1%%% -*- coding: utf-8; erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
2%%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
3%%% Copyright 2010-2021 Manolis Papadakis <manopapad@gmail.com>,
4%%%                     Eirini Arvaniti <eirinibob@gmail.com>,
5%%%                 and Kostis Sagonas <kostis@cs.ntua.gr>
7%%% This file is part of PropEr.
9%%% PropEr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12%%% (at your option) any later version.
14%%% PropEr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
19%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20%%% along with PropEr.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22%%% @copyright 2010-2021 Manolis Papadakis, Eirini Arvaniti, and Kostis Sagonas
23%%% @version {@version}
24%%% @author Eirini Arvaniti
26%%% @doc This module defines the `proper_fsm' behaviour, useful for testing
27%%% systems that can be modeled as finite state machines. That is, a finite
28%%% collection of named states and transitions between them. `{@module}' is
29%%% closely related to {@link proper_statem} and is, in fact, implemented in
30%%% terms of that. Testcases generated using `{@module}' will be on precisely
31%%% the same form as testcases generated using {@link proper_statem}. The
32%%% difference lies in the way the callback modules are specified.
33%%% The relation between {@link proper_statem} and `{@module}' is similar
34%%% to the one between `gen_server' and `gen_fsm' in OTP libraries.
36%%% Due to name conflicts with functions automatically imported from
37%%% {@link proper_statem}, a fully qualified call is needed in order to
38%%% use the  <a href="#index">API functions </a> of `{@module}'.
40%%% === The states of the finite state machine ===
41%%% Following the convention used in `gen_fsm behaviour', the state is
42%%% separated into a `StateName::'{@type state_name()} and some
43%%% `StateData::'{@type state_data()}. `StateName' is used to denote a state
44%%% of the finite state machine and `StateData' is any relevant information
45%%% that has to be stored in the model state. States are fully
46%%% represented as tuples `{StateName, StateData}'.
48%%% `StateName' is usually an atom (i.e. the name of the state), but can also
49%%% be a tuple. In the latter case, the first element of the tuple must be an
50%%% atom specifying the name of the state, whereas the rest of the elements can
51%%% be arbitrary terms specifying state attributes. For example, when
52%%% implementing the fsm of an elevator which can reach N different floors, the
53%%% `StateName' for each floor could be `{floor,K}, 1 <= K <= N'.<br/>
54%%% `StateData' can be an arbitrary term, but is usually a record.
56%%% === Transitions between states ===
57%%% A transition ({@type transition()}) is represented as a tuple
58%%% `{TargetState, {call,M,F,A}}'. This means that performing the specified
59%%% symbolic call at the current state of the fsm will lead to `TargetState'.
60%%% The atom `history' can be used as `TargetState' to denote that a transition
61%%% does not change the current state of the fsm.
63%%% === The callback functions ===
64%%% The following functions must be exported from the callback module
65%%% implementing the finite state machine:
66%%% <ul>
67%%% <li> `initial_state() ->' {@type state_name()}
68%%%   <p>Specifies the initial state of the finite state machine. As with
69%%%   `proper_statem:initial_state/0', its result should be deterministic.
70%%%   </p></li>
71%%% <li> `initial_state_data() ->' {@type state_data()}
72%%%   <p>Specifies what the state data should initially contain. Its result
73%%%   should be deterministic</p></li>
74%%% <li> `StateName(S::'{@type state_data()}`) ->'
75%%%        `['{@type transition()}`]'
76%%%   <p>There should be one instance of this function for each reachable
77%%%   state `StateName' of the finite state machine. In case `StateName' is a
78%%%   tuple the function takes a different form, described just below. The
79%%%   function returns a list of possible transitions ({@type transition()})
80%%%   from the current state.
