1 // Copyright (c) 2020 OPEN CASCADE SAS
2 //
3 // This file is part of the examples of the Open CASCADE Technology software library.
4 //
5 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
6 // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
7 // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
8 // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
9 // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10 // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11 //
12 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
13 // copies or substantial portions of the Software.
14 //
22 #include "GeometrySamples.h"
24 #include <limits>
26 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
27 #include <gp_XYZ.hxx>
28 #include <gp_Vec.hxx>
29 #include <gp_Dir.hxx>
30 #include <gp_Ax1.hxx>
31 #include <gp_Ax2.hxx>
32 #include <gp_Ax3.hxx>
33 #include <gp_Lin.hxx>
34 #include <gp_Circ.hxx>
35 #include <gp_Elips.hxx>
36 #include <gp_Parab.hxx>
37 #include <gp_Hypr.hxx>
38 #include <gp_Cylinder.hxx>
39 #include <gp_Cone.hxx>
40 #include <gp_Sphere.hxx>
41 #include <gp_Torus.hxx>
43 #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
44 #include <gp_XY.hxx>
45 #include <gp_Ax2d.hxx>
46 #include <gp_Ax22d.hxx>
47 #include <gp_Lin2d.hxx>
48 #include <gp_Circ2d.hxx>
49 #include <gp_Elips2d.hxx>
50 #include <gp_Parab2d.hxx>
51 #include <gp_Hypr2d.hxx>
52 #include <Geom2d_BSplineCurve.hxx>
53 #include <Geom2d_BezierCurve.hxx>
54 #include <Geom2d_OffsetCurve.hxx>
55 #include <ProjLib.hxx>
56 #include <ElSLib.hxx>
57 #include <Extrema_ExtElCS.hxx>
58 #include <Extrema_POnCurv.hxx>
59 #include <IntAna_Quadric.hxx>
60 #include <IntAna_IntConicQuad.hxx>
61 #include <GccAna_Lin2d2Tan.hxx>
62 #include <GccEnt_QualifiedCirc.hxx>
63 #include <Geom2dAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx>
64 #include <Geom2dAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve.hxx>
65 #include <Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve.hxx>
66 #include <Geom2dAPI_PointsToBSpline.hxx>
68 #include <Geom_CartesianPoint.hxx>
69 #include <Geom_VectorWithMagnitude.hxx>
70 #include <Geom_Axis1Placement.hxx>
71 #include <Geom_Axis2Placement.hxx>
72 #include <Geom_Line.hxx>
73 #include <Geom_Circle.hxx>
74 #include <Geom_Ellipse.hxx>
75 #include <Geom_Parabola.hxx>
76 #include <Geom_Hyperbola.hxx>
77 #include <Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
78 #include <Geom_BezierCurve.hxx>
79 #include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
80 #include <Geom_OffsetCurve.hxx>
81 #include <Geom_BSplineSurface.hxx>
82 #include <Geom_BezierSurface.hxx>
83 #include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
84 #include <Geom_CylindricalSurface.hxx>
85 #include <Geom_ConicalSurface.hxx>
86 #include <Geom_SphericalSurface.hxx>
87 #include <Geom_ToroidalSurface.hxx>
88 #include <Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx>
89 #include <Geom_OffsetSurface.hxx>
90 #include <Geom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion.hxx>
91 #include <Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution.hxx>
93 #include <BndLib_Add3dCurve.hxx>
94 #include <BndLib_AddSurface.hxx>
95 #include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
96 #include <GeomAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
97 #include <GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline.hxx>
98 #include <GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface.hxx>
99 #include <GeomConvert.hxx>
101 #include "AdaptorPnt2d_AIS.h"
102 #include "AdaptorVec_AIS.h"
103 #include "AdaptorCurve_AIS.h"
104 #include "AdaptorCurve2d_AIS.h"
106 #include <Geom2d_CartesianPoint.hxx>
107 #include <Geom2d_VectorWithMagnitude.hxx>
108 #include <Geom2d_Line.hxx>
109 #include <Geom2d_Circle.hxx>
110 #include <Geom2d_Ellipse.hxx>
111 #include <Geom2d_Parabola.hxx>
112 #include <Geom2d_Hyperbola.hxx>
113 #include <Geom2d_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
114 #include <Geom2dAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
115 #include <Bnd_Box2d.hxx>
116 #include <BndLib_Add2dCurve.hxx>
117 #include <Adaptor2d_Curve2d.hxx>
119 #include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx>
120 #include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>
121 #include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox.hxx>
123 #include <AIS_Point.hxx>
124 #include <AIS_TextLabel.hxx>
125 #include <AIS_Axis.hxx>
126 #include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>
127 #include <AIS_Circle.hxx>
128 #include <AIS_Plane.hxx>
129 #include <AIS_Shape.hxx>
130 #include <AIS_ColoredShape.hxx>
132 #include <GProp_PEquation.hxx>
ExecuteSample(const TCollection_AsciiString & theSampleName)134 void GeometrySamples::ExecuteSample (const TCollection_AsciiString& theSampleName)
135 {
136 Standard_Boolean anIsSamplePresent = Standard_True;
137 FindSourceCode(theSampleName);
138 if (theSampleName == "ZeroDimensionObjects3dSample")
139 ZeroDimensionObjects3dSample();
140 else if (theSampleName == "Vectors3dSample")
141 Vectors3dSample();
142 else if (theSampleName == "InfinityLines3dSample")
143 InfinityLines3dSample();
144 else if (theSampleName == "SecondOrderCurves3dSample")
145 SecondOrderCurves3dSample();
146 else if (theSampleName == "PlaneSurfaces3dSample")
147 PlaneSurfaces3dSample();
148 else if (theSampleName == "SecondOrderSurfaces3dSample")
149 SecondOrderSurfaces3dSample();
150 else if (theSampleName == "ZeroDimensionObjects2dSample")
151 ZeroDimensionObjects2dSample();
152 else if (theSampleName == "Vectors2dSample")
153 Vectors2dSample();
154 else if (theSampleName == "InfinityLines2dSample")
155 InfinityLines2dSample();
156 else if (theSampleName == "SecondOrderCurves2dSample")
157 SecondOrderCurves2dSample();
158 else if (theSampleName == "BarycenterPoint3dSample")
159 BarycenterPoint3dSample();
160 else if (theSampleName == "RotatedVector3dSample")
161 RotatedVector3dSample();
162 else if (theSampleName == "MirroredLine3dSample")
163 MirroredLine3dSample();
164 else if (theSampleName == "ScaledEllipse3dSample")
165 ScaledEllipse3dSample();
166 else if (theSampleName == "TransformedCylinder3dSample")
167 TransformedCylinder3dSample();
168 else if (theSampleName == "TranslatedTorus3dSample")
169 TranslatedTorus3dSample();
170 else if (theSampleName == "ConjugateObjects3dSample")
171 ConjugateObjects3dSample();
172 else if (theSampleName == "ProjectionOfPoint3dSample")
173 ProjectionOfPoint3dSample();
174 else if (theSampleName == "MinimalDistance3dSample")
175 MinimalDistance3dSample();
176 else if (theSampleName == "MirroredAxis2dSample")
177 MirroredAxis2dSample();
178 else if (theSampleName == "TransformedEllipse2dSample")
179 TransformedEllipse2dSample();
180 else if (theSampleName == "ConjugateObjects2dSample")
181 ConjugateObjects2dSample();
182 else if (theSampleName == "Intersection3dSample")
183 Intersection3dSample();
184 else if (theSampleName == "TranslatedPoint2dSample")
185 TranslatedPoint2dSample();
186 else if (theSampleName == "RotatedDirection2dSample")
187 RotatedDirection2dSample();
188 else if (theSampleName == "Tangent2dSample")
189 Tangent2dSample();
190 else if (theSampleName == "ProjectionOfPoint2dSample")
191 ProjectionOfPoint2dSample();
192 else if (theSampleName == "MinimalDistance2dSample")
193 MinimalDistance2dSample();
194 else if (theSampleName == "Intersection2dSample")
195 Intersection2dSample();
196 else if (theSampleName == "PointInfo3dSample")
197 PointInfo3dSample();
198 else if (theSampleName == "EllipseInfo3dSample")
199 EllipseInfo3dSample();
200 else if (theSampleName == "PointInfo2dSample")
201 PointInfo2dSample();
202 else if (theSampleName == "CircleInfo2dSample")
203 CircleInfo2dSample();
204 else if (theSampleName == "SecondOrderCurves3dSample")
205 SecondOrderCurves3dSample();
206 else if (theSampleName == "FreeStyleCurves3dSample")
207 FreeStyleCurves3dSample();
208 else if (theSampleName == "AnalyticalSurfaces3dSample")
209 AnalyticalSurfaces3dSample();
210 else if (theSampleName == "FreeStyleSurfaces3dSample")
211 FreeStyleSurfaces3dSample();
212 else if (theSampleName == "SecondOrderCurves2dSample")
213 SecondOrderCurves2dSample();
214 else if (theSampleName == "FreeStyleCurves2dSample")
215 FreeStyleCurves2dSample();
216 else if (theSampleName == "TrimmedCurve3dSample")
217 TrimmedCurve3dSample();
218 else if (theSampleName == "OffsetCurve3dSample")
219 OffsetCurve3dSample();
220 else if (theSampleName == "BSplineFromCircle3dSample")
221 BSplineFromCircle3dSample();
222 else if (theSampleName == "TrimmedSurface3dSample")
223 TrimmedSurface3dSample();
224 else if (theSampleName == "OffsetSurface3dSample")
225 OffsetSurface3dSample();
226 else if (theSampleName == "ExtrusionSurface3dSample")
227 ExtrusionSurface3dSample();
228 else if (theSampleName == "RevolutionSurface3dSample")
229 RevolutionSurface3dSample();
230 else if (theSampleName == "TrimmedCurve2dSample")
231 TrimmedCurve2dSample();
232 else if (theSampleName == "OffsetCurve2dSample")
233 OffsetCurve2dSample();
234 else if (theSampleName == "BoundingBoxOfSurface3dSample")
235 BoundingBoxOfSurface3dSample();
236 else if (theSampleName == "BoundingBoxOfCurves3dSample")
237 BoundingBoxOfCurves3dSample();
238 else if (theSampleName == "BoundingBoxOfCurves2dSample")
239 BoundingBoxOfCurves2dSample();
240 else if (theSampleName == "DumpCircleInfoSample")
241 DumpCircleInfoSample();
242 else if (theSampleName == "DumpBSplineCurveInfoSample")
243 DumpBSplineCurveInfoSample();
244 else
245 {
246 myResult << "No function found: " << theSampleName;
247 myCode += TCollection_AsciiString("No function found: ") + theSampleName;
248 anIsSamplePresent = Standard_False;
249 }
250 myIsProcessed = anIsSamplePresent;
251 }
DisplayPnt(const gp_Pnt2d & thePnt2d,const TCollection_AsciiString & theText,Aspect_TypeOfMarker theMarker,Standard_Real theDistance)253 void GeometrySamples::DisplayPnt (const gp_Pnt2d& thePnt2d, const TCollection_AsciiString& theText,
254 Aspect_TypeOfMarker theMarker, Standard_Real theDistance)
255 {
256 gp_Pnt aPnt(thePnt2d.X(), thePnt2d.Y(), 0.0);
257 Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint) aGeomPoint = new Geom_CartesianPoint(aPnt);
258 Handle(AIS_Point) anAisPoint = new AIS_Point(aGeomPoint);
259 anAisPoint->SetMarker(theMarker);
260 myObject2d.Append(anAisPoint);
261 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aPntLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
262 aPntLabel->SetText(theText);
263 aPntLabel->SetPosition(gp_Pnt(aPnt.X(), aPnt.Y() + theDistance, aPnt.Z()));
264 myObject2d.Append(aPntLabel);
265 }
DisplayPnt(const gp_Pnt & thePnt,const TCollection_AsciiString & theText,Aspect_TypeOfMarker theMarker,Standard_Real theDistance)266 void GeometrySamples::DisplayPnt (const gp_Pnt& thePnt, const TCollection_AsciiString& theText,
267 Aspect_TypeOfMarker theMarker, Standard_Real theDistance)
268 {
269 Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint) aPoint = new Geom_CartesianPoint(thePnt);
270 Handle(AIS_Point) anAisPoint = new AIS_Point(aPoint);
271 anAisPoint->SetMarker(theMarker);
272 myObject3d.Append(anAisPoint);
273 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aPntLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
274 aPntLabel->SetText(theText);
275 aPntLabel->SetPosition(gp_Pnt(thePnt.X(), thePnt.Y(), thePnt.Z() + theDistance));
276 myObject3d.Append(aPntLabel);
277 }
ZeroDimensionObjects3dSample()279 void GeometrySamples::ZeroDimensionObjects3dSample()
280 {
281 // gp_Pnt describes a point in 3D space. A Geom_CartesianPoint is defined by
282 // a gp_Pnt point, with its three Cartesian coordinates X, Y and Z.
