1 /*-< CLI.H >---------------------------------------------------------*--------*
2  * GigaBASE                  Version 1.0         (c) 1999  GARRET    *     ?  *
3  * (Post Relational Database Management System)                      *   /\|  *
4  *                                                                   *  /  \  *
5  *                          Created:     13-Jan-2000 K.A. Knizhnik   * / [] \ *
6  *                          Last update: 13-Jan-2000 K.A. Knizhnik   * GARRET *
7  *-------------------------------------------------------------------*--------*
8  * Call level interface to GigaBASE server
9  *-------------------------------------------------------------------*--------*/
11 #ifndef __CLI_H__
12 #define __CLI_H__
15 #ifdef GIGABASE_DLL
17 #define GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY __declspec(dllexport)
18 #else
19 #define GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY __declspec(dllimport)
20 #endif
21 #else
23 #endif
24 #endif
27 #include "config.h"
28 #include <stddef.h>
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #ifdef _WINCE
31 #include "wince.h"
32 #else
33 #include <time.h>
34 #endif
36 #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__cdecl)
37 #define __cdecl
38 #endif
40 #ifdef __cplusplus
41 extern "C" {
42 #endif
44 enum cli_result_code {
45     cli_ok = 0,
46     cli_bad_address = -1,
47     cli_connection_refused = -2,
48     cli_database_not_found = -3,
49     cli_bad_statement = -4,
50     cli_parameter_not_found = -5,
51     cli_unbound_parameter = -6,
52     cli_column_not_found = -7,
53     cli_incompatible_type = -8,
54     cli_network_error = -9,
55     cli_runtime_error = -10,
56     cli_bad_descriptor = -11,
57     cli_unsupported_type = -12,
58     cli_not_found        = -13,
59     cli_not_update_mode  = -14,
60     cli_table_not_found  = -15,
61     cli_not_all_columns_specified = -16,
62     cli_not_fetched = -17,
63     cli_already_updated = -18,
64     cli_table_already_exists = -19,
65     cli_not_implemented = -20,
66     cli_login_failed = -21,
67     cli_empty_parameter = -22,
68     cli_closed_connection = -23,
69     cli_not_unique = -24,
70     cli_xml_parse_error = -25,
71     cli_backup_failed = -26
72 };
74 enum cli_var_type {
75     cli_oid,
76     cli_bool,
77     cli_int1,
78     cli_int2,
79     cli_int4,
80     cli_int8,
81     cli_real4,
82     cli_real8,
83     cli_decimal,
84     cli_asciiz,   /* zero terminated string */
85     cli_pasciiz,  /* pointer to zero terminated string */
86     cli_cstring,  /* string with counter */
87     cli_array_of_oid,
88     cli_array_of_bool,
89     cli_array_of_int1,
90     cli_array_of_int2,
91     cli_array_of_int4,
92     cli_array_of_int8,
93     cli_array_of_real4,
94     cli_array_of_real8,
95     cli_array_of_decimal,
96     cli_array_of_string, /* array of pointers to zero terminated strings */
97     cli_any,     /* use the same type for column as stored in the database */
98     cli_datetime, /* time in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. */
99     cli_autoincrement, /* column of int4 type automatically assigned value during record insert */
100     cli_rectangle,
101     cli_unknown
102 };
104 typedef char         cli_bool_t;
105 typedef signed char  cli_int1_t;
106 typedef signed short cli_int2_t;
107 typedef float        cli_real4_t;
108 typedef double       cli_real8_t;
112 //#define RECTANGLE_COORDINATE_TYPE double
113 #endif
114 typedef RECTANGLE_COORDINATE_TYPE cli_coord_t;
117 #endif
119 typedef struct cli_rectangle_t {
120     cli_coord_t  boundary[RECTANGLE_DIMENSION*2];
121 } cli_rectangle_t;
123 #ifndef CLI_TIME_T_DEFINED
124     typedef time_t cli_time_t;
125 #endif
