3#  List the test cases that are to be disabled temporarily.
5#  Separate the test case name and the comment with ':'.
7#    <testcasename> : BUG#<xxxx> <date disabled> <disabler> <comment>
9#  Do not use any TAB characters for whitespace.
12jdbc            : Variable settings depend on machine configuration
13jdbc_new        : Variable settings depend on machine configuration
14jdbc_oracle     : Variable settings depend on machine configuration
15jdbc_postgresql : Variable settings depend on machine configuration
16json_mongo_c    : Need MongoDB running and its C Driver installed
17json_java_2     : Need MongoDB running and its Java Driver installed
18json_java_3     : Need MongoDB running and its Java Driver installed
19bson_mongo_c    : Need MongoDB running and its C Driver installed
20bson_java_2     : Need MongoDB running and its Java Driver installed
21bson_java_3     : Need MongoDB running and its Java Driver installed
22mongo_c         : Need MongoDB running and its C Driver installed
23mongo_java_2    : Need MongoDB running and its Java Driver installed
24mongo_java_3    : Need MongoDB running and its Java Driver installed
25tbl_thread      : Bug MDEV-9844,10179,14214 03/01/2018 OB Option THREAD removed
26#bson            : Development
27#vcol            : Different error code on different versions