283 gp_Pnt aCoordPnt(10.0, 20.0, 30.0);
284 Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint) aCoordGeomPoint = new Geom_CartesianPoint(aCoordPnt);
285 Handle(AIS_Point) aCoordAisPoint = new AIS_Point(aCoordGeomPoint);
286 myObject3d.Append(aCoordAisPoint);
288 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aPntLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
289 aPntLabel->SetText(" gp_Pnt");
290 aPntLabel->SetPosition(gp_Pnt(aCoordPnt.X(), aCoordPnt.Y(), aCoordPnt.Z() + 5.0));
291 myObject3d.Append(aPntLabel);
292 myResult << "gp_Pnt was created" << std::endl;
294 // gp_XYZ class describes a Cartesian coordinate entity in 3D space (X,Y,Z).
295 // This entity is used for algebraic calculation.
296 // This entity can be transformed with a "Trsf" or a "GTrsf" from package "gp".
297 // It is used in vectorial computations or for holding this type of information
298 // in data structures.
299 gp_XYZ aXyz1(10.0, 20.0, 30.0);
300 gp_XYZ aXyz2(20.0, 10.0, 30.0);
301 gp_XYZ aXyzSum = aXyz1 + aXyz2;
302 gp_Pnt aSumPnt(aXyzSum);
303 Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint) aXyzGeomPoint = new Geom_CartesianPoint(aSumPnt);
304 Handle(AIS_Point) aSumAisPoint = new AIS_Point(aXyzGeomPoint);
305 myObject3d.Append(aSumAisPoint);
307 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aXyzLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
308 aXyzLabel->SetText(" gp_XYZ");
309 aXyzLabel->SetPosition(gp_Pnt(aXyzSum.X(), aXyzSum.Y(), aXyzSum.Z() + 5.0));
310 myObject3d.Append(aXyzLabel);
311 myResult << "gp_XYZ was created" << std::endl;
312 }
Vectors3dSample()314 void GeometrySamples::Vectors3dSample()
315 {
316 gp_Pnt aPnt1(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
317 gp_Pnt aPnt2(5.0, 0.0, 0.0);
319 // gp_Vec defines a non-persistent vector in 3D space.
320 gp_Vec aVec(aPnt1, aPnt2);
321 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aVecAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aPnt1, aVec, 0.5);
322 aVecAIS->SetText(" gp_Vec");
323 myObject3d.Append(aVecAIS);
324 myResult << "gp_Vec magnitude: " << aVec.Magnitude() << std::endl;
326 // Describes a unit vector in 3D space.
327 // This unit vector is also called "Direction".
328 // See Also gce_MakeDir which provides functions for more complex unit vector
329 // constructions Geom_Direction which provides additional functions
330 // for constructing unit vectors and works, in particular,
331 // with the parametric equations of unit vectors.
332 gp_Dir aDir(aVec);
333 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aDirAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), aDir, 1.0, 0.5);
334 aDirAIS->SetText(" gp_Dir");
335 myObject3d.Append(aDirAIS);
336 myResult << "gp_Dir coordinates: X: " << aDir.X() << ", Y: " << aDir.Y() << ", Z: " << aDir.Z() << std::endl;
337 }
InfinityLines3dSample()339 void GeometrySamples::InfinityLines3dSample()
340 {
341 gp_Pnt aBasePoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
342 gp_Dir aX_Direction(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
343 gp_Dir anY_Direction(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
344 gp_Dir aZ_Direction(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
346 // Describes an axis in 3D space.
347 gp_Ax1 anAxis1(aBasePoint, aZ_Direction);
348 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAx1Ais = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAxis1.Location(), anAxis1.Direction(), 1.0, 0.3);
349 anAx1Ais->SetText(" gp_Ax1");
350 myObject3d.Append(anAx1Ais);
351 myResult << "gp_Ax1 was created" << std::endl << std::endl;
353 // Describes a right - handed coordinate system in 3D space.
354 aBasePoint.SetCoord(0.0, 0.0, 3.0);
355 gp_Ax2 anAxis2(aBasePoint, aZ_Direction);
356 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aAx2AisZ = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAxis2.Location(), anAxis2.Direction(), 1.0, 0.3);
357 aAx2AisZ->SetText(" gp_Ax2 Z");
358 myObject3d.Append(aAx2AisZ);
359 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aAx2AisX = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAxis2.Location(), anAxis2.XDirection(), 1.0, 0.3);
360 aAx2AisX->SetText(" gp_Ax2 X");
361 myObject3d.Append(aAx2AisX);
362 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aAx2AisY = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAxis2.Location(), anAxis2.YDirection(), 1.0, 0.3);
363 aAx2AisY->SetText(" gp_Ax2 Y");
364 myObject3d.Append(aAx2AisY);
365 myResult << "gp_Ax2 was created" << std::endl;
367 // Describes a coordinate system in 3D space.Unlike a gp_Ax2 coordinate system,
368 // a gp_Ax3 can be right - handed("direct sense") or left - handed("indirect sense").
369 gp_Ax3 anAxis3(gp_XYZ(0.0, 0.0, 6.0), aZ_Direction, aX_Direction);
370 anAxis3.YReverse();
371 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAx3AisZ = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAxis3.Location(), anAxis3.Direction(), 1.0, 0.3);
372 anAx3AisZ->SetText(" gp_Ax3 Z");
373 myObject3d.Append(anAx3AisZ);
374 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAx3AisX = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAxis3.Location(), anAxis3.XDirection(), 1.0, 0.3);
375 anAx3AisX->SetText(" gp_Ax3 X");
376 myObject3d.Append(anAx3AisX);
377 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAx3AisY = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAxis3.Location(), anAxis3.YDirection(), 1.0, 0.3);
378 anAx3AisY->SetText(" gp_Ax3 Y");
379 myObject3d.Append(anAx3AisY);
381 myResult << "gp_Ax3 was created" << std::endl;
382 const gp_Dir& anAxis3_xDir = anAxis3.XDirection();
383 const gp_Dir& anAxis3_yDir = anAxis3.YDirection();
384 myResult << "gp_Ax3 X direction: " << anAxis3_xDir.X() << " " << anAxis3_xDir.Y() << " " << anAxis3_xDir.Z() << std::endl;
385 myResult << "gp_Ax3 Y direction: " << anAxis3_yDir.X() << " " << anAxis3_yDir.Y() << " " << anAxis3_yDir.Z() << std::endl;
386 TCollection_AsciiString aDirectionDescription;
387 if (anAxis3.Direct())
388 {
389 aDirectionDescription = "anAxis3 is a right-handed axis system";
390 }
391 else
392 {
393 aDirectionDescription = "anAxis3 is a left-handed axis system";
394 }
395 myResult << aDirectionDescription << std::endl << std::endl;
397 // Describes a line in 3D space. A line is positioned in space with an axis
398 // (a gp_Ax1 object) which gives it an origin and a unit vector.
399 gp_Lin aLine(gp_Pnt(5.0, 0.0, 0.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
400 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anLineAis = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aLine.Location(), aLine.Direction(), 8.0);
401 anLineAis->SetText(" gp_Lin");
402 myObject3d.Append(anLineAis);
403 myResult << "gp_Lin was created" << std::endl << std::endl;
404 }
SecondOrderCurves3dSample()406 void GeometrySamples::SecondOrderCurves3dSample()
407 {
408 gp_Ax2 anAxis2(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
409 gp_Circ aCirc(anAxis2, 10.0);
410 Handle(Geom_Circle) aGeomCircle = new Geom_Circle(aCirc);
411 Handle(AIS_Circle) anAisCircle = new AIS_Circle(aGeomCircle);
412 myObject3d.Append(anAisCircle);
414 // Describes an ellipse in 3D space. An ellipse is defined by its major and minor
415 // radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object)
416 gp_Elips anElips(anAxis2.Translated(gp_Vec(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)), 20.0, 10.0);
417 Handle(Geom_Ellipse) aGeomEllipse = new Geom_Ellipse(anElips);
418 Handle(AdaptorCurve_AIS) anAisEllipce = new AdaptorCurve_AIS(aGeomEllipse);
419 myObject3d.Append(anAisEllipce);
421 // Describes a parabola in 3D space. A parabola is defined by its focal length
422 // (that is, the distance between its focus and apex) and positioned in space with
423 // a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object)
424 gp_Parab aParab(anAxis2.Translated(gp_Vec(0.0, 0.0, 20.0)), 2.0);
425 Handle(Geom_Parabola) aGeomParabola = new Geom_Parabola(aParab);
426 Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aTrimmedParabola = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(aGeomParabola, 20.0, -20.0);
427 Handle(AdaptorCurve_AIS) anAisParabola = new AdaptorCurve_AIS(aTrimmedParabola);
428 myObject3d.Append(anAisParabola);
430 // Describes a branch of a hyperbola in 3D space. A hyperbola is defined by its major
431 // and minor radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object)
432 gp_Hypr aHypr(anAxis2.Translated(gp_Vec(0.0, 0.0, 30.0)), 20.0, 10.0);
433 Handle(Geom_Hyperbola) aGeomHyperbola = new Geom_Hyperbola(aHypr);
434 Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aTrimmedHyperbola = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(aGeomHyperbola, 2.0, -2.0);
435 Handle(AdaptorCurve_AIS) anAisHyperbola = new AdaptorCurve_AIS(aTrimmedHyperbola);
436 myObject3d.Append(anAisHyperbola);
437 }
PlaneSurfaces3dSample()439 void GeometrySamples::PlaneSurfaces3dSample()
440 {
441 // Describes a plane.A plane is positioned in space with a coordinate system(a gp_Ax3 object),
442 // such that the plane is defined by the origin, "X Direction" and "Y Direction" of this
443 // coordinate system, which is the "local coordinate system" of the plane.The "main Direction"
444 // of the coordinate system is a vector normal to the plane.
445 gp_Pln aPln(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
446 Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlane = new Geom_Plane(aPln);
447 Handle(AIS_Plane) anAisPlane = new AIS_Plane(aPlane, aPln.Location(),
448 gp_Pnt(10.0, 10.0, 0.0),
449 gp_Pnt(-10.0, -10.0, 0.0),
450 Standard_False);
451 myObject3d.Append(anAisPlane);
453 // Describes an infinite cylindrical surface.A cylinder is defined by its radius and positioned
454 // in space with a coordinate system(a gp_Ax3 object), the "main Axis" of which is the axis of
455 // the cylinder.This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the cylinder.
456 gp_Cylinder aCylinder(gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 10.0);
457 Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface) aCylindricalSurface = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(aCylinder);
458 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisCylinder = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
459 aCylindricalSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 10.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
460 myObject3d.Append(anAisCylinder);
462 // Defines an infinite conical surface. A cone is defined by its half-angle (can be negative) at
463 // the apex and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) and a "reference radius"
464 gp_Cone aCone(gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 30.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 0.25*M_PI, 0.0);
465 Handle(Geom_ConicalSurface) aConicalSurface = new Geom_ConicalSurface(aCone);
466 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisCone = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
467 aConicalSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 20.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
468 myObject3d.Append(anAisCone);
469 }
SecondOrderSurfaces3dSample()471 void GeometrySamples::SecondOrderSurfaces3dSample()
472 {
473 gp_Sphere aSphere(gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 10.0);
474 Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aSphericalSurface = new Geom_SphericalSurface(aSphere);
475 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisSphere = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
476 aSphericalSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
477 myObject3d.Append(anAisSphere);
479 gp_Torus aTorus(gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 20.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 40.0, 10.0);
480 Handle(Geom_ToroidalSurface) aToroidalSurface = new Geom_ToroidalSurface(aTorus);
481 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisTorus = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
482 aToroidalSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
483 myObject3d.Append(anAisTorus);
484 }
ZeroDimensionObjects2dSample()486 void GeometrySamples::ZeroDimensionObjects2dSample()
487 {
488 // Defines a non-persistent 2D Cartesian point.
489 gp_Pnt2d aCoordPnt(10.0, 20.0);
490 Handle(Geom2d_CartesianPoint) aCoordGeomPoint = new Geom2d_CartesianPoint(aCoordPnt);
491 Handle(AdaptorPnt2d_AIS) aCoordAisPoint = new AdaptorPnt2d_AIS(aCoordGeomPoint);
492 myObject2d.Append(aCoordAisPoint);
494 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aPntLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
495 aPntLabel->SetText("gp_Pnt2d");
496 aPntLabel->SetPosition(gp_Pnt(aCoordPnt.X(), aCoordPnt.Y() + 0.5, 0.0));
497 myObject2d.Append(aPntLabel);
498 myResult << "gp_Pnt was created" << std::endl;
500 // This class describes a Cartesian coordinate entity in 2D space{ X,Y }.
501 // This class is non persistent.This entity used for algebraic calculation.
502 // An XY can be transformed with a Trsf2d or a GTrsf2d from package gp.
503 // It is used in vectorial computations or for holding this type of information in data structures.