127 #ifndef __STDTP_H__
128 #ifdef UNICODE
129 typedef wchar_t char_t;
130 #define STRLEN(x)     wcslen(x)
131 #define STRCMP(x, y)  wcscmp(x, y)
132 #define STRCPY(x, y)  wcscpy(x, y)
133 #define STRNCPY(x,y,z) wcsncpy(x, y, z)
134 #define STRCOLL(x, y) wcscoll(x, y)
135 #define STRNCMP(x,y,z) wcsncmp(x, y, z)
136 #define STRLITERAL(x) (wchar_t*)L##x
137 #define PRINTF        wprintf
138 #define FPRINTF       fwprintf
139 #ifdef _WIN32
141 #define SPRINTF       _swprintf
142 #else
143 #define SPRINTF       swprintf
144 #endif
145 #define SPRINTF_BUFFER(buf) buf
146 #else
147 #define SPRINTF       swprintf
148 #define SPRINTF_BUFFER(buf) buf, 0x1000000
149 #endif
150 #define VFPRINTF      vfwprintf
151 #define FSCANF        fwscanf
152 #define SSCANF        swscanf
153 #define GETC(x)       getwc(x)
154 #define UNGETC(x, y)  ungetwc(x, y)
155 #define TOLOWER(x)    towlower((x) & 0xFFFF)
156 #define TOUPPER(x)    towlower((x) & 0xFFFF)
157 #define ISALNUM(x)    iswalnum((x) & 0xFFFF)
158 #define STRSTR(x, y)  wcsstr(x, y)
159 #define STRXFRM(x,y,z) wcsxfrm(x, y, z)
160 #define STRFTIME(a,b,c,d) wcsftime(a,b,c,d)
161 #ifndef _T
162 #define _T(x) L##x
163 #endif
164 #else
165 typedef char char_t;
166 #define STRLEN(x)     strlen(x)
167 #define STRCMP(x, y)  strcmp(x, y)
168 #define STRCPY(x, y)  strcpy(x, y)
169 #define STRNCPY(x,y,z) strncpy(x, y, z)
170 #define STRCOLL(x, y) strcoll(x, y)
171 #define STRNCMP(x,y,z) strncmp(x, y, z)
172 #define PRINTF        printf
173 #define FPRINTF       fprintf
174 #define SPRINTF       sprintf
175 #define SPRINTF_BUFFER(buf) buf
176 #define VFPRINTF      vfprintf
177 #define FSCANF        fscanf
178 #define SSCANF        sscanf
179 #define GETC(x)       getc(x)
180 #define UNGETC(x, y)  ungetc(x, y)
181 #define TOLOWER(x)    tolower((x) & 0xFF)
182 #define TOUPPER(x)    toupper((x) & 0xFF)
183 #define ISALNUM(x)    isalnum((x) & 0xFF)
184 #define STRSTR(x, y)  strstr(x, y)
185 #define STRXFRM(x,y,z) strxfrm(x, y, z)
186 #define STRFTIME(a,b,c,d) strftime(a,b,c,d)
187 #ifndef _T
188 #define _T(x) x
189 #endif
190 #endif
191 #else
193 #endif
195 typedef struct cli_cstring_t {
196     int     len;
197     char_t* ptr;
198 } cli_cstring_t;
201 #if !defined(SIZEOF_LONG) && (defined(_L64) || defined(_LP64) || defined(__osf__))
202 #define SIZEOF_LONG 8
203 #endif
206 #if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(__BORLANDC__)) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
207 typedef signed __int32     cli_int4_t;
208 typedef __int64            cli_int8_t;
209 typedef unsigned __int64   cli_nat8_t;
210 #else
211 typedef signed int         cli_int4_t;
212 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
213 typedef signed long        cli_int8_t;
214 typedef unsigned long      cli_nat8_t;
215 #else
216 typedef signed long long   cli_int8_t;
217 typedef unsigned long long cli_nat8_t;
218 #endif
219 #endif
221 #ifndef CLI_OID_DEFINED
222 #if dbDatabaseOidBits > 32
223 typedef cli_nat8_t cli_oid_t;
224 #else
225 typedef unsigned cli_oid_t;
226 #endif
227 #endif
229 typedef cli_oid_t cli_cardinality_t;
232 // structure used to represent array field in structure extracted by cli_execute_query
233 typedef struct cli_array_t {
234     size_t size;      // number of elements in the array
235     void*  data;      // pointer to the array elements
236     size_t allocated; // internal field: size of allocated buffer
237 } cli_array_t;
240 /*********************************************************************
241  * cli_open
242  *     Establish connection with the server
243  * Parameters:
244  *     server_url - zero terminated string with server address and port,
245  *                  for example "localhost:5101", "",...
