1 /* Copyright 2004,2007-2012,2014 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : library_graph_map.c                     **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                Sebastien FOURESTIER (v6.0)             **/
38 /**                                                        **/
39 /**   FUNCTION   : This module is the API for the mapping  **/
40 /**                routines of the libSCOTCH library.      **/
41 /**                                                        **/
42 /**   DATES      : # Version 3.2  : from : 19 aug 1998     **/
43 /**                                 to     20 aug 1998     **/
44 /**                # Version 3.3  : from : 19 oct 1998     **/
45 /**                                 to     30 mar 1999     **/
46 /**                # Version 3.4  : from : 01 nov 2001     **/
47 /**                                 to     01 nov 2001     **/
48 /**                # Version 4.0  : from : 13 jan 2004     **/
49 /**                                 to     13 nov 2005     **/
50 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 29 oct 2007     **/
51 /**                                 to     24 jul 2011     **/
52 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 03 mar 2011     **/
53 /**                                 to     29 oct 2014     **/
54 /**                                                        **/
55 /************************************************************/
57 /*
58 **  The defines and includes.
59 */
61 #define LIBRARY
63 #include "module.h"
64 #include "common.h"
65 #include "parser.h"
66 #include "graph.h"
67 #include "arch.h"
68 #include "arch_dist.h"
69 #include "mapping.h"
70 #include "kgraph.h"
71 #include "kgraph_map_st.h"
72 #include "library_mapping.h"
73 #include "scotch.h"
75 /************************************/
76 /*                                  */
77 /* These routines are the C API for */
78 /* the mapping routines.            */
79 /*                                  */
80 /************************************/
82 /*+ This routine initializes an API opaque
83 *** mapping with respect to the given source
84 *** graph and the locations of output parameters.
85 *** It returns:
86 *** - 0   : on success.
87 *** - !0  : on error.
88 +*/
90 int
SCOTCH_graphMapInit(const SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr,const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)91 SCOTCH_graphMapInit (
92 const SCOTCH_Graph * const  grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map                    +*/
93 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr,              /*+ Mapping structure to initialize +*/
94 const SCOTCH_Arch * const   archptr,              /*+ Target architecture used to map +*/
95 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Mapping array                   +*/
96 {
97   LibMapping * restrict lmapptr;
99   lmapptr = (LibMapping *) mappptr;
101   lmapptr->flagval = LIBMAPPINGNONE;              /* No options set */
102   lmapptr->grafptr = (Graph *) grafptr;
103   lmapptr->archptr = (Arch *)  archptr;
104   if (parttab == NULL) {
105     if ((lmapptr->parttab = (Gnum *) memAlloc (lmapptr->grafptr->vertnbr * sizeof (Gnum))) == NULL) {
106       errorPrint ("SCOTCH_graphMapInit: out of memory");
107       return     (1);
108     }
109     memSet (lmapptr->parttab, 0, lmapptr->grafptr->vertnbr * sizeof (Anum)); /* All vertices mapped to first domain    */
110     lmapptr->flagval |= LIBMAPPINGFREEPART;       /* The user did not provided the partition array, so we will free it */
111   }
112   else
113     lmapptr->parttab = (Gnum *) parttab;
115   return (0);
116 }
118 /*+ This routine frees an API mapping.
119 *** It returns:
120 *** - VOID  : in all cases.
121 +*/
123 void
SCOTCH_graphMapExit(const SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr)124 SCOTCH_graphMapExit (
125 const SCOTCH_Graph * const  grafptr,
126 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr)
127 {
128   LibMapping * restrict lmapptr;
130   lmapptr = (LibMapping *) mappptr;
132   if (((lmapptr->flagval & LIBMAPPINGFREEPART) != 0) && /* If parttab must be freed */
133       (lmapptr->parttab != NULL))                 /* And if exists                  */
134     memFree (lmapptr->parttab);                   /* Free it                        */
136   memSet (lmapptr, 0, sizeof (LibMapping));
137 }
139 /*+ This routine computes a mapping or a
140 *** remapping, with or without fixed
141 *** vertices, of the API mapping
142 *** structures given in input, with
143 *** respect to the given strategy.