504 gp_XY aXy(20.0, 10.0);
505 Handle(Geom2d_CartesianPoint) aXyGeomPoint = new Geom2d_CartesianPoint(aXy);
506 Handle(AdaptorPnt2d_AIS) aXyAisPoint = new AdaptorPnt2d_AIS(aXyGeomPoint);
507 myObject2d.Append(aXyAisPoint);
509 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) aXyLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
510 aXyLabel->SetText(" gp_XY");
511 aXyLabel->SetPosition(gp_Pnt(aXy.X(), aXy.Y() + 0.5, 0.0));
512 myObject2d.Append(aXyLabel);
513 myResult << "gp_XY was created" << std::endl;
514 }
Vectors2dSample()516 void GeometrySamples::Vectors2dSample()
517 {
518 // Describes a unit vector in the plane (2D space).
519 // This unit vector is also called "Direction".
520 gp_Dir2d aDir(3.0, 4.0);
521 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisDir = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 0.0), aDir, 1.0, 0.3);
522 anAisDir->SetText(" gp_Dir2d");
523 myObject2d.Append(anAisDir);
524 myResult << "gp_Dir2d coordinates: X: " << aDir.X() << ", Y: " << aDir.Y() << std::endl;
526 // Defines a non-persistent vector in 2D space.
527 gp_Vec2d aVec(aDir);
528 aVec = aVec * 2;
529 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisVec = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 5.0), aVec, 0.3);
530 anAisVec->SetText(" gp_Vec2d");
531 myObject2d.Append(anAisVec);
532 myResult << "gp_Vec2d magnitude: " << aVec.Magnitude() << std::endl;
533 }
InfinityLines2dSample()535 void GeometrySamples::InfinityLines2dSample()
536 {
537 // Describes an axis in the plane (2D space)
538 gp_Ax2d anAx2d(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 0.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 0.0));
539 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisAx2d = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAx2d.Location(), anAx2d.Direction(), 1.0, 0.3);
540 anAisAx2d->SetText(" gp_Ax2d");
541 myObject2d.Append(anAisAx2d);
543 // Describes a coordinate system in a plane (2D space).
544 gp_Ax22d anAx22d(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 2.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 1.0), Standard_False);
545 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisAx2d_X = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAx22d.Location(), anAx22d.XDirection(), 1.0, 0.3);
546 anAisAx2d_X->SetText(" gp_Ax2d X");
547 myObject2d.Append(anAisAx2d_X);
548 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisAx2d_Y = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAx22d.Location(), anAx22d.YDirection(), 1.0, 0.3);
549 anAisAx2d_Y->SetText(" gp_Ax2d Y");
550 myObject2d.Append(anAisAx2d_Y);
552 // Describes a line in 2D space. A line is positioned in the plane with an axis (a gp_Ax2d object) which gives
553 // the line its origin and unit vector. A line and an axis are similar objects, thus,
554 // we can convert one into the other. A line provides direct access to the majority of the edit and query
555 // functions available on its positioning axis.
556 gp_Lin2d aLin2d(gp_Pnt2d(2.0, 4.0), gp_Dir2d(0.0, -1.0));
557 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisLin = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aLin2d.Location(), aLin2d.Direction(), 1.0, 0.3);
558 anAisLin->SetText(" gp_Lin2d");
559 myObject2d.Append(anAisLin);
560 }
SecondOrderCurves2dSample()562 void GeometrySamples::SecondOrderCurves2dSample()
563 {
564 // Describes a circle in the plane (2D space). A circle is defined by its radius
565 // and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object)
566 gp_Circ2d aCirc2d;
567 aCirc2d.SetLocation(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 0.0));
568 aCirc2d.SetRadius(10.0);
569 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aGeomCircle = new Geom2d_Circle(aCirc2d);
570 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aGeomCircle, Aspect_TOL_SOLID);
571 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc);
573 // Describes an ellipse in the plane (2D space). An ellipse is defined by its major
574 // and minor radii and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object)
575 gp_Elips2d anElips(gp_Ax2d(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 30.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 0.0)), 20.0, 10.0);
576 Handle(Geom2d_Ellipse) aGeomEllipse = new Geom2d_Ellipse(anElips);
577 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisEllipse = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aGeomEllipse, Aspect_TOL_DASH);
578 myObject2d.Append(anAisEllipse);
580 // Describes a parabola in the plane (2D space). A parabola is defined by its focal length
581 // (that is, the distance between its focus and apex) and positioned in the plane with
582 // a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object)
583 gp_Parab2d aParab2d(gp_Ax2d(gp_Pnt2d(20.0, 0.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 0.0)), 10.0);
584 Handle(Geom2d_Parabola) aGeomParabola = new Geom2d_Parabola(aParab2d);
585 Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) aTrimmedParabola = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(aGeomParabola, 40.0, -40.0);
586 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisParabola = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aTrimmedParabola, Aspect_TOL_DOT);
587 myObject2d.Append(anAisParabola);
589 // Describes a branch of a hyperbola in the plane (2D space). A hyperbola is defined by its major and
590 // minor radii, and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object)
591 gp_Hypr2d aHypr2d(gp_Ax2d(gp_Pnt2d(20.0, 0.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 0.0)), 20.0, 10.0);
592 Handle(Geom2d_Hyperbola) aGeomHyperbola = new Geom2d_Hyperbola(aHypr2d);
593 Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) aTrimmedHyperbola = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(aGeomHyperbola, 2.0, -2.0);
594 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisHyperbola = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aTrimmedHyperbola, Aspect_TOL_DOTDASH);
595 myObject2d.Append(anAisHyperbola);
596 }
BarycenterPoint3dSample()598 void GeometrySamples::BarycenterPoint3dSample()
599 {
600 // Barycenter of 2 points
601 gp_Pnt aPnt1(11, 2, 3);
602 gp_Pnt aPnt2(13, 4, 5);
603 gp_Pnt aBarycenterPnt2 = aPnt1;
604 Standard_Real anAlpha = 3;
605 Standard_Real anBeta = 7;
606 // Assigns the result of the following expression to this point:
607 // (Alpha*this + Beta*P) / (Alpha + Beta)
608 aBarycenterPnt2.BaryCenter(anAlpha, aPnt2, anBeta);
609 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "Pnt1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
610 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "Pnt2", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
611 DisplayPnt(aBarycenterPnt2, "Barycenter Pnt", Aspect_TOM_O_PLUS, 0.5);
613 // BaryCenter of an array of point
614 gp_Pnt aP1(0, 0, 5);
615 gp_Pnt aP2(1, 2, 3);
616 gp_Pnt aP3(2, 3, -2);
617 gp_Pnt aP4(4, 3, 5);
618 gp_Pnt aP5(5, 5, 4);
619 TColgp_Array1OfPnt aPntArray(1, 5);
620 aPntArray.SetValue(1, aP1);
621 aPntArray.SetValue(2, aP2);
622 aPntArray.SetValue(3, aP3);
623 aPntArray.SetValue(4, aP4);
624 aPntArray.SetValue(5, aP5);
626 Standard_Real Tolerance = 8;
627 GProp_PEquation aPEquation(aPntArray, Tolerance);
629 gp_Pnt aBarycenterPnt5; // P declaration
630 bool isPoint = false;
631 if (aPEquation.IsPoint())
632 {
633 isPoint = true;
634 aBarycenterPnt5 = aPEquation.Point();
635 myResult << "GProp_PEquation is a point" << std::endl;
636 }
637 else
638 {
639 isPoint = false;
640 myResult << "GProp_PEquation is not a point" << std::endl;
641 }
643 if (aPEquation.IsLinear())
644 {
645 /*... */
646 }
647 if (aPEquation.IsPlanar())
648 {
649 /*... */
650 }
651 if (aPEquation.IsSpace())
652 {
653 /*... */
654 }
656 const TCollection_AsciiString aPointName("P");
657 for (Standard_Integer i = aPntArray.Lower(); i <= aPntArray.Upper(); i++)
658 {
659 TCollection_AsciiString aString(i);
660 aString = aPointName + aString;
661 DisplayPnt(aPntArray(i), aString, Aspect_TOM_STAR, 0.5);
662 }
664 DisplayPnt(aBarycenterPnt5, "Barycenter of 5 points", Aspect_TOM_O_STAR, 0.5);
665 myResult << " IsPoint = ";
666 if (isPoint)
667 {
668 myResult << "True --> " << " P ( " << aBarycenterPnt5.X() << aBarycenterPnt5.Y() << aBarycenterPnt5.Z() << " );" << std::endl;
669 }
670 else
671 {
672 myResult << "False";
673 }
674 myResult << std::endl << " IsLinear = " << (aPEquation.IsLinear() ? "True" : "False");
675 myResult << std::endl << " IsPlanar = " << (aPEquation.IsPlanar() ? "True" : "False");
676 myResult << std::endl << " IsSpace = " << (aPEquation.IsSpace() ? "True" : "False");
677 }
RotatedVector3dSample()679 void GeometrySamples::RotatedVector3dSample()
680 {
681 gp_Vec aBaseVec(0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
682 gp_Pnt aZeroPnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
683 gp_Vec aRotatedVec = aBaseVec.Rotated(gp_Ax1(aZeroPnt, gp_Dir(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), M_PI_4);
685 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aBaseVecAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aZeroPnt, aBaseVec);
686 aBaseVecAIS->SetText(" Base vector");
687 myObject3d.Append(aBaseVecAIS);
688 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aRotatedVecAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aZeroPnt, aRotatedVec);
689 aRotatedVecAIS->SetText(" Rotated vector");
690 myObject3d.Append(aRotatedVecAIS);
691 Standard_Real anAdgle = aBaseVec.Angle(aRotatedVec)*180.0 / M_PI;
692 myResult << "An angle between vectors = " << anAdgle << std::endl;
693 }
MirroredLine3dSample()695 void GeometrySamples::MirroredLine3dSample()
696 {
697 gp_Lin aBaseLin(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gp_Dir(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
698 gp_Ax2 aXyzAxis;
699 gp_Lin aMirroredLin = aBaseLin.Mirrored(aXyzAxis);
701 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aBaseLineAis = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aBaseLin.Location(), aBaseLin.Direction(), 8.0);
702 aBaseLineAis->SetText(" Base Line");
703 myObject3d.Append(aBaseLineAis);
704 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aMirroredLineAis = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aMirroredLin.Location(), aMirroredLin.Direction(), 8.0);
705 aMirroredLineAis->SetText(" Mirrored Line");
706 myObject3d.Append(aMirroredLineAis);
707 Handle(AIS_Plane) anAisPlane = new AIS_Plane (new Geom_Plane(gp_Ax3(aXyzAxis)), aXyzAxis.Location(),
708 gp_Pnt(10.0, 10.0, 0.0), gp_Pnt(-10.0, -10.0, 0.0), Standard_False);
709 myObject3d.Append(anAisPlane);
710 Standard_Real anAdgle = aBaseLin.Angle(aMirroredLin)*180.0 / M_PI;
711 myResult << "An angle between lines = " << anAdgle << std::endl;
712 }
ScaledEllipse3dSample()714 void GeometrySamples::ScaledEllipse3dSample()
715 {
716 gp_Ax2 anAxis2(gp_Pnt(), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
717 gp_Elips anBaseElips(anAxis2, 20.0, 10.0);
718 gp_Elips anScaledElips = anBaseElips.Scaled(gp_Pnt(), 2.5);
720 Handle(Geom_Ellipse) aBaseGeomEllipse = new Geom_Ellipse(anBaseElips);
721 Handle(AdaptorCurve_AIS) anAisBaseEllipce = new AdaptorCurve_AIS(aBaseGeomEllipse);
722 myObject3d.Append(anAisBaseEllipce);
724 Handle(Geom_Ellipse) aScaledGeomEllipse = new Geom_Ellipse(anScaledElips);
725 Handle(AdaptorCurve_AIS) anAisScaledEllipce = new AdaptorCurve_AIS(aScaledGeomEllipse);
726 myObject3d.Append(anAisScaledEllipce);
727 }
TransformedCylinder3dSample()729 void GeometrySamples::TransformedCylinder3dSample()
730 {
731 gp_Cylinder aBaseCylinder(gp_Ax3(), 10.0);
732 gp_Trsf aRotTrsf;
733 aRotTrsf.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(), gp_Dir(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), M_PI_2);
