1 // Created on: 1995-01-27
2 // Created by: Jacques GOUSSARD
3 // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
17 #ifndef _GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox_HeaderFile
18 #define _GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox_HeaderFile
20 #include <Standard.hxx>
21 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
22 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
24 #include <AppParCurves_Constraint.hxx>
25 #include <AppParCurves_MultiBSpCurve.hxx>
26 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
27 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfInteger.hxx>
28 #include <math_Matrix.hxx>
29 #include <math_Vector.hxx>
30 #include <math_IntegerVector.hxx>
31 #include <Standard_Real.hxx>
32 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
33 #include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
34 #include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
35 #include <TColStd_Array1OfInteger.hxx>
36 class StdFail_NotDone;
37 class Standard_OutOfRange;
38 class Standard_DimensionError;
39 class Standard_NoSuchObject;
40 class GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox;
41 class GeomInt_TheMultiLineToolOfWLApprox;
42 class AppParCurves_MultiCurve;
43 class AppParCurves_MultiBSpCurve;
44 class math_Matrix;
48 class GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox
49 {
50 public:
55   //! given a MultiLine, this algorithm computes the least
56   //! square resolution using the Householder-QR method.
57   //! If the first and/or the last point is a constraint
58   //! point, the value of the tangency or curvature is
59   //! computed in the resolution.
60   //! NbPol is the number of control points wanted
61   //! for the approximating curves.
62   //! The system to solve is the following:
63   //! A X = B.
64   //! Where A is the Bernstein matrix computed with the
65   //! parameters, B the points coordinates and X the poles
66   //! solutions.
67   //! The matrix A is the same for each coordinate x, y and z
68   //! and is also the same for each MultiLine point because
69   //! they are approximated in parallel(so with the same
70   //! parameter, only the vector B changes).
71   Standard_EXPORT GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox(const GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox& SSP, const Standard_Integer FirstPoint, const Standard_Integer LastPoint, const AppParCurves_Constraint FirstCons, const AppParCurves_Constraint LastCons, const math_Vector& Parameters, const Standard_Integer NbPol);
73   //! Initializes the fields of the object.
74   Standard_EXPORT GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox(const GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox& SSP, const Standard_Integer FirstPoint, const Standard_Integer LastPoint, const AppParCurves_Constraint FirstCons, const AppParCurves_Constraint LastCons, const Standard_Integer NbPol);
76   //! given a MultiLine, this algorithm computes the least
77   //! square resolution using the Householder-QR method.
78   //! If the first and/or the last point is a constraint
79   //! point, the value of the tangency or curvature is
80   //! computed in the resolution.
81   //! Deg is the degree wanted for the approximating curves.
82   //! The system to solve is the following:
83   //! A X = B.
84   //! Where A is the BSpline functions matrix computed with
85   //! <parameters>, B the points coordinates and X the poles
86   //! solutions.
87   //! The matrix A is the same for each coordinate x, y and z
88   //! and is also the same for each MultiLine point because
89   //! they are approximated in parallel(so with the same
90   //! parameter, only the vector B changes).
91   Standard_EXPORT GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox(const GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox& SSP, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& Mults, const Standard_Integer FirstPoint, const Standard_Integer LastPoint, const AppParCurves_Constraint FirstCons, const AppParCurves_Constraint LastCons, const math_Vector& Parameters, const Standard_Integer NbPol);
93   //! Initializes the fields of the object.
94   Standard_EXPORT GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox(const GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox& SSP, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& Mults, const Standard_Integer FirstPoint, const Standard_Integer LastPoint, const AppParCurves_Constraint FirstCons, const AppParCurves_Constraint LastCons, const Standard_Integer NbPol);
96   //! Is used after having initialized the fields.
97   //! The case "CurvaturePoint" is not treated in this method.
98   Standard_EXPORT void Perform (const math_Vector& Parameters);
100   //! Is used after having initialized the fields.
101   Standard_EXPORT void Perform (const math_Vector& Parameters, const Standard_Real l1, const Standard_Real l2);
103   //! Is used after having initialized the fields.
104   //! <V1t> is the tangent vector at the first point.
105   //! <V2t> is the tangent vector at the last point.
106   Standard_EXPORT void Perform (const math_Vector& Parameters, const math_Vector& V1t, const math_Vector& V2t, const Standard_Real l1, const Standard_Real l2);
108   //! Is used after having initialized the fields.
109   //! <V1t> is the tangent vector at the first point.
110   //! <V2t> is the tangent vector at the last point.
111   //! <V1c> is the tangent vector at the first point.
112   //! <V2c> is the tangent vector at the last point.
113   Standard_EXPORT void Perform (const math_Vector& Parameters, const math_Vector& V1t, const math_Vector& V2t, const math_Vector& V1c, const math_Vector& V2c, const Standard_Real l1, const Standard_Real l2);
115   //! returns True if all has been correctly done.
