1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 //	Driver.h
4 //
5 //	Communicates with a Z-Wave network
6 //
7 //	Copyright (c) 2010 Mal Lansell <openzwave@lansell.org>
8 //
10 //
11 //	This file is part of OpenZWave.
12 //
13 //	OpenZWave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 //	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
15 //	by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
16 //	or (at your option) any later version.
17 //
18 //	OpenZWave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 //	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 //	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
22 //
23 //	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
24 //	along with OpenZWave.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 //
26 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 #ifndef _Driver_H
29 #define _Driver_H
31 #include <string>
32 #include <map>
33 #include <list>
35 #include "Defs.h"
36 #include "Group.h"
37 #include "value_classes/ValueID.h"
38 #include "Node.h"
39 #include "platform/Event.h"
40 #include "platform/Mutex.h"
41 #include "platform/TimeStamp.h"
42 #include "aes/aescpp.h"
44 namespace OpenZWave
45 {
46 	class Msg;
47 	class Value;
48 	class Event;
49 	class Mutex;
50 	class Controller;
51 	class Thread;
52 	class ControllerReplication;
53 	class Notification;
55 	/** \brief The Driver class handles communication between OpenZWave
56 	 *  and a device attached via a serial port (typically a controller).
57 	 */
58 	class OPENZWAVE_EXPORT Driver
59 	{
60 		friend class Manager;
61 		friend class Node;
62 		friend class Group;
63 		friend class CommandClass;
64 		friend class ControllerReplication;
65 		friend class Value;
66 		friend class ValueStore;
67 		friend class ValueButton;
68 		friend class Association;
69 		friend class Basic;
70 		friend class ManufacturerSpecific;
71 		friend class MultiChannelAssociation;
72 		friend class NodeNaming;
73 		friend class NoOperation;
74 		friend class SceneActivation;
75 		friend class WakeUp;
76 		friend class Security;
77 		friend class Msg;
79 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 	//	Controller Interfaces
81 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 	public:
83 		enum ControllerInterface
84 		{
85 			ControllerInterface_Unknown = 0,
86 			ControllerInterface_Serial,
87 			ControllerInterface_Hid
88 		};
90 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 	// Construction / Destruction
92 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 	private:
94 		/**
95 		 *  Creates threads, events and initializes member variables and the node array.
96 		 */
97 		Driver( string const& _controllerPath, ControllerInterface const& _interface );
98 		/** Sets "exit" flags and stops the three background threads (pollThread, serialThread
99 		 *  and driverThread).  Then clears out the send queue and node array.  Notifies
100 		 *  watchers and exits.
101 		 */
102 		virtual ~Driver();
104 		/**
105 		 *  Start the driverThread
106 		 */
107 		void Start();
108 		/**
109 		 *  Entry point for driverThread
110 		 */
111 		static void DriverThreadEntryPoint( Event* _exitEvent, void* _context );
112 		/**
113 		 *  ThreadProc for driverThread.  This is where all the "action" takes place.
114 		 *  <p>
115 		 *  First, the thread is initialized by calling Init().  If Init() fails, it will be retried
116 		 *  every 5 seconds for the first two minutes and every 30 seconds thereafter.
117 		 *  <p>
118 		 *  After the thread is successfully initialized, the thread enters a loop with the
119 		 *  following elements:
120 		 *  - Confirm that m_exit is still false (or exit from the thread if it is true)
121 		 *  - Call ReadMsg() to consume any available messages from the controller
122 		 *  - Call NotifyWatchers() to send any pending notifications
123 		 *  - If the thread is not waiting for an ACK, a callback or a message reply, send [any][the next] queued message[s]
124 		 *  - If there was no message read or sent (workDone=false), sleep for 5 seconds.  If nothing happened
125 		 *  within this time frame and something was expected (ACK, callback or reply), retrieve the
126 		 *  last message from the send queue and examine GetSendAttempts().  If greater than 2, give up
127 		 *  and remove the message from the queue.  Otherwise, resend the message.
128 		 *  - If something did happen [reset m_wakeEvent]
129 		 */
130 		void DriverThreadProc( Event* _exitEvent );
131 		/**
132 		 *  Initialize the controller.  Open the specified serial port, start the serialThread
133 		 *  and pollThread, then send a NAK to the device [presumably to flush it].
134 		 *  <p>
135 		 *  Then queue the commands to retrieve the Z-Wave interface:
136 		 *  - Get version
137 		 *  - Get home and node IDs
138 		 *  - Get controller capabilities
139 		 *  - Get serial API capabilities
140 		 *  - [Get SUC node ID]
141 		 *  - Get init data [identifying the nodes on the network]
142 		 *  Init() will return false if the serial port could not be opened.
143 		 */
144 		bool Init( uint32 _attempts );
146 		/**
147 		 * Remove any messages to a node on the queues
148 		 * Used when deleting a node.
