1 /*!
2    \file vector/neta/flow.c
4    \brief Network Analysis library - flow in graph
6    Computes the length of the shortest path between all pairs of nodes
7    in the network.
9    (C) 2009-2010 by Daniel Bundala, and the GRASS Development Team
11    This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
12    (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
14    \author Daniel Bundala (Google Summer of Code 2009)
15  */
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <grass/gis.h>
20 #include <grass/vector.h>
21 #include <grass/glocale.h>
22 #include <grass/dgl/graph.h>
23 #include <grass/neta.h>
sign(dglInt32_t x)25 dglInt32_t sign(dglInt32_t x)
26 {
27     if (x >= 0)
28 	return 1;
29     return -1;
30 }
32 /*!
33    \brief Get max flow from source to sink.
35    Array flow stores flow for each edge. Negative flow corresponds to a
36    flow in opposite direction. The function assumes that the edge costs
37    correspond to edge capacities.
39    \param graph input graph
40    \param source_list list of sources
41    \param sink_list list of sinks
42    \param[out] flow max flows
44    \return number of flows
45    \return -1 on failure
46  */
NetA_flow(dglGraph_s * graph,struct ilist * source_list,struct ilist * sink_list,int * flow)47 int NetA_flow(dglGraph_s * graph, struct ilist *source_list,
48 	      struct ilist *sink_list, int *flow)
49 {
50     int nnodes, nlines, i;
51     dglEdgesetTraverser_s et;
52     dglInt32_t *queue;
53     dglInt32_t **prev;
54     char *is_source, *is_sink;
55     int begin, end, total_flow;
56     int have_node_costs;
57     dglInt32_t ncost;
59     nnodes = dglGet_NodeCount(graph);
60     nlines = dglGet_EdgeCount(graph) / 2;	/*each line corresponds to two edges. One in each direction */
61     queue = (dglInt32_t *) G_calloc(nnodes + 3, sizeof(dglInt32_t));
62     prev = (dglInt32_t **) G_calloc(nnodes + 3, sizeof(dglInt32_t *));
63     is_source = (char *)G_calloc(nnodes + 3, sizeof(char));
64     is_sink = (char *)G_calloc(nnodes + 3, sizeof(char));
65     if (!queue || !prev || !is_source || !is_sink) {
66 	G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));
67 	return -1;
68     }
70     for (i = 0; i < source_list->n_values; i++)
71 	is_source[source_list->value[i]] = 1;
72     for (i = 0; i < sink_list->n_values; i++)
73 	is_sink[sink_list->value[i]] = 1;
75     for (i = 0; i <= nlines; i++)
76 	flow[i] = 0;
78     ncost = 0;
79     have_node_costs = dglGet_NodeAttrSize(graph);
81     total_flow = 0;
82     while (1) {
83 	dglInt32_t node, edge_id, min_residue;
84 	int found = -1;
86 	begin = end = 0;
87 	for (i = 0; i < source_list->n_values; i++)
88 	    queue[end++] = source_list->value[i];
90 	for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++) {
91 	    prev[i] = NULL;
92 	}
93 	while (begin != end && found == -1) {
94 	    dglInt32_t vertex = queue[begin++];
95 	    dglInt32_t *edge, *node = dglGetNode(graph, vertex);
97 	    dglEdgeset_T_Initialize(&et, graph,
98 				    dglNodeGet_OutEdgeset(graph, node));
99 	    for (edge = dglEdgeset_T_First(&et); edge;
100 		 edge = dglEdgeset_T_Next(&et)) {
101 		dglInt32_t cap = dglEdgeGet_Cost(graph, edge);
102 		dglInt32_t id = dglEdgeGet_Id(graph, edge);
103 		dglInt32_t to =
104 		    dglNodeGet_Id(graph, dglEdgeGet_Tail(graph, edge));
105 		if (!is_source[to] && prev[to] == NULL &&
106 		    cap > sign(id) * flow[abs(id)]) {
107 		    prev[to] = edge;
108 		    if (is_sink[to]) {
109 			found = to;
110 			break;
111 		    }
112 		    /* do not go through closed nodes */
113 		    if (have_node_costs) {
114 			memcpy(&ncost, dglNodeGet_Attr(graph, dglEdgeGet_Tail(graph, edge)),
115 			       sizeof(ncost));
116 		    }
117 		    if (ncost >= 0)
118 			queue[end++] = to;
119 		}
120 	    }
121 	    dglEdgeset_T_Release(&et);
122 	}
123 	if (found == -1)
124 	    break;		/*no augmenting path */
125 	/*find minimum residual capacity along the augmenting path */
126 	node = found;
127 	edge_id = dglEdgeGet_Id(graph, prev[node]);
128 	min_residue =
129 	    dglEdgeGet_Cost(graph,