144 *** It returns:
145 *** - 0   : on success.
146 *** - !0  : on error.
147 +*/
149 static
150 int
graphMapCompute2(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mapoptr,const double emraval,const SCOTCH_Num * vmlotab,const Gnum vfixnbr,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr)151 graphMapCompute2 (
152 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to order                         +*/
153 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr,              /*+ Mapping to compute                     +*/
154 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mapoptr,              /*+ Old mapping                            +*/
155 const double                emraval,              /*+ Edge migration ratio                   +*/
156 const SCOTCH_Num *          vmlotab,              /*+ Vertex migration cost array            +*/
157 const Gnum                  vfixnbr,              /*+ Number of fixed vertices in part array +*/
158 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr)              /*+ Mapping strategy                       +*/
159 {
160   Kgraph                mapgrafdat;               /* Effective mapping graph              */
161   const Strat *         mapstraptr;               /* Pointer to mapping strategy          */
162   LibMapping * restrict lmapptr;
163   Anum *                pfixtax;
164   Gnum                  baseval;
165   Anum *                parttax;                  /* Partition array                      */
166   Anum *                parotax;                  /* Old partition array                  */
167   Gnum                  crloval;                  /* Coefficient load for regular edges   */
168   Gnum                  cmloval;                  /* Coefficient load for migration edges */
169   const Gnum *          vmlotax;                  /* Vertex migration cost array          */
170   Gnum                  vertnum;
171   Gnum                  vertnnd;
172   Gnum                  vertnbr;
173   int                   o;
175   lmapptr = (LibMapping *) mappptr;
177   if ((Graph *) grafptr != lmapptr->grafptr) {
178     errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: output mapping does not correspond to input graph");
179     return     (1);
180   }
181 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 */
183   if (graphCheck ((Graph *) grafptr) != 0) {      /* Vertex loads can be 0 if we have fixed vertices */
184     errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: invalid input graph");
185     return     (1);
186   }
187 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY2 */
189   if (*((Strat **) straptr) == NULL) {            /* Set default mapping strategy if necessary */
190     ArchDom             domnorg;
192     archDomFrst (lmapptr->archptr, &domnorg);
193     SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild (straptr, SCOTCH_STRATDEFAULT, archDomSize (lmapptr->archptr, &domnorg), 0.01);
194   }
196   mapstraptr = *((Strat **) straptr);
198   if (mapstraptr->tabl != &kgraphmapststratab) {
199     errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: not a graph mapping strategy");
200     return     (1);
201   }
202 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 */
204   baseval = lmapptr->grafptr->baseval;
205   vertnbr = lmapptr->grafptr->vertnbr;
207   if (vfixnbr != 0) {                             /* We have fixed vertices */
209     ArchDom                     domndat;
210     Gnum                        vertnum;
212     if (lmapptr->parttab == NULL) {               /* We must have fixed vertex information */
213       errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: missing output mapping part array");
214       return     (1);
215     }
216     for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < vertnbr; vertnum ++) {
217       if ((lmapptr->parttab[vertnum] >= 0) &&
218           (archDomTerm (lmapptr->archptr, &domndat, lmapptr->parttab[vertnum]) != 0)) {
219         errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: invalid fixed partition");
220         return     (1);
221       }
222     }
223 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 */
224     pfixtax = lmapptr->parttab - baseval;
225   }
226   else
227     pfixtax = NULL;
229   if (mapoptr != NULL) {                          /* We are doing a repartitioning */
230     const LibMapping * restrict lmaoptr;
231     Gnum                        numeval;
232     Gnum                        denoval;
234     ArchDom                     domndat;
235     Gnum                        vertnum;
236 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 */
