1subroutine multimode_decoder(ss,id2,params,nfsample)
3!$ use omp_lib
4  use prog_args
5  use timer_module, only: timer
6  use jt4_decode
7  use jt65_decode
8  use jt9_decode
9  use ft8_decode
10  use ft4_decode
11  use fst4_decode
12  use q65_decode
14  include 'jt9com.f90'
15  include 'timer_common.inc'
17  type, extends(jt4_decoder) :: counting_jt4_decoder
18     integer :: decoded
19  end type counting_jt4_decoder
21  type, extends(jt65_decoder) :: counting_jt65_decoder
22     integer :: decoded
23  end type counting_jt65_decoder
25  type, extends(jt9_decoder) :: counting_jt9_decoder
26     integer :: decoded
27  end type counting_jt9_decoder
29  type, extends(ft8_decoder) :: counting_ft8_decoder
30     integer :: decoded
31  end type counting_ft8_decoder
33  type, extends(ft4_decoder) :: counting_ft4_decoder
34     integer :: decoded
35  end type counting_ft4_decoder
37  type, extends(fst4_decoder) :: counting_fst4_decoder
38     integer :: decoded
39  end type counting_fst4_decoder
41  type, extends(q65_decoder) :: counting_q65_decoder
42     integer :: decoded
43  end type counting_q65_decoder
45  real ss(184,NSMAX)
46  logical baddata,newdat65,newdat9,single_decode,bVHF,bad0,newdat,ex
47  integer*2 id2(NTMAX*12000)
48  type(params_block) :: params
49  real*4 dd(NTMAX*12000)
50  character(len=20) :: datetime
51  character(len=12) :: mycall, hiscall
52  character(len=6) :: mygrid, hisgrid
53  character*60 line
54  data ndec8/0/,ntr0/-1/
55  save
56  type(counting_jt4_decoder) :: my_jt4
57  type(counting_jt65_decoder) :: my_jt65
58  type(counting_jt9_decoder) :: my_jt9
59  type(counting_ft8_decoder) :: my_ft8
60  type(counting_ft4_decoder) :: my_ft4
61  type(counting_fst4_decoder) :: my_fst4
62  type(counting_q65_decoder) :: my_q65
64  if(.not.params%newdat .and. params%ntr.gt.ntr0) go to 800
65  ntr0=params%ntr
66  rms=sqrt(dot_product(float(id2(1:180000)),                         &
67       float(id2(1:180000)))/180000.0)
68  if(rms.lt.3.0) go to 800
70  !cast C character arrays to Fortran character strings
71  datetime=transfer(params%datetime, datetime)
72  mycall=transfer(params%mycall,mycall)
73  hiscall=transfer(params%hiscall,hiscall)
74  mygrid=transfer(params%mygrid,mygrid)
75  hisgrid=transfer(params%hisgrid,hisgrid)
77  ! initialize decode counts
78  my_jt4%decoded = 0
79  my_jt65%decoded = 0
80  my_jt9%decoded = 0
81  my_ft8%decoded = 0
82  my_ft4%decoded = 0
83  my_fst4%decoded = 0
84  my_q65%decoded = 0
86! For testing only: return Rx messages stored in a file as decodes
87  inquire(file='rx_messages.txt',exist=ex)
88  if(ex) then
89     if(params%nzhsym.eq.41) then
90        open(39,file='rx_messages.txt',status='old')
91        do i=1,9999
92           read(39,'(a60)',end=5) line
93           if(line(1:1).eq.' ' .or. line(1:1).eq.'-') go to 800
94           write(*,'(a)') trim(line)
95        enddo
965       close(39)
97     endif
98     go to 800
99  endif
101  ncontest=iand(params%nexp_decode,7)
102  single_decode=iand(params%nexp_decode,32).ne.0
103  bVHF=iand(params%nexp_decode,64).ne.0
104  if(mod(params%nranera,2).eq.0) ntrials=10**(params%nranera/2)
105  if(mod(params%nranera,2).eq.1) ntrials=3*10**(params%nranera/2)
106  if(params%nranera.eq.0) ntrials=0
108  nfail=0
10910 if (params%nagain) then
110     open(13,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/decoded.txt',status='unknown',            &
111          position='append',iostat=ios)
112  else
113     open(13,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/decoded.txt',status='unknown',iostat=ios)
114  endif
115  if(ios.ne.0) then
116     nfail=nfail+1
117     if(nfail.le.3) then
118        call sleep_msec(10)
119        go to 10
120     endif
121  endif
123  if(params%nmode.eq.8) then
124! We're in FT8 mode
126     if(ncontest.eq.6) then
127! Fox mode: initialize and open houndcallers.txt
128        inquire(file=trim(temp_dir)//'/houndcallers.txt',exist=ex)
129        if(.not.ex) then
130           c2fox='            '
131           g2fox='    '
132           nsnrfox=-99
133           nfreqfox=-99
134           n30z=0
135           nwrap=0
136           nfox=0
137        endif
138        open(19,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/houndcallers.txt',status='unknown')
139     endif
141     call timer('decft8  ',0)
142     newdat=params%newdat
143     if(params%emedelay.ne.0.0) then
