1 /**
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4  * distributed with this work for additional information
5  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
19 package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
21 import java.io.IOException;
22 import java.net.BindException;
23 import java.net.InetAddress;
24 import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
25 import java.net.ServerSocket;
26 import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
28 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
29 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
30 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.SmallTests;
31 import org.junit.Assert;
32 import org.junit.Rule;
33 import org.junit.Test;
34 import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
35 import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
37 /**
38  * This tests whether ServerSocketChannel works over ipv6, which Zookeeper
39  * depends on. On Windows Oracle JDK 6, creating a ServerSocketChannel throws
40  * java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol family
41  * exception. It is a known JVM bug, seems to be only resolved for JDK7:
42  * http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6230761
43  *
44  * For this test, we check that whether we are effected by this bug, and if so
45  * the test ensures that we are running with java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true, so
46  * that ZK will not fail to bind to ipv6 address using ClientCnxnSocketNIO.
47  */
48 @Category(SmallTests.class)
49 public class TestIPv6NIOServerSocketChannel {
51   private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestIPv6NIOServerSocketChannel.class);
53   @Rule
54   public final TestRule timeout = CategoryBasedTimeout.builder().
55     withTimeout(this.getClass()).withLookingForStuckThread(true).build();
56   /**
57    * Creates and binds a regular ServerSocket.
58    */
bindServerSocket(InetAddress inetAddr)59   private void bindServerSocket(InetAddress inetAddr) throws IOException {
60     while(true) {
61       int port = HBaseTestingUtility.randomFreePort();
62       InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(inetAddr, port);
63       ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
64       try {
65         serverSocket = new ServerSocket();
66         serverSocket.bind(addr);
67         break;
68       } catch (BindException ex) {
69         //continue
70       } finally {
71         if (serverSocket != null) {
72           serverSocket.close();
73         }
74       }
75     }
76   }
78   /**
79    * Creates a NIO ServerSocketChannel, and gets the ServerSocket from
80    * there. Then binds the obtained socket.
81    * This fails on Windows with Oracle JDK1.6.0u33, if the passed InetAddress is a
82    * IPv6 address. Works on Oracle JDK 1.7.
83    */
bindNIOServerSocket(InetAddress inetAddr)84   private void bindNIOServerSocket(InetAddress inetAddr) throws IOException {
85     while (true) {
86       int port = HBaseTestingUtility.randomFreePort();
87       InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(inetAddr, port);
88       ServerSocketChannel channel = null;
89       ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
90       try {
91         channel = ServerSocketChannel.open();
92         serverSocket = channel.socket();
93         serverSocket.bind(addr); // This does not work
94         break;
95       } catch (BindException ex) {
96         //continue
97       } finally {
98         if (serverSocket != null) {
99           serverSocket.close();
100         }
101         if (channel != null) {
102           channel.close();
103         }
104       }
105     }
106   }
108   /**
109    * Checks whether we are effected by the JDK issue on windows, and if so
110    * ensures that we are running with preferIPv4Stack=true.
111    */
112   @Test
testServerSocket()113   public void testServerSocket() throws IOException {
114     byte[] addr = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
115     InetAddress inetAddr = InetAddress.getByAddress(addr);
117     try {
118       bindServerSocket(inetAddr);
119       bindNIOServerSocket(inetAddr);
120       //if on *nix or windows JDK7, both will pass
121     } catch(java.net.SocketException ex) {
122       //On Windows JDK6, we will get expected exception:
123       //java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol family
124       //or java.net.SocketException: Protocol family not supported
125       Assert.assertFalse(ex.getClass().isInstance(BindException.class));
126       Assert.assertTrue(ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("protocol family"));
127       LOG.info("Received expected exception:");
128       LOG.info(ex);
130       //if this is the case, ensure that we are running on preferIPv4=true
131       ensurePreferIPv4();
132     }
133   }
135   /**
136    * Checks whether we are running with java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
137    */
ensurePreferIPv4()138   public void ensurePreferIPv4() throws IOException {
139     InetAddress[] addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName("localhost");
140     for (InetAddress addr : addrs) {
141       LOG.info("resolved localhost as:" + addr);
142       Assert.assertEquals(4, addr.getAddress().length); //ensure 4 byte ipv4 address
143     }
144   }
146   /**
147    * Tests whether every InetAddress we obtain by resolving can open a
148    * ServerSocketChannel.
149    */
150   @Test
testServerSocketFromLocalhostResolution()151   public void testServerSocketFromLocalhostResolution() throws IOException {
152     InetAddress[] addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName("localhost");
153     for (InetAddress addr : addrs) {
154       LOG.info("resolved localhost as:" + addr);
155       bindServerSocket(addr);
156       bindNIOServerSocket(addr);
157     }
158   }
main(String[] args)160   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
161     TestIPv6NIOServerSocketChannel test = new TestIPv6NIOServerSocketChannel();
162     test.testServerSocket();
163     test.testServerSocketFromLocalhostResolution();
164   }
165 }