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Name Date Size #Lines LOC



Alias.mdH A D16-Oct-20198.7 KiB283146

CHANGESH A D03-May-2022252 KiB5,3215,197

CONTRIBUTORS.mdH A D07-Aug-20188.7 KiB225178

Clients.mdH A D31-May-20184.4 KiB12869

Devices.mdH A D18-Feb-201919.4 KiB504358

Extensions.mdH A D03-May-20227.1 KiB146106

FAQ.mdH A D10-Mar-201922.7 KiB584415

FCCData.mdH A D13-Aug-20196.8 KiB188142

FakeNum.mdH A D17-Aug-20193.1 KiB10674

GPL.mdH A D06-Apr-201834.1 KiB638517

Gateways.mdH A D03-May-202243.1 KiB1,213806

GettingStarted.mdH A D03-May-202210.6 KiB255174

Hangup.mdH A D03-May-202231.4 KiB889608

INSTALL-Cygwin.mdH A D03-May-202210.2 KiB292227

INSTALL-DEB.mdH A D27-Jul-201913.6 KiB440293

INSTALL-Fedora.mdH A D08-Sep-20186.2 KiB213150

INSTALL-FreeBSD.mdH A D03-May-20227.4 KiB223163

INSTALL-Mac.mdH A D03-May-202210.5 KiB311233

INSTALL-Redhat.mdH A D08-Sep-20185 KiB181128

INSTALL-Win.mdH A D04-Jun-201911 KiB334177

INSTALL.mdH A D13-Oct-20196.7 KiB268197

InstallIndex.mdH A D13-Oct-2018811 2817

Log.mdH A D03-May-20222.7 KiB7546

MakefileH A D03-May-20222.5 KiB11586

Message.mdH A D17-May-20183 KiB7749

Modems.mdH A D03-May-202212.8 KiB382279

Modules.mdH A D03-May-20223.2 KiB7545

NCID-API-pdf.md.patchH A D30-Aug-201916.1 KiB449386

NCID-API.mdH A D14-Jan-2020247.1 KiB6,4684,324

NCID-SDK.mdH A D31-May-2018584 1810

NCID-UserManual-pdf.md.patchH A D30-Aug-201912.9 KiB383320

Obtain.mdH A D12-Apr-2016466 2110

README-docdirH A D10-Mar-20191.3 KiB3826

ReleaseNotes.mdH A D03-May-20229 KiB305220

TODO.mdH A D31-May-20181.4 KiB4229

Tools.mdH A D11-Aug-20194.5 KiB13783

Use.mdH A D11-Aug-20192.4 KiB5941

UserManualIndex.md-inH A D01-Jan-20202.2 KiB7960

Verbose.mdH A D14-Nov-201920.9 KiB722556

mk-epubH A D03-May-20222.3 KiB9864

mk-manual-dateH A D03-May-20222.9 KiB11680

mk-pdfH A D03-May-20222.7 KiB11172


1Documentation HELP for NCID
3The MD files are in markdown text.
5The original markdown command line program and documentation can
6be obtained from http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
9    make         - builds NCID-UserManual.md from the *.md files.
10    make html    - builds NCID-UserManual.html and NCID-API.html
11    make epub    - builds NCID-UserManual.epub and NCID-API.epub
12    make pdf     - builds NCID-UserManual.pdf and NCID-API.pdf
13    make install - does nothing
16    pandoc   - required to bulid HTML files from the MD fiiles
17    calibre  - required to build the epub pdf books
19    Use any markdown editor you like to view and edit the markdown
20    files (*.md).  One good editor is "retext" available from your
21    repository or from https://github.com/retext-project/retext
23The .md documentation can be converted into other formats using:
25    pandoc  - http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
26    calibre - http://calibre-ebook.com/
28Calibre can display the markdown or epub files with "view-ebook".
30The Makefile is used to create html files and epub files.
32prefix  - default: /usr/local:            $(prefix)/bin and $(prefix)/sbin
33prefix2 - default: prefix2 = $(prefix1):  $(prefix2)/etc
34prefix3 - default: "":                    $(prefix)/var
36prefix2 controls where to look for the config file,
37(the default is /usr/local)