1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
2 //
3 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
4 //
5 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
7 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
8 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
9 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
10 //
11 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
12 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
14 #include <AdvApp2Var_SysBase.hxx>
15 #include <AdvApp2Var_MathBase.hxx>
16 #include <AdvApp2Var_Data_f2c.hxx>
17 #include <AdvApp2Var_Data.hxx>
18 #include <AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var.hxx>
20 #include <cmath>
22 static
23 int mmjacpt_(const integer *ndimen,
24 	     const integer *ncoefu,
25 	     const integer *ncoefv,
26 	     const integer *iordru,
27 	     const integer *iordrv,
28 	     const doublereal *ptclgd,
29 	     doublereal *ptcaux,
30 	     doublereal *ptccan);
34 static
35 int mma2ce2_(integer *numdec,
36 	     integer *ndimen,
37 	     integer *nbsesp,
38 	     integer *ndimse,
39 	     integer *ndminu,
40 	     integer *ndminv,
41 	     integer *ndguli,
42 	     integer *ndgvli,
43 	     integer *ndjacu,
44 	     integer *ndjacv,
45 	     integer *iordru,
46 	     integer *iordrv,
47 	     integer *nbpntu,
48 	     integer *nbpntv,
49 	     doublereal *epsapr,
50 	     doublereal *sosotb,
51 	     doublereal *disotb,
52 	     doublereal *soditb,
53 	     doublereal *diditb,
54 	     doublereal *gssutb,
55 	     doublereal *gssvtb,
56 	     doublereal *xmaxju,
57 	     doublereal *xmaxjv,
58 	     doublereal *vecerr,
59 	     doublereal *chpair,
60 	     doublereal *chimpr,
61 	     doublereal *patjac,
62 	     doublereal *errmax,
63 	     doublereal *errmoy,
64 	     integer *ndegpu,
65 	     integer *ndegpv,
66 	     integer *itydec,
67 	     integer *iercod);
69 static
70 int mma2cfu_(integer *ndujac,
71 	     integer *nbpntu,
72 	     integer *nbpntv,
73 	     doublereal *sosotb,
74 	     doublereal *disotb,
75 	     doublereal *soditb,
76 	     doublereal *diditb,
77 	     doublereal *gssutb,
78 	     doublereal *chpair,
79 	     doublereal *chimpr);
81 static
82 int mma2cfv_(integer *ndvjac,
83 	     integer *mindgu,
84 	     integer *maxdgu,
85 	     integer *nbpntv,
86 	     doublereal *gssvtb,
87 	     doublereal *chpair,
88 	     doublereal *chimpr,
89 	     doublereal *patjac);
91 static
92 int mma2er1_(integer *ndjacu,
93 	     integer *ndjacv,
94 	     integer *ndimen,
95 	     integer *mindgu,
96 	     integer *maxdgu,
97 	     integer *mindgv,
98 	     integer *maxdgv,
99 	     integer *iordru,
100 	     integer *iordrv,
101 	     doublereal *xmaxju,
102 	     doublereal *xmaxjv,
103 	     doublereal *patjac,
104 	     doublereal *vecerr,
105 	     doublereal *erreur);
107 static
108 int mma2er2_(integer *ndjacu,
109 	     integer *ndjacv,
110 	     integer *ndimen,
111 	     integer *mindgu,
112 	     integer *maxdgu,
113 	     integer *mindgv,
114 	     integer *maxdgv,
115 	     integer *iordru,
116 	     integer *iordrv,
117 	     doublereal *xmaxju,
118 	     doublereal *xmaxjv,
119 	     doublereal *patjac,
120 	     doublereal *epmscut,
121 	     doublereal *vecerr,
122 	     doublereal *erreur,
123 	     integer *newdgu,
124 	     integer *newdgv);
126 static
127 int mma2moy_(integer *ndgumx,
128 	     integer *ndgvmx,
129 	     integer *ndimen,
130 	     integer *mindgu,
131 	     integer *maxdgu,
132 	     integer *mindgv,
133 	     integer *maxdgv,
134 	     integer *iordru,
135 	     integer *iordrv,
136 	     doublereal *patjac,
137 	     doublereal *errmoy);
139 static
140 int mma2ds2_(integer *ndimen,
141 	     doublereal *uintfn,
142 	     doublereal *vintfn,
143 	     const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var& foncnp,
144 	     integer *nbpntu,
145 	     integer *nbpntv,
146 	     doublereal *urootb,
147 	     doublereal *vrootb,
148 	     integer *iiuouv,
149 	     doublereal *sosotb,
150 	     doublereal *disotb,
151 	     doublereal *soditb,
152 	     doublereal *diditb,
153 	     doublereal *fpntab,
154 	     doublereal *ttable,
155 	     integer *iercod);
160 static
161 int mma1fdi_(integer *ndimen,
162 	     doublereal *uvfonc,
163 	     const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var& foncnp,
164 	     integer *isofav,
165 	     doublereal *tconst,
166 	     integer *nbroot,
167 	     doublereal *ttable,
168 	     integer *iordre,
169 	     integer *ideriv,
170 	     doublereal *fpntab,
171 	     doublereal *somtab,
172 	     doublereal *diftab,
173 	     doublereal *contr1,
174 	     doublereal *contr2,
175 	     integer *iercod);
177 static
178 int mma1cdi_(integer *ndimen,
179 	     integer *nbroot,
180 	     doublereal *rootlg,
181 	     integer *iordre,
182 	     doublereal *contr1,
183 	     doublereal *contr2,
184 	     doublereal *somtab,
185 	     doublereal *diftab,
186 	     doublereal *fpntab,
187 	     doublereal *hermit,
188 	     integer *iercod);
189 static
190 int mma1jak_(integer *ndimen,
191 	     integer *nbroot,
192 	     integer *iordre,
193 	     integer *ndgjac,
194 	     doublereal *somtab,
195 	     doublereal *diftab,
196 	     doublereal *cgauss,
197 	     doublereal *crvjac,
198 	     integer *iercod);
199 static
200 int mma1cnt_(integer *ndimen,
201 	     integer *iordre,
202 	     doublereal *contr1,
203 	     doublereal *contr2,
204 	     doublereal *hermit,
205 	     integer *ndgjac,
206 	     doublereal *crvjac);
208 static
209 int mma1fer_(integer *ndimen,
210 	     integer *nbsesp,
211 	     integer *ndimse,
212 	     integer *iordre,
213 	     integer *ndgjac,
214 	     doublereal *crvjac,
215 	     integer *ncflim,
216 	     doublereal *epsapr,
217 	     doublereal *ycvmax,
218 	     doublereal *errmax,
219 	     doublereal *errmoy,
220 	     integer *ncoeff,
221 	     integer *iercod);
223 static
224 int mma1noc_(doublereal *dfuvin,
225 	     integer *ndimen,
226 	     integer *iordre,
227 	     doublereal *cntrin,
228 	     doublereal *duvout,
229 	     integer *isofav,
230 	     integer *ideriv,
231 	     doublereal *cntout);
234 static
235   int mmmapcoe_(integer *ndim,
236 		integer *ndgjac,
237 		integer *iordre,
238 		integer *nbpnts,
239 		doublereal *somtab,
240 		doublereal *diftab,
241 		doublereal *gsstab,
242 		doublereal *crvjac);
244 static
245   int mmaperm_(integer *ncofmx,
246 	       integer *ndim,
247 	       integer *ncoeff,
248 	       integer *iordre,
249 	       doublereal *crvjac,
250 	       integer *ncfnew,
251 	       doublereal *errmoy);
254 #define mmapgss_1 mmapgss_
255 #define mmapgs0_1 mmapgs0_
256 #define mmapgs1_1 mmapgs1_
257 #define mmapgs2_1 mmapgs2_
259 //=======================================================================
260 //function : mma1cdi_
261 //purpose  :
262 //=======================================================================
mma1cdi_(integer * ndimen,integer * nbroot,doublereal * rootlg,integer * iordre,doublereal * contr1,doublereal * contr2,doublereal * somtab,doublereal * diftab,doublereal * fpntab,doublereal * hermit,integer * iercod)263 int mma1cdi_(integer *ndimen,
264 	     integer *nbroot,
265 	     doublereal *rootlg,
266 	     integer *iordre,
267 	     doublereal *contr1,
268 	     doublereal *contr2,
269 	     doublereal *somtab,
270 	     doublereal *diftab,
271 	     doublereal *fpntab,
272 	     doublereal *hermit,
273 	     integer *iercod)
274 {
275   integer c__1 = 1;
277   /* System generated locals */
278   integer contr1_dim1, contr1_offset, contr2_dim1, contr2_offset,
279   somtab_dim1, somtab_offset, diftab_dim1, diftab_offset,
280   fpntab_dim1, fpntab_offset, hermit_dim1, hermit_offset, i__1,
281   i__2, i__3;
283   /* Local variables */
284   integer nroo2, ncfhe, nd, ii, kk;
285   integer ibb, kkm, kkp;
286   doublereal bid1, bid2, bid3 = 0.;
288 /* **********************************************************************
289 */
290 /*     FUNCTION : */
291 /*     ---------- */
292 /*     Discretisation on the parameters of interpolation polynomes */
293 /*     constraints of order IORDRE. */
295 /*     KEYWORDS : */
296 /*     ----------- */
299 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
300 /*     ------------------ */
301 /*     NDIMEN: Space dimension. */
302 /*     NBROOT: Number of INTERNAL discretisation parameters. */
303 /*             It is also the root number Legendre polynome where */
304 /*             the discretization is performed. */
305 /*     ROOTLG: Table of discretization parameters ON (-1,1). */
306 /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint imposed to the extremities of the iso. */
307 /*             = 0, the extremities of the iso are calculated */
308 /*             = 1, additionally, the 1st derivative in the direction */
309 /*                  of the iso is calculated. */
310 /*             = 2, additionally, the 2nd derivative in the direction */
311 /*                  of the iso is calculated. */
312 /*     CONTR1: Contains, if IORDRE>=0, values IORDRE+1 in TTABLE(0)
313 */
314 /*             (1st extremity) of derivatives of F(Uc,Ve) or F(Ue,Vc), */
315 /*             see below. */
316 /*     CONTR2: Contains, if IORDRE>=0, values IORDRE+1 in */
317 /*             TTABLE(NBROOT+1) (2nd extremity) of: */
318 /*              If ISOFAV=1, derived of order IDERIV by U, derived */
319 /*             ordre 0 to IORDRE by V of F(Uc,Ve) or Uc=TCONST */
320 /*             (fixed iso value) and Ve is the fixed extremity. */
321 /*               If  ISOFAV=2, derivative of order IDERIV by V, derivative */
322 /*             of order 0 to IORDRE by U of F(Ue,Vc) or Vc=TCONST */
323 /*             (fixed iso value) and Ue is the fixed extremity. */
325 /*     SOMTAB: Table of NBROOT/2 sums of 2 index points */
326 /*             NBROOT-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBROOT/2. */
327 /*     DIFTAB: Table of NBROOT/2 differences of 2 index points */
328 /*             NBROOT-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBROOT/2. */
330 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
331 /*     ------------------- */
332 /*     SOMTAB: Table of NBROOT/2 sums of 2 index points */
333 /*             NBROOT-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBROOT/2 */
334 /*     DIFTAB: Table of  NBROOT/2 differences of 2 index points */
335 /*             NBROOT-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBROOT/2 */
336 /*     FPNTAB: Auxiliary table. */
337 /*     HERMIT: Table of coeff. 2*(IORDRE+1) Hermite polynoms */
338 /*             of degree 2*IORDRE+1. */
339 /*     IERCOD: Error code, */
340 /*             = 0, Everythig is OK */
341 /*             = 1, The value of IORDRE is out of (0,2) */
342 /*     COMMON USED   : */
343 /*     ---------------- */
345 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
346 /*     ----------------------- */
349 /*     ----------------------------------- */
350 /*     The results of discretization are arranged in 2 tables */
351 /*     SOMTAB and DIFTAB to earn time during the */
352 /*     calculation of coefficients of the approximation curve. */
354 /*     If NBROOT is uneven in SOMTAB(0,*) and DIFTAB(0,*) one stores */
355 /*     the values of the median root of Legendre (0.D0 in (-1,1)). */
357 /* **********************************************************************
358 */
360 /*   Name of the routine */
363     /* Parameter adjustments */
364     diftab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
365     diftab_offset = diftab_dim1;
366     diftab -= diftab_offset;
367     somtab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
368     somtab_offset = somtab_dim1;
369     somtab -= somtab_offset;
370     --rootlg;
371     hermit_dim1 = (*iordre << 1) + 2;
372     hermit_offset = hermit_dim1;
373     hermit -= hermit_offset;
374     fpntab_dim1 = *nbroot;
375     fpntab_offset = fpntab_dim1 + 1;
376     fpntab -= fpntab_offset;
377     contr2_dim1 = *ndimen;
378     contr2_offset = contr2_dim1 + 1;
379     contr2 -= contr2_offset;
380     contr1_dim1 = *ndimen;
381     contr1_offset = contr1_dim1 + 1;
382     contr1 -= contr1_offset;
384     /* Function Body */
385     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
386     if (ibb >= 3) {
387 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1CDI", 7L);
388     }
389     *iercod = 0;
391 /* --- Recuperate 2*(IORDRE+1) coeff of 2*(IORDRE+1) of Hermite polynom ---
392 */
394     AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma1her_(iordre, &hermit[hermit_offset], iercod);
395     if (*iercod > 0) {
396 	goto L9100;
397     }
399 /* ------------------- Discretization of Hermite polynoms -----------
400 */
402     ncfhe = (*iordre + 1) << 1;
403     i__1 = ncfhe;
404     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
405 	i__2 = *nbroot;
406 	for (kk = 1; kk <= i__2; ++kk) {
407 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmmpocur_(&ncfhe, &c__1, &ncfhe, &hermit[ii * hermit_dim1], &
408 		    rootlg[kk], &fpntab[kk + ii * fpntab_dim1]);
409 /* L200: */
410 	}
411 /* L100: */
412     }
414 /* ---- Discretizations of boundary polynoms are taken ----
415 */
417     nroo2 = *nbroot / 2;
418     i__1 = *ndimen;
419     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
420 	i__2 = *iordre + 1;
421 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
422 	    bid1 = contr1[nd + ii * contr1_dim1];
423 	    bid2 = contr2[nd + ii * contr2_dim1];
424 	    i__3 = nroo2;
425 	    for (kk = 1; kk <= i__3; ++kk) {
426 		kkm = nroo2 - kk + 1;
427 		bid3 = bid1 * fpntab[kkm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] +
428 			bid2 * fpntab[kkm + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1];
429 		somtab[kk + nd * somtab_dim1] -= bid3;
430 		diftab[kk + nd * diftab_dim1] += bid3;
431 /* L500: */
432 	    }
433 	    i__3 = nroo2;
434 	    for (kk = 1; kk <= i__3; ++kk) {
435 		kkp = (*nbroot + 1) / 2 + kk;
436 		bid3 = bid1 * fpntab[kkp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] +
437 			bid2 * fpntab[kkp + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1];
438 		somtab[kk + nd * somtab_dim1] -= bid3;
439 		diftab[kk + nd * diftab_dim1] -= bid3;
440 /* L600: */
441 	    }
442 /* L400: */
443 	}
444 /* L300: */
445     }
447 /* ------------ Cas when discretization is done on the roots of a  -----------
448 */
449 /* ---------- Legendre polynom of uneven degree, 0 is root --------
450 */
452     if (*nbroot % 2 == 1) {
453 	i__1 = *ndimen;
454 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
455 	    i__2 = *iordre + 1;
456 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
457 		bid3 = fpntab[nroo2 + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] *
458 			contr1[nd + ii * contr1_dim1] + fpntab[nroo2 + 1 + (
459 			ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1] * contr2[nd + ii *
460 			contr2_dim1];
461 /* L800: */
462 	    }
463 	    somtab[nd * somtab_dim1] -= bid3;
464 	    diftab[nd * diftab_dim1] -= bid3;
465 /* L700: */
466 	}
467     }
469     goto L9999;
471 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
472 */
473 /* --> IORDRE is not in the authorized zone. */
474 L9100:
475     *iercod = 1;
476     goto L9999;
478 L9999:
479     if (ibb >= 3) {
480 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1CDI", 7L);
481     }
482     return 0;
483 } /* mma1cdi_ */
485 //=======================================================================
486 //function : mma1cnt_
487 //purpose  :
488 //=======================================================================
mma1cnt_(integer * ndimen,integer * iordre,doublereal * contr1,doublereal * contr2,doublereal * hermit,integer * ndgjac,doublereal * crvjac)489 int mma1cnt_(integer *ndimen,
490 	     integer *iordre,
491 	     doublereal *contr1,
492 	     doublereal *contr2,
493 	     doublereal *hermit,
494 	     integer *ndgjac,
495 	     doublereal *crvjac)
496 {
497   /* System generated locals */
498   integer contr1_dim1, contr1_offset, contr2_dim1, contr2_offset,
499   hermit_dim1, hermit_offset, crvjac_dim1, crvjac_offset, i__1,
500   i__2, i__3;
502   /* Local variables */
503   integer nd, ii, jj, ibb;
504   doublereal bid;
507   /* ***********************************************************************
508    */
510   /*     FUNCTION : */
511   /*     ---------- */
512   /*     Add constraint to polynom. */
514   /*     MOTS CLES : */
515   /*     ----------- */
518   /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
519   /*     -------------------- */
520   /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space */
521   /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint. */
522   /*     CONTR1: pt of constraint in -1, from order 0 to IORDRE. */
523   /*     CONTR2: Pt of constraint in +1, from order 0 to IORDRE. */
524   /*     HERMIT: Table of Hermit polynoms of order IORDRE. */
525   /*     CRVJAV: Curve of approximation in Jacobi base. */
527   /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
528   /*     --------------------- */
529   /*     CRVJAV: Curve of approximation in Jacobi base */
530   /*             to which the polynom of interpolation of constraints is added. */
532   /*     COMMON USED : */
533   /*     ------------------ */
536   /*     REFERENCES CALLED : */
537   /*     --------------------- */
541 /*     ----------------------------------- */
543 /* > */
544 /* ***********************************************************************
545  */
546 /*                            DECLARATIONS */
547 /* ***********************************************************************
548  */
549 /*   Name of the routine */
551 /* ***********************************************************************
552  */
553 /*                         INITIALISATIONS */
554 /* ***********************************************************************
555  */
557     /* Parameter adjustments */
558   hermit_dim1 = (*iordre << 1) + 2;
559   hermit_offset = hermit_dim1;
560   hermit -= hermit_offset;
561   contr2_dim1 = *ndimen;
562   contr2_offset = contr2_dim1 + 1;
563   contr2 -= contr2_offset;
564   contr1_dim1 = *ndimen;
565   contr1_offset = contr1_dim1 + 1;
566   contr1 -= contr1_offset;
567   crvjac_dim1 = *ndgjac + 1;
568   crvjac_offset = crvjac_dim1;
569   crvjac -= crvjac_offset;
571   /* Function Body */
572   ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
573   if (ibb >= 3) {
574     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1CNT", 7L);
575     }
577 /* ***********************************************************************
578  */
579 /*                            Processing */
580 /* ***********************************************************************
581  */
583   i__1 = *ndimen;
584   for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
585     i__2 = (*iordre << 1) + 1;
586     for (ii = 0; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
587       bid = 0.;
588       i__3 = *iordre + 1;
589       for (jj = 1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
590 	bid = bid + contr1[nd + jj * contr1_dim1] *
591 	  hermit[ii + ((jj  << 1) - 1) * hermit_dim1] +
592 	    contr2[nd + jj * contr2_dim1] * hermit[ii + (jj << 1) * hermit_dim1];
593 	/* L300: */
594       }
595       crvjac[ii + nd * crvjac_dim1] = bid;
596       /* L200: */
597     }
598     /* L100: */
599   }
601 /* ***********************************************************************
602  */
603 /*                   RETURN CALLING PROGRAM */
604 /* ***********************************************************************
605  */
607     if (ibb >= 3) {
608 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1CNT", 7L);
609     }
611   return 0 ;
612 } /* mma1cnt_ */
614 //=======================================================================
615 //function : mma1fdi_
616 //purpose  :
617 //=======================================================================
mma1fdi_(integer * ndimen,doublereal * uvfonc,const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var & foncnp,integer * isofav,doublereal * tconst,integer * nbroot,doublereal * ttable,integer * iordre,integer * ideriv,doublereal * fpntab,doublereal * somtab,doublereal * diftab,doublereal * contr1,doublereal * contr2,integer * iercod)618 int mma1fdi_(integer *ndimen,
619 	     doublereal *uvfonc,
620 	     const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var& foncnp,
621 	     integer *isofav,
622 	     doublereal *tconst,
623 	     integer *nbroot,
624 	     doublereal *ttable,
625 	     integer *iordre,
626 	     integer *ideriv,
627 	     doublereal *fpntab,
628 	     doublereal *somtab,
629 	     doublereal *diftab,
630 	     doublereal *contr1,
631 	     doublereal *contr2,
632 	     integer *iercod)
633 {
634   /* System generated locals */
635   integer fpntab_dim1, somtab_dim1, somtab_offset, diftab_dim1,
636   diftab_offset, contr1_dim1, contr1_offset, contr2_dim1,
637   contr2_offset, i__1, i__2;
638   doublereal d__1;
640   /* Local variables */
641   integer ideb, ifin, nroo2, ideru, iderv;
642   doublereal renor;
643   integer ii, nd, ibb, iim, nbp, iip;
644   doublereal bid1, bid2;
646 /* **********************************************************************
647 */
649 /*     FUNCTION : */
650 /*     ---------- */
651 /*     DiscretiZation of a non-polynomial function F(U,V) or of */
652 /*     its derivative with fixed isoparameter. */
654 /*     KEYWORDS : */
655 /*     ----------- */
658 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
659 /*     ------------------ */
660 /*     NDIMEN: Space dimension. */
661 /*     UVFONC: Limits of the path of definition by U and by V of the approximated function */
662 /*     FONCNP: The NAME of the non-polynomial function to be approximated */
663 /*             (external program). */
664 /*     ISOFAV: Fixed isoparameter for the discretization; */
665 /*             = 1, discretization with fixed U and variable V. */
666 /*             = 2, discretization with fixed V and variable U. */
667 /*     TCONST: Iso value is also fixed. */
668 /*     NBROOT: Number of INTERNAL discretization parameters. */
669 /*             (if there are constraints, 2 extremities should be added).
670 */
671 /*             This is also the root number of the Legendre polynom where */
672 /*             the discretization is done. */
673 /*     TTABLE: Table of discretization parameters and of 2 extremities */
674 /*             (Respectively (-1, NBROOT Legendre roots,1) */
675 /*             reframed within the adequate interval. */
676 /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint imposed on the extremities of the iso. */
677 /*             (If Iso-U, it is necessary to calculate the derivatives by V and vice */
678 /*             versa). */
679 /*             = 0, the extremities of the iso are calculated. */
680 /*             = 1, additionally the 1st derivative in the direction of the iso is calculated */
681 /*             = 2, additionally the 2nd derivative in the direction of the iso is calculated */
682 /*     IDERIV: Order of derivative transversal to fixed iso (If Iso-U=Uc */
683 /*             is fixed, the derivative of order IDERIV is discretized by U of */
684 /*             F(Uc,v). Same if iso-V is fixed). */
685 /*             Varies from 0 (positioning) to 2 (2nd derivative). */
687 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
688 /*     ------------------- */
689 /*     FPNTAB: Auxiliary table.
690        SOMTAB: Table of NBROOT/2 sums of 2 index points */
691 /*             NBROOT-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBROOT/2 */
692 /*     DIFTAB: Table of  NBROOT/2 differences of 2 index points */
693 /*             NBROOT-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBROOT/2 */
694 /*     CONTR1: Contains, if IORDRE>=0, values IORDRE+1 in TTABLE(0)
695 */
696 /*             (1st extremity) of derivatives of F(Uc,Ve) or F(Ue,Vc), */
697 /*             see below. */
698 /*     CONTR2: Contains, if IORDRE>=0, values IORDRE+1 in */
699 /*             TTABLE(NBROOT+1) (2nd extremity) of: */
700 /*              If ISOFAV=1, derived of order IDERIV by U, derived */
701 /*             ordre 0 to IORDRE by V of F(Uc,Ve) or Uc=TCONST */
702 /*             (fixed iso value) and Ve is the fixed extremity. */
703 /*               If  ISOFAV=2, derivative of order IDERIV by V, derivative */
704 /*             of order 0 to IORDRE by U of F(Ue,Vc) or Vc=TCONST */
705 /*             (fixed iso value) and Ue is the fixed extremity. */
706 /*     IERCOD: Error code > 100; Pb in  evaluation of FONCNP, */
707 /*             the returned error code is equal to error code of FONCNP + 100. */
709 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
710 /*     ---------------- */
712 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
713 /*     ----------------------- */
716 /*     ----------------------------------- */
717 /*     The results of discretization are arranged in 2 tables */
718 /*     SOMTAB and DIFTAB to earn time during the */
719 /*     calculation of coefficients of the approximation curve. */
721 /*     If NBROOT is uneven in SOMTAB(0,*) and DIFTAB(0,*) one stores */
722 /*     the values of the median root of Legendre (0.D0 in (-1,1)). */
724 /*     Function F(u,v) defined in UVFONC is reparameterized in */
725 /*     (-1,1)x(-1,1). Then 1st and 2nd derivatives are renormalized. */
727 /* > */
728 /* **********************************************************************
729 */
731 /*   Name of the routine */
734     /* Parameter adjustments */
735     uvfonc -= 3;
736     diftab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
737     diftab_offset = diftab_dim1;
738     diftab -= diftab_offset;
739     somtab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
740     somtab_offset = somtab_dim1;
741     somtab -= somtab_offset;
742     fpntab_dim1 = *ndimen;
743     --fpntab;
744     contr2_dim1 = *ndimen;
745     contr2_offset = contr2_dim1 + 1;
746     contr2 -= contr2_offset;
747     contr1_dim1 = *ndimen;
748     contr1_offset = contr1_dim1 + 1;
749     contr1 -= contr1_offset;
751     /* Function Body */
752     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
753     if (ibb >= 3) {
754 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1FDI", 7L);
755     }
756     *iercod = 0;
758 /* --------------- Definition of the nb of points to calculate --------------
759 */
760 /* --> If constraints, the limits are also taken */
761     if (*iordre >= 0) {
762 	ideb = 0;
763 	ifin = *nbroot + 1;
764 /* --> Otherwise, only Legendre roots (reframed) are used
765 . */
766     } else {
767 	ideb = 1;
768 	ifin = *nbroot;
769     }
770 /* --> Nb of point to calculate. */
771     nbp = ifin - ideb + 1;
772     nroo2 = *nbroot / 2;
774 /* --------------- Determination of the order of global derivation --------
775 */
776 /* --> ISOFAV takes only values 1 or 2. */
777 /*    if Iso-U, derive by U of order IDERIV */
778     if (*isofav == 1) {
779 	ideru = *ideriv;
780 	iderv = 0;
781 	d__1 = (uvfonc[4] - uvfonc[3]) / 2.;
782 	renor = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::pow__di(&d__1, ideriv);
783 /*    if Iso-V, derive by V of order IDERIV */
784     } else {
785 	ideru = 0;
786 	iderv = *ideriv;
787 	d__1 = (uvfonc[6] - uvfonc[5]) / 2.;
788 	renor = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::pow__di(&d__1, ideriv);
789     }
791 /* ----------- Discretization on roots of the  ---------------
792 */
793 /* ---------------------- Legendre polynom of degree NBROOT -------------------
794 */
796     (*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (ndimen,
797 	      &uvfonc[3],
798 	      &uvfonc[5],
799 	      isofav,
800 	      tconst,
801 	      &nbp,
802 	      &ttable[ideb],
803 	      &ideru,
804 	      &iderv,
805 	      &fpntab[ideb * fpntab_dim1 + 1],
806 	      iercod);
807     if (*iercod > 0) {
808 	goto L9999;
809     }
810     i__1 = *ndimen;
811     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
812 	i__2 = nroo2;
813 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
814 	    iip = (*nbroot + 1) / 2 + ii;
815 	    iim = nroo2 - ii + 1;
816 	    bid1 = fpntab[nd + iim * fpntab_dim1];
817 	    bid2 = fpntab[nd + iip * fpntab_dim1];
818 	    somtab[ii + nd * somtab_dim1] = renor * (bid2 + bid1);
819 	    diftab[ii + nd * diftab_dim1] = renor * (bid2 - bid1);
820 /* L200: */
821 	}
822 /* L100: */
823     }
825 /* ------------ Case when discretisation is done on roots of a ----
826 */
827 /* ---------- Legendre polynom of uneven degree, 0 is root --------
828 */
830     if (*nbroot % 2 == 1) {
831 	i__1 = *ndimen;
832 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
833 	    somtab[nd * somtab_dim1] = renor * fpntab[nd + (nroo2 + 1) *
834 		    fpntab_dim1];
835 	    diftab[nd * diftab_dim1] = renor * fpntab[nd + (nroo2 + 1) *
836 		    fpntab_dim1];
837 /* L300: */
838 	}
839     } else {
840 	i__1 = *ndimen;
841 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
842 	    somtab[nd * somtab_dim1] = 0.;
843 	    diftab[nd * diftab_dim1] = 0.;
844 	}
845     }
848 /* --------------------- Take into account constraints ----------------
849 */
851     if (*iordre >= 0) {
852 /* --> Recover already calculated extremities. */
853 	i__1 = *ndimen;
854 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
855 	    contr1[nd + contr1_dim1] = renor * fpntab[nd];
856 	    contr2[nd + contr2_dim1] = renor * fpntab[nd + (*nbroot + 1) *
857 		    fpntab_dim1];
858 /* L400: */
859 	}
860 /* --> Nb of points to calculate/call to FONCNP */
861 	nbp = 1;
862 /*    If Iso-U, derive by V till order IORDRE */
863 	if (*isofav == 1) {
864 /* --> Factor of normalisation 1st derivative. */
865 	    bid1 = (uvfonc[6] - uvfonc[5]) / 2.;
866 	    i__1 = *iordre;
867 	    for (iderv = 1; iderv <= i__1; ++iderv) {
868 		(*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (
869             ndimen, &uvfonc[3], &uvfonc[5], isofav, tconst, &
870 			nbp, ttable, &ideru, &iderv, &contr1[(iderv + 1) *
871 			contr1_dim1 + 1], iercod);
872 		if (*iercod > 0) {
873 		    goto L9999;
874 		}
875 /* L500: */
876 	    }
877 	    i__1 = *iordre;
878 	    for (iderv = 1; iderv <= i__1; ++iderv) {
879 		(*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (
880             ndimen, &uvfonc[3], &uvfonc[5], isofav, tconst, &
881 			nbp, &ttable[*nbroot + 1], &ideru, &iderv, &contr2[(
882 			iderv + 1) * contr2_dim1 + 1], iercod);
883 		if (*iercod > 0) {
884 		    goto L9999;
885 		}
886 /* L510: */
887 	    }
888 /*    If Iso-V, derive by U till order IORDRE */
889 	} else {
890 /* --> Factor of normalization  1st derivative. */
891 	    bid1 = (uvfonc[4] - uvfonc[3]) / 2.;
892 	    i__1 = *iordre;
893 	    for (ideru = 1; ideru <= i__1; ++ideru) {
894 		(*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (
895             ndimen, &uvfonc[3], &uvfonc[5], isofav, tconst, &
896 			nbp, ttable, &ideru, &iderv, &contr1[(ideru + 1) *
897 			contr1_dim1 + 1], iercod);
898 		if (*iercod > 0) {
899 		    goto L9999;
900 		}
901 /* L600: */
902 	    }
903 	    i__1 = *iordre;
904 	    for (ideru = 1; ideru <= i__1; ++ideru) {
905 		(*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (
906             ndimen, &uvfonc[3], &uvfonc[5], isofav, tconst, &
907 			nbp, &ttable[*nbroot + 1], &ideru, &iderv, &contr2[(
908 			ideru + 1) * contr2_dim1 + 1], iercod);
909 		if (*iercod > 0) {
910 		    goto L9999;
911 		}
912 /* L610: */
913 	    }
914 	}
916 /* ------------------------- Normalization of derivatives -------------
917 ---- */
918 /* (The function is redefined on (-1,1)*(-1,1)) */
919 	bid2 = renor;
920 	i__1 = *iordre;
921 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
922 	    bid2 = bid1 * bid2;
923 	    i__2 = *ndimen;
924 	    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
925 		contr1[nd + (ii + 1) * contr1_dim1] *= bid2;
926 		contr2[nd + (ii + 1) * contr2_dim1] *= bid2;
927 /* L710: */
928 	    }
929 /* L700: */
930 	}
931     }
933 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
934 */
936 L9999:
937     if (*iercod > 0) {
938 	*iercod += 100;
939 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA1FDI", iercod, 7L);
940     }
941     if (ibb >= 3) {
942 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1FDI", 7L);
943     }
944     return 0;
945 } /* mma1fdi_ */
947 //=======================================================================
948 //function : mma1fer_
949 //purpose  :
950 //=======================================================================
mma1fer_(integer *,integer * nbsesp,integer * ndimse,integer * iordre,integer * ndgjac,doublereal * crvjac,integer * ncflim,doublereal * epsapr,doublereal * ycvmax,doublereal * errmax,doublereal * errmoy,integer * ncoeff,integer * iercod)951 int mma1fer_(integer *,//ndimen,
952 	     integer *nbsesp,
953 	     integer *ndimse,
954 	     integer *iordre,
955 	     integer *ndgjac,
956 	     doublereal *crvjac,
957 	     integer *ncflim,
958 	     doublereal *epsapr,
959 	     doublereal *ycvmax,
960 	     doublereal *errmax,
961 	     doublereal *errmoy,
962 	     integer *ncoeff,
963 	     integer *iercod)
964 {
965   /* System generated locals */
966   integer crvjac_dim1, crvjac_offset, i__1, i__2;
968   /* Local variables */
969   integer idim, ncfja, ncfnw, ndses, ii, kk, ibb, ier;
970   integer nbr0;
973 /* ***********************************************************************
974  */
976 /*     FUNCTION : */
977 /*     ---------- */
978 /*     Calculate the degree and the errors of approximation of a border. */
980 /*     KEYWORDS : */
981 /*     ----------- */
984 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
985 /*     -------------------- */
987 /*     NDIMEN: Total Dimension of the space (sum of dimensions of sub-spaces) */
988 /*     NBSESP: Number of "independent" sub-spaces. */
989 /*     NDIMSE: Table of dimensions of sub-spaces. */
990 /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint at the extremities of the border */
991 /*              -1 = no constraints, */
992 /*               0 = constraints of passage to limits (i.e. C0), */
993 /*               1 = C0 + constraintes of 1st derivatives (i.e. C1), */
994 /*               2 = C1 + constraintes of 2nd derivatives (i.e. C2). */
995 /*     NDGJAC: Degree of development in series to use for the calculation  */
996 /*             in the base of Jacobi. */
997 /*     CRVJAC: Table of coeff. of the curve of approximation in the */
998 /*             base of Jacobi. */
999 /*     NCFLIM: Max number of coeff of the polynomial curve */
1000 /*             of approximation (should be above or equal to */
1001 /*             2*IORDRE+2 and below or equal to 50). */
1002 /*     EPSAPR: Table of errors of approximations that cannot be passed, */
1003 /*             sub-space by sub-space. */
1005 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1006 /*     --------------------- */
1007 /*     YCVMAX: Auxiliary Table. */
1008 /*     ERRMAX: Table of errors (sub-space by sub-space) */
1009 /*             MAXIMUM made in the approximation of FONCNP by */
1010 /*             COURBE. */
1011 /*     ERRMOY: Table of errors (sub-space by sub-space) */
1012 /*             AVERAGE made in the approximation of FONCNP by */
1013 /*             COURBE. */
1014 /*     NCOEFF: Number of significative coeffs. of the calculated "curve". */
1015 /*     IERCOD: Error code */
1016 /*             = 0, ok, */
1017 /*             =-1, warning, required tolerance can't be */
1018 /*                  met with coefficients NFCLIM. */
1019 /*             = 1, order of constraints (IORDRE) is not within authorised values */
1022 /*     COMMONS USED : */
1023 /*     ------------------ */
1025 /*     REFERENCES CALLED : */
1026 /*     --------------------- */
1029 /*     ----------------------------------- */
1030 /* > */
1031 /* **********************************************************************
1032 */
1034 /*  Name of the routine */
1037     /* Parameter adjustments */
1038     --ycvmax;
1039     --errmoy;
1040     --errmax;
1041     --epsapr;
1042     --ndimse;
1043     crvjac_dim1 = *ndgjac + 1;
1044     crvjac_offset = crvjac_dim1;
1045     crvjac -= crvjac_offset;
1047     /* Function Body */
1048     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
1049     if (ibb >= 3) {
1050 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1FER", 7L);
1051     }
1052     *iercod = 0;
1053     idim = 1;
1054     *ncoeff = 0;
1055     ncfja = *ndgjac + 1;
1057 /* ------------ Calculate the degree of the curve and of the Max error --------
1058 */
1059 /* -------------- of approximation for all sub-spaces --------
1060 */
1062     i__1 = *nbsesp;
1063     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
1064 	ndses = ndimse[ii];
1066 /* ------------ cutting of coeff. and calculation of Max error -------
1067 ---- */
1069 	AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmtrpjj_(&ncfja, &ndses, &ncfja, &epsapr[ii], iordre, &crvjac[idim *
1070 		crvjac_dim1], &ycvmax[1], &errmax[ii], &ncfnw);
1072 /* ******************************************************************
1073 **** */
1074 /* ------------- If precision OK, calculate the average error -------
1075 ---- */
1076 /* ******************************************************************
1077 **** */
1079 	if (ncfnw <= *ncflim) {
1080 	    mmaperm_(&ncfja, &ndses, &ncfja, iordre, &crvjac[idim *
1081 		    crvjac_dim1], &ncfnw, &errmoy[ii]);
1082 	    *ncoeff = advapp_max(ncfnw,*ncoeff);
1084 /* ------------- Set the declined coefficients to 0.D0 -----------
1085 -------- */
1087 	    nbr0 = *ncflim - ncfnw;
1088 	    if (nbr0 > 0) {
1089 		i__2 = ndses;
1090 		for (kk = 1; kk <= i__2; ++kk) {
1091 		  AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&nbr0,
1092 			     &crvjac[ncfnw + (idim + kk - 1) * crvjac_dim1]);
1093 /* L200: */
1094 		}
1095 	    }
1096 	} else {
1098 /* **************************************************************
1099 ******** */
1100 /* ------------------- If required precision can't be reached----
1101 -------- */
1102 /* **************************************************************
1103 ******** */
1105 	    *iercod = -1;
1107 /* ------------------------- calculate the Max error ------------
1108 -------- */
1110 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmaperx_(&ncfja, &ndses, &ncfja, iordre, &crvjac[idim *
1111 		    crvjac_dim1], ncflim, &ycvmax[1], &errmax[ii], &ier);
1112 	    if (ier > 0) {
1113 		goto L9100;
1114 	    }
1116 /* -------------------- nb of coeff to be returned -------------
1117 -------- */
1119 	    *ncoeff = *ncflim;
1121 /* ------------------- and calculation of the average error ----
1122 -------- */
1124 	    mmaperm_(&ncfja, &ndses, &ncfja, iordre, &crvjac[idim *
1125 		    crvjac_dim1], ncflim, &errmoy[ii]);
1126 	}
1127 	idim += ndses;
1128 /* L100: */
1129     }
1131     goto L9999;
1133 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
1134 */
1135 /* --> The order of constraints is not within autorized values. */
1136 L9100:
1137     *iercod = 1;
1138     goto L9999;
1140 L9999:
1141     if (*iercod != 0) {
1142 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA1FER", iercod, 7L);
1143     }
1144     if (ibb >= 3) {
1145 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1FER", 7L);
1146     }
1147     return 0;
1148 } /* mma1fer_ */
1151 //=======================================================================
1152 //function : mma1her_
1153 //purpose  :
1154 //=======================================================================
mma1her_(const integer * iordre,doublereal * hermit,integer * iercod)1155 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma1her_(const integer *iordre,
1156 				     doublereal *hermit,
1157 				     integer *iercod)
1158 {
1159   /* System generated locals */
1160   integer hermit_dim1, hermit_offset;
1162   /* Local variables */
1163   integer ibb;
1167 /* **********************************************************************
1168 */
1170 /*     FUNCTION : */
1171 /*     ---------- */
1172 /*     Calculate 2*(IORDRE+1) Hermit polynoms of  degree 2*IORDRE+1 */
1173 /*     on (-1,1) */
1175 /*     KEYWORDS : */
1176 /*     ----------- */
1179 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1180 /*     ------------------ */
1181 /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint. */
1182 /*      = 0, Polynom of interpolation of order C0 on (-1,1). */
1183 /*      = 1, Polynom of interpolation of order C0 and C1 on (-1,1). */
1184 /*      = 2, Polynom of interpolation of order C0, C1 and C2 on (-1,1).
