{
101    float        Is;       /* saturation current */
102    float        Vj;       /* junction potential */
103    double       G;
104    NODE         *in_node;
105    NODE         *out_node;
106    DIODE        *nx;
107 };
109 struct vccs{
110    float        Is;       /* saturation current */
111    NODE         *in_node;
112    NODE         *out_node;
113    NODE         *pcv_node;
114    NODE         *ncv_node;
115    DIODE        *nx;
116 };
118 typedef struct {
119    char         name[10];        /* device name */
120    int          type;            /* 1 : NMOS, 2 : PMOS */
121    int          device_id;       /* device id */
124 struct ms_device{
125    char name[10];
126    int  used;          /* device used in circuit flag */
127    float rho;          /* device vsat denom param */
128    float alpha;        /* device vsat denom vgg param */
129    float vt;           /* device zero bias threshold voltage in mv*/
130    float gamma;        /* device backgate bias vt param */
131    float fermi;        /* device fermi potential in mv */
132    float theta;        /* device backgate bias vt width param */
133    float mu;           /* device vt width param */
134    float eta;          /* device saturation slope */
135    float eta5;         /* eta - 0.5 */
136    int   pzld;         /* positive lambda */
137    float lambda;       /* channel-length modulation */
138    float kp;           /* device conductance parameter */
139    float cgs0;         /* gate-source overlap capacitance
140 			    per meter channel width */
141    float cgd0;         /* gate-drain overlap capacitance
142 			    per meter channel width */
143    float cox;          /* oxide-field capacitance
144 			    per square meter of gate area */
145    float cjsw;         /* zero-biased junction sidewall capacitace
146 			    per meter of junction perimeter */
147    float cj0;          /* zero-biased junction bottom capacitace
148                             per square meter of junction area */
149    float keq;          /* abrupt junction parameter */
151    float ld;           /* lateral diffusion */
152    float *thresh;
153    float *sat;
154    float *dsat;
155    float *body;
156    float *gammod;
157 };
159 struct bp_device{
160    char name[10];
161    int   type;         /* 1 : NPN; 2 : PNP */
162    float rc;           /* collector resistance */
163    float re;           /* emitter resistance */
164    float rb;           /* zero bias base resistance */
165    float Is;           /* transport saturation current */
166    float Af;           /* ideal maximum forward alpha */
167    float Ar;           /* ideal maximum reverse alpha */
168    float Vje;          /* B-E built-in potential */
169    float Vjc;          /* B-C built-in potential */
170 };
172 struct dd_device{
173    char name[10];
174    float Is;           /* saturation current */
175    float rs;           /* ohmic resistance */
176    float Vj;           /* junction potential */
177 };
179 typedef struct linked_lists_of_Bpoint{
180    struct linked_lists_of_Bpoint *next;
181    int time;
182    float voltage;
183    float slope;
186 typedef struct linked_lists_of_nodeName{
187    char      id[24];
188    struct    linked_lists_of_nodeName  *left, *right;
189    NODE      *nd;
190 }  NDname, *NDnamePt;
192 struct node {
193    NDnamePt  name;
194    EMOSFET   *mptr;    /* pointer to head of src/drn MOSFET list */
195    EMOSFET   *gptr;    /* pointer to head of gate MOSFET list */
196    EI_CAP    *cptr;    /* pointer to head of internodal cap list */
197    ERESISTOR *rptr;    /* pointer to head of internodal resistor list */
198    ERLINE    *rlptr;   /* pointer to head of internodal TX line  list */
199    ETXLine   *tptr;    /* pointer to head of transmission line list */
200    ECPLine   *cplptr;  /* pointer to head of coupled lines list */
201    EDIODE    *ddptr;   /* pointer to head of diode list */
202    EVCCS     *vccsptr; /* pointer to head of VCCS list */
203    EVCCS     *cvccsptr;/* pointer to head of controlled VCCS list */
204    NODE      *next;    /* pointer to next node */
205    REGLIST   *region;   /* region associated with this node */
206    NODE      *base_ptr; /* group src/drn nodes into region */
207    /* charles 2,2 1/18/93
208    float     V;
209    float     dv;       voltage at t(n-1) and slope at t(n)
210    */
211    double	 V;
212    double    dv;
213    double    CL;       /*  grounded capacitance in F  */
214    double    gsum;     /*^ sum of the equivalent conductance */
215    double    cgsum;    /*^ sum of the constant conductance */
216    double    is;       /*^ equivalent Is */
217    int       tag;      /*  -2 : Vdd, -3 : Vss, -1 : initial value  */
218    int       flag;     /*^ flag to show some features of the node */
