1[INFO ODB-0222] Reading LEF file: ./Nangate45/Nangate45.lef
2[INFO ODB-0223]     Created 22 technology layers
3[INFO ODB-0224]     Created 27 technology vias
4[INFO ODB-0225]     Created 134 library cells
5[INFO ODB-0226] Finished LEF file:  ./Nangate45/Nangate45.lef
6[INFO ODB-0127] Reading DEF file: ./design.def
7[INFO ODB-0128] Design: counter
8[INFO ODB-0130]     Created 5 pins.
9[INFO ODB-0131]     Created 3 components and 15 component-terminals.
10[INFO ODB-0133]     Created 7 nets and 9 connections.
11[INFO ODB-0134] Finished DEF file: ./design.def
12[INFO RMP-0002] Blif writer successfully dumped file with 3 instances.
13No differences found.