1185 */
1187 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1188 /*     ------------------- */
1189 /*     HERMIT: Table of 2*IORDRE+2 coeff. of each of  2*(IORDRE+1) */
1190 /*             HERMIT polynom. */
1191 /*     IERCOD: Error code, */
1192 /*      = 0, Ok */
1193 /*      = 1, required order of constraint is not managed here. */
1194 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
1195 /*     ---------------- */
1197 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
1198 /*     ----------------------- */
1201 /*     ----------------------------------- */
1202 /*     The part of HERMIT(*,2*i+j) table where  j=1 or 2 and i=0 to IORDRE, */
1203 /*     contains the coefficients of the polynom of degree 2*IORDRE+1 */
1204 /*     such as ALL values in -1 and in +1 of this polynom and its */
1205 /*     derivatives till order of derivation IORDRE are NULL, */
1206 /*     EXCEPT for the derivative of order i: */
1207 /*        - valued 1 in -1 if j=1 */
1208 /*        - valued 1 in +1 if j=2. */
1209 /* > */
1210 /* **********************************************************************
1211 */
1213 /*  Name of the routine */
1216     /* Parameter adjustments */
1217     hermit_dim1 = (*iordre + 1) << 1;
1218     hermit_offset = hermit_dim1 + 1;
1219     hermit -= hermit_offset;
1221     /* Function Body */
1222     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
1223     if (ibb >= 3) {
1224 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1HER", 7L);
1225     }
1226     *iercod = 0;
1228 /* --- Recover (IORDRE+2) coeff of 2*(IORDRE+1) Hermit polynoms --
1229 */
1231     if (*iordre == 0) {
1232 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 1] = .5;
1233 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 2] = -.5;
1235 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 1] = .5;
1236 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 2] = .5;
1237     } else if (*iordre == 1) {
1238 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 1] = .5;
1239 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 2] = -.75;
1240 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 3] = 0.;
1241 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 4] = .25;
1243 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 1] = .5;
1244 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 2] = .75;
1245 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 3] = 0.;
1246 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 4] = -.25;
1248 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 1] = .25;
1249 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 2] = -.25;
1250 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 3] = -.25;
1251 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 4] = .25;
1253 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 1] = -.25;
1254 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 2] = -.25;
1255 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 3] = .25;
1256 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 4] = .25;
1257     } else if (*iordre == 2) {
1258 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 1] = .5;
1259 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 2] = -.9375;
1260 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 3] = 0.;
1261 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 4] = .625;
1262 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 5] = 0.;
1263 	hermit[hermit_dim1 + 6] = -.1875;
1265 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 1] = .5;
1266 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 2] = .9375;
1267 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 3] = 0.;
1268 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 4] = -.625;
1269 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 5] = 0.;
1270 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 1) + 6] = .1875;
1272 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 1] = .3125;
1273 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 2] = -.4375;
1274 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 3] = -.375;
1275 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 4] = .625;
1276 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 5] = .0625;
1277 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 3 + 6] = -.1875;
1279 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 1] = -.3125;
1280 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 2] = -.4375;
1281 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 3] = .375;
1282 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 4] = .625;
1283 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 5] = -.0625;
1284 	hermit[(hermit_dim1 << 2) + 6] = -.1875;
1286 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 5 + 1] = .0625;
1287 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 5 + 2] = -.0625;
1288 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 5 + 3] = -.125;
1289 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 5 + 4] = .125;
1290 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 5 + 5] = .0625;
1291 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 5 + 6] = -.0625;
1293 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 6 + 1] = .0625;
1294 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 6 + 2] = .0625;
1295 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 6 + 3] = -.125;
1296 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 6 + 4] = -.125;
1297 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 6 + 5] = .0625;
1298 	hermit[hermit_dim1 * 6 + 6] = .0625;
1299     } else {
1300 	*iercod = 1;
1301     }
1303 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
1304 */
1306     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA1HER", iercod, 7L);
1307     if (ibb >= 3) {
1308 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1HER", 7L);
1309     }
1310     return 0;
1311 } /* mma1her_ */
1312 //=======================================================================
1313 //function : mma1jak_
1314 //purpose  :
1315 //=======================================================================
mma1jak_(integer * ndimen,integer * nbroot,integer * iordre,integer * ndgjac,doublereal * somtab,doublereal * diftab,doublereal * cgauss,doublereal * crvjac,integer * iercod)1316 int mma1jak_(integer *ndimen,
1317 	     integer *nbroot,
1318 	     integer *iordre,
1319 	     integer *ndgjac,
1320 	     doublereal *somtab,
1321 	     doublereal *diftab,
1322 	     doublereal *cgauss,
1323 	     doublereal *crvjac,
1324 	     integer *iercod)
1325 {
1326   /* System generated locals */
1327   integer somtab_dim1, somtab_offset, diftab_dim1, diftab_offset,
1328   crvjac_dim1, crvjac_offset;
1330   /* Local variables */
1331   integer ibb;
1333 /* **********************************************************************
1334 */
1336 /*     FUNCTION : */
1337 /*     ---------- */
1338 /*     Calculate the curve of approximation of a non-polynomial function */
1339 /*     in the base of Jacobi. */
1341 /*     KEYWORDS : */
1342 /*     ----------- */
1345 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1346 /*     ------------------ */
1347 /*     NDIMEN: Total dimension of the space (sum of dimensions */
1348 /*             of sub-spaces) */
1349 /*     NBROOT: Nb of points of discretization of the iso, extremities not */
1350 /*             included. */
1351 /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint at the extremities of the boundary */
1352 /*              -1 = no constraints, */
1353 /*               0 = constraints of passage of limits (i.e. C0), */
1354 /*               1 = C0 + constraints of 1st derivatives (i.e. C1), */
1355 /*               2 = C1 + constraints of 2nd derivatives (i.e. C2). */
1356 /*     NDGJAC: Degree of development in series to be used for calculation in the  */
1357 /*             base of Jacobi. */
1359 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1360 /*     ------------------- */
1361 /*     CRVJAC : Curve of approximation of FONCNP with (eventually) */
1362 /*              taking into account of constraints at the extremities. */
1363 /*              This curve is of degree NDGJAC. */
1364 /*     IERCOD : Error code : */
1365 /*               0 = All is ok. */
1366 /*              33 = Pb to return data of du block data */
1367 /*                   of coeff. of integration by GAUSS method. */
1368 /*                   by program MMAPPTT. */
1370 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
1371 /*     ---------------- */
1373 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
1374 /*     ----------------------- */
1375 /* > */
1376 /* **********************************************************************
1377 */
1379 /*   Name of the routine */
1381     /* Parameter adjustments */
1382     diftab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
1383     diftab_offset = diftab_dim1;
1384     diftab -= diftab_offset;
1385     somtab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
1386     somtab_offset = somtab_dim1;
1387     somtab -= somtab_offset;
1388     crvjac_dim1 = *ndgjac + 1;
1389     crvjac_offset = crvjac_dim1;
1390     crvjac -= crvjac_offset;
1392     /* Function Body */
1393     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
1394     if (ibb >= 2) {
1395 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1JAK", 7L);
1396     }
1397     *iercod = 0;
1399 /* ----------------- Recover coeffs of integration by Gauss -----------
1400 */
1402     AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mmapptt_(ndgjac, nbroot, iordre, cgauss, iercod);
1403     if (*iercod > 0) {
1404 	*iercod = 33;
1405 	goto L9999;
1406     }
1408 /* --------------- Calculate the curve in the base of Jacobi -----------
1409 */
1411     mmmapcoe_(ndimen, ndgjac, iordre, nbroot, &somtab[somtab_offset], &diftab[
1412 	    diftab_offset], cgauss, &crvjac[crvjac_offset]);
1414 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
1415 */
1417 L9999:
1418     if (*iercod != 0) {
1419 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA1JAK", iercod, 7L);
1420     }
1421     if (ibb >= 2) {
1422 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1JAK", 7L);
1423     }
1424     return 0;
1425 } /* mma1jak_ */
1427 //=======================================================================
1428 //function : mma1noc_
1429 //purpose  :
1430 //=======================================================================
mma1noc_(doublereal * dfuvin,integer * ndimen,integer * iordre,doublereal * cntrin,doublereal * duvout,integer * isofav,integer * ideriv,doublereal * cntout)1431 int mma1noc_(doublereal *dfuvin,
1432 	     integer *ndimen,
1433 	     integer *iordre,
1434 	     doublereal *cntrin,
1435 	     doublereal *duvout,
1436 	     integer *isofav,
1437 	     integer *ideriv,
1438 	     doublereal *cntout)
1439 {
1440   /* System generated locals */
1441   integer i__1;
1442   doublereal d__1;
1444   /* Local variables */
1445   doublereal rider, riord;
1446   integer nd, ibb;
1447   doublereal bid;
1448 /* **********************************************************************
1449 */
1451 /*     FUNCTION : */
1452 /*     ---------- */
1453 /*     Normalization of constraints of derivatives, defined on DFUVIN */
1454 /*     on block DUVOUT. */
1456 /*     KEYWORDS : */
1457 /*     ----------- */
1460 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1461 /*     ------------------ */
1462 /*     DFUVIN: Limits of the block of definition by U and by V where
1463 */
1464 /*             constraints CNTRIN are defined. */
1465 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
1466 /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of the iso. */
1467 /*             (if Iso-U, it is necessary to calculate derivatives by V and vice */
1468 /*             versa). */
1469 /*             = 0, the extremities of the iso are calculated */
1470 /*             = 1, additionally the 1st derivative in the direction */
1471 /*                  of the iso is calculated */
1472 /*             = 2, additionally the 2nd derivative in the direction */
1473 /*                  of the iso is calculated */
1474 /*     CNTRIN: Contains, if IORDRE>=0, IORDRE+1 derivatives */
1475 /*             of order IORDRE of F(Uc,v) or of F(u,Vc), following the */
1476 /*             value of ISOFAV, RENORMALIZED by u and v in (-1,1). */
1477 /*     DUVOUT: Limits of the block of definition by U and by V where the */
1478 /*             constraints CNTOUT will be defined. */
1479 /*     ISOFAV: Isoparameter fixed for the discretization; */
1480 /*             = 1, discretization with fixed U=Uc and variable V. */
1481 /*             = 2, discretization with fixed V=Vc and variable U. */
1482 /*     IDERIV: Ordre de derivee transverse a l'iso fixee (Si Iso-U=Uc */
1483 /*             is fixed, the derivative of order IDERIV is discretized by U */
1484 /*             of F(Uc,v). The same if iso-V is fixed). */
1485 /*             Varies from (positioning) to 2 (2nd derivative). */
1487 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1488 /*     ------------------- */
1489 /*     CNTOUT: Contains, if IORDRE>=0, IORDRE+1 derivatives */
1490 /*             of order IORDRE of F(Uc,v) or of F(u,Vc), depending on the */
1491 /*             value of ISOFAV, RENORMALIZED for u and v in DUVOUT. */
1493 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
1494 /*     ---------------- */
1496 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
1497 /*     --------------------- */
1500 /*     ------------------------------- */
1501 /*     CNTRIN can be an output/input  argument, */
1502 /*     so the call: */
1505 /*     1           ,ISOFAV,IDERIV,CNTRIN) */
1507 /*     is correct. */
1508 /* > */
1509 /* **********************************************************************
1510 */
1512 /*   Name of the routine */
1515     /* Parameter adjustments */
1516     dfuvin -= 3;
1517     --cntout;
1518     --cntrin;
1519     duvout -= 3;
1521     /* Function Body */
1522     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
1523     if (ibb >= 3) {
1524 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1NOC", 7L);
1525     }
1527 /* --------------- Determination of coefficients of normalization -------
1528  */
1530     if (*isofav == 1) {
1531 	d__1 = (dfuvin[4] - dfuvin[3]) / (duvout[4] - duvout[3]);
1532 	rider = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::pow__di(&d__1, ideriv);
1533 	d__1 = (dfuvin[6] - dfuvin[5]) / (duvout[6] - duvout[5]);
1534 	riord = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::pow__di(&d__1, iordre);
1536     } else {
1537 	d__1 = (dfuvin[6] - dfuvin[5]) / (duvout[6] - duvout[5]);
1538 	rider = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::pow__di(&d__1, ideriv);
1539 	d__1 = (dfuvin[4] - dfuvin[3]) / (duvout[4] - duvout[3]);
1540 	riord = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::pow__di(&d__1, iordre);
1541     }
1543 /* ------------- Renormalization of the vector of constraint ---------------
1544 */
1546     bid = rider * riord;
1547     i__1 = *ndimen;
1548     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
1549 	cntout[nd] = bid * cntrin[nd];
1550 /* L100: */
1551     }
1553 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
1554 */
1556     if (ibb >= 3) {
1557 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1NOC", 7L);
1558     }
1559     return 0;
1560 } /* mma1noc_ */
1562 //=======================================================================
1563 //function : mma1nop_
1564 //purpose  :
1565 //=======================================================================
mma1nop_(integer * nbroot,doublereal * rootlg,doublereal * uvfonc,integer * isofav,doublereal * ttable,integer * iercod)1566 int mma1nop_(integer *nbroot,
1567 	     doublereal *rootlg,
1568 	     doublereal *uvfonc,
1569 	     integer *isofav,
1570 	     doublereal *ttable,
1571 	     integer *iercod)
1573 {
1574   /* System generated locals */
1575   integer i__1;
1577   /* Local variables */
1578   doublereal alinu, blinu, alinv, blinv;
1579   integer ii, ibb;
1581 /* ***********************************************************************
1582  */
1584 /*     FUNCTION : */
1585 /*     ---------- */
1586 /*     Normalization of parameters of an iso, starting from  */
1587 /*     parametric block and parameters on (-1,1). */
1589 /*     KEYWORDS : */
1590 /*     ----------- */
1593 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1594 /*     -------------------- */
1595 /*        NBROOT: Nb of points of discretisation INSIDE the iso */
1596 /*                defined on (-1,1). */
1597 /*        ROOTLG: Table of discretization parameters on )-1,1( */
1598 /*                of the iso. */
1599 /*        UVFONC: Block of definition of the iso */
1600 /*        ISOFAV: = 1, this is iso-u; =2, this is iso-v. */
1602 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1603 /*     --------------------- */
1604 /*        TTABLE: Table of parameters renormalized on UVFONC of the iso.
1605 */
1606 /*        IERCOD: = 0, OK */
1607 /*                = 1, ISOFAV is out of allowed values. */
1609 /* > */
1610 /* **********************************************************************
1611 */
1612 /*   Name of the routine */
1615     /* Parameter adjustments */
1616     --rootlg;
1617     uvfonc -= 3;
1619     /* Function Body */
1620     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
1621     if (ibb >= 3) {
1622 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA1NOP", 7L);
1623     }
1625     alinu = (uvfonc[4] - uvfonc[3]) / 2.;
1626     blinu = (uvfonc[4] + uvfonc[3]) / 2.;
1627     alinv = (uvfonc[6] - uvfonc[5]) / 2.;
1628     blinv = (uvfonc[6] + uvfonc[5]) / 2.;
1630     if (*isofav == 1) {
1631 	ttable[0] = uvfonc[5];
1632 	i__1 = *nbroot;
1633 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
1634 	    ttable[ii] = alinv * rootlg[ii] + blinv;
1635 /* L100: */
1636 	}
1637 	ttable[*nbroot + 1] = uvfonc[6];
1638     } else if (*isofav == 2) {
1639 	ttable[0] = uvfonc[3];
1640 	i__1 = *nbroot;
1641 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
1642 	    ttable[ii] = alinu * rootlg[ii] + blinu;
1643 /* L200: */
1644 	}
1645 	ttable[*nbroot + 1] = uvfonc[4];
1646     } else {
1647 	goto L9100;
1648     }
1650     goto L9999;
1652 /* ------------------------------ THE END -------------------------------
1653 */
1655 L9100:
1656     *iercod = 1;
1657     goto L9999;
1659 L9999:
1660     if (*iercod != 0) {
1661 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA1NOP", iercod, 7L);
1662     }
1663     if (ibb >= 3) {
1664 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA1NOP", 7L);
1665     }
1667  return 0 ;
1669 } /* mma1nop_ */
1671 //=======================================================================
1672 //function : mma2ac1_
1673 //purpose  :
1674 //=======================================================================
mma2ac1_(integer const * ndimen,integer const * mxujac,integer const * mxvjac,integer const * iordru,integer const * iordrv,doublereal const * contr1,doublereal const * contr2,doublereal const * contr3,doublereal const * contr4,doublereal const * uhermt,doublereal const * vhermt,doublereal * patjac)1675 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2ac1_(integer const *ndimen,
1676 				     integer const *mxujac,
1677 				     integer const *mxvjac,
1678 				     integer const *iordru,
1679 				     integer const *iordrv,
1680 				     doublereal const *contr1,
1681 				     doublereal const * contr2,
1682 				     doublereal const *contr3,
1683 				     doublereal const *contr4,
1684 				     doublereal const *uhermt,
1685 				     doublereal const *vhermt,
1686 				     doublereal *patjac)
1688 {
1689   /* System generated locals */
1690   integer contr1_dim1, contr1_dim2, contr1_offset, contr2_dim1, contr2_dim2,
1691   contr2_offset, contr3_dim1, contr3_dim2, contr3_offset,
1692   contr4_dim1, contr4_dim2, contr4_offset, uhermt_dim1,
1693   uhermt_offset, vhermt_dim1, vhermt_offset, patjac_dim1,
1694   patjac_dim2, patjac_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5;
1696   /* Local variables */
1697   logical ldbg;
1698   integer ndgu, ndgv;
1699   doublereal bidu1, bidu2, bidv1, bidv2;
1700   integer ioru1, iorv1, ii, nd, jj, ku, kv;
1701   doublereal cnt1, cnt2, cnt3, cnt4;
1703 /* **********************************************************************
1704 */
1706 /*     FUNCTION : */
1707 /*     ---------- */
1708 /*     Add polynoms of edge constraints. */
1710 /*     KEYWORDS : */
1711 /*     ----------- */
1714 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
1715 /*     ------------------ */
1716 /*   NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
1717 /*   MXUJAC: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by U. The  */
1718 /*           representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
1719 /*           0 to degree MXUJAC-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the */
1720 /*           base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
1721 /*   MXVJAC: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by V. The  */
1722 /*           representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
1723 /*           0 to degree MXUJAC-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the */
1724 /*           base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
1725 /*   IORDRU: Order of the base of Jacobi (-1,0,1 or 2) by U. Corresponds */
1726 /*           to the step of constraints: C0, C1 or C2. */
1727 /*   IORDRV: Order of the base of Jacobi (-1,0,1 or 2) by V. Corresponds */
1728 /*           to the step of constraints: C0, C1 or C2. */
1729 /*   CONTR1: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
1730 /*           extremities of F(U0,V0) and its derivatives. */
1731 /*   CONTR2: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
1732 /*           extremities of F(U1,V0) and its derivatives. */
1733 /*   CONTR3: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
1734 /*           extremities of F(U0,V1) and its derivatives. */
1735 /*   CONTR4: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
1736 /*           extremities of F(U1,V1) and its derivatives. */
1737 /*   UHERMT: Coeff. of Hermit polynoms of order IORDRU. */
1738 /*   VHERMT: Coeff. of Hermit polynoms of order IORDRV. */
1739 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of the polynom P(u,v) of approximation */
1740 /*           of F(u,v) WITHOUT taking into account the constraints. */
1742 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1743 /*     ------------------- */
1744 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of the polynom P(u,v) by approximation */
1745 /*           of F(u,v) WITH taking into account of constraints. */
1746 /* > */
1747 /* **********************************************************************
1748 */
1749 /*   Name of the routine */
1751 /* --------------------------- Initialization --------------------------
1752 */
1754     /* Parameter adjustments */
1755     patjac_dim1 = *mxujac + 1;
1756     patjac_dim2 = *mxvjac + 1;
1757     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
1758     patjac -= patjac_offset;
1759     uhermt_dim1 = (*iordru << 1) + 2;
1760     uhermt_offset = uhermt_dim1;
1761     uhermt -= uhermt_offset;
1762     vhermt_dim1 = (*iordrv << 1) + 2;
1763     vhermt_offset = vhermt_dim1;
1764     vhermt -= vhermt_offset;
1765     contr4_dim1 = *ndimen;
1766     contr4_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
1767     contr4_offset = contr4_dim1 * (contr4_dim2 + 1) + 1;
1768     contr4 -= contr4_offset;
1769     contr3_dim1 = *ndimen;
1770     contr3_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
1771     contr3_offset = contr3_dim1 * (contr3_dim2 + 1) + 1;
1772     contr3 -= contr3_offset;
1773     contr2_dim1 = *ndimen;
1774     contr2_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
1775     contr2_offset = contr2_dim1 * (contr2_dim2 + 1) + 1;
1776     contr2 -= contr2_offset;
1777     contr1_dim1 = *ndimen;
1778     contr1_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
1779     contr1_offset = contr1_dim1 * (contr1_dim2 + 1) + 1;
1780     contr1 -= contr1_offset;
1782     /* Function Body */
1783     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
1784     if (ldbg) {
1785 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2AC1", 7L);
1786     }
1788 /* ------------ SUBTRACTION OF ANGULAR CONSTRAINTS -------------------
1789 */
1791     ioru1 = *iordru + 1;
1792     iorv1 = *iordrv + 1;
1793     ndgu = (*iordru << 1) + 1;
1794     ndgv = (*iordrv << 1) + 1;
1796     i__1 = iorv1;
1797     for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
1798 	i__2 = ioru1;
1799 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
1800 	    i__3 = *ndimen;
1801 	    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__3; ++nd) {
1802 		cnt1 = contr1[nd + (ii + jj * contr1_dim2) * contr1_dim1];
1803 		cnt2 = contr2[nd + (ii + jj * contr2_dim2) * contr2_dim1];
1804 		cnt3 = contr3[nd + (ii + jj * contr3_dim2) * contr3_dim1];
1805 		cnt4 = contr4[nd + (ii + jj * contr4_dim2) * contr4_dim1];
1806 		i__4 = ndgv;
1807 		for (kv = 0; kv <= i__4; ++kv) {
1808 		    bidv1 = vhermt[kv + ((jj << 1) - 1) * vhermt_dim1];
1809 		    bidv2 = vhermt[kv + (jj << 1) * vhermt_dim1];
1810 		    i__5 = ndgu;
1811 		    for (ku = 0; ku <= i__5; ++ku) {
1812 			bidu1 = uhermt[ku + ((ii << 1) - 1) * uhermt_dim1];
1813 			bidu2 = uhermt[ku + (ii << 1) * uhermt_dim1];
1814 			patjac[ku + (kv + nd * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1] =
1815 				patjac[ku + (kv + nd * patjac_dim2) *
1816 				patjac_dim1] - bidu1 * bidv1 * cnt1 - bidu2 *
1817 				bidv1 * cnt2 - bidu1 * bidv2 * cnt3 - bidu2 *
1818 				bidv2 * cnt4;
1819 /* L500: */
1820 		    }
1821 /* L400: */
1822 		}
1823 /* L300: */
1824 	    }
1825 /* L200: */
1826 	}
1827 /* L100: */
1828     }
1830 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
1831 */
1833     if (ldbg) {
1834 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2AC1", 7L);
1835     }
1836     return 0;
1837 } /* mma2ac1_ */
1839 //=======================================================================
1840 //function : mma2ac2_
1841 //purpose  :
1842 //=======================================================================
mma2ac2_(const integer * ndimen,const integer * mxujac,const integer * mxvjac,const integer * iordrv,const integer * nclimu,const integer * ncfiv1,const doublereal * crbiv1,const integer * ncfiv2,const doublereal * crbiv2,const doublereal * vhermt,doublereal * patjac)1843 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2ac2_(const integer *ndimen,
1844 				     const integer *mxujac,
1845 				     const integer *mxvjac,
1846 				     const integer *iordrv,
1847 				     const integer *nclimu,
1848 				     const integer *ncfiv1,
1849 				     const doublereal *crbiv1,
1850 				     const integer *ncfiv2,
1851 				     const doublereal *crbiv2,
1852 				     const doublereal *vhermt,
1853 				     doublereal *patjac)
1855 {
1856   /* System generated locals */
1857   integer crbiv1_dim1, crbiv1_dim2, crbiv1_offset, crbiv2_dim1, crbiv2_dim2,
1858   crbiv2_offset, patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2, patjac_offset,
1859   vhermt_dim1, vhermt_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
1861   /* Local variables */
1862   logical ldbg;
1863   integer ndgv1, ndgv2, ii, jj, nd, kk;
1864   doublereal bid1, bid2;
1866 /* **********************************************************************
1867 */
1869 /*     FUNCTION : */
1870 /*     ---------- */
1871 /*     Add polynoms of constraints */
1873 /*     KEYWORDS : */
1874 /*     ----------- */
1877 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1878 /*     ------------------ */
1879 /*   NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
1880 /*   MXUJAC: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by U. The  */
1881 /*           representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
1882 /*           0 to degree MXUJAC-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the */
1883 /*           base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
1884 /*   MXVJAC: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by V. The  */
1885 /*           representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
1886 /*           0 to degree MXUJAC-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the */
1887 /*           base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
1888 /*   IORDRV: Order of the base of Jacobi (-1,0,1 or 2) by V. Corresponds */
1889 /*           to the step of constraints: C0, C1 or C2. */
1890 /*   NCLIMU  LIMIT nb of coeff by u of the solution P(u,v)
1891 *    NCFIV1: Nb of Coeff. of curves stored in CRBIV1. */
1892 /*   CRBIV1: Table of coeffs of the approximation of iso-V0 and its */
1893 /*           derivatives till order IORDRV. */
1894 /*   NCFIV2: Nb of Coeff. of curves stored in CRBIV2. */
1895 /*   CRBIV2: Table of coeffs of approximation of iso-V1 and its */
1896 /*           derivatives till order IORDRV. */
1897 /*   VHERMT: Coeff. of Hermit polynoms of order IORDRV. */
1898 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of the polynom P(u,v) of approximation */
1899 /*           of F(u,v) WITHOUT taking into account the constraints. */
1901 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
1902 /*     ------------------- */
1903 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of the polynom P(u,v) by approximation */
1904 /*           of F(u,v) WITH taking into account of constraints. */
1905 /* > */
1908 /* > */
1909 /* **********************************************************************
1910 */
1911 /*   Name of the routine */
1913 /* --------------------------- Initialisations --------------------------
1914 */
1916     /* Parameter adjustments */
1917     patjac_dim1 = *mxujac + 1;
1918     patjac_dim2 = *mxvjac + 1;
1919     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
1920     patjac -= patjac_offset;
1921     vhermt_dim1 = (*iordrv << 1) + 2;
1922     vhermt_offset = vhermt_dim1;
1923     vhermt -= vhermt_offset;
1924     --ncfiv2;
1925     --ncfiv1;
1926     crbiv2_dim1 = *nclimu;
1927     crbiv2_dim2 = *ndimen;
1928     crbiv2_offset = crbiv2_dim1 * (crbiv2_dim2 + 1);
1929     crbiv2 -= crbiv2_offset;
1930     crbiv1_dim1 = *nclimu;
1931     crbiv1_dim2 = *ndimen;
1932     crbiv1_offset = crbiv1_dim1 * (crbiv1_dim2 + 1);
1933     crbiv1 -= crbiv1_offset;
1935     /* Function Body */
1936     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
1937     if (ldbg) {
1938 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2AC2", 7L);
1939     }
1941 /* ------------ ADDING of coeff by u of curves, by v of Hermit --------
1942 */
1944     i__1 = *iordrv + 1;
1945     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
1946 	ndgv1 = ncfiv1[ii] - 1;
1947 	ndgv2 = ncfiv2[ii] - 1;
1948 	i__2 = *ndimen;
1949 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
1950 	    i__3 = (*iordrv << 1) + 1;
1951 	    for (jj = 0; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
1952 		bid1 = vhermt[jj + ((ii << 1) - 1) * vhermt_dim1];
1953 		i__4 = ndgv1;
1954 		for (kk = 0; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
1955 		    patjac[kk + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1] +=
1956 			    bid1 * crbiv1[kk + (nd + ii * crbiv1_dim2) *
1957 			    crbiv1_dim1];
1958 /* L400: */
1959 		}
1960 		bid2 = vhermt[jj + (ii << 1) * vhermt_dim1];
1961 		i__4 = ndgv2;
1962 		for (kk = 0; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
1963 		    patjac[kk + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1] +=
1964 			    bid2 * crbiv2[kk + (nd + ii * crbiv2_dim2) *
1965 			    crbiv2_dim1];
1966 /* L500: */
1967 		}
1968 /* L300: */
1969 	    }
1970 /* L200: */
1971 	}
1972 /* L100: */
1973     }
1975 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
1976 */
1978     if (ldbg) {
1979 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2AC2", 7L);
1980     }
1981     return 0;
1982 } /* mma2ac2_ */
1985 //=======================================================================
1986 //function : mma2ac3_
1987 //purpose  :
1988 //=======================================================================
mma2ac3_(const integer * ndimen,const integer * mxujac,const integer * mxvjac,const integer * iordru,const integer * nclimv,const integer * ncfiu1,const doublereal * crbiu1,const integer * ncfiu2,const doublereal * crbiu2,const doublereal * uhermt,doublereal * patjac)1989 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2ac3_(const integer *ndimen,
1990 				     const integer *mxujac,
1991 				     const integer *mxvjac,
1992 				     const integer *iordru,
1993 				     const integer *nclimv,
1994 				     const integer *ncfiu1,
1995 				     const doublereal * crbiu1,
1996 				     const integer *ncfiu2,
1997 				     const doublereal *crbiu2,
1998 				     const doublereal *uhermt,
1999 				     doublereal *patjac)
2001 {
2002   /* System generated locals */
2003   integer crbiu1_dim1, crbiu1_dim2, crbiu1_offset, crbiu2_dim1, crbiu2_dim2,
2004   crbiu2_offset, patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2, patjac_offset,
2005   uhermt_dim1, uhermt_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
2007   /* Local variables */
2008   logical ldbg;
2009   integer ndgu1, ndgu2, ii, jj, nd, kk;
2010   doublereal bid1, bid2;
2012 /* **********************************************************************
2013 */
2015 /*     FUNCTION : */
2016 /*     ---------- */
2017 /*     Ajout des polynomes de contraintes */
2019 /*     KEYWORDS : */
2020 /*     ----------- */
2023 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2024 /*     ------------------ */
2025 /*   NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
2026 /*   MXUJAC: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by U. The  */
2027 /*           representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
2028 /*           0 to degree MXUJAC-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the */
2029 /*           base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
2030 /*   MXVJAC: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by V. The  */
2031 /*           representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
2032 /*           0 to degree MXUJAC-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the */
2033 /*           base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
2034 /*   IORDRU: Order of the base of Jacobi (-1,0,1 or 2) by U. Corresponds */
2035 /*           to the step of constraints: C0, C1 or C2. */
2036 /*   NCLIMV  LIMIT nb of coeff by v of the solution P(u,v)
2037 *    NCFIU1: Nb of Coeff. of curves stored in CRBIU1. */
2038 /*   CRBIU1: Table of coeffs of the approximation of iso-U0 and its */
2039 /*           derivatives till order IORDRU. */
2040 /*   NCFIU2: Nb of Coeff. of curves stored in CRBIU2. */
2041 /*   CRBIU2: Table of coeffs of approximation of iso-U1 and its */
2042 /*           derivatives till order IORDRU */
2043 /*   UHERMT: Coeff. of Hermit polynoms of order IORDRU. */
2044 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of the polynom P(u,v) of approximation */
2045 /*           of F(u,v) WITHOUT taking into account the constraints. */
2047 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2048 /*     ------------------- */
2049 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of the polynom P(u,v) by approximation */
2050 /*           of F(u,v) WITH taking into account of constraints. */
2053 /* > */
2054 /* **********************************************************************
2055 */
2056 /*   The name of the routine */
2058 /* --------------------------- Initializations --------------------------
2059 */
2061     /* Parameter adjustments */
2062     patjac_dim1 = *mxujac + 1;
2063     patjac_dim2 = *mxvjac + 1;
2064     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
2065     patjac -= patjac_offset;
2066     uhermt_dim1 = (*iordru << 1) + 2;
2067     uhermt_offset = uhermt_dim1;
2068     uhermt -= uhermt_offset;
2069     --ncfiu2;
2070     --ncfiu1;
2071     crbiu2_dim1 = *nclimv;
2072     crbiu2_dim2 = *ndimen;
2073     crbiu2_offset = crbiu2_dim1 * (crbiu2_dim2 + 1);
2074     crbiu2 -= crbiu2_offset;
2075     crbiu1_dim1 = *nclimv;
2076     crbiu1_dim2 = *ndimen;
2077     crbiu1_offset = crbiu1_dim1 * (crbiu1_dim2 + 1);
2078     crbiu1 -= crbiu1_offset;
2080     /* Function Body */
2081     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
2082     if (ldbg) {
2083 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2AC3", 7L);
2084     }
2086 /* ------------ ADDING of coeff by u of curves, by v of Hermit --------
2087 */
2089     i__1 = *iordru + 1;
2090     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
2091 	ndgu1 = ncfiu1[ii] - 1;
2092 	ndgu2 = ncfiu2[ii] - 1;
2093 	i__2 = *ndimen;
2094 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
2095 	    i__3 = ndgu1;
2096 	    for (jj = 0; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
2097 		bid1 = crbiu1[jj + (nd + ii * crbiu1_dim2) * crbiu1_dim1];
2098 		i__4 = (*iordru << 1) + 1;
2099 		for (kk = 0; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
2100 		    patjac[kk + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1] +=
2101 			    bid1 * uhermt[kk + ((ii << 1) - 1) * uhermt_dim1];
2102 /* L400: */
2103 		}
2104 /* L300: */
2105 	    }
2106 	    i__3 = ndgu2;
2107 	    for (jj = 0; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
2108 		bid2 = crbiu2[jj + (nd + ii * crbiu2_dim2) * crbiu2_dim1];
2109 		i__4 = (*iordru << 1) + 1;
2110 		for (kk = 0; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
2111 		    patjac[kk + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1] +=
2112 			    bid2 * uhermt[kk + (ii << 1) * uhermt_dim1];
2113 /* L600: */
2114 		}
2115 /* L500: */
2116 	    }
2118 /* L200: */
2119 	}
2120 /* L100: */
2121     }
2123 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
2124 */
2126     if (ldbg) {
2127 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2AC3", 7L);
2128     }
2129     return 0;
2130 } /* mma2ac3_ */
2132 //=======================================================================
2133 //function : mma2can_
2134 //purpose  :
2135 //=======================================================================
mma2can_(const integer * ncfmxu,const integer * ncfmxv,const integer * ndimen,const integer * iordru,const integer * iordrv,const integer * ncoefu,const integer * ncoefv,const doublereal * patjac,doublereal * pataux,doublereal * patcan,integer * iercod)2136 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2can_(const integer *ncfmxu,
2137 				     const integer *ncfmxv,
2138 				     const integer *ndimen,
2139 				     const integer *iordru,
2140 				     const integer *iordrv,
2141 				     const integer *ncoefu,
2142 				     const integer *ncoefv,
2143 				     const doublereal *patjac,
2144 				     doublereal *pataux,
2145 				     doublereal *patcan,
2146 				     integer *iercod)
2148 {
2149   /* System generated locals */
2150   integer patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2, patjac_offset, patcan_dim1, patcan_dim2,
2151   patcan_offset, i__1, i__2;
2153   /* Local variables */
2154   logical ldbg;
2155   integer ilon1, ilon2, ii, nd;
2157 /* **********************************************************************
2158 */
2160 /*     FUNCTION : */
2161 /*     ---------- */
2162 /*     Change of Jacobi base to canonical (-1,1) and writing in a greater */
2163 /*     table. */
2165 /*     KEYWORDS : */
2166 /*     ----------- */
2169 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2170 /*     -------------------- */
2171 /*     NCFMXU: Dimension by U of resulting table PATCAN */
2172 /*     NCFMXV: Dimension by V of resulting table PATCAN */
2173 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the workspace. */
2174 /*     IORDRU: Order of constraint by U */
2175 /*     IORDRV: Order of constraint by V. */
2176 /*     NCOEFU: Nb of coeff by U of square PATJAC */
2177 /*     NCOEFV: Nb of coeff by V of square PATJAC */
2178 /*     PATJAC: Square in the base of Jacobi of order IORDRU by U and */
2179 /*             IORDRV by V. */
2181 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2182 /*     --------------------- */
2183 /*     PATAUX: Auxiliary Table. */
2184 /*     PATCAN: Table of coefficients in the canonic base. */
2185 /*     IERCOD: Error code. */
2186 /*             = 0, everything goes well, and all things are equal. */
2187 /*             = 1, the program refuses to process with incorrect input arguments */
2190 /*     COMMONS USED : */
2191 /*     ------------------ */
2193 /*     REFERENCES CALLED : */
2194 /*     --------------------- */
2197 /*     ----------------------------------- */
2198 /* > */
2199 /* **********************************************************************
2200 */
2203     /* Parameter adjustments */
2204     patcan_dim1 = *ncfmxu;
2205     patcan_dim2 = *ncfmxv;
2206     patcan_offset = patcan_dim1 * (patcan_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2207     patcan -= patcan_offset;
2208     --pataux;
2209     patjac_dim1 = *ncoefu;
2210     patjac_dim2 = *ncoefv;
2211     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * (patjac_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2212     patjac -= patjac_offset;
2214     /* Function Body */
2215     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 2;
2216     if (ldbg) {
2217 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CAN", 7L);
2218     }
2219     *iercod = 0;
2221     if (*iordru < -1 || *iordru > 2) {
2222 	goto L9100;
2223     }
2224     if (*iordrv < -1 || *iordrv > 2) {
2225 	goto L9100;
2226     }
2227     if (*ncoefu > *ncfmxu || *ncoefv > *ncfmxv) {
2228 	goto L9100;
2229     }
2231 /* --> Pass to canonic base (-1,1) */
2232     mmjacpt_(ndimen, ncoefu, ncoefv, iordru, iordrv, &patjac[patjac_offset], &
2233 	    pataux[1], &patcan[patcan_offset]);
2235 /* --> Write all in a greater table */
2236     AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmca8_(ncoefu,
2237 	     ncoefv,
2238 	     ndimen,
2239 	     ncfmxu,
2240 	     ncfmxv,
2241 	     ndimen,
2242 	     &patcan[patcan_offset],
2243 	     &patcan[patcan_offset]);
2245 /* --> Complete with zeros the resulting table. */
2246     ilon1 = *ncfmxu - *ncoefu;
2247     ilon2 = *ncfmxu * (*ncfmxv - *ncoefv);
2248     i__1 = *ndimen;
2249     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
2250 	if (ilon1 > 0) {
2251 	    i__2 = *ncoefv;
2252 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
2253 		AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilon1,
2254 			 &patcan[*ncoefu + 1 + (ii + nd * patcan_dim2) * patcan_dim1]);
2255 /* L110: */
2256 	    }
2257 	}
2258 	if (ilon2 > 0) {
2259 	    AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilon2,
2260 		     &patcan[(*ncoefv + 1 + nd * patcan_dim2) * patcan_dim1 + 1]);
2261 	}
2262 /* L100: */
2263     }
2265     goto L9999;
2267 /* ----------------------
2268 */
2270 L9100:
2271     *iercod = 1;
2272     goto L9999;
2274 L9999:
2275     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA2CAN", iercod, 7L);
2276     if (ldbg) {
2277 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CAN", 7L);
2278     }
2279  return 0 ;
2280 } /* mma2can_ */
2282 //=======================================================================
2283 //function : mma2cd1_
2284 //purpose  :
2285 //=======================================================================
mma2cd1_(integer * ndimen,integer * nbpntu,doublereal * urootl,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * vrootl,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,doublereal * contr1,doublereal * contr2,doublereal * contr3,doublereal * contr4,doublereal * fpntbu,doublereal * fpntbv,doublereal * uhermt,doublereal * vhermt,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * diditb)2286 int mma2cd1_(integer *ndimen,
2287 	     integer *nbpntu,
2288 	     doublereal *urootl,
2289 	     integer *nbpntv,
2290 	     doublereal *vrootl,
2291 	     integer *iordru,
2292 	     integer *iordrv,
2293 	     doublereal *contr1,
2294 	     doublereal *contr2,
2295 	     doublereal *contr3,
2296 	     doublereal *contr4,
2297 	     doublereal *fpntbu,
2298 	     doublereal *fpntbv,
2299 	     doublereal *uhermt,
2300 	     doublereal *vhermt,
2301 	     doublereal *sosotb,
2302 	     doublereal *soditb,
2303 	     doublereal *disotb,
2304 	     doublereal *diditb)
2306 {
2307   integer c__1 = 1;
2309 /* System generated locals */
2310     integer contr1_dim1, contr1_dim2, contr1_offset, contr2_dim1, contr2_dim2,
2311 	     contr2_offset, contr3_dim1, contr3_dim2, contr3_offset,
2312 	    contr4_dim1, contr4_dim2, contr4_offset, uhermt_dim1,
2313 	    uhermt_offset, vhermt_dim1, vhermt_offset, fpntbu_dim1,
2314 	    fpntbu_offset, fpntbv_dim1, fpntbv_offset, sosotb_dim1,
2315 	    sosotb_dim2, sosotb_offset, diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2,
2316 	    diditb_offset, soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset,
2317 	    disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2, disotb_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4,
2318 	    i__5;
2320     /* Local variables */
2321     integer ncfhu, ncfhv, nuroo, nvroo, nd, ii, jj, kk, ll, ibb, kkm,
2322 	    llm, kkp, llp;
2323     doublereal bid1, bid2, bid3, bid4;
2324     doublereal diu1, diu2, div1, div2, sou1, sou2, sov1, sov2;
2326 /* **********************************************************************
2327 */
2329 /*     FUNCTION : */
2330 /*     ---------- */
2331 /*     Discretisation on the parameters of polynoms of interpolation */
2332 /*     of constraints at the corners of order IORDRE. */
2334 /*     KEYWORDS : */
2335 /*     ----------- */
2338 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2339 /*     ------------------ */
2340 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
2341 /*     NBPNTU: Nb of INTERNAL parameters of discretisation by U. */
2342 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
2343 /*     UROOTL: Table of parameters of discretisation ON (-1,1) by U.