238     lmaoptr = (LibMapping *) mapoptr;
240     if (lmapptr->grafptr != lmaoptr->grafptr) {
241       errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: output and old mappings must correspond to same graph");
242       return     (1);
243     }
244     if (lmapptr->archptr != lmaoptr->archptr) {
245       errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: output and old mappings must correspond to same architecture");
246       return     (1);
247     }
248     for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < vertnbr; vertnum ++) {
249       if ((lmaoptr->parttab[vertnum] >= 0) &&
250           (archDomTerm (lmapptr->archptr, &domndat, lmaoptr->parttab[vertnum]) != 0)) {
251         errorPrint ("graphMapCompute2: invalid old partition");
252         return     (1);
253       }
254     }
255 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 */
256     parotax = lmaoptr->parttab - baseval;
257     vmlotax = (vmlotab != NULL) ? vmlotab - baseval : NULL;
258     numeval = (INT) ((emraval * 100.0) + 0.5);
259     denoval = intGcd (numeval, 100);
260     cmloval = numeval / denoval;
261     crloval = 100     / denoval;
262   }
263   else {
264     parotax = NULL;
265     vmlotax = NULL;
266     cmloval =
267     crloval = 1;
268   }
270   intRandInit ();                                 /* Check that random number generator is initialized */
272   if (kgraphInit (&mapgrafdat, (Graph *) grafptr, lmapptr->archptr, NULL, vfixnbr, pfixtax, parotax, crloval, cmloval, vmlotax) != 0)
273     return (1);
275   o = 0;
276   if (mapgrafdat.vfixnbr < mapgrafdat.s.vertnbr) { /* Perform mapping if not all fixed vertices */
277     o = kgraphMapSt (&mapgrafdat, mapstraptr);
278     mapTerm (&mapgrafdat.m, lmapptr->parttab - baseval); /* Propagate mapping result to part array */
279   }
281   kgraphExit (&mapgrafdat);
283   return (o);
284 }
286 /*+ This routine computes a mapping
287 *** of the API mapping structure with
288 *** respect to the given strategy.
289 *** It returns:
290 *** - 0   : on success.
291 *** - !0  : on error.
292 +*/
294 int
SCOTCH_graphMapCompute(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr)295 SCOTCH_graphMapCompute (
296 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to order     +*/
297 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr,              /*+ Mapping to compute +*/
298 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr)              /*+ Mapping strategy   +*/
299 {
300   return (graphMapCompute2 (grafptr, mappptr, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, straptr));
301 }
303 /*+ This routine computes a mapping
304 *** with fixed vertices of the API
305 *** mapping structure with respect
306 *** to the given strategy.
307 *** It returns:
308 *** - 0   : on success.
309 *** - !0  : on error.
310 +*/
312 int
SCOTCH_graphMapFixedCompute(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr)313 SCOTCH_graphMapFixedCompute (
314 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to order     +*/
315 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr,              /*+ Mapping to compute +*/
316 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr)              /*+ Mapping strategy   +*/
317 {
318   return (SCOTCH_graphRemapFixedCompute (grafptr, mappptr, NULL, 1, NULL, straptr));
319 }
321 /*+ This routine computes a remapping
322 *** of the API mapping structure with
323 *** respect to the given strategy.
324 *** It returns:
325 *** - 0   : on success.
326 *** - !0  : on error.
327 +*/
329 int
SCOTCH_graphRemapCompute(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mapoptr,const double emraval,const SCOTCH_Num * vmlotab,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr)330 SCOTCH_graphRemapCompute (
331 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to order              +*/
332 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr,              /*+ Mapping to compute          +*/
333 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mapoptr,              /*+ Old mapping                 +*/
334 const double                emraval,              /*+ Edge migration ratio        +*/
335 const SCOTCH_Num *          vmlotab,              /*+ Vertex migration cost array +*/
336 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr)              /*+ Mapping strategy            +*/
337 {
338   return (graphMapCompute2 (grafptr, mappptr, mapoptr, emraval, vmlotab, 0, straptr));
339 }
341 /*+ This routine computes a remapping
342 *** with fixed vertices of the API
343 *** mapping structure with respect
344 *** to the given strategy.
345 *** It returns:
346 *** - 0   : on success.
347 *** - !0  : on error.