144        id2(1:156000)=id2(24001:180000)  ! Drop the first 2 seconds of data
145        id2(156001:180000)=0
146     endif
147     call my_ft8%decode(ft8_decoded,id2,params%nQSOProgress,params%nfqso,    &
148          params%nftx,newdat,params%nutc,params%nfa,params%nfb,              &
149          params%nzhsym,params%ndepth,params%emedelay,ncontest,              &
150          logical(params%nagain),logical(params%lft8apon),                   &
151          logical(params%lapcqonly),params%napwid,mycall,hiscall,            &
152          params%ndiskdat)
153     call timer('decft8  ',1)
154     if(nfox.gt.0) then
155        n30min=minval(n30fox(1:nfox))
156        n30max=maxval(n30fox(1:nfox))
157     endif
158     j=0
160     if(ncontest.eq.6) then
161! Fox mode: save decoded Hound calls for possible selection by FoxOp
162        rewind 19
163        if(nfox.eq.0) then
164           endfile 19
165           rewind 19
166        else
167           do i=1,nfox
168              n=n30fox(i)
169              if(n30max-n30fox(i).le.4) then
170                 j=j+1
171                 c2fox(j)=c2fox(i)
172                 g2fox(j)=g2fox(i)
173                 nsnrfox(j)=nsnrfox(i)
174                 nfreqfox(j)=nfreqfox(i)
175                 n30fox(j)=n
176                 m=n30max-n
177                 if(len(trim(g2fox(j))).eq.4) then
178                    call azdist(mygrid,g2fox(j)//'  ',0.d0,nAz,nEl,nDmiles, &
179                         nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter)
180                 else
181                    nDkm=9999
182                 endif
183                 write(19,1004) c2fox(j),g2fox(j),nsnrfox(j),nfreqfox(j),nDkm,m
1841004             format(a12,1x,a4,i5,i6,i7,i3)
185              endif
186           enddo
187           nfox=j
188           flush(19)
189        endif
190     endif
191     go to 800
192  endif
194  if(params%nmode.eq.5) then
195     call timer('decft4  ',0)
196     call my_ft4%decode(ft4_decoded,id2,params%nQSOProgress,params%nfqso,    &
197          params%nfa,params%nfb,params%ndepth,                               &
198          logical(params%lapcqonly),ncontest,mycall,hiscall)
199     call timer('decft4  ',1)
200     go to 800
201  endif
203  if(params%nmode.eq.66) then        !NB: JT65 = 65, Q65 = 66.
204! We're in Q65 mode
205     open(17,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/red.dat',status='unknown')
206     open(14,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/avemsg.txt',status='unknown')
207     call timer('dec_q65 ',0)
208     nqd=1
209     call my_q65%decode(q65_decoded,id2,nqd,params%nutc,params%ntr,      &
210          params%nsubmode,params%nfqso,params%ntol,params%ndepth,        &
211          params%nfa,params%nfb,logical(params%nclearave),               &
212          single_decode,logical(params%nagain),params%max_drift,         &
213          logical(params%newdat),params%emedelay,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid, &
214          params%nQSOProgress,ncontest,logical(params%lapcqonly),navg0)
215     call timer('dec_q65 ',1)
216     close(17)
217     go to 800
218  endif
220  if(params%nmode.eq.240) then
221! We're in FST4 mode
222     ndepth=iand(params%ndepth,3)
223     iwspr=0
224     params%nsubmode=0
225     call timer('dec_fst4',0)
226     call my_fst4%decode(fst4_decoded,id2,params%nutc,                &
227          params%nQSOProgress,params%nfa,params%nfb,                  &
228          params%nfqso,ndepth,params%ntr,params%nexp_decode,          &
229          params%ntol,params%emedelay,logical(params%nagain),         &
230          logical(params%lapcqonly),mycall,hiscall,iwspr)
231     call timer('dec_fst4',1)
232     go to 800
233  endif
235    if(params%nmode.eq.241) then
236! We're in FST4W mode
237     ndepth=iand(params%ndepth,3)
238     iwspr=1
239     call timer('dec_fst4',0)
240     call my_fst4%decode(fst4_decoded,id2,params%nutc,                &
241          params%nQSOProgress,params%nfa,params%nfb,                  &
242          params%nfqso,ndepth,params%ntr,params%nexp_decode,          &
243          params%ntol,params%emedelay,logical(params%nagain),         &
244          logical(params%lapcqonly),mycall,hiscall,iwspr)
245     call timer('dec_fst4',1)
246     go to 800
247  endif
249! Zap data at start that might come from T/R switching transient?
