1 #include <grass/gis.h>
2 #include <grass/gprojects.h>
3 #include <grass/glocale.h>
5 #include <ogr_srs_api.h>
6 #include <cpl_conv.h>
7 #include "global.h"
9 /* get projection info of OGR layer in GRASS format
10  * return 0 on success (some non-xy SRS)
11  * return 1 if no SRS available
12  * return 2 if SRS available but unreadable */
get_layer_proj(OGRLayerH Ogr_layer,struct Cell_head * cellhd,struct Key_Value ** proj_info,struct Key_Value ** proj_units,char ** proj_srid,char ** proj_wkt,char * geom_col,int verbose)13 int get_layer_proj(OGRLayerH Ogr_layer, struct Cell_head *cellhd,
14 		   struct Key_Value **proj_info,
15 		   struct Key_Value **proj_units,
16 		   char **proj_srid, char **proj_wkt,
17 		   char *geom_col, int verbose)
18 {
19     OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS;
21     hSRS = NULL;
22     *proj_info = NULL;
23     *proj_units = NULL;
24     *proj_srid = NULL;
25     *proj_wkt = NULL;
27     /* Fetch input layer projection in GRASS form. */
28 #if GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 1110000
29     if (geom_col) {
30 	int igeom;
31         OGRGeomFieldDefnH Ogr_geomdefn;
32 	OGRFeatureDefnH Ogr_featuredefn;
34         Ogr_featuredefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(Ogr_layer);
35         igeom = OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldIndex(Ogr_featuredefn, geom_col);
36         if (igeom < 0)
37             G_fatal_error(_("Geometry column <%s> not found in input layer <%s>"),
38                           geom_col, OGR_L_GetName(Ogr_layer));
39         Ogr_geomdefn = OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(Ogr_featuredefn, igeom);
40         hSRS = OGR_GFld_GetSpatialRef(Ogr_geomdefn);
41     }
42     else {
43         hSRS = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(Ogr_layer);
44     }
45 #else
46     hSRS = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(Ogr_layer);	/* should not be freed later */
47 #endif
49     /* verbose is used only when comparing input SRS to GRASS projection,
50      * not when comparing SRS's of several input layers */
51     if (GPJ_osr_to_grass(cellhd, proj_info,
52 			 proj_units, hSRS, 0) < 0) {
53 	/* TODO: GPJ_osr_to_grass() does not return anything < 0
54 	 * check with GRASS 6 and GRASS 5 */
55 	G_warning(_("Unable to convert input layer projection information to "
56 		   "GRASS format for checking"));
57 	if (verbose && hSRS != NULL) {
58 	    char *wkt = NULL;
60 	    if (OSRExportToPrettyWkt(hSRS, &wkt, FALSE) != OGRERR_NONE) {
61 		G_warning(_("Can't get WKT parameter string"));
62 	    }
63 	    else if (wkt) {
64 		G_important_message(_("WKT definition:\n%s"), wkt);
65 	    }
66 	}
68 	return 2;
69     }
70     /* custom checks because if in doubt GPJ_osr_to_grass() returns a
71      * xy CRS */
72     if (hSRS == NULL) {
73 	if (verbose) {
74 	    G_important_message(_("No projection information available for layer <%s>"),
75 				OGR_L_GetName(Ogr_layer));
76 	}
78 	return 1;
79     }
81     if (!OSRIsProjected(hSRS) && !OSRIsGeographic(hSRS)) {
82 	G_important_message(_("Projection for layer <%s> does not contain a valid SRS"),
83 			    OGR_L_GetName(Ogr_layer));
85 	if (verbose) {
86 	    char *wkt = NULL;
88 	    if (OSRExportToPrettyWkt(hSRS, &wkt, FALSE) != OGRERR_NONE) {
89 		G_important_message(_("Can't get WKT parameter string"));
90 	    }
91 	    else if (wkt) {
92 		G_important_message(_("WKT definition:\n%s"), wkt);
93 	    }
94 	}
96 	return 2;
97     }
98     else{
99 	const char *authkey, *authname, *authcode;
100 #if GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 3000000