2344 */
2345 /*     NBPNTV: Nb of INTERNAL  parameters of discretisation by V. */
2346 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
2347 /*     VROOTL: Table of discretization parameters on (-1,1) by V. */
2348 /*     IORDRU: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of iso-V */
2349 /*             = 0, calculate the extremities of iso-V */
2350 /*             = 1, calculate, additionally, the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-V */
2351 /*             = 2, calculate, additionally, the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-V */
2352 /*     IORDRV: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of iso-U */
2353 /*             = 0, calculate the extremities of iso-U */
2354 /*             = 1, calculate, additionally, the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-U */
2355 /*             = 2, calculate, additionally, the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-U */
2356 /*   CONTR1: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
2357 /*           extremities of F(U0,V0) and its derivatives. */
2358 /*   CONTR2: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
2359 /*           extremities of F(U1,V0) and its derivatives. */
2360 /*   CONTR3: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
2361 /*           extremities of F(U0,V1) and its derivatives. */
2362 /*   CONTR4: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
2363 /*           extremities of F(U1,V1) and its derivatives. */
2364 /*     SOSOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
2365 /*     DISOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
2366 /*     SODITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
2367 /*     DIDITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument) */
2369 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2370 /*     ------------------- */
2371 /*     FPNTBU: Auxiliary table. */
2372 /*     FPNTBV: Auxiliary table. */
2373 /*     UHERMT: Table of 2*(IORDRU+1) coeff. of 2*(IORDRU+1) polynoms of Hermite. */
2374 /*     VHERMT: Table of 2*(IORDRV+1) coeff. of 2*(IORDRV+1) polynoms of Hermite. */
2375 /*   SOSOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2376 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
2377 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the Legendre polynom */
2378 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2379 /*   DISOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2380 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
2381 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
2382 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2383 /*   SODITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2384 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
2385 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
2386 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2387 /*   DIDITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2388 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
2389 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
2390 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2392 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
2393 /*     ---------------- */
2395 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
2396 /*     ----------------------- */
2399 /*     ----------------------------------- */
2401 /* > */
2402 /* **********************************************************************
2403 */
2405 /*   Name of the routine */
2408     /* Parameter adjustments */
2409     --urootl;
2410     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2411     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
2412     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
2413     diditb -= diditb_offset;
2414     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
2415     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
2416     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2417     disotb -= disotb_offset;
2418     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
2419     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
2420     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2421     soditb -= soditb_offset;
2422     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2423     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
2424     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
2425     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
2426     --vrootl;
2427     uhermt_dim1 = (*iordru << 1) + 2;
2428     uhermt_offset = uhermt_dim1;
2429     uhermt -= uhermt_offset;
2430     fpntbu_dim1 = *nbpntu;
2431     fpntbu_offset = fpntbu_dim1 + 1;
2432     fpntbu -= fpntbu_offset;
2433     vhermt_dim1 = (*iordrv << 1) + 2;
2434     vhermt_offset = vhermt_dim1;
2435     vhermt -= vhermt_offset;
2436     fpntbv_dim1 = *nbpntv;
2437     fpntbv_offset = fpntbv_dim1 + 1;
2438     fpntbv -= fpntbv_offset;
2439     contr4_dim1 = *ndimen;
2440     contr4_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
2441     contr4_offset = contr4_dim1 * (contr4_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2442     contr4 -= contr4_offset;
2443     contr3_dim1 = *ndimen;
2444     contr3_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
2445     contr3_offset = contr3_dim1 * (contr3_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2446     contr3 -= contr3_offset;
2447     contr2_dim1 = *ndimen;
2448     contr2_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
2449     contr2_offset = contr2_dim1 * (contr2_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2450     contr2 -= contr2_offset;
2451     contr1_dim1 = *ndimen;
2452     contr1_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
2453     contr1_offset = contr1_dim1 * (contr1_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2454     contr1 -= contr1_offset;
2456     /* Function Body */
2457     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
2458     if (ibb >= 3) {
2459 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CD1", 7L);
2460     }
2462 /* ------------------- Discretisation of Hermite polynoms -----------
2463 */
2465     ncfhu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
2466     i__1 = ncfhu;
2467     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
2468 	i__2 = *nbpntu;
2469 	for (ll = 1; ll <= i__2; ++ll) {
2470 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmmpocur_(&ncfhu, &c__1, &ncfhu, &uhermt[ii * uhermt_dim1], &
2471 		    urootl[ll], &fpntbu[ll + ii * fpntbu_dim1]);
2472 /* L20: */
2473 	}
2474 /* L10: */
2475     }
2476     ncfhv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
2477     i__1 = ncfhv;
2478     for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
2479 	i__2 = *nbpntv;
2480 	for (kk = 1; kk <= i__2; ++kk) {
2481 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmmpocur_(&ncfhv, &c__1, &ncfhv, &vhermt[jj * vhermt_dim1], &
2482 		    vrootl[kk], &fpntbv[kk + jj * fpntbv_dim1]);
2483 /* L40: */
2484 	}
2485 /* L30: */
2486     }
2488 /* ---- The discretizations of polynoms of constraints are subtracted ----
2489 */
2491     nuroo = *nbpntu / 2;
2492     nvroo = *nbpntv / 2;
2493     i__1 = *ndimen;
2494     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
2496 	i__2 = *iordrv + 1;
2497 	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
2498 	    i__3 = *iordru + 1;
2499 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__3; ++ii) {
2500 		bid1 = contr1[nd + (ii + jj * contr1_dim2) * contr1_dim1];
2501 		bid2 = contr2[nd + (ii + jj * contr2_dim2) * contr2_dim1];
2502 		bid3 = contr3[nd + (ii + jj * contr3_dim2) * contr3_dim1];
2503 		bid4 = contr4[nd + (ii + jj * contr4_dim2) * contr4_dim1];
2505 		i__4 = nvroo;
2506 		for (kk = 1; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
2507 		    kkp = (*nbpntv + 1) / 2 + kk;
2508 		    kkm = nvroo - kk + 1;
2509 		    sov1 = fpntbv[kkp + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1] +
2510 			    fpntbv[kkm + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2511 		    div1 = fpntbv[kkp + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1] -
2512 			    fpntbv[kkm + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2513 		    sov2 = fpntbv[kkp + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1] + fpntbv[kkm
2514 			    + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2515 		    div2 = fpntbv[kkp + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1] - fpntbv[kkm
2516 			    + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2517 		    i__5 = nuroo;
2518 		    for (ll = 1; ll <= i__5; ++ll) {
2519 			llp = (*nbpntu + 1) / 2 + ll;
2520 			llm = nuroo - ll + 1;
2521 			sou1 = fpntbu[llp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1] +
2522 				fpntbu[llm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2523 			diu1 = fpntbu[llp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1] -
2524 				fpntbu[llm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2525 			sou2 = fpntbu[llp + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1] + fpntbu[
2526 				llm + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2527 			diu2 = fpntbu[llp + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1] - fpntbu[
2528 				llm + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2529 			sosotb[ll + (kk + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] =
2530 				sosotb[ll + (kk + nd * sosotb_dim2) *
2531 				sosotb_dim1] - bid1 * sou1 * sov1 - bid2 *
2532 				sou2 * sov1 - bid3 * sou1 * sov2 - bid4 *
2533 				sou2 * sov2;
2534 			soditb[ll + (kk + nd * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1] =
2535 				soditb[ll + (kk + nd * soditb_dim2) *
2536 				soditb_dim1] - bid1 * sou1 * div1 - bid2 *
2537 				sou2 * div1 - bid3 * sou1 * div2 - bid4 *
2538 				sou2 * div2;
2539 			disotb[ll + (kk + nd * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1] =
2540 				disotb[ll + (kk + nd * disotb_dim2) *
2541 				disotb_dim1] - bid1 * diu1 * sov1 - bid2 *
2542 				diu2 * sov1 - bid3 * diu1 * sov2 - bid4 *
2543 				diu2 * sov2;
2544 			diditb[ll + (kk + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] =
2545 				diditb[ll + (kk + nd * diditb_dim2) *
2546 				diditb_dim1] - bid1 * diu1 * div1 - bid2 *
2547 				diu2 * div1 - bid3 * diu1 * div2 - bid4 *
2548 				diu2 * div2;
2549 /* L450: */
2550 		    }
2551 /* L400: */
2552 		}
2554 /* ------------ Case when the discretization is done only on the roots
2555 ----------- */
2556 /* ----------   of Legendre polynom of uneven degree, 0 is root
2557 ----------- */
2559 		if (*nbpntu % 2 == 1) {
2560 		    sou1 = fpntbu[nuroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2561 		    sou2 = fpntbu[nuroo + 1 + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2562 		    i__4 = nvroo;
2563 		    for (kk = 1; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
2564 			kkp = (*nbpntv + 1) / 2 + kk;
2565 			kkm = nvroo - kk + 1;
2566 			sov1 = fpntbv[kkp + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1] +
2567 				fpntbv[kkm + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2568 			div1 = fpntbv[kkp + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1] -
2569 				fpntbv[kkm + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2570 			sov2 = fpntbv[kkp + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1] + fpntbv[
2571 				kkm + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2572 			div2 = fpntbv[kkp + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1] - fpntbv[
2573 				kkm + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2574 			sosotb[(kk + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] =
2575 				sosotb[(kk + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1]
2576 				- bid1 * sou1 * sov1 - bid2 * sou2 * sov1 -
2577 				bid3 * sou1 * sov2 - bid4 * sou2 * sov2;
2578 			diditb[(kk + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] =
2579 				diditb[(kk + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1]
2580 				- bid1 * sou1 * div1 - bid2 * sou2 * div1 -
2581 				bid3 * sou1 * div2 - bid4 * sou2 * div2;
2582 /* L500: */
2583 		    }
2584 		}
2586 		if (*nbpntv % 2 == 1) {
2587 		    sov1 = fpntbv[nvroo + 1 + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2588 		    sov2 = fpntbv[nvroo + 1 + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2589 		    i__4 = nuroo;
2590 		    for (ll = 1; ll <= i__4; ++ll) {
2591 			llp = (*nbpntu + 1) / 2 + ll;
2592 			llm = nuroo - ll + 1;
2593 			sou1 = fpntbu[llp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1] +
2594 				fpntbu[llm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2595 			diu1 = fpntbu[llp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1] -
2596 				fpntbu[llm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2597 			sou2 = fpntbu[llp + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1] + fpntbu[
2598 				llm + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2599 			diu2 = fpntbu[llp + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1] - fpntbu[
2600 				llm + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2601 			sosotb[ll + nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] = sosotb[
2602 				ll + nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] - bid1 *
2603 				sou1 * sov1 - bid2 * sou2 * sov1 - bid3 *
2604 				sou1 * sov2 - bid4 * sou2 * sov2;
2605 			diditb[ll + nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] = diditb[
2606 				ll + nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] - bid1 *
2607 				diu1 * sov1 - bid2 * diu2 * sov1 - bid3 *
2608 				diu1 * sov2 - bid4 * diu2 * sov2;
2609 /* L600: */
2610 		    }
2611 		}
2613 		if (*nbpntu % 2 == 1 && *nbpntv % 2 == 1) {
2614 		    sou1 = fpntbu[nuroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2615 		    sou2 = fpntbu[nuroo + 1 + (ii << 1) * fpntbu_dim1];
2616 		    sov1 = fpntbv[nvroo + 1 + ((jj << 1) - 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2617 		    sov2 = fpntbv[nvroo + 1 + (jj << 1) * fpntbv_dim1];
2618 		    sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] = sosotb[nd *
2619 			    sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] - bid1 * sou1 * sov1 -
2620 			    bid2 * sou2 * sov1 - bid3 * sou1 * sov2 - bid4 *
2621 			    sou2 * sov2;
2622 		    diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] = diditb[nd *
2623 			    diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] - bid1 * sou1 * sov1 -
2624 			    bid2 * sou2 * sov1 - bid3 * sou1 * sov2 - bid4 *
2625 			    sou2 * sov2;
2626 		}
2628 /* L300: */
2629 	    }
2630 /* L200: */
2631 	}
2632 /* L100: */
2633     }
2634     goto L9999;
2636 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
2637 */
2639 L9999:
2640     if (ibb >= 3) {
2641 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CD1", 7L);
2642     }
2643     return 0;
2644 } /* mma2cd1_ */
2646 //=======================================================================
2647 //function : mma2cd2_
2648 //purpose  :
2649 //=======================================================================
mma2cd2_(integer * ndimen,integer * nbpntu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * vrootl,integer * iordrv,doublereal * sotbv1,doublereal * sotbv2,doublereal * ditbv1,doublereal * ditbv2,doublereal * fpntab,doublereal * vhermt,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * diditb)2650 int mma2cd2_(integer *ndimen,
2651 	     integer *nbpntu,
2652 	     integer *nbpntv,
2653 	     doublereal *vrootl,
2654 	     integer *iordrv,
2655 	     doublereal *sotbv1,
2656 	     doublereal *sotbv2,
2657 	     doublereal *ditbv1,
2658 	     doublereal *ditbv2,
2659 	     doublereal *fpntab,
2660 	     doublereal *vhermt,
2661 	     doublereal *sosotb,
2662 	     doublereal *soditb,
2663 	     doublereal *disotb,
2664 	     doublereal *diditb)
2666 {
2667   integer c__1 = 1;
2668   /* System generated locals */
2669   integer sotbv1_dim1, sotbv1_dim2, sotbv1_offset, sotbv2_dim1, sotbv2_dim2,
2670   sotbv2_offset, ditbv1_dim1, ditbv1_dim2, ditbv1_offset,
2671   ditbv2_dim1, ditbv2_dim2, ditbv2_offset, fpntab_dim1,
2672   fpntab_offset, vhermt_dim1, vhermt_offset, sosotb_dim1,
2673   sosotb_dim2, sosotb_offset, diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2,
2674   diditb_offset, soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset,
2675   disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2, disotb_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
2677   /* Local variables */
2678   integer ncfhv, nuroo, nvroo, ii, nd, jj, kk, ibb, jjm, jjp;
2679   doublereal bid1, bid2, bid3, bid4;
2681 /* **********************************************************************
2682 */
2683 /*     FUNCTION : */
2684 /*     ---------- */
2685 /*     Discretisation on the parameters of polynoms of interpolation */
2686 /*     of constraints on 2 borders iso-V of order IORDRV. */
2689 /*     KEYWORDS : */
2690 /*     ----------- */
2695 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2696 /*     ------------------ */
2697 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
2698 /*     NBPNTU: Nb of INTERNAL parameters of discretisation by U. */
2699 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
2700 /*     UROOTL: Table of parameters of discretisation ON (-1,1) by U.
2701 */
2702 /*     NBPNTV: Nb of INTERNAL  parameters of discretisation by V. */
2703 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
2704 /*     VROOTL: Table of discretization parameters on (-1,1) by V. */
2705 /*     IORDRV: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of iso-V */
2706 /*             = 0, calculate the extremities of iso-V */
2707 /*             = 1, calculate, additionally, the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-V */
2708 /*             = 2, calculate, additionally, the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-V */
2709 /*     SOTBV1: Table of NBPNTV/2 sums of 2 index points  */
2710 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V0. */
2711 /*     SOTBV2: Table of NBPNTV/2 sums of 2 index points  */
2712 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V1. */
2713 /*     DITBV1: Table of NBPNTV/2 differences of 2 index points */
2714 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V0. */
2715 /*     DITBV2: Table of NBPNTV/2 differences of 2 index points */
2716 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V1. */
2717 /*     SOSOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
2718 /*     DISOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
2719 /*     SODITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
2720 /*     DIDITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument) */
2722 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
2723 /*     ------------------- */
2724 /*     FPNTAB: Auxiliary table. */
2725 /*     VHERMT: Table of 2*(IORDRV+1) coeff. of 2*(IORDRV+1) polynoms of Hermite. */
2726 /*   SOSOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2727 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
2728 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the Legendre polynom */
2729 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2730 /*   DISOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2731 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
2732 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
2733 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2734 /*   SODITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2735 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
2736 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
2737 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2738 /*   DIDITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
2739 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
2740 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
2741 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
2743 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
2744 /*     ---------------- */
2746 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
2747 /*     ----------------------- */
2750 /*     ----------------------------------- */
2753 /* > */
2754 /* **********************************************************************
2755 */
2757 /*   Name of the routine */
2760     /* Parameter adjustments */
2761     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2762     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
2763     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
2764     diditb -= diditb_offset;
2765     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
2766     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
2767     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2768     disotb -= disotb_offset;
2769     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
2770     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
2771     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
2772     soditb -= soditb_offset;
2773     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2774     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
2775     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
2776     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
2777     --vrootl;
2778     vhermt_dim1 = (*iordrv << 1) + 2;
2779     vhermt_offset = vhermt_dim1;
2780     vhermt -= vhermt_offset;
2781     fpntab_dim1 = *nbpntv;
2782     fpntab_offset = fpntab_dim1 + 1;
2783     fpntab -= fpntab_offset;
2784     ditbv2_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2785     ditbv2_dim2 = *ndimen;
2786     ditbv2_offset = ditbv2_dim1 * (ditbv2_dim2 + 1);
2787     ditbv2 -= ditbv2_offset;
2788     ditbv1_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2789     ditbv1_dim2 = *ndimen;
2790     ditbv1_offset = ditbv1_dim1 * (ditbv1_dim2 + 1);
2791     ditbv1 -= ditbv1_offset;
2792     sotbv2_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2793     sotbv2_dim2 = *ndimen;
2794     sotbv2_offset = sotbv2_dim1 * (sotbv2_dim2 + 1);
2795     sotbv2 -= sotbv2_offset;
2796     sotbv1_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
2797     sotbv1_dim2 = *ndimen;
2798     sotbv1_offset = sotbv1_dim1 * (sotbv1_dim2 + 1);
2799     sotbv1 -= sotbv1_offset;
2801     /* Function Body */
2802     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
2803     if (ibb >= 3) {
2804 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CD2", 7L);
2805     }
2807 /* ------------------- Discretization of Hermit polynoms -----------
2808 */
2810     ncfhv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
2811     i__1 = ncfhv;
2812     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
2813 	i__2 = *nbpntv;
2814 	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
2815 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmmpocur_(&ncfhv, &c__1, &ncfhv, &vhermt[ii * vhermt_dim1], &
2816 		    vrootl[jj], &fpntab[jj + ii * fpntab_dim1]);
2817 /* L60: */
2818 	}
2819 /* L50: */
2820     }
2822 /* ---- The discretizations of polynoms of constraints are subtracted ----
2823 */
2825     nuroo = *nbpntu / 2;
2826     nvroo = *nbpntv / 2;
2828     i__1 = *ndimen;
2829     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
2830 	i__2 = *iordrv + 1;
2831 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
2833 	    i__3 = nuroo;
2834 	    for (kk = 1; kk <= i__3; ++kk) {
2835 		bid1 = sotbv1[kk + (nd + ii * sotbv1_dim2) * sotbv1_dim1];
2836 		bid2 = sotbv2[kk + (nd + ii * sotbv2_dim2) * sotbv2_dim1];
2837 		bid3 = ditbv1[kk + (nd + ii * ditbv1_dim2) * ditbv1_dim1];
2838 		bid4 = ditbv2[kk + (nd + ii * ditbv2_dim2) * ditbv2_dim1];
2839 		i__4 = nvroo;
2840 		for (jj = 1; jj <= i__4; ++jj) {
2841 		    jjp = (*nbpntv + 1) / 2 + jj;
2842 		    jjm = nvroo - jj + 1;
2843 		    sosotb[kk + (jj + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] =
2844 			    sosotb[kk + (jj + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1]
2845 			     - bid1 * (fpntab[jjp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2846 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[jjm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2847 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid2 * (fpntab[jjp + (ii << 1) *
2848 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[jjm + (ii << 1) *
2849 			    fpntab_dim1]);
2850 		    disotb[kk + (jj + nd * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1] =
2851 			    disotb[kk + (jj + nd * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1]
2852 			     - bid3 * (fpntab[jjp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2853 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[jjm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2854 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid4 * (fpntab[jjp + (ii << 1) *
2855 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[jjm + (ii << 1) *
2856 			    fpntab_dim1]);
2857 		    soditb[kk + (jj + nd * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1] =
2858 			    soditb[kk + (jj + nd * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1]
2859 			     - bid1 * (fpntab[jjp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2860 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[jjm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2861 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid2 * (fpntab[jjp + (ii << 1) *
2862 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[jjm + (ii << 1) *
2863 			    fpntab_dim1]);
2864 		    diditb[kk + (jj + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] =
2865 			    diditb[kk + (jj + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1]
2866 			     - bid3 * (fpntab[jjp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2867 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[jjm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2868 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid4 * (fpntab[jjp + (ii << 1) *
2869 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[jjm + (ii << 1) *
2870 			    fpntab_dim1]);
2871 /* L400: */
2872 		}
2873 /* L300: */
2874 	    }
2875 /* L200: */
2876 	}
2878 /* ------------ Case when the discretization is done only on the roots  */
2879 /* ----------   of Legendre polynom of uneven degree, 0 is root */
2882 	if (*nbpntv % 2 == 1) {
2883 	    i__2 = *iordrv + 1;
2884 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
2885 		i__3 = nuroo;
2886 		for (kk = 1; kk <= i__3; ++kk) {
2887 		    bid1 = sotbv1[kk + (nd + ii * sotbv1_dim2) * sotbv1_dim1]
2888 			    * fpntab[nvroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2889 			    fpntab_dim1] + sotbv2[kk + (nd + ii * sotbv2_dim2)
2890 			     * sotbv2_dim1] * fpntab[nvroo + 1 + (ii << 1) *
2891 			    fpntab_dim1];
2892 		    sosotb[kk + nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] -= bid1;
2893 		    bid2 = ditbv1[kk + (nd + ii * ditbv1_dim2) * ditbv1_dim1]
2894 			    * fpntab[nvroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
2895 			    fpntab_dim1] + ditbv2[kk + (nd + ii * ditbv2_dim2)
2896 			     * ditbv2_dim1] * fpntab[nvroo + 1 + (ii << 1) *
2897 			    fpntab_dim1];
2898 		    diditb[kk + nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] -= bid2;
2899 /* L550: */
2900 		}
2901 /* L500: */
2902 	    }
2903 	}
2905 	if (*nbpntu % 2 == 1) {
2906 	    i__2 = *iordrv + 1;
2907 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
2908 		i__3 = nvroo;
2909 		for (jj = 1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
2910 		    jjp = (*nbpntv + 1) / 2 + jj;
2911 		    jjm = nvroo - jj + 1;
2912 		    bid1 = sotbv1[(nd + ii * sotbv1_dim2) * sotbv1_dim1] * (
2913 			    fpntab[jjp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] +
2914 			    fpntab[jjm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1]) +
2915 			    sotbv2[(nd + ii * sotbv2_dim2) * sotbv2_dim1] * (
2916 			    fpntab[jjp + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[
2917 			    jjm + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1]);
2918 		    sosotb[(jj + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] -= bid1;
2919 		    bid2 = sotbv1[(nd + ii * sotbv1_dim2) * sotbv1_dim1] * (
2920 			    fpntab[jjp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] -
2921 			    fpntab[jjm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1]) +
2922 			    sotbv2[(nd + ii * sotbv2_dim2) * sotbv2_dim1] * (
2923 			    fpntab[jjp + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[
2924 			    jjm + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1]);
2925 		    diditb[jj + nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] -= bid2;
2926 /* L650: */
2927 		}
2928 /* L600: */
2929 	    }
2930 	}
2932 	if (*nbpntu % 2 == 1 && *nbpntv % 2 == 1) {
2933 	    i__2 = *iordrv + 1;
2934 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
2935 		bid1 = sotbv1[(nd + ii * sotbv1_dim2) * sotbv1_dim1] * fpntab[
2936 			nvroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] + sotbv2[(
2937 			nd + ii * sotbv2_dim2) * sotbv2_dim1] * fpntab[nvroo
2938 			+ 1 + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1];
2939 		sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] -= bid1;
2940 /* L700: */
2941 	    }
2942 	}
2944 /* L100: */
2945     }
2946     goto L9999;
2948 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
2949 */
2951 L9999:
2952     if (ibb >= 3) {
2953 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CD2", 7L);
2954     }
2955     return 0;
2956 } /* mma2cd2_ */
2958 //=======================================================================
2959 //function : mma2cd3_
2960 //purpose  :
2961 //=======================================================================
mma2cd3_(integer * ndimen,integer * nbpntu,doublereal * urootl,integer * nbpntv,integer * iordru,doublereal * sotbu1,doublereal * sotbu2,doublereal * ditbu1,doublereal * ditbu2,doublereal * fpntab,doublereal * uhermt,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * diditb)2962 int mma2cd3_(integer *ndimen,
2963 	     integer *nbpntu,
2964 	     doublereal *urootl,
2965 	     integer *nbpntv,
2966 	     integer *iordru,
2967 	     doublereal *sotbu1,
2968 	     doublereal *sotbu2,
2969 	     doublereal *ditbu1,
2970 	     doublereal *ditbu2,
2971 	     doublereal *fpntab,
2972 	     doublereal *uhermt,
2973 	     doublereal *sosotb,
2974 	     doublereal *soditb,
2975 	     doublereal *disotb,
2976 	     doublereal *diditb)
2978 {
2979   integer c__1 = 1;
2981    /* System generated locals */
2982     integer sotbu1_dim1, sotbu1_dim2, sotbu1_offset, sotbu2_dim1, sotbu2_dim2,
2983 	     sotbu2_offset, ditbu1_dim1, ditbu1_dim2, ditbu1_offset,
2984 	    ditbu2_dim1, ditbu2_dim2, ditbu2_offset, fpntab_dim1,
2985 	    fpntab_offset, uhermt_dim1, uhermt_offset, sosotb_dim1,
2986 	    sosotb_dim2, sosotb_offset, diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2,
2987 	    diditb_offset, soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset,
2988 	    disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2, disotb_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
2990     /* Local variables */
2991     integer ncfhu, nuroo, nvroo, ii, nd, jj, kk, ibb, kkm, kkp;
2992     doublereal bid1, bid2, bid3, bid4;
2994 /* **********************************************************************
2995 */
2996 /*     FUNCTION : */
2997 /*     ---------- */
2998 /*     Discretisation on the parameters of polynoms of interpolation */
2999 /*     of constraints on 2 borders iso-U of order IORDRU. */
3002 /*     KEYWORDS : */
3003 /*     ----------- */
3006 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
3007 /*     ------------------ */
3008 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
3009 /*     NBPNTU: Nb of INTERNAL parameters of discretisation by U. */
3010 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
3011 /*     UROOTL: Table of parameters of discretisation ON (-1,1) by U.
3012 */
3013 /*     NBPNTV: Nb of INTERNAL  parameters of discretisation by V. */
3014 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
3015 /*     IORDRV: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of iso-V */
3016 /*             = 0, calculate the extremities of iso-V */
3017 /*             = 1, calculate, additionally, the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-V */
3018 /*             = 2, calculate, additionally, the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-V */
3019 /*     SOTBU1: Table of NBPNTU/2 sums of 2 index points  */
3020 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V0. */
3021 /*     SOTBU2: Table of NBPNTV/2 sums of 2 index points  */
3022 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V1. */
3023 /*     DITBU1: Table of NBPNTU/2 differences of 2 index points */
3024 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V0. */
3025 /*     DITBU2: Table of NBPNTU/2 differences of 2 index points */
3026 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V1. */
3027 /*     SOSOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
3028 /*     DISOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
3029 /*     SODITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
3030 /*     DIDITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument) */
3032 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
3033 /*     ------------------- */
3034 /*     FPNTAB: Auxiliary table. */
3035 /*     UHERMT: Table of 2*(IORDRU+1) coeff. of 2*(IORDRU+1) polynoms of Hermite. */
3036 /*   SOSOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3037 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
3038 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the Legendre polynom */
3039 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3040 /*   DISOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3041 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
3042 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
3043 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3044 /*   SODITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3045 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
3046 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
3047 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3048 /*   DIDITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3049 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
3050 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
3051 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3053 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
3054 /*     ---------------- */
3056 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
3057 /*     ----------------------- */
3060 /*     ----------------------------------- */
3063 /*     -------------------------------- */
3064 /*     08-08-1991: RBD; Creation. */
3065 /* > */
3066 /* **********************************************************************
3067 */
3069 /*   Name of the routine */
3072     /* Parameter adjustments */
3073     --urootl;
3074     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
3075     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3076     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
3077     diditb -= diditb_offset;
3078     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
3079     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
3080     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3081     disotb -= disotb_offset;
3082     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
3083     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
3084     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3085     soditb -= soditb_offset;
3086     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
3087     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3088     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
3089     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
3090     uhermt_dim1 = (*iordru << 1) + 2;
3091     uhermt_offset = uhermt_dim1;
3092     uhermt -= uhermt_offset;
3093     fpntab_dim1 = *nbpntu;
3094     fpntab_offset = fpntab_dim1 + 1;
3095     fpntab -= fpntab_offset;
3096     ditbu2_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3097     ditbu2_dim2 = *ndimen;
3098     ditbu2_offset = ditbu2_dim1 * (ditbu2_dim2 + 1);
3099     ditbu2 -= ditbu2_offset;
3100     ditbu1_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3101     ditbu1_dim2 = *ndimen;
3102     ditbu1_offset = ditbu1_dim1 * (ditbu1_dim2 + 1);
3103     ditbu1 -= ditbu1_offset;
3104     sotbu2_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3105     sotbu2_dim2 = *ndimen;
3106     sotbu2_offset = sotbu2_dim1 * (sotbu2_dim2 + 1);
3107     sotbu2 -= sotbu2_offset;
3108     sotbu1_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3109     sotbu1_dim2 = *ndimen;
3110     sotbu1_offset = sotbu1_dim1 * (sotbu1_dim2 + 1);
3111     sotbu1 -= sotbu1_offset;
3113     /* Function Body */
3114     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
3115     if (ibb >= 3) {
3116 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CD3", 7L);
3117     }
3119 /* ------------------- Discretization of polynoms of Hermit -----------
3120 */
3122     ncfhu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
3123     i__1 = ncfhu;
3124     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
3125 	i__2 = *nbpntu;
3126 	for (kk = 1; kk <= i__2; ++kk) {
3127 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmmpocur_(&ncfhu,
3128 					   &c__1,
3129 					   &ncfhu,
3130 					   &uhermt[ii * uhermt_dim1],
3131 					   &urootl[kk],
3132 					   &fpntab[kk + ii * fpntab_dim1]);
3133 /* L60: */
3134 	}
3135 /* L50: */
3136     }
3138 /* ---- The discretizations of polynoms of constraints are subtracted ----
3139 */
3141     nvroo = *nbpntv / 2;
3142     nuroo = *nbpntu / 2;
3144     i__1 = *ndimen;
3145     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
3146 	i__2 = *iordru + 1;
3147 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
3149 	    i__3 = nvroo;
3150 	    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
3151 		bid1 = sotbu1[jj + (nd + ii * sotbu1_dim2) * sotbu1_dim1];
3152 		bid2 = sotbu2[jj + (nd + ii * sotbu2_dim2) * sotbu2_dim1];
3153 		bid3 = ditbu1[jj + (nd + ii * ditbu1_dim2) * ditbu1_dim1];
3154 		bid4 = ditbu2[jj + (nd + ii * ditbu2_dim2) * ditbu2_dim1];
3155 		i__4 = nuroo;
3156 		for (kk = 1; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
3157 		    kkp = (*nbpntu + 1) / 2 + kk;
3158 		    kkm = nuroo - kk + 1;
3159 		    sosotb[kk + (jj + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] =
3160 			    sosotb[kk + (jj + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1]
3161 			     - bid1 * (fpntab[kkp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3162 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[kkm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3163 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid2 * (fpntab[kkp + (ii << 1) *
3164 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[kkm + (ii << 1) *
3165 			    fpntab_dim1]);
3166 		    disotb[kk + (jj + nd * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1] =
3167 			    disotb[kk + (jj + nd * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1]
3168 			     - bid1 * (fpntab[kkp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3169 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[kkm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3170 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid2 * (fpntab[kkp + (ii << 1) *
3171 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[kkm + (ii << 1) *
3172 			    fpntab_dim1]);
3173 		    soditb[kk + (jj + nd * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1] =
3174 			    soditb[kk + (jj + nd * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1]
3175 			     - bid3 * (fpntab[kkp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3176 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[kkm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3177 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid4 * (fpntab[kkp + (ii << 1) *
3178 			    fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[kkm + (ii << 1) *
3179 			    fpntab_dim1]);
3180 		    diditb[kk + (jj + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] =
3181 			    diditb[kk + (jj + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1]
3182 			     - bid3 * (fpntab[kkp + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3183 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[kkm + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3184 			    fpntab_dim1]) - bid4 * (fpntab[kkp + (ii << 1) *
3185 			    fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[kkm + (ii << 1) *
3186 			    fpntab_dim1]);
3187 /* L400: */
3188 		}
3189 /* L300: */
3190 	    }
3191 /* L200: */
3192 	}
3194 /* ------------ Case when the discretization is done only on the roots  */
3195 /* ----------   of Legendre polynom of uneven degree, 0 is root */
3199 	if (*nbpntu % 2 == 1) {
3200 	    i__2 = *iordru + 1;
3201 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
3202 		i__3 = nvroo;
3203 		for (jj = 1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
3204 		    bid1 = sotbu1[jj + (nd + ii * sotbu1_dim2) * sotbu1_dim1]
3205 			    * fpntab[nuroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3206 			    fpntab_dim1] + sotbu2[jj + (nd + ii * sotbu2_dim2)
3207 			     * sotbu2_dim1] * fpntab[nuroo + 1 + (ii << 1) *
3208 			    fpntab_dim1];
3209 		    sosotb[(jj + nd * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] -= bid1;
3210 		    bid2 = ditbu1[jj + (nd + ii * ditbu1_dim2) * ditbu1_dim1]
3211 			    * fpntab[nuroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) *
3212 			    fpntab_dim1] + ditbu2[jj + (nd + ii * ditbu2_dim2)
3213 			     * ditbu2_dim1] * fpntab[nuroo + 1 + (ii << 1) *
3214 			    fpntab_dim1];
3215 		    diditb[(jj + nd * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] -= bid2;
3216 /* L550: */
3217 		}
3218 /* L500: */
3219 	    }
3220 	}
3222 	if (*nbpntv % 2 == 1) {
3223 	    i__2 = *iordru + 1;
3224 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
3225 		i__3 = nuroo;
3226 		for (kk = 1; kk <= i__3; ++kk) {
3227 		    kkp = (*nbpntu + 1) / 2 + kk;
3228 		    kkm = nuroo - kk + 1;
3229 		    bid1 = sotbu1[(nd + ii * sotbu1_dim2) * sotbu1_dim1] * (
3230 			    fpntab[kkp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] +
3231 			    fpntab[kkm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1]) +
3232 			    sotbu2[(nd + ii * sotbu2_dim2) * sotbu2_dim1] * (
3233 			    fpntab[kkp + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1] + fpntab[
3234 			    kkm + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1]);
3235 		    sosotb[kk + nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] -= bid1;
3236 		    bid2 = sotbu1[(nd + ii * sotbu1_dim2) * sotbu1_dim1] * (
3237 			    fpntab[kkp + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] -
3238 			    fpntab[kkm + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1]) +
3239 			    sotbu2[(nd + ii * sotbu2_dim2) * sotbu2_dim1] * (
3240 			    fpntab[kkp + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1] - fpntab[
3241 			    kkm + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1]);
3242 		    diditb[kk + nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] -= bid2;
3243 /* L650: */
3244 		}
3245 /* L600: */
3246 	    }
3247 	}
3249 	if (*nbpntu % 2 == 1 && *nbpntv % 2 == 1) {
3250 	    i__2 = *iordru + 1;
3251 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
3252 		bid1 = sotbu1[(nd + ii * sotbu1_dim2) * sotbu1_dim1] * fpntab[
3253 			nuroo + 1 + ((ii << 1) - 1) * fpntab_dim1] + sotbu2[(
3254 			nd + ii * sotbu2_dim2) * sotbu2_dim1] * fpntab[nuroo
3255 			+ 1 + (ii << 1) * fpntab_dim1];
3256 		sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] -= bid1;
3257 /* L700: */
3258 	    }
3259 	}
3261 /* L100: */
3262     }
3263     goto L9999;
3265 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
3266 */
3268 L9999:
3269     if (ibb >= 3) {
3270 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CD3", 7L);
3271     }
3272     return 0;
3273 } /* mma2cd3_ */
3275 //=======================================================================
3276 //function : mma2cdi_
3277 //purpose  :
3278 //=======================================================================
mma2cdi_(integer * ndimen,integer * nbpntu,doublereal * urootl,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * vrootl,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,doublereal * contr1,doublereal * contr2,doublereal * contr3,doublereal * contr4,doublereal * sotbu1,doublereal * sotbu2,doublereal * ditbu1,doublereal * ditbu2,doublereal * sotbv1,doublereal * sotbv2,doublereal * ditbv1,doublereal * ditbv2,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * diditb,integer * iercod)3279 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2cdi_( integer *ndimen,
3280 				     integer *nbpntu,
3281 				     doublereal *urootl,
3282 				     integer *nbpntv,
3283 				     doublereal *vrootl,
3284 				     integer *iordru,
3285 				     integer *iordrv,
3286 				     doublereal *contr1,
3287 				     doublereal *contr2,
3288 				     doublereal *contr3,
3289 				     doublereal *contr4,
3290 				     doublereal *sotbu1,
3291 				     doublereal *sotbu2,
3292 				     doublereal *ditbu1,
3293 				     doublereal *ditbu2,
3294 				     doublereal *sotbv1,
3295 				     doublereal *sotbv2,
3296 				     doublereal *ditbv1,
3297 				     doublereal *ditbv2,
3298 				     doublereal *sosotb,
3299 				     doublereal *soditb,
3300 				     doublereal *disotb,
3301 				     doublereal *diditb,
3302 				     integer *iercod)
3304 {
3305   integer c__8 = 8;
3307     /* System generated locals */
3308     integer contr1_dim1, contr1_dim2, contr1_offset, contr2_dim1, contr2_dim2,
3309 	     contr2_offset, contr3_dim1, contr3_dim2, contr3_offset,
3310 	    contr4_dim1, contr4_dim2, contr4_offset, sosotb_dim1, sosotb_dim2,
3311 	     sosotb_offset, diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2, diditb_offset,
3312 	    soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset, disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2,
3313 	     disotb_offset;
3315     /* Local variables */
3316     integer ilong;
3317     intptr_t iofwr;
3318     doublereal* wrkar = 0;
3319     doublereal* wrkar_off;
3320     integer iszwr;
3321     integer ibb, ier = 0;
3322     integer isz1, isz2, isz3, isz4;
3323     intptr_t ipt1, ipt2, ipt3;
3328 /* **********************************************************************
3329 */
3331 /*     FUNCTION : */
3332 /*     ---------- */
3333 /*     Discretisation on the parameters of polynomes of interpolation */
3334 /*     of constraints of order IORDRE. */
3336 /*     KEYWORDS : */
3337 /*     ----------- */
3340 //*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
3341 /*     ------------------ */
3342 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
3343 /*     NBPNTU: Nb of INTERNAL parameters of discretisation by U. */
3344 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
3345 /*     UROOTL: Table of parameters of discretisation ON (-1,1) by U.