250  nadd=100
251  k=0
252  bad0=.false.
253  do i=1,240
254     sq=0.
255     do n=1,nadd
256        k=k+1
257        sq=sq + float(id2(k))**2
258     enddo
259     rms=sqrt(sq/nadd)
260     if(rms.gt.10000.0) then
261        bad0=.true.
262        kbad=k
263        rmsbad=rms
264     endif
265  enddo
266  if(bad0) then
267     nz=min(NTMAX*12000,kbad+100)
268!     id2(1:nz)=0                ! temporarily disabled as it can breaak the JT9 decoder, maybe others
269  endif
271  if(params%nmode.eq.4 .or. params%nmode.eq.65) open(14,file=trim(temp_dir)// &
272       '/avemsg.txt',status='unknown')
274  if(params%nmode.eq.4) then
275     jz=52*nfsample
276     if(params%newdat) then
277        if(nfsample.eq.12000) call wav11(id2,jz,dd)
278        if(nfsample.eq.11025) dd(1:jz)=id2(1:jz)
279     else
280        jz=52*11025
281     endif
282     call my_jt4%decode(jt4_decoded,dd,jz,params%nutc,params%nfqso,         &
283          params%ntol,params%emedelay,params%dttol,logical(params%nagain),  &
284          params%ndepth,logical(params%nclearave),params%minsync,           &
285          params%minw,params%nsubmode,mycall,hiscall,         &
286          hisgrid,params%nlist,params%listutc,jt4_average)
287     go to 800
288  endif
290  npts65=52*12000
291  if(baddata(id2,npts65)) then
292     nsynced=0
293     ndecoded=0
294     go to 800
295  endif
297  ntol65=params%ntol              !### is this OK? ###
298  newdat65=params%newdat
299  newdat9=params%newdat
301!$call omp_set_dynamic(.true.)
302!$omp parallel sections num_threads(2) copyin(/timer_private/) shared(ndecoded) if(.true.) !iif() needed on Mac
304!$omp section
305  if(params%nmode.eq.65) then
306! We're in JT65 mode
308     if(newdat65) dd(1:npts65)=id2(1:npts65)
309     nf1=params%nfa
310     nf2=params%nfb
311     call timer('jt65a   ',0)
312     call my_jt65%decode(jt65_decoded,dd,npts65,newdat65,params%nutc,      &
313          nf1,nf2,params%nfqso,ntol65,params%nsubmode,params%minsync,      &
314          logical(params%nagain),params%n2pass,logical(params%nrobust),    &
315          ntrials,params%naggressive,params%ndepth,params%emedelay,        &
316          logical(params%nclearave),mycall,hiscall,          &
317          hisgrid,params%nexp_decode,params%nQSOProgress,           &
318          logical(params%ljt65apon))
319     call timer('jt65a   ',1)
321  else if(params%nmode.eq.9 .or. (params%nmode.eq.(65+9) .and. params%ntxmode.eq.9)) then
322! We're in JT9 mode, or should do JT9 first
323     call timer('decjt9  ',0)
324     call my_jt9%decode(jt9_decoded,ss,id2,params%nfqso,       &
325          newdat9,params%npts8,params%nfa,params%nfsplit,params%nfb,       &
326          params%ntol,params%nzhsym,logical(params%nagain),params%ndepth,  &
327          params%nmode,params%nsubmode,params%nexp_decode)
328     call timer('decjt9  ',1)
329  endif
331!$omp section
332  if(params%nmode.eq.(65+9)) then       !Do the other mode (we're in dual mode)
333     if (params%ntxmode.eq.9) then
334        if(newdat65) dd(1:npts65)=id2(1:npts65)
335        nf1=params%nfa
336        nf2=params%nfb
337        call timer('jt65a   ',0)
338        call my_jt65%decode(jt65_decoded,dd,npts65,newdat65,params%nutc,   &
339             nf1,nf2,params%nfqso,ntol65,params%nsubmode,params%minsync,   &
340             logical(params%nagain),params%n2pass,logical(params%nrobust), &
341             ntrials,params%naggressive,params%ndepth,params%emedelay,     &
342             logical(params%nclearave),mycall,hiscall,       &
343             hisgrid,params%nexp_decode,params%nQSOProgress,        &
344             logical(params%ljt65apon))