81%%%   At command generation time, the instance of this function with the same
82%%%   name as the current state's name is called to return the list of possible
83%%%   transitions. Then, PropEr will randomly choose a transition and,
84%%%   according to that, generate the next symbolic call to be included in the
85%%%   command sequence. However, before the call is actually included, a
86%%%   precondition that might impose constraints on `StateData' is checked.<br/>
87%%%   Note also that PropEr detects transitions that would raise an exception
88%%%   of class `<error>' at generation time (not earlier) and does not choose
89%%%   them. This feature can be used to include conditional transitions that
90%%%   depend on the `StateData'.</p></li>
91%%% <li> `StateName(Attr1::term(), ..., AttrN::term(),
92%%%                 S::'{@type state_data()}`) ->'
93%%%        `['{@type transition()}`]'
94%%%   <p>There should be one instance of this function for each reachable state
95%%%   `{StateName,Attr1,...,AttrN}' of the finite state machine. The function
96%%%   has similar beaviour to `StateName/1', described above.</p></li>
97%%% <li> `weight(From::'{@type state_name()}`,
98%%%              Target::'{@type state_name()}`,
99%%%              Call::'{@type symbolic_call()}`) -> non_neg_integer()'
100%%%   <p>This is an optional callback. When it is not defined (or not exported),
101%%%   transitions are chosen with equal probability. When it is defined, it
102%%%   assigns a non-negative integer weight to transitions from `From' to `Target'
103%%%   triggered by symbolic call `Call'. In this case, each transition is chosen
104%%%   with probability proportional to the weight assigned.</p></li>
105%%% <li> `precondition(From::'{@type state_name()}`,
106%%%                    Target::'{@type state_name()}`,
107%%%                    StateData::'{@type state_data()}`,
108%%%                    Call::'{@type symbolic_call()}`) -> boolean()'
109%%%   <p>Similar to `proper_statem:precondition/2'. Specifies the
110%%%   precondition that should hold about `StateData' so that `Call' can be
111%%%   included in the command sequence. In case precondition doesn't hold, a
112%%%   new transition is chosen using the appropriate `StateName/1' generator.
113%%%   It is possible for more than one transitions to be triggered by the same
114%%%   symbolic call and lead to different target states. In this case, at most
115%%%   one of the target states may have a true precondition. Otherwise, PropEr
116%%%   will not be able to detect which transition was chosen and an exception
117%%%   will be raised.</p></li>
118%%% <li> `postcondition(From::'{@type state_name()}`,
119%%%                     Target::'{@type state_name()}`,
120%%%                     StateData::'{@type state_data()}`,
121%%%                     Call::'{@type symbolic_call()}`,
122%%%                     Res::'{@type cmd_result()}`) -> boolean()'
123%%%   <p>Similar to `proper_statem:postcondition/3'. Specifies the
124%%%   postcondition that should hold about the result `Res' of the evaluation
125%%%   of `Call'.</p></li>
126%%% <li> `next_state_data(From::'{@type state_name()}`,
127%%%                       Target::'{@type state_name()}`,
128%%%                       StateData::'{@type state_data()}`,
129%%%                       Res::'{@type cmd_result()}`,
130%%%                       Call::'{@type symbolic_call()}`) ->'
131%%%        {@type state_data()}
132%%%   <p>Similar to `proper_statem:next_state/3'. Specifies how the
133%%%   transition from `FromState' to `Target' triggered by `Call' affects the
134%%%   `StateData'. `Res' refers to the result of `Call' and can be either
135%%%   symbolic or dynamic.</p></li>
136%%% </ul>
138%%% === The property used ===
139%%% This is an example of a property that can be used to test a
140%%% finite state machine specification:
142%%% ```prop_fsm() ->
143%%%        ?FORALL(Cmds, proper_fsm:commands(?MODULE),
144%%%                begin
145%%%                    {_History, _State, Result} = proper_fsm:run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
146%%%                    cleanup(),
147%%%                    Result =:= ok
148%%%                end).'''
150%%% == Stateful Targeted Testing ==
151%%% During testing of the system's behavior, there may be some failing command
152%%% sequences that the random property based testing does not find with ease,
153%%% or at all. In these cases, stateful targeted property based testing can help
154%%% find such edge cases, provided a utility value.