101 	char **papszOptions;
103 	/* get WKT2 definition */
104 	papszOptions = G_calloc(3, sizeof(char *));
105 	papszOptions[0] = G_store("MULTILINE=YES");
106 	papszOptions[1] = G_store("FORMAT=WKT2");
107 	OSRExportToWktEx(hSRS, proj_wkt, (const char **)papszOptions);
108 	G_free(papszOptions[0]);
109 	G_free(papszOptions[1]);
110 	G_free(papszOptions);
111 #else
112 	OSRExportToWkt(hSRS, proj_wkt);
113 #endif
115 	if (OSRIsProjected(hSRS))
116 	    authkey = "PROJCS";
117 	else /* is geographic */
118 	    authkey = "GEOGCS";
120 	authname = OSRGetAuthorityName(hSRS, authkey);
121 	if (authname && *authname) {
122 	    authcode = OSRGetAuthorityCode(hSRS, authkey);
123 	    if (authcode && *authcode) {
124 		G_asprintf(proj_srid, "%s:%s", authname, authcode);
125 	    }
126 	}
127     }
129     return 0;
130 }
133 /* compare projections of all OGR layers
134  * return 0 if all layers have the same projection
135  * return 1 if layer projections differ */
cmp_layer_srs(ds_t Ogr_ds,int nlayers,int * layers,char ** layer_names,char * geom_col)136 int cmp_layer_srs(ds_t Ogr_ds, int nlayers, int *layers,
137 		  char **layer_names, char *geom_col)
138 {
139     int layer;
140     struct Key_Value *proj_info1, *proj_units1;
141     char *proj_srid1, *proj_wkt1;
142     struct Key_Value *proj_info2, *proj_units2;
143     char *proj_srid2, *proj_wkt2;
144     struct Cell_head cellhd1, cellhd2;
145     OGRLayerH Ogr_layer;
147     if (nlayers == 1)
148 	return 0;
150     proj_info1 = proj_units1 = NULL;
151     proj_srid1 = proj_wkt1 = NULL;
152     proj_info2 = proj_units2 = NULL;
153     proj_srid2 = proj_wkt2 = NULL;
155     G_get_window(&cellhd1);
156     layer = 0;
157     do {
158 	/* Get first SRS */
159 	Ogr_layer = ds_getlayerbyindex(Ogr_ds, layers[layer]);
161 	if (get_layer_proj(Ogr_layer, &cellhd1, &proj_info1, &proj_units1,
162 			   &proj_srid1, &proj_wkt1, geom_col, 0) == 0) {
163 	    break;
164 	}
165 	layer++;
166     } while (layer < nlayers);
168     if (layer == nlayers) {
169 	/* could not get layer proj in GRASS format for any of the layers
170 	 * -> projections of all layers are the same, i.e. unreadable by GRASS */
171 	G_warning(_("Layer projections are unreadable"));
172 	if (proj_info1)
173 	    G_free_key_value(proj_info1);
174 	if (proj_units1)
175 	    G_free_key_value(proj_units1);
176 	if (proj_srid1)
177 	    G_free(proj_srid1);
178 	if (proj_wkt1)
179 	    CPLFree(proj_wkt1);
181 	return 0;
182     }
183     if (layer > 0) {
184 	/* could not get layer proj in GRASS format for at least one of the layers
185 	 * -> mix of unreadable and readable projections  */
186 	G_warning(_("Projection for layer <%s> is unreadable"),
187 	          layer_names[layer]);
188 	if (proj_info1)
189 	    G_free_key_value(proj_info1);
190 	if (proj_units1)
191 	    G_free_key_value(proj_units1);
192 	if (proj_srid1)
193 	    G_free(proj_srid1);
194 	if (proj_wkt1)
195 	    CPLFree(proj_wkt1);
197 	return 1;
198     }
200     for (layer = 1; layer < nlayers; layer++) {
201 	/* Get SRS of other layer(s) */
202 	Ogr_layer = ds_getlayerbyindex(Ogr_ds, layers[layer]);
203 	G_get_window(&cellhd2);
204 	if (get_layer_proj(Ogr_layer, &cellhd2, &proj_info2, &proj_units2,
205 			   &proj_srid2, &proj_wkt2, geom_col, 0) != 0) {
206 	    if (proj_info1)
207 		G_free_key_value(proj_info1);
208 	    if (proj_units1)
209 		G_free_key_value(proj_units1);
210 	    if (proj_srid1)
211 		G_free(proj_srid1);
212 	    if (proj_wkt1)
213 		CPLFree(proj_wkt1);
215 	    return 1;
216 	}
218 	if (cellhd1.proj != cellhd2.proj