345        call timer('jt65a   ',1)
346     else
347        call timer('decjt9  ',0)
348        call my_jt9%decode(jt9_decoded,ss,id2,params%nfqso,                &
349             newdat9,params%npts8,params%nfa,params%nfsplit,params%nfb,    &
350             params%ntol,params%nzhsym,logical(params%nagain),             &
351             params%ndepth,params%nmode,params%nsubmode,params%nexp_decode)
352        call timer('decjt9  ',1)
353     end if
354  endif
356!$omp end parallel sections
358! JT65 is not yet producing info for nsynced, ndecoded.
359800 ndecoded = my_jt4%decoded + my_jt65%decoded + my_jt9%decoded +       &
360         my_ft8%decoded + my_ft4%decoded + my_fst4%decoded +             &
361         my_q65%decoded
362  if(params%nmode.eq.8 .and. params%nzhsym.eq.41) ndec41=ndecoded
363  if(params%nmode.eq.8 .and. params%nzhsym.eq.47) ndec47=ndecoded
364  if(params%nmode.eq.8 .and. params%nzhsym.eq.50) then
365     ndecoded=ndec41+ndec47+ndecoded
366  endif
367  if(params%nmode.ne.8 .or. params%nzhsym.eq.50 .or.                     &
368       .not.params%ndiskdat) then
370     write(*,1010) nsynced,ndecoded,navg0
3711010 format('<DecodeFinished>',2i4,i9)
372     call flush(6)
373  endif
374  close(13)
375  if(ncontest.eq.6) close(19)
376  if(params%nmode.eq.4 .or. params%nmode.eq.65 .or. params%nmode.eq.66) close(14)
377  return
380  subroutine jt4_decoded(this,snr,dt,freq,have_sync,sync,is_deep,    &
381       decoded0,qual,ich,is_average,ave)
382    implicit none
383    class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
384    integer, intent(in) :: snr
385    real, intent(in) :: dt
386    integer, intent(in) :: freq
387    logical, intent(in) :: have_sync
388    logical, intent(in) :: is_deep
389    character(len=1), intent(in) :: sync
390    character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded0
391    real, intent(in) :: qual
392    integer, intent(in) :: ich
393    logical, intent(in) :: is_average
394    integer, intent(in) :: ave
396    character*22 decoded
397    character*3 cflags
399    if(ich.eq.-99) stop                         !Silence compiler warning
400    if (have_sync) then
401       decoded=decoded0
402       cflags='   '
403       if(decoded.ne.'                      ') then
404          cflags='f  '
405          if(is_deep) then
406             cflags='d  '
407             write(cflags(2:2),'(i1)') min(int(qual),9)
408             if(qual.ge.10.0) cflags(2:2)='*'
409             if(qual.lt.3.0) decoded(22:22)='?'
410          endif
411          if(is_average) then
412             write(cflags(3:3),'(i1)') min(ave,9)
413             if(ave.ge.10) cflags(3:3)='*'
414             if(cflags(1:1).eq.'f') cflags=cflags(1:1)//cflags(3:3)//' '
415          endif
416       endif
417       write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq,sync,decoded,cflags
4181000   format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,'$',a1,1x,a22,1x,a3)
419    else
420       write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq
421    end if
423    select type(this)
424    type is (counting_jt4_decoder)
425       this%decoded = this%decoded + 1
426    end select
427  end subroutine jt4_decoded
429  subroutine jt4_average (this, used, utc, sync, dt, freq, flip)
430    implicit none
431    class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
432    logical, intent(in) :: used
433    integer, intent(in) :: utc
434    real, intent(in) :: sync
435    real, intent(in) :: dt
436    integer, intent(in) :: freq
437    logical, intent(in) :: flip
438    character(len=1) :: cused, csync
440    cused = '.'