149 		 */
150 		void RemoveQueues( uint8 const _nodeId );
152 		Thread*					m_driverThread;			/**< Thread for reading from the Z-Wave controller, and for creating and managing the other threads for sending, polling etc. */
153 		Mutex*					m_initMutex;            /**< Mutex to ensure proper ordering of initialization/deinitialization */
154 		bool					m_exit;					/**< Flag that is set when the application is exiting. */
155 		bool					m_init;					/**< Set to true once the driver has been initialised */
156 		bool					m_awakeNodesQueried;	/**< Set to true once the driver has polled all awake nodes */
157 		bool					m_allNodesQueried;		/**< Set to true once the driver has polled all nodes */
158 		bool					m_notifytransactions;
159 		TimeStamp				m_startTime;			/**< Time this driver started (for log report purposes) */
161 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 	//	Configuration
163 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 	private:
165 		void RequestConfig();							// Get the network configuration from the Z-Wave network
166 		bool ReadConfig();								// Read the configuration from a file
167 		void WriteConfig();								// Save the configuration to a file
169 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 	//	Controller
171 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 	private:
173 		// Controller Capabilities (return in FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_CONTROLLER_CAPABILITIES)
174 		enum
175 		{
176 			ControllerCaps_Secondary		= 0x01,		/**< The controller is a secondary. */
177 			ControllerCaps_OnOtherNetwork	= 0x02,		/**< The controller is not using its default HomeID. */
178 			ControllerCaps_SIS				= 0x04,		/**< There is a SUC ID Server on the network. */
179 			ControllerCaps_RealPrimary		= 0x08,		/**< Controller was the primary before the SIS was added. */
180 			ControllerCaps_SUC				= 0x10		/**< Controller is a static update controller. */
181 		};
183 		// Init Capabilities (return in FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_GET_INIT_DATA)
184 		enum
185 		{
186 			InitCaps_Slave					= 0x01,		/**<  */
187 			InitCaps_TimerSupport			= 0x02,		/**< Controller supports timers. */
188 			InitCaps_Secondary				= 0x04,		/**< Controller is a secondary. */
189 			InitCaps_SUC					= 0x08		/**< Controller is a static update controller. */
190 		};
IsPrimaryController()192 		bool IsPrimaryController()const{ return ((m_initCaps & InitCaps_Secondary) == 0); }
IsStaticUpdateController()193 		bool IsStaticUpdateController()const{ return ((m_initCaps & InitCaps_SUC) != 0); }
IsBridgeController()194 		bool IsBridgeController()const{ return (m_libraryType == 7); }
IsInclusionController()195 		bool IsInclusionController()const{ return ((m_controllerCaps & ControllerCaps_SIS) != 0); }
GetHomeId()198 		uint32 GetHomeId()const{ return m_homeId; }
GetControllerNodeId()199 		uint8 GetControllerNodeId()const{ return m_Controller_nodeId; }
GetSUCNodeId()200 		uint8 GetSUCNodeId()const{ return m_SUCNodeId; }
GetManufacturerId()201 		uint16 GetManufacturerId()const{ return m_manufacturerId; }
GetProductType()202 		uint16 GetProductType()const{ return m_productType; }
GetProductId()203 		uint16 GetProductId()const{ return m_productId; }
GetControllerPath()204 		string GetControllerPath()const{ return m_controllerPath; }
GetControllerInterfaceType()205 		ControllerInterface GetControllerInterfaceType()const{ return m_controllerInterfaceType; }
GetLibraryVersion()206 		string GetLibraryVersion()const{ return m_libraryVersion; }
GetLibraryTypeName()207 		string GetLibraryTypeName()const{ return m_libraryTypeName; }
GetSendQueueCount()208 		int32 GetSendQueueCount()const
209 		{
210 			int32 count = 0;
211 			for( int32 i=0; i<MsgQueue_Count; ++i )
212 			{
213 				count += (int32) (m_msgQueue[i].size());
214 			}
215 			return count;
216 		}
218 		/**
219 		 *  A version of GetNode that does not have the protective "lock" and "release" requirement.
220 		 *  This function can be used within driverThread, which "knows" that the node will not be
221 		 *  changed or deleted while it is being used.
222 		 *  \param _nodeId The nodeId (index into the node array) identifying the node to be returned
223 		 *  \return
224 		 *  A pointer to the specified node (if it exists) or NULL if not.
225 		 *  \see GetNode
226 		 */
227 		Node* GetNodeUnsafe( uint8 _nodeId );
228 		/**
229 		 *  Locks the node array and returns the specified node (if it exists).  If a node is returned,
230 		 *  the lock must be released after the node has been processed via a call to ReleaseNodes().
231 		 *  If the node specified by _nodeId does not exist, the lock is released and NULL is returned.
232 		 *  \param _nodeId The nodeId (index into the node array) identifying the node to be returned
233 		 *  \return
234 		 *  A pointer to the specified node (if it exists) or NULL if not.
235 		 *  \see LockNodes, ReleaseNodes
236 		 */
237 		Node* GetNode( uint8 _nodeId );
238 		/**
239 		 *  Lock the nodes so no other thread can modify them.
240 		 */
241 		//void LockNodes();
242 		/**
243 		 *  Release the lock on the nodes so other threads can modify them.
244 		 */
245 		//void ReleaseNodes();
247 		ControllerInterface			m_controllerInterfaceType;				// Specifies the controller's hardware interface
248 		string					m_controllerPath;							// name or path used to open the controller hardware.
249 		Controller*				m_controller;								// Handles communications with the controller hardware.
250 		uint32					m_homeId;									// Home ID of the Z-Wave controller.  Not valid until the DriverReady notification has been received.
252 		string					m_libraryVersion;							// Version of the Z-Wave Library used by the controller.
253 		string					m_libraryTypeName;							// Name describing the library type.
254 		uint8					m_libraryType;								// Type of library used by the controller.
