1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 208 Dimitris Tassopoulos <dimtass@gmail.com>
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
17  *
18  * For more information on the GPL, please go to:
19  * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
20  */
22 #include "macrosettings.h"
23 #include <QDebug>
24 #include <QMessageBox>
26 #define TRACE                                                                                                          \
27     if (!debug) {                                                                                                      \
28     } else                                                                                                             \
29         qDebug()
31 static bool debug = false;
33 #define MACRO_ITEM(CMD, NAME, TMR_INTERVAL, BUTTON, TMR_ACTIVE, TMR)                                                   \
MacroSettings(QPushButton ** mainButtons,QWidget * parent)36 MacroSettings::MacroSettings(QPushButton **mainButtons, QWidget *parent)
37     : QDialog(parent)
38     , m_mainForm(parent)
39 {
40     setupUi(this);
41     this->setWindowTitle("Macro Settings");
42     /* Create an array of macro objects in order to make code simpler */
43     m_macros = new macro_item *[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] {
44         MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_1, m_le_macro_bt_txt_1, m_sb_macro_tmr_1, m_bt_macro_1, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_1,
45                    new QTimer(this)),
46             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_2, m_le_macro_bt_txt_2, m_sb_macro_tmr_2, m_bt_macro_2, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_2,
47                        new QTimer(this)),
48             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_3, m_le_macro_bt_txt_3, m_sb_macro_tmr_3, m_bt_macro_3, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_3,
49                        new QTimer(this)),
50             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_4, m_le_macro_bt_txt_4, m_sb_macro_tmr_4, m_bt_macro_4, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_4,
51                        new QTimer(this)),
52             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_5, m_le_macro_bt_txt_5, m_sb_macro_tmr_5, m_bt_macro_5, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_5,
53                        new QTimer(this)),
54             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_6, m_le_macro_bt_txt_6, m_sb_macro_tmr_6, m_bt_macro_6, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_6,
55                        new QTimer(this)),
56             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_7, m_le_macro_bt_txt_7, m_sb_macro_tmr_7, m_bt_macro_7, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_7,
57                        new QTimer(this)),
58             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_8, m_le_macro_bt_txt_8, m_sb_macro_tmr_8, m_bt_macro_8, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_8,
59                        new QTimer(this)),
60             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_9, m_le_macro_bt_txt_9, m_sb_macro_tmr_9, m_bt_macro_9, m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_9,
61                        new QTimer(this)),
62             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_10, m_le_macro_bt_txt_10, m_sb_macro_tmr_10, m_bt_macro_10,
63                        m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_10, new QTimer(this)),
64             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_11, m_le_macro_bt_txt_11, m_sb_macro_tmr_11, m_bt_macro_11,
65                        m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_11, new QTimer(this)),
66             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_12, m_le_macro_bt_txt_12, m_sb_macro_tmr_12, m_bt_macro_12,
67                        m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_12, new QTimer(this)),
68             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_13, m_le_macro_bt_txt_13, m_sb_macro_tmr_13, m_bt_macro_13,
69                        m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_13, new QTimer(this)),
70             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_14, m_le_macro_bt_txt_14, m_sb_macro_tmr_14, m_bt_macro_14,
71                        m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_14, new QTimer(this)),
72             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_15, m_le_macro_bt_txt_15, m_sb_macro_tmr_15, m_bt_macro_15,
73                        m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_15, new QTimer(this)),
74             MACRO_ITEM(m_le_macro_txt_16, m_le_macro_bt_txt_16, m_sb_macro_tmr_16, m_bt_macro_16,
75                        m_cb_enable_macro_tmr_16, new QTimer(this)),
76     };
78     /* Setup signal/slots */
79     for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; i++) {
80         /* Click events from the panel in the main menu */
81         connect(mainButtons[i], &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MacroSettings::macroPress);
82         /* events to change this dialog's buttons text */
83         connect(m_macros[i]->name, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this,
84                 [=]() { m_macros[i]->button->setText(m_macros[i]->name->text()); });
85         /* events to change the buttons text on main menu */
86         connect(m_macros[i]->name, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this,
87                 [=]() { mainButtons[i]->setText(m_macros[i]->name->text()); });
88         /* event handling for this dialog's buttons */
89         connect(m_macros[i]->button, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MacroSettings::macroPress);
90         /* timer enable/disable events */
91         connect(m_macros[i]->tmr_active, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=](int state) {
92             if (state == Qt::Checked) {
93                 m_macros[i]->tmr->stop();
94                 m_macros[i]->tmr->setInterval(m_macros[i]->tmr_interval->text().toInt());
95                 m_macros[i]->tmr->start();
96                 TRACE << "Timer " << i << " started.";
97             } else {
98                 m_macros[i]->tmr->stop();
99                 TRACE << "Timer " << i << " stopped.";
100             }
101         });
102         /* timer events */
103         connect(m_macros[i]->tmr, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() { emit sendCmd(m_macros[i]->cmd->text().toLatin1()); });
104     }
105     connect(m_bt_load_macros, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MacroSettings::openFile);
106     connect(m_bt_save_macros, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MacroSettings::saveFile);
107     connect(m_bt_macro_help, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MacroSettings::helpMsg);
109     m_lbl_macros_path->setText("");
110 }
~MacroSettings()112 MacroSettings::~MacroSettings()
113 {
114     if (m_macros)
115         delete[] m_macros;
116 }
118 /**
119  * @brief Extract the button index. That's a bit dirty way to get indexes
120  * from the buttons. For this to happen the buttons must always be named
121  * as 'm_bt_macro_' and then the index.