441    csync = '*'
442    if (used) cused = '$'
443    if (flip) csync = '$'
444    write(14,1000) cused,utc,sync,dt,freq,csync
4451000 format(a1,i5.4,f6.1,f6.2,i6,1x,a1)
446  end subroutine jt4_average
448  subroutine jt65_decoded(this,sync,snr,dt,freq,drift,nflip,width,     &
449       decoded0,ft,qual,nsmo,nsum,minsync)
451    use jt65_decode
452    implicit none
454    class(jt65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
455    real, intent(in) :: sync
456    integer, intent(in) :: snr
457    real, intent(in) :: dt
458    integer, intent(in) :: freq
459    integer, intent(in) :: drift
460    integer, intent(in) :: nflip
461    real, intent(in) :: width
462    character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded0
463    integer, intent(in) :: ft
464    integer, intent(in) :: qual
465    integer, intent(in) :: nsmo
466    integer, intent(in) :: nsum
467    integer, intent(in) :: minsync
469    integer i,nap
470    logical is_deep,is_average
471    character decoded*22,csync*2,cflags*3
473    if(width.eq.-9999.0) stop              !Silence compiler warning
474!$omp critical(decode_results)
475    decoded=decoded0
476    cflags='   '
477    is_deep=ft.eq.2
479    if(ft.eq.0 .and. minsync.ge.0 .and. int(sync).lt.minsync) then
480       write(*,1010) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq
481    else
482       is_average=nsum.ge.2
483       if(bVHF .and. ft.gt.0) then
484          cflags='f  '
485          if(is_deep) then
486             cflags='d  '
487             write(cflags(2:2),'(i1)') min(qual,9)
488             if(qual.ge.10) cflags(2:2)='*'
489             if(qual.lt.3) decoded(22:22)='?'
490          endif
491          if(is_average) then
492             write(cflags(3:3),'(i1)') min(nsum,9)
493             if(nsum.ge.10) cflags(3:3)='*'
494          endif
495          nap=ishft(ft,-2)
496          if(nap.ne.0) then
497             if(nsum.lt.2) write(cflags(1:3),'(a1,i1," ")') 'a',nap
498             if(nsum.ge.2) write(cflags(1:3),'(a1,2i1)') 'a',nap,min(nsum,9)
499          endif
500       endif
501       csync='# '
502       i=0
503       if(bVHF .and. nflip.ne.0 .and.                         &
504            sync.ge.max(0.0,float(minsync))) then
505          csync='#*'
506          if(nflip.eq.-1) then
507             csync='##'
508             if(decoded.ne.'                      ') then
509                do i=22,1,-1
510                   if(decoded(i:i).ne.' ') exit
511                enddo
512                if(i.gt.18) i=18
513                decoded(i+2:i+4)='OOO'
514             endif
515          endif
516       endif
517       n=len(trim(decoded))
518       if(n.eq.2 .or. n.eq.3) csync='# '
519       if(cflags(1:1).eq.'f') then
520          cflags(2:2)=cflags(3:3)
521          cflags(3:3)=' '
522       endif
523       write(*,1010) params%nutc,snr,dt,freq,csync,decoded,cflags
5241010   format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,a2,1x,a22,1x,a3)
525    endif
526    write(13,1012) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,float(freq),drift,    &
527         decoded,ft,nsum,nsmo
5281012 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.2,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' JT65',3i3)
529    call flush(6)
531!$omp end critical(decode_results)
532    select type(this)
533    type is (counting_jt65_decoder)
534       this%decoded = this%decoded + 1
535    end select
536  end subroutine jt65_decoded
538  subroutine jt9_decoded (this, sync, snr, dt, freq, drift, decoded)
539    use jt9_decode
540    implicit none
542    class(jt9_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
543    real, intent(in) :: sync
544    integer, intent(in) :: snr
545    real, intent(in) :: dt
546    real, intent(in) :: freq
547    integer, intent(in) :: drift
548    character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded
550    !$omp critical(decode_results)
551    write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded
5521000 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,'@ ',1x,a22)
553    write(13,1002) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,freq,drift,decoded
5541002 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' JT9')
555    call flush(6)
556    !$omp end critical(decode_results)
557    select type(this)
558    type is (counting_jt9_decoder)
559       this%decoded = this%decoded + 1