246  *     max_connect_attempts  - number of attempts to establish connection
247  *     reconnect_timeout_sec - timeput in seconds between connection attempts
248  *     user_name - user name for login
249  *     password  - password for login
250  *     pooled_connection - if not 0, then connection will be allocated from the connection pool
251  * Returns:
252  *     >= 0 - connectiondescriptor to be used in all other cli calls
253  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
254  */
255 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_open(char const*   server_url,
256                                 int           max_connect_attempts,
257                                 int           reconnect_timeout_sec,
258                                 char_t const* user_name,
259                                 char_t const* password,
260                                 int           pooled_connection);
262 enum cli_open_attributes {
263     cli_open_default      = 0x00,
264     cli_open_readonly     = 0x01, // open database in readonly mode
265     cli_open_truncate     = 0x02, // truncate database file on open
266     cli_open_no_buffering = 0x04, // do not use file system cache
267     cli_open_multiclient  = 0x08, // use OS file locks to provide multiclient access to the database
268     cli_open_do_not_reuse_oids_on_close = 0x10 // do not reuse OIDs of deallocated objects when session is closed
270 };
271 /*********************************************************************
272  * cli_create
273  *     Create connection to the local database
274  * Parameters:
275  *     databasePath - path to the database file
276  *     transactionCommitDelay - trasnaction commit delay (specify 0 to disable)
277  *     openAttr - mask of cli_open_attributes
278  *     poolSize - size of page pool (in pages), specify 0 to let GigaBASE automaticaly detect pool size
279  * Returns:
280  *     >= 0 - connection descriptor to be used in all other cli calls
281  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
282  */
284 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_create(char_t const* databasePath,
285                                   unsigned      transactionCommitDelay,
286                                   int           openAttr,
287                                   size_t        poolSize);
291 /*********************************************************************
292  * cli_create_encrypted
293  *     Create connection to the local encrypted database
294  * Parameters:
295  *     databasePath - path to the database file
296  *     transactionCommitDelay - trasnaction commit delay (specify 0 to disable)
297  *     openAttr - mask of cli_open_attributes
298  *     poolSize - size of page pool (in pages), specify 0 to let GigaBASE automaticaly detect pool size
299  *     password - password for accessing database
300  * Returns:
301  *     >= 0 - connection descriptor to be used in all other cli calls
302  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
303  */
304 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_create_encrypted(char_t const* databasePath,
305                                             unsigned      transactionCommitDelay,
306                                             int           openAttr,
307                                             size_t        poolSize,
308                                             char const*   password);
309 #endif
311 /*********************************************************************
312  * cli_close
313  *     Close session
314  * Parameters:
315  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
316  * Returns:
317  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
318  */
319 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_close(int session);
321 /*********************************************************************
322  * cli_clear_connection_pool
323  *     Close all released connection in connection pool
324  */
325 void GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_clear_connection_pool();
327 /*********************************************************************
328  * cli_statement
329  *     Specify SubSQL statement to be executed at server
330  *     Binding to the parameters and columns can be established
331  * Parameters:
332  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
333  *     stmt    - zero terminated string with SubSQL statement
334  * Returns:
335  *     >= 0 - statement descriptor
336  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
337  */
338 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_statement(int session, char_t const* stmt);
340 /*********************************************************************
341  * cli_parameter
342  *     Bind parameter to the statement
343  * Parameters:
344  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
345  *     param_name - zero terminated string with parameter name
346  *                  Paramter name should start with '%'
347  *     var_type   - type of variable as described in cli_var_type enum.
348  *                  Only scalar and zero terminated string types are supported.
349  *     var_ptr    - pointer to the variable
350  * Returns:
351  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
352  */
353 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_parameter(int           statement,
354                                      char_t const* param_name,
355                                      int           var_type,
356                                      void*         var_ptr);
358 /*********************************************************************
359  * cli_column
360  *     Bind extracted column of select or insert statement
361  * Parameters:
362  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
363  *     column_name - zero terminated string with column name
364  *     var_type    - type of variable as described in cli_var_type enum
365  *     var_len     - pointer to the variable to hold length of array variable.
366  *                   This variable should be assigned the maximal length
367  *                   of the array/string buffer, pointed by var_ptr.
368  *                   After the execution of the statement it is assigned the
369  *                   real length of the fetched array/string. If it is large
370  *                   than length of the buffer, then only part of the array
371  *                   will be placed in the buffer, but var_len still will
372  *                   contain the actual array length.