3346 */
3347 /*     NBPNTV: Nb of INTERNAL  parameters of discretisation by V. */
3348 /*             This is also the nb of root of Legendre polynom where discretization is done. */
3349 /*     VROOTL: Table of parameters of discretisation ON (-1,1) by V.*/
3351 /*     IORDRV: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of iso-U */
3352 /*             = 0, calculate the extremities of iso-U */
3353 /*             = 1, calculate, additionally, the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-U */
3354 /*             = 2, calculate, additionally, the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-U */
3355 /*     IORDRU: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of iso-V */
3356 /*             = 0, calculate the extremities of iso-V */
3357 /*             = 1, calculate, additionally, the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-V */
3358 /*             = 2, calculate, additionally, the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-V */
3359 /*   CONTR1: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
3360 /*           extremities of F(U0,V0) and its derivatives. */
3361 /*   CONTR2: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
3362 /*           extremities of F(U1,V0) and its derivatives. */
3363 /*   CONTR3: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
3364 /*           extremities of F(U0,V1) and its derivatives. */
3365 /*   CONTR4: Contains, if IORDRU and IORDRV>=0, the values at the */
3366 /*           extremities of F(U1,V1) and its derivatives. */
3367 /*     SOTBU1: Table of NBPNTU/2 sums of 2 index points  */
3368 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V0. */
3369 /*     SOTBU2: Table of NBPNTV/2 sums of 2 index points  */
3370 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V1. */
3371 /*     DITBU1: Table of NBPNTU/2 differences of 2 index points */
3372 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V0. */
3373 /*     DITBU2: Table of NBPNTU/2 differences of 2 index points */
3374 /*             NBPNTU-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTU/2 on iso-V1. */
3375 /*     SOTBV1: Table of NBPNTV/2 sums of 2 index points  */
3376 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V0. */
3377 /*     SOTBV2: Table of NBPNTV/2 sums of 2 index points  */
3378 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V1. */
3379 /*     DITBV1: Table of NBPNTV/2 differences of 2 index points */
3380 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V0. */
3381 /*     DITBV2: Table of NBPNTV/2 differences of 2 index points */
3382 /*             NBPNTV-II+1 and II, for II = 1, NBPNTV/2 on iso-V1. */
3383 /*     SOSOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
3384 /*     DISOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
3385 /*     SODITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
3386 /*     DIDITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument) */
3388 /*     ARGUMENTS DE SORTIE : */
3389 /*     ------------------- */
3390 /*   SOSOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3391 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
3392 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the Legendre polynom */
3393 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3394 /*   DISOTB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3395 /*           C(ui,vj) + C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
3396 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
3397 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3398 /*   SODITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3399 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) + C(-ui,vj) - C(-ui,-vj) */
3400 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
3401 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3402 /*   DIDITB: Table where the terms of constraints are added */
3403 /*           C(ui,vj) - C(ui,-vj) - C(-ui,vj) + C(-ui,-vj) */
3404 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of the polynom of Legendre */
3405 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3406 /*   IERCOD: = 0, OK, */
3407 /*           = 1, Value or IORDRV or IORDRU is out of allowed values. */
3408 /*           =13, Pb of dynamic allocation. */
3410 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
3411 /*     ---------------- */
3413 /*     REFERENCES CALLED  : */
3414 /*     -------------------- */
3417 /*     ------------------------------- */
3419 /* > */
3420 /* **********************************************************************
3421 */
3423 /*   The name of the routine */
3426     /* Parameter adjustments */
3427     --urootl;
3428     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
3429     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3430     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
3431     diditb -= diditb_offset;
3432     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
3433     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
3434     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3435     disotb -= disotb_offset;
3436     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
3437     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
3438     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3439     soditb -= soditb_offset;
3440     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
3441     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3442     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
3443     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
3444     --vrootl;
3445     contr4_dim1 = *ndimen;
3446     contr4_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
3447     contr4_offset = contr4_dim1 * (contr4_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3448     contr4 -= contr4_offset;
3449     contr3_dim1 = *ndimen;
3450     contr3_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
3451     contr3_offset = contr3_dim1 * (contr3_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3452     contr3 -= contr3_offset;
3453     contr2_dim1 = *ndimen;
3454     contr2_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
3455     contr2_offset = contr2_dim1 * (contr2_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3456     contr2 -= contr2_offset;
3457     contr1_dim1 = *ndimen;
3458     contr1_dim2 = *iordru + 2;
3459     contr1_offset = contr1_dim1 * (contr1_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3460     contr1 -= contr1_offset;
3461     --sotbu1;
3462     --sotbu2;
3463     --ditbu1;
3464     --ditbu2;
3465     --sotbv1;
3466     --sotbv2;
3467     --ditbv1;
3468     --ditbv2;
3469     AdvApp2Var_SysBase anAdvApp2Var_SysBase;
3471     /* Function Body */
3472     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
3473     if (ibb >= 3) {
3474 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CDI", 7L);
3475     }
3476     *iercod = 0;
3477     iofwr = 0;
3478     if (*iordru < -1 || *iordru > 2) {
3479 	goto L9100;
3480     }
3481     if (*iordrv < -1 || *iordrv > 2) {
3482 	goto L9100;
3483     }
3485 /* ------------------------- Set to zero --------------------------------
3486 */
3488     ilong = (*nbpntu / 2 + 1) * (*nbpntv / 2 + 1) * *ndimen;
3489     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilong, &sosotb[sosotb_offset]);
3490     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilong, &diditb[diditb_offset]);
3491     ilong = *nbpntu / 2 * (*nbpntv / 2) * *ndimen;
3492     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilong, &soditb[soditb_offset]);
3493     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilong, &disotb[disotb_offset]);
3494     if (*iordru == -1 && *iordrv == -1) {
3495 	goto L9999;
3496     }
3500     isz1 = ((*iordru + 1) << 2) * (*iordru + 1);
3501     isz2 = ((*iordrv + 1) << 2) * (*iordrv + 1);
3502     isz3 = ((*iordru + 1) << 1) * *nbpntu;
3503     isz4 = ((*iordrv + 1) << 1) * *nbpntv;
3504     iszwr = isz1 + isz2 + isz3 + isz4;
3505     anAdvApp2Var_SysBase.mcrrqst_(&c__8, &iszwr, wrkar, &iofwr, &ier);
3506     if (ier > 0) {
3507 	goto L9013;
3508     }
3509     wrkar_off = reinterpret_cast<double*>(iofwr * sizeof(double));
3510     ipt1 = isz1;
3511     ipt2 = ipt1 + isz2;
3512     ipt3 = ipt2 + isz3;
3514     if (*iordru >= 0 && *iordru <= 2) {
3516 /* --- Return 2*(IORDRU+1) coeff of 2*(IORDRU+1) polynoms of Hermite
3517 --- */
3519 	AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma1her_(iordru, wrkar_off, iercod);
3520 	if (*iercod > 0) {
3521 	    goto L9100;
3522 	}
3524 /* ---- Subract discretizations of polynoms of constraints
3525 ---- */
3527 	mma2cd3_(ndimen, nbpntu, &urootl[1], nbpntv, iordru, &sotbu1[1],
3528 		&sotbu2[1], &ditbu1[1], &ditbu2[1], &wrkar_off[ipt2], wrkar_off,
3529 		&sosotb[sosotb_offset], &soditb[soditb_offset],
3530 		&disotb[disotb_offset], &diditb[diditb_offset]);
3531     }
3533     if (*iordrv >= 0 && *iordrv <= 2) {
3535 /* --- Return 2*(IORDRV+1) coeff of 2*(IORDRV+1) polynoms of Hermite
3536 --- */
3538 	AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma1her_(iordrv, &wrkar_off[ipt1], iercod);
3539 	if (*iercod > 0) {
3540 	    goto L9100;
3541 	}
3543 /* ---- Subtract discretisations of polynoms of constraint
3544 ---- */
3546 	mma2cd2_(ndimen, nbpntu, nbpntv, &vrootl[1], iordrv, &sotbv1[1],
3547 		&sotbv2[1], &ditbv1[1], &ditbv2[1], &wrkar_off[ipt3], &wrkar_off[ipt1],
3548 		&sosotb[sosotb_offset], &soditb[soditb_offset],
3549 		&disotb[disotb_offset], &diditb[diditb_offset]);
3550     }
3552 /* --------------- Subtract constraints of corners ----------------
3553 */
3555     if (*iordru >= 0 && *iordrv >= 0) {
3556 	mma2cd1_(ndimen, nbpntu, &urootl[1], nbpntv, &vrootl[1], iordru,
3557 		iordrv, &contr1[contr1_offset], &contr2[contr2_offset],
3558 		&contr3[contr3_offset], &contr4[contr4_offset], &wrkar_off[ipt2],
3559 		&wrkar_off[ipt3], wrkar_off, &wrkar_off[ipt1],
3560 		&sosotb[sosotb_offset], &soditb[soditb_offset],
3561 		&disotb[disotb_offset], &diditb[diditb_offset]);
3562     }
3563     goto L9999;
3565 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
3566 */
3567 /* --> IORDRE is not within the autorised diapason. */
3568 L9100:
3569     *iercod = 1;
3570     goto L9999;
3571 /* --> PB of dynamic allocation. */
3572 L9013:
3573     *iercod = 13;
3574     goto L9999;
3576 L9999:
3577     if (iofwr != 0) {
3578 	anAdvApp2Var_SysBase.mcrdelt_(&c__8, &iszwr, wrkar, &iofwr, &ier);
3579     }
3580     if (ier > 0) {
3581 	*iercod = 13;
3582     }
3583     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA2CDI", iercod, 7L);
3584     if (ibb >= 3) {
3585 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CDI", 7L);
3586     }
3587     return 0;
3588 } /* mma2cdi_ */
3590 //=======================================================================
3591 //function : mma2ce1_
3592 //purpose  :
3593 //=======================================================================
mma2ce1_(integer * numdec,integer * ndimen,integer * nbsesp,integer * ndimse,integer * ndminu,integer * ndminv,integer * ndguli,integer * ndgvli,integer * ndjacu,integer * ndjacv,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,integer * nbpntu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * epsapr,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * diditb,doublereal * patjac,doublereal * errmax,doublereal * errmoy,integer * ndegpu,integer * ndegpv,integer * itydec,integer * iercod)3594 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2ce1_(integer *numdec,
3595 				     integer *ndimen,
3596 				     integer *nbsesp,
3597 				     integer *ndimse,
3598 				     integer *ndminu,
3599 				     integer *ndminv,
3600 				     integer *ndguli,
3601 				     integer *ndgvli,
3602 				     integer *ndjacu,
3603 				     integer *ndjacv,
3604 				     integer *iordru,
3605 				     integer *iordrv,
3606 				     integer *nbpntu,
3607 				     integer *nbpntv,
3608 				     doublereal *epsapr,
3609 				     doublereal *sosotb,
3610 				     doublereal *disotb,
3611 				     doublereal *soditb,
3612 				     doublereal *diditb,
3613 				     doublereal *patjac,
3614 				     doublereal *errmax,
3615 				     doublereal *errmoy,
3616 				     integer *ndegpu,
3617 				     integer *ndegpv,
3618 				     integer *itydec,
3619 				     integer *iercod)
3621 {
3622   integer c__8 = 8;
3624     /* System generated locals */
3625     integer sosotb_dim1, sosotb_dim2, sosotb_offset, disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2,
3626 	     disotb_offset, soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset,
3627 	    diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2, diditb_offset, patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2,
3628 	     patjac_offset;
3630     /* Local variables */
3631     logical ldbg;
3632     intptr_t iofwr;
3633     doublereal* wrkar = 0;
3634     doublereal* wrkar_off;
3635     integer iszwr;
3636     integer ier;
3637     integer isz1, isz2, isz3, isz4, isz5, isz6, isz7;
3638     intptr_t ipt1, ipt2, ipt3, ipt4, ipt5, ipt6;
3642 /* **********************************************************************
3643 */
3645 /*     FUNCTION : */
3646 /*     ---------- */
3647 /*     Calculation of coefficients of polynomial approximation of degree */
3648 /*     (NDJACU,NDJACV) of a function F(u,v), starting from its */
3649 /*     discretization on roots of Legendre polynom of degree  */
3650 /*     NBPNTU by U and NBPNTV by V. */
3652 /*     KEYWORDS : */
3653 /*     ----------- */
3656 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
3657 /*     ------------------ */
3658 /*   NUMDEC: Indicates if it is POSSIBLE to cut function F(u,v). */
3659 /*           = 5, It is POSSIBLE to cut by U or by V or in both directions simultaneously. */
3660 /*           = 4, It is POSSIBLE to cut by U or by V BUT NOT in both  */
3661 /*                directions simultaneously (cutting by V is preferable). */
3662 /*           = 3, It is POSSIBLE to cut by U or by V BUT NOT in both */
3663 /*                directions simultaneously (cutting by U is preferable). */
3664 /*           = 2, It is POSSIBLE to cut only by V (i.e. insert parameter */
3665 /*                of cutting Vj). */
3666 /*           = 1, It is POSSIBLE to cut only by U (i.e. insert parameter */
3667 /*                of cutting Ui). */
3668 /*           = 0, It is not POSSIBLE to cut anything */
3669 /*   NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
3670 /*   NBSESP: Nb of independent sub-spaces on which the errors are calculated. */
3671 /*   NDIMSE: Table of dimensions of each of sub-spaces. */
3672 /*   NDMINU: Minimum degree by U to be preserved for the approximation. */
3673 /*   NDMINV: Minimum degree by V to be preserved for the approximation. */
3674 /*   NDGULI: Limit of nb of coefficients by U of the solution. */
3675 /*   NDGVLI: Limit of nb of coefficients by V of the solution. */
3676 /*   NDJACU: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by U. */
3677 /*           The representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
3678 /*           0 to degree NDJACU-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the base of  */
3679 /*           Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2. */
3680 /*           It is required that 2*IORDRU+1 <= NDMINU <= NDGULI < NDJACU */
3681 /*   NDJACV: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by V. */
3682 /*           The representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
3683 /*           0 to degree NDJACV-2*(IORDRV+1). The polynomial base is */
3684 /*           the base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
3685 /*           It is required that 2*IORDRV+1 <= NDMINV <= NDGVLI < NDJACV */
3686 /*   IORDRU: Order of the Jacobi base (-1,0,1 or 2) by U. Corresponds */
3687 /*           to the step of constraints C0, C1 or C2. */
3688 /*   IORDRV: Order of the Jacobi base (-1,0,1 or 2) by U. Corresponds */
3689 /*           to the step of constraints C0, C1 or C2. */
3690 /*   NBPNTU: Degree of Legendre polynom on  the roots which of are */
3691 /*           calculated the coefficients of integration by u */
3692 /*           by Gauss method. It is required that NBPNTU = 30, 40, */
3693 /*           50 or 61 and NDJACU-2*(IORDRU+1) < NBPNTU. */
3694 /*   NBPNTV: Degree of Legendre polynom on  the roots which of are */
3695 /*           calculated the coefficients of integration by u */
3696 /*           by Gauss method. It is required that NBPNTV = 30, 40, */
3697 /*           50 or 61 and NDJACV-2*(IORDRV+1) < NBPNTV. */
3698 /*   EPSAPR: Table of NBSESP tolerances imposed on each sub-spaces. */
3699 /*   SOSOTB: Table of F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
3700 /*           with ui and vj - positive roots of the Legendre polynom */
3701 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. Additionally, */
3702 /*           table SOSOTB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) + F(0,-vj), */
3703 /*           table SOSOTB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) + F(-ui,0) and */
3704 /*           SOSOTB(0,0) contains F(0,0). */
3705 /*   DISOTB: Table of F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
3706 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
3707 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3708 /*   SODITB: Table of F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
3709 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
3710 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3711 /*   DIDITB: Table of F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
3712 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
3713 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. Additionally, */
3714 /*           table DIDITB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) - F(0,-vj), */
3715 /*           and table DIDITB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) - F(-ui,0). */
3717 /*   OUTPUT ARGUMENTS  */
3718 /*     --------------- */
3719 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of polynom P(u,v) of approximation */
3720 /*           of F(u,v) with eventually taking into account of */
3721 /*           constraints. P(u,v) is of degree (NDJACU,NDJACV). */
3722 /*           This table contains other coeff if ITYDEC = 0. */
3723 /*   ERRMAX: For 1<=i<=NBSESP, ERRMAX(i) contains max errors */
3724 /*           on each of sub-spaces SI ITYDEC = 0. */
3725 /*   ERRMOY: Contains average errors for each of NBSESP sub-spaces SI ITYDEC = 0. */
3726 /*   NDEGPU: Degree by U for square PATJAC. Valable if ITYDEC=0. */
3727 /*   NDEGPV: Degree by V for square PATJAC. Valable if ITYDEC=0. */
3728 /*   ITYDEC: Shows if it is NECESSARY to cut again function F(u,v). */
3729 /*           = 0, it is not NECESSARY to cut anything, PATJAC is OK. */
3730 /*           = 1, it is NECESSARY to cut only by U (i.e. insert parameter of cutting Ui). */
3731 /*           = 2, it is NECESSARY to cut only by V (i.e. insert parameter of cutting Vj). */
3732 /*           = 3, it is NECESSARY to cut both by U AND by V. */
3733 /*   IERCOD: Error code. */
3734 /*           =  0, Everything is OK. */
3735 /*           = -1, There is the best possible solution, but the */
3736 /*                 user tolerance is not satisfactory (3*only) */
3737 /*           =  1, Incoherent entries. */
3739 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
3740 /*     ---------------- */
3742 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
3743 /*     --------------------- */
3746 /*     ------------------------------- */
3748 /* > */
3749 /* **********************************************************************
3750 */
3751 /*   Name of the routine */
3754 /* --------------------------- Initialisations --------------------------
3755 */
3757     /* Parameter adjustments */
3758     --errmoy;
3759     --errmax;
3760     --epsapr;
3761     --ndimse;
3762     patjac_dim1 = *ndjacu + 1;
3763     patjac_dim2 = *ndjacv + 1;
3764     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
3765     patjac -= patjac_offset;
3766     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
3767     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3768     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
3769     diditb -= diditb_offset;
3770     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
3771     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
3772     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3773     soditb -= soditb_offset;
3774     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
3775     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
3776     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
3777     disotb -= disotb_offset;
3778     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
3779     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
3780     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
3781     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
3783     /* Function Body */
3784     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
3785     if (ldbg) {
3786 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CE1", 7L);
3787     }
3788     *iercod = 0;
3789     iofwr = 0;
3791     isz1 = (*nbpntu / 2 + 1) * (*ndjacu - ((*iordru + 1) << 1) + 1);
3792     isz2 = (*nbpntv / 2 + 1) * (*ndjacv - ((*iordrv + 1) << 1) + 1);
3793     isz3 = (*nbpntv / 2 + 1) * (*ndjacu - ((*iordru + 1) << 1) + 1) * *ndimen;
3794     isz4 = *nbpntv / 2 * (*ndjacu - ((*iordru + 1) << 1) + 1) * *ndimen;
3795     isz5 = *ndjacu + 1 - ((*iordru + 1) << 1);
3796     isz6 = *ndjacv + 1 - ((*iordrv + 1) << 1);
3797     isz7 = *ndimen << 2;
3798     iszwr = isz1 + isz2 + isz3 + isz4 + isz5 + isz6 + isz7;
3799     AdvApp2Var_SysBase anAdvApp2Var_SysBase;
3800     anAdvApp2Var_SysBase.mcrrqst_(&c__8, &iszwr, wrkar, &iofwr, &ier);
3801     wrkar_off = reinterpret_cast<double*> (iofwr * sizeof(double));
3802     if (ier > 0) {
3803 	goto L9013;
3804     }
3805     ipt1 = isz1;
3806     ipt2 = ipt1 + isz2;
3807     ipt3 = ipt2 + isz3;
3808     ipt4 = ipt3 + isz4;
3809     ipt5 = ipt4 + isz5;
3810     ipt6 = ipt5 + isz6;
3812 /* ----------------- Return Gauss coefficients of integration ----------------
3813 */
3815     AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mmapptt_(ndjacu, nbpntu, iordru, wrkar_off, iercod);
3816     if (*iercod > 0) {
3817 	goto L9999;
3818     }
3819     AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mmapptt_(ndjacv, nbpntv, iordrv, &wrkar_off[ipt1], iercod);
3820     if (*iercod > 0) {
3821 	goto L9999;
3822     }
3824 /* ------------------- Return max polynoms of  Jacobi ------------
3825 */
3827     AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2jmx_(ndjacu, iordru, &wrkar_off[ipt5]);
3828     AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2jmx_(ndjacv, iordrv, &wrkar_off[ipt5]);
3830 /* ------ Calculate the coefficients and their contribution to the error ----
3831 */
3833     mma2ce2_(numdec, ndimen, nbsesp, &ndimse[1], ndminu, ndminv, ndguli,
3834 	    ndgvli, ndjacu, ndjacv, iordru, iordrv, nbpntu, nbpntv, &epsapr[1],
3835 	    &sosotb[sosotb_offset], &disotb[disotb_offset], &soditb[soditb_offset],
3836 	    &diditb[diditb_offset], wrkar_off, &wrkar_off[ipt1],
3837 	    &wrkar_off[ipt4], &wrkar_off[ipt5], &wrkar_off[ipt6], &wrkar_off[ipt2],
3838 	    &wrkar_off[ipt3], &patjac[patjac_offset], &errmax[1], &errmoy[1], ndegpu,
3839 	    ndegpv, itydec, iercod);
3840     if (*iercod > 0) {
3841 	goto L9999;
3842     }
3843     goto L9999;
3845 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
3846 */
3848 L9013:
3849     *iercod = 13;
3850     goto L9999;
3852 L9999:
3853     if (iofwr != 0) {
3854 	anAdvApp2Var_SysBase.mcrdelt_(&c__8, &iszwr, wrkar, &iofwr, &ier);
3855     }
3856     if (ier > 0) {
3857 	*iercod = 13;
3858     }
3859     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA2CE1", iercod, 7L);
3860     if (ldbg) {
3861 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CE1", 7L);
3862     }
3863     return 0;
3864 } /* mma2ce1_ */
3866 //=======================================================================
3867 //function : mma2ce2_
3868 //purpose  :
3869 //=======================================================================
mma2ce2_(integer * numdec,integer * ndimen,integer * nbsesp,integer * ndimse,integer * ndminu,integer * ndminv,integer * ndguli,integer * ndgvli,integer * ndjacu,integer * ndjacv,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,integer * nbpntu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * epsapr,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * diditb,doublereal * gssutb,doublereal * gssvtb,doublereal * xmaxju,doublereal * xmaxjv,doublereal * vecerr,doublereal * chpair,doublereal * chimpr,doublereal * patjac,doublereal * errmax,doublereal * errmoy,integer * ndegpu,integer * ndegpv,integer * itydec,integer * iercod)3870 int mma2ce2_(integer *numdec,
3871 	     integer *ndimen,
3872 	     integer *nbsesp,
3873 	     integer *ndimse,
3874 	     integer *ndminu,
3875 	     integer *ndminv,
3876 	     integer *ndguli,
3877 	     integer *ndgvli,
3878 	     integer *ndjacu,
3879 	     integer *ndjacv,
3880 	     integer *iordru,
3881 	     integer *iordrv,
3882 	     integer *nbpntu,
3883 	     integer *nbpntv,
3884 	     doublereal *epsapr,
3885 	     doublereal *sosotb,
3886 	     doublereal *disotb,
3887 	     doublereal *soditb,
3888 	     doublereal *diditb,
3889 	     doublereal *gssutb,
3890 	     doublereal *gssvtb,
3891 	     doublereal *xmaxju,
3892 	     doublereal *xmaxjv,
3893 	     doublereal *vecerr,
3894 	     doublereal *chpair,
3895 	     doublereal *chimpr,
3896 	     doublereal *patjac,
3897 	     doublereal *errmax,
3898 	     doublereal *errmoy,
3899 	     integer *ndegpu,
3900 	     integer *ndegpv,
3901 	     integer *itydec,
3902 	     integer *iercod)
3904 {
3905   /* System generated locals */
3906   integer sosotb_dim1, sosotb_dim2, sosotb_offset, disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2,
3907   disotb_offset, soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset,
3908   diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2, diditb_offset, gssutb_dim1, gssvtb_dim1,
3909   chpair_dim1, chpair_dim2, chpair_offset, chimpr_dim1,
3910   chimpr_dim2, chimpr_offset, patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2,
3911   patjac_offset, vecerr_dim1, vecerr_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
3913   /* Local variables */
3914   logical ldbg;
3915   integer idim, igsu, minu, minv, maxu, maxv, igsv;
3916   doublereal vaux[3];
3917   integer i2rdu, i2rdv, ndses, nd, ii, jj, kk, nu, nv;
3918   doublereal zu, zv;
3919   integer nu1, nv1;
3921 /* **********************************************************************
3922 */
3923 /*     FUNCTION : */
3924 /*     ---------- */
3925 /*     Calculation of coefficients of polynomial approximation of degree */
3926 /*     (NDJACU,NDJACV) of a function F(u,v), starting from its */
3927 /*     discretization on roots of Legendre polynom of degree  */
3928 /*     NBPNTU by U and NBPNTV by V. */
3930 /*     KEYWORDS : */
3931 /*     ----------- */
3934 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
3935 /*     ------------------ */
3936 /*   NUMDEC: Indicates if it is POSSIBLE to cut function F(u,v). */
3937 /*           = 5, It is POSSIBLE to cut by U or by V or in both directions simultaneously. */
3938 /*           = 4, It is POSSIBLE to cut by U or by V BUT NOT in both  */
3939 /*                directions simultaneously (cutting by V is preferable). */
3940 /*           = 3, It is POSSIBLE to cut by U or by V BUT NOT in both */
3941 /*                directions simultaneously (cutting by U is preferable). */
3942 /*           = 2, It is POSSIBLE to cut only by V (i.e. insert parameter */
3943 /*                of cutting Vj). */
3944 /*           = 1, It is POSSIBLE to cut only by U (i.e. insert parameter */
3945 /*                of cutting Ui). */
3946 /*           = 0, It is not POSSIBLE to cut anything */
3947 /*   NDIMEN: Total dimension of the space. */
3948 /*   NBSESP: Nb of independent sub-spaces on which the errors are calculated. */
3949 /*   NDIMSE: Table of dimensions of each of sub-spaces. */
3950 /*   NDMINU: Minimum degree by U to be preserved for the approximation. */
3951 /*   NDMINV: Minimum degree by V to be preserved for the approximation. */
3952 /*   NDGULI: Limit of nb of coefficients by U of the solution. */
3953 /*   NDGVLI: Limit of nb of coefficients by V of the solution. */
3954 /*   NDJACU: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by U. */
3955 /*           The representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
3956 /*           0 to degree NDJACU-2*(IORDRU+1). The polynomial base is the base of  */
3957 /*           Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2. */
3958 /*           It is required that 2*IORDRU+1 <= NDMINU <= NDGULI < NDJACU */
3959 /*   NDJACV: Max degree of the polynom of approximation by V. */
3960 /*           The representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
3961 /*           0 to degree NDJACV-2*(IORDRV+1). The polynomial base is */
3962 /*           the base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
3963 /*           It is required that 2*IORDRV+1 <= NDMINV <= NDGVLI < NDJACV */
3964 /*   IORDRU: Order of the Jacobi base (-1,0,1 or 2) by U. Corresponds */
3965 /*           to the step of constraints C0, C1 or C2. */
3966 /*   IORDRV: Order of the Jacobi base (-1,0,1 or 2) by U. Corresponds */
3967 /*           to the step of constraints C0, C1 or C2. */
3968 /*   NBPNTU: Degree of Legendre polynom on  the roots which of are */
3969 /*           calculated the coefficients of integration by u */
3970 /*           by Gauss method. It is required that NBPNTU = 30, 40, */
3971 /*           50 or 61 and NDJACU-2*(IORDRU+1) < NBPNTU. */
3972 /*   NBPNTV: Degree of Legendre polynom on  the roots which of are */
3973 /*           calculated the coefficients of integration by u */
3974 /*           by Gauss method. It is required that NBPNTV = 30, 40, */
3975 /*           50 or 61 and NDJACV-2*(IORDRV+1) < NBPNTV. */
3976 /*   EPSAPR: Table of NBSESP tolerances imposed on each sub-spaces. */
3977 /*   SOSOTB: Table of F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
3978 /*           with ui and vj - positive roots of the Legendre polynom */
3979 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. Additionally, */
3980 /*           table SOSOTB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) + F(0,-vj), */
3981 /*           table SOSOTB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) + F(-ui,0) and */
3982 /*           SOSOTB(0,0) contains F(0,0). */
3983 /*   DISOTB: Table of F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
3984 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
3985 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3986 /*   SODITB: Table of F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
3987 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
3988 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
3989 /*   DIDITB: Table of F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
3990 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
3991 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. Additionally, */
3992 /*           table DIDITB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) - F(0,-vj), */
3993 /*           and table DIDITB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) - F(-ui,0). */
3994 /*   GSSUTB: Table of coefficients of integration by Gauss method */
3995 /*           by U: i varies from 0 to NBPNTU/2 and k varies from 0 to */
3996 /*           NDJACU-2*(IORDRU+1). */
3997 /*   GSSVTB: Table of coefficients of integration by Gauss method */
3998 /*           by V: i varies from 0 to NBPNTV/2 and k varies from 0 to */
3999 /*           NDJACV-2*(IORDRV+1). */
4000 /*   XMAXJU: Maximum value of Jacobi polynoms of order IORDRU, */
4001 /*           from degree 0 to degree NDJACU - 2*(IORDRU+1) */
4002 /*   XMAXJV: Maximum value of Jacobi polynoms of order IORDRV, */
4003 /*           from degree 0 to degree NDJACV - 2*(IORDRV+1) */
4005 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
4006 /*     ------------------- */
4007 /*   VECERR: Auxiliary table. */
4008 /*   CHPAIR: Auxiliary table of terms connected to degree NDJACU by U */
4009 /*           to calculate the coeff. of approximation of EVEN degree by V. */
4010 /*   CHIMPR: Auxiliary table of terms connected to degree NDJACU by U */
4011 /*           to calculate the coeff. of approximation of UNEVEN degree by V. */
4012 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients of polynom P(u,v) of approximation */
4013 /*           of F(u,v) with eventually taking into account of */
4014 /*           constraints. P(u,v) is of degree (NDJACU,NDJACV). */
4015 /*           This table contains other coeff if ITYDEC = 0. */
4016 /*   ERRMAX: For 1<=i<=NBSESP, ERRMAX(i) contains max errors */
4017 /*           on each of sub-spaces SI ITYDEC = 0. */
4018 /*   ERRMOY: Contains average errors for each of NBSESP sub-spaces SI ITYDEC = 0. */
4019 /*   NDEGPU: Degree by U for square PATJAC. Valable if ITYDEC=0. */
4020 /*   NDEGPV: Degree by V for square PATJAC. Valable if ITYDEC=0. */
4021 /*   ITYDEC: Shows if it is NECESSARY to cut again function F(u,v). */
4022 /*           = 0, it is not NECESSARY to cut anything, PATJAC is OK. */
4023 /*           = 1, it is NECESSARY to cut only by U (i.e. insert parameter of cutting Ui). */
4024 /*           = 2, it is NECESSARY to cut only by V (i.e. insert parameter of cutting Vj). */
4025 /*           = 3, it is NECESSARY to cut both by U AND by V. */
4026 /*   IERCOD: Error code. */
4027 /*           =  0, Everything is OK. */
4028 /*           = -1, There is the best possible solution, but the */
4029 /*                 user tolerance is not satisfactory (3*only) */
4030 /*           =  1, Incoherent entries. */
4032 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
4033 /*     ---------------- */
4035 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
4036 /*     --------------------- */
4039 /* > */
4040 /* **********************************************************************
4041 */
4042 /*   Name of the routine */
4045 /* --------------------------- Initialisations --------------------------
4046 */
4048     /* Parameter adjustments */
4049     vecerr_dim1 = *ndimen;
4050     vecerr_offset = vecerr_dim1 + 1;
4051     vecerr -= vecerr_offset;
4052     --errmoy;
4053     --errmax;
4054     --epsapr;
4055     --ndimse;
4056     patjac_dim1 = *ndjacu + 1;
4057     patjac_dim2 = *ndjacv + 1;
4058     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
4059     patjac -= patjac_offset;
4060     gssutb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
4061     chimpr_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2;
4062     chimpr_dim2 = *ndjacu - ((*iordru + 1) << 1) + 1;
4063     chimpr_offset = chimpr_dim1 * chimpr_dim2 + 1;
4064     chimpr -= chimpr_offset;
4065     chpair_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
4066     chpair_dim2 = *ndjacu - ((*iordru + 1) << 1) + 1;
4067     chpair_offset = chpair_dim1 * chpair_dim2;
4068     chpair -= chpair_offset;
4069     gssvtb_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
4070     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
4071     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
4072     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
4073     diditb -= diditb_offset;
4074     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
4075     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
4076     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
4077     soditb -= soditb_offset;
4078     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
4079     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
4080     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
4081     disotb -= disotb_offset;
4082     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
4083     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
4084     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
4085     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
4087     /* Function Body */
4088     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
4089     if (ldbg) {
4090 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CE2", 7L);
4091     }
4092 /* --> A priori everything is OK */
4093     *iercod = 0;
4094 /* --> test of inputs */
4095     if (*numdec < 0 || *numdec > 5) {
4096 	goto L9001;
4097     }
4098     if ((*iordru << 1) + 1 > *ndminu) {
4099 	goto L9001;
4100     }
4101     if (*ndminu > *ndguli) {
4102 	goto L9001;
4103     }
4104     if (*ndguli >= *ndjacu) {
4105 	goto L9001;
4106     }
4107     if ((*iordrv << 1) + 1 > *ndminv) {
4108 	goto L9001;
4109     }
4110     if (*ndminv > *ndgvli) {
4111 	goto L9001;
4112     }
4113     if (*ndgvli >= *ndjacv) {
4114 	goto L9001;
4115     }
4116 /* --> A priori, no cuts to be done */
4117     *itydec = 0;
4118 /* --> Min. degrees to return: NDMINU,NDMINV */
4119     *ndegpu = *ndminu;
4120     *ndegpv = *ndminv;
4121 /* --> For the moment, max errors are null */
4122     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(nbsesp, &errmax[1]);
4123     nd = *ndimen << 2;
4124     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&nd, &vecerr[vecerr_offset]);
4125 /* --> and the square, too. */
4126     nd = (*ndjacu + 1) * (*ndjacv + 1) * *ndimen;
4127     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&nd, &patjac[patjac_offset]);
4129     i2rdu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
4130     i2rdv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
4132 /* **********************************************************************
4133 */
4134 /* -------------------- HERE IT IS POSSIBLE TO CUT ----------------------
4135 */
4136 /* **********************************************************************
4137 */
4139     if (*numdec > 0 && *numdec <= 5) {
4141 /* ******************************************************************
4142 **** */
4143 /* ---------------------- Calculate coeff of zone 4 -------------
4144 ---- */
4146 	minu = *ndguli + 1;
4147 	maxu = *ndjacu;
4148 	minv = *ndgvli + 1;
4149 	maxv = *ndjacv;
4150 	if (minu > maxu) {
4151 	    goto L9001;
4152 	}
4153 	if (minv > maxv) {
4154 	    goto L9001;
4155 	}
4157 /* ---------------- Calculate the terms connected to degree by U ---------
4158 ---- */
4160 	i__1 = *ndimen;
4161 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4162 	    i__2 = maxu;
4163 	    for (kk = minu; kk <= i__2; ++kk) {
4164 		igsu = kk - i2rdu;
4165 		mma2cfu_(&kk, nbpntu, nbpntv, &sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 *
4166 			sosotb_dim1], &disotb[(nd * disotb_dim2 + 1) *
4167 			disotb_dim1 + 1], &soditb[(nd * soditb_dim2 + 1) *