734 gp_Trsf aScaleTrsf;
735 aScaleTrsf.SetScale(gp_Pnt(), 1.5);
736 gp_Trsf aTranslTrsf;
737 aTranslTrsf.SetTranslation(gp_Vec(30.0, 0.0, 0.0));
738 gp_Trsf aComplexTrsf = aRotTrsf * aScaleTrsf * aTranslTrsf;
739 gp_Cylinder aTransfCylinder = aBaseCylinder.Transformed(aComplexTrsf);
741 Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface) aBaseCylinderSurface = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(aBaseCylinder);
742 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisBaseCylinder = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
743 aBaseCylinderSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
744 myObject3d.Append(anAisBaseCylinder);
745 Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface) aTransfCylinderSurface = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(aTransfCylinder);
746 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisTransfCylinder = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
747 aTransfCylinderSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
748 myObject3d.Append(anAisTransfCylinder);
749 }
TranslatedTorus3dSample()751 void GeometrySamples::TranslatedTorus3dSample()
752 {
753 gp_Torus aBaseTorus(gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 40.0, 10.0);
754 gp_Torus aTranslatedTorus = aBaseTorus.Translated(gp_Vec(70.0, 70.0, 70.0));
756 Handle(Geom_ToroidalSurface) aBaseSurface = new Geom_ToroidalSurface(aBaseTorus);
757 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisBaseShape = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
758 aBaseSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
759 myObject3d.Append(anAisBaseShape);
760 Handle(Geom_ToroidalSurface) aTranslSurface = new Geom_ToroidalSurface(aTranslatedTorus);
761 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisTranslShape = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
762 aTranslSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
763 myObject3d.Append(anAisTranslShape);
764 }
ConjugateObjects3dSample()766 void GeometrySamples::ConjugateObjects3dSample()
767 {
768 gp_Hypr aHypr(gp_Ax2(), 20.0, 10.0);
769 gp_Ax1 anAsymptote1 = aHypr.Asymptote1();
770 gp_Ax1 anAsymptote2 = aHypr.Asymptote2();
771 gp_Ax1 aDirectrix1 = aHypr.Directrix1();
772 gp_Ax1 aDirectrix2 = aHypr.Directrix2();
773 gp_Pnt aFocus1 = aHypr.Focus1();
774 gp_Pnt aFocus2 = aHypr.Focus2();
775 gp_Pnt aLocation = aHypr.Location();
777 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAsy1AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAsymptote1.Location(), gp_Vec(anAsymptote1.Direction())*10.0);
778 anAsy1AIS->SetText(" Asymptote 1");
779 myObject3d.Append(anAsy1AIS);
780 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAsy2AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(anAsymptote2.Location(), gp_Vec(anAsymptote2.Direction())*10.0);
781 anAsy2AIS->SetText(" Asymptote 2");
782 myObject3d.Append(anAsy2AIS);
783 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anDir1AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aDirectrix1.Location(), gp_Vec(aDirectrix1.Direction())*10.0);
784 anDir1AIS->SetText(" Directrix 1");
785 myObject3d.Append(anDir1AIS);
786 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anDir2AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aDirectrix2.Location(), gp_Vec(aDirectrix2.Direction())*10.0);
787 anDir2AIS->SetText(" Directrix 2");
788 myObject3d.Append(anDir2AIS);
790 DisplayPnt(aFocus1, "Focus 1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 2.0);
791 DisplayPnt(aFocus2, "Focus 2", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 2.0);
792 DisplayPnt(aLocation, "Location", Aspect_TOM_O_STAR, 2.0);
794 Handle(Geom_Hyperbola) aGeomHyperbola = new Geom_Hyperbola(aHypr);
795 Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aTrimmedHyperbola = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(aGeomHyperbola, 2.0, -2.0);
796 Handle(AdaptorCurve_AIS) anAisHyperbola = new AdaptorCurve_AIS(aTrimmedHyperbola);
797 myObject3d.Append(anAisHyperbola);
798 }
ProjectionOfPoint3dSample()800 void GeometrySamples::ProjectionOfPoint3dSample()
801 {
802 gp_Sphere aSphere(gp_Ax3(), 10.0);
803 gp_Pnt aBasePnt(20.0, 20.0, 20.0);
804 // A projection point in surface coordinate
805 gp_Pnt2d aPrjPnt2d = ProjLib::Project(aSphere, aBasePnt);
806 gp_Pnt aPrjPnt = ElSLib::Value(aPrjPnt2d.X(), aPrjPnt2d.Y(), aSphere);
808 DisplayPnt(aBasePnt, "Base point", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 2.0);
809 DisplayPnt(aPrjPnt, "Projection point", Aspect_TOM_O_STAR, 2.0);
810 Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aSphericalSurface = new Geom_SphericalSurface(aSphere);
811 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisSphere = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
812 aSphericalSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
813 myObject3d.Append(anAisSphere);
814 }
MinimalDistance3dSample()816 void GeometrySamples::MinimalDistance3dSample()
817 {
818 gp_Cylinder aCylinder(gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 10.0);
819 gp_Lin aLine(gp_Pnt(20.0, 0.0, 5.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
820 Extrema_ExtElCS anExtrema_ExtElCS(aLine, aCylinder);
822 if (anExtrema_ExtElCS.IsDone())
823 {
824 NCollection_Array1<gp_Vec> aVecArray(1, anExtrema_ExtElCS.NbExt());
825 NCollection_Array1<gp_Pnt> aPntArray(1, anExtrema_ExtElCS.NbExt());
826 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= anExtrema_ExtElCS.NbExt(); i++)
827 {
828 Extrema_POnCurv aCurvPoint;
829 Extrema_POnSurf aSurfPoint;
830 anExtrema_ExtElCS.Points(i, aCurvPoint, aSurfPoint);
831 gp_Pnt aCurvPnt = aCurvPoint.Value();
832 gp_Pnt aSurfPnt = aSurfPoint.Value();
834 DisplayPnt(aCurvPnt, TCollection_AsciiString(i), Aspect_TOM_O_PLUS, 2.0);
835 DisplayPnt(aSurfPnt, TCollection_AsciiString(i), Aspect_TOM_O_STAR, 2.0);
836 gp_Vec aVec(aCurvPnt, aSurfPnt);
837 aVecArray.SetValue(i, aVec);
838 aPntArray.SetValue(i, aCurvPnt);
839 }
840 Standard_Integer aMinDistIndex(0);
841 Standard_Real aMinDistance = std::numeric_limits<Standard_Real>::max();
842 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= anExtrema_ExtElCS.NbExt(); i++)
843 {
844 if (aMinDistance > aVecArray(i).Magnitude())
845 {
846 aMinDistIndex = i;
847 aMinDistance = aVecArray(i).Magnitude();
848 }
849 }
850 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anMinDistanceAis =
851 new AdaptorVec_AIS(aPntArray(aMinDistIndex), aVecArray(aMinDistIndex));
852 anMinDistanceAis->SetText(" Min distance");
853 myObject3d.Append(anMinDistanceAis);
854 }
855 Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface) aCylindricalSurface = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(aCylinder);
856 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisCylinder = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
857 aCylindricalSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 10.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
858 myObject3d.Append(anAisCylinder);
859 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anLineAis = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aLine.Location(), aLine.Direction(), 8.0);
860 anLineAis->SetText(" gp_Lin");
861 myObject3d.Append(anLineAis);
862 }
Intersection3dSample()864 void GeometrySamples::Intersection3dSample()
865 {
866 gp_Lin aLine(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), gp_Dir(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
867 gp_Cone aCone(gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(), gp_Dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 0.25*M_PI, 0.0);
868 IntAna_Quadric anIntAna_Quadric(aCone);
869 IntAna_IntConicQuad anIntAna_IntConicQuad(aLine, anIntAna_Quadric);
870 if (anIntAna_IntConicQuad.IsDone())
871 {
872 for (int i = 1; i <= anIntAna_IntConicQuad.NbPoints(); i++)
873 {
874 const gp_Pnt& aIntersectionPnt = anIntAna_IntConicQuad.Point(i);
875 DisplayPnt(aIntersectionPnt, TCollection_AsciiString(i));
876 }
877 }
878 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aLineVecAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aLine.Location(), gp_Vec(aLine.Direction())*5.0);
879 aLineVecAIS->SetText(" Base vector");
880 myObject3d.Append(aLineVecAIS);
881 Handle(Geom_ConicalSurface) aConicalSurface = new Geom_ConicalSurface(aCone);
882 Handle(AIS_Shape) anAisCone = new AIS_Shape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
883 aConicalSurface, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI, 0.0, 20.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
884 myObject3d.Append(anAisCone);
885 }
TranslatedPoint2dSample()887 void GeometrySamples::TranslatedPoint2dSample()
888 {
889 gp_Pnt2d aPnt1;
890 gp_Pnt2d aPnt2 = aPnt1.Translated(gp_Vec2d(10.0, 10.0));
891 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 1.0);
892 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "2", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 1.0);
893 gp_Vec2d aTranslationVec(aPnt1, aPnt2);
894 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aVecAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aPnt1, aTranslationVec);
895 aVecAIS->SetText(" Translation");
896 myObject2d.Append(aVecAIS);
897 }
RotatedDirection2dSample()899 void GeometrySamples::RotatedDirection2dSample()
900 {
901 gp_Dir2d aBaseDir(1.0, 1.0);
902 gp_Dir2d aRotatedDir = aBaseDir.Rotated(M_PI_4);
904 myResult << "An angle between directions: " << aBaseDir.Angle(aRotatedDir)*180.0 / M_PI << " grad";
905 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aBaseAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(), aBaseDir, 5.0);
906 aBaseAIS->SetText(" Base");
907 myObject2d.Append(aBaseAIS);
908 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aRotatedAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(), aRotatedDir, 5.0);
909 aRotatedAIS->SetText(" Rotated");
910 myObject2d.Append(aRotatedAIS);
911 }
MirroredAxis2dSample()913 void GeometrySamples::MirroredAxis2dSample()
914 {
915 gp_Ax22d aBaseAx(gp_Pnt2d(10.0, 0.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 0.0), Standard_True);
916 gp_Ax22d aMirrorAx = aBaseAx.Mirrored(gp_Pnt2d());
918 DisplayPnt(gp_Pnt2d(), "Mirror point", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 1.0);
919 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aBaseX_AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aBaseAx.Location(), aBaseAx.XDirection(), 5.0);
920 aBaseX_AIS->SetText(" X (Base)");
921 myObject2d.Append(aBaseX_AIS);
922 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aBaseY_AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aBaseAx.Location(), aBaseAx.YDirection(), 5.0);
923 aBaseY_AIS->SetText("Y (Base)");
924 myObject2d.Append(aBaseY_AIS);
925 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aMirrorX_AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aMirrorAx.Location(), aMirrorAx.XDirection(), 5.0);
926 aMirrorX_AIS->SetText("X (Mirror)");
927 myObject2d.Append(aMirrorX_AIS);
928 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aMirrorY_AIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aMirrorAx.Location(), aMirrorAx.YDirection(), 5.0);
929 aMirrorY_AIS->SetText(" Y (Mirror)");
930 myObject2d.Append(aMirrorY_AIS);
931 }
TransformedEllipse2dSample()933 void GeometrySamples::TransformedEllipse2dSample()
934 {
935 // Creates an ellipse with the major axis, the major and the minor radius.
936 // The location of the MajorAxis is the center of the ellipse.The sense of
937 // parametrization is given by Sense.Warnings : It is possible to create
938 // an ellipse with MajorRadius = MinorRadius.Raises
939 // ConstructionError if MajorRadius < MinorRadius or MinorRadius < 0.0.