373  *     var_ptr     - pointer to the variable
374  * Returns:
375  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
376  */
377 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_column(int           statement,
378                                   char_t const* column_name,
379                                   int           var_type,
380                                   int*          var_len,
381                                   void*         var_ptr);
384 typedef void* (*cli_column_set)(int var_type, void* var_ptr, int len);
385 typedef void* (*cli_column_get)(int var_type, void* var_ptr, int* len);
387 typedef void* (*cli_column_set_ex)(int var_type, void* var_ptr, int len,
388                                    char_t const* column_name, int statement, void const* data_ptr, void* user_data);
389 typedef void* (*cli_column_get_ex)(int var_type, void* var_ptr, int* len,
390                                    char_t const* column_name, int statemen, void* user_data);
392 /*********************************************************************
393  * cli_array_column
394  *     Specify get/set functions for the array column
395  * Parameters:
396  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
397  *     column_name - zero terminated string with column name
398  *     var_type    - type of variable as described in cli_var_type enum
399  *     var_ptr     - pointer to the variable
400  *     set         - function which will be called to construct fetched
401  *                   field. It receives pointer to the variable,
402  *                   length of the fetched array and returns pointer to th
403  *                   array's elements
404  *     get         - function which will be called to update the field in the
405  *                   database. Given pointer to the variable, it should return
406  *                   pointer to the array elements and store length of the
407  *                   array to the variable pointer by len parameter
408  *     user_data   - pointer to user specific data passed to get and set functions
409  * Returns:
410  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
411  */
412 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_array_column(int            statement,
413                                         char_t const*  column_name,
414                                         int            var_type,
415                                         void*          var_ptr,
416                                         cli_column_set set,
417                                         cli_column_get get);
419 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_array_column_ex(int               statement,
420                                            char_t const*     column_name,
421                                            int               var_type,
422                                            void*             var_ptr,
423                                            cli_column_set_ex set,
424                                            cli_column_get_ex get,
425                                            void*             user_data);
428 enum cli_cursor_type_t {
429     cli_cursor_view_only,
430     cli_cursor_for_update,
431     /**
432      * Execute query incrementally
433      */
434     cli_cursor_incremental,
435     /** Detached cursor commits transaction immediately after execution of the query,
436      *  and then temporarily start new transaction for fetching each element.
437      *  Such cursor should be used in conjunction with DO_NOT_REUSE_OID_WITHIN_SESSION to detect
438      *  removed objects.
439      *  Please notice that this cursor is static - it only executed from the selection removed objects,
440      *  but doesn't try to add the selection new records which match search criteria or remove
441      *  record which do not match this criteria any more.
442      */
443     cli_cursor_detached
444 };
446 /*********************************************************************
447  * cli_fetch
448  *     Execute select statement.
449  * Parameters:
450  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
451  *     cursor_type - cursor type described by cli_cursor_type_t enum
452  * Returns:
453  *     >= 0 - success, for select statements number of fetched rows is returned
454  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
455  */
456 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_fetch(int statement, int cursor_type);
458 /*********************************************************************
459  * cli_fetch_ex
460  *     Execute select statement.
461  * Parameters:
463  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
464  *     for_update - not zero if fetched rows will be updated
465  *     n_fetched_records - pointer to the location to receive number of fetched records
466  * Returns:
467  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
468  */
469 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_fetch_ex(int statement, int for_update, cli_cardinality_t* n_fetched_records);
471 /*********************************************************************
472  * cli_insert
473  *     Execute insert statement.
474  * Parameters:
475  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
476  *     oid        - object identifier of created record.
477  * Returns:
478  *     status code as described in cli_result_code enum
479  */
480 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_insert(int statement, cli_oid_t* oid);
482 /*********************************************************************
483  * cli_batch_insert
484  *     Execute batch insert statement. In batch insert mode records will be included in indices
485  *     at the trasnaction commit time or after explicit execution of cli_exec_batch
486  * Parameters:
487  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
488  *     oid        - object identifier of created record.
489  * Returns:
490  *     status code as described in cli_result_code enum
491  */
492 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_batch_insert(int statement, cli_oid_t* oid);
494 /*********************************************************************
495  * cli_get_first
496  *     Get first row of the selection.
497  * Parameters:
498  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
499  * Returns:
500  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
501  */
502 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_first(int statement);
504 /*********************************************************************
505  * cli_get_last
506  *     Get last row of the selection.
507  * Parameters:
508  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
509  * Returns:
510  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
511  */
512 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_last(int statement);
514 /*********************************************************************
515  * cli_get_next
516  *     Get next row of the selection. If get_next records is called
517  *     exactly after cli_fetch function call, is will fetch the first record
518  *     in selection.
