1 // Created by: Christian CAILLET <cky@phobox>
2 // Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Matra Datavision
3 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef _Interface_InterfaceModel_HeaderFile
17 #define _Interface_InterfaceModel_HeaderFile
19 #include <Standard.hxx>
20 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
22 #include <TColStd_IndexedMapOfTransient.hxx>
23 #include <TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerTransient.hxx>
24 #include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
25 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
26 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
27 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
28 #include <Standard_CString.hxx>
29 #include <Interface_DataState.hxx>
30 #include <TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString.hxx>
31 class Interface_Check;
32 class TCollection_HAsciiString;
33 class Interface_GTool;
34 class Interface_Protocol;
35 class Interface_ReportEntity;
36 class Interface_CheckIterator;
37 class Interface_GeneralLib;
38 class Interface_EntityIterator;
41 class Interface_InterfaceModel;
42 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(Interface_InterfaceModel, Standard_Transient)
44 //! Defines an (Indexed) Set of data corresponding to a complete
45 //! Transfer by a File Interface, i.e. File Header and Transient
46 //! Entities (Objects) contained in a File. Contained Entities are
47 //! identified in the Model by unique and consecutive Numbers.
48 //!
49 //! In addition, a Model can attach to each entity, a specific
50 //! Label according to the norm (e.g. Name for VDA, #ident for
51 //! Step ...), intended to be output on a string or a stream
52 //! (remark : labels are not obliged to be unique)
53 //!
54 //! InterfaceModel itself is not Transient, it is intended to
55 //! work on a set of Transient Data. The services offered are
56 //! basic Listing and Identification operations on Transient
57 //! Entities, storage of Error Reports, Copying.
58 //!
59 //! Moreovere, it is possible to define and use templates. These
60 //! are empty Models, from which copies can be obtained in order
61 //! to be filled with effective data. This allows to record
62 //! standard definitions for headers, avoiding to recreate them
63 //! for each sendings, and assuring customisation of produced
64 //! files for a given site.
65 //! A template is attached to a name. It is possible to define a
66 //! template from another one (get it, edit it then record it
67 //! under another name).
68 //!
69 //! See also Graph, ShareTool, CheckTool for more
70 class Interface_InterfaceModel : public Standard_Transient
71 {
73 public:
76   //! Clears the list of entities (service WhenDelete)
77   Standard_EXPORT void Destroy();
~Interface_InterfaceModel()78 ~Interface_InterfaceModel()
79 {
80   Destroy();
81 }
83   //! Sets a Protocol for this Model
84   //! It is also set by a call to AddWithRefs with Protocol
85   //! It is used for : DumpHeader (as required), ClearEntities ...
86   Standard_EXPORT void SetProtocol (const Handle(Interface_Protocol)& proto);
88   //! Returns the Protocol which has been set by SetProtocol, or
89   //! AddWithRefs with Protocol
90   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(Interface_Protocol) Protocol() const;
92   //! Sets a GTool for this model, which already defines a Protocol
93   Standard_EXPORT void SetGTool (const Handle(Interface_GTool)& gtool);
95   //! Returns the GTool, set by SetProtocol or by SetGTool
96   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Interface_GTool) GTool() const;
98   //! Returns the Dispatch Status, either for get or set
99   //! A Model which is produced from Dispatch may share entities
100   //! with the original (according to the Protocol), hence these
101   //! non-copied entities should not be deleted
102   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean& DispatchStatus();
104   //! Erases contained data; used when a Model is copied to others :
105   //! the new copied ones begin from clear
106   //! Clear calls specific method ClearHeader (see below)
107   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Clear();
109   //! Clears the entities; uses the general service WhenDelete, in
110   //! addition to the standard Memory Manager; can be redefined
111   Standard_EXPORT virtual void ClearEntities();
113   //! Erases information about labels, if any : specific to each
114   //! norm
115   Standard_EXPORT virtual void ClearLabels() = 0;
117   //! Clears Model's header : specific to each norm
118   Standard_EXPORT virtual void ClearHeader() = 0;
120   //! Returns count of contained Entities
121   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbEntities() const;
123   //! Returns True if a Model contains an Entity (for a ReportEntity,
124   //! looks for the ReportEntity itself AND its Concerned Entity)
125   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Contains (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& anentity) const;
127   //! Returns the Number of an Entity in the Model if it contains it.
128   //! Else returns 0. For a ReportEntity, looks at Concerned Entity.
129   //! Returns the Directory entry   Number of  an Entity in
130   //! the  Model if it contains it.   Else returns  0.  For a
131   //! ReportEntity, looks at Concerned Entity.