256 		uint8					m_serialAPIVersion[2];
257 		uint16					m_manufacturerId;
258 		uint16					m_productType;
259 		uint16					m_productId;
260 		uint8					m_apiMask[32];
262 		uint8					m_initVersion;								// Version of the Serial API used by the controller.
263 		uint8					m_initCaps;									// Set of flags indicating the serial API capabilities (See IsSlave, HasTimerSupport, IsPrimaryController and IsStaticUpdateController above).
264 		uint8					m_controllerCaps;							// Set of flags indicating the controller's capabilities (See IsInclusionController above).
265 		uint8					m_Controller_nodeId;						// Z-Wave Controller's own node ID.
266 		Node*					m_nodes[256];								// Array containing all the node objects.
267 		Mutex*					m_nodeMutex;								// Serializes access to node data
269 		ControllerReplication*	m_controllerReplication;					// Controller replication is handled separately from the other command classes, due to older hand-held controllers using invalid node IDs.
271 		uint8					m_transmitOptions;
273 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 	//	Receiving Z-Wave messages
275 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
276 	private:
277 		bool ReadMsg();
278 		void ProcessMsg( uint8* _data );
280 		void HandleGetVersionResponse( uint8* _data );
281 		void HandleGetRandomResponse( uint8* _data );
282 		void HandleGetControllerCapabilitiesResponse( uint8* _data );
283 		void HandleGetSerialAPICapabilitiesResponse( uint8* _data );
284 		void HandleSerialAPISoftResetResponse( uint8* _data );
285 		void HandleEnableSUCResponse( uint8* _data );
286 		void HandleSetSUCNodeIdResponse( uint8* _data );
287 		void HandleGetSUCNodeIdResponse( uint8* _data );
288 		void HandleMemoryGetIdResponse( uint8* _data );
289 		/**
290 		 *  Process a response to a FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_GET_INIT_DATA request.
291 		 *  <p>
292 		 *  The response message contains a bitmap identifying which of the 232 possible nodes
293 		 *  in the network are actually present.  These bitmap values are compared with the
294 		 *  node map (read in from zwcfg_0x[homeid].xml) to see if the node has already been registered
295 		 *  by the OpenZWave library.  If it has (the log will show it as "Known") and this is
296 		 *  the first time this message was sent (m_init is false), then AddNodeQuery() is called
297 		 *  to retrieve its current state.  If this is a "New" node to OpenZWave, then InitNode()
298 		 *  is called.
299 		 *  \see AddNodeQuery, InitNode, GetNode, ReleaseNodes
300 		 */
301 		void HandleSerialAPIGetInitDataResponse( uint8* _data );
302 		void HandleGetNodeProtocolInfoResponse( uint8* _data );
303 		bool HandleRemoveFailedNodeResponse( uint8* _data );
304 		void HandleIsFailedNodeResponse( uint8* _data );
305 		bool HandleReplaceFailedNodeResponse( uint8* _data );
306 		bool HandleAssignReturnRouteResponse( uint8* _data );
307 		bool HandleDeleteReturnRouteResponse( uint8* _data );
308 		void HandleSendNodeInformationRequest( uint8* _data );
309 		void HandleSendDataResponse( uint8* _data, bool _replication );
310 		bool HandleNetworkUpdateResponse( uint8* _data );
311 		void HandleGetRoutingInfoResponse( uint8* _data );
313 		void HandleSendDataRequest( uint8* _data, bool _replication );
314 		void HandleAddNodeToNetworkRequest( uint8* _data );
315 		void HandleCreateNewPrimaryRequest( uint8* _data );
316 		void HandleControllerChangeRequest( uint8* _data );
317 		void HandleSetLearnModeRequest( uint8* _data );
318 		void HandleRemoveFailedNodeRequest( uint8* _data );
319 		void HandleReplaceFailedNodeRequest( uint8* _data );
320 		void HandleRemoveNodeFromNetworkRequest( uint8* _data );
321 		void HandleApplicationCommandHandlerRequest( uint8* _data, bool encrypted );
322 		void HandlePromiscuousApplicationCommandHandlerRequest( uint8* _data );
323 		void HandleAssignReturnRouteRequest( uint8* _data );
324 		void HandleDeleteReturnRouteRequest( uint8* _data );
325 		void HandleNodeNeighborUpdateRequest( uint8* _data );
326 		void HandleNetworkUpdateRequest( uint8* _data );
327 		bool HandleApplicationUpdateRequest( uint8* _data );
328 		bool HandleRfPowerLevelSetResponse( uint8* _data );
329 		bool HandleSerialApiSetTimeoutsResponse( uint8* _data );
330 		bool HandleMemoryGetByteResponse( uint8* _data );
331 		bool HandleReadMemoryResponse( uint8* _data );
332 		void HandleGetVirtualNodesResponse( uint8* _data );
333 		bool HandleSetSlaveLearnModeResponse( uint8* _data );
334 		void HandleSetSlaveLearnModeRequest( uint8* _data );
335 		bool HandleSendSlaveNodeInfoResponse( uint8* _data );
336 		void HandleSendSlaveNodeInfoRequest( uint8* _data );
337 		void HandleApplicationSlaveCommandRequest( uint8* _data );
338 		void HandleSerialAPIResetRequest( uint8* _data );
340 		void CommonAddNodeStatusRequestHandler( uint8 _funcId, uint8* _data );
342 		bool					m_waitingForAck;							// True when we are waiting for an ACK from the dongle
343 		uint8					m_expectedCallbackId;						// If non-zero, we wait for a message with this callback Id
344 		uint8					m_expectedReply;							// If non-zero, we wait for a message with this function Id
345 		uint8					m_expectedCommandClassId;					// If the expected reply is FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, this value stores the command class we're waiting to hear from
346 		uint8					m_expectedNodeId;							// If we are waiting for a FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, make sure we only accept it from this node.