348 +*/
350 int
SCOTCH_graphRemapFixedCompute(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr,SCOTCH_Mapping * const mapoptr,const double emraval,const SCOTCH_Num * vmlotab,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr)351 SCOTCH_graphRemapFixedCompute (
352 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to order              +*/
353 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr,              /*+ Mapping to compute          +*/
354 SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mapoptr,              /*+ Old mapping                 +*/
355 const double                emraval,              /*+ Edge migration ratio        +*/
356 const SCOTCH_Num *          vmlotab,              /*+ Vertex migration cost array +*/
357 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr)              /*+ Mapping strategy            +*/
358 {
359   Gnum                vfixnbr;
360   Gnum                vertnbr;
361   Gnum                vertnum;
363   const Anum * restrict const pfixtab = ((LibMapping *) mappptr)->parttab;
365   for (vertnum = 0, vertnbr = ((Graph *) grafptr)->vertnbr, vfixnbr = 0; /* Compute number of fixed vertices */
366        vertnum < vertnbr; vertnum ++) {
367     if (pfixtab[vertnum] != ~0)
368       vfixnbr ++;
369   }
371   return (graphMapCompute2 (grafptr, mappptr, mapoptr, emraval, vmlotab, vfixnbr, straptr));
372 }
374 /*+ This routine computes a mapping of the
375 *** given graph structure onto the given
376 *** target architecture with respect to the
377 *** given strategy.
378 *** It returns:
379 *** - 0   : on success.
380 *** - !0  : on error.
381 +*/
383 int
SCOTCH_graphMap(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)384 SCOTCH_graphMap (
385 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map        +*/
386 const SCOTCH_Arch * const   archptr,              /*+ Target architecture +*/
387 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy    +*/
388 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array     +*/
389 {
390   SCOTCH_Mapping      mappdat;
391   int                 o;
393   SCOTCH_graphMapInit (grafptr, &mappdat, archptr, parttab);
394   o = SCOTCH_graphMapCompute (grafptr, &mappdat, straptr);
395   SCOTCH_graphMapExit (grafptr, &mappdat);
397   return (o);
398 }
400 /*+ This routine computes a mapping of the
401 *** given graph structure onto the given
402 *** target architecture with respect to the
403 *** given strategy and the fixed vertices in
404 *** maptab.
405 *** It returns:
406 *** - 0   : on success.
407 *** - !0  : on error.
408 +*/
410 int
SCOTCH_graphMapFixed(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)411 SCOTCH_graphMapFixed (
412 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map        +*/
413 const SCOTCH_Arch * const   archptr,              /*+ Target architecture +*/
414 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy    +*/
415 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array     +*/
416 {
417   SCOTCH_Mapping      mappdat;
418   int                 o;
420   SCOTCH_graphMapInit (grafptr, &mappdat, archptr, parttab);
421   o = SCOTCH_graphMapFixedCompute (grafptr, &mappdat, straptr);
422   SCOTCH_graphMapExit (grafptr, &mappdat);
424   return (o);
425 }
427 /*+ This routine computes a remapping of the
428 *** given graph structure onto the given
429 *** target architecture with respect to the
430 *** given strategy.
431 *** It returns:
432 *** - 0   : on success.
433 *** - !0  : on error.
434 +*/
436 int
SCOTCH_graphRemap(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parotab,const double emraval,const SCOTCH_Num * vmlotab,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)437 SCOTCH_graphRemap (
438 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map                +*/
439 const SCOTCH_Arch * const   archptr,              /*+ Target architecture         +*/
440 SCOTCH_Num * const          parotab,              /*+ Old partition array         +*/
441 const double                emraval,              /*+ Edge migration ratio        +*/
442 const SCOTCH_Num *          vmlotab,              /*+ Vertex migration cost array +*/
443 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy            +*/
444 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array             +*/
445 {
446   SCOTCH_Mapping      mappdat;
447   SCOTCH_Mapping      mapodat;
448   int                 o;
450   SCOTCH_graphMapInit (grafptr, &mappdat, archptr, parttab);
451   SCOTCH_graphMapInit (grafptr, &mapodat, archptr, parotab);
452   o = SCOTCH_graphRemapCompute (grafptr, &mappdat, &mapodat, emraval, vmlotab, straptr);
453   SCOTCH_graphMapExit (grafptr, &mapodat);
454   SCOTCH_graphMapExit (grafptr, &mappdat);
456   return (o);
457 }
459 /*+ This routine computes a remapping of the
460 *** given graph structure onto the given
461 *** target architecture with respect to the
462 *** given strategy and the fixed vertices in
463 *** maptab.