132   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Number (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& anentity) const;
134   //! Returns an Entity identified by its number in the Model
135   //! Each sub-class of InterfaceModel can define its own method
136   //! Entity to return its specific class of Entity (e.g. for VDA,
137   //! VDAModel returns a VDAEntity), working by calling Value
138   //! Remark : For a Reported Entity, (Erroneous, Corrected, Unknown), this
139   //! method returns this Reported Entity.
140   //! See ReportEntity for other questions.
141   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(Standard_Transient)& Value (const Standard_Integer num) const;
143   //! Returns the count of DISTINCT types under which an entity may
144   //! be processed. Defined by the Protocol, which gives default as
145   //! 1 (dynamic Type).
146   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbTypes (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
148   //! Returns a type, given its rank : defined by the Protocol
149   //! (by default, the first one)
150   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Type) Type (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Standard_Integer num = 1) const;
152   //! Returns the type name of an entity, from the list of types
153   //! (one or more ...)
154   //! <complete> True (D) gives the complete type, else packages are
155   //! removed
156   //! WARNING : buffered, to be immediately copied or printed
157   Standard_EXPORT Standard_CString TypeName (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Standard_Boolean complete = Standard_True) const;
159   //! From a CDL Type Name, returns the Class part (package dropped)
160   //! WARNING : buffered, to be immediately copied or printed
161   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_CString ClassName (const Standard_CString typnam);
163   //! Returns the State of an entity, given its number
164   Standard_EXPORT Interface_DataState EntityState (const Standard_Integer num) const;
166   //! Returns True if <num> identifies a ReportEntity in the Model
167   //! Hence, ReportEntity can be called.
168   //!
169   //! By default, queries main report, if <semantic> is True, it
170   //! queries report for semantic check
171   //!
172   //! Remember that a Report Entity can be defined for an Unknown
173   //! Entity, or a Corrected or Erroneous (at read time) Entity.
174   //! The ReportEntity is defined before call to method AddEntity.
175   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean semantic = Standard_False) const;
177   //! Returns a ReportEntity identified by its number in the Model,
178   //! or a Null Handle If <num> does not identify a ReportEntity.
179   //!
180   //! By default, queries main report, if <semantic> is True, it
181   //! queries report for semantic check
182   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Interface_ReportEntity) ReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean semantic = Standard_False) const;
184   //! Returns True if <num> identifies an Error Entity : in this
185   //! case, a ReportEntity brings Fail Messages and possibly an
186   //! "undefined" Content, see IsRedefinedEntity
187   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsErrorEntity (const Standard_Integer num) const;
189   //! Returns True if <num> identifies an Entity which content is
190   //! redefined through a ReportEntity (i.e. with literal data only)
191   //! This happens when an entity is syntactically erroneous in the
192   //! way that its basic content remains empty.
193   //! For more details (such as content itself), see ReportEntity
194   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsRedefinedContent (const Standard_Integer num) const;
196   //! Removes the ReportEntity attached to Entity <num>. Returns
197   //! True if done, False if no ReportEntity was attached to <num>.
198   //! Warning : the caller must assume that this clearing is meaningful
199   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ClearReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num);
201   //! Sets or Replaces a ReportEntity for the Entity <num>. Returns
202   //! True if Report is replaced, False if it has been replaced
203   //! Warning : the caller must assume that this setting is meaningful
204   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetReportEntity (const Standard_Integer num, const Handle(Interface_ReportEntity)& rep);
206   //! Adds a ReportEntity as such. Returns False if the concerned
207   //! entity is not recorded in the Model
208   //! Else, adds it into, either the main report list or the
209   //! list for semantic checks, then returns True
210   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean AddReportEntity (const Handle(Interface_ReportEntity)& rep, const Standard_Boolean semantic = Standard_False);
212   //! Returns True if <num> identifies an Unknown Entity : in this
213   //! case, a ReportEntity with no Check Messages designates it.
214   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsUnknownEntity (const Standard_Integer num) const;
216   //! Fills the list of semantic checks.
217   //! This list is computed (by CheckTool). Hence, it can be stored
218   //! in the model for later queries
219   //! <clear> True (D) : new list replaces
220   //! <clear> False    : new list is cumulated
221   Standard_EXPORT void FillSemanticChecks (const Interface_CheckIterator& checks, const Standard_Boolean clear = Standard_True);
223   //! Returns True if semantic checks have been filled
224   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasSemanticChecks() const;
226   //! Returns the check attached to an entity, designated by its
227   //! Number. 0 for global check
228   //! <semantic> True  : recorded semantic check
229   //! <semantic> False : recorded syntactic check (see ReportEntity)
230   //! If no check is recorded for <num>, returns an empty Check
231   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(Interface_Check)& Check (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Boolean syntactic) const;
233   //! Does a reservation for the List of Entities (for optimized
234   //! storage management). If it is not called, storage management
235   //! can be less efficient. <nbent> is the expected count of
236   //! Entities to store
237   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Reservate (const Standard_Integer nbent);
239   //! Internal method for adding an Entity. Used by file reading
240   //! (defined by each Interface) and Transfer tools. It adds the
241   //! entity required to be added, not its refs : see AddWithRefs.