348 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 	//	Polling Z-Wave devices
350 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
351 	private:
GetPollInterval()352 		int32 GetPollInterval(){ return m_pollInterval ; }
SetPollInterval(int32 _milliseconds,bool _bIntervalBetweenPolls)353 		void SetPollInterval( int32 _milliseconds, bool _bIntervalBetweenPolls ){ m_pollInterval = _milliseconds; m_bIntervalBetweenPolls = _bIntervalBetweenPolls; }
354 		bool EnablePoll( const ValueID &_valueId, uint8 _intensity = 1 );
355 		bool DisablePoll( const ValueID &_valueId );
356 		bool isPolled( const ValueID &_valueId );
357 		void SetPollIntensity( const ValueID &_valueId, uint8 _intensity );
358 		static void PollThreadEntryPoint( Event* _exitEvent, void* _context );
359 		void PollThreadProc( Event* _exitEvent );
361 		Thread*					m_pollThread;								// Thread for polling devices on the Z-Wave network
362 		struct PollEntry
363 		{
364 			ValueID	m_id;
365 			uint8	m_pollCounter;
366 		};
368 		list<PollEntry>			m_pollList;									// List of nodes that need to be polled
370 		Mutex*					m_pollMutex;								// Serialize access to the polling list
371 		int32					m_pollInterval;								// Time interval during which all nodes must be polled
372 		bool					m_bIntervalBetweenPolls;					// if true, the library intersperses m_pollInterval between polls; if false, the library attempts to complete all polls within m_pollInterval
374 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 	//	Retrieving Node information
376 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
377 	public:
GetNodeNumber(Msg const * _msg)378 		uint8 GetNodeNumber( Msg const* _msg )const{ return  ( _msg == NULL ? 0 : _msg->GetTargetNodeId() ); }
380 	private:
381 		/**
382 		 *  Creates a new Node object (deleting any previous Node object with the same nodeId) and
383 		 *  queues a full query of the node's parameters (starting at the beginning of the query
384 		 *  stages--Node::QueryStage_None).  This function will send Notification::Type_NodeAdded
385 		 *  and Notification::Type_NodeRemoved messages to identify these modifications.
386 		 *  \param _nodeId The node ID of the node to create and query.
387 		 *  \param newNode If this is a new Node added to the network, or we are just creating when we reload.
388 		 *  \param _protocolInfo if this is called via a AddNode command, then this would be the Device Classes, and CommandClass list
389 		 *  \param _length The length of the _protocolInfo field
390 		 *  \see Notification::Type_NodeAdded, Notification::Type_NodeRemoved, Node::QueryStage_None,
391 		 */
392 		void InitNode( uint8 const _nodeId, bool newNode = false, bool secure = false, uint8 const *_protocolInfo = NULL, uint8 const _length = 0);
394 		void InitAllNodes();												// Delete all nodes and fetch the data from the Z-Wave network again.
396 		bool IsNodeListeningDevice( uint8 const _nodeId );
397 		bool IsNodeFrequentListeningDevice( uint8 const _nodeId );
398 		bool IsNodeBeamingDevice( uint8 const _nodeId );
399 		bool IsNodeRoutingDevice( uint8 const _nodeId );
400 		bool IsNodeSecurityDevice( uint8 const _nodeId );
401 		uint32 GetNodeMaxBaudRate( uint8 const _nodeId );
402 		uint8 GetNodeVersion( uint8 const _nodeId );
403 		uint8 GetNodeSecurity( uint8 const _nodeId );
404 		uint8 GetNodeBasic( uint8 const _nodeId );
405 		uint8 GetNodeGeneric( uint8 const _nodeId );
406 		uint8 GetNodeSpecific( uint8 const _nodeId );
407 		string GetNodeType( uint8 const _nodeId );
408 		uint32 GetNodeNeighbors( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8** o_neighbors );
410 		string GetNodeManufacturerName( uint8 const _nodeId );
411 		string GetNodeProductName( uint8 const _nodeId );
412 		string GetNodeName( uint8 const _nodeId );
413 		string GetNodeLocation( uint8 const _nodeId );
414 		uint16 GetNodeDeviceType( uint8 const _nodeId );
415 		string GetNodeDeviceTypeString( uint8 const _nodeId );
416 		uint8 GetNodeRole( uint8 const _nodeId );
417 		string GetNodeRoleString( uint8 const _nodeId );
418 		uint8 GetNodePlusType( uint8 const _nodeId );
419 		string GetNodePlusTypeString ( uint8 const _nodeId );
420 		bool IsNodeZWavePlus( uint8 const _nodeId );
423 		uint16 GetNodeManufacturerId( uint8 const _nodeId );
424 		uint16 GetNodeProductType( uint8 const _nodeId );
425 		uint16 GetNodeProductId( uint8 const _nodeId );
426 		void SetNodeManufacturerName( uint8 const _nodeId, string const& _manufacturerName );
427 		void SetNodeProductName( uint8 const _nodeId, string const& _productName );
428 		void SetNodeName( uint8 const _nodeId, string const& _nodeName );
429 		void SetNodeLocation( uint8 const _nodeId, string const& _location );
430 		void SetNodeLevel( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _level );
431 		void SetNodeOn( uint8 const _nodeId );
432 		void SetNodeOff( uint8 const _nodeId );
434 		Value* GetValue( ValueID const& _id );
IsAPICallSupported(uint8 const _apinum)436 		bool IsAPICallSupported( uint8 const _apinum )const{ return (( m_apiMask[( _apinum - 1 ) >> 3] & ( 1 << (( _apinum - 1 ) & 0x07 ))) != 0 ); }
SetAPICall(uint8 const _apinum,bool _toSet)437 		void SetAPICall( uint8 const _apinum, bool _toSet )
438 		{
439 			if( _toSet )
440 			{
441 				m_apiMask[( _apinum - 1 ) >> 3] |= ( 1 << (( _apinum - 1 ) & 0x07 ));
442 			}
443 			else
444 			{
445 				m_apiMask[( _apinum - 1 ) >> 3] &= ~( 1 << (( _apinum - 1 ) & 0x07 ));
446 			}
447 		}
448 		uint8 NodeFromMessage( uint8 const* buffer );
450 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
451 	// Controller commands
452 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
453 	public:
454 		/**
455 		 * Controller Commands.
