1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Once we've written our constraint equations in the symbolic algebra system,
3 // these routines linearize them, and solve by a modified Newton's method.
4 // This also contains the routines to detect non-convergence or inconsistency,
5 // and report diagnostics to the user.
6 //
7 // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
8 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 #include "solvespace.h"
11 // This tolerance is used to determine whether two (linearized) constraints
12 // are linearly dependent. If this is too small, then we will attempt to
13 // solve truly inconsistent systems and fail. But if it's too large, then
14 // we will give up on legitimate systems like a skinny right angle triangle by
15 // its hypotenuse and long side.
16 const double System::RANK_MAG_TOLERANCE = 1e-4;
18 // The solver will converge all unknowns to within this tolerance. This must
19 // always be much less than LENGTH_EPS, and in practice should be much less.
20 const double System::CONVERGE_TOLERANCE = (LENGTH_EPS/(1e2));
WriteJacobian(int tag)22 bool System::WriteJacobian(int tag) {
23     int a, i, j;
25     j = 0;
26     for(a = 0; a < param.n; a++) {
27         if(j >= MAX_UNKNOWNS) return false;
29         Param *p = &(param.elem[a]);
30         if(p->tag != tag) continue;
31         mat.param[j] = p->h;
32         j++;
33     }
34     mat.n = j;
36     i = 0;
37     for(a = 0; a < eq.n; a++) {
38         if(i >= MAX_UNKNOWNS) return false;
40         Equation *e = &(eq.elem[a]);
41         if(e->tag != tag) continue;
43         mat.eq[i] = e->h;
44         Expr *f = e->e->DeepCopyWithParamsAsPointers(&param, &(SK.param));
45         f = f->FoldConstants();
47         // Hash table (61 bits) to accelerate generation of zero partials.
48         uint64_t scoreboard = f->ParamsUsed();
49         for(j = 0; j < mat.n; j++) {
50             Expr *pd;
51             if(scoreboard & ((uint64_t)1 << (mat.param[j].v % 61)) &&
52                 f->DependsOn(mat.param[j]))
53             {
54                 pd = f->PartialWrt(mat.param[j]);
55                 pd = pd->FoldConstants();
56                 pd = pd->DeepCopyWithParamsAsPointers(&param, &(SK.param));
57             } else {
58                 pd = Expr::From(0.0);
59             }
60             mat.A.sym[i][j] = pd;
61         }
62         mat.B.sym[i] = f;
63         i++;
64     }
65     mat.m = i;
67     return true;
68 }
EvalJacobian(void)70 void System::EvalJacobian(void) {
71     int i, j;
72     for(i = 0; i < mat.m; i++) {
73         for(j = 0; j < mat.n; j++) {
74             mat.A.num[i][j] = (mat.A.sym[i][j])->Eval();
75         }
76     }
77 }
IsDragged(hParam p)79 bool System::IsDragged(hParam p) {
80     hParam *pp;
81     for(pp = dragged.First(); pp; pp = dragged.NextAfter(pp)) {
82         if(p.v == pp->v) return true;
83     }
84     return false;
85 }
SolveBySubstitution(void)87 void System::SolveBySubstitution(void) {
88     int i;
89     for(i = 0; i < eq.n; i++) {
90         Equation *teq = &(eq.elem[i]);
91         Expr *tex = teq->e;
93         if(tex->op    == Expr::MINUS &&
94            tex->a->op == Expr::PARAM &&
95            tex->b->op == Expr::PARAM)
96         {
97             hParam a = tex->a->parh;
98             hParam b = tex->b->parh;
99             if(!(param.FindByIdNoOops(a) && param.FindByIdNoOops(b))) {
100                 // Don't substitute unless they're both solver params;
101                 // otherwise it's an equation that can be solved immediately,
102                 // or an error to flag later.
103                 continue;
104             }
106             if(IsDragged(a)) {
107                 // A is being dragged, so A should stay, and B should go
108                 hParam t = a;
109                 a = b;
110                 b = t;
111             }
113             int j;
114             for(j = 0; j < eq.n; j++) {
115                 Equation *req = &(eq.elem[j]);
116                 (req->e)->Substitute(a, b); // A becomes B, B unchanged
117             }
118             for(j = 0; j < param.n; j++) {
119                 Param *rp = &(param.elem[j]);
120                 if(rp->substd.v == a.v) {
121                     rp->substd = b;
122                 }
123             }
124             Param *ptr = param.FindById(a);
125             ptr->tag = VAR_SUBSTITUTED;
126             ptr->substd = b;
128             teq->tag = EQ_SUBSTITUTED;
129         }
130     }
131 }
133 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 // Calculate the rank of the Jacobian matrix, by Gram-Schimdt orthogonalization
135 // in place. A row (~equation) is considered to be all zeros if its magnitude
136 // is less than the tolerance RANK_MAG_TOLERANCE.