242   //! If <anentity> is a ReportEntity, it is added to the list of
243   //! Reports, its Concerned Entity (Erroneous or Corrected, else
244   //! Unknown) is added to the list of Entities.
245   //! That is, the ReportEntity must be created before Adding
246   Standard_EXPORT virtual void AddEntity (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& anentity);
248   //! Adds to the Model, an Entity with all its References, as they
249   //! are defined by General Services FillShared and ListImplied.
250   //! Process is recursive (any sub-levels) if <level> = 0 (Default)
251   //! Else, adds sub-entities until the required sub-level.
252   //! Especially, if <level> = 1, adds immediate subs and that's all
253   //!
254   //! If <listall> is False (Default), an entity (<anentity> itself
255   //! or one of its subs at any level) which is already recorded in
256   //! the Model is not analysed, only the newly added ones are.
257   //! If <listall> is True, all items are analysed (this allows to
258   //! ensure the consistency of an adding made by steps)
259   Standard_EXPORT void AddWithRefs (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& anent, const Handle(Interface_Protocol)& proto, const Standard_Integer level = 0, const Standard_Boolean listall = Standard_False);
261   //! Same as above, but works with the Protocol of the Model
262   Standard_EXPORT void AddWithRefs (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& anent, const Standard_Integer level = 0, const Standard_Boolean listall = Standard_False);
264   //! Same as above, but works with an already created GeneralLib
265   Standard_EXPORT void AddWithRefs (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& anent, const Interface_GeneralLib& lib, const Standard_Integer level = 0, const Standard_Boolean listall = Standard_False);
267   //! Replace Entity with Number=nument on other entity - "anent"
268   Standard_EXPORT void ReplaceEntity (const Standard_Integer nument, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& anent);
270   //! Reverses the Numbers of the Entities, between <after> and the
271   //! total count of Entities. Thus, the entities :
272   //! 1,2 ... after, after+1 ... nb-1, nb  become numbered as :
273   //! 1,2 ... after, nb, nb-1 ... after+1
274   //! By default (after = 0) the whole list of Entities is reversed
275   Standard_EXPORT void ReverseOrders (const Standard_Integer after = 0);
277   //! Changes the Numbers of some Entities : <oldnum> is moved to
278   //! <newnum>, same for <count> entities. Thus :
279   //! 1,2 ... newnum-1 newnum ... oldnum .. oldnum+count oldnum+count+1 .. gives
280   //! 1,2 ... newnum-1 oldnum .. oldnum+count newnum ... oldnum+count+1
281   //! (can be seen as a circular permutation)
282   Standard_EXPORT void ChangeOrder (const Standard_Integer oldnum, const Standard_Integer newnum, const Standard_Integer count = 1);
284   //! Gets contents from an EntityIterator, prepared by a
285   //! Transfer tool (e.g TransferCopy). Starts from clear
286   Standard_EXPORT void GetFromTransfer (const Interface_EntityIterator& aniter);
288   //! Gets header (data specific of a defined Interface) from
289   //! another InterfaceModel; called from TransferCopy
290   Standard_EXPORT virtual void GetFromAnother (const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel)& other) = 0;
292   //! Returns a New Empty Model, same type as <me> (whatever its
293   //! Type); called to Copy parts a Model into other ones, then
294   //! followed by a call to GetFromAnother (Header) then filling
295   //! with specified Entities, themselves copied
296   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) NewEmptyModel() const = 0;
298   //! Records a category number for an entity number
299   //! Returns True when done, False if <num> is out of range
300   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetCategoryNumber (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Integer val);
302   //! Returns the recorded category number for a given entity number
303   //! 0 if none was defined for this entity
304   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer CategoryNumber (const Standard_Integer num) const;
306   //! Allows an EntityIterator to get a list of Entities
307   Standard_EXPORT void FillIterator (Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const;
309   //! Returns the list of all Entities, as an Iterator on Entities
310   //! (the Entities themselves, not the Reports)
311   Standard_EXPORT Interface_EntityIterator Entities() const;
313   //! Returns the list of all ReportEntities, i.e. data about
314   //! Entities read with Error or Warning information
315   //! (each item has to be casted to Report Entity then it can be
316   //! queried for Concerned Entity, Content, Check ...)