519  * Parameters:
520  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
521  * Returns:
522  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
523  */
524 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_next(int statement);
526 /*********************************************************************
527  * cli_get_prev
528  *     Get previous row of the selection. If get_next records is called
529  *     exactly after cli_fetch function call, is will fetch the last record
530  *     in selection.
531  * Parameters:
532  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
533  * Returns:
534  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
535  */
536 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_prev(int statement);
538 /*********************************************************************
539  * cli_skip
540  *     Skip specified number of rows.
541  * Parameters:
542  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
543  *     n          - number of objects to be skipped
544  *                - if "n" is positive, then this function has the same effect as
545  *                     executing cli_get_next() function "n" times.
546  *                - if "n" is negative, then this function has the same effect as
547  *                     executing cli_get_prev() function "-n" times.
548  *                - if "n"  is zero, this method just reloads current record
549  * Returns:
550  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
551  */
552 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_skip(int statement, int n);
554 /*********************************************************************
555  * cli_seek
556  *    Position cursor to the record with specified OID
557  * Parameters:
558  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
559  *     oid         - object identifier of the record to which cursor should be positioned
560  * Returns:
561  *     >= 0 - success, position of the record in the selection
562  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
563  */
564 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_seek(int statement, cli_oid_t oid);
566 /*********************************************************************
567  * cli_get_oid
568  *     Get object identifier of the current record
569  * Parameters:
570  *     statement  - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
571  * Returns:
572  *     object identifier or 0 if no object is seleected
573  */
574 cli_oid_t GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_oid(int statement);
576 /*********************************************************************
577  * cli_update
578  *     Update the current row in the selection. You have to set
579  *     for_update parameter of cli_fetch to 1 in order to be able
580  *     to perform updates. Updated value of row fields will be taken
581  *     from bound column variables.
582  * Parameters:
583  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
584  * Returns:
585  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
586  */
587 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_update(int statement);
589 /*********************************************************************
590  * cli_remove
591  *     Remove all selected records. You have to set
592  *     for_update parameter of cli_fetch to 1 in order to be able
593  *     to remove records.
594  * Parameters:
595  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
596  * Returns:
597  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
598  */
599 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_remove(int statement);
601 /*********************************************************************
602  * cli_remove_current
603  *     Remove currently selected record. You have to set
604  *     for_update parameter of cli_fetch to 1 in order to be able
605  *     to remove records.
606  * Parameters:
607  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
608  * Returns:
609  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
610  */
611 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_remove_current(int statement);
613 /*********************************************************************
614  * cli_free
615  *     Deallocate statement and all associated data
616  * Parameters:
617  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
618  * Returns:
619  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
620  */
621 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_free(int statement);
623 /*********************************************************************
624  * cli_close_cursor
625  *     Close current cursor
626  * Parameters:
627  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
628  * Returns:
629  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
630  */
631 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_close_cursor(int statement);
633 /*********************************************************************
634  * cli_exec_batch
635  *     Complete all batch inserts
636  * Parameters:
637  *     session - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
638  * Returns:
639  *     status code as described in cli_result_code enum
640  */
641 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_exec_batch(int session);
643 /*********************************************************************
644  * cli_commit
645  *     Commit current database transaction
646  * Parameters:
647  *     session - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
648  * Returns:
649  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
650  */
651 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_commit(int session);
653 /*********************************************************************
654  * cli_precommit
655  *     Release all locks set by transaction. This methods allows other clients
656  *     to proceed, but it doesn't flush transaction to the disk.