137 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CalculateRank(void)138 int System::CalculateRank(void) {
139     // Actually work with magnitudes squared, not the magnitudes
140     double rowMag[MAX_UNKNOWNS] = {};
143     int i, iprev, j;
144     int rank = 0;
146     for(i = 0; i < mat.m; i++) {
147         // Subtract off this row's component in the direction of any
148         // previous rows
149         for(iprev = 0; iprev < i; iprev++) {
150             if(rowMag[iprev] <= tol) continue; // ignore zero rows
152             double dot = 0;
153             for(j = 0; j < mat.n; j++) {
154                 dot += (mat.A.num[iprev][j]) * (mat.A.num[i][j]);
155             }
156             for(j = 0; j < mat.n; j++) {
157                 mat.A.num[i][j] -= (dot/rowMag[iprev])*mat.A.num[iprev][j];
158             }
159         }
160         // Our row is now normal to all previous rows; calculate the
161         // magnitude of what's left
162         double mag = 0;
163         for(j = 0; j < mat.n; j++) {
164             mag += (mat.A.num[i][j]) * (mat.A.num[i][j]);
165         }
166         if(mag > tol) {
167             rank++;
168         }
169         rowMag[i] = mag;
170     }
172     return rank;
173 }
TestRank(void)175 bool System::TestRank(void) {
176     EvalJacobian();
177     return CalculateRank() == mat.m;
178 }
SolveLinearSystem(double X[],double A[][MAX_UNKNOWNS],double B[],int n)180 bool System::SolveLinearSystem(double X[], double A[][MAX_UNKNOWNS],
181                                double B[], int n)
182 {
183     // Gaussian elimination, with partial pivoting. It's an error if the
184     // matrix is singular, because that means two constraints are
185     // equivalent.
186     int i, j, ip, jp, imax = 0;
187     double max, temp;
189     for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
190         // We are trying eliminate the term in column i, for rows i+1 and
191         // greater. First, find a pivot (between rows i and N-1).
192         max = 0;
193         for(ip = i; ip < n; ip++) {
194             if(ffabs(A[ip][i]) > max) {
195                 imax = ip;
196                 max = ffabs(A[ip][i]);
197             }
198         }
199         // Don't give up on a singular matrix unless it's really bad; the
200         // assumption code is responsible for identifying that condition,
201         // so we're not responsible for reporting that error.
202         if(ffabs(max) < 1e-20) continue;
204         // Swap row imax with row i
205         for(jp = 0; jp < n; jp++) {
206             swap(A[i][jp], A[imax][jp]);
207         }
208         swap(B[i], B[imax]);
210         // For rows i+1 and greater, eliminate the term in column i.
211         for(ip = i+1; ip < n; ip++) {
212             temp = A[ip][i]/A[i][i];
214             for(jp = i; jp < n; jp++) {
215                 A[ip][jp] -= temp*(A[i][jp]);
216             }
217             B[ip] -= temp*B[i];
218         }
219     }
221     // We've put the matrix in upper triangular form, so at this point we
222     // can solve by back-substitution.
223     for(i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
224         if(ffabs(A[i][i]) < 1e-20) continue;
226         temp = B[i];
227         for(j = n - 1; j > i; j--) {
228             temp -= X[j]*A[i][j];
229         }
230         X[i] = temp / A[i][i];
231     }
233     return true;
234 }
SolveLeastSquares(void)236 bool System::SolveLeastSquares(void) {
237     int r, c, i;
239     // Scale the columns; this scale weights the parameters for the least
240     // squares solve, so that we can encourage the solver to make bigger
241     // changes in some parameters, and smaller in others.
242     for(c = 0; c < mat.n; c++) {
243         if(IsDragged(mat.param[c])) {
244             // It's least squares, so this parameter doesn't need to be all
245             // that big to get a large effect.
246             mat.scale[c] = 1/20.0;
247         } else {
248             mat.scale[c] = 1;
249         }
250         for(r = 0; r < mat.m; r++) {
251             mat.A.num[r][c] *= mat.scale[c];
252         }
253     }
255     // Write A*A'
256     for(r = 0; r < mat.m; r++) {
257         for(c = 0; c < mat.m; c++) {  // yes, AAt is square
258             double sum = 0;
259             for(i = 0; i < mat.n; i++) {
260                 sum += mat.A.num[r][i]*mat.A.num[c][i];
261             }
262             mat.AAt[r][c] = sum;
263         }
264     }
266     if(!SolveLinearSystem(mat.Z, mat.AAt, mat.B.num, mat.m)) return false;
268     // And multiply that by A' to get our solution.