940 gp_Elips2d aBaseEllips(gp_Ax2d(gp_Pnt2d(), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 0.0)), 20.0, 10.0);
941 gp_Trsf2d aRotTrsf;
942 aRotTrsf.SetRotation(gp_Pnt2d(), M_PI_4);
943 gp_Trsf2d aScaleTrsf;
944 aScaleTrsf.SetScale(gp_Pnt2d(), 1.5);
945 gp_Trsf2d aTranslTrsf;
946 aTranslTrsf.SetTranslation(gp_Vec2d(30.0, 0.0));
947 gp_Trsf2d aComplexTrsf = aRotTrsf * aScaleTrsf * aTranslTrsf;
948 gp_Elips2d aTransfEllips = aBaseEllips.Transformed(aComplexTrsf);
950 Handle(Geom2d_Ellipse) aBaseEllipse = new Geom2d_Ellipse(aBaseEllips);
951 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisBaseEllipse = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aBaseEllipse, Aspect_TOL_DASH);
952 myObject2d.Append(anAisBaseEllipse);
953 Handle(Geom2d_Ellipse) aTransfEllipse = new Geom2d_Ellipse(aTransfEllips);
954 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisTransfEllipse = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aTransfEllipse, Aspect_TOL_DASH);
955 myObject2d.Append(anAisTransfEllipse);
956 }
ConjugateObjects2dSample()958 void GeometrySamples::ConjugateObjects2dSample()
959 {
960 gp_Parab2d aParab(gp_Ax2d(), 20.0);
961 gp_Ax2d aDirectrix = aParab.Directrix();
962 gp_Pnt2d aFocus = aParab.Focus();
963 gp_Pnt2d aLocation = aParab.Location();
964 gp_Ax2d aMirror = aParab.MirrorAxis();
966 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aDirectAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aDirectrix.Location(), gp_Vec2d(aDirectrix.Direction())*10.0);
967 aDirectAIS->SetText(" Directrix");
968 myObject2d.Append(aDirectAIS);
969 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) aMirrorAIS = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aMirror.Location(), gp_Vec2d(aMirror.Direction())*10.0);
970 aMirrorAIS->SetText(" Mirror Axis");
971 myObject2d.Append(aMirrorAIS);
973 DisplayPnt(aFocus, "Focus", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, -3.0);
974 DisplayPnt(aLocation, " Location", Aspect_TOM_O_STAR, 3.0);
975 Handle(Geom2d_Parabola) aGeomParabola = new Geom2d_Parabola(aParab);
976 Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) aTrimmedParabola = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(aGeomParabola, 40.0, -40.0);
977 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisParabola = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aTrimmedParabola, Aspect_TOL_DOT);
978 myObject2d.Append(anAisParabola);
979 }
Tangent2dSample()981 void GeometrySamples::Tangent2dSample()
982 {
983 gp_Circ2d aCirc1(gp_Ax2d(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 0.0), gp_Vec2d(1.0, 0.0)), 10.0);
984 gp_Circ2d aCirc2 = aCirc1.Translated(gp_Vec2d(50.0, 0.0));
985 aCirc2.SetRadius(20.0);
987 GccEnt_QualifiedCirc aQaCirc1(aCirc1, GccEnt_outside);
988 GccEnt_QualifiedCirc aQaCirc2(aCirc2, GccEnt_outside);
990 GccAna_Lin2d2Tan aLin2d2Tan(aQaCirc1, aQaCirc2, 1E-6);
991 if (aLin2d2Tan.IsDone())
992 {
993 for (int i = 1; i <= aLin2d2Tan.NbSolutions(); i++)
994 {
995 const gp_Lin2d& aTangentLin = aLin2d2Tan.ThisSolution(i);
996 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisLin = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aTangentLin.Location(), aTangentLin.Direction(), 20.0);
997 myObject2d.Append(anAisLin);
998 }
999 }
1001 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aCircle1 = new Geom2d_Circle(aCirc1);
1002 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc1 = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aCircle1, Aspect_TOL_SOLID);
1003 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc1);
1004 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aCircle2 = new Geom2d_Circle(aCirc2);
1005 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc2 = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aCircle2, Aspect_TOL_SOLID);
1006 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc2);
1007 }
ProjectionOfPoint2dSample()1009 void GeometrySamples::ProjectionOfPoint2dSample()
1010 {
1011 gp_Pnt2d aPntToProject(40.0, 40.0);
1012 gp_Circ2d aCirc(gp_Ax2d(), 20.0);
1013 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aGeom_Circle = new Geom2d_Circle(aCirc);
1014 Geom2dAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve aProjector(aPntToProject, aGeom_Circle);
1015 gp_Pnt2d aProjectionPnt = aProjector.NearestPoint();
1017 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aGeom_Circle, Aspect_TOL_SOLID);
1018 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc);
1019 DisplayPnt(aPntToProject, "Pnt to project");
1020 DisplayPnt(aProjectionPnt, "Projection Pnt", Aspect_TOM_O_STAR);
1021 }
MinimalDistance2dSample()1023 void GeometrySamples::MinimalDistance2dSample()
1024 {
1025 gp_Lin2d aLin(gp_Pnt2d(-40.0, 0.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, 1.0));
1026 Handle(Geom2d_Line) aGeom_Line = new Geom2d_Line(aLin);
1027 gp_Circ2d aCirc(gp_Ax2d(), 20.0);
1028 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aGeom_Circle = new Geom2d_Circle(aCirc);
1030 Geom2dAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve anExtremaFinder(aGeom_Line, aGeom_Circle,
1031 std::numeric_limits<Standard_Real>::min(),
1032 std::numeric_limits<Standard_Real>::max(), 0.0, M_PI*2.0);
1033 if (anExtremaFinder.NbExtrema())
1034 {
1035 gp_Pnt2d aPnt1, aPnt2;
1036 anExtremaFinder.NearestPoints(aPnt1, aPnt2);
1037 myResult << "Extrema found: " << anExtremaFinder.NbExtrema() << std::endl;
1038 myResult << "Minimal distance: " << anExtremaFinder.LowerDistance() << std::endl;
1039 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "1");
1040 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "2");
1041 }
1042 else
1043 {
1044 myResult << "No Extrema found" << std::endl;
1045 }
1047 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aGeom_Circle, Aspect_TOL_SOLID);
1048 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc);
1049 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisLin = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aLin.Location(), aLin.Direction(), 60.0);
1050 anAisLin->SetText(" gp_Lin2d");
1051 myObject2d.Append(anAisLin);
1052 }
Intersection2dSample()1054 void GeometrySamples::Intersection2dSample()
1055 {
1056 gp_Lin2d aLin(gp_Pnt2d(-20.0, 20.0), gp_Dir2d(1.0, -1.5));
1057 Handle(Geom2d_Line) aGeom_Line = new Geom2d_Line(aLin);
1058 gp_Parab2d aParab(gp_Ax2d(), 20.0);
1059 Handle(Geom2d_Parabola) aGeom_Parabola = new Geom2d_Parabola(aParab);
1061 Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve anIntersectFinder(aGeom_Line, aGeom_Parabola);
1062 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= anIntersectFinder.NbPoints(); i++)
1063 {
1064 gp_Pnt2d aPnt = anIntersectFinder.Point(i);
1065 DisplayPnt(aPnt, i);
1066 }
1068 myResult << "Number of intersections : " << anIntersectFinder.NbPoints() << std::endl;
1070 Handle(Geom2d_Parabola) aGeomParabola = new Geom2d_Parabola(aParab);
1071 Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) aTrimmedParabola = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(aGeomParabola, 60.0, -60.0);
1072 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisParabola = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aTrimmedParabola, Aspect_TOL_DOT);
1073 myObject2d.Append(anAisParabola);
1074 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisLin = new AdaptorVec_AIS(aLin.Location(), aLin.Direction(), 90.0);
1075 anAisLin->SetText(" gp_Lin2d");
1076 myObject2d.Append(anAisLin);
1077 }
PointInfo3dSample()1079 void GeometrySamples::PointInfo3dSample()
1080 {
1081 gp_Pnt aPnt1;
1082 gp_Pnt aPnt2(10.0, 10.0, 10.0);
1083 gp_Pnt aPnt3(10.0, -10.0, 0.0);
1084 gp_Pnt aPnt4(10.0, 10.0, 10.0);
1085 Standard_Boolean anIsEqual2_3 = aPnt2.IsEqual(aPnt3, 1E-6);
1086 Standard_Boolean anIsEqual2_4 = aPnt2.IsEqual(aPnt4, 1E-6);
1087 Standard_Real aDistance1_2 = aPnt1.Distance(aPnt2);
1088 Standard_Real aDistance2_4 = aPnt2.Distance(aPnt4);
1089 Standard_Real aSquareDistance1_2 = aPnt1.SquareDistance(aPnt2);
1090 Standard_Real aSquareDistance2_4 = aPnt2.SquareDistance(aPnt4);
1092 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 1: X: " << aPnt1.X() << " Y: " << aPnt1.Y() << " Z: " << aPnt1.Z() << std::endl;
1093 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 2: X: " << aPnt2.X() << " Y: " << aPnt2.Y() << " Z: " << aPnt2.Z() << std::endl;
1094 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 3: X: " << aPnt3.X() << " Y: " << aPnt3.Y() << " Z: " << aPnt3.Z() << std::endl;
1095 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 4: X: " << aPnt4.X() << " Y: " << aPnt4.Y() << " Z: " << aPnt4.Z() << std::endl;
1097 if (anIsEqual2_3)
1098 {
1099 myResult << "A point 2 is equal to a point 3" << std::endl;
1100 }
1101 else
1102 {
1103 myResult << "A point 2 is different from a point 3" << std::endl;
1104 }
1105 if (anIsEqual2_4)
1106 {
1107 myResult << "A point 2 is equal to a point 4" << std::endl;
1108 }
1109 else
1110 {
1111 myResult << "A point 2 is different from a point 4" << std::endl;
1112 }
1113 myResult << "A distance from a point 1 to a point 2 is: " << aDistance1_2 << std::endl;
1114 myResult << "A distance from a point 2 to a point 4 is: " << aDistance2_4 << std::endl;
1116 myResult << "A square distance from a point 1 to a point 2 is: " << aSquareDistance1_2 << std::endl;
1117 myResult << "A square distance from a point 2 to a point 4 is: " << aSquareDistance2_4 << std::endl;
1119 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1120 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "2 & 4", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1121 DisplayPnt(aPnt3, "3", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1122 DisplayPnt(aPnt4, "", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1123 }
EllipseInfo3dSample()1125 void GeometrySamples::EllipseInfo3dSample()
1126 {
1127 gp_Elips anElips(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(), gp_Dir(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 20.0, 10.0);
1128 Standard_Real anArea = anElips.Area();
1129 // Returns the eccentricity of the ellipse between 0.0 and 1.0
1130 // If f is the distance between the center of the ellipse and the Focus1 then
1131 // the eccentricity e = f / MajorRadius. Returns 0 if MajorRadius = 0.
1132 Standard_Real anEccentricity = anElips.Eccentricity();
1133 // Returns the distance between the center of the ellipse and focus1 or focus2.
1134 Standard_Real aFocal = anElips.Focal();
1135 // Returns p = (1 - e * e) * MajorRadius where e is the eccentricity
1136 // of the ellipse. Returns 0 if MajorRadius = 0.
1137 Standard_Real aParameter = anElips.Parameter();
1139 myResult << "Ellipse area = " << anArea << " square units" << std::endl;
1140 myResult << "Eccentricity = " << anEccentricity;
1141 myResult << "Focal distance = " << aFocal;
1142 myResult << "Ellipse parameter = " << aParameter;
1144 gp_Pnt aCenter = anElips.Location();
1145 gp_Pnt aFocus1 = anElips.Focus1();
1146 gp_Pnt aFocus2 = anElips.Focus2();
1147 DisplayPnt(aCenter, "Center", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 2.0);
1148 DisplayPnt(aFocus1, "focus 1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 2.0);
1149 DisplayPnt(aFocus2, "focus 2", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 2.0);
1151 Handle(Geom_Ellipse) aGeomEllipse = new Geom_Ellipse(anElips);
1152 Handle(AdaptorCurve_AIS) anAisEllipce = new AdaptorCurve_AIS(aGeomEllipse);
1153 myObject3d.Append(anAisEllipce);
1154 }
PointInfo2dSample()1156 void GeometrySamples::PointInfo2dSample()
1157 {
1158 gp_Pnt2d aPnt1;
1159 gp_Pnt2d aPnt2(10.0, 10.0);
1160 gp_Pnt2d aPnt3(10.0, -10.0);
1161 gp_Pnt2d aPnt4(10.0, 10.0);
1162 Standard_Boolean anIsEqual2_3 = aPnt2.IsEqual(aPnt3, 1E-6);
1163 Standard_Boolean anIsEqual2_4 = aPnt2.IsEqual(aPnt4, 1E-6);
1164 Standard_Real aDistance1_2 = aPnt1.Distance(aPnt2);
1165 Standard_Real aDistance2_4 = aPnt2.Distance(aPnt4);
1166 Standard_Real aSquareDistance1_2 = aPnt1.SquareDistance(aPnt2);
1167 Standard_Real aSquareDistance2_4 = aPnt2.SquareDistance(aPnt4);
1169 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 1: X: " << aPnt1.X() << " Y: " << aPnt1.Y() << std::endl;
1170 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 2: X: " << aPnt2.X() << " Y: " << aPnt2.Y() << std::endl;
1171 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 3: X: " << aPnt3.X() << " Y: " << aPnt3.Y() << std::endl;
1172 myResult << "A coordinate of a point 4: X: " << aPnt4.X() << " Y: " << aPnt4.Y() << std::endl;
1173 if (anIsEqual2_3)
1174 {
1175 myResult << "A point 2 is equal to a point 3" << std::endl;
1176 }
1177 else
1178 {
1179 myResult << "A point 2 is different from a point 3" << std::endl;
1180 }
1181 if (anIsEqual2_4)
1182 {
1183 myResult << "A point 2 is equal to a point 4" << std::endl;
1184 }
1185 else
1186 {
1187 myResult << "A point 2 is different from a point 4" << std::endl;
1188 }
1190 myResult << "A distance from a point 1 to a point 2 is: " << aDistance1_2 << std::endl;
1191 myResult << "A distance from a point 2 to a point 4 is: " << aDistance2_4 << std::endl;
1193 myResult << "A square distance from a point 1 to a point 2 is: " << aSquareDistance1_2 << std::endl;
1194 myResult << "A square distance from a point 2 to a point 4 is: " << aSquareDistance2_4 << std::endl;
1196 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1197 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "2 & 4", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1198 DisplayPnt(aPnt3, "3", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1199 DisplayPnt(aPnt4, "");
1200 }
CircleInfo2dSample()1202 void GeometrySamples::CircleInfo2dSample()
1203 {
1204 gp_Circ2d aCirc(gp_Ax22d(gp_Pnt2d(10.0, 10.0), gp_Vec2d(1.0, 0.0)), 10.0);
1205 gp_Pnt2d aPnt1(0.0, 10.0);
1206 gp_Pnt2d aPnt2(10.0, 0.0);
1207 gp_Pnt2d aPnt3(20.0, 20.0);
1209 if (aCirc.Contains(aPnt1, 1E-6))
1210 {
1211 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "1", Aspect_TOM_STAR, 3.0);
1212 myResult << "A circle contains a point 1" << std::endl;
1213 }
1214 else
1215 {
1216 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 1.0);
1217 myResult << "A circle does contain a point 1" << std::endl;
1218 }
1219 if (aCirc.Contains(aPnt2, 1E-6))
1220 {
1221 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "2", Aspect_TOM_STAR, 1.0);
1222 myResult << "A circle contains a point 2" << std::endl;
1223 }
1224 else
1225 {
1226 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "2", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 1.0);
1227 myResult << "A circle does contain a point 2" << std::endl;
1228 }
1229 if (aCirc.Contains(aPnt3, 1E-6))
1230 {
1231 DisplayPnt(aPnt3, "3", Aspect_TOM_STAR, 1.0);
1232 myResult << "A circle contains a point 3" << std::endl;
1233 }
1234 else
1235 {
1236 DisplayPnt(aPnt3, "3", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 1.0);
1237 myResult << "A circle does contain a point 3" << std::endl;
1238 }
1239 myResult << "Circle area = " << aCirc.Area() << "square units" << std::endl;
1240 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aGeomCircle = new Geom2d_Circle(aCirc);
1241 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aGeomCircle);
1242 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc);
1243 }
FreeStyleCurves3dSample()1245 void GeometrySamples::FreeStyleCurves3dSample()
1246 {
1247 // Define points.
