1 /*
2     Copyright (C) 1998  Dennis Roddeman
3     email: dennis.roddeman@feat.nl
5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
17     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA, 02111-1307, USA
18 */
20 #include "tochnog.h"
print_matlab(void)22 void print_matlab( void )
24 {
25   long int nnol=0, inod=0, ipuknwn=0, iuknwn=0, icontrol=0,
26     icalcul=0, ncalcul=0, swit=0, element=0, max_element=0,
27     itask=0, ntask=0, length=0, name=0, iplot=0, nplot=0,
28     print_coord=0, print_unknown=0, print_calcul=0, ready=0, ldum=0,
29     *plot_nodes=NULL, *dof_label=NULL, *nodes=NULL, *el=NULL;
30   double ddum[1], *coord=NULL, *node_dof=NULL, *node_dof_calcul=NULL;
31   char str[MCHAR], x_name[MCHAR], y_name[MCHAR], z_name[MCHAR], unknown_name[MCHAR];
33   swit = set_swit(-1,-1,"print_matlab");
34   if ( swit ) pri( "In routine PRINT_MATLAB" );
36   plot_nodes = get_new_int(MAXIMUM_NODE);
37   dof_label = get_new_int(MUKNWN);
38   nodes = get_new_int(MAXIMUM_NODE);
39   el = get_new_int(1+MNOL);
41   db( ICONTROL, 0, &icontrol, ddum, ldum, VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
42   db( DOF_LABEL, 0, dof_label, ddum, ldum, VERSION_NORMAL, GET_IF_EXISTS );
43   db_max_index( ELEMENT, max_element, VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
44   if ( db_max_index( POST_CALCUL_SCAL_VEC_MAT, ldum, VERSION_NORMAL, GET ) >=0 )
45     ncalcul = db_len( POST_CALCUL_SCAL_VEC_MAT, 0, VERSION_NORMAL );
46   long_to_a( icontrol, str );
48   ntask = 1; // coordinates
49   ntask += npuknwn; // primary unknowns
50   ntask += ncalcul; // calcul results
52     // empty the files
53   for ( itask=0; itask<ntask; itask++ ) {
54     if      ( itask>=0 && itask<1 ) {
55       ;
56     }
57     else if ( itask>=1 && itask<1+npuknwn ) {
58       ipuknwn = itask - 1;
59       iuknwn = ipuknwn*nder;
60     }
61     else {
62       icalcul = itask - (1+npuknwn);
63     }
64     strcpy( x_name, "x." );
65     strcat( x_name, str );
66     ofstream x_out( x_name );
67     x_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
68     strcpy( y_name, "y." );
69     strcat( y_name, str );
70     ofstream y_out( y_name );
71     y_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
72     strcpy( z_name, "z." );
73     strcat( z_name, str );
74     ofstream z_out( z_name );
75     z_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
76     strcpy( unknown_name, db_name(dof_label[iuknwn]) );
77     strcat( unknown_name, "." );
78     strcat( unknown_name, str );
79     ofstream unknown_out( unknown_name );
80     unknown_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
81     strcpy( unknown_name, post_calcul_names[icalcul] );
82     strcat( unknown_name, "." );
83     strcat( unknown_name, str );
84     ofstream calcul_out( unknown_name );
85     calcul_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
86     x_out.close();
87     y_out.close();
88     z_out.close();
89     unknown_out.close();
90     calcul_out.close();
91   }
93     // print
94   for ( itask=0; itask<ntask; itask++ ) {
95     if ( swit ) pri( "itask", itask );
96     print_coord = print_unknown = print_calcul = 0;
97     if      ( itask>=0 && itask<1 ) {
98       print_coord = 1;
99       if ( swit ) pri( "print_coord" );
100     }
101     else if ( itask>=1 && itask<1+npuknwn ) {
102       ipuknwn = itask - 1;
103       iuknwn = ipuknwn*nder;
104       print_unknown = 1;
105       if ( swit ) pri( "print_unknown" );
106     }
107     else {
108       icalcul = itask - (1+npuknwn);
109       print_calcul = 1;
110       if ( swit ) pri( "print_calcul" );
111     }
112     strcpy( x_name, "x." );
113     strcat( x_name, str );
114     ofstream x_out( x_name, ios::app );
115     x_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
116     strcpy( y_name, "y." );
117     strcat( y_name, str );
118     ofstream y_out( y_name, ios::app );
119     y_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
120     strcpy( z_name, "z." );
121     strcat( z_name, str );
122     ofstream z_out( z_name, ios::app );
123     z_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
124     strcpy( unknown_name, db_name(dof_label[iuknwn]) );
125     strcat( unknown_name, "." );
126     strcat( unknown_name, str );
127     ofstream unknown_out( unknown_name, ios::app );
128     unknown_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
129     strcpy( unknown_name, post_calcul_names[icalcul] );
130     strcat( unknown_name, "." );
131     strcat( unknown_name, str );
132     ofstream calcul_out( unknown_name, ios::app );
133     calcul_out.precision(TN_PRECISION);
134     ready = 0;
135     for ( iplot=0; !ready; iplot++ ) {
136       if ( swit ) pri( "iplot", iplot );
137       for ( element=0; element<=max_element; element++ ) {
138         if ( db_active_index( ELEMENT, element, VERSION_NORMAL ) ) {
139           if ( swit ) pri( "element", element );
140           db( ELEMENT, element, el, ddum, length, VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
141           name = el[0]; nnol = length - 1; array_move( &el[1], nodes, nnol );
142           if      ( name==-BAR2 ) {
143             nplot = 2;
144             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
145             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[1];
146           }
147           else if ( name==-BAR3 ) {
148             nplot = 2;
149             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
150             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[2];
151           }
152           else if ( name==-BAR4 ) {
153             nplot = 2;
154             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
155             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[3];
156           }
157           else if ( name==-TRIA3 ) {
158             nplot = 4;