4168 			soditb_dim1 + 1], &diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 *
4169 			diditb_dim1], &gssutb[igsu * gssutb_dim1], &chpair[(
4170 			igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) * chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(
4171 			igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) * chimpr_dim1 + 1]);
4172 /* L110: */
4173 	    }
4174 /* L100: */
4175 	}
4177 /* ------------------- Calculate the coefficients of PATJAC ------------
4178 ---- */
4180 	igsu = minu - i2rdu;
4181 	i__1 = maxv;
4182 	for (jj = minv; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
4183 	    igsv = jj - i2rdv;
4184 	    i__2 = *ndimen;
4185 	    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
4186 		mma2cfv_(&jj, &minu, &maxu, nbpntv, &gssvtb[igsv *
4187 			gssvtb_dim1], &chpair[(igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) *
4188 			chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) *
4189 			chimpr_dim1 + 1], &patjac[minu + (jj + nd *
4190 			patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1]);
4191 /* L130: */
4192 	    }
4194 /* ----- Contribution of calculated terms to the approximation error  */
4195 /* for terms (I,J) with MINU <= I <= MAXU, J fixe. */
4197 	    idim = 1;
4198 	    i__2 = *nbsesp;
4199 	    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
4200 		ndses = ndimse[nd];
4201 		mma2er1_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &minu, &maxu, &jj, &jj,
4202 			iordru, iordrv, xmaxju, xmaxjv, &patjac[idim *
4203 			patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1], &vecerr[vecerr_dim1 + 1],
4204 			&vecerr[nd + (vecerr_dim1 << 2)]);
4205 		if (vecerr[nd + (vecerr_dim1 << 2)] > epsapr[nd]) {
4206 		    goto L9300;
4207 		}
4208 		idim += ndses;
4209 /* L140: */
4210 	    }
4211 /* L120: */
4212 	}
4214 /* ******************************************************************
4215 **** */
4216 /* ---------------------- Calculate the coeff of zone 2 -------------
4217 ---- */
4219 	minu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
4220 	maxu = *ndguli;
4221 	minv = *ndgvli + 1;
4222 	maxv = *ndjacv;
4224 /* --> If zone 2 is empty, pass to zone 3. */
4225 /*    VECERR(ND,2) was already set to zero. */
4226 	if (minu > maxu) {
4227 	    goto L300;
4228 	}
4230 /* ---------------- Calculate the terms connected to degree by U ------------
4231 ---- */
4233 	i__1 = *ndimen;
4234 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4235 	    i__2 = maxu;
4236 	    for (kk = minu; kk <= i__2; ++kk) {
4237 		igsu = kk - i2rdu;
4238 		mma2cfu_(&kk, nbpntu, nbpntv, &sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 *
4239 			sosotb_dim1], &disotb[(nd * disotb_dim2 + 1) *
4240 			disotb_dim1 + 1], &soditb[(nd * soditb_dim2 + 1) *
4241 			soditb_dim1 + 1], &diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 *
4242 			diditb_dim1], &gssutb[igsu * gssutb_dim1], &chpair[(
4243 			igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) * chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(
4244 			igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) * chimpr_dim1 + 1]);
4245 /* L210: */
4246 	    }
4247 /* L200: */
4248 	}
4250 /* ------------------- Calculate the coefficients of PATJAC ------------
4251 ---- */
4253 	igsu = minu - i2rdu;
4254 	i__1 = maxv;
4255 	for (jj = minv; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
4256 	    igsv = jj - i2rdv;
4257 	    i__2 = *ndimen;
4258 	    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
4259 		mma2cfv_(&jj, &minu, &maxu, nbpntv, &gssvtb[igsv *
4260 			gssvtb_dim1], &chpair[(igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) *
4261 			chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) *
4262 			chimpr_dim1 + 1], &patjac[minu + (jj + nd *
4263 			patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1]);
4264 /* L230: */
4265 	    }
4266 /* L220: */
4267 	}
4269 /* -----Contribution of calculated terms to the approximation error  */
4270 /* for terms (I,J) with MINU <= I <= MAXU, MINV <= J <= MAXV */
4272 	idim = 1;
4273 	i__1 = *nbsesp;
4274 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4275 	    ndses = ndimse[nd];
4276 	    mma2er1_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &minu, &maxu, &minv, &maxv,
4277 		    iordru, iordrv, xmaxju, xmaxjv, &patjac[idim *
4278 		    patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1], &vecerr[vecerr_dim1 + 1], &
4279 		    vecerr[nd + (vecerr_dim1 << 1)]);
4280 	    idim += ndses;
4281 /* L240: */
4282 	}
4284 /* ******************************************************************
4285 **** */
4286 /* ---------------------- Calculation of coeff of zone 3 -------------
4287 ---- */
4289 L300:
4290 	minu = *ndguli + 1;
4291 	maxu = *ndjacu;
4292 	minv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
4293 	maxv = *ndgvli;
4295 /* -> If zone 3 is empty, pass to the test of cutting. */
4296 /*    VECERR(ND,3) was already set to zero */
4297 	if (minv > maxv) {
4298 	    goto L400;
4299 	}
4301 /* ----------- The terms connected to the degree by U are already calculated -----
4302 ---- */
4303 /* ------------------- Calculation of coefficients of PATJAC ------------
4304 ---- */
4306 	igsu = minu - i2rdu;
4307 	i__1 = maxv;
4308 	for (jj = minv; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
4309 	    igsv = jj - i2rdv;
4310 	    i__2 = *ndimen;
4311 	    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
4312 		mma2cfv_(&jj, &minu, &maxu, nbpntv, &gssvtb[igsv *
4313 			gssvtb_dim1], &chpair[(igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) *
4314 			chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) *
4315 			chimpr_dim1 + 1], &patjac[minu + (jj + nd *
4316 			patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1]);
4317 /* L330: */
4318 	    }
4319 /* L320: */
4320 	}
4322 /* ----- Contribution of calculated terms to the approximation error */
4323 /* for terms (I,J) with MINU <= I <= MAXU, MINV <= J <= MAXV. */
4325 	idim = 1;
4326 	i__1 = *nbsesp;
4327 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4328 	    ndses = ndimse[nd];
4329 	    mma2er1_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &minu, &maxu, &minv, &maxv,
4330 		    iordru, iordrv, xmaxju, xmaxjv, &patjac[idim *
4331 		    patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1], &vecerr[vecerr_dim1 + 1], &
4332 		    vecerr[nd + vecerr_dim1 * 3]);
4333 	    idim += ndses;
4334 /* L340: */
4335 	}
4337 /* ******************************************************************
4338 **** */
4339 /* --------------------------- Tests of cutting ---------------------
4340 ---- */
4342 L400:
4343 	i__1 = *nbsesp;
4344 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4345 	    vaux[0] = vecerr[nd + (vecerr_dim1 << 1)];
4346 	    vaux[1] = vecerr[nd + (vecerr_dim1 << 2)];
4347 	    vaux[2] = vecerr[nd + vecerr_dim1 * 3];
4348 	    ii = 3;
4349 	    errmax[nd] = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(&ii, vaux);
4350 	    if (errmax[nd] > epsapr[nd]) {
4351 		ii = 2;
4352 		zv = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(&ii, vaux);
4353 		zu = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(&ii, &vaux[1]);
4354 		if (zu > epsapr[nd] && zv > epsapr[nd]) {
4355 		    goto L9300;
4356 		}
4357 		if (zu > zv) {
4358 		    goto L9100;
4359 		} else {
4360 		    goto L9200;
4361 		}
4362 	    }
4363 /* L410: */
4364 	}
4366 /* ******************************************************************
4367 **** */
4368 /* --- OK, the square is valid, the coeff of zone 1 are calculated
4369 ---- */
4371 	minu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
4372 	maxu = *ndguli;
4373 	minv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
4374 	maxv = *ndgvli;
4376 /* --> If zone 1 is empty, pass to the calculation of Max and Average error. */
4377 	if (minu > maxu || minv > maxv) {
4378 	    goto L600;
4379 	}
4381 /* ----------- The terms connected to degree by U are already calculated -----
4382 ---- */
4383 /* ------------------- Calculate the coefficients of PATJAC ------------
4384 ---- */
4386 	igsu = minu - i2rdu;
4387 	i__1 = maxv;
4388 	for (jj = minv; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
4389 	    igsv = jj - i2rdv;
4390 	    i__2 = *ndimen;
4391 	    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__2; ++nd) {
4392 		mma2cfv_(&jj, &minu, &maxu, nbpntv, &gssvtb[igsv *
4393 			gssvtb_dim1], &chpair[(igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) *
4394 			chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) *
4395 			chimpr_dim1 + 1], &patjac[minu + (jj + nd *
4396 			patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1]);
4397 /* L530: */
4398 	    }
4399 /* L520: */
4400 	}
4402 /* --------------- Now the degree is maximally lowered --------
4403 ---- */
4405 L600:
4406 /* Computing MAX */
4407 	i__1 = 1, i__2 = (*iordru << 1) + 1, i__1 = advapp_max(i__1,i__2);
4408 	minu = advapp_max(i__1,*ndminu);
4409 	maxu = *ndguli;
4410 /* Computing MAX */
4411 	i__1 = 1, i__2 = (*iordrv << 1) + 1, i__1 = advapp_max(i__1,i__2);
4412 	minv = advapp_max(i__1,*ndminv);
4413 	maxv = *ndgvli;
4414 	idim = 1;
4415 	i__1 = *nbsesp;
4416 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4417 	    ndses = ndimse[nd];
4418 	    if (maxu >= (*iordru + 1) << 1 && maxv >= (*iordrv + 1) << 1) {
4419 		mma2er2_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &minu, &maxu, &minv, &maxv,
4420 			iordru, iordrv, xmaxju, xmaxjv, &patjac[idim *
4421 			patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1], &epsapr[nd], &vecerr[
4422 			vecerr_dim1 + 1], &errmax[nd], &nu, &nv);
4423 	    } else {
4424 		nu = maxu;
4425 		nv = maxv;
4426 	    }
4427 	    nu1 = nu + 1;
4428 	    nv1 = nv + 1;
4430 /* --> Calculate the average error. */
4431 	    mma2moy_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &nu1, ndjacu, &nv1, ndjacv,
4432 		    iordru, iordrv, &patjac[idim * patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1],
4433 		     &errmoy[nd]);
4435 /* --> Set to 0.D0 the rejected coeffs. */
4436 	    i__2 = idim + ndses - 1;
4437 	    for (ii = idim; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
4438 		i__3 = *ndjacv;
4439 		for (jj = nv1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
4440 		    i__4 = *ndjacu;
4441 		    for (kk = nu1; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
4442 			patjac[kk + (jj + ii * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1] =
4443 				0.;
4444 /* L640: */
4445 		    }
4446 /* L630: */
4447 		}
4448 /* L620: */
4449 	    }
4451 /* --> Return the nb of coeffs of approximation. */
4452 	    *ndegpu = advapp_max(*ndegpu,nu);
4453 	    *ndegpv = advapp_max(*ndegpv,nv);
4454 	    idim += ndses;
4455 /* L610: */
4456 	}
4458 /* ******************************************************************
4459 **** */
4460 /* -------------------- IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CUT -------------------
4461 ---- */
4462 /* ******************************************************************
4463 **** */
4465     } else {
4466 	minu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
4467 	maxu = *ndjacu;
4468 	minv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
4469 	maxv = *ndjacv;
4471 /* ---------------- Calculate the terms connected to the degree by U ------------
4472 ---- */
4474 	i__1 = *ndimen;
4475 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4476 	    i__2 = maxu;
4477 	    for (kk = minu; kk <= i__2; ++kk) {
4478 		igsu = kk - i2rdu;
4479 		mma2cfu_(&kk, nbpntu, nbpntv, &sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 *
4480 			sosotb_dim1], &disotb[(nd * disotb_dim2 + 1) *
4481 			disotb_dim1 + 1], &soditb[(nd * soditb_dim2 + 1) *
4482 			soditb_dim1 + 1], &diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 *
4483 			diditb_dim1], &gssutb[igsu * gssutb_dim1], &chpair[(
4484 			igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) * chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(
4485 			igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) * chimpr_dim1 + 1]);
4486 /* L710: */
4487 	    }
4489 /* ---------------------- Calculate all coefficients -------
4490 -------- */
4492 	    igsu = minu - i2rdu;
4493 	    i__2 = maxv;
4494 	    for (jj = minv; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
4495 		igsv = jj - i2rdv;
4496 		mma2cfv_(&jj, &minu, &maxu, nbpntv, &gssvtb[igsv *
4497 			gssvtb_dim1], &chpair[(igsu + nd * chpair_dim2) *
4498 			chpair_dim1], &chimpr[(igsu + nd * chimpr_dim2) *
4499 			chimpr_dim1 + 1], &patjac[minu + (jj + nd *
4500 			patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1]);
4501 /* L720: */
4502 	    }
4503 /* L700: */
4504 	}
4506 /* ----- Contribution of calculated terms to the approximation error */
4507 /* for  terms (I,J) with MINU <= I <= MAXU, MINV <= J <= MAXV */
4509 	idim = 1;
4510 	i__1 = *nbsesp;
4511 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
4512 	    ndses = ndimse[nd];
4513 	    minu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
4514 	    maxu = *ndjacu;
4515 	    minv = *ndgvli + 1;
4516 	    maxv = *ndjacv;
4517 	    mma2er1_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &minu, &maxu, &minv, &maxv,
4518 		    iordru, iordrv, xmaxju, xmaxjv, &patjac[idim *
4519 		    patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1], &vecerr[vecerr_dim1 + 1], &
4520 		    errmax[nd]);
4521 	    minu = *ndguli + 1;
4522 	    maxu = *ndjacu;
4523 	    minv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
4524 	    maxv = *ndgvli;
4525 	    if (minv <= maxv) {
4526 		mma2er1_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &minu, &maxu, &minv, &maxv,
4527 			iordru, iordrv, xmaxju, xmaxjv, &patjac[idim *
4528 			patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1], &vecerr[vecerr_dim1 + 1],
4529 			&errmax[nd]);
4530 	    }
4532 /* ---------------------------- IF ERRMAX > EPSAPR, stop --------
4533 -------- */
4535 	    if (errmax[nd] > epsapr[nd]) {
4536 		*iercod = -1;
4537 		nu = *ndguli;
4538 		nv = *ndgvli;
4540 /* ------------- Otherwise, try to remove again the coeff
4541 ------------ */
4543 	    } else {
4544 /* Computing MAX */
4545 		i__2 = 1, i__3 = (*iordru << 1) + 1, i__2 = advapp_max(i__2,i__3);
4546 		minu = advapp_max(i__2,*ndminu);
4547 		maxu = *ndguli;
4548 /* Computing MAX */
4549 		i__2 = 1, i__3 = (*iordrv << 1) + 1, i__2 = advapp_max(i__2,i__3);
4550 		minv = advapp_max(i__2,*ndminv);
4551 		maxv = *ndgvli;
4552 		if (maxu >= (*iordru + 1) << 1 && maxv >= (*iordrv + 1) << 1) {
4553 		    mma2er2_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &minu, &maxu, &minv, &
4554 			    maxv, iordru, iordrv, xmaxju, xmaxjv, &patjac[
4555 			    idim * patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1], &epsapr[nd], &
4556 			    vecerr[vecerr_dim1 + 1], &errmax[nd], &nu, &nv);
4557 		} else {
4558 		    nu = maxu;
4559 		    nv = maxv;
4560 		}
4561 	    }
4563 /* --------------------- Calculate the average error -------------
4564 -------- */
4566 	    nu1 = nu + 1;
4567 	    nv1 = nv + 1;
4568 	    mma2moy_(ndjacu, ndjacv, &ndses, &nu1, ndjacu, &nv1, ndjacv,
4569 		    iordru, iordrv, &patjac[idim * patjac_dim2 * patjac_dim1],
4570 		     &errmoy[nd]);
4572 /* --------------------- Set to 0.D0 the rejected coeffs ----------
4573 -------- */
4575 	    i__2 = idim + ndses - 1;
4576 	    for (ii = idim; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
4577 		i__3 = *ndjacv;
4578 		for (jj = nv1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) {
4579 		    i__4 = *ndjacu;
4580 		    for (kk = nu1; kk <= i__4; ++kk) {
4581 			patjac[kk + (jj + ii * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1] =
4582 				0.;
4583 /* L760: */
4584 		    }
4585 /* L750: */
4586 		}
4587 /* L740: */
4588 	    }
4590 /* --------------- Return the nb of coeff of approximation ---
4591 -------- */
4593 	    *ndegpu = advapp_max(*ndegpu,nu);
4594 	    *ndegpv = advapp_max(*ndegpv,nv);
4595 	    idim += ndses;
4596 /* L730: */
4597 	}
4598     }
4600     goto L9999;
4602 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
4603 */
4604 /* --> Error in inputs */
4605 L9001:
4606     *iercod = 1;
4607     goto L9999;
4609 /* --------- Management of cuts, it is required 0 < NUMDEC <= 5 -------
4610 */
4612 /* --> Here it is possible and necessary to cut, choose by U if it is possible */
4613 L9100:
4614     if (*numdec <= 0 || *numdec > 5) {
4615 	goto L9001;
4616     }
4617     if (*numdec != 2) {
4618 	*itydec = 1;
4619     } else {
4620 	*itydec = 2;
4621     }
4622     goto L9999;
4623 /* --> Here it is possible and necessary to cut, choose by U if it is possible */
4624 L9200:
4625     if (*numdec <= 0 || *numdec > 5) {
4626 	goto L9001;
4627     }
4628     if (*numdec != 1) {
4629 	*itydec = 2;
4630     } else {
4631 	*itydec = 1;
4632     }
4633     goto L9999;
4634 /* --> Here it is possible and necessary to cut, choose by 4 if it is possible */
4635 L9300:
4636     if (*numdec <= 0 || *numdec > 5) {
4637 	goto L9001;
4638     }
4639     if (*numdec == 5) {
4640 	*itydec = 3;
4641     } else if (*numdec == 2 || *numdec == 4) {
4642 	*itydec = 2;
4643     } else if (*numdec == 1 || *numdec == 3) {
4644 	*itydec = 1;
4645     } else {
4646 	goto L9001;
4647     }
4648     goto L9999;
4650 L9999:
4651     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA2CE2", iercod, 7L);
4652     if (ldbg) {
4653 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CE2", 7L);
4654     }
4655     return 0;
4656 } /* mma2ce2_ */
4658 //=======================================================================
4659 //function : mma2cfu_
4660 //purpose  :
4661 //=======================================================================
mma2cfu_(integer * ndujac,integer * nbpntu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * diditb,doublereal * gssutb,doublereal * chpair,doublereal * chimpr)4662 int mma2cfu_(integer *ndujac,
4663 	     integer *nbpntu,
4664 	     integer *nbpntv,
4665 	     doublereal *sosotb,
4666 	     doublereal *disotb,
4667 	     doublereal *soditb,
4668 	     doublereal *diditb,
4669 	     doublereal *gssutb,
4670 	     doublereal *chpair,
4671 	     doublereal *chimpr)
4673 {
4674   /* System generated locals */
4675   integer sosotb_dim1, disotb_dim1, disotb_offset, soditb_dim1,
4676   soditb_offset, diditb_dim1, i__1, i__2;
4678   /* Local variables */
4679   logical ldbg;
4680   integer nptu2, nptv2, ii, jj;
4681   doublereal bid0, bid1, bid2;
4683 /* **********************************************************************
4684 */
4686 /*     FUNCTION : */
4687 /*     ---------- */
4688 /*     Calculate the terms connected to degree NDUJAC by U of the polynomial approximation */
4689 /*     of function F(u,v), starting from its discretisation */
4690 /*     on the roots of Legendre polynom of degree */
4691 /*     NBPNTU by U and NBPNTV by V. */
4693 /*     KEYWORDS : */
4694 /*     ----------- */
4697 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTSE : */
4698 /*     ------------------ */
4699 /*   NDUJAC: Fixed degree by U for which the terms */
4700 /*           allowing to obtain the Legendre or Jacobi coeff*/
4701 /*           of even or uneven degree by V are calculated. */
4702 /*   NBPNTU: Degree of Legendre polynom on the roots which of */
4703 /*           the coefficients of integration by U are calculated */
4704 /*           by Gauss method. It is required that NBPNTU = 30, 40, 50 or 61. */
4705 /*   NBPNTV: Degree of Legendre polynom on the roots which of */
4706 /*           the coefficients of integration by V are calculated */
4707 /*           by Gauss method. It is required that NBPNTV = 30, 40, 50 or 61. */
4708 /*   SOSOTB: Table of F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
4709 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
4710 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. Moreover, */
4711 /*           table SOSOTB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) + F(0,-vj), */
4712 /*           table SOSOTB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) + F(-ui,0) and */
4713 /*           SOSOTB(0,0) contains F(0,0). */
4714 /*   DISOTB: Table of F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
4715 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
4716 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
4717 /*   SODITB: Table of F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
4718 /*           with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
4719 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
4720 /*   DIDITB: Table of F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
4721 /*           avec ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
4722 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. Moreover, */
4723 /*           table DIDITB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) - F(0,-vj), */
4724 /*           and table DIDITB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) - F(-ui,0). */
4725 /*   GSSUTB: Table of coefficients of integration by Gauss method */
4726 /*           Gauss by U for fixed NDUJAC : i varies from 0 to NBPNTU/2. */
4728 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
4729 /*     ------------------- */
4730 /*   CHPAIR: Table of terms connected to degree NDUJAC by U to calculate the */
4731 /*           coeff. of the approximation of EVEN degree by V. */
4732 /*   CHIMPR: Table of terms connected to degree NDUJAC by U to calculate */
4733 /*           the coeff. of approximation of UNEVEN degree by V. */
4735 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
4736 /*     ---------------- */
4738 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
4739 /*     ----------------------- */
4742 /*     ----------------------------------- */
4745 /* > */
4746 /* **********************************************************************
4747 */
4748 /*   Name of the routine */
4751 /* --------------------------- Initialisations --------------------------
4752 */
4754     /* Parameter adjustments */
4755     --chimpr;
4756     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
4757     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
4758     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 + 1;
4759     soditb -= soditb_offset;
4760     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
4761     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 + 1;
4762     disotb -= disotb_offset;
4763     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
4765     /* Function Body */
4766     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
4767     if (ldbg) {
4768 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CFU", 7L);
4769     }
4771     nptu2 = *nbpntu / 2;
4772     nptv2 = *nbpntv / 2;
4774 /* **********************************************************************
4775 */
4776 /*                    CALCULATE COEFFICIENTS BY U */
4778 /* ----------------- Calculate  coefficients of even degree --------------
4779 */
4781     if (*ndujac % 2 == 0) {
4782 	i__1 = nptv2;
4783 	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
4784 	    bid1 = 0.;
4785 	    bid2 = 0.;
4786 	    i__2 = nptu2;
4787 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
4788 		bid0 = gssutb[ii];
4789 		bid1 += sosotb[ii + jj * sosotb_dim1] * bid0;
4790 		bid2 += soditb[ii + jj * soditb_dim1] * bid0;
4791 /* L200: */
4792 	    }
4793 	    chpair[jj] = bid1;
4794 	    chimpr[jj] = bid2;
4795 /* L100: */
4796 	}
4798 /* --------------- Calculate coefficients of uneven degree ----------
4799 ---- */
4801     } else {
4802 	i__1 = nptv2;
4803 	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
4804 	    bid1 = 0.;
4805 	    bid2 = 0.;
4806 	    i__2 = nptu2;
4807 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
4808 		bid0 = gssutb[ii];
4809 		bid1 += disotb[ii + jj * disotb_dim1] * bid0;
4810 		bid2 += diditb[ii + jj * diditb_dim1] * bid0;
4811 /* L250: */
4812 	    }
4813 	    chpair[jj] = bid1;
4814 	    chimpr[jj] = bid2;
4815 /* L150: */
4816 	}
4817     }
4819 /* ------- Add terms connected to the supplementary root (0.D0) ------ */
4820 /* ----------- of Legendre polynom of uneven degree NBPNTU -----------
4821 */
4822 /* --> Only even NDUJAC terms are modified as GSSUTB(0) = 0 */
4823 /*     when NDUJAC is uneven. */
4825     if (*nbpntu % 2 != 0 && *ndujac % 2 == 0) {
4826 	bid0 = gssutb[0];
4827 	i__1 = nptv2;
4828 	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
4829 	    chpair[jj] += sosotb[jj * sosotb_dim1] * bid0;
4830 	    chimpr[jj] += diditb[jj * diditb_dim1] * bid0;
4831 /* L300: */
4832 	}
4833     }
4835 /* ------ Calculate the terms connected to supplementary roots (0.D0) ------
4836 */
4837 /* ----------- of Legendre polynom of uneven degree NBPNTV -----------
4838 */
4840     if (*nbpntv % 2 != 0) {
4841 /* --> Only CHPAIR terms are calculated as GSSVTB(0,IH-IDEBV)=0
4842 */
4843 /*    when IH is uneven (see MMA2CFV). */
4845 	if (*ndujac % 2 == 0) {
4846 	    bid1 = 0.;
4847 	    i__1 = nptu2;
4848 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
4849 		bid1 += sosotb[ii] * gssutb[ii];
4850 /* L400: */
4851 	    }
4852 	    chpair[0] = bid1;
4853 	} else {
4854 	    bid1 = 0.;
4855 	    i__1 = nptu2;
4856 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
4857 		bid1 += diditb[ii] * gssutb[ii];
4858 /* L500: */
4859 	    }
4860 	    chpair[0] = bid1;
4861 	}
4862 	if (*nbpntu % 2 != 0) {
4863 	    chpair[0] += sosotb[0] * gssutb[0];
4864 	}
4865     }
4867 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
4868 */
4870     if (ldbg) {
4871 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CFU", 7L);
4872     }
4873     return 0;
4874 } /* mma2cfu_ */
4876 //=======================================================================
4877 //function : mma2cfv_
4878 //purpose  :
4879 //=======================================================================
mma2cfv_(integer * ndvjac,integer * mindgu,integer * maxdgu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * gssvtb,doublereal * chpair,doublereal * chimpr,doublereal * patjac)4880 int mma2cfv_(integer *ndvjac,
4881 	     integer *mindgu,
4882 	     integer *maxdgu,
4883 	     integer *nbpntv,
4884 	     doublereal *gssvtb,
4885 	     doublereal *chpair,
4886 	     doublereal *chimpr,
4887 	     doublereal *patjac)
4889 {
4890   /* System generated locals */
4891   integer chpair_dim1, chpair_offset, chimpr_dim1, chimpr_offset,
4892   patjac_offset, i__1, i__2;
4894   /* Local variables */
4895   logical ldbg;
4896   integer nptv2, ii, jj;
4897   doublereal bid1;
4899 /* **********************************************************************
4900 */
4902 /*     FUNCTION : */
4903 /*     ---------- */
4904 /*     Calculate the coefficients of polynomial approximation of F(u,v) */
4905 /*     of degree NDVJAC by V and of degree by U varying from MINDGU to MAXDGU.
4906 */
4908 /*     Keywords : */
4909 /*     ----------- */
4912 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
4913 /*     ------------------ */
4915 /*   NDVJAC: Degree of the polynom of approximation by V. */
4916 /*           The representation in the orthogonal base starts from degre 0. */
4917 	     /* The polynomial base is the base of Jacobi of order -1 */
4918 /*           (Legendre), 0, 1 or 2 */
4919 /*   MINDGU: Degree minimum by U of coeff. to calculate. */
4920 /*   MAXDGU: Degree maximum by U of coeff. to calculate. */
4921 /*   NBPNTV: Degree of the Legendre polynom on the roots which of */
4922 /*           the coefficients of integration by V are calculated */
4923 /*           by Gauss method. It is reqired that NBPNTV = 30, 40, 50 or 61 and NDVJAC < NBPNTV. */
4924 /*   GSSVTB: Table of coefficients of integration by Gauss method */
4925 /*           by V for NDVJAC fixed: j varies from 0 to NBPNTV/2. */
4926 /*   CHPAIR: Table of terms connected to degrees from MINDGU to MAXDGU by U to */
4927 /*           calculate the coeff. of approximation of EVEN degree NDVJAC by V. */
4928 /*   CHIMPR: Table of terms connected to degrees from MINDGU to MAXDGU by U to */
4929 /*           calculate the coeff. of approximation of UNEVEN degree NDVJAC by V. */
4931 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
4932 /*     ------------------- */
4933 /*   PATJAC: Table of coefficients by U of the polynom of approximation */
4934 /*           P(u,v) of degree MINDGU to MAXDGU by U and NDVJAC by V. */
4936 /*     COMMONS USED : */
4937 /*     -------------- */
4939 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
4940 /*     --------------------- */
4943 /*     ------------------------------- */
4944 /* > */
4945 /* **********************************************************************
4946 */
4947 /*   Name of the routine */
4950 /* --------------------------- Initialisations --------------------------
4951 */
4953     /* Parameter adjustments */
4954     patjac_offset = *mindgu;
4955     patjac -= patjac_offset;
4956     chimpr_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2;
4957     chimpr_offset = chimpr_dim1 * *mindgu + 1;
4958     chimpr -= chimpr_offset;
4959     chpair_dim1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
4960     chpair_offset = chpair_dim1 * *mindgu;
4961     chpair -= chpair_offset;
4963     /* Function Body */
4964     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
4965     if (ldbg) {
4966 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2CFV", 7L);
4967     }
4968     nptv2 = *nbpntv / 2;
4970 /* --------- Calculate the coefficients for even degree NDVJAC ----------
4971 */
4973     if (*ndvjac % 2 == 0) {
4974 	i__1 = *maxdgu;
4975 	for (ii = *mindgu; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
4976 	    bid1 = 0.;
4977 	    i__2 = nptv2;
4978 	    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
4979 		bid1 += chpair[jj + ii * chpair_dim1] * gssvtb[jj];
4980 /* L200: */
4981 	    }
4982 	    patjac[ii] = bid1;
4983 /* L100: */
4984 	}
4986 /* -------- Calculate the coefficients for uneven degree NDVJAC -----
4987 ---- */
4989     } else {
4990 	i__1 = *maxdgu;
4991 	for (ii = *mindgu; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
4992 	    bid1 = 0.;
4993 	    i__2 = nptv2;
4994 	    for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
4995 		bid1 += chimpr[jj + ii * chimpr_dim1] * gssvtb[jj];
4996 /* L250: */
4997 	    }
4998 	    patjac[ii] = bid1;
4999 /* L150: */
5000 	}
5001     }
5003 /* ------- Add terms connected to the supplementary root (0.D0) ----- */
5004 /* --------of the Legendre polynom of uneven degree  NBPNTV --------- */
5006     if (*nbpntv % 2 != 0 && *ndvjac % 2 == 0) {
5007 	bid1 = gssvtb[0];
5008 	i__1 = *maxdgu;
5009 	for (ii = *mindgu; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
5010 	    patjac[ii] += bid1 * chpair[ii * chpair_dim1];
5011 /* L300: */
5012 	}
5013     }
5015 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
5016 */
5018     if (ldbg) {
5019 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2CFV", 7L);
5020     }
5021     return 0;
5022 } /* mma2cfv_ */
5024 //=======================================================================
5025 //function : mma2ds1_
5026 //purpose  :
5027 //=======================================================================
mma2ds1_(integer * ndimen,doublereal * uintfn,doublereal * vintfn,const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var & foncnp,integer * nbpntu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * urootb,doublereal * vrootb,integer * isofav,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * diditb,doublereal * fpntab,doublereal * ttable,integer * iercod)5028 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2ds1_(integer *ndimen,
5029 				     doublereal *uintfn,
5030 				     doublereal *vintfn,
5031 				     const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var& foncnp,
5032 				     integer *nbpntu,
5033 				     integer *nbpntv,
5034 				     doublereal *urootb,
5035 				     doublereal *vrootb,
5036 				     integer *isofav,
5037 				     doublereal *sosotb,
5038 				     doublereal *disotb,
5039 				     doublereal *soditb,
5040 				     doublereal *diditb,
5041 				     doublereal *fpntab,
5042 				     doublereal *ttable,
5043 				     integer *iercod)
5045 {
5046   /* System generated locals */
5047   integer sosotb_dim1, sosotb_dim2, sosotb_offset, disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2,
5048   disotb_offset, soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset,
5049   diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2, diditb_offset, fpntab_dim1,
5050   fpntab_offset, i__1;
5052   /* Local variables */
5053   logical ldbg;
5054   integer ibid1, ibid2, iuouv, nd;
5055   integer isz1, isz2;
5057 /* **********************************************************************
5058 */
5060 /*     FUNCTION : */
5061 /*     ---------- */
5062 /*     Discretisation of function F(u,v) on the roots of Legendre polynoms. */
5064 /*     KEYWORDS : */
5065 /*     ----------- */
5068 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
5069 /*     ------------------ */
5070 /*   NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
5071 /*   UINTFN: Limits of the interval of definition by u of the function */
5072 /*           to be processed: (UINTFN(1),UINTFN(2)). */
5073 /*   VINTFN: Limits of the interval of definition by v of the function */
5074 /*           to be processed: (VINTFN(1),VINTFN(2)). */
5075 /*   FONCNP: The NAME of the non-polynomial function to be processed. */
5076 /*   NBPNTU: The degree of Legendre polynom on the roots which of */
5077 /*           FONCNP is discretized by u. */
5078 /*   NBPNTV: The degree of Legendre polynom on the roots which of  */
5079 /*           FONCNP is discretized by v. */
5080 /*   UROOTB: Table of STRICTLY POSITIVE roots of the polynom */
5081 /*           of Legendre of degree NBPNTU defined on (-1,1). */
5082 /*   VROOTB: Table of STRICTLY POSITIVE roots of the polynom */
5083 /*           of Legendre of degree NBPNTV defined on (-1,1). */
5084 /*   ISOFAV: Shows the type of iso of F(u,v) to be extracted to improve */
5085 /*           the rapidity of calculation (has no influence on the form */
5086 /*           of result) */
5087 /*           = 1, shows that it is necessary to calculate the points of F(u,v) */
5088 /*           with fixed u (with NBPNTV values different from v). */
5089 /*           = 2, shows that it is necessaty to calculate the points of  F(u,v) */
5090 /*           with fixed v (with NBPNTU values different from u). */
5091 /*   SOSOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
5092 /*   DISOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
5093 /*   SODITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument).  */
5094 /*   DIDITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
5096 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
5097 /*     ------------------- */
5098 /*   SOSOTB: Table where the terms */
5099 /*           F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
5100 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5101 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5102 /*   DISOTB: Table where the terms */
5103 /*           F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
5104 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5105 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5106 /*   SODITB: Table where the terms */
5107 /*           F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
5108 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5109 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5110 /*   DIDITB: Table where the terms */
5111 /*           F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
5112 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5113 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5114 /*   FPNTAB: Auxiliary table. */
5115 /*   TTABLE: Auxiliary table. */
5116 /*   IERCOD: Error code >100 Pb in the evaluation of FONCNP, */
5117 /*           the returned error code is equal to error code of FONCNP + 100. */
5119 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
5120 /*     ---------------- */
5122 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
5123 /*     --------------------- */
5126 /*     ----------------------------------- */
5127 /* --> The external function created by the caller of MA2F1K, MA2FDK */
5128 /*    where MA2FXK should be in the following form : */
5130 /*                     ,TTABLE,IDERIU,IDERIV,PPNTAB,IERCOD) */
5131 /*    with the following input arguments : */
5132 /*      - NDIMEN is integer defined as the sum of dimensions of */
5133 /*               sub-spaces (i.e. total dimension of the problem). */
5134 /*      - UINTFN(2) is a table of 2 reals containing the interval */
5135 /*                  by u where the function to be approximated is defined */
5136 /*                  (so it is equal to UIFONC). */
5137 /*      - VINTFN(2) is a table of 2 reals containing the interval */
5138 /*                  by v where the function to be approximated is defined */
5139 /*                  (so it is equal to VIFONC). */
5140 /*      - ISOFAV, is 1 if it is necessary to calculate points with constant u, */
5141 /*                is 2 if it is necessary to calculate points with constant v. */
5142 /*                Any other value is an error. */
5143 /*      - TCONST, real, value of the fixed parameter. Takes values */
5144 /*                in (UIFONC(1),UIFONC(2)) if ISOFAV = 1 or  */
5145 /*                ins (VIFONC(1),VIFONC(2)) if ISOFAV = 2. */
5146 /*      - NBPTAB, integer. Shows the number of points to be calculated. */
5147 /*      - TTABLE, a table of reals NBPTAB. These are the values of */
5148 /*                'free' parameter of discretization (v if IISOFAV=1, */
5149 /*                u if IISOFAV=2). */
5150 /*      - IDERIU, integer, takes values between 0 (position) */
5151 /*                and IORDRE(1) (partial derivative of the function by u */
5152 /*                of order IORDRE(1) if IORDRE(1) > 0). */
5153 /*      - IDERIV, integer, takes values between 0 (position) */
5154 /*                and IORDRE(2) (partial derivative of the function by v */
5155 /*                of order IORDRE(2) if IORDRE(2) > 0). */
5156 /*                If IDERIU=i and IDERIV=j, FONCNP should calculate the */
5157 /*                points of the derivative : */
5158 /*                            i+j */
5159 /*                           d     F(u,v) */
5160 /*                        -------- */
5161 /*                           i  j */
5162 /*                         du dv */
5164 /*     and the output arguments aret : */
5165 /*        - FPNTAB(NDIMEN,NBPTAB) contains, at output, the table of */
5166 /*                                NBPTAB points calculated in FONCNP. */
5167 /*        - IERCOD is, at output the error code of FONCNP. This code */
5168 /*                 (integer) should be strictly positive if there is a problem. */
5170 /*     The input arguments SHOULD NOT be modified under FONCNP.
