1 /*****************************************************************************
2 Copyright (c) 2014, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9 but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10 as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11 documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12 permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13 separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
22 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
23 *****************************************************************************/
25 /**************************************************//**
26 @file gis0geo.h
27 The r-tree define from MyISAM
28 *******************************************************/
30 #ifndef _gis0geo_h
31 #define _gis0geo_h
33 #include "my_global.h"
34 #include "string.h"
37 #define SPLEN  8
39 /* Since the mbr could be a point or a linestring, in this case, area of
40 mbr is 0. So, we define this macro for calculating the area increasing
41 when we need to enlarge the mbr. */
42 #define LINE_MBR_WEIGHTS	0.001
44 /* Types of "well-known binary representation" (wkb) format. */
45 enum wkbType
46 {
47   wkbPoint = 1,
48   wkbLineString = 2,
49   wkbPolygon = 3,
50   wkbMultiPoint = 4,
51   wkbMultiLineString = 5,
52   wkbMultiPolygon = 6,
53   wkbGeometryCollection = 7
54 };
56 /* Byte order of "well-known binary representation" (wkb) format. */
57 enum wkbByteOrder
58 {
59   wkbXDR = 0,    /* Big Endian    */
60   wkbNDR = 1     /* Little Endian */
61 };
63 /** Get the wkb of default POINT value, which represents POINT(0 0)
64 if it's of dimension 2, etc.
65 @param[in]	n_dims		dimensions
66 @param[out]	wkb		wkb buffer for default POINT
67 @param[in]	len		length of wkb buffer
68 @return non-0 indicate the length of wkb of the default POINT,
69 0 if the buffer is too small */
70 uint
71 get_wkb_of_default_point(
72 	uint	n_dims,
73 	uchar*	wkb,
74 	uint	len);
76 /*************************************************************//**
77 Calculate minimal bounding rectangle (mbr) of the spatial object
78 stored in "well-known binary representation" (wkb) format.
79 @return 0 if ok */
80 int
81 rtree_mbr_from_wkb(
82 /*===============*/
83 	uchar*	wkb,		/*!< in: pointer to wkb. */
84 	uint	size,		/*!< in: size of wkb. */
85 	uint	n_dims,		/*!< in: dimensions. */
86 	double*	mbr);		/*!< in/out: mbr. */
88 /* Rtree split node structure. */
89 struct rtr_split_node_t
90 {
91 	double	square;		/* square of the mbr.*/
92 	int	n_node;		/* which group in.*/
93 	uchar*	key;		/* key. */
94 	double* coords;		/* mbr. */
95 };
97 /*************************************************************//**
98 Inline function for reserving coords */
99 inline
100 static
101 double*
reserve_coords(double ** d_buffer,int n_dim)102 reserve_coords(double	**d_buffer,	/*!< in/out: buffer. */
103 	       int	n_dim)		/*!< in: dimensions. */
104 /*===========*/
105 {
106   double *coords = *d_buffer;
107   (*d_buffer) += n_dim * 2;
108   return coords;
109 }
111 /*************************************************************//**
112 Split rtree nodes.
113 Return which group the first rec is in.  */
114 int
115 split_rtree_node(
116 /*=============*/
117 	rtr_split_node_t*	node,		/*!< in: split nodes.*/
118 	int			n_entries,	/*!< in: entries number.*/
119 	int			all_size,	/*!< in: total key's size.*/
120 	int			key_size,	/*!< in: key's size.*/
121 	int			min_size,	/*!< in: minimal group size.*/
122 	int			size1,		/*!< in: size of group.*/
123 	int			size2,		/*!< in: initial group sizes */
124 	double**		d_buffer,	/*!< in/out: buffer.*/
125 	int			n_dim,		/*!< in: dimensions. */
126 	uchar*			first_rec);	/*!< in: the first rec. */
128 /*************************************************************//**
129 Compares two keys a and b depending on nextflag
130 nextflag can contain these flags:
131    MBR_INTERSECT(a,b)  a overlaps b
132    MBR_CONTAIN(a,b)    a contains b
133    MBR_DISJOINT(a,b)   a disjoint b
134    MBR_WITHIN(a,b)     a within   b
135    MBR_EQUAL(a,b)      All coordinates of MBRs are equal
136    MBR_DATA(a,b)       Data reference is the same
137 Returns 0 on success.  */
138 int
139 rtree_key_cmp(
140 /*==========*/
141 	page_cur_mode_t	mode,	/*!< in: compare method. */
142 	const uchar*	b,	/*!< in: first key. */
143 	int		b_len,	/*!< in: first key len. */
144 	const uchar*	a,	/*!< in: second key. */
145 	int		a_len);	/*!< in: second key len. */
147 /*************************************************************//**
148 Calculates MBR_AREA(a+b) - MBR_AREA(a)
149 Note: when 'a' and 'b' objects are far from each other,
150 the area increase can be really big, so this function
151 can return 'inf' as a result.  */
152 double
153 rtree_area_increase(
154 	const uchar*	a,		/*!< in: first mbr. */
155 	const uchar*	b,		/*!< in: second mbr. */
156 	int		a_len,		/*!< in: mbr length. */
157 	double*		ab_area);	/*!< out: increased area. */
159 /** Calculates overlapping area
160 @param[in]	a	mbr a
161 @param[in]	b	mbr b
162 @param[in]	mbr_len	mbr length
163 @return overlapping area */
164 double
165 rtree_area_overlapping(
166 	const uchar*	a,
167 	const uchar*	b,
168 	int		mbr_len);
169 #endif