560    end select
561  end subroutine jt9_decoded
563  subroutine ft8_decoded (this,sync,snr,dt,freq,decoded,nap,qual)
564    use ft8_decode
565    implicit none
567    class(ft8_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
568    real, intent(in) :: sync
569    integer, intent(in) :: snr
570    real, intent(in) :: dt
571    real, intent(in) :: freq
572    character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded
573    character c1*12,c2*12,g2*4,w*4
574    integer i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,n30,nwrap
575    integer, intent(in) :: nap
576    real, intent(in) :: qual
577    character*2 annot
578    character*37 decoded0
579    logical isgrid4,first,b0,b1,b2
580    data first/.true./
581    save
583    isgrid4(w)=(len_trim(w).eq.4 .and.                                        &
584         ichar(w(1:1)).ge.ichar('A') .and. ichar(w(1:1)).le.ichar('R') .and.  &
585         ichar(w(2:2)).ge.ichar('A') .and. ichar(w(2:2)).le.ichar('R') .and.  &
586         ichar(w(3:3)).ge.ichar('0') .and. ichar(w(3:3)).le.ichar('9') .and.  &
587         ichar(w(4:4)).ge.ichar('0') .and. ichar(w(4:4)).le.ichar('9'))
589    if(first) then
590       c2fox='            '
591       g2fox='    '
592       nsnrfox=-99
593       nfreqfox=-99
594       n30z=0
595       nwrap=0
596       nfox=0
597       first=.false.
598    endif
600    decoded0=decoded
602    annot='  '
603    if(nap.ne.0) then
604       write(annot,'(a1,i1)') 'a',nap
605       if(qual.lt.0.17) decoded0(37:37)='?'
606    endif
608!    i0=index(decoded0,';')
609! Always print 37 characters? Or, send i3,n3 up to here from ft8b_2 and use them
610! to decide how many chars to print?
612    i0=1
613    if(i0.le.0) write(*,1000) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0(1:22),annot
6141000 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' ~ ',1x,a22,1x,a2)
615    if(i0.gt.0) write(*,1001) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot
6161001 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' ~ ',1x,a37,1x,a2)
617    write(13,1002) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,freq,0,decoded0
6181002 format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FT8')
620    if(ncontest.eq.6) then
621       i1=index(decoded0,' ')
622       i2=i1 + index(decoded0(i1+1:),' ')
623       i3=i2 + index(decoded0(i2+1:),' ')
624       if(i1.ge.3 .and. i2.ge.7 .and. i3.ge.10) then
625          c1=decoded0(1:i1-1)//'            '
626          c2=decoded0(i1+1:i2-1)
627          g2=decoded0(i2+1:i3-1)
628          b0=c1.eq.mycall
629          if(c1(1:3).eq.'DE ' .and. index(c2,'/').ge.2) b0=.true.
630          if(len(trim(c1)).ne.len(trim(mycall))) then
631             i4=index(trim(c1),trim(mycall))
632             i5=index(trim(mycall),trim(c1))
633             if(i4.ge.1 .or. i5.ge.1) b0=.true.
634          endif
635          b1=i3-i2.eq.5 .and. isgrid4(g2)
636          b2=i3-i2.eq.1
637          if(b0 .and. (b1.or.b2) .and. nint(freq).ge.1000) then
638             n=params%nutc
639             n30=(3600*(n/10000) + 60*mod((n/100),100) + mod(n,100))/30
640             if(n30.lt.n30z) nwrap=nwrap+5760    !New UTC day, handle the wrap
641             n30z=n30
642             n30=n30+nwrap
643             if(nfox.lt.MAXFOX) nfox=nfox+1
644             c2fox(nfox)=c2
645             g2fox(nfox)=g2
646             nsnrfox(nfox)=snr
647             nfreqfox(nfox)=nint(freq)
648             n30fox(nfox)=n30
649          endif
650       endif
651    endif
653    call flush(6)
654    call flush(13)
656    select type(this)
657    type is (counting_ft8_decoder)
658       this%decoded = this%decoded + 1
659    end select
661    return
662  end subroutine ft8_decoded
664  subroutine ft4_decoded (this,sync,snr,dt,freq,decoded,nap,qual)
665    use ft4_decode
666    implicit none
668    class(ft4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
669    real, intent(in) :: sync
670    integer, intent(in) :: snr
671    real, intent(in) :: dt
672    real, intent(in) :: freq
673    character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded
674    integer, intent(in) :: nap
675    real, intent(in) :: qual
676    character*2 annot
677    character*37 decoded0
679    decoded0=decoded
681    annot='  '
682    if(nap.ne.0) then
683       write(annot,'(a1,i1)') 'a',nap
684       if(qual.lt.0.17) decoded0(37:37)='?'
