1 /* Copyright 2004,2007,2010,2012,2014 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : hgraph_order_nd.c                       **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                                                        **/
38 /**   FUNCTION   : This module orders graphs using the     **/
39 /**                nested dissection algorithm.            **/
40 /**                                                        **/
41 /**   DATES      : # Version 3.2  : from : 17 oct 1996     **/
42 /**                                 to   : 21 aug 1998     **/
43 /**                # Version 3.3  : from : 02 oct 1998     **/
44 /**                                 to     13 mar 1999     **/
45 /**                # Version 4.0  : from : 03 jan 2002     **/
46 /**                                 to     24 dec 2004     **/
47 /**                # Version 5.0  : from : 19 dec 2006     **/
48 /**                                 to     25 jul 2007     **/
49 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 24 oct 2010     **/
50 /**                                 to     24 oct 2010     **/
51 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 17 oct 2012     **/
52 /**                                 to     05 aug 2014     **/
53 /**                                                        **/
54 /************************************************************/
56 /*
57 **  The defines and includes.
58 */
60 #define HGRAPH_ORDER_ND
62 #include "module.h"
63 #include "common.h"
64 #include "parser.h"
65 #include "graph.h"
66 #include "order.h"
67 #include "hgraph.h"
68 #include "hgraph_order_nd.h"
69 #include "hgraph_order_st.h"
70 #include "vgraph.h"
71 #include "vgraph_separate_st.h"
73 /*****************************/
74 /*                           */
75 /* This is the main routine. */
76 /*                           */
77 /*****************************/
79 /* This routine performs the ordering.
80 ** It returns:
81 ** - 0   : if the ordering could be computed.
82 ** - !0  : on error.
83 */
85 int
hgraphOrderNd(const Hgraph * restrict const grafptr,Order * restrict const ordeptr,const Gnum ordenum,OrderCblk * restrict const cblkptr,const HgraphOrderNdParam * restrict const paraptr)86 hgraphOrderNd (
87 const Hgraph * restrict const             grafptr,
88 Order * restrict const                    ordeptr,
89 const Gnum                                ordenum,
90 OrderCblk * restrict const                cblkptr,
91 const HgraphOrderNdParam * restrict const paraptr)
92 {
93   Hgraph                    indgrafdat;           /* Halo graph data                    */
94   Gnum *                    vspvnumptr[3];        /* Pointers to vertex lists to fill   */
95   VertList                  vsplisttab[3];        /* Array of separated part lists      */
96   Vgraph                    vspgrafdat;           /* Vertex separation graph data       */
97   Gnum                      vspvertnum;           /* Current vertex in separation graph */
98   int                       o;
100   hgraphUnhalo (grafptr, &vspgrafdat.s);          /* Keep only non-halo vertices for separation */
102   if ((vspgrafdat.frontab = (Gnum *) memAlloc (vspgrafdat.s.vertnbr * sizeof (Gnum))) == NULL) {
103     errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: out of memory (1)");
104     return     (1);
105   }
106   if ((vspgrafdat.parttax = (GraphPart *) memAlloc (vspgrafdat.s.vertnbr * sizeof (GraphPart))) == NULL) {
107     errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: out of memory (2)");
108     memFree    (vspgrafdat.frontab);
109     return     (1);
110   }
111   memSet (vspgrafdat.parttax, 0, vspgrafdat.s.vertnbr * sizeof (GraphPart)); /* Set all vertices to part 0 */