5171 */
5173 /* -->As FONCNP is not forcedly defined in (-1,1)*(-1,1), the */
5174 /* values of UROOTB and VROOTB are consequently modified. */
5176 /* -->The results of discretisation are ranked in 4 tables */
5177 /* SOSOTB, DISOTB, SODITB and DIDITB to earn time */
5178 /* during the calculation of coefficients of the polynom of approximation. */
5180 /*     When NBPNTU is uneven : */
5181 /*        table SOSOTB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) + F(0,-vj), */
5182 /*        table DIDITB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) - F(0,-vj), */
5183 /*     When NBPNTV is uneven : */
5184 /*        table SOSOTB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) + F(-ui,0), */
5185 /*        table DIDITB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) - F(-ui,0), */
5186 /*     When NBPNTU and NBPNTV are uneven : */
5187 /*        term SOSOTB(0,0) contains F(0,0). */
5189 /* > */
5190 /* **********************************************************************
5191 */
5192 /*   Name of the routine */
5195 /* --------------------------- Initialization --------------------------
5196 */
5198     /* Parameter adjustments */
5199     fpntab_dim1 = *ndimen;
5200     fpntab_offset = fpntab_dim1 + 1;
5201     fpntab -= fpntab_offset;
5202     --uintfn;
5203     --vintfn;
5204     --urootb;
5205     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
5206     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
5207     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
5208     diditb -= diditb_offset;
5209     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
5210     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
5211     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
5212     soditb -= soditb_offset;
5213     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
5214     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
5215     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
5216     disotb -= disotb_offset;
5217     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
5218     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
5219     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
5220     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
5221     --vrootb;
5222     --ttable;
5224     /* Function Body */
5225     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
5226     if (ldbg) {
5227 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2DS1", 7L);
5228     }
5229     *iercod = 0;
5230     if (*isofav < 1 || *isofav > 2) {
5231 	iuouv = 2;
5232     } else {
5233 	iuouv = *isofav;
5234     }
5236 /* **********************************************************************
5237 */
5238 /* --------- Discretization by U on the roots of the polynom of ------ */
5239 /* --------------- Legendre of degree NBPNTU, iso-V by iso-V --------- */
5240 /* **********************************************************************
5241 */
5243     if (iuouv == 2) {
5244 	mma2ds2_(ndimen, &uintfn[1], &vintfn[1], foncnp, nbpntu, nbpntv, &
5245 		urootb[1], &vrootb[1], &iuouv, &sosotb[sosotb_offset], &
5246 		disotb[disotb_offset], &soditb[soditb_offset], &diditb[
5247 		diditb_offset], &fpntab[fpntab_offset], &ttable[1], iercod);
5249 /* ******************************************************************
5250 **** */
5251 /* --------- Discretization by V on the roots of the polynom of ------ */
5252 /* --------------- Legendre of degree NBPNTV, iso-V by iso-V --------- */
5253 /* ******************************************************************
5254 **** */
5256     } else {
5257 /* --> Inversion of indices of tables */
5258 	i__1 = *ndimen;
5259 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
5260 	    isz1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
5261 	    isz2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
5262 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1], &isz1, &
5263 		    isz2, &isz2, &sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1], &
5264 		    ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5265 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5266 		goto L9999;
5267 	    }
5268 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1], &isz1, &
5269 		    isz2, &isz2, &diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1], &
5270 		    ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5271 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5272 		goto L9999;
5273 	    }
5274 	    isz1 = *nbpntu / 2;
5275 	    isz2 = *nbpntv / 2;
5276 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &soditb[(nd * soditb_dim2 + 1) * soditb_dim1 + 1],
5277 		     &isz1, &isz2, &isz2, &soditb[(nd * soditb_dim2 + 1) *
5278 		    soditb_dim1 + 1], &ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5279 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5280 		goto L9999;
5281 	    }
5282 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &disotb[(nd * disotb_dim2 + 1) * disotb_dim1 + 1],
5283 		     &isz1, &isz2, &isz2, &disotb[(nd * disotb_dim2 + 1) *
5284 		    disotb_dim1 + 1], &ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5285 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5286 		goto L9999;
5287 	    }
5288 /* L100: */
5289 	}
5291 	mma2ds2_(ndimen, &vintfn[1], &uintfn[1], foncnp, nbpntv, nbpntu, &
5292 		vrootb[1], &urootb[1], &iuouv, &sosotb[sosotb_offset], &
5293 		soditb[soditb_offset], &disotb[disotb_offset], &diditb[
5294 		diditb_offset], &fpntab[fpntab_offset], &ttable[1], iercod);
5295 /* --> Inversion of indices of tables */
5296 	i__1 = *ndimen;
5297 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
5298 	    isz1 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
5299 	    isz2 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
5300 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1], &isz1, &
5301 		    isz2, &isz2, &sosotb[nd * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1], &
5302 		    ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5303 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5304 		goto L9999;
5305 	    }
5306 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1], &isz1, &
5307 		    isz2, &isz2, &diditb[nd * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1], &
5308 		    ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5309 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5310 		goto L9999;
5311 	    }
5312 	    isz1 = *nbpntv / 2;
5313 	    isz2 = *nbpntu / 2;
5314 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &soditb[(nd * soditb_dim2 + 1) * soditb_dim1 + 1],
5315 		     &isz1, &isz2, &isz2, &soditb[(nd * soditb_dim2 + 1) *
5316 		    soditb_dim1 + 1], &ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5317 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5318 		goto L9999;
5319 	    }
5320 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmtb1_(&isz1, &disotb[(nd * disotb_dim2 + 1) * disotb_dim1 + 1],
5321 		     &isz1, &isz2, &isz2, &disotb[(nd * disotb_dim2 + 1) *
5322 		    disotb_dim1 + 1], &ibid1, &ibid2, iercod);
5323 	    if (*iercod > 0) {
5324 		goto L9999;
5325 	    }
5326 /* L200: */
5327 	}
5328     }
5330 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
5331 */
5333 L9999:
5334     if (*iercod > 0) {
5335 	*iercod += 100;
5336 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA2DS1", iercod, 7L);
5337     }
5338     if (ldbg) {
5339 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2DS1", 7L);
5340     }
5341     return 0;
5342 } /* mma2ds1_ */
5344 //=======================================================================
5345 //function : mma2ds2_
5346 //purpose  :
5347 //=======================================================================
mma2ds2_(integer * ndimen,doublereal * uintfn,doublereal * vintfn,const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var & foncnp,integer * nbpntu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * urootb,doublereal * vrootb,integer * iiuouv,doublereal * sosotb,doublereal * disotb,doublereal * soditb,doublereal * diditb,doublereal * fpntab,doublereal * ttable,integer * iercod)5348 int mma2ds2_(integer *ndimen,
5349 	     doublereal *uintfn,
5350 	     doublereal *vintfn,
5351 	     const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var& foncnp,
5352 	     integer *nbpntu,
5353 	     integer *nbpntv,
5354 	     doublereal *urootb,
5355 	     doublereal *vrootb,
5356 	     integer *iiuouv,
5357 	     doublereal *sosotb,
5358 	     doublereal *disotb,
5359 	     doublereal *soditb,
5360 	     doublereal *diditb,
5361 	     doublereal *fpntab,
5362 	     doublereal *ttable,
5363 	     integer *iercod)
5365 {
5366   integer c__0 = 0;
5367   /* System generated locals */
5368   integer sosotb_dim1, sosotb_dim2, sosotb_offset, disotb_dim1, disotb_dim2,
5369   disotb_offset, soditb_dim1, soditb_dim2, soditb_offset,
5370   diditb_dim1, diditb_dim2, diditb_offset, fpntab_dim1,
5371   fpntab_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
5373   /* Local variables */
5374   integer jdec;
5375   logical ldbg;
5376   doublereal alinu, blinu, alinv, blinv, tcons;
5377   doublereal dbfn1[2], dbfn2[2];
5378   integer nuroo, nvroo, id, iu, iv;
5379   doublereal um, up;
5382 /* **********************************************************************
5383 */
5385 /*     FUNCTION : */
5386 /*     ---------- */
5387 /*     Discretization of function F(u,v) on the roots of polynoms of Legendre. */
5389 /*     KEYWORDS : */
5390 /*     ----------- */
5393 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
5394 /*     ------------------ */
5395 /*   NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
5396 /*   UINTFN: Limits of the interval of definition by u of the function */
5397 /*           to be processed: (UINTFN(1),UINTFN(2)). */
5398 /*   VINTFN: Limits of the interval of definition by v of the function */
5399 /*           to be processed: (VINTFN(1),VINTFN(2)). */
5400 /*   FONCNP: The NAME of the non-polynomial function to be processed. */
5401 /*   NBPNTU: The degree of Legendre polynom on the roots which of */
5402 /*           FONCNP is discretized by u. */
5403 /*   NBPNTV: The degree of Legendre polynom on the roots which of  */
5404 /*           FONCNP is discretized by v. */
5405 /*   UROOTB: Table of STRICTLY POSITIVE roots of the polynom */
5406 /*           of Legendre of degree NBPNTU defined on (-1,1). */
5407 /*   VROOTB: Table of STRICTLY POSITIVE roots of the polynom */
5408 /*           of Legendre of degree NBPNTV defined on (-1,1). */
5409 /*   IIUOUV: Shows the type of iso of F(u,v) tom be extracted to improve the */
5410 /*           rapidity of calculation (has no influence on the form of result) */
5411 /*           = 1, shows that it is necessary to calculate the points of F(u,v) */
5412 /*           with fixed u (so with NBPNTV values different from v). */
5413 /*           = 2, shows that it is necessary to calculate the points of F(u,v) */
5414 /*           with fixed v (so with NBPNTV values different from u). */
5415 /*   SOSOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
5416 /*   DISOTB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
5417 /*   SODITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument).  */
5418 /*   DIDITB: Preinitialized table (input/output argument). */
5420 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
5421 /*     ------------------- */
5422 /*   SOSOTB: Table where the terms */
5423 /*           F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
5424 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5425 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5426 /*   DISOTB: Table where the terms */
5427 /*           F(ui,vj) + F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
5428 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5429 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5430 /*   SODITB: Table where the terms */
5431 /*           F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) + F(-ui,vj) - F(-ui,-vj) */
5432 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5433 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5434 /*   DIDITB: Table where the terms */
5435 /*           F(ui,vj) - F(ui,-vj) - F(-ui,vj) + F(-ui,-vj) */
5436 /*           are added with ui and vj positive roots of Legendre polynom */
5437 /*           of degree NBPNTU and NBPNTV respectively. */
5438 /*   FPNTAB: Auxiliary table. */
5439 /*   TTABLE: Auxiliary table. */
5440 /*   IERCOD: Error code >100 Pb in the evaluation of FONCNP, */
5441 /*           the returned error code is equal to error code of FONCNP + 100. */
5443 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
5444 /*     ---------------- */
5446 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
5447 /*     --------------------- */
5450 /*     ----------------------------------- */
5451 /* --> The external function created by the caller of MA2F1K, MA2FDK */
5452 /*    where MA2FXK should be in the following form : */
5454 /*                     ,TTABLE,IDERIU,IDERIV,PPNTAB,IERCOD) */
5455 /*    with the following input arguments : */
5456 /*      - NDIMEN is integer defined as the sum of dimensions of */
5457 /*               sub-spaces (i.e. total dimension of the problem). */
5458 /*      - UINTFN(2) is a table of 2 reals containing the interval */
5459 /*                  by u where the function to be approximated is defined */
5460 /*                  (so it is equal to UIFONC). */
5461 /*      - VINTFN(2) is a table of 2 reals containing the interval */
5462 /*                  by v where the function to be approximated is defined */
5463 /*                  (so it is equal to VIFONC). */
5464 /*      - IIIUOUV, is 1 if it is necessary to calculate points with constant u, */
5465 /*                 is 2 if it is necessary to calculate points with constant v. */
5466 /*                 Any other value is an error. */
5467 /*      - TCONST, real, value of the fixed parameter. Takes values */
5468 /*                in (UIFONC(1),UIFONC(2)) if ISOFAV = 1 or  */
5469 /*                ins (VIFONC(1),VIFONC(2)) if ISOFAV = 2. */
5470 /*      - NBPTAB, integer. Shows the number of points to be calculated. */
5471 /*      - TTABLE, a table of reals NBPTAB. These are the values of */
5472 /*                'free' parameter of discretization (v if IIIUOUV=1, */
5473 /*                u if IIIUOUV=2). */
5474 /*      - IDERIU, integer, takes values between 0 (position) */
5475 /*                and IORDRE(1) (partial derivative of the function by u */
5476 /*                of order IORDRE(1) if IORDRE(1) > 0). */
5477 /*      - IDERIV, integer, takes values between 0 (position) */
5478 /*                and IORDRE(2) (partial derivative of the function by v */
5479 /*                of order IORDRE(2) if IORDRE(2) > 0). */
5480 /*                If IDERIU=i and IDERIV=j, FONCNP should calculate the */
5481 /*                points of the derivative : */
5482 /*                            i+j */
5483 /*                           d     F(u,v) */
5484 /*                        -------- */
5485 /*                           i  j */
5486 /*                         du dv */
5488 /*     and the output arguments aret : */
5489 /*        - FPNTAB(NDIMEN,NBPTAB) contains, at output, the table of */
5490 /*                                NBPTAB points calculated in FONCNP. */
5491 /*        - IERCOD is, at output the error code of FONCNP. This code */
5492 /*                 (integer) should be strictly positive if there is a problem. */
5494 /*     The input arguments SHOULD NOT be modified under FONCNP.
5495 */
5497 /* -->As FONCNP is not forcedly defined in (-1,1)*(-1,1), the */
5498 /* values of UROOTB and VROOTB are consequently modified. */
5500 /* -->The results of discretisation are ranked in 4 tables */
5501 /* SOSOTB, DISOTB, SODITB and DIDITB to earn time */
5502 /* during the calculation of coefficients of the polynom of approximation. */
5504 /*     When NBPNTU is uneven : */
5505 /*        table SOSOTB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) + F(0,-vj), */
5506 /*        table DIDITB(0,j) contains F(0,vj) - F(0,-vj), */
5507 /*     When NBPNTV is uneven : */
5508 /*        table SOSOTB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) + F(-ui,0), */
5509 /*        table DIDITB(i,0) contains F(ui,0) - F(-ui,0), */
5510 /*     When NBPNTU and NBPNTV are uneven : */
5511 /*        term SOSOTB(0,0) contains F(0,0). */
5513 /*   ATTENTION: These 4 tables are filled by varying the */
5514 /*   1st index first. So, the discretizations */
5515 /*   of F(...,t) (for IIUOUV = 2) or of F(t,...) (IIUOUV = 1) */
5516 /*   are stored in SOSOTB(...,t), SODITB(...,t), etc... */
5517 /*   (this allows to gain important time). */
5518 /*   It is required that the caller, in case of IIUOUV=1, */
5519 /*   invert the roles of u and v, of SODITB and DISOTB BEFORE the */
5521 /* > */
5522 /* **********************************************************************
5523 */
5525 /*   Name of the routine */
5527 /* --> Indices of loops. */
5529 /* --------------------------- Initialization --------------------------
5530 */
5532     /* Parameter adjustments */
5533     --uintfn;
5534     --vintfn;
5535     --ttable;
5536     fpntab_dim1 = *ndimen;
5537     fpntab_offset = fpntab_dim1 + 1;
5538     fpntab -= fpntab_offset;
5539     --urootb;
5540     diditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
5541     diditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
5542     diditb_offset = diditb_dim1 * diditb_dim2;
5543     diditb -= diditb_offset;
5544     soditb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
5545     soditb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
5546     soditb_offset = soditb_dim1 * (soditb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
5547     soditb -= soditb_offset;
5548     disotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2;
5549     disotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2;
5550     disotb_offset = disotb_dim1 * (disotb_dim2 + 1) + 1;
5551     disotb -= disotb_offset;
5552     sosotb_dim1 = *nbpntu / 2 + 1;
5553     sosotb_dim2 = *nbpntv / 2 + 1;
5554     sosotb_offset = sosotb_dim1 * sosotb_dim2;
5555     sosotb -= sosotb_offset;
5556     --vrootb;
5558     /* Function Body */
5559     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
5560     if (ldbg) {
5561 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2DS2", 7L);
5562     }
5563     *iercod = 0;
5565     alinu = (uintfn[2] - uintfn[1]) / 2.;
5566     blinu = (uintfn[2] + uintfn[1]) / 2.;
5567     alinv = (vintfn[2] - vintfn[1]) / 2.;
5568     blinv = (vintfn[2] + vintfn[1]) / 2.;
5570     if (*iiuouv == 1) {
5571      dbfn1[0] = vintfn[1];
5572      dbfn1[1] = vintfn[2];
5573      dbfn2[0] = uintfn[1];
5574      dbfn2[1] = uintfn[2];
5575     } else {
5576      dbfn1[0] = uintfn[1];
5577      dbfn1[1] = uintfn[2];
5578      dbfn2[0] = vintfn[1];
5579      dbfn2[1] = vintfn[2];
5580     }
5582 /* **********************************************************************
5583 */
5584 /* -------- Discretization by U on the roots of Legendre polynom -------- */
5585 /* ---------------- of degree NBPNTU, with Vj fixed  -------------------- */
5586 /* **********************************************************************
5587 */
5589     nuroo = *nbpntu / 2;
5590     nvroo = *nbpntv / 2;
5591     jdec = (*nbpntu + 1) / 2;
5593 /* ----------- Loading of parameters of discretization by U ------------- */
5595     i__1 = *nbpntu;
5596     for (iu = 1; iu <= i__1; ++iu) {
5597 	ttable[iu] = blinu + alinu * urootb[iu];
5598 /* L100: */
5599     }
5601 /* -------------- For Vj fixed, negative root of Legendre ------------- */
5603     i__1 = nvroo;
5604     for (iv = 1; iv <= i__1; ++iv) {
5605 	tcons = blinv + alinv * vrootb[iv];
5606 	(*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (
5607         ndimen, dbfn1, dbfn2, iiuouv, &tcons, nbpntu, &
5608 		ttable[1], &c__0, &c__0, &fpntab[fpntab_offset], iercod);
5609 	if (*iercod > 0) {
5610 	    goto L9999;
5611 	}
5612 	i__2 = *ndimen;
5613 	for (id = 1; id <= i__2; ++id) {
5614 	    i__3 = nuroo;
5615 	    for (iu = 1; iu <= i__3; ++iu) {
5616 		up = fpntab[id + (iu + jdec) * fpntab_dim1];
5617 		um = fpntab[id + (nuroo - iu + 1) * fpntab_dim1];
5618 		sosotb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1]
5619 			 = sosotb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * sosotb_dim2) *
5620 			sosotb_dim1] + up + um;
5621 		disotb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1]
5622 			 = disotb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * disotb_dim2) *
5623 			disotb_dim1] + up - um;
5624 		soditb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1]
5625 			 = soditb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * soditb_dim2) *
5626 			soditb_dim1] - up - um;
5627 		diditb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1]
5628 			 = diditb[iu + (nvroo - iv + 1 + id * diditb_dim2) *
5629 			diditb_dim1] - up + um;
5630 /* L220: */
5631 	    }
5632 	    if (*nbpntu % 2 != 0) {
5633 		up = fpntab[id + jdec * fpntab_dim1];
5634 		sosotb[(nvroo - iv + 1 + id * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] +=
5635 			up;
5636 		diditb[(nvroo - iv + 1 + id * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] -=
5637 			up;
5638 	    }
5639 /* L210: */
5640 	}
5641 /* L200: */
5642     }
5644 /* --------- For Vj = 0 (uneven NBPNTV), discretization by U ----------- */
5646     if (*nbpntv % 2 != 0) {
5647 	tcons = blinv;
5648 	(*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (
5649         ndimen, dbfn1, dbfn2, iiuouv, &tcons, nbpntu, &
5650 		ttable[1], &c__0, &c__0, &fpntab[fpntab_offset], iercod);
5651 	if (*iercod > 0) {
5652 	    goto L9999;
5653 	}
5654 	i__1 = *ndimen;
5655 	for (id = 1; id <= i__1; ++id) {
5656 	    i__2 = nuroo;
5657 	    for (iu = 1; iu <= i__2; ++iu) {
5658 		up = fpntab[id + (jdec + iu) * fpntab_dim1];
5659 		um = fpntab[id + (nuroo - iu + 1) * fpntab_dim1];
5660 		sosotb[iu + id * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] = sosotb[iu + id *
5661 			 sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] + up + um;
5662 		diditb[iu + id * diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] = diditb[iu + id *
5663 			 diditb_dim2 * diditb_dim1] + up - um;
5664 /* L310: */
5665 	    }
5666 	    if (*nbpntu % 2 != 0) {
5667 		up = fpntab[id + jdec * fpntab_dim1];
5668 		sosotb[id * sosotb_dim2 * sosotb_dim1] += up;
5669 	    }
5670 /* L300: */
5671 	}
5672     }
5674 /* -------------- For Vj fixed, positive root of Legendre ------------- */
5676     i__1 = nvroo;
5677     for (iv = 1; iv <= i__1; ++iv) {
5678 	tcons = alinv * vrootb[(*nbpntv + 1) / 2 + iv] + blinv;
5679 	(*const_cast <AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var*> (&foncnp)).Evaluate (
5680         ndimen, dbfn1, dbfn2, iiuouv, &tcons, nbpntu, &
5681 		ttable[1], &c__0, &c__0, &fpntab[fpntab_offset], iercod);
5682 	if (*iercod > 0) {
5683 	    goto L9999;
5684 	}
5685 	i__2 = *ndimen;
5686 	for (id = 1; id <= i__2; ++id) {
5687 	    i__3 = nuroo;
5688 	    for (iu = 1; iu <= i__3; ++iu) {
5689 		up = fpntab[id + (iu + jdec) * fpntab_dim1];
5690 		um = fpntab[id + (nuroo - iu + 1) * fpntab_dim1];
5691 		sosotb[iu + (iv + id * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] = sosotb[
5692 			iu + (iv + id * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] + up + um;
5693 		disotb[iu + (iv + id * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1] = disotb[
5694 			iu + (iv + id * disotb_dim2) * disotb_dim1] + up - um;
5695 		soditb[iu + (iv + id * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1] = soditb[
5696 			iu + (iv + id * soditb_dim2) * soditb_dim1] + up + um;
5697 		diditb[iu + (iv + id * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] = diditb[
5698 			iu + (iv + id * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] + up - um;
5699 /* L420: */
5700 	    }
5701 	    if (*nbpntu % 2 != 0) {
5702 		up = fpntab[id + jdec * fpntab_dim1];
5703 		sosotb[(iv + id * sosotb_dim2) * sosotb_dim1] += up;
5704 		diditb[(iv + id * diditb_dim2) * diditb_dim1] += up;
5705 	    }
5706 /* L410: */
5707 	}
5708 /* L400: */
5709     }
5711 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
5712 */
5714 L9999:
5715     if (*iercod > 0) {
5716 	*iercod += 100;
5717 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA2DS2", iercod, 7L);
5718     }
5719     if (ldbg) {
5720 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2DS2", 7L);
5721     }
5722     return 0;
5723 } /* mma2ds2_ */
5725 //=======================================================================
5726 //function : mma2er1_
5727 //purpose  :
5728 //=======================================================================
mma2er1_(integer * ndjacu,integer * ndjacv,integer * ndimen,integer * mindgu,integer * maxdgu,integer * mindgv,integer * maxdgv,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,doublereal * xmaxju,doublereal * xmaxjv,doublereal * patjac,doublereal * vecerr,doublereal * erreur)5729 int mma2er1_(integer *ndjacu,
5730 	     integer *ndjacv,
5731 	     integer *ndimen,
5732 	     integer *mindgu,
5733 	     integer *maxdgu,
5734 	     integer *mindgv,
5735 	     integer *maxdgv,
5736 	     integer *iordru,
5737 	     integer *iordrv,
5738 	     doublereal *xmaxju,
5739 	     doublereal *xmaxjv,
5740 	     doublereal *patjac,
5741 	     doublereal *vecerr,
5742 	     doublereal *erreur)
5744 {
5745   /* System generated locals */
5746   integer patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2, patjac_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
5747   doublereal d__1;
5749   /* Local variables */
5750   logical ldbg;
5751   integer minu, minv;
5752   doublereal vaux[2];
5753   integer ii, nd, jj;
5754   doublereal bid0, bid1;
5756 /* **********************************************************************
5757 */
5759 /*     FUNCTION : */
5760 /*     ---------- */
5761 /*  Calculate max approximation error done when  */
5762 /*  the coefficients of PATJAC such that the degree by U varies between */
5763 /*  MINDGU and MAXDGU and the degree by V varies between MINDGV and MAXDGV are removed. */
5765 /*     KEYWORDS : */
5766 /*     ----------- */
5769 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
5770 /*     ------------------ */
5771 /*     NDJACU: Dimension by U of table PATJAC. */
5772 /*     NDJACV: Dimension by V of table PATJAC. */
5773 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
5774 /*     MINDGU: Lower limit of index by U of coeff. of PATJAC to be taken into account. */
5775 /*     MAXDGU: Upper limit of index by U of coeff. of PATJAC to be taken into account. */
5776 /*     MINDGV: Lower limit of index by V of coeff. of PATJAC to be taken into account. */
5777 /*     MAXDGV: Upper limit of index by V of coeff. of PATJAC to be taken into account. */
5778 /*     IORDRU: Order of continuity by U provided by square PATJAC (from -1 to 2) */
5779 /*     IORDRV: Order of continuity by U provided by square PATJAC (from -1 to 2) */
5780 /*     XMAXJU: Maximum value of Jacobi polynoms of order IORDRU, */
5781 /*             from degree 0 to MAXDGU - 2*(IORDU+1) */
5782 /*     XMAXJV: Maximum value of Jacobi polynoms of order IORDRV, */
5783 /*             from degree 0 to MAXDGV - 2*(IORDV+1) */
5784 /*     PATJAC: Table of coeff. of square of approximation with */
5785 /*             constraints of order IORDRU by U and IORDRV by V. */
5786 /*     VECERR: Auxiliary vector. */
5787 /*     ERREUR: MAX Error committed during removal of ALREADY CALCULATED coeff of PATJAC */
5789 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
5790 /*     ------------------- */
5791 /*     ERREUR: MAX Error committed during removal of coeff of PATJAC */
5792 /*             of indices from MINDGU to MAXDGU by U and from MINDGV to MAXDGV by V */
5793 /*             THEN the already calculated error. */
5795 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
5796 /*     ---------------- */
5798 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
5799 /*     --------------------- */
5802 /*     ----------------------------------- */
5803 /*     Table PATJAC is the place of storage of coeff. Cij of the square of */
5804 /*     approximation of F(U,V). The indices i and j show the degree  */
5805 /*     by U and by V of base polynoms. These polynoms have the form: */
5807 /*          ((1 - U*U)**(IORDRU+1)).J(i-2*(IORDRU+1)(U), where */
5809 /*     polynom J(i-2*(IORDU+1)(U) is the Jacobi polynom of order */
5810 /*     IORDRU+1 (the same by V by replacing U u V in the expression above). */
5812 /*     The contribution to the error of term Cij when it is */
5813 /*     removed from PATJAC is increased by: */
5815 /*  DABS(Cij)*XMAXJU(i-2*(IORDRU+1))*XMAXJV(J-2*(IORDRV+1)) where */
5817 /*  XMAXJU(i-2*(IORDRU+1) = ((1 - U*U)**(IORDRU+1)).J(i-2*(IORDRU+1)(U),
5818 */
5819 /*  XMAXJV(i-2*(IORDRV+1) = ((1 - V*V)**(IORDRV+1)).J(j-2*(IORDRV+1)(V).
5820 */
5822 /* > */
5823 /* ***********************************************************************
5824  */
5825 /*   Name of the routine */
5828 /* ----------------------------- Initialisations ------------------------
5829 */
5831     /* Parameter adjustments */
5832     --vecerr;
5833     patjac_dim1 = *ndjacu + 1;
5834     patjac_dim2 = *ndjacv + 1;
5835     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
5836     patjac -= patjac_offset;
5838     /* Function Body */
5839     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
5840     if (ldbg) {
5841 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2ER1", 7L);
5842     }
5844     minu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
5845     minv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
5847 /* ------------------- Calculate the increment of the max error --------------- */
5848 /* ----- during the removal of the coeffs of indices from MINDGU to MAXDGU ---- */
5849 /* ---------------- by U and indices from MINDGV to MAXDGV by V --------------- */
5851     i__1 = *ndimen;
5852     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
5853 	bid1 = 0.;
5854 	i__2 = *maxdgv;
5855 	for (jj = *mindgv; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
5856 	    bid0 = 0.;
5857 	    i__3 = *maxdgu;
5858 	    for (ii = *mindgu; ii <= i__3; ++ii) {
5859 		bid0 += (d__1 = patjac[ii + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) *
5860 			patjac_dim1], advapp_abs(d__1)) * xmaxju[ii - minu];
5861 /* L300: */
5862 	    }
5863 	    bid1 = bid0 * xmaxjv[jj - minv] + bid1;
5864 /* L200: */
5865 	}
5866 	vecerr[nd] = bid1;
5868 /* L100: */
5869     }
5871 /* ----------------------- Calculate the max error  ----------------------*/
5873     bid1 = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(ndimen, &vecerr[1]);
5874     vaux[0] = *erreur;
5875     vaux[1] = bid1;
5876     nd = 2;
5877     *erreur = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(&nd, vaux);
5879 /* ------------------------- The end ------------------------------------
5880 */
5882     if (ldbg) {
5883 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2ER1", 7L);
5884     }
5885     return 0;
5886 } /* mma2er1_ */
5888 //=======================================================================
5889 //function : mma2er2_
5890 //purpose  :
5891 //=======================================================================
mma2er2_(integer * ndjacu,integer * ndjacv,integer * ndimen,integer * mindgu,integer * maxdgu,integer * mindgv,integer * maxdgv,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,doublereal * xmaxju,doublereal * xmaxjv,doublereal * patjac,doublereal * epmscut,doublereal * vecerr,doublereal * erreur,integer * newdgu,integer * newdgv)5892 int mma2er2_(integer *ndjacu,
5893 	     integer *ndjacv,
5894 	     integer *ndimen,
5895 	     integer *mindgu,
5896 	     integer *maxdgu,
5897 	     integer *mindgv,
5898 	     integer *maxdgv,
5899 	     integer *iordru,
5900 	     integer *iordrv,
5901 	     doublereal *xmaxju,
5902 	     doublereal *xmaxjv,
5903 	     doublereal *patjac,
5904 	     doublereal *epmscut,
5905 	     doublereal *vecerr,
5906 	     doublereal *erreur,
5907 	     integer *newdgu,
5908 	     integer *newdgv)
5910 {
5911   /* System generated locals */
5912   integer patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2, patjac_offset, i__1, i__2;
5913   doublereal d__1;
5915   /* Local variables */
5916   logical ldbg;
5917   doublereal vaux[2];
5918   integer i2rdu, i2rdv;
5919   doublereal errnu, errnv;
5920   integer ii, nd, jj, nu, nv;
5921   doublereal bid0, bid1;
5923 /* **********************************************************************
5924 */
5926 /*     FUNCTION : */
5927 /*     ---------- */
5928 /*  Remove coefficients of PATJAC to obtain the minimum degree */
5929 /*  by U and V checking the imposed tolerance. */
5931 /*     KEYWORDS : */
5932 /*     ----------- */
5935 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
5936 /*     ------------------ */
5937 /*     NDJACU: Degree by U of table PATJAC. */
5938 /*     NDJACV: Degree by V of table PATJAC. */
5939 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
5940 /*     MINDGU: Limit of index by U of coeff. of PATJAC to be PRESERVED (should be >=0). */
5941 /*     MAXDGU: Upper limit of index by U of coeff. of PATJAC to be taken into account. */
5942 /*     MINDGV: Limit of index by V of coeff. of PATJAC to be PRESERVED (should be >=0). */
5943 /*     MAXDGV: Upper limit of index by V of coeff. of PATJAC to be taken into account. */
5944 /*     IORDRU: Order of continuity by U provided by square PATJAC (from -1 to 2) */
5945 /*     IORDRV: Order of continuity by U provided by square PATJAC (from -1 to 2) */
5946 /*     XMAXJU: Maximum value of Jacobi polynoms of order IORDRU, */
5947 /*             from degree 0 to MAXDGU - 2*(IORDU+1) */
5948 /*     XMAXJV: Maximum value of Jacobi polynoms of order IORDRV, */
5949 /*             from degree 0 to MAXDGV - 2*(IORDV+1) */
5950 /*     PATJAC: Table of coeff. of square of approximation with */
5951 /*             constraints of order IORDRU by U and IORDRV by V. */
5952 /*     EPMSCUT: Tolerance of approximation. */
5953 /*     VECERR: Auxiliary vector. */
5954 /*     ERREUR: MAX Error committed ALREADY CALCULATED  */
5956 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
5957 /*     ------------------- */
5958 /*     ERREUR: MAX Error committed by preserving only coeff of PATJAC */
5959 /*             of indices from 0 to NEWDGU by U and from 0 to NEWDGV by V */
5960 /*             PLUS the already calculated error. */
5961 /* NEWDGU: Min. Degree by U such as the square of approximation */
5962 /*         could check the tolerance. There is always NEWDGU >= MINDGU >= 0. */
5963 /* NEWDGV: Min. Degree by V such as the square of approximation */
5964 /*         could check the tolerance. There is always NEWDGV >= MINDGV >= 0. */
5967 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
5968 /*     ---------------- */
5970 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
5971 /*     --------------------- */
5974 /*     ----------------------------------- */
5975 /*     Table PATJAC is the place of storage of coeff. Cij of the square of */
5976 /*     approximation of F(U,V). The indices i and j show the degree  */
5977 /*     by U and by V of base polynoms. These polynoms have the form: */
5979 /*          ((1 - U*U)**(IORDRU+1)).J(i-2*(IORDRU+1)(U), where */
5981 /*     polynom J(i-2*(IORDU+1)(U) is the Jacobi polynom of order */
5982 /*     IORDRU+1 (the same by V by replacing U u V in the expression above). */
5984 /*     The contribution to the error of term Cij when it is */
5985 /*     removed from PATJAC is increased by: */
5987 /*  DABS(Cij)*XMAXJU(i-2*(IORDRU+1))*XMAXJV(J-2*(IORDRV+1)) where */
5989 /*  XMAXJU(i-2*(IORDRU+1) = ((1 - U*U)**(IORDRU+1)).J(i-2*(IORDRU+1)(U),
5990 */
5991 /*  XMAXJV(i-2*(IORDRV+1) = ((1 - V*V)**(IORDRV+1)).J(j-2*(IORDRV+1)(V).
5992 */
5994 /* > */
5995 /* **********************************************************************
5996 */
5997 /*   Name of the routine */
6000 /* ----------------------------- Initialisations ------------------------
6001 */
6003     /* Parameter adjustments */
6004     --vecerr;
6005     patjac_dim1 = *ndjacu + 1;
6006     patjac_dim2 = *ndjacv + 1;
6007     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
6008     patjac -= patjac_offset;
6010     /* Function Body */
6011     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
6012     if (ldbg) {
6013 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2ER2", 7L);
6014     }
6016     i2rdu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
6017     i2rdv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
6018     nu = *maxdgu;
6019     nv = *maxdgv;
6021 /* **********************************************************************
6022 */
6023 /* -------------------- Cutting of oefficients ------------------------
6024 */
6025 /* **********************************************************************
6026 */
6028 L1001:
6030 /* ------------------- Calculate the increment of max error --------------- */
6031 /* ----- during the removal of coeff. of indices from MINDGU to MAXDGU ------ */
6032 /* ---------------- by U, the degree by V is fixed to NV -----------------
6033 */
6035     bid0 = 0.;
6036     if (nv > *mindgv) {
6037 	bid0 = xmaxjv[nv - i2rdv];
6038 	i__1 = *ndimen;
6039 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
6040 	    bid1 = 0.;
6041 	    i__2 = nu;
6042 	    for (ii = i2rdu; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
6043 		bid1 += (d__1 = patjac[ii + (nv + nd * patjac_dim2) *
6044 			patjac_dim1], advapp_abs(d__1)) * xmaxju[ii - i2rdu] * bid0;
6045 /* L200: */
6046 	    }
6047 	    vecerr[nd] = bid1;
6048 /* L100: */
6049 	}
6050     } else {
6051 	vecerr[1] = *epmscut * 2;
6052     }
6053     errnv = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(ndimen, &vecerr[1]);
6055 /* ------------------- Calculate the increment of max error --------------- */
6056 /* ----- during the removal of coeff. of indices from MINDGV to MAXDGV ------ */
6057 /* ---------------- by V, the degree by U is fixed to NU -----------------
6058 */
6060     bid0 = 0.;
6061     if (nu > *mindgu) {
6062 	bid0 = xmaxju[nu - i2rdu];
6063 	i__1 = *ndimen;
6064 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
6065 	    bid1 = 0.;
6066 	    i__2 = nv;
6067 	    for (jj = i2rdv; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
6068 		bid1 += (d__1 = patjac[nu + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) *
6069 			patjac_dim1], advapp_abs(d__1)) * xmaxjv[jj - i2rdv] * bid0;
6070 /* L400: */
6071 	    }
6072 	    vecerr[nd] = bid1;
6073 /* L300: */
6074 	}
6075     } else {
6076 	vecerr[1] = *epmscut * 2;
6077     }
6078     errnu = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(ndimen, &vecerr[1]);
6080 /* ----------------------- Calculate the max error ----------------------
6081 */
6083     vaux[0] = *erreur;
6084     vaux[1] = errnu;
6085     nd = 2;
6086     errnu = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(&nd, vaux);
6087     vaux[1] = errnv;
6088     errnv = AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mzsnorm_(&nd, vaux);
6090     if (errnu > errnv) {
6091 	if (errnv < *epmscut) {
6092 	    *erreur = errnv;
6093 	    --nv;
6094 	} else {
6095 	    goto L2001;
6096 	}
6097     } else {
6098 	if (errnu < *epmscut) {
6099 	    *erreur = errnu;
6100 	    --nu;
6101 	} else {
6102 	    goto L2001;
6103 	}
6104     }
6106     goto L1001;
6108 /* -------------------------- Return the degrees -------------------
6109 */
6111 L2001:
6112     *newdgu = advapp_max(nu,1);
6113     *newdgv = advapp_max(nv,1);
6115 /* ----------------------------------- The end --------------------------
6116 */
6118     if (ldbg) {
6119 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2ER2", 7L);
6120     }
6121     return 0;
6122 } /* mma2er2_ */
6124 //=======================================================================
6125 //function : mma2fnc_
6126 //purpose  :
6127 //=======================================================================
mma2fnc_(integer * ndimen,integer * nbsesp,integer * ndimse,doublereal * uvfonc,const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var & foncnp,doublereal * tconst,integer * isofav,integer * nbroot,doublereal * rootlg,integer * iordre,integer * ideriv,integer * ndgjac,integer * nbcrmx,integer * ncflim,doublereal * epsapr,integer * ncoeff,doublereal * courbe,integer * nbcrbe,doublereal * somtab,doublereal * diftab,doublereal * contr1,doublereal * contr2,doublereal * tabdec,doublereal * errmax,doublereal * errmoy,integer * iercod)6128 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2fnc_(integer *ndimen,
6129 				     integer *nbsesp,
6130 				     integer *ndimse,
6131 				     doublereal *uvfonc,
6132 				     const AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var& foncnp,
6133 				     doublereal *tconst,
6134 				     integer *isofav,
6135 				     integer *nbroot,
6136 				     doublereal *rootlg,
6137 				     integer *iordre,
6138 				     integer *ideriv,
6139 				     integer *ndgjac,
6140 				     integer *nbcrmx,
6141 				     integer *ncflim,
6142 				     doublereal *epsapr,
6143 				     integer *ncoeff,
6144 				     doublereal *courbe,
6145 				     integer *nbcrbe,
6146 				     doublereal *somtab,
6147 				     doublereal *diftab,
6148 				     doublereal *contr1,
6149 				     doublereal *contr2,
6150 				     doublereal *tabdec,
6151 				     doublereal *errmax,
6152 				     doublereal *errmoy,
6153 				     integer *iercod)
6155 {
6156   integer c__8 = 8;
6158    /* System generated locals */
6159     integer courbe_dim1, courbe_dim2, courbe_offset, somtab_dim1, somtab_dim2,
6160 	     somtab_offset, diftab_dim1, diftab_dim2, diftab_offset,
6161 	    contr1_dim1, contr1_dim2, contr1_offset, contr2_dim1, contr2_dim2,
6162 	     contr2_offset, errmax_dim1, errmax_offset, errmoy_dim1,
6163 	    errmoy_offset, i__1;
6164     doublereal d__1;
6166     /* Local variables */
6167     integer ideb;
6168     doublereal tmil;
6169     integer  ideb1, ibid1, ibid2, ncfja, ndgre, ilong,
6170 	    ndwrk;
6171     doublereal* wrkar = 0;
6172     doublereal* wrkar_off;
6173     integer nupil;
6174     intptr_t iofwr;
6175     doublereal uvpav[4]	/* was [2][2] */;
6176     integer nd, ii;
6177     integer ibb;
6178     integer ier = 0;
6179     doublereal uv11[4]	/* was [2][2] */;
6180   integer ncb1;
6181     doublereal eps3;
6182     integer isz1, isz2, isz3, isz4, isz5;
6183     intptr_t ipt1, ipt2, ipt3, ipt4,iptt, jptt;
6185 /* **********************************************************************
6186 */
6188 /*     FUNCTION : */
6189 /*     ---------- */
6190 /* Approximation of a limit of non polynomial function F(u,v) */
6191 /* (in the space of dimension NDIMEN) by SEVERAL  */
6192 /* polynomial curves, by the method of least squares. The parameter of the function is preserved. */
6194 /*     KEYWORDS : */
6195 /*     ----------- */
6198 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
6199 /*     ----------------- */
6200 /*     NDIMEN: Total Dimension of the space (sum of dimensions */
6201 /*             of sub-spaces) */
6202 /*     NBSESP: Number of "independent" sub-spaces. */
6203 /*     NDIMSE: Table of dimensions of sub-spaces. */
6204 /*     UVFONC: Limits of the interval (a,b)x(c,d) of definition of the */
6205 /*             function to be approached by U (UVFONC(*,1) contains (a,b)) */
6206 /*             and by V (UVFONC(*,2) contains (c,d)). */
6207 /*     FONCNP: External function of position on the non polynomial function to be approached. */
6208 /*     TCONST: Value of isoparameter of F(u,v) to be discretized. */
6209 /*     ISOFAV: Type of chosen iso, = 1, shose that discretization is with u */
6210 /*             fixed; = 2, shows that v is fixed. */
6211 /*     NBROOT: Nb of points of discretisation of the iso, extremities not included. */
6212 /*     ROOTLG: Table of roots of the polynom of Legendre defined on */
6213 /*             (-1,1), of degree NBROOT. */
6214 /*     IORDRE: Order of constraint at the extremities of the limit */
6215 /*              -1 = no constraints, */
6216 /*               0 = constraints of passage to limits (i.e. C0), */
6217 /*               1 = C0 + constraints of 1st derivatives (i.e. C1), */
6218 /*               2 = C1 + constraints of 2nd derivatives (i.e. C2). */
6219 /*     IDERIV: Order of derivative of the limit. */
6220 /*     NDGJAC: Degree of serial development to be used for calculation in */
6221 /*             the Jacobi base. */
6222 /*     NBCRMX: Max Nb of curves to be created. */
6223 /*     NCFLIM: Max Nb of coeff of the polynomial curve */
6224 /*             of approximation (should be above or equal to */
6225 /*             2*IORDRE+2 and below or equal to 50). */
6226 /*     EPSAPR: Table of required errors of approximation */
6227 /*             sub-space by sub-space. */
6229 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
6230 /*     ------------------- */
6231 /*     NCOEFF: Number of significative coeff of calculated curves. */
6232 /*     COURBE: Table of coeff. of calculated polynomial curves. */
6233 /*             Should be dimensioned in (NCFLIM,NDIMEN,NBCRMX). */
6234 /*             These curves are ALWAYS parametrized in (-1,1). */
6235 /*     NBCRBE: Nb of calculated curves. */
6236 /*     SOMTAB: For F defined on (-1,1) (otherwise rescale the */
6237 /*             parameters), this is the table of sums F(u,vj) + F(u,-vj)
6238 */
6239 /*             if ISOFAV = 1 (and IDERIV=0, otherwise the derivatives */
6240 /*             by u of order IDERIV are taken) or sumes F(ui,v) + F(-ui,v) if */
6241 /*             ISOFAV = 2 (and IDERIV=0, otherwise the derivatives by */
6242 /*             v of order IDERIV are taken). */
6243 /*     DIFTAB: For F defined on (-1,1) (otherwise rescale the */
6244 /*             parameters), this is the table of sums F(u,vj) - F(u,-vj)
6245 */
6246 /*             if ISOFAV = 1 (and IDERIV=0, otherwise the derivatives */
6247 /*             by u of order IDERIV are taken) or sumes F(ui,v) + F(-ui,v) if */
6248 /*             ISOFAV = 2 (and IDERIV=0, otherwise the derivatives by */
6249 /*             v of order IDERIV are taken). */
6250 /*     CONTR1: Contains the coordinates of the left extremity of the iso */
6251 /*             and of its derivatives till order IORDRE */
6252 /*     CONTR2: Contains the coordinates of the right extremity of the iso */
6253 /*             and of its derivatives till order IORDRE */
6254 /*     TABDEC: Table of NBCRBE+1 parameters of cut of UVFONC(1:2,1)
6255 */
6256 /*             if ISOFAV=2, or of UVFONC(1:2,2) if ISOFAV=1. */
6257 /*     ERRMAX: Table of MAX errors (sub-space by sub-space) */
6258 /*             committed in the approximation of FONCNP by NBCRBE curves. */
6259 /*     ERRMOY: Table of AVERAGE errors (sub-space by sub-space) */
6260 /*             committed in the approximation of FONCNP by NBCRBE curves. */
6261 /*     IERCOD: Error code: */
6262 /*             -1 = ERRMAX > EPSAPR for at least one sub-space. */
6263 /*                  (the resulting curves of at least mathematic degree NCFLIM-1 */
6264 /*                  are calculated). */
6265 /*              0 = Everything is ok. */
6266 /*              1 = Pb of incoherence of inputs. */
6267 /*             10 = Pb of calculation of the interpolation of constraints. */
6268 /*             13 = Pb in the dynamic allocation. */
6269 /*             33 = Pb in the data recuperation from block data */
6270 /*                  of coeff. of integration by GAUSS method. */
6271 /*             >100 Pb in the evaluation of FONCNP, the returned error code */
6272 /*                  is equal to the error code of FONCNP + 100. */
6274 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
6275 /*     ---------------- */
6277 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
6278 /*     ----------------------- */
6281 /*     ----------------------------------- */
6282 /* --> The approximation part is done in the space of dimension */
6283 /*    NDIMEN (the sum of dimensions of sub-spaces). For example : */
6284 /*        If NBSESP=2 and NDIMSE(1)=3, NDIMSE(2)=2, there is smoothing with */
6285 /*        NDIMEN=5. The result (in COURBE(NDIMEN,NCOEFF,i) ), will be */
6286 /*        composed of the result of smoothing of 3D function in */
6287 /*        COURBE(1:3,1:NCOEFF,i) and of smoothing of 2D function in */
6288 /*        COURBE(4:5,1:NCOEFF,i). */
6290 /* -->  Routine FONCNP should be declared EXTERNAL in the program */
6291 /*     calling MMA2FNC. */
6293 /* -->  Function FONCNP, declared externally, should be declared */
6294 /*     IMPERATIVELY in form : */
6296 /*                           ,TTABLE,IDERIU,IDERIV,IERCOD) */
6297 /*     where the input arguments are : */
6298 /*      - NDIMEN is integer defined as the sum of dimensions of */
6299 /*               sub-spaces (i.e. total dimension of the problem). */
6300 /*      - UINTFN(2) is a table of 2 reals containing the interval */
6301 /*                  by u where the function to be approximated is defined */
6302 /*                  (so it is equal to UIFONC). */
6303 /*      - VINTFN(2) is a table of 2 reals containing the interval */
6304 /*                  by v where the function to be approximated is defined */
6305 /*                  (so it is equal to VIFONC). */
6306 /*      - IIUOUV, shows that the points to be calculated have a constant U */
6307 /*                (IIUOUV=1) or a constant V (IIUOUV=2). */
6308 /*      - TCONST, real, value of the fixed discretisation parameter. Takes values */
6309 /*                in  (UINTFN(1),UINTFN(2)) if IIUOUV=1, */
6310 /*                or in (VINTFN(1),VINTFN(2)) if IIUOUV=2. */
6311 /*      - NBPTAB, the nb of point of discretisation following the free variable */
6312 /*                : V if IIUOUV=1 or U if IIUOUV = 2. */
6313 /*      - TTABLE, Table of NBPTAB parametres of discretisation. . */
6314 /*      - IDERIU, integer, takes values between 0 (position) */
6315 /*                and IORDREU (partial derivative of the function by u */
6316 /*                of order IORDREU if IORDREU > 0). */
6317 /*      - IDERIV, integer, takes values between 0 (position) */
6318 /*                and IORDREV (partial derivative of the function by v */
6319 /*                of order IORDREV if IORDREV > 0). */
6320 /*     and the output arguments are : */
6321 /*        - FPNTAB(NDIMEN,NBPTAB) contains, at output, the table of */
6322 /*                                NBPTAB points calculated in FONCNP. */
6323 /*        - IERCOD is, at output the error code of FONCNP. This code */
6324 /*                 (integer) should be strictly positive if there is a problem. */
6326 /*     The input arguments SHOULD NOT BE modified under FONCNP.