156%%% ```prop_targeted_testing() ->
157%%%        ?FORALL_TARGETED(Cmds, proper_fsm:commands(?MODULE),
158%%%                         begin
159%%%                             {History, State, Result} = proper_fsm:run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
160%%%                             UV = uv(History, State, Result),
161%%%                             ?MAXIMIZE(UV),
162%%%                             cleanup(),
163%%%                             Result =:= ok
164%%%                         end).'''
166%%% Νote that the `UV' value can be computed in any way fit, depending on the
167%%% use case. `uv/3' is used here as a dummy function which computes the
168%%% utility value.
169%%% @end
173-export([commands/1, commands/2, run_commands/2, run_commands/3,
174	 state_names/1]).
175-export([command/1, precondition/2, next_state/3, postcondition/3]).
181%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
182%% Type declarations
183%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
185-type symbolic_var() :: proper_statem:symbolic_var().
186-type symbolic_call():: proper_statem:symbolic_call().
187-type fsm_result()   :: proper_statem:statem_result().
188-type state_name()   :: atom() | tuple().
189-type state_data()   :: term().
190-type fsm_state()    :: {state_name(),state_data()}.
191-type transition()   :: {state_name(),symbolic_call()}.
192-type command()      :: {'set',symbolic_var(),symbolic_call()}
193		      | {'init',fsm_state()}.
194-type command_list() :: [command()].
195-type cmd_result()   :: term().
196-type history()      :: [{fsm_state(),cmd_result()}].
197-type tmp_command()  :: {'init',state()}
198		      | {'set',symbolic_var(),symbolic_call()}.
200-record(state, {name :: state_name(),
201		data :: state_data(),
202		mod  :: mod_name()}).
203-type state() :: #state{}.
206%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
207%% Proper_fsm behaviour callback functions
208%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
210-callback initial_state() -> state_name().
212-callback initial_state_data() -> state_data().
214-callback precondition(state_name(), state_name(),
215		       state_data(), symbolic_call()) -> boolean().
217-callback postcondition(state_name(), state_name(), state_data(),
218			symbolic_call(), cmd_result()) -> boolean().
220-callback next_state_data(state_name(), state_name(), state_data(),
221			  cmd_result(), symbolic_call()) -> state_data().
223-callback weight(state_name(), state_name(), symbolic_call()) -> non_neg_integer().
228%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
229%% API
230%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
232%% @doc A special PropEr type which generates random command sequences,
233%% according to a finite state machine specification. The function takes as
234%% input the name of a callback module, which contains the fsm specification.
235%% The initial state is computed by <br/>
236%% `{Mod:initial_state/0, Mod:initial_state_data/0}'.
238-spec commands(mod_name()) -> proper_types:type().
239commands(Mod) ->
240  ?USERNF(commands_gen(Mod), next_commands_gen(Mod)).
242-spec commands_gen(mod_name()) -> proper_types:type().
243commands_gen(Mod) ->
244    ?LET([_|Cmds],
245	 proper_statem:commands_gen(?MODULE, initial_state(Mod)),
246	 Cmds).
248%% @doc Similar to {@link commands/1}, but generated command sequences always
249%% start at a given state. In this case, the first command is always <br/>
250%% `{init, InitialState = {Name,Data}}' and is used to correctly initialize the
251%% state every time the command sequence is run (i.e. during normal execution,
252%% while shrinking and when checking a counterexample).
254-spec commands(mod_name(), fsm_state()) -> proper_types:type().
255commands(Mod, InitialState) ->
256  ?USERNF(commands_gen(Mod, InitialState),
257          next_commands_gen(Mod, InitialState)).
259-spec commands_gen(mod_name(), fsm_state()) -> proper_types:type().
260commands_gen(Mod, {Name,Data} = InitialState) ->
261    State = #state{name = Name, data = Data, mod = Mod},
262    ?LET([_|Cmds],
263	 proper_statem:commands_gen(?MODULE, State),
264	 [{init,InitialState}|Cmds]).