112   vspgrafdat.parttax    -= vspgrafdat.s.baseval;
113   vspgrafdat.fronnbr     = 0;
114   vspgrafdat.compload[0] = vspgrafdat.s.velosum;
115   vspgrafdat.compload[1] = 0;
116   vspgrafdat.compload[2] = 0;
117   vspgrafdat.comploaddlt = vspgrafdat.s.velosum;
118   vspgrafdat.compsize[0] = vspgrafdat.s.vertnbr;
119   vspgrafdat.compsize[1] = 0;
120   vspgrafdat.fronnbr     = 0;
121   vspgrafdat.levlnum     = grafptr->levlnum;      /* Set level of separation graph as level of halo graph */
123   if (vgraphSeparateSt (&vspgrafdat, paraptr->sepstrat) != 0) { /* Separate vertex-separation graph */
124     vgraphExit (&vspgrafdat);
125     return     (1);
126   }
128   if ((vspgrafdat.compsize[0] == 0) ||            /* If could not separate more */
129       (vspgrafdat.compsize[1] == 0)) {
130     vgraphExit    (&vspgrafdat);                  /* Free useless space */
131     hgraphOrderSt (grafptr, ordeptr, ordenum, cblkptr, paraptr->ordstratlea); /* Order this leaf */
132     return (0);                                   /* Leaf has been processed */
133   }
135   vsplisttab[0].vnumnbr = vspgrafdat.compsize[0]; /* Build vertex lists within frontier array */
136   vsplisttab[0].vnumtab = vspgrafdat.frontab + vspgrafdat.fronnbr;
137   vsplisttab[1].vnumnbr = vspgrafdat.compsize[1];
138   vsplisttab[1].vnumtab = vsplisttab[0].vnumtab + vsplisttab[0].vnumnbr;
139   vsplisttab[2].vnumnbr = vspgrafdat.fronnbr;
140   vsplisttab[2].vnumtab = vspgrafdat.frontab;
141   vspvnumptr[0] = vsplisttab[0].vnumtab;
142   vspvnumptr[1] = vsplisttab[1].vnumtab;
143   vspvnumptr[2] = vsplisttab[2].vnumtab;
144   for (vspvertnum = vspgrafdat.s.baseval; vspvertnum < vspgrafdat.s.vertnnd; vspvertnum ++) { /* Fill lists */
145     *vspvnumptr[vspgrafdat.parttax[vspvertnum]] ++ = vspvertnum;
147     if (vspgrafdat.parttax[vspvertnum] != 2) {    /* If vertex does not separate */
148       Gnum                vspedgenum;
149       GraphPart           vsppartnum;
151       vsppartnum = 1 - vspgrafdat.parttax[vspvertnum]; /* Get opposite part value */
152       for (vspedgenum = vspgrafdat.s.verttax[vspvertnum];
153            vspedgenum < vspgrafdat.s.vendtax[vspvertnum]; vspedgenum ++) {
154         if (vspgrafdat.parttax[vspgrafdat.s.edgetax[vspedgenum]] == vsppartnum) { /* If an edge crosses the separator */
155           errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: internal error (1)");
156           vgraphExit (&vspgrafdat);
157           return     (1);
158         }
159       }
160     }
161 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_HGRAPH2 */
162   }
164   if ((vspvnumptr[0] != vsplisttab[0].vnumtab + vsplisttab[0].vnumnbr) ||
165       (vspvnumptr[1] != vsplisttab[1].vnumtab + vsplisttab[1].vnumnbr) ||
166       (vspvnumptr[2] != vsplisttab[2].vnumtab + vsplisttab[2].vnumnbr)) {
167     errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: internal error (2)");
168     vgraphExit (&vspgrafdat);
169     return      (1);
170   }
171 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_HGRAPH2 */
173   memFree (vspgrafdat.parttax + vspgrafdat.s.baseval); /* Free useless space */
175   vspgrafdat.parttax = NULL;                      /* Will cause bug if re-read */
176 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_HGRAPH2 */
178   cblkptr->typeval = ORDERCBLKNEDI;               /* Node becomes a nested dissection node */
179   if ((cblkptr->cblktab = (OrderCblk *) memAlloc (3 * sizeof (OrderCblk))) == NULL) {
180     errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: out of memory (2)");
181     memFree    (vspgrafdat.frontab);              /* Free remaining space */
