1# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
3# This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
5# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
7# by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
8# OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
9# distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
11# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
12# commercial license or contractual agreement.
15# This file defines scripts for verification of OCCT tests.
16# It provides top-level commands starting with 'check'.
17# Type 'help check*' to get their synopsis.
18# See OCCT Tests User Guide for description of the test system.
20# Note: procedures with names starting with underscore are for internal use
21# inside the test system.
24help checkcolor {
25  Check pixel color.
26  Use: checkcolor x y red green blue
27  x y - pixel coordinates
28  red green blue - expected pixel color (values from 0 to 1)
29  Function check color with tolerance (5x5 area)
31# Procedure to check color using command vreadpixel with tolerance
32proc checkcolor { coord_x coord_y rd_get gr_get bl_get } {
33    puts "Coordinate x = $coord_x"
34    puts "Coordinate y = $coord_y"
35    puts "RED color of RGB is $rd_get"
36    puts "GREEN color of RGB is $gr_get"
37    puts "BLUE color of RGB is $bl_get"
39    if { $coord_x <= 1 || $coord_y <= 1 } {
40      puts "Error : minimal coordinate is x = 2, y = 2. But we have x = $coord_x y = $coord_y"
41      return -1
42    }
44    set color ""
45    catch { [set color "[vreadpixel ${coord_x} ${coord_y} rgb]"] }
46    if {"$color" == ""} {
47      puts "Error : Pixel coordinates (${position_x}; ${position_y}) are out of view"
48    }
49    set rd [lindex $color 0]
50    set gr [lindex $color 1]
51    set bl [lindex $color 2]
52    set rd_int [expr int($rd * 1.e+05)]
53    set gr_int [expr int($gr * 1.e+05)]
54    set bl_int [expr int($bl * 1.e+05)]
55    set rd_ch [expr int($rd_get * 1.e+05)]
56    set gr_ch [expr int($gr_get * 1.e+05)]
57    set bl_ch [expr int($bl_get * 1.e+05)]
59    if { $rd_ch != 0 } {
60      set tol_rd [expr abs($rd_ch - $rd_int)/$rd_ch]
61    } else {
62      set tol_rd $rd_int
63    }
64    if { $gr_ch != 0 } {
65      set tol_gr [expr abs($gr_ch - $gr_int)/$gr_ch]
66    } else {
67      set tol_gr $gr_int
68    }
69    if { $bl_ch != 0 } {
70      set tol_bl [expr abs($bl_ch - $bl_int)/$bl_ch]
71    } else {
72      set tol_bl $bl_int
73    }
75    set status 0
76    if { $tol_rd > 0.2 } {
77      puts "Warning : RED light of additive color model RGB is invalid"
78      set status 1
79    }
80    if { $tol_gr > 0.2 } {
81      puts "Warning : GREEN light of additive color model RGB is invalid"
82      set status 1
83    }
84    if { $tol_bl > 0.2 } {
85      puts "Warning : BLUE light of additive color model RGB is invalid"
86      set status 1
87    }
89    if { $status != 0 } {
90      puts "Warning : Colors of default coordinate are not equal"
91    }
93    global stat
94    if { $tol_rd > 0.2 || $tol_gr > 0.2 || $tol_bl > 0.2 } {
95      set info [_checkpoint $coord_x $coord_y $rd_ch $gr_ch $bl_ch]
96      set stat [lindex $info end]
97      if { ${stat} != 1 } {
98          puts "Error : Colors are not equal in default coordinate and in the near coordinates too"
99          return $stat
100      } else {
101          puts "Point with valid color was found"
102          return $stat
103      }
104    } else {
105      set stat 1
106    }
109# Procedure to check color in the point near default coordinate
110proc _checkpoint {coord_x coord_y rd_ch gr_ch bl_ch} {
111    set x_start [expr ${coord_x} - 2]
112    set y_start [expr ${coord_y} - 2]
113    set mistake 0
114    set i 0
115    while { $mistake != 1 && $i <= 5 } {
116      set j 0
117      while { $mistake != 1 && $j <= 5 } {
118          set position_x [expr ${x_start} + $j]
119          set position_y [expr ${y_start} + $i]
120          puts $position_x
121          puts $position_y
123          set color ""
124          catch { [set color "[vreadpixel ${position_x} ${position_y} rgb]"] }
125          if {"$color" == ""} {
126            puts "Warning : Pixel coordinates (${position_x}; ${position_y}) are out of view"
127            incr j
128            continue
129          }
130          set rd [lindex $color 0]
131          set gr [lindex $color 1]
132          set bl [lindex $color 2]
133          set rd_int [expr int($rd * 1.e+05)]
134          set gr_int [expr int($gr * 1.e+05)]
135          set bl_int [expr int($bl * 1.e+05)]
137          if { $rd_ch != 0 } {
138            set tol_rd [expr abs($rd_ch - $rd_int)/$rd_ch]
139          } else {
140            set tol_rd $rd_int
141          }
142          if { $gr_ch != 0 } {
143            set tol_gr [expr abs($gr_ch - $gr_int)/$gr_ch]
144          } else {
145            set tol_gr $gr_int
146          }
147          if { $bl_ch != 0 } {
148            set tol_bl [expr abs($bl_ch - $bl_int)/$bl_ch]
149          } else {
150            set tol_bl $bl_int
151          }
153          if { $tol_rd > 0.2 || $tol_gr > 0.2 || $tol_bl > 0.2 } {
154            puts "Warning : Point with true color was not found near default coordinates"
155            set mistake 0
156          } else {
157            set mistake 1
158          }
159          incr j
160      }
161      incr i
162    }
163    return $mistake
166# auxiliary: check argument
167proc _check_arg {check_name check_result {get_value 0}} {
168  upvar ${check_result} ${check_result}
169  upvar arg arg
170  upvar narg narg
171  upvar args args
172  if { $arg == ${check_name} } {
173    if { ${get_value} == "?" } {
174      set next_arg_index [expr $narg + 1]
175      if { $next_arg_index < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-[^0-9]} [lindex $args $next_arg_index]] } {
176        set ${check_result} "[lindex $args $next_arg_index]"
177        set narg ${next_arg_index}
178      } else {
179        set ${check_result} "true"
180      }
181    } elseif {${get_value}} {
182      incr narg
183      if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-[^0-9]} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
184        set ${check_result} "[lindex $args $narg]"
185      } else {
186        error "Option ${check_result} requires argument"
187      }
188    } else {
189      set ${check_result} "true"