685    endif
687    write(*,1001) params%nutc,snr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot
6881001 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' + ',1x,a37,1x,a2)
689    write(13,1002) params%nutc,nint(sync),snr,dt,freq,0,decoded0
6901002 format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FT4')
692    call flush(6)
693    call flush(13)
695    select type(this)
696    type is (counting_ft4_decoder)
697       this%decoded = this%decoded + 1
698    end select
700    return
701  end subroutine ft4_decoded
703  subroutine fst4_decoded (this,nutc,sync,nsnr,dt,freq,decoded,nap,   &
704       qual,ntrperiod,lwspr,fmid,w50)
706    use fst4_decode
707    implicit none
709    class(fst4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
710    integer, intent(in) :: nutc
711    real, intent(in) :: sync
712    integer, intent(in) :: nsnr
713    real, intent(in) :: dt
714    real, intent(in) :: freq
715    character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded
716    integer, intent(in) :: nap
717    real, intent(in) :: qual
718    integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod
719    logical, intent(in) :: lwspr
720    real, intent(in) :: fmid
721    real, intent(in) :: w50
723    character*2 annot
724    character*37 decoded0
725    character*70 line
727    decoded0=decoded
728    annot='  '
729    if(nap.ne.0) then
730       write(annot,'(a1,i1)') 'a',nap
731       if(qual.lt.0.17) decoded0(37:37)='?'
732    endif
734    if(ntrperiod.lt.60) then
735       write(line,1001) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot
7361001   format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' ` ',1x,a37,1x,a2)
737       write(13,1002) nutc,nint(sync),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded0
7381002   format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FST4')
739    else
740       write(line,1003) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded0,annot
7411003   format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,' ` ',1x,a37,1x,a2,2f7.3)
742       write(13,1004) nutc,nint(sync),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded0
7431004   format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' FST4')
744    endif
746    if(fmid.ne.-999.0) then
747       if(w50.lt.0.95) write(line(65:70),'(f6.3)') w50
748       if(w50.ge.0.95) write(line(65:70),'(f6.2)') w50
749    endif
751    write(*,1005) line
7521005 format(a70)
754    call flush(6)
755    call flush(13)
757    select type(this)
758    type is (counting_fst4_decoder)
759       this%decoded = this%decoded + 1
760    end select
762   return
763 end subroutine fst4_decoded
765 subroutine q65_decoded (this,nutc,snr1,nsnr,dt,freq,decoded,idec,   &
766      nused,ntrperiod)
768    use q65_decode
769    implicit none
771    class(q65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
772    integer, intent(in) :: nutc
773    real, intent(in) :: snr1
774    integer, intent(in) :: nsnr
775    real, intent(in) :: dt
776    real, intent(in) :: freq
777    character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded
778    integer, intent(in) :: idec
779    integer, intent(in) :: nused
780    integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod
781    character*3 cflags
783    cflags='   '
784    if(idec.ge.0) then
785       cflags='q  '
786       write(cflags(2:2),'(i1)') idec
787       if(nused.ge.2) write(cflags(3:3),'(i1)') nused
788    endif
790    if(ntrperiod.lt.60) then
791       write(*,1001) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded,cflags
7921001   format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' : ',1x,a37,1x,a3)
793    write(13,1002) nutc,nint(snr1),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded
7941002 format(i6.6,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' Q65')
795    else
796       write(*,1003) nutc,nsnr,dt,nint(freq),decoded,cflags
7971003   format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,' : ',1x,a37,1x,a3)
798       write(13,1004) nutc,nint(snr1),nsnr,dt,freq,0,decoded
7991004   format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a37,' Q65')
801    endif
802    call flush(6)
803    call flush(13)
805    select type(this)
806    type is (counting_q65_decoder)
807       if(idec.ge.0) this%decoded = this%decoded + 1
808    end select
810   return
811 end subroutine q65_decoded
813end subroutine multimode_decoder