269     for(c = 0; c < mat.n; c++) {
270         double sum = 0;
271         for(i = 0; i < mat.m; i++) {
272             sum += mat.A.num[i][c]*mat.Z[i];
273         }
274         mat.X[c] = sum * mat.scale[c];
275     }
276     return true;
277 }
NewtonSolve(int tag)279 bool System::NewtonSolve(int tag) {
281     int iter = 0;
282     bool converged = false;
283     int i;
285     // Evaluate the functions at our operating point.
286     for(i = 0; i < mat.m; i++) {
287         mat.B.num[i] = (mat.B.sym[i])->Eval();
288     }
289     do {
290         // And evaluate the Jacobian at our initial operating point.
291         EvalJacobian();
293         if(!SolveLeastSquares()) break;
295         // Take the Newton step;
296         //      J(x_n) (x_{n+1} - x_n) = 0 - F(x_n)
297         for(i = 0; i < mat.n; i++) {
298             Param *p = param.FindById(mat.param[i]);
299             p->val -= mat.X[i];
300             if(isnan(p->val)) {
301                 // Very bad, and clearly not convergent
302                 return false;
303             }
304         }
306         // Re-evalute the functions, since the params have just changed.
307         for(i = 0; i < mat.m; i++) {
308             mat.B.num[i] = (mat.B.sym[i])->Eval();
309         }
310         // Check for convergence
311         converged = true;
312         for(i = 0; i < mat.m; i++) {
313             if(isnan(mat.B.num[i])) {
314                 return false;
315             }
316             if(ffabs(mat.B.num[i]) > CONVERGE_TOLERANCE) {
317                 converged = false;
318                 break;
319             }
320         }
321     } while(iter++ < 50 && !converged);
323     return converged;
324 }
WriteEquationsExceptFor(hConstraint hc,Group * g)326 void System::WriteEquationsExceptFor(hConstraint hc, Group *g) {
327     int i;
328     // Generate all the equations from constraints in this group
329     for(i = 0; i < SK.constraint.n; i++) {
330         ConstraintBase *c = &(SK.constraint.elem[i]);
331         if(c->group.v != g->h.v) continue;
332         if(c->h.v == hc.v) continue;
334         if(c->HasLabel() && c->type != Constraint::COMMENT &&
335                 g->allDimsReference)
336         {
337             // When all dimensions are reference, we adjust them to display
338             // the correct value, and then don't generate any equations.
339             c->ModifyToSatisfy();
340             continue;
341         }
342         if(g->relaxConstraints && c->type != Constraint::POINTS_COINCIDENT) {
343             // When the constraints are relaxed, we keep only the point-
344             // coincident constraints, and the constraints generated by
345             // the entities and groups.
346             continue;
347         }
349         c->Generate(&eq);
350     }
351     // And the equations from entities
352     for(i = 0; i < SK.entity.n; i++) {
353         EntityBase *e = &(SK.entity.elem[i]);
354         if(e->group.v != g->h.v) continue;
356         e->GenerateEquations(&eq);
357     }
358     // And from the groups themselves
359     g->GenerateEquations(&eq);
360 }
FindWhichToRemoveToFixJacobian(Group * g,List<hConstraint> * bad)362 void System::FindWhichToRemoveToFixJacobian(Group *g, List<hConstraint> *bad) {
363     int a, i;
365     for(a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
366         for(i = 0; i < SK.constraint.n; i++) {
367             ConstraintBase *c = &(SK.constraint.elem[i]);
368             if(c->group.v != g->h.v) continue;
369             if((c->type == Constraint::POINTS_COINCIDENT && a == 0) ||
370                (c->type != Constraint::POINTS_COINCIDENT && a == 1))
371             {
372                 // Do the constraints in two passes: first everything but
373                 // the point-coincident constraints, then only those
374                 // constraints (so they appear last in the list).
375                 continue;
376             }
378             param.ClearTags();
379             eq.Clear();
380             WriteEquationsExceptFor(c->h, g);
381             eq.ClearTags();
383             // It's a major speedup to solve the easy ones by substitution here,
384             // and that doesn't break anything.