190    }
191    return 1
192  }
193  return 0
196help checknbshapes {
197  Compare number of sub-shapes in "shape" with given reference data
199  Use: checknbshapes shape [options...]
200  Allowed options are:
201    -vertex N
202    -edge N
203    -wire N
204    -face N
205    -shell N
206    -solid N
207    -compsolid N
208    -compound N
209    -shape N
210    -t: compare the number of sub-shapes in "shape" counting
211        the same sub-shapes with different location as different sub-shapes.
212    -m msg: print "msg" in case of error
213    -ref [nbshapes a]: compare the number of sub-shapes in "shape" and in "a".
214                       -vertex N, -edge N and other options are still working.
216proc checknbshapes {shape args} {
217  puts "checknbshapes ${shape} ${args}"
218  upvar ${shape} ${shape}
220  set nbVERTEX -1
221  set nbEDGE -1
222  set nbWIRE -1
223  set nbFACE -1
224  set nbSHELL -1
225  set nbSOLID -1
226  set nbCOMPSOLID -1
227  set nbCOMPOUND -1
228  set nbSHAPE -1
230  set message ""
231  set count_locations 0
232  set ref_info ""
234  for {set narg 0} {$narg < [llength $args]} {incr narg} {
235    set arg [lindex $args $narg]
236    if {[_check_arg "-vertex" nbVERTEX 1] ||
237        [_check_arg "-edge" nbEDGE 1] ||
238        [_check_arg "-wire" nbWIRE 1] ||
239        [_check_arg "-face" nbFACE 1] ||
240        [_check_arg "-shell" nbSHELL 1] ||
241        [_check_arg "-solid" nbSOLID 1] ||
242        [_check_arg "-compsolid" nbCOMPSOLID 1] ||
243        [_check_arg "-compound" nbCOMPOUND 1] ||
244        [_check_arg "-shape" nbSHAPE 1] ||
245        [_check_arg "-t" count_locations] ||
246        [_check_arg "-m" message 1] ||
247        [_check_arg "-ref" ref_info 1]
248       } {
249      continue
250    }
251    # unsupported option
252    if { [regexp {^-} $arg] } {
253      error "Error: unsupported option \"$arg\""
254    }
255    error "Error: cannot interpret argument $narg ($arg)"
256  }
258  if { ${count_locations} == 0 } {
259    set nb_info [nbshapes ${shape}]
260  } else {
261    set nb_info [nbshapes ${shape} -t]
262  }
266  foreach Entity ${EntityList} {
267    set expr_string "${Entity} +: +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)"
268    set to_compare {}
269    # get number of elements from ${shape}
270    if { [regexp "${expr_string}" ${nb_info} full nb_entity2] } {
271      lappend to_compare ${nb_entity2}
272    } else {
273      error "Error : command \"nbshapes ${shape}\" gives an empty result"
274    }
275    # get number of elements from options -vertex -edge and so on
276    set nb_entity1 [set nb${Entity}]
277    if { ${nb_entity1} != -1 } {
278      lappend to_compare ${nb_entity1}
279    }
280    # get number of elements from option -ref
281    if { [regexp "${expr_string}" ${ref_info} full nb_entity_ref] } {
282      lappend to_compare ${nb_entity_ref}
283    }
284    # skip comparing if no reference data was given
285    if {[llength $to_compare] == 1} {
286      continue
287    }
288    # compare all values, if they are equal, length of sorted list "to_compare"
289    # (with key -unique) should be equal to 1
290    set to_compare [lsort -dictionary -unique $to_compare]
291    if { [llength $to_compare] != 1 } {
292      puts "Error : ${message} is WRONG because number of ${Entity} entities in shape \"${shape}\" is ${nb_entity2}"
293    } else {
294      puts "OK : ${message} is GOOD because number of ${Entity} entities is equal to number of expected ${Entity} entities"
295    }
296  }
299# Procedure to check equality of two reals with tolerance (relative and absolute)
300help checkreal {
301  Compare value with expected
302  Use: checkreal name value expected tol_abs tol_rel
304proc checkreal {name value expected tol_abs tol_rel} {
305    if { abs ($value - $expected) > $tol_abs + $tol_rel * abs ($expected) } {
306        puts "Error: $name = $value is not equal to expected $expected"
307    } else {
308        puts "Check of $name OK: value = $value, expected = $expected"
309    }
310    return
313# Procedure to check equality of two 3D points with tolerance
314help checkpoint {
315  Compare two 3D points with given tolerance
316  Use: checkpoint name {valueX valueY valueZ} {expectedX expectedY expectedZ} tolerance
318proc checkpoint {theName theValue theExpected theTolerance} {
319  set e 0.0001
320  foreach i {0 1 2} {
321    if { [expr abs([lindex $theValue $i] - [lindex $theExpected $i])] > $theTolerance } {
322      puts "Error: $theName, ($theValue) is not equal to expected ($theExpected)"
323      return
324    }
325  }
326  puts "Check of $theName OK: value = ($theValue), expected = ($theExpected)"