456 		 * Commands to be used with the BeginControllerCommand method.
457 		 * \see Manager::BeginControllerCommand
458 		 */
459 		enum ControllerCommand
460 		{
461 			ControllerCommand_None = 0,						/**< No command. */
462 			ControllerCommand_AddDevice,					/**< Add a new device or controller to the Z-Wave network. */
463 			ControllerCommand_CreateNewPrimary,				/**< Add a new controller to the Z-Wave network. Used when old primary fails. Requires SUC. */
464 			ControllerCommand_ReceiveConfiguration,			/**< Receive Z-Wave network configuration information from another controller. */
465 			ControllerCommand_RemoveDevice,					/**< Remove a device or controller from the Z-Wave network. */
466 			ControllerCommand_RemoveFailedNode,				/**< Move a node to the controller's failed nodes list. This command will only work if the node cannot respond. */
467 			ControllerCommand_HasNodeFailed,				/**< Check whether a node is in the controller's failed nodes list. */
468 			ControllerCommand_ReplaceFailedNode,			/**< Replace a non-responding node with another. The node must be in the controller's list of failed nodes for this command to succeed. */
469 			ControllerCommand_TransferPrimaryRole,			/**< Make a different controller the primary. */
470 			ControllerCommand_RequestNetworkUpdate,			/**< Request network information from the SUC/SIS. */
471 			ControllerCommand_RequestNodeNeighborUpdate,	/**< Get a node to rebuild its neighbour list.  This method also does RequestNodeNeighbors */
472 			ControllerCommand_AssignReturnRoute,			/**< Assign a network return routes to a device. */
473 			ControllerCommand_DeleteAllReturnRoutes,		/**< Delete all return routes from a device. */
474 			ControllerCommand_SendNodeInformation,			/**< Send a node information frame */
475 			ControllerCommand_ReplicationSend,				/**< Send information from primary to secondary */
476 			ControllerCommand_CreateButton,					/**< Create an id that tracks handheld button presses */
477 			ControllerCommand_DeleteButton					/**< Delete id that tracks handheld button presses */
478 		};
480 		/**
481 		 * Controller States.
482 		 * States reported via the callback handler passed into the BeginControllerCommand method.
483 		 * \see Manager::BeginControllerCommand
484 		 */
485 		enum ControllerState
486 		{
487 			ControllerState_Normal = 0,				/**< No command in progress. */
488 			ControllerState_Starting,				/**< The command is starting. */
489 			ControllerState_Cancel,					/**< The command was canceled. */
490 			ControllerState_Error,					/**< Command invocation had error(s) and was aborted */
491 			ControllerState_Waiting,				/**< Controller is waiting for a user action. */
492 			ControllerState_Sleeping,				/**< Controller command is on a sleep queue wait for device. */
493 			ControllerState_InProgress,				/**< The controller is communicating with the other device to carry out the command. */
494 			ControllerState_Completed,			    /**< The command has completed successfully. */
495 			ControllerState_Failed,					/**< The command has failed. */
496 			ControllerState_NodeOK,					/**< Used only with ControllerCommand_HasNodeFailed to indicate that the controller thinks the node is OK. */
497 			ControllerState_NodeFailed				/**< Used only with ControllerCommand_HasNodeFailed to indicate that the controller thinks the node has failed. */
498 		};
500 		/**
501 		 * Controller Errors
502 		 * Provide some more information about controller failures.