266next_commands_gen(Mod) ->
267  InitialState = initial_state(Mod),
268  StatemNext = proper_statem:next_commands_gen(?MODULE, InitialState),
269  fun (Cmds, {Depth, Temp}) ->
270      ?LET([_ | NextCmds], StatemNext(Cmds, {Depth, Temp}), NextCmds)
271  end.
273next_commands_gen(Mod, {Name, Data} = InitialState) ->
274  State = #state{name = Name, data = Data, mod = Mod},
275  StatemNext = proper_statem:next_commands_gen(?MODULE, State),
276  fun (Cmds, {Depth, Temp}) ->
277      ?LET([_ | NextCmds], StatemNext(Cmds, {Depth, Temp}),
278           [{init, InitialState} | NextCmds])
279  end.
281%% @doc Evaluates a given symbolic command sequence `Cmds' according to the
282%% finite state machine specified in `Mod'. The result is a triple of the
283%% form<br/> `{History, FsmState, Result}', similar to
284%% {@link proper_statem:run_commands/2}.
286-spec run_commands(mod_name(), command_list()) ->
287         {history(),fsm_state(),fsm_result()}.
288run_commands(Mod, Cmds) ->
289    run_commands(Mod, Cmds, []).
291%% @doc Similar to {@link run_commands/2}, but also accepts an environment
292%% used for symbolic variable evaluation, exactly as described in
293%% {@link proper_statem:run_commands/3}.
295-spec run_commands(mod_name(), command_list(), proper_symb:var_values()) ->
296         {history(),fsm_state(),fsm_result()}.
297run_commands(Mod, Cmds, Env) ->
298    Cmds1 = tmp_commands(Mod, Cmds),
299    {H,S,Res} = proper_statem:run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds1, Env),
300    History = [{{Name,Data},R} || {#state{name = Name, data = Data},R} <- H],
301    State = {S#state.name, S#state.data},
302    {History, State, Res}.
304%% @doc Extracts the names of the states from a given command execution history.
305%% It is useful in combination with functions such as {@link proper:aggregate/2}
306%% in order to collect statistics about state transitions during command
307%% execution.
309-spec state_names(history()) -> [state_name()].
310state_names(History) ->
311    [SName || {{SName,_},_Res} <- History].
314%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
315%% Proper_statem bahaviour callback functions
316%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
318-spec initial_state(mod_name()) -> state().
319initial_state(Mod) ->
320    S_name = Mod:initial_state(),
321    S_data = Mod:initial_state_data(),
322    #state{name = S_name, data = S_data, mod = Mod}.
324%% @private
325-spec command(state()) -> proper_types:type().
326command(#state{name = From, data = Data, mod = Mod}) ->
327    choose_transition(Mod, From, get_transitions(Mod, From, Data)).
329%% @private
330-spec precondition(state(), symbolic_call()) -> boolean().
331precondition(#state{name = From, data = Data, mod = Mod}, Call) ->
332    Targets = target_states(Mod, From, Data, Call),
333    case [To || To <- Targets,
334		Mod:precondition(From, cook_history(From, To), Data, Call)] of
335	[]   ->
336	    false;
337	[_T] ->
338	    true;
339	_ ->
340	    io:format(
341	      "~nError: The transition from \"~w\" state triggered by ~w "
342	      "call leads to multiple target states.~nUse the precondition/5 "
343              "callback to specify which target state should be chosen.~n",
344	      [From, get_mfa(Call)]),
345	    erlang:error(too_many_targets)
346    end.
348%% @private
349-spec next_state(state(), symbolic_var() | cmd_result(), symbolic_call()) -> state().
350next_state(S = #state{name = From, data = Data, mod = Mod} , Var, Call) ->
351    To = cook_history(From, transition_target(Mod, From, Data, Call)),
352    S#state{name = To,
353	    data = Mod:next_state_data(From, To, Data, Var, Call)}.