327  return
330help checkfreebounds {
331  Compare number of free edges with ref_value
333  Use: checkfreebounds shape ref_value [options...]
334  Allowed options are:
335    -tol N: used tolerance (default -0.01)
336    -type N: used type, possible values are "closed" and "opened" (default "closed")
338proc checkfreebounds {shape ref_value args} {
339  puts "checkfreebounds ${shape} ${ref_value} ${args}"
340  upvar ${shape} ${shape}
342  set tol -0.01
343  set type "closed"
345  for {set narg 0} {$narg < [llength $args]} {incr narg} {
346    set arg [lindex $args $narg]
347    if {[_check_arg "-tol" tol 1] ||
348        [_check_arg "-type" type 1]
349       } {
350      continue
351    }
352    # unsupported option
353    if { [regexp {^-} $arg] } {
354      error "Error: unsupported option \"$arg\""
355    }
356    error "Error: cannot interpret argument $narg ($arg)"
357  }
359  if {"$type" != "closed" && "$type" != "opened"} {
360    error "Error : wrong -type key \"${type}\""
361  }
363  freebounds ${shape} ${tol}
364  set free_edges [llength [explode ${shape}_[string range $type 0 0] e]]
366  if { ${ref_value} == -1 } {
367    puts "Error : Number of free edges is UNSTABLE"
368    return
369  }
371  if { ${free_edges} != ${ref_value} } {
372    puts "Error : Number of free edges is not equal to reference data"
373  } else {
374    puts "OK : Number of free edges is ${free_edges}"
375  }
378help checkmaxtol {
379  Returns max tolerance of the shape and prints error message if specified
380  criteria are not satisfied.
382  Use: checkmaxtol shape [options...]
384  Options specify criteria for checking the maximal tolerance value:
385    -ref <value>: check it to be equal to reference value.
386    -min_tol <value>: check it to be not greater than specified value.
387    -source <list of shapes>: check it to be not greater than
388            maximal tolerance of specified shape(s)
389    -multi_tol <value>: additional multiplier for value specified by -min_tol
390               or -shapes options.
393proc checkmaxtol {shape args} {
394  puts "checkmaxtol ${shape} ${args}"
395  upvar ${shape} ${shape}
397  set ref_value ""
398  set source_shapes {}
399  set min_tol 0
400  set tol_multiplier 0
402  # check arguments
403  for {set narg 0} {$narg < [llength $args]} {incr narg} {
404    set arg [lindex $args $narg]
405    if {[_check_arg "-min_tol" min_tol 1] ||
406        [_check_arg "-multi_tol" tol_multiplier 1] ||
407        [_check_arg "-source" source_shapes 1] ||
408        [_check_arg "-ref" ref_value 1]
409       } {
410      continue
411    }
412    # unsupported option
413    if { [regexp {^-} $arg] } {
414      error "Error: unsupported option \"$arg\""
415    }
416    error "Error: cannot interpret argument $narg ($arg)"
417  }
419  # get max tol of shape
420  set max_tol 0
421  if {[regexp "Tolerance MAX=(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)" [tolerance ${shape}] full maxtol_temp]} {
422    set max_tol ${maxtol_temp}
423  } else {
424    error "Error: cannot get tolerances of shape \"${shape}\""
425  }
427  # find max tol of source shapes
428  foreach source_shape ${source_shapes} {
429    upvar ${source_shape} ${source_shape}
430    set _src_max_tol [checkmaxtol ${source_shape}]
431    if { [expr ${_src_max_tol} > ${min_tol} ] } {
432      set min_tol ${_src_max_tol}
433    }
434  }
435  # apply -multi_tol option
436  if {${tol_multiplier}} {
437    set min_tol [expr ${tol_multiplier} * ${_src_max_tol}]
438  }
439  # compare max tol of source shapes with checking tolerance
440  if { ${min_tol} && [expr ${max_tol} > ${min_tol}] } {
441    puts "Error: tolerance of \"${shape}\" (${max_tol}) is greater than checking tolerance (${min_tol})"
442  }
443  if { ${ref_value} != "" } {
444    checkreal "Max tolerance" ${max_tol} ${ref_value} 0.0001 0.01
445  }
446  return ${max_tol}
449help checkfaults {
450  Compare faults number of given shapes.
452  Use: checkfaults shape source_shape [ref_value=0]
454proc checkfaults {shape source_shape {ref_value 0}} {
455  puts "checkfaults ${shape} ${source_shape} ${ref_value}"
456  upvar $shape $shape
457  upvar $source_shape $source_shape
458  set cs_a [checkshape $source_shape]
459  set nb_a 0
460  if {[regexp {Faulty shapes in variables faulty_([0-9]*) to faulty_([0-9]*)} $cs_a full nb_a_begin nb_a_end]} {
461    set nb_a [expr $nb_a_end - $nb_a_begin +1]
462  }
463  set cs_r [checkshape $shape]
464  set nb_r 0
465  if {[regexp {Faulty shapes in variables faulty_([0-9]*) to faulty_([0-9]*)} $cs_r full nb_r_begin nb_r_end]} {
466    set nb_r [expr $nb_r_end - $nb_r_begin +1]
467  }
468  puts "Number of faults for the initial shape is $nb_a."
469  puts "Number of faults for the resulting shape is $nb_r."