464 *** It returns:
465 *** - 0   : on success.
466 *** - !0  : on error.
467 +*/
469 int
SCOTCH_graphRemapFixed(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parotab,const double emraval,const SCOTCH_Num * vmlotab,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)470 SCOTCH_graphRemapFixed (
471 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map                +*/
472 const SCOTCH_Arch * const   archptr,              /*+ Target architecture         +*/
473 SCOTCH_Num * const          parotab,              /*+ Old partition array         +*/
474 const double                emraval,              /*+ Edge migration ratio        +*/
475 const SCOTCH_Num *          vmlotab,              /*+ Vertex migration cost array +*/
476 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy            +*/
477 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array             +*/
478 {
479   SCOTCH_Mapping      mappdat;
480   SCOTCH_Mapping      mapodat;
481   int                 o;
483   SCOTCH_graphMapInit (grafptr, &mappdat, archptr, parttab);
484   SCOTCH_graphMapInit (grafptr, &mapodat, archptr, parotab);
485   o = SCOTCH_graphRemapFixedCompute (grafptr, &mappdat, &mapodat, emraval, vmlotab, straptr);
486   SCOTCH_graphMapExit (grafptr, &mapodat);
487   SCOTCH_graphMapExit (grafptr, &mappdat);
489   return (o);
490 }
492 /*+ This routine computes a partition of
493 *** the given graph structure with respect
494 *** to the given strategy.
495 *** It returns:
496 *** - 0   : on success.
497 *** - !0  : on error.
498 +*/
500 int
SCOTCH_graphPart(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Num partnbr,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)501 SCOTCH_graphPart (
502 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map     +*/
503 const SCOTCH_Num            partnbr,              /*+ Number of parts  +*/
504 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy +*/
505 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array  +*/
506 {
507   SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;
508   int                 o;
510   SCOTCH_archInit  (&archdat);
511   SCOTCH_archCmplt (&archdat, partnbr);
512   o = SCOTCH_graphMap (grafptr, &archdat, straptr, parttab);
513   SCOTCH_archExit (&archdat);
515   return (o);
516 }
518 /*+ This routine computes a partition of
519 *** the given graph structure with respect
520 *** to the given strategy and the fixed
521 *** vertices in maptab.
522 *** It returns:
523 *** - 0   : on success.
524 *** - !0  : on error.
525 +*/
527 int
SCOTCH_graphPartFixed(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Num partnbr,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)528 SCOTCH_graphPartFixed (
529 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map     +*/
530 const SCOTCH_Num            partnbr,              /*+ Number of parts  +*/
531 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy +*/
532 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array  +*/
533 {
534   SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;
535   int                 o;
537   SCOTCH_archInit  (&archdat);
538   SCOTCH_archCmplt (&archdat, partnbr);
539   o = SCOTCH_graphMapFixed (grafptr, &archdat, straptr, parttab);
540   SCOTCH_archExit (&archdat);
542   return (o);
543 }
545 /*+ This routine computes a repartitionning
546 *** of the given graph structure with
547 *** respect to the given strategy.
548 *** It returns:
549 *** - 0   : on success.
550 *** - !0  : on error.