130 			    prev[node]) - sign(edge_id) * flow[abs(edge_id)];
131 	while (!is_source[node]) {
132 	    dglInt32_t residue;
134 	    edge_id = dglEdgeGet_Id(graph, prev[node]);
135 	    residue =
136 		dglEdgeGet_Cost(graph,
137 				prev[node]) -
138 		sign(edge_id) * flow[abs(edge_id)];
139 	    if (residue < min_residue)
140 		min_residue = residue;
141 	    node = dglNodeGet_Id(graph, dglEdgeGet_Head(graph, prev[node]));
142 	}
143 	total_flow += min_residue;
144 	/*update flow along the augmenting path */
145 	node = found;
146 	while (!is_source[node]) {
147 	    edge_id = dglEdgeGet_Id(graph, prev[node]);
148 	    flow[abs(edge_id)] += sign(edge_id) * min_residue;
149 	    node = dglNodeGet_Id(graph, dglEdgeGet_Head(graph, prev[node]));
150 	}
151     }
153     G_free(queue);
154     G_free(prev);
155     G_free(is_source);
156     G_free(is_sink);
158     return total_flow;
159 }
161 /*!
162    \brief Calculates minimum cut between source(s) and sink(s).
164    Flow is the array produced by NetA_flow() method when called with
165    source_list and sink_list as the input. The output of this and
166    NetA_flow() method should be the same.
168    \param graph input graph
169    \param source_list list of sources
170    \param sink_list list of sinks
171    \param flow
172    \param[out] cut list of edges (cut)
174    \return number of edges
175    \return -1 on failure
176  */
NetA_min_cut(dglGraph_s * graph,struct ilist * source_list,struct ilist * sink_list,int * flow,struct ilist * cut)177 int NetA_min_cut(dglGraph_s * graph, struct ilist *source_list,
178 		 struct ilist *sink_list, int *flow, struct ilist *cut)
179 {
180     int nnodes, i;
181     dglEdgesetTraverser_s et;
182     dglInt32_t *queue;
183     char *visited;
184     int begin, end, total_flow;
186     nnodes = dglGet_NodeCount(graph);
187     queue = (dglInt32_t *) G_calloc(nnodes + 3, sizeof(dglInt32_t));
188     visited = (char *)G_calloc(nnodes + 3, sizeof(char));
189     if (!queue || !visited) {
190 	G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));
191 	return -1;
192     }
194     total_flow = begin = end = 0;
196     for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++)
197 	visited[i] = 0;
199     for (i = 0; i < source_list->n_values; i++) {
200 	queue[end++] = source_list->value[i];
201 	visited[source_list->value[i]] = 1;
202     }
204     /* find vertices reachable from source(s) using only non-saturated edges */
205     while (begin != end) {
206 	dglInt32_t vertex = queue[begin++];
207 	dglInt32_t *edge, *node = dglGetNode(graph, vertex);
209 	dglEdgeset_T_Initialize(&et, graph,
210 				dglNodeGet_OutEdgeset(graph, node));
211 	for (edge = dglEdgeset_T_First(&et); edge;
212 	     edge = dglEdgeset_T_Next(&et)) {
213 	    dglInt32_t cap = dglEdgeGet_Cost(graph, edge);
214 	    dglInt32_t id = dglEdgeGet_Id(graph, edge);
215 	    dglInt32_t to =
216 		dglNodeGet_Id(graph, dglEdgeGet_Tail(graph, edge));
217 	    if (!visited[to] && cap > sign(id) * flow[abs(id)]) {
218 		visited[to] = 1;
219 		queue[end++] = to;
220 	    }
221 	}
222 	dglEdgeset_T_Release(&et);
223     }
224     /*saturated edges from reachable vertices to non-reachable ones form a minimum cost */
225     Vect_reset_list(cut);
226     for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++) {
227 	if (!visited[i])
228 	    continue;
229 	dglInt32_t *node, *edgeset, *edge;
231 	node = dglGetNode(graph, i);
232 	edgeset = dglNodeGet_OutEdgeset(graph, node);
233 	dglEdgeset_T_Initialize(&et, graph, edgeset);
234 	for (edge = dglEdgeset_T_First(&et); edge;
235 	     edge = dglEdgeset_T_Next(&et)) {
236 	    dglInt32_t to, edge_id;
238 	    to = dglNodeGet_Id(graph, dglEdgeGet_Tail(graph, edge));
239 	    edge_id = abs(dglEdgeGet_Id(graph, edge));
240 	    if (!visited[to] && flow[edge_id] != 0) {
241 		Vect_list_append(cut, edge_id);
242 		total_flow += abs(flow[abs(edge_id)]);
243 	    }
244 	}
245 	dglEdgeset_T_Release(&et);
246     }
248     G_free(visited);
249     G_free(queue);
250     return total_flow;
251 }
253 /*!