471  if { ${ref_value} == -1 } {
472    puts "Error : Number of faults is UNSTABLE"
473    return
474  }
476  if { $nb_r > $nb_a } {
477    puts "Error : Number of faults is $nb_r"
478  }
481# auxiliary: check all arguments
482proc _check_args { args {options {}} {command_name ""}} {
483  # check arguments
484  for {set narg 0} {${narg} < [llength ${args}]} {incr narg} {
485    set arg [lindex ${args} ${narg}]
486    set toContinue 0
487    foreach option ${options} {
488      set option_name            [lindex ${option} 0]
489      set variable_to_save_value [lindex ${option} 1]
490      set get_value              [lindex ${option} 2]
491      set local_value ""
492      if { [_check_arg ${option_name} local_value ${get_value}] } {
493        upvar 1 ${variable_to_save_value} ${variable_to_save_value}
494        set ${variable_to_save_value} ${local_value}
495        set toContinue 1
496      }
497    }
498    if {${toContinue}} { continue }
499    # unsupported option
500    if { [regexp {^-} ${arg}] } {
501      error "Error: unsupported option \"${arg}\""
502    }
503    error "Error: cannot interpret argument ${narg} (${arg})"
504  }
505  foreach option ${options} {
506    set option_name            [lindex ${option} 0]
507    set variable_to_save_value [lindex ${option} 1]
508    set should_exist           [lindex ${option} 3]
509    if {![info exists ${variable_to_save_value}] && ${should_exist} == 1} {
510      error "Error: wrong using of command '${command_name}', '${option_name}' option is required"
511    }
512  }
515help checkprops {
516  Procedure includes commands to compute length, area and volume of input shape.
518  Use: checkprops shapename [options...]
519  Allowed options are:
520    -l LENGTH: command lprops, computes the mass properties of all edges in the shape with a linear density of 1
521    -s AREA: command sprops, computes the mass properties of all faces with a surface density of 1
522    -v VOLUME: command vprops, computes the mass properties of all solids with a density of 1
523    -eps EPSILON: the epsilon defines relative precision of computation
524    -deps DEPSILON: the epsilon defines relative precision to compare corresponding values
525    -equal SHAPE: compare area\volume\length of input shapes. Puts error if its are not equal
526    -notequal SHAPE: compare area\volume\length of input shapes. Puts error if its are equal
527    -skip: count shared shapes only once, skipping repeatitions
528  Options -l, -s and -v are independent and can be used in any order. Tolerance epsilon is the same for all options.
531proc checkprops {shape args} {
532    puts "checkprops ${shape} ${args}"
533    upvar ${shape} ${shape}
535    if {![isdraw ${shape}] || [regexp "${shape} is a \n" [whatis ${shape}]]} {
536        puts "Error: The command cannot be built"
537        return
538    }
540    set length -1
541    set area -1
542    set volume -1
543    set epsilon 1.0e-4
544    set compared_equal_shape -1
545    set compared_notequal_shape -1
546    set equal_check 0
547    set skip 0
548    set depsilon 1e-2
550    set options {{"-eps" epsilon 1}
551                 {"-equal" compared_equal_shape 1}
552                 {"-notequal" compared_notequal_shape 1}
553                 {"-skip" skip 0}
554                 {"-deps" depsilon 1}}
556    if { [regexp {\-[not]*equal} $args] } {
557        lappend options {"-s" area 0}
558        lappend options {"-l" length 0}
559        lappend options {"-v" volume 0}
560        set equal_check 1
561    } else {
562        lappend options {"-s" area 1}
563        lappend options {"-l" length 1}
564        lappend options {"-v" volume 1}
565    }
566    _check_args ${args} ${options} "checkprops"
568    if { ${length} != -1 || ${equal_check} == 1 } {
569        lappend CommandNames {lprops}
570        set equal_check 0
571    }
572    if { ${area} != -1 || ${equal_check} == 1 } {
573        lappend CommandNames {sprops}
574        set equal_check 0
575    }
576    if { ${volume} != -1 || ${equal_check} == 1 } {
577        lappend CommandNames {vprops}
578        set equal_check 0
579    }
581    set skip_option ""
582    if { $skip } {
583        set skip_option "-skip"
584    }
586    foreach CommandName ${CommandNames} {
587        switch $CommandName {
588            "lprops"    { set mass ${length}; set prop "length" }
589            "sprops"    { set mass ${area}; set prop "area" }
590            "vprops"    { set mass ${volume}; set prop "volume" }
591        }
592        regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [eval ${CommandName} ${shape} ${epsilon} $skip_option] full m
594        if { ${compared_equal_shape} != -1 } {
595            upvar ${compared_equal_shape} ${compared_equal_shape}
596            regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [eval ${CommandName} ${compared_equal_shape} ${epsilon} $skip_option] full compared_m
597            if { $compared_m != $m } {
598                puts "Error: Shape ${compared_equal_shape} is not equal to shape ${shape}"
599            }
600        }
602        if { ${compared_notequal_shape} != -1 } {
603            upvar ${compared_notequal_shape} ${compared_notequal_shape}
604            regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [eval ${CommandName} ${compared_notequal_shape} ${epsilon} $skip_option] full compared_m
605            if { $compared_m == $m } {
606                puts "Error: Shape ${compared_notequal_shape} is equal shape to ${shape}"
607            }
608        }
610        if { ${compared_equal_shape} == -1 && ${compared_notequal_shape} == -1 } {
611            if { [string compare "$mass" "empty"] != 0 } {
612                if { $m == 0 } {
613                    puts "Error : The command is not valid. The $prop is 0."