317   //! By default, returns the main reports, is <semantic> is True it
318   //! returns the list for semantic checks
319   Standard_EXPORT Interface_EntityIterator Reports (const Standard_Boolean semantic = Standard_False) const;
321   //! Returns the list of ReportEntities which redefine data
322   //! (generally, if concerned entity is "Error", a literal content
323   //! is added to it : this is a "redefined entity"
324   Standard_EXPORT Interface_EntityIterator Redefineds() const;
326   //! Returns the GlobalCheck, which memorizes messages global to
327   //! the file (not specific to an Entity), especially Header
328   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(Interface_Check)& GlobalCheck (const Standard_Boolean syntactic = Standard_True) const;
330   //! Allows to modify GlobalCheck, after getting then completing it
331   //! Remark : it is SYNTACTIC check. Semantics, see FillChecks
332   Standard_EXPORT void SetGlobalCheck (const Handle(Interface_Check)& ach);
334   //! Minimum Semantic Global Check on data in model (header)
335   //! Can only check basic Data. See also GlobalCheck from Protocol
336   //! for a check which takes the Graph into account
337   //! Default does nothing, can be redefined
338   Standard_EXPORT virtual void VerifyCheck (Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const;
340   //! Dumps Header in a short, easy to read, form, onto a Stream
341   //! <level> allows to print more or less parts of the header,
342   //! if necessary. 0 for basic print
343   Standard_EXPORT virtual void DumpHeader (Standard_OStream& S, const Standard_Integer level = 0) const = 0;
345   //! Prints identification of a given entity in <me>, in order to
346   //! be printed in a list or phrase
347   //! <mode> < 0 : prints only its number
348   //! <mode> = 1 : just calls PrintLabel
349   //! <mode> = 0 (D) : prints its number plus '/' plus PrintLabel
350   //! If <ent> == <me>, simply prints "Global"
351   //! If <ent> is unknown, prints "??/its type"
352   Standard_EXPORT void Print (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, Standard_OStream& s, const Standard_Integer mode = 0) const;
354   //! Prints label specific to each norm, for a given entity.
355   //! Must only print label itself, in order to be included in a
356   //! phrase. Can call the result of StringLabel, but not obliged.
357   Standard_EXPORT virtual void PrintLabel (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, Standard_OStream& S) const = 0;
359   //! Prints label specific to each norm in log format, for
360   //! a given entity.
361   //! By default, just calls PrintLabel, can be redefined
362   Standard_EXPORT virtual void PrintToLog (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, Standard_OStream& S) const;
364   //! Returns a string with the label attached to a given entity.
365   //! Warning : While this string may be edited on the spot, if it is a read
366   //! field, the returned value must be copied before.
367   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) StringLabel (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const = 0;
369   //! Searches a label which matches with one entity.
370   //! Begins from <lastnum>+1 (default:1) and scans the entities
371   //! until <NbEntities>. For the first which matches <label>,
372   //! this method returns its Number. Returns 0 if nothing found
373   //! Can be called recursively (labels are not specified as unique)
374   //! <exact> : if True (default), exact match is required
375   //! else, checks the END of entity label
376   //!
377   //! This method is virtual, hence it can be redefined for a more
378   //! efficient search (if exact is true).
379   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Integer NextNumberForLabel (const Standard_CString label, const Standard_Integer lastnum = 0, const Standard_Boolean exact = Standard_True) const;
381   //! Returns true if a template is attached to a given name
382   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean HasTemplate (const Standard_CString name);
384   //! Returns the template model attached to a name, or a Null Handle
385   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) Template (const Standard_CString name);
387   //! Records a new template model with a name. If the name was
388   //! already recorded, the corresponding template is replaced by
389   //! the new one. Then, WARNING : test HasTemplate to avoid
390   //! surprises
391   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean SetTemplate (const Standard_CString name, const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel)& model);
393   //! Returns the complete list of names attached to template models
394   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString) ListTemplates();
398   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(Interface_InterfaceModel,Standard_Transient)
400 protected:
403   //! Defines empty InterfaceModel, ready to be filled
404   Standard_EXPORT Interface_InterfaceModel();
408 private:
411   TColStd_IndexedMapOfTransient theentities;
412   TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerTransient thereports;
413   TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerTransient therepch;
414   Handle(Interface_Check) thecheckstx;
415   Handle(Interface_Check) thechecksem;
416   Standard_Boolean haschecksem;
417   Standard_Boolean isdispatch;
418   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) thecategory;
419   Handle(Interface_GTool) thegtool;
422 };
430 #endif // _Interface_InterfaceModel_HeaderFile