182     return     (1);
183   }
184   cblkptr->cblktab[0].typeval = ORDERCBLKOTHR;    /* Build column blocks */
185   cblkptr->cblktab[0].vnodnbr = vsplisttab[0].vnumnbr;
186   cblkptr->cblktab[0].cblknbr = 0;
187   cblkptr->cblktab[0].cblktab = NULL;
188   cblkptr->cblktab[1].typeval = ORDERCBLKOTHR;
189   cblkptr->cblktab[1].vnodnbr = vsplisttab[1].vnumnbr;
190   cblkptr->cblktab[1].cblknbr = 0;
191   cblkptr->cblktab[1].cblktab = NULL;
193   if (vsplisttab[2].vnumnbr != 0) {               /* If separator not empty         */
194     cblkptr->cblknbr  = 3;                        /* It is a three-cell tree node   */
195     ordeptr->cblknbr += 2;                        /* Two more column blocks created */
196     ordeptr->treenbr += 3;                        /* Three more tree nodes created  */
198     cblkptr->cblktab[2].typeval = ORDERCBLKOTHR;
199     cblkptr->cblktab[2].vnodnbr = vsplisttab[2].vnumnbr;
200     cblkptr->cblktab[2].cblknbr = 0;
201     cblkptr->cblktab[2].cblktab = NULL;
203     if (graphInduceList (&grafptr->s, &vsplisttab[2], &indgrafdat.s) != 0) { /* Perform non-halo induction for separator, as it will get highest numbers */
204       errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: cannot build induced subgraph (1)");
205       memFree    (vspgrafdat.frontab);            /* Free remaining space */
206       return     (1);
207     }
208     indgrafdat.vnohnbr = indgrafdat.s.vertnbr;    /* Fill halo graph structure of non-halo graph */
209     indgrafdat.vnohnnd = indgrafdat.s.vertnnd;
210     indgrafdat.vnhdtax = indgrafdat.s.vendtax;
211     indgrafdat.vnlosum = indgrafdat.s.velosum;
212     indgrafdat.enohnbr = indgrafdat.s.edgenbr;
213     indgrafdat.enohsum = indgrafdat.s.edlosum;
214     indgrafdat.levlnum = grafptr->levlnum;        /* Separator graph is at level of original graph */
216     o = hgraphOrderSt (&indgrafdat, ordeptr, ordenum + vsplisttab[0].vnumnbr + vsplisttab[1].vnumnbr,
217                        cblkptr->cblktab + 2, paraptr->ordstratsep);
218     hgraphExit (&indgrafdat);
219   }
220   else {                                          /* Separator is empty             */
221     cblkptr->cblknbr = 2;                         /* It is a two-cell tree node     */
222     ordeptr->cblknbr ++;                          /* One more column block created  */
223     ordeptr->treenbr += 2;                        /* Two more tree nodes created    */
224     o = 0;                                        /* No separator ordering computed */
225   }
226   if (o == 0) {
227     if ((hgraphInduceList (grafptr, &vsplisttab[0], vsplisttab[2].vnumnbr + grafptr->s.vertnbr - grafptr->vnohnbr, &indgrafdat)) != 0) {
228       errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: cannot build induced subgraph (2)");
229       memFree    (vspgrafdat.frontab);            /* Free remaining space */
230       return     (1);
231     }
232     o = hgraphOrderNd (&indgrafdat, ordeptr, ordenum, cblkptr->cblktab, paraptr);
233     hgraphExit (&indgrafdat);
234   }
235   if (o == 0) {
236     if ((hgraphInduceList (grafptr, &vsplisttab[1], vsplisttab[2].vnumnbr + grafptr->s.vertnbr - grafptr->vnohnbr, &indgrafdat)) != 0) {
237       errorPrint ("hgraphOrderNd: cannot build induced subgraph (3)");
238       memFree    (vspgrafdat.frontab);            /* Free remaining space */
239       return     (1);
240     }
241     o = hgraphOrderNd (&indgrafdat, ordeptr, ordenum + vsplisttab[0].vnumnbr, cblkptr->cblktab + 1, paraptr);
242     hgraphExit (&indgrafdat);
243   }
245   memFree (vspgrafdat.frontab);                   /* Free remaining space */
247   return (o);
248 }