614                }
615                # check of change of area is < 1%
616                if { ($mass != 0 && abs (($mass - $m) / double($mass)) > $depsilon) ||
617                     ($mass == 0 && $m != 0) } {
618                    puts "Error : The $prop of result shape is $m, expected $mass"
619                }
620            } else {
621                if { $m != 0 } {
622                    puts "Error : The command is not valid. The $prop is $m"
623                }
624            }
625        }
626    }
629help checkdump {
630  Procedure includes command to parse output dump and compare it with reference values.
632  Use: checkdump shapename [options...]
633  Allowed options are:
634    -name NAME: list of parsing parameters (e.g. Center, Axis, etc)
635    -ref VALUE: list of reference values for each parameter in NAME
636    -eps EPSILON: the epsilon defines relative precision of computation
639proc checkdump {shape args} {
640    puts "checkdump ${shape} ${args}"
641    upvar ${shape} ${shape}
643    set ddump -1
644    set epsilon -1
645    set options {{"-name" params 1}
646                 {"-ref" ref 1}
647                 {"-eps" epsilon 1}
648                 {"-dump" ddump 1}}
650    if { ${ddump} == -1 } {
651        set ddump [dump ${shape}]
652    }
653    _check_args ${args} ${options} "checkdump"
655    set index 0
656    foreach param ${params} {
657        set pattern "${param}\\s*:\\s*"
658        set number_pattern "(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)\\s*"
659        set ref_values ""
660        set local_ref ${ref}
661        if { [llength ${params}] > 1 } {
662            set local_ref [lindex ${ref} ${index}]
663        }
664        foreach item ${local_ref} {
665            if { ![regexp "$pattern$number_pattern" $ddump full res] } {
666                puts "Error: checked parameter ${param} is not listed in dump"
667                break
668            }
669            lappend ref_values $res
670            set pattern "${pattern}${res},\\s*"
671            ## without precision
672            if { ${epsilon} == -1 } {
673                if { ${item} != ${res} } {
674                    puts "Error: parameter ${param} - current value (${res}) is not equal to reference value (${item})"
675                } else {
676                    puts "OK: parameter ${param} - current value (${res}) is equal to reference value (${item})"
677                }
678            ## with precision
679            } else {
680                set precision 0.0000001
681                if { ( abs($res) > $precision ) || ( abs($item) > $precision ) } {
682                    if { ($item != 0 && [expr 1.*abs($item - $res)/$item] > $epsilon) || ($item == 0 && $res != 0) } {
683                        puts "Error: The $param of the resulting shape is $res and the expected $param is $item"
684                    } else {
685                        puts "OK: parameter ${param} - current value (${res}) is equal to reference value (${item})"
686                    }
687                }
688            }
689        }
690        incr index
691    }
694help checklength {
695  Procedure includes commands to compute length of input curve.
697  Use: checklength curvename [options...]
698  Allowed options are:
699    -l LENGTH: command length, computes the length of input curve with precision of computation
700    -eps EPSILON: the epsilon defines relative precision of computation
701    -equal CURVE: compare length of input curves. Puts error if its are not equal
702    -notequal CURVE: compare length of input curves. Puts error if its are equal
705proc checklength {shape args} {
706    puts "checklength ${shape} ${args}"
707    upvar ${shape} ${shape}
709    if {![isdraw ${shape}] || [regexp "${shape} is a \n" [whatis ${shape}]]} {
710        puts "Error: The command cannot be built"
711        return
712    }
714    set length -1
715    set epsilon 1.0e-4
716    set compared_equal_shape -1
717    set compared_notequal_shape -1
718    set equal_check 0
720    set options {{"-eps" epsilon 1}
721                 {"-equal" compared_equal_shape 1}
722                 {"-notequal" compared_notequal_shape 1}}
724    if { [regexp {\-[not]*equal} $args] } {
725        lappend options {"-l" length 0}
726        set equal_check 1
727    } else {
728        lappend options {"-l" length 1}
729    }
730    _check_args ${args} ${options} "checkprops"
732    if { ${length} != -1 || ${equal_check} == 1 } {
733        set CommandName length
734        set mass $length
735        set prop "length"
736        set equal_check 0
737    }
739    regexp "The +length+ ${shape} +is +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)" [${CommandName} ${shape} ${epsilon}] full m
741    if { ${compared_equal_shape} != -1 } {
742        upvar ${compared_equal_shape} ${compared_equal_shape}
743        regexp "The +length+ ${compared_equal_shape} +is +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)" [${CommandName} ${compared_equal_shape} ${epsilon}] full compared_m
744        if { $compared_m != $m } {
745            puts "Error: length of shape ${compared_equal_shape} is not equal to shape ${shape}"
746        }
747    }
749    if { ${compared_notequal_shape} != -1 } {
750        upvar ${compared_notequal_shape} ${compared_notequal_shape}
751        regexp "The +length+ ${compared_notequal_shape} +is +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)" [${CommandName} ${compared_notequal_shape} ${epsilon}] full compared_m
752        if { $compared_m == $m } {
753            puts "Error: length of shape ${compared_notequal_shape} is equal shape to ${shape}"
754        }
755    }
757    if { ${compared_equal_shape} == -1 && ${compared_notequal_shape} == -1 } {
758        if { [string compare "$mass" "empty"] != 0 } {
759            if { $m == 0 } {
760                puts "Error : The command is not valid. The $prop is 0."
761            }
762            if { $mass > 0 } {
763                puts "The expected $prop is $mass"
764            }
765            #check of change of area is < 1%
766            if { ($mass != 0 && [expr 1.*abs($mass - $m)/$mass] > 0.01) || ($mass == 0 && $m != 0) } {
767                puts "Error : The $prop of result shape is $m"
768            }
769        } else {
770            if { $m != 0 } {
771                puts "Error : The command is not valid. The $prop is $m"
772            }
773        }
774    }
777help checkview {
778  Display shape in selected viewer.
780  Use: checkview [options...]
781  Allowed options are:
782    -display shapename: display shape with name 'shapename'
783    -3d: display shape in 3d viewer
784    -2d [ v2d / smallview ]: display shape in 2d viewer (default viewer is a 'smallview')
785    -vdispmode N: it is possible to set vdispmode for 3d viewer (default value is 1)
786    -screenshot: procedure will try to make screenshot of already created viewer
787    -path <path>: location of saved screenshot of viewer
789    Procedure can check some property of shape (length, area or volume) and compare it with some value N:
790      -l [N]
791      -s [N]
792      -v [N]