355%% @private
356-spec postcondition(state(), symbolic_call(), cmd_result()) -> boolean().
357postcondition(#state{name = From, data = Data, mod = Mod}, Call, Res) ->
358    To = cook_history(From, transition_target(Mod, From, Data, Call)),
359    Mod:postcondition(From, To, Data, Call, Res).
362%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
363%% Utility functions
364%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
366-spec tmp_commands(mod_name(), command_list()) -> [tmp_command()].
367tmp_commands(Mod, Cmds) ->
368    case Cmds of
369	[{init, {Name,Data}}|Rest] ->
370	    I = #state{name = Name, data = Data, mod = Mod},
371	    [{init,I}|Rest];
372	Rest ->
373	    I = initial_state(Mod),
374	    [{init,I}|Rest]
375    end.
377-spec get_transitions(mod_name(), state_name(), state_data()) ->
378         [transition()].
379get_transitions(Mod, StateName, Data) ->
380    case StateName of
381	From when is_atom(From) ->
382	    Mod:From(Data);
383	From when is_tuple(From) ->
384	    Fun = element(1, From),
385	    Args = tl(tuple_to_list(From)),
386	    apply(Mod, Fun, Args ++ [Data])
387    end.
389-spec choose_transition(mod_name(), state_name(), [transition()]) ->
390         proper_types:type().
391choose_transition(Mod, From, T_list) ->
392    case is_exported(Mod, {weight,3}) of
393	false ->
394	    choose_uniform_transition(T_list);
395	true ->
396	    choose_weighted_transition(Mod, From, T_list)
397    end.
399-spec choose_uniform_transition([transition()]) -> proper_types:type().
400choose_uniform_transition(T_list) ->
401    List = [CallGen || {_,CallGen} <- T_list],
402    proper_types:safe_union(List).
404-spec choose_weighted_transition(mod_name(), state_name(), [transition()]) ->
405         proper_types:type().
406choose_weighted_transition(Mod, From, T_list) ->
407    List = [{Mod:weight(From, cook_history(From, To), CallGen), CallGen}
408	    || {To,CallGen} <- T_list],
409    proper_types:safe_weighted_union(List).
411-spec cook_history(state_name(), state_name()) -> state_name().
412cook_history(From, history) -> From;
413cook_history(_, To)         -> To.
415-spec is_exported(mod_name(), {fun_name(),arity()}) -> boolean().
416is_exported(Mod, Fun) ->
417    lists:member(Fun, Mod:module_info(exports)).
419-spec transition_target(mod_name(), state_name(), state_data(), symbolic_call()) ->
420         state_name().
421transition_target(Mod, From, Data, Call) ->
422    Targets = target_states(Mod, From, Data, Call),
423    [To] = [T || T <- Targets,
424		 Mod:precondition(From, cook_history(From, T), Data, Call)],
425    To.
427%% @private
428-spec target_states(mod_name(), state_name(), state_data(), symbolic_call()) ->
429         [state_name()].
430target_states(Mod, From, StateData, Call) ->
431    find_target(get_transitions(Mod, From, StateData), Call, []).
433-spec find_target([transition()], symbolic_call(), [state_name()]) ->
434         [state_name()].
435find_target([], _, Accum) -> Accum;
436find_target(Transitions, Call, Accum) ->
437    [{Target,CallGen}|Rest] = Transitions,
438    case is_compatible(Call, CallGen) of
439	true  -> find_target(Rest, Call, [Target|Accum]);
440	false -> find_target(Rest, Call, Accum)
441    end.
443-spec is_compatible(symbolic_call(), symbolic_call()) -> boolean().
444is_compatible({call,M,F,A1}, {call,M,F,A2})
445  when length(A1) =:= length(A2) ->
446    true;
447is_compatible(_, _) ->
448    false.
450-spec get_mfa(symbolic_call()) -> mfa().
451get_mfa({call,M,F,A}) -> {M,F,length(A)}.