219    PQUEUE    *qptr;    /*^ pointer to the entry in the queue or waiting list */
220    FILE      *ofile;   /*  output file for the signal at this node  */
221 		       /*  NULL if not for print  */
222    int dvtag;
223 };
225 struct reglist{
226    REGLIST     *rnxt;   /*  pointer to next region  */
227    NODE        *nlist;  /*  node list  */
228    MOSFET      *mos;
229    I_CAP       *cap;
230    RESISTOR    *res;
231    TXLine      *txl;
232    CPLine      *cpl;
233    struct linked_lists_of_Bpoint *Bpoint; /* break points at primary inputs */
234    struct linked_lists_of_Bpoint *head; /* header of the break points at primary inputs */
235    int eTime; /*  time when this region previously evaluated  */
236    int DCvalue;
237      /*  1, 0, 2 : unknown, 3 : unchangeable 1, 4 : unchangeable 0  */
238    BQUEUE      *prediction;
239 };
242 struct bqueue{
243    int    key;     /* time for the event to be fired, or DC weight */
244    BQUEUE   *left;
245    BQUEUE   *right;
246    BQUEUE   *pred;
247    BQUEUE   *pool;
248    REGLIST  *region;  /* region id */
249 };
251 struct  pqueue {
252    NODE     *node;
253    PQUEUE   *next;
254    PQUEUE   *prev;
255 };
257 struct i_cap {
258    NODE         *in_node;
259    NODE         *out_node;
260    float        cap;
261    I_CAP        *nx;
262 };
264 struct resistor {
265    NODE         *in_node;
266    NODE         *out_node;
267    float        g;   /* conductance */
268    int          ifF; /* whether floating */
269    float        g1;  /* conductance for floating resistor */
270    RESISTOR     *nx;
271 };
273 struct rline {
274    NODE         *in_node;
275    NODE         *out_node;
276    double        g;   /* conductance */
277    RLINE        *nx;
278 };
280 typedef struct linked_lists_of_vi_txl{
281    struct linked_lists_of_vi_txl *next;
282    struct linked_lists_of_vi_txl *pool;
283    int time;
284    /* charles 2,2
285    float v_i, v_o;
286    float i_i, i_o;
287    */
288    double v_i, v_o;
289    double i_i, i_o;
290 } VI_list_txl;
292 typedef struct linked_lists_of_vi{
293    struct linked_lists_of_vi *next;
294    struct linked_lists_of_vi *pool;
295    int time;
296    double v_i[MAX_CP_TX_LINES], v_o[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
297    double i_i[MAX_CP_TX_LINES], i_o[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
298 } VI_list;
300 typedef struct {
301    double c, x;
302    double cnv_i, cnv_o;
303 } TERM;
305 typedef struct {
306    int    ifImg;
307    double aten;
308    TERM   tm[3];
309 } TMS;
311 struct cpline {
312    int       noL;
313    int       ext;
314    double     ratio[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
315    double     taul[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
316    TMS       *h1t[MAX_CP_TX_LINES][MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
319    double    h1C[MAX_CP_TX_LINES][MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
322    double    h1e[MAX_CP_TX_LINES][MAX_CP_TX_LINES][3];
323    NODE      *in_node[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
324    NODE      *out_node[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
325    int       tag_i[MAX_CP_TX_LINES], tag_o[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
326    CPLine    *nx;
327    struct linked_lists_of_vi *vi_head;
328    struct linked_lists_of_vi *vi_tail;
329    double     dc1[MAX_CP_TX_LINES], dc2[MAX_CP_TX_LINES];
330 };
332 struct txline {
333    int       lsl;  /*  1 if the line is lossless, otherwise 0  */
334    int       ext;  /*  a flag, set if time step is greater than tau  */
335    double    ratio;
336    double    taul;
337    double    sqtCdL;
338    double    h2_aten;
339    double    h3_aten;
340    double    h1C;
341    double    h1e[3];
342    int       ifImg;
343    NODE      *in_node;
344    NODE      *out_node;
345    int       tag_i, tag_o;
346    TERM      h1_term[3];
347    TERM      h2_term[3];
348    TERM      h3_term[6];
349    TXLine    *nx;
350    struct linked_lists_of_vi_txl *vi_head;
351    struct linked_lists_of_vi_txl *vi_tail;
352    double    dc1, dc2;
353    int	     newtp; /* flag indicating new time point */
354 };
356 struct evccs {
357    VCCS       *vccs;
358    EVCCS      *link;
359 };
361 struct ediode {
362    DIODE       *dd;
363    EDIODE      *link;
364 };
366 struct emosfet {
367    MOSFET       *mos;
368    EMOSFET      *link;
369 };
371 struct ei_cap {
372    I_CAP        *cap;
373    EI_CAP       *link;
374 };
376 struct eresistor {
377    RESISTOR     *res;
378    ERESISTOR    *link;
379 };
381 struct erline {
382    RLINE        *rl;
383    ERLINE    *link;
384 };
386 struct etxline {
387    TXLine    *line;
388    ETXLine   *link;
389 };
391 struct ecpline {
392    CPLine    *line;
393    ECPLine   *link;
394 };
396 #endif