793    If current property is equal to value N, shape is marked as valid in procedure.
794    If value N is not given procedure will mark shape as valid if current property is non-zero.
795    -with {a b c}: display shapes 'a' 'b' 'c' together with 'shape' (if shape is valid)
796    -otherwise {d e f}: display shapes 'd' 'e' 'f' instead of 'shape' (if shape is NOT valid)
797    Note that one of two options -2d/-3d is required.
800proc checkview {args} {
801  puts "checkview ${args}"
803  set 3dviewer 0
804  set 2dviewer false
805  set shape ""
806  set PathToSave ""
807  set dispmode 1
808  set isScreenshot 0
809  set check_length false
810  set check_area false
811  set check_volume false
812  set otherwise {}
813  set with {}
815  set options {{"-3d" 3dviewer 0}
816               {"-2d" 2dviewer ?}
817               {"-display" shape 1}
818               {"-path" PathToSave 1}
819               {"-vdispmode" dispmode 1}
820               {"-screenshot" isScreenshot 0}
821               {"-otherwise" otherwise 1}
822               {"-with" with 1}
823               {"-l" check_length ?}
824               {"-s" check_area ?}
825               {"-v" check_volume ?}}
827  # check arguments
828  _check_args ${args} ${options} "checkview"
830  if { ${PathToSave} == "" } {
831    set PathToSave "./photo.png"
832  }
834  if { ${3dviewer} == 0 && ${2dviewer} == false } {
835    error "Error: wrong using of command 'checkview', please use -2d or -3d option"
836  }
838  if { ${isScreenshot} } {
839    if { ${3dviewer} } {
840      vdump ${PathToSave}
841    } else {
842      xwd ${PathToSave}
843    }
844    return
845  }
847  set mass 0
848  set isBAD 0
849  upvar ${shape} ${shape}
850  if {[isdraw ${shape}]} {
851    # check area
852    if { [string is boolean ${check_area}] } {
853      if { ${check_area} } {
854        regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [sprops ${shape}] full mass
855      }
856    } else {
857      set mass ${check_area}
858    }
859    # check length
860    if { [string is boolean ${check_length}] } {
861      if { ${check_length} } {
862        regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [lprops ${shape}] full mass
863      }
864    } else {
865      set mass ${check_length}
866    }
867    # check volume
868    if { [string is boolean ${check_volume}] } {
869      if { ${check_volume} } {
870        regexp {Mass +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [vprops ${shape}] full mass
871      }
872    } else {
873      set mass ${check_volume}
874    }
875  } else {
876    set isBAD 1
877  }
878  if { ${3dviewer} } {
879    vinit
880    vclear
881  } elseif { ([string is boolean ${2dviewer}] && ${2dviewer}) || ${2dviewer} == "smallview"} {
882    smallview
883    clear
884  } elseif { ${2dviewer} == "v2d"} {
885    v2d
886    2dclear
887  }
888  if {[isdraw ${shape}]} {
889    if { ( ${check_area} == false && ${check_length} == false && ${check_volume} == false ) || ( ${mass} != 0 ) } {
890      foreach s ${with} {
891        upvar ${s} ${s}
892      }
893      lappend with ${shape}
894      if { ${3dviewer} } {
895        vdisplay {*}${with}
896      } else {
897        donly {*}${with}
898      }
899    } else {
900      set isBAD 1
901    }
902  } else {
903    set isBAD 1
904  }
906  if { ${isBAD} && [llength ${otherwise}] } {
907    foreach s ${otherwise} {
908      upvar ${s} ${s}
909    }
910    if { ${3dviewer} } {
911      vdisplay {*}${otherwise}
912    } else {
913      donly {*}${otherwise}
914    }
915  }
917  if { ${3dviewer} } {
918    vsetdispmode ${dispmode}
919    vfit
920    vdump ${PathToSave}
921  } else {
922    if { ([string is boolean ${2dviewer}] && ${2dviewer}) || ${2dviewer} == "smallview"} {
923      fit
924    } elseif { ${2dviewer} == "v2d"} {
925      2dfit
926    }
927    xwd ${PathToSave}
928  }
932help checktrinfo {
933  Compare maximum deflection, number of nodes and triangles in "shape" mesh with given reference data
935  Use: checktrinfo shapename [options...]
936  Allowed options are:
937    -face [N]: compare current number of faces in "shapename" mesh with given reference data.
938               If reference value N is not given and current number of faces is equal to 0
939               procedure checktrinfo will print an error.
940    -empty[N]: compare current number of empty faces in "shapename" mesh with given reference data.
941               If reference value N is not given and current number of empty faces is greater that 0
942               procedure checktrinfo will print an error.
943    -tri [N]:  compare current number of triangles in "shapename" mesh with given reference data.
944               If reference value N is not given and current number of triangles is equal to 0
945               procedure checktrinfo will print an error.
946    -nod [N]:  compare current number of nodes in "shapename" mesh with given reference data.
947               If reference value N is not givenand current number of nodes is equal to 0
948               procedure checktrinfo will print an error.
949    -defl [N]: compare current value of maximum deflection in "shapename" mesh with given reference data
950               If reference value N is not given and current maximum deflection is equal to 0
951               procedure checktrinfo will print an error.
