1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
2 /*
3  *     Copyright 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
4  *
5  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *   limitations under the License.
16  */
18 #ifndef NETBUF_MBLOCK_H
19 #define NETBUF_MBLOCK_H
21 #include "netbuf-defs.h"
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /**
28  * @file
29  *
30  * @ingroup netbufs
31  * @defgroup netbufs-mblock Netbuf Block Allocator
32  * @details
33  *
34  * Managed block in-order allocator.
35  *
36  * This allocator attempts to provide unaligned segments of memory in the
37  * order they were allocated in contiguous memory
38  *
39  * @verbatim
40  *
41  * LEGEND
42  * In the following comments (and within the source as well) we will try to
43  * display diagrams of blocks. The following symbols will be used:
44  *
45  * {$:NN} = This represents a position marker, $ will be the position type,
46  *          and NN is the offset value.
47  *
48  * The following are the position types:
49  *
50  * [S]tart       Start of the buffer (block->start)
51  * [W]rap        Wrapping and end of the first segment (block->wrap)
52  * [C]ursor      End of the current segment (block->cursor)
53  * [A]lloc       Allocation limit of the buffer (block->nalloc)
54  * [F]lush       Flush cursor (block->flushcur)
55  *
56  * Note that in some cases two position types may share the same offset.
57  *
58  * Between any of the offsets, there are data bytes (or just "Data"). These
59  * may be one of the following:
60  *
61  * [x]           Used data. This data is owned by a span
62  * [o]           Unused data, but available for usage
63  * [-]           Unreachable data. This is not used but cannot be reserved
64  *
65  * A block contains a single allocated buffer. The buffer itself may be
66  * divided among multiple spans. We divide our buffers like so:
67  *
68  * Initially:
69  *
70  * [ {FS:0}xxxxxxx{CW:10}ooo{A:12} ]
71  *
72  * After flushing some data:
73  *
74  * [ {S:0}xx{F:5}xxxx{CW:10}oo{A:12} ]
75  * Note how the flush cursor is incremented
76  *
77  *
78  * Typically, once data is flushed, the user will release the segment, and thus
79  * will look something like this:
80  *
81  * [ ooo{SF:6}xxxx{CW:10}oooo{A:12} ]
82  *
83  * Appending data to a buffer (or reserving a span) depends on the span
84  * size requirements. In this case, if a span's size is 2 bytes or lower,
85  * it is appended at the end of the first segment, like so:
86  * [ ooo{SF:16}xxxxxx{CWA:12} ]
87  *
88  * Otherwise, it is wrapped around, like so:
89  *
90  * [ xx{C:3}oo{SF:6}xxxx{W:10}--{A:12} ]
91  *
92  * Note that [C] has been wrapped around to start at 3.
93  *
94  *
95  * The total size of the block's used portion is as follows:
96  *
97  * (1) The number of bytes between [S]tart and [Wrap]
98  * (2) If [C] != [W], then also add the value of [C]
99  * @endverbatim
100  * @addtogroup netbufs-mblock
101  * @{
102  */
104 struct netbuf_mblock_st;
105 struct netbuf_st;
106 struct netbuf_mblock_dealloc_queue_st;
108 /**
109  * Small header for larger structures to more efficiently find the block
110  * they were allocated in.
111  *
112  * Note that it is possible to also determine this information by traversing
113  * the list of all blocks, but this is naturally less efficient.
114  */
115 typedef struct {
116     /** The parent block */
117     struct netbuf_mblock_st *parent;
118     /** The allocation offset */
119     nb_SIZE offset;
120 } nb_ALLOCINFO;
122 /**
123  * @brief Structure for an out-of-order dealloc
124  */
125 typedef struct {
126     sllist_node slnode;
127     nb_SIZE offset; /**< Offset into the nb_MBLOCK to release */
128     nb_SIZE size; /**< Size to release */
129 } nb_QDEALLOC;
131 /**
132  * @brief Data Block
133  * This structure represents the head of an `MBLOCK`.
134  */
135 typedef struct {
136     sllist_node slnode;
138     /** Start position for data */
139     nb_SIZE start;
141     /**
142      * Wrap/End position for data. If the block has only one segment,
143      * this is always equal to cursor (see below)
144      * and will mark the position at which the unused portion of the
145      * buffer begins.
146      *
147      * If the block has two segments, this marks the end of the first segment.
148      *
149      * In both cases
150      *  1. `wrap` is always `> start`
151      *  2. `wrap-start` is the length of the first segment of data
152      */
153     nb_SIZE wrap;
155     /**
156      * End position for data. This always contains the position at which
157      * the unused data begins.
158      *
159      * If the block only has a single segment then both the following are true:
160      *
161      *  1. `cursor == wrap`
162      *  2. `cursor > start` (if not empty)
163      *
164      * If the block has two segments, then both the following are true:
165      *
166      *  1. `cursor != wrap`
167      *  2. `cursor < start`
168      *
169      * If the block is empty:
170      *  - `cursor == start`
171      */
172     nb_SIZE cursor;
174     /**
175      * Total number of bytes allocated in `root`. This represents the absolute
176      * limit on how much data can be supplied
177      */
178     nb_SIZE nalloc;
180     /**
181      * Actual allocated buffer. This remains constant for the duration of the
182      * block's lifetime
183      */
184     char *root;
186     /**
187      * Pointer to a nb_DEALLOC_QUEUE structure. This is only valid if an
188      * out-of-order dealloc has been performed on this block.
189      */
190     struct netbuf_mblock_dealloc_queue_st *deallocs;
191     struct netbuf_mblock_st *parent;
192 } nb_MBLOCK;
194 /**
195  * @brief pool of nb_MBLOCK structures
196  */
197 typedef struct netbuf_mblock_st {
198     /** Active blocks that have at least one reserved span */
199     sllist_root active;
201     /** Available blocks with data */
202     sllist_root avail;
204     /** Allocation size */
205     nb_SIZE basealloc;
207     /** Maximum number of non-cached blocks */
208     unsigned int maxblocks;
210     /** Current number of non-cached blocks */
211     unsigned int curblocks;
213     nb_MBLOCK *cacheblocks;
214     nb_SIZE ncacheblocks;
216     struct netbuf_st *mgr;
217 } nb_MBPOOL;
219 /**
220  * @brief List of out-of-order deallocs
221  * This is attached to an nb_MBLOCK structure if allocations have been performed
222  * on it in an out-of-order fashion
223  */
224 typedef struct netbuf_mblock_dealloc_queue_st {
225     sllist_root pending;
226     nb_SIZE min_offset; /**< The first offset contained in the list */
227     nb_MBPOOL qpool; /**< Used to allcate the nb_QDEALLOC structures themselves*/
230 /**@}*/
232 #ifdef __cplusplus
233 }
234 #endif
235 #endif