657  * Parameters:
658  *     session - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
659  * Returns:
660  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
661  */
662 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_precommit(int session);
664 /*********************************************************************
665  * cli_abort
666  *     Abort current database transaction
667  * Parameters:
668  *     session - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
669  * Returns:
670  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
671  */
672 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_abort(int session);
674 enum cli_field_flags {
675     cli_hashed           = 1,  /* field should be indexed usnig hash table */
676     cli_indexed          = 2,  /* field should be indexed using B-Tree */
677     cli_case_insensitive = 4,  /* index is case insensitive */
678     cli_cascade_delete   = 8,  /* perfrom cascade delete for for reference or array of reference fields */
679     cli_unique           = 16, /* index containing unique keys */
680     cli_autoincremented  = 32, /* field is assigned automaticall incremented value */
681     cli_optimize_duplicates = 64  /* index with lot of duplicate key values */
682 };
684 typedef struct cli_field_descriptor {
685     enum cli_var_type type;
686     int               flags;
687     char_t const*     name;
688     char_t const*     refTableName;
689     char_t const*     inverseRefFieldName;
690 } cli_field_descriptor;
692 /*********************************************************************
693  * cli_describe
694  *     Describe fileds of specified table
695  * Parameters:
696  *     session - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
697  *     table   - name of the table
698  *     fields  - adress of the pointer to the array of fields descriptors,
699  *               this array should be later deallocated by application by cli_free_memory()
700  * Returns:
701  *     >= 0 - number of fields in the table
702  *     < 0  - result code as described in cli_result_code enum
703  */
704 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_describe(int session, char_t const* table, cli_field_descriptor** fields);
706 typedef struct cli_field_layout {
707     cli_field_descriptor desc;
708     int                  offs;
709     int                  size;
710 } cli_field_layout;
712 /*********************************************************************
713  * cli_describe_layout
714  *     Describe fields layout of specified table
715  * Parameters:
716  *     session - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
717  *     table   - name of the table
718  *     fields  - address of the pointer to the array of fields layout descriptors,
719  *               this array should be later deallocated by application by cli_free_memory()
720  *     rec_size - pointer to the location to receive size of the record. This size can be used by application to allocate buffer for cli_execute_query function
721  * Returns:
722  *     >= 0 - number of fields in the table
723  *     < 0  - result code as described in cli_result_code enum
724  */
725 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_describe_layout(int session, char_t const* table, cli_field_layout** fields, int* rec_size);
727 /*********************************************************************
728  * cli_get_field_size
729  *     Calculate field size
730  * Parameters:
731  *     fields  - array with fields descriptors obtained using cli_describe function
732  *     field_no - number of the field
733  */
734 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_field_size(cli_field_descriptor* fields, int field_no);
736 /*********************************************************************
737  * cli_get_field_offset
738  *     Calculate offset of the field
739  * Parameters:
740  *     fields  - array with fields descriptors obtained using cli_describe function
741  *     field_no - number of the field
742  */
743 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_field_offset(cli_field_descriptor* fields, int field_no);
745 typedef struct cli_table_descriptor {
746     char_t const*       name;
747 } cli_table_descriptor;
749 /*********************************************************************
750  * cli_show_tables
751  *     Show all tables of specified database
752  * Parameters:
753  *     session - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
754  *     tables  - address of the pointer to the array of tables descriptors,
755  *               this array should be later deallocated by application by cli_free_memory()
756  * Returns:
757  *     >= 0 - number of tables in the database (Metatable is not returned/counted)
758  *     < 0  - result code as described in cli_result_code enum
759  */
760 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_show_tables(int session, cli_table_descriptor** tables);
764 /*********************************************************************
765  * cli_create_table
766  *     Create new table
767  * Parameters:
768  *     session   - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
769  *     tableName - name of new table
770  *     nFields   - number of columns in the table
771  *     fields    - array with table columns descriptors
772  * Returns:
773  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
774  */
775 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_create_table(int session, char_t const* tableName, int nFields,
776                                         cli_field_descriptor* fields);
778 /*********************************************************************
779  * cli_alter_table
780  *     Change table format
781  * Parameters:
782  *     session   - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
783  *     tableName - name of existing table
784  *     nFields   - number of columns in the table
785  *     fields    - array with new table columns descriptors
786  * Returns:
787  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
788  */
789 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_alter_table(int session, char_t const* tableName, int nFields,
790                                        cli_field_descriptor* fields);
792 /*********************************************************************
793  * cli_drop_table
794  *     drop the table
795  * Parameters:
796  *     session   - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
797  *     tableName - name of deleted table
798  * Returns:
799  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
800  */
801 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_drop_table(int session, char_t const* tableName);
804 /*********************************************************************
805  * cli_alter_index
806  *     add or remove column index
807  * Parameters:
808  *     session   - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
809  *     tableName - name of the table
810  *     fieldName - name of field
811  *     newFlags  - new flags of the field, if index exists for this field, but is not specified in
812  *                 <code>newFlags</code> mask, then it will be removed; if index not exists, but is
813  *                 specified in <code>newFlags</code> mask, then it will be created. *
814  * Returns:
815  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
816  */
817 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_alter_index(int session, char_t const* tableName, char_t const* fieldName,
818                                        int newFlags);
821 /*********************************************************************
822  * cli_set_error_handler
823  *     Set GigaBASE error handler. Handler should be no-return function which perform stack unwind.