219 	    || G_compare_projections(proj_info1, proj_units1,
220 				     proj_info2, proj_units2) < 0) {
221 	    if (proj_info1)
222 		G_free_key_value(proj_info1);
223 	    if (proj_units1)
224 		G_free_key_value(proj_units1);
225 	    if (proj_srid1)
226 		G_free(proj_srid1);
227 	    if (proj_wkt1)
228 		CPLFree(proj_wkt1);
229 	    if (proj_info2)
230 		G_free_key_value(proj_info2);
231 	    if (proj_units2)
232 		G_free_key_value(proj_units2);
233 	    if (proj_srid2)
234 		G_free(proj_srid2);
235 	    if (proj_wkt2)
236 		CPLFree(proj_wkt2);
238 	    G_warning(_("Projection of layer <%s> is different from "
239 			"projection of layer <%s>"),
240 			layer_names[layer], layer_names[layer - 1]);
242 	    return 1;
243 	 }
244 	if (proj_info2)
245 	    G_free_key_value(proj_info2);
246 	if (proj_units2)
247 	    G_free_key_value(proj_units2);
248 	if (proj_srid2)
249 	    G_free(proj_srid2);
250 	if (proj_wkt2)
251 	    CPLFree(proj_wkt2);
252     }
253     if (proj_info1)
254 	G_free_key_value(proj_info1);
255     if (proj_units1)
256 	G_free_key_value(proj_units1);
257     if (proj_srid1)
258 	G_free(proj_srid1);
259     if (proj_wkt1)
260 	CPLFree(proj_wkt1);
262     return 0;
263 }
265 /* keep in sync with r.in.gdal, r.external, v.external */
check_projection(struct Cell_head * cellhd,ds_t hDS,int layer,char * geom_col,char * outloc,int create_only,int override,int check_only)266 void check_projection(struct Cell_head *cellhd, ds_t hDS, int layer, char *geom_col,
267                       char *outloc, int create_only, int override,
268 		      int check_only)
269 {
270     struct Cell_head loc_wind;
271     struct Key_Value *proj_info = NULL,
272                      *proj_units = NULL;
273     struct Key_Value *loc_proj_info = NULL,
274                      *loc_proj_units = NULL;
275     char *wkt = NULL, *srid = NULL;
276     char error_msg[8096];
277     int proj_trouble;
278     OGRLayerH Ogr_layer;
280     /* Get first layer to be imported to use for projection check */
281     Ogr_layer = ds_getlayerbyindex(hDS, layer);
283     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
284     /*      Fetch the projection in GRASS form, SRID, and WKT.              */
285     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
287     /* proj_trouble:
288      * 0: valid srs
289      * 1: no srs, default to xy
290      * 2: unreadable srs, default to xy
291      */
293     /* Projection only required for checking so convert non-interactively */
294     proj_trouble = get_layer_proj(Ogr_layer, cellhd, &proj_info, &proj_units,
295 		                  &srid, &wkt, geom_col, 1);
297     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
298     /*      Do we need to create a new location?                            */
299     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
300     if (outloc != NULL) {
301 	/* do not create a xy location because this can mean that the
302 	 * real SRS has not been recognized or is missing */
303 	if (proj_trouble) {
304 	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to convert input map projection to GRASS "
305 			    "format; cannot create new location."));
306 	}
307 	else {
308             if (0 != G_make_location_crs(outloc, cellhd, proj_info,
309 	                                 proj_units, srid, wkt)) {
310                 G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create new location <%s>"),
311                               outloc);
312             }
313 	    G_message(_("Location <%s> created"), outloc);
315 	    G_unset_window();	/* new location, projection, and window */