116   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDone() const;
118   //! returns the result of the approximation, i.e. all the
119   //! Curves.
120   //! An exception is raised if NotDone.
121   Standard_EXPORT AppParCurves_MultiCurve BezierValue();
123   //! returns the result of the approximation, i.e. all the
124   //! Curves.
125   //! An exception is raised if NotDone.
126   Standard_EXPORT const AppParCurves_MultiBSpCurve& BSplineValue();
128   //! returns the function matrix used to approximate the
129   //! set.
130   Standard_EXPORT const math_Matrix& FunctionMatrix() const;
132   //! returns the derivative function matrix used
133   //! to approximate the set.
134   Standard_EXPORT const math_Matrix& DerivativeFunctionMatrix() const;
136   //! returns the maximum errors between the MultiLine
137   //! and the approximation curves. F is the sum of the square
138   //! distances. Grad is the derivative vector of the
139   //! function F.
140   Standard_EXPORT void ErrorGradient (math_Vector& Grad, Standard_Real& F, Standard_Real& MaxE3d, Standard_Real& MaxE2d);
142   //! returns the distances between the points of the
143   //! multiline and the approximation curves.
144   Standard_EXPORT const math_Matrix& Distance();
146   //! returns the maximum errors between the MultiLine
147   //! and the approximation curves. F is the sum of the square
148   //! distances.
149   Standard_EXPORT void Error (Standard_Real& F, Standard_Real& MaxE3d, Standard_Real& MaxE2d);
151   //! returns the value (P2 - P1)/ V1 if the first point
152   //! was a tangency point.
153   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real FirstLambda() const;
155   //! returns the value (PN - PN-1)/ VN if the last point
156   //! was a tangency point.
157   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real LastLambda() const;
159   //! returns the matrix of points value.
160   Standard_EXPORT const math_Matrix& Points() const;
162   //! returns the matrix of resulting control points value.
163   Standard_EXPORT const math_Matrix& Poles() const;
165   //! Returns the indexes of the first non null values of
166   //! A and DA.
167   //! The values are non null from Index(ieme point) +1
168   //! to Index(ieme point) + degree +1.
169   Standard_EXPORT const math_IntegerVector& KIndex() const;
174 protected:
177   //! is used by the constructors above.
178   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox& SSP, const Standard_Integer FirstPoint, const Standard_Integer LastPoint);
180   //! returns the number of second member columns.
181   //! Is used internally to initialize the fields.
182   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbBColumns (const GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox& SSP) const;
184   //! returns the first point being fitted.
185   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer TheFirstPoint (const AppParCurves_Constraint FirstCons, const Standard_Integer FirstPoint) const;
187   //! returns the last point being fitted.
188   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer TheLastPoint (const AppParCurves_Constraint LastCons, const Standard_Integer LastPoint) const;
190   //! Affects the fields in the case of a constraint point.
191   Standard_EXPORT void Affect (const GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox& SSP, const Standard_Integer Index, AppParCurves_Constraint& Cons, math_Vector& Vt, math_Vector& Vc);
193   Standard_EXPORT void ComputeFunction (const math_Vector& Parameters);
195   Standard_EXPORT void SearchIndex (math_IntegerVector& Index);
197   //! computes internal matrixes for the resolution
198   Standard_EXPORT void MakeTAA (math_Vector& TheA, math_Vector& TheB);
200   //! computes internal matrixes for the resolution
201   Standard_EXPORT void MakeTAA (math_Vector& TheA);
203   //! computes internal matrixes for the resolution
204   Standard_EXPORT void MakeTAA (math_Vector& TheA, math_Matrix& TheB);
209 private:
213   AppParCurves_Constraint FirstConstraint;
214   AppParCurves_Constraint LastConstraint;
215   AppParCurves_MultiBSpCurve SCU;
216   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) myknots;
217   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) mymults;
218   math_Matrix mypoles;
219   math_Matrix A;
220   math_Matrix DA;
221   math_Matrix B2;
222   math_Matrix mypoints;
223   math_Vector Vflatknots;
224   math_Vector Vec1t;
225   math_Vector Vec1c;
226   math_Vector Vec2t;
227   math_Vector Vec2c;
228   math_Matrix theError;
229   math_IntegerVector myindex;
230   Standard_Real lambda1;
231   Standard_Real lambda2;
232   Standard_Integer FirstP;
233   Standard_Integer LastP;
234   Standard_Integer Nlignes;
235   Standard_Integer Ninc;
236   Standard_Integer NA;
237   Standard_Integer myfirstp;
238   Standard_Integer mylastp;
239   Standard_Integer resinit;
240   Standard_Integer resfin;
241   Standard_Integer nbP2d;
242   Standard_Integer nbP;
243   Standard_Integer nbpoles;
244   Standard_Integer deg;
245   Standard_Boolean done;
246   Standard_Boolean iscalculated;
247   Standard_Boolean isready;
250 };
258 #endif // _GeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox_HeaderFile