824  * Parameters:
825  *     session   - session descriptor as returned by cli_open
826  *     handler   - error handler
827  * Returns:
828  *     previous handler
829  */
830 enum cli_error_class {
831     cli_no_error,
832     cli_query_error,
833     cli_arithmetic_error,
834     cli_index_out_of_range_error,
835     cli_database_open_error,
836     cli_file_error,
837     cli_out_of_memory_error,
838     cli_deadlock,
839     cli_null_reference_error,
840     cli_lock_revoked,
841     cli_file_limit_exeeded,
842     cli_database_read_only,
843     cli_unique_constraint_violation,
844     cli_inconsistent_inverse_reference,
845     cli_operation_not_supported,
846     cli_socket_error,
847     cli_cursor_error,
848     cli_access_to_deleted_object,
849     cli_incompatible_schema_change
851 };
852 typedef void (*cli_error_handler)(int error, char const* msg, int msgarg, void* context);
853 cli_error_handler GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_set_error_handler(int session, cli_error_handler new_handler, void* context);
855 /*********************************************************************
856  * cli_freeze
857  *    Freeze cursor. Make it possible to reused cursor after commit of the current transaction.
858  * Parameters:
859  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
860  * Returns:
861  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
862  */
863 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_freeze(int statement);
865 /*********************************************************************
866  * cli_unfreeze
867  *    Unfreeze cursor. Reuse previously frozen cursor.
868  * Parameters:
869  *     statement   - statememt descriptor returned by cli_statement
870  * Returns:
871  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
872  */
873 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_unfreeze(int statement);
876 /*********************************************************************
877  * cli_attach
878  *    Attach thread to the database. Each thread except one opened the database should first
879  *    attach to the database before any access to the database, and detach after end of the work with database
880  * Parameters:
881  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
882  * Returns:
883  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
884  */
885 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_attach(int session);
887 /*********************************************************************
888  * cli_detach
889  *    Detach thread from the database. Each thread except one opened the database should perform
890  *    attach to the database before any access to the database, and detach after end of the work with database
891  * Parameters:
892  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
893  *     detach_mode - bit mask representing detach mode
894  * Returns:
895  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
896  */
897 enum cli_detach_mode {
898     cli_commit_on_detach          = 1,
899     cli_destroy_context_on_detach = 2
900 };
902 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_detach(int session, int detach_mode);
904 /*********************************************************************
905  * cli_free_memory
906  *    Free memory allocated by cli_show_tables and cli_describe
907  * Parameters:
908  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
909  *     ptr - pointer to the allocated buffer
910  */
911 void GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_free_memory(int session, void* ptr);
914 typedef void* cli_transaction_context_t;
915 /*********************************************************************
916  * cli_create_transaction_context
917  *    Create new transaction xontext which can be used in cli_join_transaction function
918  * Parameters:
919  * Returns:
920  *     created transaction context
921  */
922  cli_transaction_context_t GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_create_transaction_context();
924 /*********************************************************************
925  * cli_join_transaction
926  *    Associate current threads with specified transaction context,
927  *    It allows to share single transaction between multiple threads.
928  * Parameters:
929  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
930  *     ctx     - transaction context created by cli_create_transaction_context
931  * Returns:
932  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
933  */
934 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_join_transaction(int session, cli_transaction_context_t ctx);
936 /*********************************************************************
937  * cli_remove_transaction_context
938  *    Remove transaction context
939  * Parameters:
940  *     ctx  transaction context created by cli_create_transaction_context
941  */
942 void GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_remove_transaction_context(cli_transaction_context_t ctx);
945 /*********************************************************************
946  * cli_set_trace_function
947  *    Set trace function which will be used to output GigaBASE trace messages
948  * Parameters:
949  *     func - pointer to trace function which receives trace message terminated with new line character
950  */
951 typedef void (*cli_trace_function_t)(char_t* msg);
952 void GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_set_trace_function(cli_trace_function_t func);
954 /*********************************************************************
955  * cli_prepare_query
956  *     Prepare SubSQL query statement.
957  * Parameters:
958  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
959  *     query   - query string with optional parameters. Parameters are specified
960  *               as '%T' where T is one or two character code of parameter type using the same notation
961  *               as in printf: %d or %i - int, %f - float or double, %ld - int8, %s - string, %p - oid...
