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READMEH A D18-Mar-20192.5 KiB5846

gda-clean.phpH A D18-Mar-2019522 2415

gda-config.phpH A D18-Mar-2019678 3515

gda-exception.phpH A D18-Mar-2019224 108

gda-front.phpH A D18-Mar-20192 KiB7751

gda-meta.phpH A D18-Mar-201921.5 KiB648536

gda-secure-config.phpH A D18-Mar-20191.1 KiB347

gda-setup.phpH A D18-Mar-20191.6 KiB5846

gda-tester.phpH A D08-Nov-20201.9 KiB6757

gda-utils.phpH A D08-Nov-20204 KiB15297

gda-worker.phpH A D18-Mar-201918.8 KiB720603


1Installation instructions
4The PHP scripts in this directory are used by the GDA Web provider and
5have to be installed on a web server. The location of the scripts will have
6to be passed as the PATH argument on the Libgda side when
7opening the connection. For example if the scripts are accessible
8as: http://example.com/path/to/gda-worker.php then the PATH argument
9will have to be "path/to".
11These scripts need the PHP engine's SimpleXML extension (which is
12usually included when compiling PHP) and the PEAR's MDB2 module
13(it's the module which actually opens the connection to the database)
14for which the current implementation is provided under the PEAR_MDB2/
17Once the scripts are installed, some configuration needs to be done
18in the gda-config.php and gda-secure-config.php files:
19- the gda-config.php defines where the PEAR MDB2 extension should be
20  available, and where the gda-secure-config.php can be found.
21- the gda-secure-config.php defines the actual connection(s) available
22  through the Web interface. For security reasons this file should be moved
23  to a location outside the Web server's PHP scripts (such as /etc)
25Web server setup
27You need a functionnal web server (tested with Apache and Lighthttpd but should
28work fine with others) whih can interpret PHP scripts.
30For example using Apache, you can either use an existing virtual host or create a
31one. In any case all the PHP scripts (except the gda-secure-config.php) should be
32copied in a single directory (this directory, relative to the DOCUMENT ROOT directory
33should then specified as the PATH argument in a Libgda's connection string).
35Connections setup
37Edit the gda-config.php file to:
38- define where the PEAR MDB2 extension is located
39- define where the gda-secure-config.php file is located
41Move the gda-secure-config.php to a directory outside the DOCUMENT ROOT directory and
42edit it to define connections available through the Web proxy.
44Setup testing
46The gda-tester.php script can be executed to diagnose any setup problem,
47it reports errors if the MDB2 PEAR of SimpleXML extensions are missing,
48and, for each configured connection, tests if it can be opened.
50To use this scrip, simply point your favorite web browser to the URL:
51http://<your server>/path/to/script/gda-tester.php
54By default the gda-tester.php will _not_ test configured connection,
55this needs to be enabled in the
56script's source. Better yet is to remove that file once not necessary
57anymore as it could leak useful information.