503 		 */
504 		enum ControllerError
505 		{
506 			ControllerError_None = 0,
507 			ControllerError_ButtonNotFound,				/**< Button */
508 			ControllerError_NodeNotFound,				/**< Button */
509 			ControllerError_NotBridge,					/**< Button */
510 			ControllerError_NotSUC,						/**< CreateNewPrimary */
511 			ControllerError_NotSecondary,				/**< CreateNewPrimary */
512 			ControllerError_NotPrimary,					/**< RemoveFailedNode, AddNodeToNetwork */
513 			ControllerError_IsPrimary,					/**< ReceiveConfiguration */
514 			ControllerError_NotFound,					/**< RemoveFailedNode */
515 			ControllerError_Busy,						/**< RemoveFailedNode, RequestNetworkUpdate */
516 			ControllerError_Failed,						/**< RemoveFailedNode, RequestNetworkUpdate */
517 			ControllerError_Disabled,					/**< RequestNetworkUpdate error */
518 			ControllerError_Overflow					/**< RequestNetworkUpdate error */
519 		};
521 		typedef void (*pfnControllerCallback_t)( ControllerState _state, ControllerError _err, void* _context );
523 	private:
524 		// The public interface is provided via the wrappers in the Manager class
525 		void ResetController( Event* _evt );
526 		void SoftReset();
527 		void RequestNodeNeighbors( uint8 const _nodeId, uint32 const _requestFlags );
529 		bool BeginControllerCommand( ControllerCommand _command, pfnControllerCallback_t _callback, void* _context, bool _highPower, uint8 _nodeId, uint8 _arg );
530 		bool CancelControllerCommand();
531 		void AddNodeStop( uint8 const _funcId );					// Handle different controller behaviors
533 		struct ControllerCommandItem
534 		{
535 			ControllerState				m_controllerState;
536 			bool					m_controllerStateChanged;
537 			bool					m_controllerCommandDone;
538 			ControllerCommand			m_controllerCommand;
539 			pfnControllerCallback_t			m_controllerCallback;
540 			ControllerError				m_controllerReturnError;
541 			void*					m_controllerCallbackContext;
542 			bool					m_highPower;
543 			bool					m_controllerAdded;
544 			uint8					m_controllerCommandNode;
545 			uint8					m_controllerCommandArg;
546 			uint8					m_controllerDeviceProtocolInfo[254];
547 			uint8 					m_controllerDeviceProtocolInfoLength;
548 		};
550 		ControllerCommandItem*			m_currentControllerCommand;
552 		void DoControllerCommand();
553 		void UpdateControllerState( ControllerState const _state, ControllerError const _error = ControllerError_None );
555 		uint8					m_SUCNodeId;
557 		void UpdateNodeRoutes( uint8 const_nodeId, bool _doUpdate = false );
559 		Event*					m_controllerResetEvent;
561 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
562 	//	Sending Z-Wave messages
563 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
564 	public:
565 		enum MsgQueue
566 		{
567 			MsgQueue_Command = 0,
568 			MsgQueue_Security,
569 			MsgQueue_NoOp,
570 			MsgQueue_Controller,
571 			MsgQueue_WakeUp,
572 			MsgQueue_Send,
573 			MsgQueue_Query,
574 			MsgQueue_Poll,
575 			MsgQueue_Count		// Number of message queues
576 		};
578 		void SendMsg( Msg* _msg, MsgQueue const _queue );
580 		/**
581 		 * Fetch the transmit options
582 		 */
GetTransmitOptions()583 		uint8 GetTransmitOptions()const{ return m_transmitOptions; }
585 	private:
586 		/**
587 		 *  If there are messages in the send queue (m_sendQueue), gets the next message in the
588 		 *  queue and writes it to the serial port.  In sending the message, SendMsg also initializes
589 		 *  variables tracking the message's callback ID (m_expectedCallbackId), expected reply
590 		 *  (m_expectedReply) and expected command class ID (m_expectedCommandClassId).  It also
591 		 *  sets m_waitingForAck to true and increments the message's send attempts counter.
592 		 *  <p>
593 		 *  If there are no messages in the send queue, then SendMsg checks the query queue to
594 		 *  see if there are any outstanding queries that can be processed (target node not asleep).
595 		 *  If so, it retrieves the Node object that needs to be queried and calls that node's
596 		 *  AdvanceQueries member function.  If this call results in all of the node's queries to be
597 		 *  completed, SendMsg will remove the node query item from the query queue.
598 		 *  \return TRUE if data was written, FALSE if not
599 		 *  \see Msg, m_sendQueue, m_expectedCallbackId, m_expectedReply, m_expectedCommandClassId,
600 		 *  m_waitingForAck, Msg::GetSendAttempts, Node::AdvanceQueries, GetCurrentNodeQuery,
601 		 *  RemoveNodeQuery, Node::AllQueriesCompleted
602 		 */
603 		bool WriteNextMsg( MsgQueue const _queue );							// Extracts the first message from the queue, and makes it the current one.
604 		bool WriteMsg( string const &str);									// Sends the current message to the Z-Wave network
605 		void RemoveCurrentMsg();											// Deletes the current message and cleans up the callback etc states
606 		bool MoveMessagesToWakeUpQueue(	uint8 const _targetNodeId, bool const _move );		// If a node does not respond, and is of a type that can sleep, this method is used to move all its pending messages to another queue ready for when it wakes up next.
607 		bool HandleErrorResponse( uint8 const _error, uint8 const _nodeId, char const* _funcStr, bool _sleepCheck = false );									    // Handle data errors and process consistently. If message is moved to wake-up queue, return true.
608 		bool IsExpectedReply( uint8 const _nodeId );						// Determine if reply message is the one we are expecting
609 		void SendQueryStageComplete( uint8 const _nodeId, Node::QueryStage const _stage );
610 		void RetryQueryStageComplete( uint8 const _nodeId, Node::QueryStage const _stage );
611 		void CheckCompletedNodeQueries();									// Send notifications if all awake and/or sleeping nodes have completed their queries
613 		// Requests to be sent to nodes are assigned to one of five queues.