962  *               Parameter of cli_rectangle_t* type has format %R, cli_time_t type - %t
963  * Returns:
964  *     >= 0 - statement descriptor
965  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
966  */
967 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_prepare_query(int session, char_t const* query);
969 /**
970  * cli_execute_query
971  *     Execute query previously prepared by cli_prepare_query
972  * Parameters:
973  *     statement - statement descriptor returned by cli_prepare_query
974  *     cursor_type - cursor type described by cli_cursor_type_t enum
975  *     record_struct - structure to receive selected record fields
976  *     ...     - varying list of query parameters
977  * Returns:
978  *     >= 0 - success, for select statements number of fetched rows is returned
979  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
980  */
981 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_execute_query(int statement, int cursor_type, void* record_struct, ...);
983 /**
984  * cli_execute_query_ex
985  *     Execute query previously prepared by cli_prepare_query with parameters passed as array
986  * Parameters:
987  *     statement - statement descriptor returned by cli_prepare_query
988  *     cursor_type - cursor type described by cli_cursor_type_t enum
989  *     record_struct - structure to receive selected record fields
990  *     n_params - number of parameters (cli_var_type)
991  *     param_types - types of parameters
992  *     param_values - array of pointers to parameter values
993  * Returns:
994  *     >= 0 - success, for select statements number of fetched rows is returned
995  *     <  0 - error code as described in cli_result_code enum
996  */
997 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_execute_query_ex(int statement, int cursor_type, void* record_struct, int n_params, int* param_types, void** param_values);
999 /**
1000  * cli_insert_struct
1001  *     Insert new record represented as C structure
1002  * Parameters:
1003  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1004  *     table_name - name of the destination table
1005  *     record_struct - structure specifying value of record fields
1006  *     oid - pointer to the location to receive OID of created record (may be NULL)
1007  * Returns:
1008  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1009  */
1010 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_insert_struct(int session, char_t const* table_name, void* record_struct, cli_oid_t* oid);
1012 /**
1013  * cli_lock
1014  *     Set exclusive database lock
1015  * Parameters:
1016  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1017  * Returns:
1018  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1019  */
1020 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_lock(int session);
1022 typedef enum cli_export_method {
1023     cli_export_all,        /* just export all tables */
1024     cli_export_all_expect, /* '-' Export all tables except the named tables */
1025     cli_export_named_only  /* '+' Only export explicitly named tables */
1026 } cli_export_method;
1028 /**
1029  * cli_xml_export
1030  *     Export all or some subset of database tables in XML format
1031  * Parameters:
1032  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1033  *     out - output stream
1034  *     tables - list of table names
1035  *     n_tables - number of tables
1036  *     method - export method
1037  * Returns:
1038  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1039  */
1040 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_xml_export(int session, FILE* out, char_t const* const* tables, int n_tables, cli_export_method method);
1042 /**
1043  * cli_xml_import
1044  *     Import data from XML stream
1045  * Parameters:
1046  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1047  *     in - input stream
1048  * Returns:
1049  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1050  */
1051 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_xml_import(int session, FILE* in);
1053 /**
1054  * cli_backup
1055  *     Perform database backup
1056  * Parameters:
1057  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1058  *     file_name - backup file name
1059  *     compatify - if true then databae will be compactified during backup -
1060  *                 i.e. all used objects will be placed together without holes; if false then
1061  *                 backup is performed by just writting memory mapped object to the backup file.
1062  * Returns:
1063  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1064  */
1065 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_backup(int session, char_t const* file_name, int compactify);
1067 /**
1068  * cli_backup
1069  *     Schedule database backup
1070  * Parameters:
1071  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1072  *     file_name -  path to backup file. If name ends with '?', then
1073  *                  each backup willbe placed in seprate file with '?' replaced with current timestamp
1074  *     period - period of performing backups in seconds
1075  * Returns:
1076  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1077  */
1078 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_schedule_backup(int session, char_t const* file_name, int period);
1080 /**
1081  * cli_backup
1082  *     Get database size
1083  * Parameters:
1084  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1085  *     size - pointer to the location where size should be stored
1086  * Returns:
1087  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1088  */
1089 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_database_size(int session, cli_nat8_t* size);
1091 /**
1092  * cli_get_wrapping_rectangle
1093  *     Get wrapping rectangle for all objects in table
1094  * Parameters:
1095  *     session - session descriptor returned by cli_open
1096  *     table - table name
1097  *     field - sptial index key field name
1098  *     rect - pointer to wrapper rectangle
1099  * Returns:
1100  *     result code as described in cli_result_code enum
1101  */
1102 int GIGABASE_DLL_ENTRY cli_get_wrapping_rectangle(int session, char_t const* table, char_t const* field, cli_rectangle_t* rect);
1104 #ifdef __cplusplus
1105 }
1106 #endif
1108 #endif