1248 gp_Pnt aPnt1(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
1249 gp_Pnt aPnt2(5.0, 5.0, 0.0);
1250 gp_Pnt aPnt3(10.0, 5.0, 0.0);
1251 gp_Pnt aPnt4(15.0, 0.0, 0.0);
1253 // Add points to the curve poles array.
1254 TColgp_Array1OfPnt aPoles(1, 4);
1255 aPoles.SetValue(1, aPnt1);
1256 aPoles.SetValue(2, aPnt2);
1257 aPoles.SetValue(3, aPnt3);
1258 aPoles.SetValue(4, aPnt4);
1260 // Define BSpline weights.
1261 TColStd_Array1OfReal aBSplineWeights(1, 4);
1262 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(1, 1.0);
1263 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(2, 0.5);
1264 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(3, 0.5);
1265 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(4, 1.0);
1267 // Define knots.
1268 TColStd_Array1OfReal aKnots(1, 2);
1269 aKnots.SetValue(1, 0.0);
1270 aKnots.SetValue(2, 1.0);
1272 // Define multiplicities.
1273 TColStd_Array1OfInteger aMults(1, 2);
1274 aMults.SetValue(1, 4);
1275 aMults.SetValue(2, 4);
1277 // Define BSpline degree and periodicity.
1278 Standard_Integer aDegree = 3;
1279 Standard_Boolean aPeriodic = Standard_False;
1281 // Create a BSpline curve.
1282 Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) aBSplineCurve = new Geom_BSplineCurve(
1283 aPoles, aBSplineWeights, aKnots, aMults, aDegree, aPeriodic);
1284 myResult << "Geom_BSplineCurve was created in red" << std::endl;
1286 // Define Bezier weights.
1287 TColStd_Array1OfReal aBezierWeights(1, 4);
1288 aBezierWeights.SetValue(1, 0.5);
1289 aBezierWeights.SetValue(2, 1.5);
1290 aBezierWeights.SetValue(3, 1.5);
1291 aBezierWeights.SetValue(4, 0.5);
1293 // Create Bezier curve.
1294 Handle(Geom_BezierCurve) aBezierCurve = new Geom_BezierCurve(aPoles, aBezierWeights);
1295 myResult << "Geom_BezierCurve was created in green" << std::endl;
1297 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBSplineCurve = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1298 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aBSplineCurve).Shape());
1299 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBezierCurve = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1300 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aBezierCurve).Shape());
1301 anAisBSplineCurve->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1302 anAisBezierCurve->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN));
1303 myObject3d.Append(anAisBSplineCurve);
1304 myObject3d.Append(anAisBezierCurve);
1305 myObject3d.Append(new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(aPnt1)));
1306 myObject3d.Append(new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(aPnt2)));
1307 myObject3d.Append(new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(aPnt3)));
1308 myObject3d.Append(new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(aPnt4)));
1309 }
AnalyticalSurfaces3dSample()1311 void GeometrySamples::AnalyticalSurfaces3dSample()
1312 {
1313 // Define a XY plane.
1314 gp_Pln aPln(gp::Origin(), gp::DZ());
1315 // Create plane geometry.
1316 Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlaneSurf = new Geom_Plane(aPln);
1317 myResult << "Geom_Plane was created in red" << std::endl;
1319 // Define a cylinder.
1320 gp_Cylinder aCyl(gp::XOY(), 2.5);
1321 // Create cylindrical surface.
1322 Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface) aCylSurf = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(aCyl);
1323 myResult << "Geom_CylindricalSurface was created in green" << std::endl;
1325 // Define a cone.
1326 gp_Cone aCone(gp::XOY(), M_PI_4, 2.5);
1327 // Create conical surface.
1328 Handle(Geom_ConicalSurface) aConeSurf = new Geom_ConicalSurface(aCone);
1329 myResult << "Geom_ConicalSurface was created in blue" << std::endl;
1331 // Define a sphere.
1332 gp_Pnt aSphereCenter(15.0, 15.0, 15.0);
1333 gp_Sphere aSphere(gp_Ax3(aSphereCenter, gp::DZ()), 8.0);
1334 // Create conical surface.
1335 Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aSphereSurf = new Geom_SphericalSurface(aSphere);
1336 myResult << "Geom_SphericalSurface was created in cyan" << std::endl;
1338 // Define a sphere.
1339 gp_Pnt aTorusCenter(-15.0, -15.0, 25.0);
1340 gp_Torus aTorus(gp_Ax3(aTorusCenter, gp::DZ()), 15.0, 5.0);
1341 // Create toroidal surface.
1342 Handle(Geom_ToroidalSurface) aTorusSurf = new Geom_ToroidalSurface(aTorus);
1343 myResult << "Geom_ToroidalSurface was created in yellow" << std::endl;
1345 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisPlane = new AIS_ColoredShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
1346 aPlaneSurf, 0.0, 20.0, 0.0, 20.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1347 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisCylinder = new AIS_ColoredShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
1348 aCylSurf, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI, 5.0, 15.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1349 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisCone = new AIS_ColoredShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
1350 aConeSurf, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI, 0.0, 15.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1351 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisSphere = new AIS_ColoredShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
1352 aSphereSurf, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1353 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisTorus = new AIS_ColoredShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
1354 aTorusSurf, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1355 anAisPlane->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1356 anAisCylinder->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN));
1357 anAisCone->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_BLUE1));
1358 anAisSphere->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_CYAN1));
1359 anAisTorus->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW));
1360 myObject3d.Append(anAisPlane);
1361 myObject3d.Append(anAisCylinder);
1362 myObject3d.Append(anAisCone);
1363 myObject3d.Append(anAisSphere);
1364 myObject3d.Append(anAisTorus);
1365 }
FreeStyleSurfaces3dSample()1367 void GeometrySamples::FreeStyleSurfaces3dSample()
1368 {
1369 // Define a 4x4 grid of points for BSpline surface.
1370 TColgp_Array2OfPnt aBSplinePnts(1, 4, 1, 4);
1371 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
1372 {
1373 gp_Pnt aPnt;
1374 aPnt.SetX(5.0 * i);
1375 for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)
1376 {
1377 aPnt.SetY(5.0 * j);
1378 if (1 < i && i < 4 && 1 < j && j < 4)
1379 {
1380 aPnt.SetZ(5.0);
1381 }
1382 else
1383 {
1384 aPnt.SetZ(0.0);
1385 }
1386 aBSplinePnts.SetValue(i, j, aPnt);
1387 }
1388 }
1390 // Define a 4x4 grid of points for Bezier surface.
1391 TColgp_Array2OfPnt aBezierPnts(1, 4, 1, 4);
1392 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
1393 {
1394 gp_Pnt aPnt;
1395 aPnt.SetX(20.0 + 5.0 * i);
1396 for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)
1397 {
1398 aPnt.SetY(20.0 + 5.0 * j);
1399 if (1 < i && i < 4 && 1 < j && j < 4)
1400 {
1401 aPnt.SetZ(5.0);
1402 }
1403 else
1404 {
1405 aPnt.SetZ(0.0);
1406 }
1407 aBezierPnts.SetValue(i, j, aPnt);
1408 }
1409 }
1411 // Define BSpline weights.
1412 TColStd_Array2OfReal aBSplineWeights(1, 4, 1, 4);
1413 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
1414 {
1415 for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)
1416 {
1417 if (1 < i && i < 4 && 1 < j && j < 4)
1418 {
1419 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(i, j, 0.5);
1420 }
1421 else
1422 {
1423 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(i, j, 1.0);
1424 }
1425 }
1426 }
1428 // Define knots.
1429 TColStd_Array1OfReal aUKnots(1, 2), aVKnots(1, 2);
1430 aUKnots.SetValue(1, 0.0);
1431 aUKnots.SetValue(2, 1.0);
1432 aVKnots.SetValue(1, 0.0);
1433 aVKnots.SetValue(2, 1.0);
1435 // Define multiplicities.
1436 TColStd_Array1OfInteger aUMults(1, 2), aVMults(1, 2);
1437 aUMults.SetValue(1, 4);
1438 aUMults.SetValue(2, 4);
1439 aVMults.SetValue(1, 4);
1440 aVMults.SetValue(2, 4);
1442 // Define BSpline degree and periodicity.
1443 Standard_Integer aUDegree = 3;
1444 Standard_Integer aVDegree = 3;
1445 Standard_Boolean aUPeriodic = Standard_False;
1446 Standard_Boolean aVPeriodic = Standard_False;
1448 // Create a BSpline surface.
1449 Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) aBSplineSurf = new Geom_BSplineSurface(
1450 aBSplinePnts, aBSplineWeights, aUKnots, aVKnots,
1451 aUMults, aVMults, aUDegree, aVDegree, aUPeriodic, aVPeriodic);
1452 myResult << "Geom_BSplineSurface was created in red" << std::endl;
1454 // Define BSpline weights.
1455 TColStd_Array2OfReal aBezierWeights(1, 4, 1, 4);
1456 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
1457 {
1458 for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)
1459 {
1460 if (1 < i && i < 4 && 1 < j && j < 4)
1461 {
1462 aBezierWeights.SetValue(i, j, 1.5);
1463 }
1464 else
1465 {
1466 aBezierWeights.SetValue(i, j, 0.5);
1467 }
1468 }
1469 }
1471 // Create a Bezier surface.
1472 Handle(Geom_BezierSurface) aBezierSurf = new Geom_BezierSurface(aBezierPnts, aBezierWeights);
1473 myResult << "Geom_BezierSurface was created in green" << std::endl;
1475 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBSplineSurf = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1476 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aBSplineSurf, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1477 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBezierSurf = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1478 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aBezierSurf, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1479 anAisBSplineSurf->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1480 anAisBezierSurf->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN));
1481 myObject3d.Append(anAisBSplineSurf);
1482 myObject3d.Append(anAisBezierSurf);
1483 for (TColgp_Array2OfPnt::Iterator anIt(aBSplinePnts); anIt.More(); anIt.Next())
1484 {
1485 myObject3d.Append(new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(anIt.Value())));
1486 }
1487 for (TColgp_Array2OfPnt::Iterator anIt(aBezierPnts); anIt.More(); anIt.Next())
1488 {
1489 myObject3d.Append(new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(anIt.Value())));
1490 }
1491 }
FreeStyleCurves2dSample()1493 void GeometrySamples::FreeStyleCurves2dSample()
1494 {
1496 // Define points.
1497 gp_Pnt2d aPnt1(0.0, 0.0);
1498 gp_Pnt2d aPnt2(5.0, 5.0);
1499 gp_Pnt2d aPnt3(10.0, 5.0);
1500 gp_Pnt2d aPnt4(15.0, 0.0);
1502 // Add points to the curve poles array.
1503 TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d aBSplinePoles(1, 4);
1504 aBSplinePoles.SetValue(1, aPnt1);
1505 aBSplinePoles.SetValue(2, aPnt2);
1506 aBSplinePoles.SetValue(3, aPnt3);
1507 aBSplinePoles.SetValue(4, aPnt4);
1509 // Define BSpline weights.
1510 TColStd_Array1OfReal aBSplineWeights(1, 4);
1511 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(1, 1.0);
1512 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(2, 0.5);
1513 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(3, 0.5);
1514 aBSplineWeights.SetValue(4, 1.0);
1516 // Define knots.
1517 TColStd_Array1OfReal aKnots(1, 2);
1518 aKnots.SetValue(1, 0.0);
1519 aKnots.SetValue(2, 1.0);
1521 // Define multiplicities.
1522 TColStd_Array1OfInteger aMults(1, 2);
1523 aMults.SetValue(1, 4);
1524 aMults.SetValue(2, 4);
1526 // Define BSpline degree and periodicity.
1527 Standard_Integer aDegree = 3;
1528 Standard_Boolean aPeriodic = Standard_False;
1530 // Create a BSpline curve.