551 +*/
553 int
SCOTCH_graphRepart(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Num partnbr,SCOTCH_Num * const parotab,const double emraval,const SCOTCH_Num * const vmlotab,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)554 SCOTCH_graphRepart (
555 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map                +*/
556 const SCOTCH_Num            partnbr,              /*+ Number of parts             +*/
557 SCOTCH_Num * const          parotab,              /*+ Old partition array         +*/
558 const double                emraval,              /*+ Edge migration ratio        +*/
559 const SCOTCH_Num * const    vmlotab,              /*+ Vertex migration cost array +*/
560 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy            +*/
561 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array             +*/
562 {
563   SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;
564   int                 o;
566   SCOTCH_archInit  (&archdat);
567   SCOTCH_archCmplt (&archdat, partnbr);
568   o = SCOTCH_graphRemap (grafptr, &archdat, parotab, emraval, vmlotab, straptr, parttab);
569   SCOTCH_archExit (&archdat);
571   return (o);
572 }
574 /*+ This routine computes a repartitionning
575 *** of the given graph structure with
576 *** respect to the given strategy and the
577 *** fixed vertices in maptab.
578 *** It returns:
579 *** - 0   : on success.
580 *** - !0  : on error.
581 +*/
583 int
SCOTCH_graphRepartFixed(SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Num partnbr,SCOTCH_Num * const parotab,const double emraval,const SCOTCH_Num * vmlotab,SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,SCOTCH_Num * const parttab)584 SCOTCH_graphRepartFixed (
585 SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map                +*/
586 const SCOTCH_Num            partnbr,              /*+ Number of parts             +*/
587 SCOTCH_Num * const          parotab,              /*+ Old partition array         +*/
588 const double                emraval,              /*+ Edge migration ratio        +*/
589 const SCOTCH_Num *          vmlotab,              /*+ Vertex migration cost array +*/
590 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Mapping strategy            +*/
591 SCOTCH_Num * const          parttab)              /*+ Partition array             +*/
592 {
593   SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;
594   int                 o;
596   SCOTCH_archInit  (&archdat);
597   SCOTCH_archCmplt (&archdat, partnbr);
598   o = SCOTCH_graphRemapFixed (grafptr, &archdat, parotab, emraval, vmlotab, straptr, parttab);
599   SCOTCH_archExit (&archdat);
601   return (o);
602 }
604 /*+ This routine parses the given
605 *** mapping strategy.
606 *** It returns:
607 *** - 0   : if string successfully scanned.
608 *** - !0  : on error.
609 +*/
611 int
SCOTCH_stratGraphMap(SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,const char * const string)612 SCOTCH_stratGraphMap (
613 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,
614 const char * const          string)
615 {
616   if (*((Strat **) straptr) != NULL)
617     stratExit (*((Strat **) straptr));
619   if ((*((Strat **) straptr) = stratInit (&kgraphmapststratab, string)) == NULL) {
620     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_stratGraphMap: error in mapping strategy");
621     return     (1);
622   }
624   return (0);
625 }
627 /*+ This routine provides predefined
628 *** mapping strategies.
629 *** It returns:
630 *** - 0   : if string successfully initialized.
631 *** - !0  : on error.
632 +*/
634 int
SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild(SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,const SCOTCH_Num flagval,const SCOTCH_Num partnbr,const double kbalval)635 SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild (
636 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Strategy to create              +*/
637 const SCOTCH_Num            flagval,              /*+ Desired characteristics         +*/
638 const SCOTCH_Num            partnbr,              /*+ Number of expected parts/size   +*/
639 const double                kbalval)              /*+ Desired imbalance ratio         +*/
640 {
641   char                bufftab[8192];              /* Should be enough */
642   char                bbaltab[64];
643   char                kbaltab[64];
644   char                kmovtab[64];
645   char                mvrttab[64];
646   Gunum               parttmp;                    /* "Unsigned" so that ">>" will always insert "0"s */
647   const char *        difkptr;
648   const char *        difsptr;
649   const char *        exasptr;
650   const char *        exaxptr;
