1 	/*
2    Copyright (c) 2002, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA */
24 #ifndef _my_getopt_h
25 #define _my_getopt_h
27 #include "my_sys.h"                             /* loglevel */
31 #define GET_NO_ARG     1
32 #define GET_BOOL       2
33 #define GET_INT        3
34 #define GET_UINT       4
35 #define GET_LONG       5
36 #define GET_ULONG      6
37 #define GET_LL         7
38 #define GET_ULL        8
39 #define GET_STR        9
40 #define GET_STR_ALLOC 10
41 #define GET_DISABLED  11
42 #define GET_ENUM      12
43 #define GET_SET       13
44 #define GET_DOUBLE    14
45 #define GET_FLAGSET   15
46 #define GET_PASSWORD  16
48 #if SIZEOF_INT == 4
49 #define GET_INT32 GET_INT
50 #define GET_UINT32 GET_UINT
51 #elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4
52 #define GET_INT32 GET_LONG
53 #define GET_UINT32 GET_ULONG
54 #else
55 #error Neither int or long is of 4 bytes width
56 #endif
58 #define GET_ASK_ADDR	 128
59 #define GET_TYPE_MASK	 127
61 /**
62   Enumeration of the my_option::arg_type attributes.
63   It should be noted that for historical reasons variables with the combination
64   arg_type=NO_ARG, my_option::var_type=GET_BOOL still accepts
65   arguments. This is someone counter intuitive and care should be taken
66   if the code is refactored.
67 */
68 enum get_opt_arg_type { NO_ARG, OPT_ARG, REQUIRED_ARG };
70 struct st_typelib;
72 struct my_option
73 {
74   const char *name;                     /**< Name of the option. name=NULL
75                                            marks the end of the my_option[]
76                                            array.
77                                          */
78   int        id;                        /**< For 0<id<=255 it's means one
79                                            character for a short option
80                                            (like -A), if >255 no short option
81                                            is created, but a long option still
82                                            can be identified uniquely in the
83                                            my_get_one_option() callback.
84                                            If an opton needs neither special
85                                            treatment in the my_get_one_option()
86                                            nor one-letter short equivalent
87                                            use id=0.
88                                            id=-1 is a special case and is used
89                                            to generate deprecation warnings for
90                                            plugin options. It should not be
91                                            used for anything else.
92                                          */
93   const char *comment;                  /**< option comment, for autom. --help.
94                                            if it's NULL the option is not
95                                            visible in --help.
96                                          */
97   void       *value;                    /**< A pointer to the variable value */
98   void       *u_max_value;              /**< The user def. max variable value */
99   struct st_typelib *typelib;           /**< Pointer to possible values */
100   ulong     var_type;                   /**< GET_BOOL, GET_ULL, etc */
101   enum get_opt_arg_type arg_type;       /**< e.g. REQUIRED_ARG or OPT_ARG */
102   longlong   def_value;                 /**< Default value */
103   longlong   min_value;                 /**< Min allowed value (for numbers) */
104   ulonglong  max_value;                 /**< Max allowed value (for numbers) */
105   longlong   sub_size;                  /**< Unused                          */
106   long       block_size;                /**< Value should be a mult. of this (for numbers) */
107   void       *app_type;                 /**< To be used by an application */
108 };
111 typedef my_bool (*my_get_one_option)(int, const struct my_option *, char *);
112 /**
113   Used to retrieve a reference to the object (variable) that holds the value
114   for the given option. For example, if var_type is GET_UINT, the function
115   must return a pointer to a variable of type uint. A argument is stored in
116   the location pointed to by the returned pointer.
117 */
118 typedef void *(*my_getopt_value)(const char *, size_t, const struct my_option *,
119                                  int *);
122 extern char *disabled_my_option;
123 extern my_bool my_getopt_print_errors;
124 extern my_bool my_getopt_skip_unknown;
125 extern my_error_reporter my_getopt_error_reporter;
127 extern int handle_options (int *argc, char ***argv,
128 			   const struct my_option *longopts, my_get_one_option);
129 extern int my_handle_options (int *argc, char ***argv,
130                               const struct my_option *longopts,
131                               my_get_one_option,
132                               const char **command_list, my_bool ignore_unknown_option);
133 extern void print_cmdline_password_warning();
134 extern void my_cleanup_options(const struct my_option *options);
135 extern void my_cleanup_options(const struct my_option *options);
136 extern void my_print_help(const struct my_option *options);
137 extern void my_print_variables(const struct my_option *options);
138 extern void my_print_variables_ex(const struct my_option *options, FILE* file);
139 extern void my_getopt_register_get_addr(my_getopt_value);
141 ulonglong getopt_ull_limit_value(ulonglong num, const struct my_option *optp,
142                                  my_bool *fix);
143 longlong getopt_ll_limit_value(longlong, const struct my_option *,
144                                my_bool *fix);
145 double getopt_double_limit_value(double num, const struct my_option *optp,
146                                  my_bool *fix);
147 my_bool getopt_compare_strings(const char *s, const char *t, uint length);
148 ulonglong max_of_int_range(int var_type);
150 ulonglong getopt_double2ulonglong(double);
151 double getopt_ulonglong2double(ulonglong);
155 #endif /* _my_getopt_h */