316 	    G_get_window(cellhd);
317 	}
319         /* If create only, clean up and exit here */
320         if (create_only) {
321 	    ds_close(hDS);
322             exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
323         }
324     }
325     else {
326 	int err = 0;
327         void (*msg_fn)(const char *, ...);
329 	if (check_only && override) {
330 	    /* can't check when over-riding check */
331 	    override = 0;
332 	}
334 	if (proj_trouble == 2) {
335 	    strcpy(error_msg, _("Unable to convert input map projection information "
336 		                "to GRASS format."));
337             if (override) {
338                 msg_fn = G_warning;
339 	    }
340             else {
341                 msg_fn = G_fatal_error;
342 		ds_close(hDS);
343 	    }
344             msg_fn(error_msg);
345             if (!override) {
346                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
347 	    }
348 	}
350 	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
351 	/*      Does the projection of the current location match the           */
352 	/*      dataset?                                                        */
353 	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
354 	G_get_default_window(&loc_wind);
355 	/* fetch LOCATION PROJ info */
356 	if (loc_wind.proj != PROJECTION_XY) {
357 	    loc_proj_info = G_get_projinfo();
358 	    loc_proj_units = G_get_projunits();
359 	}
361 	if (override) {
362 	    cellhd->proj = loc_wind.proj;
363 	    cellhd->zone = loc_wind.zone;
364 	    G_message(_("Over-riding projection check"));
365 	}
366 	else if (loc_wind.proj != cellhd->proj
367 		 || (err =
368 		     G_compare_projections(loc_proj_info, loc_proj_units,
369 					   proj_info, proj_units)) != 1) {
370 	    int i_value;
372 	    strcpy(error_msg,
373 		   _("Projection of dataset does not"
374 		     " appear to match current location.\n\n"));
376 	    /* TODO: output this info sorted by key: */
377 	    if (loc_wind.proj != cellhd->proj || err != -2) {
378 		/* error in proj_info */
379 		if (loc_proj_info != NULL) {
380 		    strcat(error_msg, _("Location PROJ_INFO is:\n"));
381 		    for (i_value = 0; i_value < loc_proj_info->nitems;
382 			 i_value++)
383 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg), "%s: %s\n",
384 				loc_proj_info->key[i_value],
385 				loc_proj_info->value[i_value]);
386 		    strcat(error_msg, "\n");
387 		}
388 		else {
389 		    strcat(error_msg, _("Location PROJ_INFO is:\n"));
390 		    if (loc_wind.proj == PROJECTION_XY)
391 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
392 				"Location proj = %d (unreferenced/unknown)\n",
393 				loc_wind.proj);
394 		    else if (loc_wind.proj == PROJECTION_LL)
395 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
396 				"Location proj = %d (lat/long)\n",
397 				loc_wind.proj);
398 		    else if (loc_wind.proj == PROJECTION_UTM)
399 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
400 				"Location proj = %d (UTM), zone = %d\n",
401 				loc_wind.proj, cellhd->zone);
402 		    else
403 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
404 				"Location proj = %d (unknown), zone = %d\n",
405 				loc_wind.proj, cellhd->zone);
406 		}
408 		if (proj_info != NULL) {
409 		    strcat(error_msg, _("Dataset PROJ_INFO is:\n"));
410 		    for (i_value = 0; i_value < proj_info->nitems; i_value++)
411 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg), "%s: %s\n",
412 				proj_info->key[i_value],
413 				proj_info->value[i_value]);
414 		}
415 		else {
416 		    strcat(error_msg, _("Dataset PROJ_INFO is:\n"));