254    \brief Splits each vertex of in graph into two vertices
256    The method splits each vertex of in graph into two vertices: in
257    vertex and out vertex. Also, it adds an edge from an in vertex to
258    the corresponding out vertex (capacity=2) and it adds an edge from
259    out vertex to in vertex for each edge present in the in graph
260    (forward capacity=1, backward capacity=0). If the id of a vertex is
261    v then id of in vertex is 2*v-1 and of out vertex 2*v.
263    \param in from graph
264    \param out to graph
265    \param node_costs list of node costs
267    \return number of undirected edges in the graph
268    \return -1 on failure
269  */
NetA_split_vertices(dglGraph_s * in,dglGraph_s * out,int * node_costs)270 int NetA_split_vertices(dglGraph_s * in, dglGraph_s * out, int *node_costs)
271 {
272     dglInt32_t opaqueset[16] =
273 	{ 360000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
274     dglNodeTraverser_s nt;
275     dglInt32_t nnodes, edge_cnt;
276     dglInt32_t *cur_node;
278     nnodes = dglGet_NodeCount(in);
279     dglInitialize(out, (dglByte_t) 1, (dglInt32_t) 0, (dglInt32_t) 0,
280 		  opaqueset);
281     dglNode_T_Initialize(&nt, in);
282     edge_cnt = 0;
283     dglInt32_t max_node_cost = 0;
285     for (cur_node = dglNode_T_First(&nt); cur_node;
286 	 cur_node = dglNode_T_Next(&nt)) {
287 	dglInt32_t v = dglNodeGet_Id(in, cur_node);
289 	edge_cnt++;
290 	dglInt32_t cost = 1;
292 	if (node_costs)
293 	    cost = node_costs[v];
294 	/* skip closed nodes */
295 	if (cost < 0)
296 	    continue;
297 	if (cost > max_node_cost)
298 	    max_node_cost = cost;
299 	dglAddEdge(out, 2 * v - 1, 2 * v, cost, edge_cnt);
300 	dglAddEdge(out, 2 * v, 2 * v - 1, (dglInt32_t) 0, -edge_cnt);
301     }
302     dglNode_T_Release(&nt);
303     dglNode_T_Initialize(&nt, in);
304     for (cur_node = dglNode_T_First(&nt); cur_node;
305 	 cur_node = dglNode_T_Next(&nt)) {
306 	dglEdgesetTraverser_s et;
307 	dglInt32_t *edge;
308 	dglInt32_t v = dglNodeGet_Id(in, cur_node);
309 	dglInt32_t cost = 1;
311 	if (node_costs)
312 	    cost = node_costs[v];
313 	/* skip closed nodes */
314 	if (cost < 0)
315 	    continue;
317 	dglEdgeset_T_Initialize(&et, in, dglNodeGet_OutEdgeset(in, cur_node));
318 	for (edge = dglEdgeset_T_First(&et); edge;
319 	     edge = dglEdgeset_T_Next(&et)) {
320 	    dglInt32_t to;
322 	    to = dglNodeGet_Id(in, dglEdgeGet_Tail(in, edge));
323 	    edge_cnt++;
324 	    dglAddEdge(out, 2 * v, 2 * to - 1, max_node_cost + 1, edge_cnt);
325 	    dglAddEdge(out, 2 * to - 1, 2 * v, (dglInt32_t) 0, -edge_cnt);
326 	}
327 	dglEdgeset_T_Release(&et);
328     }
329     dglNode_T_Release(&nt);
330     if (dglFlatten(out) < 0)
331 	G_fatal_error(_("GngFlatten error"));
332     return edge_cnt;
333 }