385             SolveBySubstitution();
387             WriteJacobian(0);
388             EvalJacobian();
390             int rank = CalculateRank();
391             if(rank == mat.m) {
392                 // We fixed it by removing this constraint
393                 bad->Add(&(c->h));
394             }
395         }
396     }
397 }
Solve(Group * g,int * dof,List<hConstraint> * bad,bool andFindBad,bool andFindFree)399 int System::Solve(Group *g, int *dof, List<hConstraint> *bad,
400                   bool andFindBad, bool andFindFree)
401 {
402     WriteEquationsExceptFor(Constraint::NO_CONSTRAINT, g);
404     int i;
405     bool rankOk;
407 /*
408     dbp("%d equations", eq.n);
409     for(i = 0; i < eq.n; i++) {
410         dbp("  %.3f = %s = 0", eq.elem[i].e->Eval(), eq.elem[i].e->Print());
411     }
412     dbp("%d parameters", param.n);
413     for(i = 0; i < param.n; i++) {
414         dbp("   param %08x at %.3f", param.elem[i].h.v, param.elem[i].val);
415     } */
417     // All params and equations are assigned to group zero.
418     param.ClearTags();
419     eq.ClearTags();
421     SolveBySubstitution();
423     // Before solving the big system, see if we can find any equations that
424     // are soluble alone. This can be a huge speedup. We don't know whether
425     // the system is consistent yet, but if it isn't then we'll catch that
426     // later.
427     int alone = 1;
428     for(i = 0; i < eq.n; i++) {
429         Equation *e = &(eq.elem[i]);
430         if(e->tag != 0) continue;
432         hParam hp = e->e->ReferencedParams(&param);
433         if(hp.v == Expr::NO_PARAMS.v) continue;
434         if(hp.v == Expr::MULTIPLE_PARAMS.v) continue;
436         Param *p = param.FindById(hp);
437         if(p->tag != 0) continue; // let rank test catch inconsistency
439         e->tag = alone;
440         p->tag = alone;
441         WriteJacobian(alone);
442         if(!NewtonSolve(alone)) {
443             // Failed to converge, bail out early
444             goto didnt_converge;
445         }
446         alone++;
447     }
449     // Now write the Jacobian for what's left, and do a rank test; that
450     // tells us if the system is inconsistently constrained.
451     if(!WriteJacobian(0)) {
452         return System::TOO_MANY_UNKNOWNS;
453     }
455     rankOk = TestRank();
457     // And do the leftovers as one big system
458     if(!NewtonSolve(0)) {
459         goto didnt_converge;
460     }
462     rankOk = TestRank();
463     if(!rankOk) {
464         if(!g->allowRedundant) {
465             if(andFindBad) FindWhichToRemoveToFixJacobian(g, bad);
466         }
467     } else {
468         // This is not the full Jacobian, but any substitutions or single-eq
469         // solves removed one equation and one unknown, therefore no effect
470         // on the number of DOF.
471         if(dof) *dof = mat.n - mat.m;
473         // If requested, find all the free (unbound) variables. This might be
474         // more than the number of degrees of freedom. Don't always do this,
475         // because the display would get annoying and it's slow.
476         for(i = 0; i < param.n; i++) {
477             Param *p = &(param.elem[i]);
478             p->free = false;
480             if(andFindFree) {
481                 if(p->tag == 0) {
482                     p->tag = VAR_DOF_TEST;
483                     WriteJacobian(0);
484                     EvalJacobian();
485                     int rank = CalculateRank();
486                     if(rank == mat.m) {
487                         p->free = true;
488                     }
489                     p->tag = 0;
490                 }
491             }
492         }
493     }
494     // System solved correctly, so write the new values back in to the
495     // main parameter table.
496     for(i = 0; i < param.n; i++) {
497         Param *p = &(param.elem[i]);
498         double val;
499         if(p->tag == VAR_SUBSTITUTED) {
500             val = param.FindById(p->substd)->val;
501         } else {
502             val = p->val;
503         }
504         Param *pp = SK.GetParam(p->h);
505         pp->val = val;
506         pp->known = true;
507         pp->free = p->free;
508     }
509     return rankOk ? System::SOLVED_OKAY : System::REDUNDANT_OKAY;
511 didnt_converge:
512     SK.constraint.ClearTags();
513     for(i = 0; i < eq.n; i++) {
514         if(ffabs(mat.B.num[i]) > CONVERGE_TOLERANCE || isnan(mat.B.num[i])) {
515             // This constraint is unsatisfied.
516             if(!mat.eq[i].isFromConstraint()) continue;
518             hConstraint hc = mat.eq[i].constraint();
519             ConstraintBase *c = SK.constraint.FindByIdNoOops(hc);
520             if(!c) continue;
521             // Don't double-show constraints that generated multiple
522             // unsatisfied equations
523             if(!c->tag) {
524                 bad->Add(&(c->h));
525                 c->tag = 1;
526             }
527         }
528     }
530     return rankOk ? System::DIDNT_CONVERGE : System::REDUNDANT_DIDNT_CONVERGE;
531 }
Clear(void)533 void System::Clear(void) {
534     entity.Clear();
535     param.Clear();
536     eq.Clear();
537     dragged.Clear();
538 }