952    -max_defl N:     compare current value of maximum deflection in "shapename" mesh with max possible value
953    -tol_abs_tri N:  absolute tolerance for comparison of number of triangles (default value 0)
954    -tol_rel_tri N:  relative tolerance for comparison of number of triangles (default value 0)
955    -tol_abs_nod N:  absolute tolerance for comparison of number of nodes (default value 0)
956    -tol_rel_nod N:  relative tolerance for comparison of number of nodes (default value 0)
957    -tol_abs_defl N: absolute tolerance for deflection comparison (default value 0)
958    -tol_rel_defl N: relative tolerance for deflection comparison (default value 0)
959    -ref [trinfo a]: compare deflection, number of triangles and nodes in "shapename" and in "a"
961proc checktrinfo {shape args} {
962    puts "checktrinfo ${shape} ${args}"
963    upvar ${shape} ${shape}
965    if {![isdraw ${shape}] || [regexp "${shape} is a \n" [whatis ${shape}]]} {
966        puts "Error: The command cannot be built"
967        return
968    }
970    set ref_nb_faces false
971    set ref_nb_empty_faces true
972    set ref_nb_triangles false
973    set ref_nb_nodes false
974    set ref_deflection false
975    set tol_abs_defl 0
976    set tol_rel_defl 0
977    set tol_abs_tri 0
978    set tol_rel_tri 0
979    set tol_abs_nod 0
980    set tol_rel_nod 0
981    set max_defl -1
982    set ref_info ""
984    set options {{"-face" ref_nb_faces ?}
985                 {"-empty" ref_nb_empty_faces ?}
986                 {"-tri" ref_nb_triangles ?}
987                 {"-nod" ref_nb_nodes ?}
988                 {"-defl" ref_deflection ?}
989                 {"-tol_abs_defl" tol_abs_defl 1}
990                 {"-tol_rel_defl" tol_rel_defl 1}
991                 {"-tol_abs_tri" tol_abs_tri 1}
992                 {"-tol_rel_tri" tol_rel_tri 1}
993                 {"-tol_abs_nod" tol_abs_nod 1}
994                 {"-tol_rel_nod" tol_rel_nod 1}
995                 {"-max_defl" max_defl 1}
996                 {"-ref" ref_info 1}}
998    _check_args ${args} ${options} "checktrinfo"
1000    # get current number of faces, triangles and nodes, value of max deflection
1001    set tri_info [trinfo ${shape}]
1002    set triinfo_pattern "(\[0-9\]+) +faces(.*\[^0-9]\(\[0-9\]+) +empty faces)?.*\[^0-9]\(\[0-9\]+) +triangles.*\[^0-9]\(\[0-9\]+) +nodes.*Maximal deflection +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)"
1003    if {![regexp "${triinfo_pattern}" ${tri_info} dump cur_nb_faces tmp cur_nb_empty_faces cur_nb_triangles cur_nb_nodes cur_deflection]} {
1004        puts "Error: command trinfo prints empty info"
1005    }
1006    if { ${cur_nb_empty_faces} == "" } {
1007      set cur_nb_empty_faces 0
1008    }
1010    # get reference values from -ref option
1011    if { "${ref_info}" != ""} {
1012        if {![regexp "${triinfo_pattern}" ${ref_info} dump ref_nb_faces tmp ref_nb_empty_faces ref_nb_triangles ref_nb_nodes ref_deflection]} {
1013            puts "Error: reference information given by -ref option is wrong"
1014        }
1015    }
1017    # check number of faces
1018    if { [string is boolean ${ref_nb_faces}] } {
1019        if { ${cur_nb_faces} <= 0 && ${ref_nb_faces} } {
1020            puts "Error: Number of faces is equal to 0"
1021        }
1022    } else {
1023        if {[regexp {!([-0-9.+eE]+)} $ref_nb_faces full ref_nb_faces_value]} {
1024            if  {${ref_nb_faces_value} == ${cur_nb_faces} } {
1025                puts "Error: Number of faces is equal to ${ref_nb_faces_value} but it should not"
1026            }
1027        } else {
1028            checkreal "Number of faces" ${cur_nb_faces} ${ref_nb_faces} ${tol_abs_tri} ${tol_rel_tri}
1029        }
1030    }
1031    # check number of empty faces
1032    if { [string is boolean ${ref_nb_empty_faces}] } {
1033        if { ${cur_nb_empty_faces} > 0 && !${ref_nb_empty_faces} } {
1034            puts "Error: Number of empty faces is greater that 0"
1035        }
1036    } else {
1037        if {[regexp {!([-0-9.+eE]+)} $ref_nb_empty_faces full ref_nb_empty_faces_value]} {
1038            if  {${ref_nb_empty_faces_value} == ${cur_nb_empty_faces} } {
1039                puts "Error: Number of empty faces is equal to ${ref_nb_empty_faces_value} but it should not"
1040            }
1041        } else {
1042            checkreal "Number of empty faces" ${cur_nb_empty_faces} ${ref_nb_empty_faces} ${tol_abs_tri} ${tol_rel_tri}
1043        }
1044    }
1046    # check number of triangles
1047    if { [string is boolean ${ref_nb_triangles}] } {
1048        if { ${cur_nb_triangles} <= 0 && ${ref_nb_triangles} } {
1049            puts "Error: Number of triangles is equal to 0"
1050        }
1051    } else {
1052        if {[regexp {!([-0-9.+eE]+)} $ref_nb_triangles full ref_nb_triangles_value]} {
1053            if  {${ref_nb_triangles_value} == ${cur_nb_triangles} } {
1054                puts "Error: Number of triangles is equal to ${ref_nb_triangles_value} but it should not"
1055            }
1056        } else {
1057            checkreal "Number of triangles" ${cur_nb_triangles} ${ref_nb_triangles} ${tol_abs_tri} ${tol_rel_tri}
1058        }
1059    }
1061    # check number of nodes
1062    if { [string is boolean ${ref_nb_nodes}] } {
1063        if { ${cur_nb_nodes} <= 0 && ${ref_nb_nodes} } {
1064            puts "Error: Number of nodes is equal to 0"
1065        }
1066    } else {
1067        if {[regexp {!([-0-9.+eE]+)} $ref_nb_nodes full ref_nb_nodes_value]} {
1068            if  {${ref_nb_nodes_value} == ${cur_nb_nodes} } {
1069                puts "Error: Number of nodes is equal to ${ref_nb_nodes_value} but it should not"
1070            }
1071        } else {
1072            checkreal "Number of nodes" ${cur_nb_nodes} ${ref_nb_nodes} ${tol_abs_nod} ${tol_rel_nod}
1073        }
1074    }
1076    # check deflection
1077    if { [string is boolean ${ref_deflection}] } {
1078        if { ${cur_deflection} <= 0 && ${ref_deflection} } {
1079            puts "Error: Maximal deflection is equal to 0"
1080        }
1081    } else {
1082        checkreal "Maximal deflection" ${cur_deflection} ${ref_deflection} ${tol_abs_defl} ${tol_rel_defl}
1083    }
1085    if { ${max_defl} != -1 && ${cur_deflection} > ${max_defl} } {
1086        puts "Error: Maximal deflection is too big"