417 		    if (cellhd->proj == PROJECTION_XY)
418 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
419 				"Dataset proj = %d (unreferenced/unknown)\n",
420 				cellhd->proj);
421 		    else if (cellhd->proj == PROJECTION_LL)
422 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
423 				"Dataset proj = %d (lat/long)\n",
424 				cellhd->proj);
425 		    else if (cellhd->proj == PROJECTION_UTM)
426 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
427 				"Dataset proj = %d (UTM), zone = %d\n",
428 				cellhd->proj, cellhd->zone);
429 		    else
430 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg),
431 				"Dataset proj = %d (unknown), zone = %d\n",
432 				cellhd->proj, cellhd->zone);
433 		}
434 		if (loc_wind.proj != cellhd->proj) {
435 		    strcat(error_msg, "\nDifference in: proj\n");
436 		}
437 		else {
438 		    strcat(error_msg, "\nDifference in: ");
439 		    switch (err) {
440 		    case -1:
441 			strcat(error_msg, "proj\n");
442 			break;
443 		    case -2:
444 			strcat(error_msg, "units\n");
445 			break;
446 		    case -3:
447 			strcat(error_msg, "datum\n");
448 			break;
449 		    case -4:
450 			strcat(error_msg, "ellps, a, es\n");
451 			break;
452 		    case -5:
453 			strcat(error_msg, "zone\n");
454 			break;
455 		    case -6:
456 			strcat(error_msg, "south\n");
457 			break;
458 		    case -7:
459 			strcat(error_msg, "x_0\n");
460 			break;
461 		    case -8:
462 			strcat(error_msg, "y_0\n");
463 			break;
464 		    case -9:
465 			strcat(error_msg, "lon_0\n");
466 			break;
467 		    case -10:
468 			strcat(error_msg, "lat_0\n");
469 			break;
470 		    case -11:
471 			strcat(error_msg, "lat_1, lat2\n");
472 			break;
473 		    }
474 		}
475 	    }
476 	    else {
477 		/* error in proj_units */
478 		if (loc_proj_units != NULL) {
479 		    strcat(error_msg, "Location PROJ_UNITS is:\n");
480 		    for (i_value = 0; i_value < loc_proj_units->nitems;
481 			 i_value++)
482 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg), "%s: %s\n",
483 				loc_proj_units->key[i_value],
484 				loc_proj_units->value[i_value]);
485 		    strcat(error_msg, "\n");
486 		}
488 		if (proj_units != NULL) {
489 		    strcat(error_msg, "Dataset PROJ_UNITS is:\n");
490 		    for (i_value = 0; i_value < proj_units->nitems; i_value++)
491 			sprintf(error_msg + strlen(error_msg), "%s: %s\n",
492 				proj_units->key[i_value],
493 				proj_units->value[i_value]);
494 		}
495 	    }
496             if (!check_only) {
497                 strcat(error_msg,
498                        _("\nIn case of no significant differences in the projection definitions,"
499                          " use the -o flag to ignore them and use"
500                          " current location definition.\n"));
501                 strcat(error_msg,
502                        _("Consider generating a new location from the input dataset using "
503                          "the 'location' parameter.\n"));
504             }
506 	    if (check_only)
507 		msg_fn = G_message;
508 	    else
509 		msg_fn = G_fatal_error;
510 	    msg_fn("%s", error_msg);
511 	    if (check_only) {
512 		ds_close(hDS);
513 		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
514 	    }
515 	}
516 	else {
517 	    if (check_only)
518 		msg_fn = G_message;
519 	    else
520 		msg_fn = G_verbose_message;
521 	    msg_fn(_("Projection of input dataset and current location "
522 		     "appear to match"));
523 	    if (check_only) {
524 		ds_close(hDS);
525 		exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
526 	    }
527 	}
528     }
529 }