614 		// From highest to lowest priority, these are
615 		//
616 		// 0)   The security queue, for handling encrypted messages.  This is the
617 		//              highest priority send queue, because the security process inserts
618 		//              messages to handle the encryption process that must be sent before
619 		//              a new message can be wrapped.
620 		//
621 		// 1)	The command queue, for controller commands.  This is the 2nd highest
622 		//		priority send queue, because the controller command processes are not
623 		//		permitted to be interrupted by other requests.
624 		//
625 		// 2)	The controller queue exists to handle multi-step controller commands. These
626 		//		typically require user interaction or affect the network in some way.
627 		//
628 		// 3)	The No Operation command class queue. This is used for device probing
629 		//		at startup as well as network diagnostics.
630 		//
631 		// 4)	The wakeup queue.  This holds messages that have been held for a
632 		//		sleeping device that has now woken up.  These get a high priority
633 		//		because such devices do not stay awake for very long.
634 		//
635 		// 5)	The send queue.  This is for normal messages, usually triggered by
636 		//		a user interaction with the application.
637 		//
638 		// 6)	The query queue.  For node query messages sent when a new node is
639 		//		discovered.  The query process generates a large number of requests,
640 		//		so the query queue has a low priority to avoid making the system
641 		//		unresponsive.
642 		//
643 		// 7)   The poll queue.  Requests to devices that need their state polling
644 		//		at regular intervals.  These are of the lowest priority, and are only
645 		//		sent when nothing else is going on
646 		//
647 		enum MsgQueueCmd
648 		{
649 			MsgQueueCmd_SendMsg = 0,
650 			MsgQueueCmd_QueryStageComplete,
651 			MsgQueueCmd_Controller
652 		};
654 		class MsgQueueItem
655 		{
656 		public:
MsgQueueItem()657 			MsgQueueItem() :
658 				m_msg(NULL),
659 				m_nodeId(0),
660 				m_queryStage(Node::QueryStage_None),
661 				m_retry(false),
662 				m_cci(NULL)
663 			{}
665 			bool operator == ( MsgQueueItem const& _other )const
666 			{
667 				if( _other.m_command == m_command )
668 				{
669 					if( m_command == MsgQueueCmd_SendMsg )
670 					{
671 						return( (*_other.m_msg) == (*m_msg) );
672 					}
673 					else if( m_command == MsgQueueCmd_QueryStageComplete )
674 					{
675 						return( (_other.m_nodeId == m_nodeId) && (_other.m_queryStage == m_queryStage) );
676 					}
677 					else if( m_command == MsgQueueCmd_Controller )
678 					{
679 						return( (_other.m_cci->m_controllerCommand == m_cci->m_controllerCommand) && (_other.m_cci->m_controllerCallback == m_cci->m_controllerCallback) );
680 					}
681 				}
683 				return false;
684 			}
686 			MsgQueueCmd			m_command;
687 			Msg*				m_msg;
688 			uint8				m_nodeId;
689 			Node::QueryStage		m_queryStage;
690 			bool				m_retry;
691 			ControllerCommandItem*		m_cci;
692 		};
695 		list<MsgQueueItem>			m_msgQueue[MsgQueue_Count];
697 		Event*					m_queueEvent[MsgQueue_Count];		// Events for each queue, which are signaled when the queue is not empty
698 		Mutex*					m_sendMutex;						// Serialize access to the queues
699 		Msg*					m_currentMsg;
700 		MsgQueue				m_currentMsgQueueSource;			// identifies which queue held m_currentMsg
701 		TimeStamp				m_resendTimeStamp;
703 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
704 	// Network functions
705 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
706 	private:
707 		void TestNetwork( uint8 const _nodeId, uint32 const _count );
709 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
710 	// Virtual Node commands
711 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
712 	public:
713 		/**
714 		 * Virtual Node Commands.
715 		 * Commands to be used with virtual nodes.
716 		 */
717 	private:
718 		uint32 GetVirtualNeighbors( uint8** o_neighbors );
719 		void RequestVirtualNeighbors( MsgQueue const _queue );
IsVirtualNode(uint8 const _nodeId)720 		bool IsVirtualNode( uint8 const _nodeId )const{  return (( m_virtualNeighbors[( _nodeId - 1 ) >> 3] & 1 << (( _nodeId - 1 ) & 0x07 )) != 0 ); }
721 		void SendVirtualNodeInfo( uint8 const _fromNodeId, uint8 const _ToNodeId );
722 		void SendSlaveLearnModeOff();
723 		void SaveButtons();
724 		void ReadButtons( uint8 const _nodeId );
726 		bool		m_virtualNeighborsReceived;
727 		uint8		m_virtualNeighbors[NUM_NODE_BITFIELD_BYTES];		// Bitmask containing virtual neighbors
729 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
730 	// SwitchAll
731 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
732 	private:
733 		// The public interface is provided via the wrappers in the Manager class
734 		void SwitchAllOn();
735 		void SwitchAllOff();
737 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
738 	// Configuration Parameters	(wrappers for the Node methods)
739 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
740 	private:
741 		// The public interface is provided via the wrappers in the Manager class
742 		bool SetConfigParam( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _param, int32 _value, uint8 const _size );
743 		void RequestConfigParam( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _param );
745 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
746 	// Groups (wrappers for the Node methods)
747 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
748 	private:
749 		// The public interface is provided via the wrappers in the Manager class
750 		uint8 GetNumGroups( uint8 const _nodeId );
751 		uint32 GetAssociations( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _groupIdx, uint8** o_associations );
752 		uint32 GetAssociations( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _groupIdx, InstanceAssociation** o_associations );
753 		uint8 GetMaxAssociations( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _groupIdx );
754 		string GetGroupLabel( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _groupIdx );
755 		void AddAssociation( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _groupIdx, uint8 const _targetNodeId, uint8 const _instance = 0x00 );
756 		void RemoveAssociation( uint8 const _nodeId, uint8 const _groupIdx, uint8 const _targetNodeId, uint8 const _instance = 0x00 );
758 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
759 	//	Notifications
760 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
761 	private:
762 		void QueueNotification( Notification* _notification );				// Adds a notification to the list.  Notifications are queued until a point in the thread where we know we do not have any nodes locked.