1087    }
1090help checkplatform {
1091  Return name of current platform if no options are given.
1093  Use: checkplatform [options...]
1094  Allowed options are:
1095    -windows : return 1 if current platform is 'Windows', otherwise return 0
1096    -linux   : return 1 if current platform is 'Linux', otherwise return 0
1097    -osx     : return 1 if current platform is 'MacOS X', otherwise return 0
1098    -freebsd : return 1 if current platform is 'FreeBSD', otherwise return 0
1100  Only one option can be used at once.
1101  If no option is given, procedure will return the name of current platform.
1103proc checkplatform {args} {
1104    set check_for_windows false
1105    set check_for_linux false
1106    set check_for_macosx false
1107    set check_for_freebsd false
1109    set options {{"-windows" check_for_windows 0}
1110                 {"-linux" check_for_linux 0}
1111                 {"-freebsd" check_for_freebsd 0}
1112                 {"-osx" check_for_macosx 0}}
1114    _check_args ${args} ${options} "checkplatform"
1116    if { [regexp "indows" $::tcl_platform(os)] } {
1117        set current_platform Windows
1118    } elseif { $::tcl_platform(os) == "Linux" } {
1119        set current_platform Linux
1120    } elseif { $::tcl_platform(os) == "FreeBSD" } {
1121        set current_platform FreeBSD
1122    } elseif { $::tcl_platform(os) == "Darwin" } {
1123        set current_platform MacOS
1124    }
1126    # no args are given
1127    if { !${check_for_windows} && !${check_for_linux} && !${check_for_macosx} && !${check_for_freebsd}} {
1128        return ${current_platform}
1129    }
1131    # check usage of proc checkplatform
1132    if { [expr [string is true ${check_for_windows}] + [string is true ${check_for_linux}] + [string is true ${check_for_macosx}] + [string is true ${check_for_freebsd}] ] > 1} {
1133        error "Error: wrong usage of command checkplatform, only single option can be used at once"
1134    }
1136    # checking for Windows platform
1137    if { ${check_for_windows} && ${current_platform} == "Windows" } {
1138        return 1
1139    }
1141    # checking for Linux platforms
1142    if { ${check_for_linux} && ${current_platform} == "Linux" } {
1143        return 1
1144    }
1146    # checking for FreeBSD platforms
1147    if { ${check_for_freebsd} && ${current_platform} == "FreeBSD" } {
1148        return 1
1149    }
1151    # checking for Mac OS X platforms
1152    if { ${check_for_macosx} && ${current_platform} == "MacOS" } {
1153        return 1
1154    }
1156    # current platform is not equal to given as argument platform, return false
1157    return 0
1160help checkgravitycenter {
1161  Compare Center Of Gravity with given reference data
1163  Use: checkgravitycenter shape prop_type x y z tol
1165proc checkgravitycenter {shape prop_type x y z tol} {
1166  puts "checkgravitycenter ${shape} $prop_type $x $y $z $tol"
1167  upvar ${shape} ${shape}
1169  if { $prop_type == "-l" } {
1170    set outstr [lprops $shape]
1171  } elseif { $prop_type == "-s" } {
1172    set outstr [sprops $shape]
1173  } elseif { $prop_type == "-v" } {
1174    set outstr [vprops $shape]
1175  } else {
1176    error "Error : invalid prop_type"
1177  }
1179  if { ![regexp {\nX = +([-0-9.+eE]+).*\nY = +([-0-9.+eE]+).*\nZ = +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${outstr} full comp_x comp_y comp_z] } {
1180    error "Error : cannot evaluate properties"
1181  }
1183  if { [expr abs($comp_x-$x)] < $tol && [expr abs($comp_y-$y)] < $tol && [expr abs($comp_z-$z)] < $tol } {
1184    puts "Check of center of gravity is OK: value = ($comp_x, $comp_y, $comp_z), expected = ($x, $y, $z)"
1185  } else {
1186    puts "Error: center of gravity ($comp_x, $comp_y, $comp_z) is not equal to expected ($x, $y, $z)"
1187  }
1190help checkMultilineStrings {
1191  Compares two strings.
1192  Logically splits the strings to lines by the new line characters.
1193  Outputs the first different lines.
1195  Use: checkMultilineStrings <string_1> <string_2>
1197proc checkMultilineStrings {tS1 tS2} {
1198  set aL1 [split $tS1 \n]
1199  set aL2 [split $tS2 \n]
1201  set aC1 [llength $aL1]
1202  set aC2 [llength $aL2]
1203  set aC [expr {min($aC1, $aC2)}]
1205  for {set aI 0} {$aI < $aC} {incr aI} {
1206    if {[lindex $aL1 $aI] != [lindex $aL2 $aI]} {
1207      puts "Error. $aI-th lines are different:"
1208      puts "[lindex $aL1 $aI]"
1209      puts "[lindex $aL2 $aI]"
1210    }
1211  }
1213  if {$aC1 != $aC2} {
1214    puts "Error. Line counts are different: $aC1 != $aC2."
1215  }