1531 Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve) aBSplineCurve =
1532 new Geom2d_BSplineCurve(aBSplinePoles, aBSplineWeights, aKnots, aMults, aDegree, aPeriodic);
1535 TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d aBezierPoles(1, 4);
1536 gp_Vec2d anUp10Vec(0.0, 10.0);
1537 aBezierPoles.SetValue(1, aPnt1.Translated(anUp10Vec));
1538 aBezierPoles.SetValue(2, aPnt2.Translated(anUp10Vec));
1539 aBezierPoles.SetValue(3, aPnt3.Translated(anUp10Vec));
1540 aBezierPoles.SetValue(4, aPnt4.Translated(anUp10Vec));
1542 // Define Bezier weights.
1543 TColStd_Array1OfReal aBezierWeights(1, 4);
1544 aBezierWeights.SetValue(1, 0.5);
1545 aBezierWeights.SetValue(2, 1.5);
1546 aBezierWeights.SetValue(3, 1.5);
1547 aBezierWeights.SetValue(4, 0.5);
1549 // Create Bezier curve.
1550 Handle(Geom2d_BezierCurve) aBezierCurve = new Geom2d_BezierCurve(aBezierPoles, aBezierWeights);
1552 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisBSpline = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aBSplineCurve);
1553 myObject2d.Append(anAisBSpline);
1554 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisBezier = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aBezierCurve);
1555 myObject2d.Append(anAisBezier);
1557 DisplayPnt(aPnt1, "1", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1558 DisplayPnt(aPnt2, "2", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1559 DisplayPnt(aPnt3, "3", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1560 DisplayPnt(aPnt4, "4", Aspect_TOM_PLUS, 0.5);
1561 }
TrimmedCurve3dSample()1563 void GeometrySamples::TrimmedCurve3dSample()
1564 {
1565 // Define a circle placed in the origin of XY coordinate
1566 // plane and with the radius equal to 5.
1567 gp_Circ aCirc(gp::XOY(), 5.0);
1568 // Create a closed circular curve.
1569 Handle(Geom_Circle) aCircCurve = new Geom_Circle(aCirc);
1570 myResult << "Geom_Circle was created in yellow" << std::endl;
1572 // Cut off a quarter of the circle.
1573 Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aCircQuater = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(aCircCurve, 0.0, M_PI_2);
1574 myResult << "Geom_TrimmedCurve was created in red" << std::endl;
1576 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisCirc = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aCircCurve).Shape());
1577 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisCircQuater = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aCircQuater).Shape());
1578 anAisCirc->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW));
1579 anAisCircQuater->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1580 anAisCircQuater->SetWidth(2.5);
1581 myObject3d.Append(anAisCirc);
1582 myObject3d.Append(anAisCircQuater);
1583 }
OffsetCurve3dSample()1585 void GeometrySamples::OffsetCurve3dSample()
1586 {
1587 // Define a circle placed in the origin of XY coordinate
1588 // plane and with the radius equal to 5.
1589 gp_Circ aCirc(gp::XOY(), 5.0);
1590 // Create a closed circular curve.
1591 Handle(Geom_Circle) aCircCurve = new Geom_Circle(aCirc);
1592 myResult << "Geom_Circle was created in yellow" << std::endl;
1594 // An offset curve is a curve at constant distance (Offset) from
1595 // a basis curve in a reference direction V.
1596 // The offset curve takes its parametrization from the basis curve.
1597 // The Offset curve is in the direction of the normal N
1598 // defined with the cross product T^V, where the vector T
1599 // is given by the first derivative on the basis curve with non zero length.
1600 // The distance offset may be positive or negative to indicate the
1601 // preferred side of the curve:
1602 // . distance offset >0 => the curve is in the direction of N
1603 // . distance offset <0 => the curve is in the direction of - N
1604 // On the Offset curve:
1605 // Value (U) = BasisCurve.Value(U) + (Offset * (T ^ V)) / ||T ^ V||
1606 // At any point the Offset direction V must not be parallel to the
1607 // vector T and the vector T must not have null length else the
1608 // offset curve is not defined.
1610 // Expand the circle by Offset equal to a quarter of the radius
1611 // with direction V equal to Z.
1612 Standard_Real anExpandOffset = +aCirc.Radius() / 4.0;
1613 gp_Dir anExpandDir = gp::DZ();
1614 Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve) anExpandCircCurve = new Geom_OffsetCurve(
1615 aCircCurve, anExpandOffset, anExpandDir);
1616 myResult << "Geom_OffsetCurve (expanded circle) was created in red" << std::endl;
1618 // Collapse the circle by Offset equal to a half of the radius with direction V equal to Z.
1619 Standard_Real anCollapseOffset = -aCirc.Radius() / 2.0;
1620 gp_Dir anCollapseDir = gp::DZ();
1621 Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve) anCollapseCircCurve = new Geom_OffsetCurve (aCircCurve, anCollapseOffset, anCollapseDir);
1622 myResult << "Geom_OffsetCurve (collapsed circle) was created in green" << std::endl;
1624 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisCirc = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aCircCurve).Shape());
1625 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisExpandCirc = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anExpandCircCurve).Shape());
1626 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisCpllapsedCirc = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anCollapseCircCurve).Shape());
1627 anAisCirc->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW));
1628 anAisExpandCirc->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1629 anAisCpllapsedCirc->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN));
1630 myObject3d.Append(anAisCirc);
1631 myObject3d.Append(anAisExpandCirc);
1632 myObject3d.Append(anAisCpllapsedCirc);
1633 }
BSplineFromCircle3dSample()1635 void GeometrySamples::BSplineFromCircle3dSample()
1636 {
1637 // Define a circle placed in the origin of XY coordinate
1638 // plane and with the radius equal to 5.
1639 gp_Circ aCirc(gp::XOY(), 5.0);
1640 // Create a closed circular curve.
1641 Handle(Geom_Circle) aCircCurve = new Geom_Circle(aCirc);
1642 myResult << "Geom_Circle was created in yellow" << std::endl;
1644 // Convert the circle curve to a BSpline one.
1645 Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) aBSplineFromCirc = GeomConvert::CurveToBSplineCurve(aCircCurve);
1646 myResult << "Geom_BSplineCurve was created in red:" << std::endl;
1647 myResult << "Degree: " << aBSplineFromCirc->Degree() << std::endl;
1648 myResult << "Periodic: " << (aBSplineFromCirc->IsPeriodic() ? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl;
1649 myResult << "Poles: [" << aBSplineFromCirc->Poles().Size() << "]" << std::endl;
1650 for (TColgp_Array1OfPnt::Iterator anIt(aBSplineFromCirc->Poles()); anIt.More(); anIt.Next())
1651 {
1652 myResult << " (" << anIt.Value().X() << ", " << anIt.Value().Y() << ", " << anIt.Value().Z() << ")" << std::endl;
1653 }
1655 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisCirc = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aCircCurve).Shape());
1656 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBSpline = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aBSplineFromCirc).Shape());
1657 anAisCirc->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW));
1658 anAisBSpline->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1659 myObject3d.Append(anAisCirc);
1660 myObject3d.Append(anAisBSpline);
1661 }
TrimmedSurface3dSample()1663 void GeometrySamples::TrimmedSurface3dSample()
1664 {
1665 // Define a XY plane.
1666 gp_Pln aPln(gp::XOY());
1667 // Create a plane surface.
1668 Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlaneSurf = new Geom_Plane(aPln);
1669 myResult << "Geom_Plane was created" << std::endl;
1671 // Trim [0 ... 30 X 0 ... 50] rectangular range.
1672 Standard_Real aUMin = 0.0;
1673 Standard_Real aUMax = 30.0;
1674 Standard_Real aVMin = 0.0;
1675 Standard_Real aVMax = 50.0;
1676 Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) aTrimmedPlaneSurf
1677 = new Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(aPlaneSurf, aUMin, aUMax, aVMin, aVMax);
1678 myResult << "Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface was created in red" << std::endl;
1680 Handle(AIS_Plane) anAisPlane = new AIS_Plane(aPlaneSurf);
1681 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisTimmedPlane = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace (aTrimmedPlaneSurf, 0.001).Shape());
1682 anAisTimmedPlane->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1683 myObject3d.Append(anAisPlane);
1684 myObject3d.Append(anAisTimmedPlane);
1685 }
OffsetSurface3dSample()1687 void GeometrySamples::OffsetSurface3dSample()
1688 {
1689 // Define a XY plane.
1690 gp_Pln aPln(gp::XOY());
1691 // Create a plane surface.
1692 Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlaneSurf = new Geom_Plane(aPln);
1693 myResult << "Geom_Plane was created" << std::endl;
1695 // An offset surface is defined by:
1696 // - the basis surface to which it is parallel, and
1697 // - the distance between the offset surface and its basis surface.
1698 // A point on the offset surface is built by measuring the
1699 // offset value along the normal vector at a point on the
1700 // basis surface. This normal vector is given by the cross
1701 // product D1u^D1v, where D1u and D1v are the
1702 // vectors tangential to the basis surface in the u and v
1703 // parametric directions at this point. The side of the
1704 // basis surface on which the offset is measured
1705 // depends on the sign of the offset value.
1707 // Offset the plane in the normal direction.
1708 Standard_Real aPosOffset = 10.0;
1709 Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) aPosOffsetSurf = new Geom_OffsetSurface(aPlaneSurf, aPosOffset);
1710 myResult << "Geom_OffsetSurface with " << aPosOffset << " was created in red" << std::endl;
1712 // Offset the plane in direction opposite to the normal one.
1713 Standard_Real aNegOffset = -15.0;
1714 Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) aNegOffsetSurf = new Geom_OffsetSurface(aPlaneSurf, aNegOffset);
1715 myResult << "Geom_OffsetSurface with " << aNegOffset << " was created in green" << std::endl;
1717 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisPlane = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1718 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aPlaneSurf, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1719 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisPosOffsetPlane = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1720 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aPosOffsetSurf, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1721 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisNegOffsetPlane = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1722 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aNegOffsetSurf, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1723 anAisPosOffsetPlane->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1724 anAisNegOffsetPlane->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN));
1725 myObject3d.Append(anAisPlane);
1726 myObject3d.Append(anAisPosOffsetPlane);
1727 myObject3d.Append(anAisNegOffsetPlane);
1728 }
ExtrusionSurface3dSample()1730 void GeometrySamples::ExtrusionSurface3dSample()
1731 {
1732 // Create an ellipse curve in XY plane.
1733 Standard_Real aMinorRadius = 10.0;
1734 Standard_Real aMajorRadius = 20.0;
1735 Handle(Geom_Ellipse) anEllipseCurve = new Geom_Ellipse(gp::XOY(), aMajorRadius, aMinorRadius);
1736 myResult << "Geom_Ellipse was created in yellow" << std::endl;
1738 // Make a linear extrusion of the ellipse at 45 degrees to Z axis
1739 gp_Dir aDirOfExtr = gp::DZ();
1740 Handle(Geom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion) aLinExtrSurf
1741 = new Geom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion(anEllipseCurve, aDirOfExtr);
1742 myResult << "Geom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion was created in red" << std::endl;
1744 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisEllipse = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1745 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anEllipseCurve).Shape());
1746 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisExtrSurf = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1747 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aLinExtrSurf, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI, 0.0, 30.0,
1748 Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1749 anAisEllipse->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW));
1750 anAisEllipse->SetWidth(2.5);
1751 anAisExtrSurf->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1752 myObject3d.Append(anAisEllipse);
1753 myObject3d.Append(anAisExtrSurf);
1754 }
RevolutionSurface3dSample()1756 void GeometrySamples::RevolutionSurface3dSample()
1757 {
1758 // Create an ellipse curve in XY plane with
1759 // the center at (-10, 0, 0).
1760 Standard_Real aMinorRadius = 5.0;
1761 Standard_Real aMajorRadius = 10.0;
1762 gp_Pnt aCenter(-30.0, 0.0, 0.0);
1763 Handle(Geom_Ellipse) anEllipseCurve = new Geom_Ellipse(gp_Ax2(aCenter, gp::DZ()),
1764 aMajorRadius, aMinorRadius);
1765 myResult << "Geom_Ellipse was created in yellow" << std::endl;
1767 // Make a revolution of the ellipse around Y axis
1768 Handle(Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution) aRevolSurf = new Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution(anEllipseCurve, gp::OY());
1769 myResult << "Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution was created in red" << std::endl;
1771 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisEllipse = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1772 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anEllipseCurve).Shape());
1773 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisRevolSurf = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1774 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aRevolSurf, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1775 anAisEllipse->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW));
1776 anAisEllipse->SetWidth(2.5);
1777 anAisRevolSurf->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
1778 myObject3d.Append(anAisEllipse);
1779 myObject3d.Append(anAisRevolSurf);
1780 }
TrimmedCurve2dSample()1782 void GeometrySamples::TrimmedCurve2dSample()
1783 {
1784 // Create a closed circular curve.
1785 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aGeomCircle = new Geom2d_Circle(gp_Ax2d(gp_Pnt2d(), gp_Vec2d(1.0, 0.0)), 5.0);
1786 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aGeomCircle);
1787 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc);
1789 // Cut off a quarter of the circle.