6327 */
6329 /* --> If IERCOD=-1, the required precision can't be reached (ERRMAX */
6330 /*     is above EPSAPR on at least one sub-space), but
6331 */
6332 /*     one gives the best possible result for NCFLIM and EPSAPR */
6333 /*     chosen by the user. In this case (and for IERCOD=0), there is a solution. */
6335 /* > */
6336 /* **********************************************************************
6337 */
6338 /*   Name of the routine */
6340     /* Parameter adjustments */
6341     --epsapr;
6342     --ndimse;
6343     uvfonc -= 3;
6344     --rootlg;
6345     errmoy_dim1 = *nbsesp;
6346     errmoy_offset = errmoy_dim1 + 1;
6347     errmoy -= errmoy_offset;
6348     errmax_dim1 = *nbsesp;
6349     errmax_offset = errmax_dim1 + 1;
6350     errmax -= errmax_offset;
6351     contr2_dim1 = *ndimen;
6352     contr2_dim2 = *iordre + 2;
6353     contr2_offset = contr2_dim1 * (contr2_dim2 + 1) + 1;
6354     contr2 -= contr2_offset;
6355     contr1_dim1 = *ndimen;
6356     contr1_dim2 = *iordre + 2;
6357     contr1_offset = contr1_dim1 * (contr1_dim2 + 1) + 1;
6358     contr1 -= contr1_offset;
6359     diftab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
6360     diftab_dim2 = *ndimen;
6361     diftab_offset = diftab_dim1 * (diftab_dim2 + 1);
6362     diftab -= diftab_offset;
6363     somtab_dim1 = *nbroot / 2 + 1;
6364     somtab_dim2 = *ndimen;
6365     somtab_offset = somtab_dim1 * (somtab_dim2 + 1);
6366     somtab -= somtab_offset;
6367     --ncoeff;
6368     courbe_dim1 = *ncflim;
6369     courbe_dim2 = *ndimen;
6370     courbe_offset = courbe_dim1 * (courbe_dim2 + 1) + 1;
6371     courbe -= courbe_offset;
6372     AdvApp2Var_SysBase anAdvApp2Var_SysBase;
6374     /* Function Body */
6375     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
6376     if (ibb >= 1) {
6377 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2FNC", 7L);
6378     }
6379     *iercod = 0;
6380     iofwr = 0;
6382 /* ---------------- Set to zero the coefficients of CURVE --------------
6383 */
6385     ilong = *ndimen * *ncflim * *nbcrmx;
6386     AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilong, &courbe[courbe_offset]);
6388 /* **********************************************************************
6389 */
6390 /* -------------------------- Checking of entries ------------------
6391 */
6392 /* **********************************************************************
6393 */
6395     AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmveps3_(&eps3);
6396     if ((d__1 = uvfonc[4] - uvfonc[3], advapp_abs(d__1)) < eps3) {
6397 	goto L9100;
6398     }
6399     if ((d__1 = uvfonc[6] - uvfonc[5], advapp_abs(d__1)) < eps3) {
6400 	goto L9100;
6401     }
6403     uv11[0] = -1.;
6404     uv11[1] = 1.;
6405     uv11[2] = -1.;
6406     uv11[3] = 1.;
6408 /* ********************************************************************** */
6409 /* ------------- Preparation of parameters of discretisation ----------- */
6410 /* **********************************************************************
6411 */
6413 /* -- Allocation of a table of parameters and points of discretisation -- */
6414 /* --> For the parameters of discretisation. */
6415     isz1 = *nbroot + 2;
6416 /* --> For the points of discretisation in MMA1FDI and MMA1CDI and
6417  */
6418 /*    the auxiliary curve for MMAPCMP */
6419     ibid1 = *ndimen * (*nbroot + 2);
6420     ibid2 = ((*iordre + 1) << 1) * *nbroot;
6421     isz2 = advapp_max(ibid1,ibid2);
6422     ibid1 = (((*ncflim - 1) / 2 + 1) << 1) * *ndimen;
6423     isz2 = advapp_max(ibid1,isz2);
6424 /* --> To return the polynoms of hermit. */
6425     isz3 = ((*iordre + 1) << 2) * (*iordre + 1);
6426 /* --> For the Gauss  coeff. of integration. */
6427     isz4 = (*nbroot / 2 + 1) * (*ndgjac + 1 - ((*iordre + 1) << 1));
6428 /* --> For the coeff of the curve in the base of Jacobi */
6429     isz5 = (*ndgjac + 1) * *ndimen;
6431     ndwrk = isz1 + isz2 + isz3 + isz4 + isz5;
6432     anAdvApp2Var_SysBase.mcrrqst_(&c__8, &ndwrk, wrkar, &iofwr, &ier);
6433     wrkar_off = reinterpret_cast<double*>(iofwr * sizeof(double));
6434     if (ier > 0) {
6435 	goto L9013;    }
6436 /* --> For the parameters of discretisation (NBROOT+2 extremities). */
6437 /* --> For the points of discretisation FPNTAB(NDIMEN,NBROOT+2), */
6438 /*    FPNTAB(NBROOT,2*(IORDRE+1)) and for WRKAR of MMAPCMP. */
6439     ipt1 = isz1;
6440 /* --> For the polynoms of Hermit */
6441     ipt2 = ipt1 + isz2;
6442 /* --> For the Gauss  coeff of integration. */
6443     ipt3 = ipt2 + isz3;
6444 /* --> For the curve in Jacobi. */
6445     ipt4 = ipt3 + isz4;
6447 /* ------------------ Initialisation of management of cuts ---------
6448 */
6450     if (*isofav == 1) {
6451 	uvpav[0] = uvfonc[3];
6452 	uvpav[1] = uvfonc[4];
6453 	tabdec[0] = uvfonc[5];
6454 	tabdec[1] = uvfonc[6];
6455     } else if (*isofav == 2) {
6456 	tabdec[0] = uvfonc[3];
6457 	tabdec[1] = uvfonc[4];
6458 	uvpav[2] = uvfonc[5];
6459 	uvpav[3] = uvfonc[6];
6460     } else {
6461 	goto L9100;
6462     }
6464     nupil = 1;
6465     *nbcrbe = 0;
6467 /* **********************************************************************
6468 */
6469 /*                       APPROXIMATION WITH CUTS */
6470 /* **********************************************************************
6471 */
6473 L1000:
6474 /* --> When the top is reached, this is the end ! */
6475     if (nupil - *nbcrbe == 0) {
6476 	goto L9900;
6477     }
6478     ncb1 = *nbcrbe + 1;
6479     if (*isofav == 1) {
6480 	uvpav[2] = tabdec[*nbcrbe];
6481 	uvpav[3] = tabdec[*nbcrbe + 1];
6482     } else if (*isofav == 2) {
6483 	uvpav[0] = tabdec[*nbcrbe];
6484 	uvpav[1] = tabdec[*nbcrbe + 1];
6485     } else {
6486 	goto L9100;
6487     }
6489 /* -------------------- Normalization of parameters -------------------- */
6491     mma1nop_(nbroot, &rootlg[1], uvpav, isofav, wrkar_off, &ier);
6492     if (ier > 0) {
6493 	goto L9100;
6494     }
6496 /* -------------------- Discretisation of FONCNP ------------------------ */
6498     mma1fdi_(ndimen, uvpav, foncnp, isofav, tconst, nbroot, wrkar_off,
6499 	    iordre, ideriv, &wrkar_off[ipt1], &somtab[(ncb1 * somtab_dim2 + 1) *
6500 	    somtab_dim1], &diftab[(ncb1 * diftab_dim2 + 1) * diftab_dim1], &
6501 	    contr1[(ncb1 * contr1_dim2 + 1) * contr1_dim1 + 1], &contr2[(ncb1
6502 	    * contr2_dim2 + 1) * contr2_dim1 + 1], iercod);
6503     if (*iercod > 0) {
6504 	goto L9900;
6505     }
6507 /* -----------Cut the discretisation of constraints ------------*/
6509     if (*iordre >= 0) {
6510 	mma1cdi_(ndimen, nbroot, &rootlg[1], iordre, &contr1[(ncb1 *
6511 		contr1_dim2 + 1) * contr1_dim1 + 1], &contr2[(ncb1 *
6512 		contr2_dim2 + 1) * contr2_dim1 + 1], &somtab[(ncb1 *
6513 		somtab_dim2 + 1) * somtab_dim1], &diftab[(ncb1 * diftab_dim2
6514 		+ 1) * diftab_dim1], &wrkar_off[ipt1], &wrkar_off[ipt2], &ier);
6515 	if (ier > 0) {
6516 	    goto L9100;
6517 	}
6518     }
6520 /* **********************************************************************
6521 */
6522 /* -------------------- Calculate the curve of approximation -------------
6523 */
6524 /* **********************************************************************
6525 */
6527     mma1jak_(ndimen, nbroot, iordre, ndgjac, &somtab[(ncb1 * somtab_dim2 + 1)
6528 	    * somtab_dim1], &diftab[(ncb1 * diftab_dim2 + 1) * diftab_dim1],
6529 	    &wrkar_off[ipt3], &wrkar_off[ipt4], &ier);
6530     if (ier > 0) {
6531 	goto L9100;
6532     }
6534 /* **********************************************************************
6535 */
6536 /* ---------------- Add polynom of interpolation -------------------
6537 */
6538 /* **********************************************************************
6539 */
6541     if (*iordre >= 0) {
6542 	mma1cnt_(ndimen, iordre, &contr1[(ncb1 * contr1_dim2 + 1) *
6543 		contr1_dim1 + 1], &contr2[(ncb1 * contr2_dim2 + 1) *
6544 		contr2_dim1 + 1], &wrkar_off[ipt2], ndgjac, &wrkar_off[ipt4]);
6545     }
6547 /* **********************************************************************
6548 */
6549 /* --------------- Calculate Max and Average error ----------------------
6550 */
6551 /* **********************************************************************
6552 */
6554     mma1fer_(ndimen, nbsesp, &ndimse[1], iordre, ndgjac, &wrkar_off[ipt4], ncflim,
6555 	     &epsapr[1], &wrkar_off[ipt1], &errmax[ncb1 * errmax_dim1 + 1], &
6556 	    errmoy[ncb1 * errmoy_dim1 + 1], &ncoeff[ncb1], &ier);
6557     if (ier > 0) {
6558 	goto L9100;
6559     }
6561     if (ier == 0 || (ier == -1 && nupil == *nbcrmx)) {
6563 /* ******************************************************************
6564 **** */
6565 /* ----------------------- Compression du resultat ------------------
6566 ---- */
6567 /* ******************************************************************
6568 **** */
6570 	if (ier == -1) {
6571 	    *iercod = -1;
6572 	}
6573 	ncfja = *ndgjac + 1;
6574 /* -> Compression of result in WRKAR(IPT2) */
6575 	/*pkv f*/
6576 	/*
6577 	AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmapcmp_(ndimen,
6578 	&ncfja, &ncoeff[ncb1], &wrkar[ipt5], &wrkar[ipt2]);
6579 	*/
6580 	AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmapcmp_((integer*)ndimen,
6581 				      &ncfja,
6582 				      &ncoeff[ncb1],
6583 				      &wrkar_off[ipt4],
6584 				      &wrkar_off[ipt1]);
6585 	/*pkv t*/
6586 	ilong = *ndimen * *ncflim;
6587 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mvriraz_(&ilong, &wrkar_off[ipt4]);
6588 /* -> Passage to canonic base (-1,1) (result in WRKAR(IPT5)).
6589 */
6590 	ndgre = ncoeff[ncb1] - 1;
6591 	i__1 = *ndimen;
6592 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
6593 	    iptt = ipt1 + ((nd - 1) << 1) * (ndgre / 2 + 1);
6594 	    jptt = ipt4 + (nd - 1) * ncoeff[ncb1];
6595 	    AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmjacan_(iordre, &ndgre, &wrkar_off[iptt], &wrkar_off[jptt]);
6596 /* L400: */
6597 	}
6599 /* -> Store the calculated curve */
6600 	ibid1 = 1;
6601 	AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmfmca8_(&ncoeff[ncb1], ndimen, &ibid1, ncflim, ndimen, &ibid1,
6602 		&wrkar_off[ipt4], &courbe[(ncb1 * courbe_dim2 + 1) * courbe_dim1 +
6603 		1]);
6605 /* -> Before normalization of constraints on (-1,1), recalculate */
6606 /*    the true constraints. */
6607 	i__1 = *iordre;
6608 	for (ii = 0; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
6609 	    mma1noc_(uv11, ndimen, &ii, &contr1[(ii + 1 + ncb1 * contr1_dim2)
6610 		    * contr1_dim1 + 1], uvpav, isofav, ideriv, &contr1[(ii +
6611 		    1 + ncb1 * contr1_dim2) * contr1_dim1 + 1]);
6612 	    mma1noc_(uv11, ndimen, &ii, &contr2[(ii + 1 + ncb1 * contr2_dim2)
6613 		    * contr2_dim1 + 1], uvpav, isofav, ideriv, &contr2[(ii +
6614 		    1 + ncb1 * contr2_dim2) * contr2_dim1 + 1]);
6615 /* L200: */
6616 	}
6617 	ii = 0;
6618 	ibid1 = (*nbroot / 2 + 1) * *ndimen;
6619 	mma1noc_(uv11, &ibid1, &ii, &somtab[(ncb1 * somtab_dim2 + 1) *
6620 		somtab_dim1], uvpav, isofav, ideriv, &somtab[(ncb1 *
6621 		somtab_dim2 + 1) * somtab_dim1]);
6622 	mma1noc_(uv11, &ibid1, &ii, &diftab[(ncb1 * diftab_dim2 + 1) *
6623 		diftab_dim1], uvpav, isofav, ideriv, &diftab[(ncb1 *
6624 		diftab_dim2 + 1) * diftab_dim1]);
6625 	ii = 0;
6626 	i__1 = *ndimen;
6627 	for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
6628 	    mma1noc_(uv11, &ncoeff[ncb1], &ii, &courbe[(nd + ncb1 *
6629 		    courbe_dim2) * courbe_dim1 + 1], uvpav, isofav, ideriv, &
6630 		    courbe[(nd + ncb1 * courbe_dim2) * courbe_dim1 + 1]);
6631 /* L210: */
6632 	}
6634 /* -> Update the nb of already created curves */
6635 	++(*nbcrbe);
6637 /* -> ...otherwise try to cut the current interval in 2... */
6638     } else {
6639 	tmil = (tabdec[*nbcrbe + 1] + tabdec[*nbcrbe]) / 2.;
6640 	ideb = *nbcrbe + 1;
6641 	ideb1 = ideb + 1;
6642 	ilong = (nupil - *nbcrbe) << 3;
6643 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mcrfill_(&ilong, &tabdec[ideb],&tabdec[ideb1]);
6644 	tabdec[ideb] = tmil;
6645 	++nupil;
6646     }
6648 /* ---------- Make approximation of the rest -----------
6649 */
6651     goto L1000;
6653 /* --------------------- Return code of error -----------------
6654 */
6655 /* --> Pb with dynamic allocation */
6656 L9013:
6657     *iercod = 13;
6658     goto L9900;
6659 /* --> Inputs incoherent. */
6660 L9100:
6661     *iercod = 1;
6662     goto L9900;
6664 /* -------------------------- Dynamic desallocation -------------------
6665 */
6667 L9900:
6668     if (iofwr != 0) {
6669 	anAdvApp2Var_SysBase.mcrdelt_(&c__8, &ndwrk, wrkar, &iofwr, &ier);
6670     }
6671     if (ier > 0) {
6672 	*iercod = 13;
6673     }
6674     goto L9999;
6676 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
6677 */
6679 L9999:
6680     if (*iercod != 0) {
6681 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMA2FNC", iercod, 7L);
6682     }
6683     if (ibb >= 2) {
6684 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2FNC", 7L);
6685     }
6686     return 0;
6687 } /* mma2fnc_ */
6689 //=======================================================================
6690 //function : mma2fx6_
6691 //purpose  :
6692 //=======================================================================
mma2fx6_(integer * ncfmxu,integer * ncfmxv,integer * ndimen,integer * nbsesp,integer * ndimse,integer * nbupat,integer * nbvpat,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,doublereal * epsapr,doublereal * epsfro,doublereal * patcan,doublereal * errmax,integer * ncoefu,integer * ncoefv)6693 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2fx6_(integer *ncfmxu,
6694 				     integer *ncfmxv,
6695 				     integer *ndimen,
6696 				     integer *nbsesp,
6697 				     integer *ndimse,
6698 				     integer *nbupat,
6699 				     integer *nbvpat,
6700 				     integer *iordru,
6701 				     integer *iordrv,
6702 				     doublereal *epsapr,
6703 				     doublereal *epsfro,
6704 				     doublereal *patcan,
6705 				     doublereal *errmax,
6706 				     integer *ncoefu,
6707 				     integer *ncoefv)
6709 {
6710   /* System generated locals */
6711   integer epsfro_dim1, epsfro_offset, patcan_dim1, patcan_dim2, patcan_dim3,
6712   patcan_dim4, patcan_offset, errmax_dim1, errmax_dim2,
6713   errmax_offset, ncoefu_dim1, ncoefu_offset, ncoefv_dim1,
6714   ncoefv_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5;
6715   doublereal d__1, d__2;
6717   /* Local variables */
6718   integer idim, ncfu, ncfv, id, ii, nd, jj, ku, kv, ns, ibb;
6719   doublereal bid;
6720   doublereal tol;
6722 /* **********************************************************************
6723 */
6725 /*     FUNCTION : */
6726 /*     ---------- */
6727 /*     Reduction of degree when the squares are the squares of constraints. */
6729 /*     KEYWORDS : */
6730 /*     ----------- */
6733 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
6734 /*     ------------------ */
6735 /* NCFMXU: Max Nb of coeff by u of solution P(u,v) (table */
6736 /*         PATCAN). This argument serves only to declare the size of this table. */
6737 /* NCFMXV: Max Nb of coeff by v of solution P(u,v) (table */
6738 /*         PATCAN). This argument serves only to declare the size of this table. */
6739 /* NDIMEN: Total dimension of the space where the processed function */
6740 /*         takes its values.(sum of dimensions of sub-spaces) */
6741 /* NBSESP: Nb of independent sub-spaces where the errors are measured. */
6742 /* NDIMSE: Table of dimensions of NBSESP sub-spaces. */
6743 /* NBUPAT: Nb of square solution by u. */
6744 /* NBVPAT: Nb of square solution by v. */
6745 /* IORDRU: Order of constraint imposed at the extremities of iso-V */
6746 /*         = 0, the extremities of iso-V are calculated */
6747 /*         = 1, additionally the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-V is calculated */
6748 /*         = 2, additionally the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-V is calculated  */
6749 /* IORDRV: Ordre de contrainte impose aux extremites de l'iso-U */
6750 /*         = 0, on calcule les extremites de l'iso-U. */
6751 /*         = 1, additionally the 1st derivative in the direction of iso-U is calculated */
6752 /*         = 2, additionally the 2nd derivative in the direction of iso-U is calculated  */
6753 /* EPSAPR: Table of imposed precisions, sub-space by sub-space. */
6754 /* EPSFRO: Table of imposed precisions, sub-space by sub-space on the limits of squares. */
6755 /* PATCAN: Table of coeff. in the canonic base of squares P(u,v) calculated for (u,v) in (-1,1). */
6756 /* ERRMAX: Table of MAX errors (sub-space by sub-space) */
6757 /*         committed in the approximation of F(u,v) by P(u,v). */
6758 /* NCOEFU: Table of Nb of significative coeffs. by u of calculated squares. */
6759 /* NCOEFV: Table of Nb of significative coeffs. by v of calculated squares. */
6761 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
6762 /*     ------------------- */
6763 /* NCOEFU: Table of Nb of significative coeffs. by u of calculated squares. */
6764 /* NCOEFV: Table of Nb of significative coeffs. by v of calculated squares. */
6766 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
6767 /*     ---------------- */
6769 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
6770 /*     --------------------- */
6773 /*     ------------------------------- */
6774 /* > */
6775 /* **********************************************************************
6776 */
6778 /*   Name of the routine */
6781     /* Parameter adjustments */
6782     epsfro_dim1 = *nbsesp;
6783     epsfro_offset = epsfro_dim1 * 5 + 1;
6784     epsfro -= epsfro_offset;
6785     --epsapr;
6786     --ndimse;
6787     ncoefv_dim1 = *nbupat;
6788     ncoefv_offset = ncoefv_dim1 + 1;
6789     ncoefv -= ncoefv_offset;
6790     ncoefu_dim1 = *nbupat;
6791     ncoefu_offset = ncoefu_dim1 + 1;
6792     ncoefu -= ncoefu_offset;
6793     errmax_dim1 = *nbsesp;
6794     errmax_dim2 = *nbupat;
6795     errmax_offset = errmax_dim1 * (errmax_dim2 + 1) + 1;
6796     errmax -= errmax_offset;
6797     patcan_dim1 = *ncfmxu;
6798     patcan_dim2 = *ncfmxv;
6799     patcan_dim3 = *ndimen;
6800     patcan_dim4 = *nbupat;
6801     patcan_offset = patcan_dim1 * (patcan_dim2 * (patcan_dim3 * (patcan_dim4
6802 	    + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1;
6803     patcan -= patcan_offset;
6805     /* Function Body */
6806     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
6807     if (ibb >= 3) {
6808 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2FX6", 7L);
6809     }
6812     i__1 = *nbvpat;
6813     for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj) {
6814 	i__2 = *nbupat;
6815 	for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii) {
6816 	    ncfu = ncoefu[ii + jj * ncoefu_dim1];
6817 	    ncfv = ncoefv[ii + jj * ncoefv_dim1];
6819 /* ********************************************************************** */
6820 /* -------------------- Reduction of degree by U ------------------------- */
6821 /* ********************************************************************** */
6823 L200:
6824 	    if (ncfu <= (*iordru + 1) << 1 && ncfu > 2) {
6826 		idim = 0;
6827 		i__3 = *nbsesp;
6828 		for (ns = 1; ns <= i__3; ++ns) {
6829 		    tol = epsapr[ns];
6830 /* Computing MIN */
6831 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 9];
6832 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6833 /* Computing MIN */
6834 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 10];
6835 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6836 /* Computing MIN */
6837 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 11];
6838 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6839 /* Computing MIN */
6840 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 12];
6841 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6842 		    if (ii == 1 || ii == *nbupat || jj == 1 || jj == *nbvpat)
6843 			    {
6844 /* Computing MIN */
6845 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 5];
6846 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6847 /* Computing MIN */
6848 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 6];
6849 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6850 /* Computing MIN */
6851 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 7];
6852 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6853 /* Computing MIN */
6854 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + (epsfro_dim1 << 3)];
6855 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6856 		    }
6857 		    bid = 0.;
6859 		    i__4 = ndimse[ns];
6860 		    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__4; ++nd) {
6861 			id = idim + nd;
6862 			i__5 = ncfv;
6863 			for (kv = 1; kv <= i__5; ++kv) {
6864 			    bid += (d__1 = patcan[ncfu + (kv + (id + (ii + jj
6865 				    * patcan_dim4) * patcan_dim3) *
6866 				    patcan_dim2) * patcan_dim1], advapp_abs(d__1));
6867 /* L230: */
6868 			}
6869 /* L220: */
6870 		    }
6872 		    if (bid > tol * 1e-6 || bid > errmax[ns + (ii + jj *
6873 			    errmax_dim2) * errmax_dim1]) {
6874 			goto L300;
6875 		    }
6876 		    idim += ndimse[ns];
6877 /* L210: */
6878 		}
6880 		--ncfu;
6881 		goto L200;
6882 	    }
6884 /* ********************************************************************** */
6885 /* -------------------- Reduction of degree by V ------------------------- */
6886 /* ********************************************************************** */
6888 L300:
6889 	    if (ncfv <= (*iordrv + 1) << 1 && ncfv > 2) {
6891 		idim = 0;
6892 		i__3 = *nbsesp;
6893 		for (ns = 1; ns <= i__3; ++ns) {
6894 		    tol = epsapr[ns];
6895 /* Computing MIN */
6896 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 9];
6897 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6898 /* Computing MIN */
6899 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 10];
6900 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6901 /* Computing MIN */
6902 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 11];
6903 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6904 /* Computing MIN */
6905 		    d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 12];
6906 		    tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6907 		    if (ii == 1 || ii == *nbupat || jj == 1 || jj == *nbvpat)
6908 			    {
6909 /* Computing MIN */
6910 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 5];
6911 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6912 /* Computing MIN */
6913 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 6];
6914 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6915 /* Computing MIN */
6916 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + epsfro_dim1 * 7];
6917 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6918 /* Computing MIN */
6919 			d__1 = tol, d__2 = epsfro[ns + (epsfro_dim1 << 3)];
6920 			tol = advapp_min(d__1,d__2);
6921 		    }
6922 		    bid = 0.;
6924 		    i__4 = ndimse[ns];
6925 		    for (nd = 1; nd <= i__4; ++nd) {
6926 			id = idim + nd;
6927 			i__5 = ncfu;
6928 			for (ku = 1; ku <= i__5; ++ku) {
6929 			    bid += (d__1 = patcan[ku + (ncfv + (id + (ii + jj
6930 				    * patcan_dim4) * patcan_dim3) *
6931 				    patcan_dim2) * patcan_dim1], advapp_abs(d__1));
6932 /* L330: */
6933 			}
6934 /* L320: */
6935 		    }
6937 		    if (bid > tol * 1e-6 || bid > errmax[ns + (ii + jj *
6938 			    errmax_dim2) * errmax_dim1]) {
6939 			goto L400;
6940 		    }
6941 		    idim += ndimse[ns];
6942 /* L310: */
6943 		}
6945 		--ncfv;
6946 		goto L300;
6947 	    }
6949 /* --- Return the nbs of coeff. and pass to the next square --- */
6951 L400:
6952 	    ncoefu[ii + jj * ncoefu_dim1] = advapp_max(ncfu,2);
6953 	    ncoefv[ii + jj * ncoefv_dim1] = advapp_max(ncfv,2);
6954 /* L110: */
6955 	}
6956 /* L100: */
6957     }
6959 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
6960 */
6962     if (ibb >= 3) {
6963 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2FX6", 7L);
6964     }
6966  return 0 ;
6967 } /* mma2fx6_ */
6969 //=======================================================================
6970 //function : mma2jmx_
6971 //purpose  :
6972 //=======================================================================
mma2jmx_(integer * ndgjac,integer * iordre,doublereal * xjacmx)6973 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2jmx_(integer *ndgjac,
6974 				     integer *iordre,
6975 				     doublereal *xjacmx)
6976 {
6977     /* Initialized data */
6979     static doublereal xmax2[57] = { .9682458365518542212948163499456,
6980 	    .986013297183269340427888048593603,
6981 	    1.07810420343739860362585159028115,
6982 	    1.17325804490920057010925920756025,
6983 	    1.26476561266905634732910520370741,
6984 	    1.35169950227289626684434056681946,
6985 	    1.43424378958284137759129885012494,
6986 	    1.51281316274895465689402798226634,
6987 	    1.5878364329591908800533936587012,
6988 	    1.65970112228228167018443636171226,
6989 	    1.72874345388622461848433443013543,
6990 	    1.7952515611463877544077632304216,
6991 	    1.85947199025328260370244491818047,
6992 	    1.92161634324190018916351663207101,
6993 	    1.98186713586472025397859895825157,
6994 	    2.04038269834980146276967984252188,
6995 	    2.09730119173852573441223706382076,
6996 	    2.15274387655763462685970799663412,
6997 	    2.20681777186342079455059961912859,
6998 	    2.25961782459354604684402726624239,
6999 	    2.31122868752403808176824020121524,
7000 	    2.36172618435386566570998793688131,
7001 	    2.41117852396114589446497298177554,
7002 	    2.45964731268663657873849811095449,
7003 	    2.50718840313973523778244737914028,
7004 	    2.55385260994795361951813645784034,
7005 	    2.59968631659221867834697883938297,
7006 	    2.64473199258285846332860663371298,
7007 	    2.68902863641518586789566216064557,
7008 	    2.73261215675199397407027673053895,
7009 	    2.77551570192374483822124304745691,
7010 	    2.8177699459714315371037628127545,
7011 	    2.85940333797200948896046563785957,
7012 	    2.90044232019793636101516293333324,
7013 	    2.94091151970640874812265419871976,
7014 	    2.98083391718088702956696303389061,
7015 	    3.02023099621926980436221568258656,
7016 	    3.05912287574998661724731962377847,
7017 	    3.09752842783622025614245706196447,
7018 	    3.13546538278134559341444834866301,
7019 	    3.17295042316122606504398054547289,
7020 	    3.2099992681699613513775259670214,
7021 	    3.24662674946606137764916854570219,
7022 	    3.28284687953866689817670991319787,
7023 	    3.31867291347259485044591136879087,
7024 	    3.35411740487202127264475726990106,
7025 	    3.38919225660177218727305224515862,
7026 	    3.42390876691942143189170489271753,
7027 	    3.45827767149820230182596660024454,
7028 	    3.49230918177808483937957161007792,
7029 	    3.5260130200285724149540352829756,
7030 	    3.55939845146044235497103883695448,
7031 	    3.59247431368364585025958062194665,
7032 	    3.62524904377393592090180712976368,
7033 	    3.65773070318071087226169680450936,
7034 	    3.68992700068237648299565823810245,
7035 	    3.72184531357268220291630708234186 };
7036     static doublereal xmax4[55] = { 1.1092649593311780079813740546678,
7037 	    1.05299572648705464724876659688996,
7038 	    1.0949715351434178709281698645813,
7039 	    1.15078388379719068145021100764647,
7040 	    1.2094863084718701596278219811869,
7041 	    1.26806623151369531323304177532868,
7042 	    1.32549784426476978866302826176202,
7043 	    1.38142537365039019558329304432581,
7044 	    1.43575531950773585146867625840552,
7045 	    1.48850442653629641402403231015299,
7046 	    1.53973611681876234549146350844736,
7047 	    1.58953193485272191557448229046492,
7048 	    1.63797820416306624705258190017418,
7049 	    1.68515974143594899185621942934906,
7050 	    1.73115699602477936547107755854868,
7051 	    1.77604489805513552087086912113251,
7052 	    1.81989256661534438347398400420601,
7053 	    1.86276344480103110090865609776681,
7054 	    1.90471563564740808542244678597105,
7055 	    1.94580231994751044968731427898046,
7056 	    1.98607219357764450634552790950067,
7057 	    2.02556989246317857340333585562678,
7058 	    2.06433638992049685189059517340452,
7059 	    2.10240936014742726236706004607473,
7060 	    2.13982350649113222745523925190532,
7061 	    2.17661085564771614285379929798896,
7062 	    2.21280102016879766322589373557048,
7063 	    2.2484214321456956597803794333791,
7064 	    2.28349755104077956674135810027654,
7065 	    2.31805304852593774867640120860446,
7066 	    2.35210997297725685169643559615022,
7067 	    2.38568889602346315560143377261814,
7068 	    2.41880904328694215730192284109322,
7069 	    2.45148841120796359750021227795539,
7070 	    2.48374387161372199992570528025315,
7071 	    2.5155912654873773953959098501893,
7072 	    2.54704548720896557684101746505398,
7073 	    2.57812056037881628390134077704127,
7074 	    2.60882970619319538196517982945269,
7075 	    2.63918540521920497868347679257107,
7076 	    2.66919945330942891495458446613851,
7077 	    2.69888301230439621709803756505788,
7078 	    2.72824665609081486737132853370048,
7079 	    2.75730041251405791603760003778285,
7080 	    2.78605380158311346185098508516203,
7081 	    2.81451587035387403267676338931454,
7082 	    2.84269522483114290814009184272637,
7083 	    2.87060005919012917988363332454033,
7084 	    2.89823818258367657739520912946934,
7085 	    2.92561704377132528239806135133273,
7086 	    2.95274375377994262301217318010209,
7087 	    2.97962510678256471794289060402033,
7088 	    3.00626759936182712291041810228171,
7089 	    3.03267744830655121818899164295959,
7090 	    3.05886060707437081434964933864149 };
7091     static doublereal xmax6[53] = { 1.21091229812484768570102219548814,
7092 	    1.11626917091567929907256116528817,
7093 	    1.1327140810290884106278510474203,
7094 	    1.1679452722668028753522098022171,
7095 	    1.20910611986279066645602153641334,
7096 	    1.25228283758701572089625983127043,
7097 	    1.29591971597287895911380446311508,
7098 	    1.3393138157481884258308028584917,
7099 	    1.3821288728999671920677617491385,
7100 	    1.42420414683357356104823573391816,
7101 	    1.46546895108549501306970087318319,
7102 	    1.50590085198398789708599726315869,
7103 	    1.54550385142820987194251585145013,
7104 	    1.58429644271680300005206185490937,
7105 	    1.62230484071440103826322971668038,
7106 	    1.65955905239130512405565733793667,
7107 	    1.69609056468292429853775667485212,
7108 	    1.73193098017228915881592458573809,
7109 	    1.7671112206990325429863426635397,
7110 	    1.80166107681586964987277458875667,
7111 	    1.83560897003644959204940535551721,
7112 	    1.86898184653271388435058371983316,
7113 	    1.90180515174518670797686768515502,
7114 	    1.93410285411785808749237200054739,
7115 	    1.96589749778987993293150856865539,
7116 	    1.99721027139062501070081653790635,
7117 	    2.02806108474738744005306947877164,
7118 	    2.05846864831762572089033752595401,
7119 	    2.08845055210580131460156962214748,
7120 	    2.11802334209486194329576724042253,
7121 	    2.14720259305166593214642386780469,
7122 	    2.17600297710595096918495785742803,
7123 	    2.20443832785205516555772788192013,
7124 	    2.2325216999457379530416998244706,
7125 	    2.2602654243075083168599953074345,
7126 	    2.28768115912702794202525264301585,
7127 	    2.3147799369092684021274946755348,
7128 	    2.34157220782483457076721300512406,
7129 	    2.36806787963276257263034969490066,
7130 	    2.39427635443992520016789041085844,
7131 	    2.42020656255081863955040620243062,
7132 	    2.44586699364757383088888037359254,
7133 	    2.47126572552427660024678584642791,
7134 	    2.49641045058324178349347438430311,
7135 	    2.52130850028451113942299097584818,
7136 	    2.54596686772399937214920135190177,
7137 	    2.5703922285006754089328998222275,
7138 	    2.59459096001908861492582631591134,
7139 	    2.61856915936049852435394597597773,
7140 	    2.64233265984385295286445444361827,
7141 	    2.66588704638685848486056711408168,
7142 	    2.68923766976735295746679957665724,
7143 	    2.71238965987606292679677228666411 };
7145     /* System generated locals */
7146     integer i__1;
7148     /* Local variables */
7149     logical ldbg;
7150     integer numax, ii;
7151     doublereal bid;
7154 /* **********************************************************************
7155 */
7157 /*     FUNCTION : */
7158 /*     ---------- */
7159 /*  Calculate the max of Jacobo polynoms multiplied by the weight on */
7160 /*  (-1,1) for order 0,4,6 or Legendre. */
7162 /*     KEYWORDSS : */
7163 /*     ----------- */
7166 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
7167 /*     ------------------ */
7168 /*     NDGJAC: Nb of Jacobi coeff. of approximation. */
7169 /*     IORDRE: Order of continuity (from -1 to 2) */
7171 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7172 /*     ------------------- */
7173 /*     XJACMX: Table of maximums of Jacobi polynoms. */
7175 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
7176 /*     ---------------- */
7178 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
7179 /*     --------------------- */
7182 /*     ----------------------------------- */
7184 /* > */
7185 /* ***********************************************************************
7186  */
7187 /*   Name of the routine */
7188 /* ----------------------------- Initialisations ------------------------
7189 */
7191     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
7192     if (ldbg) {
7193 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2JMX", 7L);
7194     }
7196     numax = *ndgjac - ((*iordre + 1) << 1);
7197     if (*iordre == -1) {
7198 	i__1 = numax;
7199 	for (ii = 0; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
7200 	    bid = (ii * 2. + 1.) / 2.;
7201 	    xjacmx[ii] = sqrt(bid);
7202 /* L100: */
7203 	}
7204     } else if (*iordre == 0) {
7205 	i__1 = numax;
7206 	for (ii = 0; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
7207 	    xjacmx[ii] = xmax2[ii];
7208 /* L200: */
7209 	}
7210     } else if (*iordre == 1) {
7211 	i__1 = numax;
7212 	for (ii = 0; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
7213 	    xjacmx[ii] = xmax4[ii];
7214 /* L400: */
7215 	}
7216     } else if (*iordre == 2) {
7217 	i__1 = numax;
7218 	for (ii = 0; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
7219 	    xjacmx[ii] = xmax6[ii];
7220 /* L600: */
7221 	}
7222     }
7224 /* ------------------------- The end ------------------------------------
7225 */
7227     if (ldbg) {
7228 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2JMX", 7L);
7229     }
7230     return 0;
7231 } /* mma2jmx_ */
7233 //=======================================================================
7234 //function : mma2moy_
7235 //purpose  :
7236 //=======================================================================
mma2moy_(integer * ndgumx,integer * ndgvmx,integer * ndimen,integer * mindgu,integer * maxdgu,integer * mindgv,integer * maxdgv,integer * iordru,integer * iordrv,doublereal * patjac,doublereal * errmoy)7237 int mma2moy_(integer *ndgumx,
7238 	     integer *ndgvmx,
7239 	     integer *ndimen,
7240 	     integer *mindgu,
7241 	     integer *maxdgu,
7242 	     integer *mindgv,
7243 	     integer *maxdgv,
7244 	     integer *iordru,
7245 	     integer *iordrv,
7246 	     doublereal *patjac,
7247 	     doublereal *errmoy)
7248 {
7249   /* System generated locals */
7250     integer patjac_dim1, patjac_dim2, patjac_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
7252     /* Local variables */
7253     logical ldbg;
7254     integer minu, minv, idebu, idebv, ii, nd, jj;
7255     doublereal bid0, bid1;
7258 /* **********************************************************************
7259 */
7261 /*     FUNCTION : */
7262 /*     ---------- */
7263 /*  Calculate the average approximation error made when only */
7264 /*  the coefficients of PATJAC of degree between */
7265 /*  2*(IORDRU+1) and MINDGU by U and 2*(IORDRV+1) and MINDGV by V are preserved. */
7267 /*     KEYWORDS : */
7268 /*     ----------- */
7271 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7272 /*     ------------------ */
7273 /*     NDGUMX: Dimension by U of table PATJAC. */
7274 /*     NDGVMX: Dimension by V of table PATJAC. */
7275 /*     NDIMEN: Dimension of the space. */
7276 /*     MINDGU: Lower limit of the index by U of PATJAC coeff to be taken into account. */
7277 /*     MAXDGU: Upper limit of the index by U of PATJAC coeff to be taken into account. */
7278 /*     MINDGV: Lower limit of the index by V of PATJAC coeff to be taken into account. */
7279 /*     MAXDGV: Upper limit of the index by V of PATJAC coeff to be taken into account. */
7280 /*     IORDRU: Order of continuity by U provided by square PATJAC (from -1 to 2) */
7281 /*     IORDRV: Order of continuity by V provided by square PATJAC (from -1 to 2) */
7282 /*     PATJAC: Table of coeff. of the approximation square with  */
7283 /*             constraints of order IORDRU by U and IORDRV by V. */
7285 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7286 /*     ------------------- */
7287 /*     ERRMOY: Average error committed by preserving only the coeff of */
7288 /*             PATJAC 2*(IORDRU+1) in MINDGU by U and 2*(IORDRV+1) in MINDGV by V. */
7290 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
7291 /*     ---------------- */
7293 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
7294 /*     --------------------- */
7297 /*     ----------------------------------- */
7298 /*     Table PATJAC stores the coeff. Cij of */
7299 /*     approximation square F(U,V). Indexes i and j show the degree by  */
7300 /*     U and by V of the base polynoms. These base polynoms are in the form: */
7302 /*          ((1 - U*U)**(IORDRU+1)).J(i-2*(IORDRU+1)(U), where */
7304 /*     polynom J(i-2*(IORDU+1)(U) is the Jacobi polynom of order */
7305 /*     IORDRU+1 (the same by V by replacing U by V in the above expression). */
7307 /*     The contribution to the average error of term Cij when */
7308 /*     it is removed from PATJAC is Cij*Cij. */
7310 /* > */
7311 /* ***********************************************************************
7312  */
7313 /*   Name of the routine */
7316 /* ----------------------------- Initialisations ------------------------
7317 */
7319     /* Parameter adjustments */
7320     patjac_dim1 = *ndgumx + 1;
7321     patjac_dim2 = *ndgvmx + 1;
7322     patjac_offset = patjac_dim1 * patjac_dim2;
7323     patjac -= patjac_offset;
7325     /* Function Body */
7326     ldbg = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_() >= 3;
7327     if (ldbg) {
7328 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2MOY", 7L);
7329     }
7331     idebu = (*iordru + 1) << 1;
7332     idebv = (*iordrv + 1) << 1;
7333     minu = advapp_max(idebu,*mindgu);
7334     minv = advapp_max(idebv,*mindgv);
7335     bid0 = 0.;
7336     *errmoy = 0.;
7338 /* ------------------ Calculation  of the upper bound of the average error  ------------ */
7339 /* -------------------- when the coeff. of indexes from MINDGU to MAXDGU ------ */
7340 /* ---------------- by U and of indexes from MINDGV to MAXDGV by V are removed -------------- */
7342     i__1 = *ndimen;
7343     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
7344 	i__2 = *maxdgv;
7345 	for (jj = minv; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
7346 	    i__3 = *maxdgu;
7347 	    for (ii = idebu; ii <= i__3; ++ii) {
7348 		bid1 = patjac[ii + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1];
7349 		bid0 += bid1 * bid1;
7350 /* L300: */
7351 	    }
7352 /* L200: */
7353 	}
7354 /* L100: */
7355     }
7357     i__1 = *ndimen;
7358     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
7359 	i__2 = minv - 1;
7360 	for (jj = idebv; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
7361 	    i__3 = *maxdgu;
7362 	    for (ii = minu; ii <= i__3; ++ii) {
7363 		bid1 = patjac[ii + (jj + nd * patjac_dim2) * patjac_dim1];
7364 		bid0 += bid1 * bid1;
7365 /* L600: */
7366 	    }
7367 /* L500: */
7368 	}
7369 /* L400: */
7370     }
7372 /* ----------------------- Calculation of the average error -------------
7373 */
7375     bid0 /= 4;
7376     *errmoy = sqrt(bid0);
7378 /* ------------------------- The end ------------------------------------
7379 */
7381     if (ldbg) {
7382 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2MOY", 7L);
7383     }
7384     return 0;
7385 } /* mma2moy_ */
7387 //=======================================================================
7388 //function : mma2roo_
7389 //purpose  :
7390 //=======================================================================
mma2roo_(integer * nbpntu,integer * nbpntv,doublereal * urootl,doublereal * vrootl)7391 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mma2roo_(integer *nbpntu,
7392 				     integer *nbpntv,
7393 				     doublereal *urootl,
7394 				     doublereal *vrootl)
7395 {
7396   /* System generated locals */
7397   integer i__1;
7399   /* Local variables */
7400   integer ii, ibb;
7402 /* **********************************************************************
7403 */
7405 /*     FUNCTION : */
7406 /*     ---------- */
7407 /*     Return roots of Legendre for discretisations. */
7409 /*     KEYWORDS : */
7410 /*     ----------- */
7413 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7414 /*     ------------------ */
7415 /*     NBPNTU: Nb of INTERNAL parameters of discretization BY U. */
7416 /*             This is also the nb of root of the Legendre polynom where the discretization is done. */
7417 /*     NBPNTV: Nb of INTERNAL parameters of discretization BY V. */
7418 /*             This is also the nb of root of the Legendre polynom where the discretization is done. */
7420 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7421 /*     ------------------- */
7422 /*     UROOTL: Table of parameters of discretisation ON (-1,1) BY U.