763 		void NotifyWatchers();												// Passes the notifications to all the registered watcher callbacks in turn.
766 		list<Notification*>		m_notifications;
768 		Event*				m_notificationsEvent;
770 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
771 	//	Statistics
772 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
773 	public:
774 		struct DriverData
775 		{
776 			uint32 m_SOFCnt;			// Number of SOF bytes received
777 			uint32 m_ACKWaiting;		// Number of unsolicited messages while waiting for an ACK
778 			uint32 m_readAborts;		// Number of times read were aborted due to timeouts
779 			uint32 m_badChecksum;		// Number of bad checksums
780 			uint32 m_readCnt;			// Number of messages successfully read
781 			uint32 m_writeCnt;			// Number of messages successfully sent
782 			uint32 m_CANCnt;			// Number of CAN bytes received
783 			uint32 m_NAKCnt;			// Number of NAK bytes received
784 			uint32 m_ACKCnt;			// Number of ACK bytes received
785 			uint32 m_OOFCnt;			// Number of bytes out of framing
786 			uint32 m_dropped;			// Number of messages dropped & not delivered
787 			uint32 m_retries;			// Number of messages retransmitted
788 			uint32 m_callbacks;			// Number of unexpected callbacks
789 			uint32 m_badroutes;			// Number of failed messages due to bad route response
790 			uint32 m_noack;				// Number of no ACK returned errors
791 			uint32 m_netbusy;			// Number of network busy/failure messages
792 			uint32 m_notidle;
793 			uint32 m_nondelivery;		// Number of messages not delivered to network
794 			uint32 m_routedbusy;		// Number of messages received with routed busy status
795 			uint32 m_broadcastReadCnt;	// Number of broadcasts read
796 			uint32 m_broadcastWriteCnt;	// Number of broadcasts sent
797 		};
799 		void LogDriverStatistics();
801 	private:
802 		void GetDriverStatistics( DriverData* _data );
803 		void GetNodeStatistics( uint8 const _nodeId, Node::NodeData* _data );
805 		uint32 m_SOFCnt;			// Number of SOF bytes received
806 		uint32 m_ACKWaiting;		// Number of unsolicited messages while waiting for an ACK
807 		uint32 m_readAborts;		// Number of times read were aborted due to timeouts
808 		uint32 m_badChecksum;		// Number of bad checksums
809 		uint32 m_readCnt;			// Number of messages successfully read
810 		uint32 m_writeCnt;			// Number of messages successfully sent
811 		uint32 m_CANCnt;			// Number of CAN bytes received
812 		uint32 m_NAKCnt;			// Number of NAK bytes received
813 		uint32 m_ACKCnt;			// Number of ACK bytes received
814 		uint32 m_OOFCnt;			// Number of bytes out of framing
815 		uint32 m_dropped;			// Number of messages dropped & not delivered
816 		uint32 m_retries;			// Number of retransmitted messages
817 		uint32 m_callbacks;			// Number of unexpected callbacks
818 		uint32 m_badroutes;			// Number of failed messages due to bad route response
819 		uint32 m_noack;				// Number of no ACK returned errors
820 		uint32 m_netbusy;			// Number of network busy/failure messages
821 		uint32 m_notidle;			// Number of not idle messages
822 		uint32 m_nondelivery;		// Number of messages not delivered to network
823 		uint32 m_routedbusy;		// Number of messages received with routed busy status
824 		uint32 m_broadcastReadCnt;	// Number of broadcasts read
825 		uint32 m_broadcastWriteCnt;	// Number of broadcasts sent
826 		//time_t m_commandStart;	// Start time of last command
827 		//time_t m_timeoutLost;		// Cumulative time lost to timeouts
830 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
831 	//	Security Command Class Related (Version 1.1)
832 	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
833 	public:
834 		aes_encrypt_ctx *GetAuthKey();
835 		aes_encrypt_ctx *GetEncKey();
836 		bool isNetworkKeySet();
838 	private:
839 		bool initNetworkKeys(bool newnode);
840 		uint8 *GetNetworkKey();
841 		bool SendEncryptedMessage();
842 		bool SendNonceRequest(string logmsg);
843 		void SendNonceKey(uint8 nodeId, uint8 *nonce);
844 		aes_encrypt_ctx *AuthKey;
845 		aes_encrypt_ctx *EncryptKey;
846 		uint8 m_nonceReportSent;
847 		uint8 m_nonceReportSentAttempt;
848 		bool m_inclusionkeySet;
850 	};
852 } // namespace OpenZWave
854 #endif // _Driver_H