1790 Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) aCircQuater = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(aGeomCircle, 0.0, M_PI_2);
1791 aCircQuater->Translate(gp_Vec2d(15.0, 0.0));
1792 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCircQuater = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aCircQuater);
1793 myObject2d.Append(anAisCircQuater);
1794 }
OffsetCurve2dSample()1796 void GeometrySamples::OffsetCurve2dSample()
1797 {
1798 Handle(Geom2d_Circle) aGeomCircle = new Geom2d_Circle(gp_Ax2d(gp_Pnt2d(), gp_Vec2d(1.0, 0.0)), 5.0);
1800 Standard_Real anExpandOffset = aGeomCircle->Radius() / 4.0;
1801 Handle(Geom2d_OffsetCurve) anExpandCircCurve = new Geom2d_OffsetCurve(aGeomCircle, anExpandOffset);
1803 Standard_Real anCollapseOffset = -aGeomCircle->Radius() / 2.0;
1804 Handle(Geom2d_OffsetCurve) anCollapseCircCurve = new Geom2d_OffsetCurve(aGeomCircle, anCollapseOffset);
1806 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCirc = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aGeomCircle);
1807 myObject2d.Append(anAisCirc);
1808 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisExpand = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(anExpandCircCurve);
1809 myObject2d.Append(anAisExpand);
1810 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisCollapse = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(anCollapseCircCurve);
1811 myObject2d.Append(anAisCollapse);
1812 }
BoundingBoxOfSurface3dSample()1814 void GeometrySamples::BoundingBoxOfSurface3dSample()
1815 {
1816 // Define a 4x4 grid of points for BSpline surface.
1817 TColgp_Array2OfPnt aPoints(1, 4, 1, 4);
1818 for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
1819 {
1820 gp_Pnt aPnt;
1821 aPnt.SetX(5.0 * i);
1822 for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)
1823 {
1824 aPnt.SetY(5.0 * j);
1825 if (1 < i && i < 4 && 1 < j && j < 4)
1826 {
1827 aPnt.SetZ(5.0);
1828 }
1829 else
1830 {
1831 aPnt.SetZ(0.0);
1832 }
1833 aPoints.SetValue(i, j, aPnt);
1834 }
1835 }
1837 // Make a BSpline surface from the points array.
1838 Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) aBSplineSurf = GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface(aPoints).Surface();
1839 myResult << "Geom_BSplineSurface was created" << std::endl;
1841 // Compute BSpline surface bounding box.
1842 Bnd_Box aBndBox;
1843 BndLib_AddSurface::AddOptimal(GeomAdaptor_Surface(aBSplineSurf), Precision::Confusion(), aBndBox);
1844 myResult << "Bounding box:" << std::endl;
1845 myResult << " Min corner = [ "
1846 << aBndBox.CornerMin().X() << ", "
1847 << aBndBox.CornerMin().Y() << ", "
1848 << aBndBox.CornerMin().Z() << " ]" << std::endl;
1849 myResult << " Max corner = [ "
1850 << aBndBox.CornerMax().X() << ", "
1851 << aBndBox.CornerMax().Y() << ", "
1852 << aBndBox.CornerMax().Z() << " ]" << std::endl;
1854 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBSplineSurf = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1855 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aBSplineSurf, Precision::Confusion()).Shape());
1856 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBndBox = new AIS_ColoredShape(
1857 BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(aBndBox.CornerMin(), aBndBox.CornerMax()).Shell());
1858 myObject3d.Append(anAisBSplineSurf);
1859 myObject3d.Append(anAisBndBox);
1860 myContext->SetDisplayMode(anAisBndBox, 0, Standard_True);
1861 }
BoundingBoxOfCurves3dSample()1863 void GeometrySamples::BoundingBoxOfCurves3dSample()
1864 {
1865 // Define points.
1866 gp_Pnt aPnt1(0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
1867 gp_Pnt aPnt2(5.0, 5.0, 5.0);
1868 gp_Pnt aPnt3(10.0, 10.0, 15.0);
1869 gp_Pnt aPnt4(15.0, 5.0, 20.0);
1871 // Add points to the curve poles array.
1872 TColgp_Array1OfPnt aPoles(1, 4);
1873 aPoles.SetValue(1, aPnt1);
1874 aPoles.SetValue(2, aPnt2);
1875 aPoles.SetValue(3, aPnt3);
1876 aPoles.SetValue(4, aPnt4);
1878 // Make a BSpline curve from the points array.
1879 Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) aBSplineCurve = GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline(aPoles).Curve();
1880 myResult << "aBSplineCurve was created" << std::endl;
1882 // Compute BSpline curve bounding box.
1883 Bnd_Box aBndBox;
1884 BndLib_Add3dCurve::AddOptimal(GeomAdaptor_Curve(aBSplineCurve), Precision::Confusion(), aBndBox);
1885 myResult << "Bounding box:" << std::endl;
1886 myResult << " Min corner = [ "
1887 << aBndBox.CornerMin().X() << ", "
1888 << aBndBox.CornerMin().Y() << ", "
1889 << aBndBox.CornerMin().Z() << " ]" << std::endl;
1890 myResult << " Max corner = [ "
1891 << aBndBox.CornerMax().X() << ", "
1892 << aBndBox.CornerMax().Y() << ", "
1893 << aBndBox.CornerMax().Z() << " ]" << std::endl;
1895 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBSplineCurve = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aBSplineCurve).Shape());
1896 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBndBox = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(aBndBox.CornerMin(), aBndBox.CornerMax()).Shell());
1897 myObject3d.Append(anAisBSplineCurve);
1898 myObject3d.Append(anAisBndBox);
1899 myContext->SetDisplayMode(anAisBndBox, 0, Standard_True);
1900 }
BoundingBoxOfCurves2dSample()1902 void GeometrySamples::BoundingBoxOfCurves2dSample()
1903 {
1904 // Define points.
1905 gp_Pnt2d aPnt1(0.0, 0.0);
1906 gp_Pnt2d aPnt2(5.0, 5.0);
1907 gp_Pnt2d aPnt3(10.0, 10.0);
1908 gp_Pnt2d aPnt4(15.0, 5.0);
1910 // Add points to the curve poles array.
1911 TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d aPoles(1, 4);
1912 aPoles.SetValue(1, aPnt1);
1913 aPoles.SetValue(2, aPnt2);
1914 aPoles.SetValue(3, aPnt3);
1915 aPoles.SetValue(4, aPnt4);
1917 // Make a BSpline curve from the points array.
1918 Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve) aBSplineCurve = Geom2dAPI_PointsToBSpline(aPoles).Curve();
1920 // Compute BSpline curve bounding box.
1921 Bnd_Box2d aBndBox;
1922 BndLib_Add2dCurve::AddOptimal(aBSplineCurve, 0.0, 1.0, Precision::PConfusion(), aBndBox);
1923 Standard_Real aXmin, aYmin, aXmax, aYmax;
1924 aBndBox.Get(aXmin, aYmin, aXmax, aYmax);
1926 myResult << "Bounding box:" << std::endl;
1927 myResult << " Min corner = [ " << aXmin << ", " << aYmin << " ]" << std::endl;
1928 myResult << " Max corner = [ " << aXmax << ", " << aYmax << " ]" << std::endl;
1930 Handle(AdaptorCurve2d_AIS) anAisBSpline = new AdaptorCurve2d_AIS(aBSplineCurve);
1932 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisVec1 = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(aXmin, aYmin), gp_Pnt2d(aXmin, aYmax));
1933 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisVec2 = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(aXmin, aYmax), gp_Pnt2d(aXmax, aYmax));
1934 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisVec3 = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(aXmax, aYmax), gp_Pnt2d(aXmax, aYmin));
1935 Handle(AdaptorVec_AIS) anAisVec4 = new AdaptorVec_AIS(gp_Pnt2d(aXmax, aYmin), gp_Pnt2d(aXmin, aYmin));
1937 myObject2d.Append(anAisBSpline);
1938 myObject2d.Append(anAisVec1);
1939 myObject2d.Append(anAisVec2);
1940 myObject2d.Append(anAisVec3);
1941 myObject2d.Append(anAisVec4);
1942 }
DumpCircleInfoSample()1944 void GeometrySamples::DumpCircleInfoSample()
1945 {
1946 // Define a circle placed in the origin of XY coordinate
1947 // plane and with the radius equal to 0.5.
1948 gp_Circ aCirc(gp::XOY(), 0.5);
1949 // Create a closed circular curve.
1950 Handle(Geom_Circle) aCircCurve = new Geom_Circle(aCirc);
1951 myResult << "Geom_Circle was created:" << std::endl;
1952 myResult << " Center = [ "
1953 << aCircCurve->Position().Location().X() << ", "
1954 << aCircCurve->Position().Location().Y() << ", "
1955 << aCircCurve->Position().Location().Z() << " ]"
1956 << std::endl;
1957 myResult << " Radius = " << aCircCurve->Radius() << std::endl;
1958 myResult << " Plane normal = [ "
1959 << aCircCurve->Position().Direction().X() << ", "
1960 << aCircCurve->Position().Direction().Y() << ", "
1961 << aCircCurve->Position().Direction().Z() << " ]"
1962 << std::endl;
1964 Handle(AIS_Circle) anAisCircle = new AIS_Circle(aCircCurve);
1965 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) anAisCenterLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
1966 anAisCenterLabel->SetText(" Center");
1967 anAisCenterLabel->SetPosition(aCircCurve->Position().Location());
1968 Handle(AIS_Point) anAisCenter = new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(aCirc.Location()));
1969 Handle(AIS_Axis) anAisAxis = new AIS_Axis(new Geom_Axis2Placement(aCircCurve->Position()), AIS_TOAX_ZAxis);
1970 myObject3d.Append(anAisCircle);
1971 myObject3d.Append(anAisCenterLabel);
1972 myObject3d.Append(anAisAxis);
1973 }
DumpBSplineCurveInfoSample()1975 void GeometrySamples::DumpBSplineCurveInfoSample()
1976 {
1977 // Define points.
1978 gp_Pnt aPnt1(0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
1979 gp_Pnt aPnt2(5.0, 5.0, 5.0);
1980 gp_Pnt aPnt3(10.0, 10.0, 15.0);
1981 gp_Pnt aPnt4(15.0, 5.0, 20.0);
1983 // Add points to the curve poles array.
1984 TColgp_Array1OfPnt aPoles(1, 4);
1985 aPoles.SetValue(1, aPnt1);
1986 aPoles.SetValue(2, aPnt2);
1987 aPoles.SetValue(3, aPnt3);
1988 aPoles.SetValue(4, aPnt4);
1990 // Make a BSpline curve from the points array
1991 Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) aBSplineCurve = GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline(aPoles).Curve();
1992 myResult << "aBSplineCurve was created:" << std::endl;
1993 myResult << " Degree = " << aBSplineCurve->Degree() << std::endl;
1994 myResult << " Parameter range = [ "
1995 << aBSplineCurve->FirstParameter() << ", "
1996 << aBSplineCurve->LastParameter() << " ]"
1997 << std::endl;
1998 NCollection_List<Standard_Real> aParams;
1999 aParams.Append(0.75 * aBSplineCurve->FirstParameter() + 0.25 * aBSplineCurve->LastParameter());
2000 aParams.Append(0.50 * aBSplineCurve->FirstParameter() + 0.50 * aBSplineCurve->LastParameter());
2001 aParams.Append(0.25 * aBSplineCurve->FirstParameter() + 0.75 * aBSplineCurve->LastParameter());
2002 myResult << " Curve info:" << std::endl;
2003 for (NCollection_List<Standard_Real>::Iterator anIt(aParams); anIt.More(); anIt.Next())
2004 {
2005 Standard_Real aParam = anIt.Value();
2006 gp_Pnt aPnt;
2007 gp_Vec aVec;
2008 aBSplineCurve->D1(aParam, aPnt, aVec);
2009 myResult << " Param = " << aParam << std::endl;
2010 myResult << " P = [ " << aPnt.X() << ", " << aPnt.Y() << ", " << aPnt.Z() << " ]" << std::endl;
2011 myResult << " D = [ " << aVec.X() << ", " << aVec.Y() << ", " << aVec.Z() << " ]" << std::endl;
2012 myObject3d.Append(new AIS_Point(new Geom_CartesianPoint(aPnt)));
2013 Handle(AIS_TextLabel) anAisCenterLabel = new AIS_TextLabel();
2014 Standard_SStream aSS;
2015 aSS << "P [" << aPnt.X() << ", " << aPnt.Y() << ", " << aPnt.Z() << "]" << std::endl;
2016 aSS << "D [" << aVec.X() << ", " << aVec.Y() << ", " << aVec.Z() << "]" << std::endl;
2017 anAisCenterLabel->SetText(aSS.str().c_str());
2018 anAisCenterLabel->SetPosition(aPnt);
2019 myObject3d.Append(anAisCenterLabel);
2020 Handle(AIS_Axis) anAisD = new AIS_Axis(new Geom_Axis1Placement(gp_Ax1(aPnt, aVec)));
2021 myObject3d.Append(anAisD);
2022 }
2024 Handle(AIS_ColoredShape) anAisBSplineCurve = new AIS_ColoredShape (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aBSplineCurve).Shape());
2025 anAisBSplineCurve->SetColor(Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED));
2026 myObject3d.Append(anAisBSplineCurve);
2027 }