7423 */
7424 /*     VROOTL: Table of parameters of discretisation ON (-1,1) BY V.
7425 */
7427 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
7428 /*     ---------------- */
7430 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
7431 /*     --------------------- */
7434 /*     ----------------------------------- */
7436 /* > */
7437 /* **********************************************************************
7438 */
7440 /*   Name of the routine */
7443     /* Parameter adjustments */
7444     --urootl;
7445     --vrootl;
7447     /* Function Body */
7448     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
7449     if (ibb >= 3) {
7450 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMA2ROO", 7L);
7451     }
7453 /* ---------------- Return the POSITIVE roots on U ------------------
7454 */
7456     AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmrtptt_(nbpntu, &urootl[(*nbpntu + 1) / 2 + 1]);
7457     i__1 = *nbpntu / 2;
7458     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
7459 	urootl[ii] = -urootl[*nbpntu - ii + 1];
7460 /* L100: */
7461     }
7462     if (*nbpntu % 2 == 1) {
7463 	urootl[*nbpntu / 2 + 1] = 0.;
7464     }
7466 /* ---------------- Return the POSITIVE roots on V ------------------
7467 */
7469     AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmrtptt_(nbpntv, &vrootl[(*nbpntv + 1) / 2 + 1]);
7470     i__1 = *nbpntv / 2;
7471     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
7472 	vrootl[ii] = -vrootl[*nbpntv - ii + 1];
7473 /* L110: */
7474     }
7475     if (*nbpntv % 2 == 1) {
7476 	vrootl[*nbpntv / 2 + 1] = 0.;
7477     }
7479 /* ------------------------------ The End -------------------------------
7480 */
7482     if (ibb >= 3) {
7483 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMA2ROO", 7L);
7484     }
7485     return 0;
7486 } /* mma2roo_ */
7487 //=======================================================================
7488 //function : mmmapcoe_
7489 //purpose  :
7490 //=======================================================================
mmmapcoe_(integer * ndim,integer * ndgjac,integer * iordre,integer * nbpnts,doublereal * somtab,doublereal * diftab,doublereal * gsstab,doublereal * crvjac)7491 int mmmapcoe_(integer *ndim,
7492 	      integer *ndgjac,
7493 	      integer *iordre,
7494 	      integer *nbpnts,
7495 	      doublereal *somtab,
7496 	      doublereal *diftab,
7497 	      doublereal *gsstab,
7498 	      doublereal *crvjac)
7500 {
7501   /* System generated locals */
7502   integer somtab_dim1, somtab_offset, diftab_dim1, diftab_offset,
7503   crvjac_dim1, crvjac_offset, gsstab_dim1, i__1, i__2, i__3;
7505   /* Local variables */
7506   integer igss, ikdeb;
7507   doublereal bidon;
7508   integer nd, ik, ir, nbroot, ibb;
7510 /* **********************************************************************
7511 */
7513 /*     FUNCTION : */
7514 /*     ---------- */
7515 /*     Calculate the coefficients of polinomial approximation curve */
7516 /*     of degree NDGJAC by the method of smallest squares starting from */
7517 /*     the discretization of function on the roots of Legendre polynom */
7518 /*     of degree NBPNTS. */
7520 /*     KEYWORDS : */
7521 /*     ----------- */
7524 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7525 /*     ------------------ */
7526 /*        NDIM   : Dimension of the space. */
7527 /*        NDGJAC : Max Degree of the polynom of approximation. */
7528 /*                 The representation in the orthogonal base starts from degree */
7529 /*                 0 to degree NDGJAC-2*(JORDRE+1). The polynomial base */
7530 /*                 is the base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 and 2 */
7531 /*        IORDRE : Order of the base of Jacobi (-1,0,1 or 2). Corresponds */
7532 /*                 to step of constraints, C0,C1 or C2. */
7533 /*        NBPNTS : Degree of the polynom of Legendre on the roots which of */
7534 /*                 are calculated the coefficients of integration by */
7535 /*                 Gauss method. It is required to set NBPNTS=30,40,50 or 61 */
7536 /*                 and NDGJAC < NBPNTS. */
7537 /*        SOMTAB : Table of F(ti)+F(-ti) with ti in ROOTAB. */
7538 /*        DIFTAB : Table of F(ti)-F(-ti) with ti in ROOTAB. */
7539 /*        GSSTAB(i,k) : Table of coefficients of integration by the Gauss method : */
7540 /*                      i varies from 0 to NBPNTS and */
7541 /*                      k varies from 0 to NDGJAC-2*(JORDRE+1). */
7543 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTSE : */
7544 /*     ------------------- */
7545 /*        CRVJAC : Curve of approximation of FONCNP with eventually */
7546 /*                 taking into account of constraints at the extremities. */
7547 /*                 This curve is of degree NDGJAC. */
7549 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
7550 /*     ---------------- */
7552 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
7553 /*     --------------------- */
7556 /*     ------------------------------- */
7557 /* > */
7558 /* **********************************************************************
7559 */
7561 /*  Name of the routine */
7563     /* Parameter adjustments */
7564     crvjac_dim1 = *ndgjac + 1;
7565     crvjac_offset = crvjac_dim1;
7566     crvjac -= crvjac_offset;
7567     gsstab_dim1 = *nbpnts / 2 + 1;
7568     diftab_dim1 = *nbpnts / 2 + 1;
7569     diftab_offset = diftab_dim1;
7570     diftab -= diftab_offset;
7571     somtab_dim1 = *nbpnts / 2 + 1;
7572     somtab_offset = somtab_dim1;
7573     somtab -= somtab_offset;
7575     /* Function Body */
7576     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
7577     if (ibb >= 2) {
7578 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMMAPCO", 7L);
7579     }
7580     ikdeb = (*iordre + 1) << 1;
7581     nbroot = *nbpnts / 2;
7583     i__1 = *ndim;
7584     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
7586 /* ----------------- Calculate the coefficients of even degree ----------
7587 ---- */
7589 	i__2 = *ndgjac;
7590 	for (ik = ikdeb; ik <= i__2; ik += 2) {
7591 	    igss = ik - ikdeb;
7592 	    bidon = 0.;
7593 	    i__3 = nbroot;
7594 	    for (ir = 1; ir <= i__3; ++ir) {
7595 		bidon += somtab[ir + nd * somtab_dim1] * gsstab[ir + igss *
7596 			gsstab_dim1];
7597 /* L300: */
7598 	    }
7599 	    crvjac[ik + nd * crvjac_dim1] = bidon;
7600 /* L200: */
7601 	}
7603 /* --------------- Calculate the coefficients of uneven degree ----------
7604 ---- */
7606 	i__2 = *ndgjac;
7607 	for (ik = ikdeb + 1; ik <= i__2; ik += 2) {
7608 	    igss = ik - ikdeb;
7609 	    bidon = 0.;
7610 	    i__3 = nbroot;
7611 	    for (ir = 1; ir <= i__3; ++ir) {
7612 		bidon += diftab[ir + nd * diftab_dim1] * gsstab[ir + igss *
7613 			gsstab_dim1];
7614 /* L500: */
7615 	    }
7616 	    crvjac[ik + nd * crvjac_dim1] = bidon;
7617 /* L400: */
7618 	}
7620 /* L100: */
7621     }
7623 /* ------- Add terms connected to the supplementary root (0.D0) ------ */
7624 /* ----------- of Legendre polynom of uneven degree NBPNTS -----------
7625 */
7627     if (*nbpnts % 2 == 0) {
7628 	goto L9999;
7629     }
7630     i__1 = *ndim;
7631     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
7632 	i__2 = *ndgjac;
7633 	for (ik = ikdeb; ik <= i__2; ik += 2) {
7634 	    igss = ik - ikdeb;
7635 	    crvjac[ik + nd * crvjac_dim1] += somtab[nd * somtab_dim1] *
7636 		    gsstab[igss * gsstab_dim1];
7637 /* L700: */
7638 	}
7639 /* L600: */
7640     }
7642 /* ------------------------------ The end -------------------------------
7643 */
7645 L9999:
7646     if (ibb >= 2) {
7647 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMMAPCO", 7L);
7648     }
7649     return 0;
7650 } /* mmmapcoe_ */
7651 //=======================================================================
7652 //function : mmaperm_
7653 //purpose  :
7654 //=======================================================================
mmaperm_(integer * ncofmx,integer * ndim,integer * ncoeff,integer * iordre,doublereal * crvjac,integer * ncfnew,doublereal * errmoy)7655 int mmaperm_(integer *ncofmx,
7656 	     integer *ndim,
7657 	     integer *ncoeff,
7658 	     integer *iordre,
7659 	     doublereal *crvjac,
7660 	     integer *ncfnew,
7661 	     doublereal *errmoy)
7662 {
7663   /* System generated locals */
7664   integer crvjac_dim1, crvjac_offset, i__1, i__2;
7666   /* Local variables */
7667   doublereal bidj;
7668   integer i__, ia, nd, ncfcut, ibb;
7669   doublereal bid;
7671 /* **********************************************************************
7672 */
7674 /*     FUNCTION : */
7675 /*     ---------- */
7676 /*        Calculate the square root of the average quadratic error */
7677 /*        of approximation done when only the */
7678 /*        first NCFNEW coefficients of a curve of degree NCOEFF-1 */
7679 /*        written in NORMALIZED Jacobi base of order 2*(IORDRE+1) are preserved. */
7681 /*     KEYWORDS : */
7682 /*     ----------- */
7685 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7686 /*     ------------------ */
7687 /*        NCOFMX : Maximum degree of the curve. */
7688 /*        NDIM   : Dimension of the space. */
7689 /*        NCOEFF : Degree +1 of the curve. */
7690 /*        IORDRE : Order of constraint of continuity at the extremities. */
7691 /*        CRVJAC : The curve the degree which of will be lowered. */
7692 /*        NCFNEW : Degree +1 of the resulting polynom. */
7694 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7695 /*     ------------------- */
7696 /*        ERRMOY : Average precision of approximation. */
7698 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
7699 /*     ---------------- */
7701 /*     REFERENCES CALLED   : */
7702 /*     ----------------------- */
7705 /*     ----------------------------------- */
7706 /* > */
7707 /* ***********************************************************************
7708  */
7710 /*   Name of the routine */
7712     /* Parameter adjustments */
7713     crvjac_dim1 = *ncofmx;
7714     crvjac_offset = crvjac_dim1 + 1;
7715     crvjac -= crvjac_offset;
7717     /* Function Body */
7718     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
7719     if (ibb >= 2) {
7720 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMAPERM", 7L);
7721     }
7723 /* --------- Minimum degree that can be reached : Stop at 1 or IA -------
7724 */
7726     ia = (*iordre + 1) << 1;
7727     ncfcut = ia + 1;
7728     if (*ncfnew + 1 > ncfcut) {
7729 	ncfcut = *ncfnew + 1;
7730     }
7732 /* -------------- Elimination of coefficients of high degree ------------ */
7733 /* ----------- Loop on the series of Jacobi :NCFCUT --> NCOEFF --------- */
7735     *errmoy = 0.;
7736     bid = 0.;
7737     i__1 = *ndim;
7738     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
7739 	i__2 = *ncoeff;
7740 	for (i__ = ncfcut; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
7741 	    bidj = crvjac[i__ + nd * crvjac_dim1];
7742 	    bid += bidj * bidj;
7743 /* L200: */
7744 	}
7745 /* L100: */
7746     }
7748 /* ----------- Square Root of average quadratic error e -----------
7749 */
7751     bid /= 2.;
7752     *errmoy = sqrt(bid);
7754 /* ------------------------------- The end ------------------------------
7755 */
7757     if (ibb >= 2) {
7758 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMAPERM", 7L);
7759     }
7760     return 0;
7761 } /* mmaperm_ */
7762 //=======================================================================
7763 //function : mmapptt_
7764 //purpose  :
7765 //=======================================================================
mmapptt_(const integer * ndgjac,const integer * nbpnts,const integer * jordre,doublereal * cgauss,integer * iercod)7766 int AdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var::mmapptt_(const integer *ndgjac,
7767 				     const integer *nbpnts,
7768 				     const integer *jordre,
7769 				     doublereal *cgauss,
7770 				     integer *iercod)
7771 {
7772   /* System generated locals */
7773   integer cgauss_dim1, i__1;
7775   /* Local variables */
7776   integer kjac, iptt, ipdb0, infdg, iptdb, mxjac, ilong, ibb;
7778 /* **********************************************************************
7779 */
7781 /*     FUNCTION : */
7782 /*     ---------- */
7783 /*        Load the elements required for integration by */
7784 /*        Gauss method to obtain the coefficients in the base of */
7785 /*        Legendre of the approximation by the least squares of a */
7786 /*        function. The elements are stored in commons MMAPGSS */
7787 /*        (case without constraint), MMAPGS0 (constraints C0), MMAPGS1 */
7788 /*        (constraints C1) and MMAPGS2 (constraints C2). */
7790 /*     KEYWORDS : */
7791 /*     ----------- */
7794 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS  : */
7795 /*     ------------------ */
7796 /*        NDGJAC : Max degree of the polynom of approximation. */
7797 /*                 The representation in orthogonal base goes from degree */
7798 /*                 0 to degree NDGJAC-2*(JORDRE+1). The polynomial base */
7799 /*                 is the base of Jacobi of order -1 (Legendre), 0, 1 and 2 */
7800 /*        NBPNTS : Degree of the polynom of Legendre on the roots which of */
7801 /*                 are calculated the coefficients of integration by the */
7802 /*                 method of Gauss. It is required that NBPNTS=8,10,15,20,25, */
7803 /*                  30,40,50 or 61 and NDGJAC < NBPNTS. */
7804 /*        JORDRE : Order of the base of Jacobi (-1,0,1 or 2). Corresponds */
7805 /*                 to step of constraints C0,C1 or C2. */
7807 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
7808 /*     ------------------- */
7809 /*        CGAUSS(i,k) : Table of coefficients of integration by */
7810 /*                      Gauss method : i varies from 0 to the integer part */
7811 /*                      of NBPNTS/2 and k varies from 0 to NDGJAC-2*(JORDRE+1). */
7812 /*                      These are the coeff. of integration associated to */
7813 /*                      positive roots of the polynom of Legendre of degree */
7814 /*                      NBPNTS. CGAUSS(0,k) contains coeff. */
7815 /*                      of integration associated to root t = 0 when */
7816 /*                      NBPNTS is uneven. */
7817 /*        IERCOD : Error code. */
7818 /*                 = 0 OK, */
7819 /*                 = 11 NBPNTS is not 8,10,15,20,25,30,40,50 or 61. */
7820 /*                 = 21 JORDRE is not -1,0,1 or 2. */
7821 /*                 = 31 NDGJAC is too great or too small. */
7823 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
7824 /*     ---------------- */
7825 /*        MMAPGSS,MMAPGS0,MMAPGS1,MMAPGS2. */
7826 /* ***********************************************************************
7827  */
7828     /* Parameter adjustments */
7829     cgauss_dim1 = *nbpnts / 2 + 1;
7831     /* Function Body */
7832     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
7833     if (ibb >= 2) {
7834 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMAPPTT", 7L);
7835     }
7836     *iercod = 0;
7838 /* ------------------- Tests on the validity of inputs ----------------
7839 */
7841     infdg = (*jordre + 1) << 1;
7842     if (*nbpnts != 8 && *nbpnts != 10 && *nbpnts != 15 && *nbpnts != 20 && *
7843 	    nbpnts != 25 && *nbpnts != 30 && *nbpnts != 40 && *nbpnts != 50 &&
7844 	     *nbpnts != 61) {
7845 	goto L9100;
7846     }
7848     if (*jordre < -1 || *jordre > 2) {
7849 	goto L9200;
7850     }
7852     if (*ndgjac >= *nbpnts || *ndgjac < infdg) {
7853 	goto L9300;
7854     }
7856 /* --------------- Calculation of the start pointer following NBPNTS -----------
7857 */
7859     iptdb = 0;
7860     if (*nbpnts > 8) {
7861 	iptdb += (8 - infdg) << 2;
7862     }
7863     if (*nbpnts > 10) {
7864 	iptdb += (10 - infdg) * 5;
7865     }
7866     if (*nbpnts > 15) {
7867 	iptdb += (15 - infdg) * 7;
7868     }
7869     if (*nbpnts > 20) {
7870 	iptdb += (20 - infdg) * 10;
7871     }
7872     if (*nbpnts > 25) {
7873 	iptdb += (25 - infdg) * 12;
7874     }
7875     if (*nbpnts > 30) {
7876 	iptdb += (30 - infdg) * 15;
7877     }
7878     if (*nbpnts > 40) {
7879 	iptdb += (40 - infdg) * 20;
7880     }
7881     if (*nbpnts > 50) {
7882 	iptdb += (50 - infdg) * 25;
7883     }
7885     ipdb0 = 1;
7886     if (*nbpnts > 15) {
7887 	ipdb0 = ipdb0 + (14 - infdg) / 2 + 1;
7888     }
7889     if (*nbpnts > 25) {
7890 	ipdb0 = ipdb0 + (24 - infdg) / 2 + 1;
7891     }
7893 /* ------------------ Choice of the common depending on JORDRE -------------
7894 */
7896     if (*jordre == -1) {
7897 	goto L1000;
7898     }
7899     if (*jordre == 0) {
7900 	goto L2000;
7901     }
7902     if (*jordre == 1) {
7903 	goto L3000;
7904     }
7905     if (*jordre == 2) {
7906 	goto L4000;
7907     }
7909 /* ---------------- Common MMAPGSS (case without constraints) ----------------
7910  */
7912 L1000:
7913     ilong = *nbpnts / 2 << 3;
7914     i__1 = *ndgjac;
7915     for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; ++kjac) {
7916 	iptt = iptdb + kjac * (*nbpnts / 2) + 1;
7917 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mcrfill_(&ilong,
7918 		 &mmapgss_.gslxjs[iptt - 1],
7919 		 &cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1 + 1]);
7920 /* L100: */
7921     }
7922 /* --> Case when the number of points is uneven. */
7923     if (*nbpnts % 2 == 1) {
7924 	iptt = ipdb0;
7925 	i__1 = *ndgjac;
7926 	for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
7927 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = mmapgss_.gsl0js[iptt - 1];
7928 	    ++iptt;
7929 /* L150: */
7930 	}
7931 	i__1 = *ndgjac;
7932 	for (kjac = 1; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
7933 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = 0.;
7934 /* L160: */
7935 	}
7936     }
7937     goto L9999;
7939 /* ---------------- Common MMAPGS0 (case with constraints C0) -------------
7940  */
7942 L2000:
7943     mxjac = *ndgjac - infdg;
7944     ilong = *nbpnts / 2 << 3;
7945     i__1 = mxjac;
7946     for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; ++kjac) {
7947 	iptt = iptdb + kjac * (*nbpnts / 2) + 1;
7948 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mcrfill_(&ilong,
7949 		 &mmapgs0_.gslxj0[iptt - 1],
7950 		 &cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1 + 1]);
7951 /* L200: */
7952     }
7953 /* --> Case when the number of points is uneven. */
7954     if (*nbpnts % 2 == 1) {
7955 	iptt = ipdb0;
7956 	i__1 = mxjac;
7957 	for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
7958 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = mmapgs0_.gsl0j0[iptt - 1];
7959 	    ++iptt;
7960 /* L250: */
7961 	}
7962 	i__1 = mxjac;
7963 	for (kjac = 1; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
7964 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = 0.;
7965 /* L260: */
7966 	}
7967     }
7968     goto L9999;
7970 /* ---------------- Common MMAPGS1 (case with constraints C1) -------------
7971  */
7973 L3000:
7974     mxjac = *ndgjac - infdg;
7975     ilong = *nbpnts / 2 << 3;
7976     i__1 = mxjac;
7977     for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; ++kjac) {
7978 	iptt = iptdb + kjac * (*nbpnts / 2) + 1;
7979 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mcrfill_(&ilong,
7980 		 &mmapgs1_.gslxj1[iptt - 1],
7981 		 &cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1 + 1]);
7982 /* L300: */
7983     }
7984 /* --> Case when the number of points is uneven. */
7985     if (*nbpnts % 2 == 1) {
7986 	iptt = ipdb0;
7987 	i__1 = mxjac;
7988 	for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
7989 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = mmapgs1_.gsl0j1[iptt - 1];
7990 	    ++iptt;
7991 /* L350: */
7992 	}
7993 	i__1 = mxjac;
7994 	for (kjac = 1; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
7995 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = 0.;
7996 /* L360: */
7997 	}
7998     }
7999     goto L9999;
8001 /* ---------------- Common MMAPGS2 (case with constraints C2) -------------
8002  */
8004 L4000:
8005     mxjac = *ndgjac - infdg;
8006     ilong = *nbpnts / 2 << 3;
8007     i__1 = mxjac;
8008     for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; ++kjac) {
8009 	iptt = iptdb + kjac * (*nbpnts / 2) + 1;
8010 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mcrfill_(&ilong,
8011 		 &mmapgs2_.gslxj2[iptt - 1],
8012 		 &cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1 + 1]);
8013 /* L400: */
8014     }
8015 /* --> Cas of uneven number of points. */
8016     if (*nbpnts % 2 == 1) {
8017 	iptt = ipdb0;
8018 	i__1 = mxjac;
8019 	for (kjac = 0; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
8020 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = mmapgs2_.gsl0j2[iptt - 1];
8021 	    ++iptt;
8022 /* L450: */
8023 	}
8024 	i__1 = mxjac;
8025 	for (kjac = 1; kjac <= i__1; kjac += 2) {
8026 	    cgauss[kjac * cgauss_dim1] = 0.;
8027 /* L460: */
8028 	}
8029     }
8030     goto L9999;
8032 /* ------------------------- Return the error code --------------
8033  */
8034 /* --> NBPNTS is not OK */
8035 L9100:
8036     *iercod = 11;
8037     goto L9999;
8038 /* --> JORDRE is not OK */
8039 L9200:
8040     *iercod = 21;
8041     goto L9999;
8042 /* --> NDGJAC is not OK */
8043 L9300:
8044     *iercod = 31;
8045     goto L9999;
8047 /* -------------------------------- The end -----------------------------
8048 */
8050 L9999:
8051     if (*iercod > 0) {
8052 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::maermsg_("MMAPPTT", iercod, 7L);
8053     }
8054     if (ibb >= 2) {
8055 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMAPPTT", 7L);
8056     }
8058  return 0 ;
8059 } /* mmapptt_ */
8061 //=======================================================================
8062 //function : mmjacpt_
8063 //purpose  :
8064 //=======================================================================
mmjacpt_(const integer * ndimen,const integer * ncoefu,const integer * ncoefv,const integer * iordru,const integer * iordrv,const doublereal * ptclgd,doublereal * ptcaux,doublereal * ptccan)8065 int mmjacpt_(const integer *ndimen,
8066 	     const integer *ncoefu,
8067 	     const integer *ncoefv,
8068 	     const integer *iordru,
8069 	     const integer *iordrv,
8070 	     const doublereal *ptclgd,
8071 	     doublereal *ptcaux,
8072 	     doublereal *ptccan)
8073 {
8074     /* System generated locals */
8075   integer ptccan_dim1, ptccan_dim2, ptccan_offset, ptclgd_dim1, ptclgd_dim2,
8076   ptclgd_offset, ptcaux_dim1, ptcaux_dim2, ptcaux_dim3,
8077   ptcaux_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
8079   /* Local variables */
8080   integer kdim, nd, ii, jj, ibb;
8082 /* ***********************************************************************
8083  */
8085 /*     FONCTION : */
8086 /*     ---------- */
8087 /*        Passage from canonical to Jacobi base for a */
8088 /*        "square" in a space of arbitrary dimension. */
8090 /*     MOTS CLES : */
8091 /*     ----------- */
8095 /*     INPUT ARGUMENTS : */
8096 /*     ------------------ */
8097 /*        NDIMEN   : Dimension of the space. */
8098 /*        NCOEFU : Degree+1 by U. */
8099 /*        NCOEFV : Degree+1 by V. */
8100 /*        IORDRU : Order of Jacobi polynoms by U. */
8101 /*        IORDRV : Order of Jacobi polynoms by V. */
8102 /*        PTCLGD : The square in the Jacobi base. */
8104 /*     OUTPUT ARGUMENTS : */
8105 /*     ------------------- */
8106 /*        PTCAUX : Auxilliary space. */
8107 /*        PTCCAN : The square in the canonic base (-1,1) */
8109 /*     COMMONS USED   : */
8110 /*     ---------------- */
8112 /*     APPLIED REFERENCES  : */
8113 /*     ----------------------- */
8116 /*     ----------------------------------- */
8117 /*     Cancels and replaces MJACPC */
8119 /* *********************************************************************
8120 */
8121 /*   Name of the routine */
8124     /* Parameter adjustments */
8125     ptccan_dim1 = *ncoefu;
8126     ptccan_dim2 = *ncoefv;
8127     ptccan_offset = ptccan_dim1 * (ptccan_dim2 + 1) + 1;
8128     ptccan -= ptccan_offset;
8129     ptcaux_dim1 = *ncoefv;
8130     ptcaux_dim2 = *ncoefu;
8131     ptcaux_dim3 = *ndimen;
8132     ptcaux_offset = ptcaux_dim1 * (ptcaux_dim2 * (ptcaux_dim3 + 1) + 1) + 1;
8133     ptcaux -= ptcaux_offset;
8134     ptclgd_dim1 = *ncoefu;
8135     ptclgd_dim2 = *ncoefv;
8136     ptclgd_offset = ptclgd_dim1 * (ptclgd_dim2 + 1) + 1;
8137     ptclgd -= ptclgd_offset;
8139     /* Function Body */
8140     ibb = AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mnfndeb_();
8141     if (ibb >= 3) {
8142 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgenmsg_("MMJACPT", 7L);
8143     }
8145 /*   Passage into canonical by u. */
8147     kdim = *ndimen * *ncoefv;
8148     AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmjaccv_(ncoefu,
8149 	     &kdim,
8150 	     iordru,
8151 	     &ptclgd[ptclgd_offset],
8152 	     &ptcaux[ptcaux_offset],
8153 	     &ptccan[ptccan_offset]);
8155 /*   Swapping of u and v. */
8157     i__1 = *ndimen;
8158     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
8159 	i__2 = *ncoefv;
8160 	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
8161 	    i__3 = *ncoefu;
8162 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__3; ++ii) {
8163 		ptcaux[jj + (ii + (nd + ptcaux_dim3) * ptcaux_dim2) *
8164 			ptcaux_dim1] = ptccan[ii + (jj + nd * ptccan_dim2) *
8165 			ptccan_dim1];
8166 /* L320: */
8167 	    }
8168 /* L310: */
8169 	}
8170 /* L300: */
8171     }
8173 /*   Passage into canonical by v. */
8175     kdim = *ndimen * *ncoefu;
8176     AdvApp2Var_MathBase::mmjaccv_(ncoefv,
8177 	     &kdim,
8178 	     iordrv,
8179 	     &ptcaux[((ptcaux_dim3 + 1) * ptcaux_dim2 + 1) * ptcaux_dim1 + 1],
8180 	     &ptccan[ptccan_offset],
8181 	     &ptcaux[(((ptcaux_dim3 << 1) + 1) * ptcaux_dim2 + 1) * ptcaux_dim1 + 1]);
8183 /*  Swapping of u and v. */
8185     i__1 = *ndimen;
8186     for (nd = 1; nd <= i__1; ++nd) {
8187 	i__2 = *ncoefv;
8188 	for (jj = 1; jj <= i__2; ++jj) {
8189 	    i__3 = *ncoefu;
8190 	    for (ii = 1; ii <= i__3; ++ii) {
8191 		ptccan[ii + (jj + nd * ptccan_dim2) * ptccan_dim1] = ptcaux[
8192 			jj + (ii + (nd + (ptcaux_dim3 << 1)) * ptcaux_dim2) *
8193 			ptcaux_dim1];
8194 /* L420: */
8195 	    }
8196 /* L410: */
8197 	}
8198 /* L400: */
8199     }
8201 /* ---------------------------- THAT'S ALL FOLKS ------------------------
8202 */
8204     if (ibb >= 3) {
8205 	AdvApp2Var_SysBase::mgsomsg_("MMJACPT", 7L);
8206     }
8207     return 0;
8208 } /* mmjacpt_ */