159             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
160             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[0];
161             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[1];
162             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[2];
163           }
164           else if ( name==-QUAD4 ) {
165             nplot = 4;
166             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
167             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[1];
168             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[3];
169             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[2];
170           }
171           else if ( name==-QUAD9 ) {
172             nplot = 4;
173             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
174             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[2];
175             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[8];
176             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[6];
177           }
178           else if ( name==-QUAD16 ) {
179             nplot = 4;
180             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
181             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[3];
182             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[15];
183             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[12];
184           }
185           else if ( name==-TET4 ) {
186             nplot = 8;
187             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
188             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[0];
189             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[0];
190             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[0];
191             plot_nodes[4] = nodes[1];
192             plot_nodes[5] = nodes[1];
193             plot_nodes[6] = nodes[2];
194             plot_nodes[7] = nodes[3];
195           }
196           else if ( name==-HEX8 ) {
197             nplot = 8;
198             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
199             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[1];
200             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[3];
201             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[2];
202             plot_nodes[4] = nodes[4];
203             plot_nodes[5] = nodes[5];
204             plot_nodes[6] = nodes[7];
205             plot_nodes[7] = nodes[6];
206           }
207           else if ( name==-HEX27 ) {
208             nplot = 8;
209             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
210             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[2];
211             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[8];
212             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[6];
213             plot_nodes[4] = nodes[18];
214             plot_nodes[5] = nodes[20];
215             plot_nodes[6] = nodes[26];
216             plot_nodes[7] = nodes[24];
217           }
218           else if ( name==-HEX64 ) {
219             nplot = 8;
220             plot_nodes[0] = nodes[0];
221             plot_nodes[1] = nodes[3];
222             plot_nodes[2] = nodes[15];
223             plot_nodes[3] = nodes[12];
224             plot_nodes[4] = nodes[48];
225             plot_nodes[5] = nodes[51];
226             plot_nodes[6] = nodes[63];
227             plot_nodes[7] = nodes[60];
228           }
229           else {
230             pri( "Error: CONTROL_PRINT_MATLAB not available for ", name );
231             exit(TN_EXIT_STATUS );
232           }
233           if ( swit ) pri( "plot_nodes", plot_nodes, nplot );
234           inod = plot_nodes[iplot];
235           if ( swit ) pri( "inod", inod );
236           if ( print_coord ) {
237             coord = db_dbl( NODE, inod, VERSION_NORMAL );
238             if ( db_active_index( NODE_DOF, inod, VERSION_NORMAL ) )
239               node_dof = db_dbl( NODE_DOF, inod, VERSION_NORMAL );
240             if ( ndim>0 ) {
241               if ( materi_displacement )
242                 x_out << coord[0]+node_dof[dis_indx+0*nder] << " ";
243               else
244                 x_out << coord[0] << " ";
245             }
246             if ( ndim>1 ) {
247               if ( materi_displacement )
248                 y_out << coord[1]+node_dof[dis_indx+1*nder] << " ";
249               else
250                 y_out << coord[1] << " ";
251             }
252             if ( ndim>2 ) {
253               if ( materi_displacement )
254                 z_out << coord[2]+node_dof[dis_indx+2*nder] << " ";
255               else
256                 z_out << coord[2] << " ";
257             }
258           }
259           else if ( print_unknown ) {
260             node_dof = db_dbl( NODE_DOF, inod, VERSION_NORMAL );
261             unknown_out << node_dof[iuknwn] << " ";
262           }
263           else {
264             assert( print_calcul );
265             node_dof_calcul = db_dbl( NODE_DOF_CALCUL, inod, VERSION_NORMAL );
266             calcul_out << node_dof_calcul[icalcul] << " ";
267           }
268         }
269       }
270       ready = ( iplot==(nplot-1) );
271       if      ( print_coord ) {
272         x_out << "\n";
273         y_out << "\n";
274         z_out << "\n";
275       }
276       else if ( print_unknown ) {
277         unknown_out << "\n";
278       }
279       else {
280         assert( print_calcul );
281         calcul_out << "\n";
282       }
283     }
284     x_out.close();
285     y_out.close();
286     z_out.close();
287     unknown_out.close();
288     calcul_out.close();
289   }
291   delete[] plot_nodes;
292   delete[] dof_label;
293   delete[] nodes;
294   delete[] el;
296   if ( swit ) pri( "Out routine PRINT_MATLAB" );
297 }