652   sprintf (bbaltab, "%lf", kbalval);
653   sprintf (kbaltab, "%lf", kbalval);
654   sprintf (kmovtab, GNUMSTRING, (Gnum) (((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATQUALITY) != 0) ? 200 : 80));
655   sprintf (mvrttab, GNUMSTRING, (Gnum) (MAX ((20 * partnbr), 10000)));
657   strcpy (bufftab, ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATRECURSIVE) != 0)
658           ? "<RECU>"                              /* Use only the recursive bipartitioning framework */
659           : "m{vert=<MVRT>,low=<RECU>,asc=b{bnd=<DIFK>f{bal=<KBAL>,move=<KMOV>},org=f{bal=<KBAL>,move=<KMOV>}}}<EXAX>");
660   stringSubst (bufftab, "<RECU>", "r{job=t,map=t,poli=S,bal=<KBAL>,sep=<BSEP><EXAS>}");
661   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BSEP>", ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATQUALITY) != 0) ?  "<BSEQ>|<BSEQ>|<BSEQ>" :  "<BSEQ>|<BSEQ>");
662   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BSEQ>", "m{vert=120,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=120},asc=b{bnd=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=120},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=120}}}");
664   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY) != 0)
665     difsptr = "";
666   else
667     difsptr = "d{pass=40}";
668   difkptr = "d{pass=40}";
670   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE) != 0) {
671     exasptr = "f{bal=<KBAL>}";
672     exaxptr = "x{bal=<KBAL>}f{bal=<KBAL>,move=<KMOV>}";
673   }
674   else {
675     exasptr = "";
676     exaxptr = "";
677   }
679   stringSubst (bufftab, "<MVRT>", mvrttab);
680   stringSubst (bufftab, "<EXAX>", exaxptr);
681   stringSubst (bufftab, "<EXAS>", exasptr);
682   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DIFS>", difsptr);
683   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DIFK>", difkptr);
684   stringSubst (bufftab, "<KMOV>", kmovtab);
685   stringSubst (bufftab, "<KBAL>", kbaltab);
686   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BBAL>", bbaltab);
688   if (SCOTCH_stratGraphMap (straptr, bufftab) != 0) {
689     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild: error in sequential mapping strategy");
690     return     (1);
691   }
693   return (0);
694 }
696 /*+ This routine provides predefined
697 *** clustering strategies.
698 *** It returns:
699 *** - 0   : if string successfully initialized.
700 *** - !0  : on error.
701 +*/
703 int
SCOTCH_stratGraphClusterBuild(SCOTCH_Strat * const straptr,const SCOTCH_Num flagval,const SCOTCH_Num pwgtval,const double densval,const double bbalval)704 SCOTCH_stratGraphClusterBuild (
705 SCOTCH_Strat * const        straptr,              /*+ Strategy to create      +*/
706 const SCOTCH_Num            flagval,              /*+ Desired characteristics +*/
707 const SCOTCH_Num            pwgtval,              /*+ Threshold part weight   +*/
708 const double                densval,              /*+ Threshold density value +*/
709 const double                bbalval)              /*+ Maximum imbalance ratio +*/
710 {
711   char                bufftab[8192];              /* Should be enough */
712   char                bbaltab[32];
713   char                pwgttab[32];
714   char                denstab[32];
715   char *              difsptr;
716   char *              exasptr;
718   sprintf (bbaltab, "%lf", bbalval);
719   sprintf (denstab, "%lf", densval);
720   sprintf (pwgttab, GNUMSTRING, pwgtval);
722   strcpy (bufftab, "r{job=u,map=t,poli=L,sep=/((load><PWGT>)&!(edge>vert*<DENS>*(vert-1)))?(<BIPA>m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}})<EXAS>;}");
723   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BIPA>", ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSPEED) != 0) ? ""
724                : "m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}}|");
726   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE) != 0)
727     exasptr = "f{bal=0}";
728   else
729     exasptr = "";
731   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY) != 0)
732     difsptr = "";
733   else
734     difsptr = "(d{pass=40}|)";
736   stringSubst (bufftab, "<EXAS>", exasptr);
737   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DIFS>", difsptr);
738   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BBAL>", bbaltab);
739   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DENS>", denstab);
740   stringSubst (bufftab, "<PWGT>", pwgttab);
742   if (SCOTCH_stratGraphMap (straptr, bufftab) != 0) {
743     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_stratGraphClusterBuild: error in sequential mapping strategy");
744     return     (1);
745   }
747   return (0);
748 }