122  * @param btnName The button object name
123  * @return int The index of the button that corresponds to m_macros[]
124  */
getButtonIndex(QString btnName)125 int MacroSettings::getButtonIndex(QString btnName)
126 {
127     int idx = -1;
129     if (btnName.startsWith("m_bt_macro_")) {
130         idx = btnName.remove("m_bt_macro_").toInt() - 1;
131     }
132     return idx;
133 }
135 /**
136  * @brief Sends the cmd that corresponds to the macro button
137  */
macroPress()138 void MacroSettings::macroPress()
139 {
140     QPushButton *button = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>(sender());
141     if (button) {
142         int idx = getButtonIndex(button->objectName());
143         if (idx < 0)
144             return;
146         /* Send macro text */
147         emit sendCmd(m_macros[idx]->cmd->text().toLatin1());
148         TRACE << "[MacroSettings] macroPress " << m_macros[idx]->button->objectName() << " : "
149               << m_macros[idx]->cmd->text();
150     }
151 }
153 /**
154  * @brief Load a macro file that is compatible with Br@y's terminal
155  * @param fname The filename of the *.tmf file.
156  */
loadFile(QString fname)157 void MacroSettings::loadFile(QString fname)
158 {
159     if (fname.isEmpty())
160         return;
162     QFile file(fname);
164     if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) {
165         QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Could not open file"), file.errorString());
166         return;
167     }
168     QTextStream in(&file);
169     if (parseFile(in))
170         m_lbl_macros_path->setText(fname);
172     file.close();
173     if (QString::compare(m_macroFilename, fname, Qt::CaseSensitive)) {
174         m_macroFilename = fname;
175         m_lbl_macros_path->setText(m_macroFilename);
176         emit fileChanged(m_macroFilename);
177     }
178 }
openFile()180 void MacroSettings::openFile()
181 {
182     QString fname = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open a bray's terminal macro settings file"),
183                                                  QDir::homePath(), "Macros (*.tmf)");
184     if (!fname.isEmpty())
185         loadFile(fname);
186 }
188 /**
189  * @brief Parse a macro *.tmf file and fill the dialog form
190  * @param in The file text stream
191  * @return true if all gone OK, otherwise false
192  */
parseFile(QTextStream & in)193 bool MacroSettings::parseFile(QTextStream &in)
194 {
195     /* Read the first line */
196     QString line = in.readLine();
197     if (line.startsWith("# Terminal macro file v2")) {
198         for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; i++) {
199             /* Get button name */
200             line = in.readLine();
201             m_macros[i]->button->setText(line);
202             m_macros[i]->name->setText(line);
203             /* Get button cmd */
204             line = in.readLine();
205             m_macros[i]->cmd->setText(line);
206         }
207     } else {
208         QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Unsupported macro file!"));
209         return false;
210     }
211     return true;
212 }
saveFile()214 void MacroSettings::saveFile()
215 {
216     QDir dir(QDir::homePath());
217     QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Open a bray's terminal macro settings file"),
218                                                  dir.filePath(m_macroFilename), "Macros (*.tmf)");
219     if (fname.isEmpty())
220         return;
222     TRACE << "Save to: " << fname;
223     QFile file(fname);
224     if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text)) {
225         QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Could not open file"), file.errorString());
226         return;
227     }
228     QTextStream out(&file);
229     out << "# Terminal macro file v2" << endl;
230     for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; i++) {
231         out << m_macros[i]->button->text() << endl;
232         out << m_macros[i]->cmd->text() << endl;
233     }
234     out.flush();
235     file.close();
236     if (QString::compare(m_macroFilename, fname, Qt::CaseSensitive)) {
237         m_macroFilename = fname;
238         m_lbl_macros_path->setText(m_macroFilename);
239         emit fileChanged(m_macroFilename);
240     }
241 }
helpMsg(void)243 void MacroSettings::helpMsg(void)
244 {
245     QString help_str = tr("In order to use macros you need to need to\n"
246                           "fill the serial command you want to send in\n"
247                           "the first column. Then you can name the macro\n"
248                           "in the second column. This name will also be\n"
249                           "applied on the button label.\n\n"
250                           "To trigger the macro you can press the button\n"
251                           "on this dialog or in the main interface.\n\n"
252                           "If you want to auto-trigger the macro on time\n"
253                           "intervals then you can set the (msec) timer\n"
254                           "interval and then enable/disable the macro timer\n"
255                           "using the checkbox. Note that each timer is\n"
256                           "autonomous.\n\n"
257                           "The macro format is compatible with the tmf\n"
258                           "format of Bray's terminal.");
260     QMessageBox::information(this, tr("How to use"), help_str);
261 }